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Prodeus lets you turn the time you spend learning online into a data driven degree, helping you stay on top of your learning goals and progress in your career.
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Earn a ProDegree and share it on your Linkedin or portfolio
ProDegrees provide a clear and comprehensive picture of your learning journey and where your expertise lies.
Time watched, quizzes completed and proficiency are all displayed skill by skill, subject by subject. Easily share your ProDegree on your Linkedin or portfolio and showcase your skills to the world.
Prodeus uses scientifically backed learning techniques to supercharge your learning.
We make it easy to turn daily browsing into a structured, social and active learning routine that can deepen your understanding, maximize your recall and help you master skills up to 3X faster.
Save all your favorite Youtube videos, web pages, and quizzes inside custom learning paths. As you organize your pathway, adding important notes and conversations, your pathways automatically takes the form of a course.
Come back to your course later to refresh your memory or share it with new learners trying to master the same skill.
With our free chrome extension, track your time watching Youtube, create quizzes to master new skills, and accrue credit towards our professional certification, the ProDegree. | <urn:uuid:eaaf5b52-150f-4423-8dd1-32d3761ec2d8> | {
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Get ready to Huddle as it lands in Paris! This event brings together retailers from France and nearby countries along with challenger brands from France, the UK, and more.
It's a small-scale event with BIG impact where innovative brands meet top buyers in the wellbeing industry. Everyone attending this event gets scheduled meetings with all the buyers attending, making it super easy to explore new opportunities and grow. The event will be conducted in both English and French.
For British brands looking to expand into a new market, we also offer additional support with our Welcome to France! package. It is our market-ready programme delivered by our team of experts and partners giving brands everything they need to successfully launch in the French
Ask our team for details.
Get a glimpse of the Top Retailers participating in our Huddles
Although it's unlikely, sometimes a retailer isn't able to attend an event due to circumstances out with our control. We reserve the right to invite alternative retailers to attend in their place. In this scenario, subject to minimum buyer numbers being met, the event will go ahead as scheduled.
Who Can Attend
All vitamins and supplements, and alternative medicines (aromatherapy, homeotherapy, detox, and herbal remedies) brands are welcome to join us, we're expecting a split of British and European Brands to attend this event.
Contact the Event Organiser
Do you have a question about this event? Contact our team!
The day before | 5.00PM - 7.00PMEvent Check InHead to the event venue to set up your products and check in with the Product Guru team.
The evening before | 8.00PM - 10.00PMNetworking EventEnjoy drinks on us and the chance to network with participating buyers and brands.
Event day | 8.30AMEvent RegistrationMake your way to the event venue for registration and to prepare for your meetings.
Event day | 9.00AM - 4.00PMThe EventShowcase your brand and products to multiple buyers from your category. | <urn:uuid:8d9edb50-aa7c-42cc-9736-e4c9ca7e79a0> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9478299021720886,
"token_count": 414,
"url": "https://www.productguru.co/huddles-events/116-wellbeing-paris?hsLang=en"
} |
С чип под кожата – какво означава да имаш RFID имплант в тялото
Софтуерният инженер Миана Уиндол има около 25 импланта под кожата си - от магнити до RFID технологии. Макар че тази мисъл може да ви накара да настръхнете, "в по-голямата си част те не се забелязват", казва тя пред Engadget.
По време на конференцията по сигурността DEF CON Уиндол разказва как се е заинтересувала от имплантите и как ги е програмирала за лична употреба - като сканиране за достъп до бившата си офис сграда.
RFID захранва сканиращи технологии като картите за метрото или плащането с докосване. Тази сравнително проста технология е патентована за първи път през 70-те години на миналия век, а модифицирането на тялото датира от хилядолетия. Въпреки това RFID имплантите все още не са разгърнали пълния си потенциал и за много хора те все още са приумица, казва Уиндол.
Но ако искате да отидете на клуб и да не носите чанта, можете да си купите подходящ стил ключодържател, за да плащате с него. Не е проблем и да си имплантирате сензор, който не можете да загубите, за да влизате и излизате от дома си.
Все пак RFID не е магия. "Чип имплантите не работят като в холивудските филми", казва пред Engadget основателят на услугата за биохакинг и имплантиране Dangerous Things Амал Граафстра. "Те дори не са активни, живи или енергизирани, когато няма четец, който да е в непосредствена близост"
Това означава, че обхватът на използване на RFID имплантите е доста ограничен и това е предимно фундаментална технология, която трябва да можете да хакнете сами, за да бъде полезна. Съществуват ограничени случаи на комерсиално използване като импланта-ключ за автомобил на Tesla, който ви позволява да стартирате колата си, но обикновено потребителят трябва да може сам да копира определени ключови конфигурации върху нея.
Полезно е да знаете това, преди да отидете при татуист или пиърсинг специалист, за да ви постави такъв, защото в противен случай може да се окажете с чип, който не можете да използвате. "Направете си проучване и се уверете, че това, което искате, е възможно преди да се подложите на операция", казва Уиндол, въпреки че самата тя има някои неактивни такива, които са безвредни да се държат под кожата.
Компаниите вече търсят начини да използват RFID имплантите и като инструменти за сигурност. Технологията е свързана с присъща уязвимост, тъй като изисква данни за достъп, които могат да бъдат откраднати. Но наличието на тези данни под формата на имплант поне не позволява на някого лесно да открадне картата ви за достъп или информацията, свързана с нея.
"Вероятността някой да се появи и да може да сканира удостоверението ви, без да знаете за това, не е толкова голяма", казва Уиндъл. "Няма как да ви вземат ръката от джоба, поне не и без мачете."
Освен това, тъй като удостоверяването на автентичността става все по-важно за предотвратяване на неоторизиран достъп до акаунти, тези импланти могат да се използват за доказване на самоличността ви и в този случай. Тъй като компаниите се стремят да заменят двуфакторната автентикация с различни ключове, поставянето на тези данни под кожата ви може да бъде възможно решение, пише Engadget и добавя:
„Вашият ключ може да бъде качен на чип имплант, който да потвърди самоличността ви, за разлика от хардуерния ключ, който може да се изгуби, или потвърждението с текстово съобщение, което може да бъде подправено“.
RFID имплантите не се нуждаят от одобрението на здравните служби, тъй като не са медицински изделия. Все пак, макар че като цяло изглеждат безопасни и сигурни, има рискови фактори, които трябва да се вземат предвид, обяснява доктора на науките и професор в College of Media към University of Colorado Боулдър Харша Гангадхарбатла и добавя:
"Потребителите трябва да са напълно наясно със скритите разходи (защита на личните данни, рискове и рекламни послания), свързани с такива технологии, а не само с разходите за поставяне на такива импланти". | <urn:uuid:9435fa6c-6439-4dc9-b9e5-ed7efc3a7d90> | {
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No industry survives without regulations and if there is any industry or business that needs regulations, then online businesses or the eCommerce industry must be on the list. The truth is that regulation is particularly important in combatting commercial fraud, the sale of counterfeit goods, and promoting consumer confidence in transacting online whilst giving sellers more credibility and legitimacy.
The United Kingdom’s legal requirements for online businesses govern digital product and service sales, digital copyrights, as well as customer data collection, storage, and processing.
In the United Kingdom, you can bet that the reason why the online or the eCommerce industry is growing is the fact that the government has been able to put in place legal requirements for all online businesses that operate within the United Kingdom.
Having said that, here are the four main legal requirements all online businesses operating in the UK must comply with.
What are the Legal Requirements for Online Business in the UK?
The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002
The Electronic Commerce Regulations govern the way online businesses communicate with their customers. To comply with the Electronic Commerce Regulations, you must ensure that:
- Your business name and address, company registration number, VAT number, and direct contact information (e.g. email address and phone numbers) are displayed on your website
- Your website clearly states its terms and conditions
- Clear information is provided on prices, tax, and delivery charges
- All orders are acknowledged in writing (e.g., by email)
- Any marketing offers and their terms are made clear
- Any communication sent from your company identifies the sender
- Promotional/advertising emails make it obvious they are of a commercial nature
- Unsolicited emails are identified as unsolicited
Please note that this legal requirement is designed to have an impact on all online businesses and will mean that things will need to be put in place before you launch your company’s website.
You will need to ensure that your business information is on your contact page, that you have a terms and conditions page, that an automatic response email is set up to acknowledge orders, and that an email signature is created so that all emails identify the sender. You also need to ensure any e-commerce software is set up so that prices, VAT, and delivery charges are seen.
Data Protection Act 1998
The Data Protection Act is designed to protect personal information and it applies to all organizations, not just commercial ones. If you collect the personal information of anyone, either internally as an organization or of visitors to your website, then you are legally required to register with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and comply with the Data Protection Act.
This applies to information collected by any means, not just electronically. You can register by visiting the ICO website, where you will need to name a member of your staff as the official Data Controller for your business. To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, you must:
- Register with the ICO
- Only collect personal data if it is important to your business needs
- Ensure all data is securely stored
- Remove personal data if the individual requests it
- Make it clear in your terms and conditions what you use the data for and comply with what you state
- Not move any collected data out of the EU without permission from the individual
- Specify in your terms and conditions if any data used by third-party organizations (such as Google Analytics) moves outside the EU
- Provide advice to show individuals how to remove their data
Please note that the essence of this requirement is that you are expected to put things in place before you launch your website including further additions to your terms and conditions. Perhaps the most important requirement is making sure any digital data you collect is secure from hackers. Make sure your website is protected using strong passwords, is scanned for intrusion, and that personal information is encrypted.
The Consumer Protection (Distance Regulations 2000Selling)
One of the major reasons why The Consumer Protection (Distance Regulations 2000Selling) was enacted is to protect the rights of customers. The law applies to businesses that supply goods and services to the general public, it does not cover B2B transactions.
Please note that under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, online businesses need to do the following:
- Provide clear and concise information about products and services before purchase
- Clearly show postage and packaging costs
- Inform customers whether the price includes VAT
- Give all customers a 14-day period where they can cancel or return their order (excludes perishable goods and digital downloads)
- Acknowledge every order in writing (e.g. by email).
- Explain that customers can return goods for a full refund (except return postage) in your terms and conditions.
It is important to note that some of these conditions overlap with the Electronic Commerce Regulations, however, there is an additional clause to be added to your terms and conditions. The biggest impact here is to recognize that you have to accept returns, even if the product has been opened.
Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003
Lastly, another legal requirement that an online business operating in the United Kingdom should comply with is the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. If you run a website that leaves a cookie on the user’s device, then you are obliged to comply with the revised regulations.
Cookies are small text files that enable websites to track how visitors use their sites. They can be used to gather information on browsing habits and user preferences. The Cookie Law was created to protect internet users from websites that were using cookies for illegitimate reasons.
- Inform your users how to turn off cookies (they can do this themselves in their browser settings.)
It is important to clearly state that the legal requirements for online businesses that operate in the UK or rather all the laws, regulations, and associated EU directives are subject to change. This is why we usually advise that before proceeding, you should check with the Sale of Goods and Services and Data Protection page on the gov.uk website which covers the needs of online businesses. | <urn:uuid:e1217833-93de-490b-87fc-295b0c36a352> | {
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"url": "https://www.profitableventure.com/uk/legal-requirement-online-business/"
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Although a successful passage of the current version of zombie Trumpcare appears unlikely, as Booman has discussed recently, we should remain vigilant. For starters, Trump did have a lunch meeting with the GOP Senators, and one outcome of that was for all of the holdout members of the Senate GOP to meet tonight to iron out their differences. Maybe nothing comes of that. But the truth is we don’t know. Senators don’t even know what they are voting on next week. To say the least, that is crazy-making.
What we do know is that the CBO has scored the repeal and delay plan that the Senate will presumably vote on sometime next week. It will lead to 32 million people uninsured in the US by 2026 (17 million by next year, and 27 million by 2020). Yes, that is one in ten Americans. Premiums would skyrocket if that bill became law. Premiums will initially be 25% higher relative to what they would be under the ACA next year, and would be double the premiums under ACA by 2026. The damage to human lives would be tremendous. Deficit hawks and those who love to give money to rich people will love that.
For all we know, the Senate will try to vote on something. We can expect that no matter what, it will represent the most sweeping attempt to transfer wealth to the rich on the backs of the rest of us that I have ever seen in my lifetime. I want to be optimistic that their efforts will fail. Honestly, I won’t really rest easily until the August Recess finally begins. Keep calling your Senators in the meantime, especially those of us who live in red states. Assume the zombie is not dead yet. | <urn:uuid:f35eca31-2d00-40e3-813f-0661d4aaac03> | {
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"language": "en",
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"token_count": 351,
"url": "https://www.progresspond.com/2017/07/19/health-care-why-we-should-keep-up-the-pressure/"
} |
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In order to enter the online platform of FreePeople.com this is done through this website. | <urn:uuid:45985780-7e40-4219-8f86-3bc77d483dcb> | {
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Understanding AI Sales Funnel
Importance of Lead Conversion
Lead conversion is a critical aspect of any sales funnel. According to Akkio, 74% of companies prioritize converting leads into customers as their top priority in the sales funnel optimization process. This high emphasis on lead conversion underscores its importance in maximizing the effectiveness of lead generation efforts within the sales funnel.
Highly successful landing pages and sales teams can convert upwards of 10% of their leads, emphasizing the need for optimized conversion strategies. Using AI in this process can significantly enhance these efforts. According to Smartlead.ai, AI can increase leads by 50%, reduce call times by 60%, and reduce overall costs by up to 60%.
Metric | Improvement with AI |
Increased Leads | 50% |
Reduced Call Times | 60% |
Reduced Costs | 60% |
Traditional vs Modern Strategies
Traditional sales funnel strategies often rely on manual processes and intuition. Sales teams identify potential customers, reach out through various channels, and guide them through the funnel stages. While effective to some extent, these methods can be time-consuming and lack the precision needed for high conversion rates.
In contrast, modern strategies leverage AI to streamline and optimize the sales process. AI tools can identify potential customers, guide them through the sales funnel stages, and provide personalized recommendations. This not only makes the process more efficient but also leads to improved conversion rates and revenue growth.
AI is also transforming the way B2B sales audiences are segmented and targeted. By considering behavioral data and past engagement patterns, AI introduces a more dynamic method that leads to increased engagement and improved conversion rates.
Strategy | Traditional | Modern (AI-Driven) |
Lead Identification | Manual | Automated |
Customer Guidance | Intuitive | Data-Driven |
Recommendations | Generic | Personalized |
Efficiency | Time-Consuming | Streamlined |
Integrating AI into the sales funnel can be a game-changer for SaaS companies. It offers a more effective, efficient, and personalized approach to ai lead generation and outreach, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and business growth. For a deeper dive into AI’s impact on sales, explore our articles on ai sales automation and ai customer engagement.
Leveraging AI in Sales Funnel
AI is transforming the sales funnel by providing innovative tools and strategies that enhance lead conversion and optimize the sales process. This section will explore how predictive analytics, AI tools for optimization, and AI tools for sales teams are utilized to improve the AI sales funnel experience.
Predictive Analytics for Lead Conversion
Predictive analytics is a powerful AI tool that enables sales teams to make informed decisions based on historical sales data. By analyzing past performance, AI can identify patterns and trends, helping sales teams focus their efforts on leads most likely to convert (Akkio). This not only improves conversion rates but also streamlines the entire sales process.
Metric | Traditional Sales Funnel | AI-Enhanced Sales Funnel |
Lead Conversion Rate | 10-15% | 25-30% |
Time to Conversion | 3-6 months | 1-3 months |
Sales Forecast Accuracy | 60-70% | 85-95% |
Predictive analytics can also be used for sales forecasting and lead scoring, providing a more accurate picture of future sales outcomes. By prioritizing high-scoring leads, sales teams can allocate their resources more effectively, resulting in higher efficiency and better results.
Integrating AI Tools for Optimization
AI tools play a crucial role in optimizing the sales funnel by automating various tasks and providing insights that enhance decision-making. These tools can identify potential customers, guide them through the sales funnel stages, and offer personalized recommendations. This not only improves conversion rates but also contributes to revenue growth.
AI tools for sales teams can segment leads and customers based on various characteristics, enabling more targeted and personalized outreach. By quickly analyzing large data sets, AI uncovers patterns that help in refining sales tactics and strengthening outreach efforts (Nutshell).
AI Tools for Sales Teams
Several AI-powered tools are available to assist sales teams in optimizing their efforts. These tools offer a range of functionalities, from email outreach to customer segmentation and lead nurturing. For instance, Smartlead is an AI-powered tool designed for scalability and efficiency in email marketing. It features unlimited mailboxes, email warmups, a unified inbox, white-labeling, and robust APIs for automation.
AI Tool | Functionality | Benefits |
Smartlead | Cold email outreach | Scalable, efficient email marketing |
Nutshell | Sales forecasting, lead scoring | Accurate predictions, better resource allocation |
AI Contentfy | Personalized recommendations | Improved conversion rates, enhanced customer engagement |
Using these tools, sales teams can automate repetitive tasks, segment leads more effectively, and provide personalized experiences to potential customers. For more information on how AI tools can enhance sales efforts, visit our article on AI lead generation software.
By leveraging AI in the sales funnel, sales teams in SaaS companies can achieve higher efficiency, better lead conversion rates, and ultimately, increased revenue. For additional insights into AI applications in sales, explore our articles on AI sales automation and AI customer engagement.
Successful AI Sales Strategies
Case Studies and Success Stories
Successful implementation of AI sales funnels can revolutionize lead generation and conversion for SaaS companies. Examining case studies and success stories provides insights into best practices and tangible results.
Case Study: Smartlead AI
Smartlead AI has demonstrated significant improvements in lead conversion rates by leveraging AI tools. Their comprehensive cold email outreach tool is designed for scalability and efficiency, featuring unlimited mailboxes, email warmups, a unified inbox, white-labeling, and robust APIs for automation. This AI-powered tool analyzes past interactions, purchase history, and social media activity to build comprehensive prospect profiles, allowing for highly personalized sales pitches and product recommendations (Smartlead.ai).
Feature | Benefit |
Unlimited Mailboxes | Scalability |
Email Warmups | Improved Deliverability |
Unified Inbox | Streamlined Communication |
White-labeling | Custom Branding |
Robust APIs | Automation |
Case Study: Akkio
Akkio’s AI sales funnel optimization tools have helped companies achieve higher lead conversion rates. Highly successful landing pages and sales teams utilizing Akkio’s AI tools can convert upwards of 10% of their leads, highlighting the importance of lead conversion in maximizing the effectiveness of lead generation efforts (Akkio).
Personalization and Customer Engagement
Personalization is key to enhancing customer engagement and driving conversions. AI tools enable sales teams to deliver highly personalized experiences by analyzing customer data and behavior.
Personalized Email Campaigns
AI-powered tools can create personalized email campaigns by using customer data, resulting in higher open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates compared to generic campaigns. This increased engagement leads to higher customer loyalty and revenue. For more on this, check out our article on ai email marketing software.
Campaign Type | Open Rate | Click-through Rate | Conversion Rate |
Personalized | 40% | 10% | 15% |
Generic | 20% | 5% | 7% |
AI Tools for Smarter Targeting
AI tools for smarter targeting include predictive analytics, chatbots, personalized email campaigns, recommendation engines, and social media listening. These tools help enhance customer insights and increase ROI by improving customer engagement and retention. To learn more about AI-driven customer engagement strategies, visit our article on ai customer engagement.
By leveraging the power of AI, SaaS sales teams can redefine their sales journey, optimizing lead generation and conversion efforts through personalized and data-driven strategies.
Challenges and Adoption of AI
Marketers’ Concerns and Benefits
The integration of AI into sales funnels presents both significant opportunities and notable concerns for marketers. According to “The State of AI in Marketing in 2023” report, only 35% of marketers currently use AI in their roles. This indicates a level of reluctance among many marketers to incorporate AI into their strategies.
Concern | Percentage of Marketers |
Using AI in their role | 35% |
AI altering creativity | 64% |
AI boosting creativity | 36% |
AI generating inaccurate information | 50% |
One prevalent concern is that generative AI might alter or hamper creativity. Indeed, 64% of marketers expressed this worry. However, there is also optimism, as 36% believe that generative AI will enhance the creativity of its users.
Despite these concerns, there is a consensus on the potential benefits of AI. A significant 88% of marketers agree that AI should be used in marketing, although 67% caution against over-reliance on it. The key is to balance AI’s capabilities with human creativity and oversight.
Overcoming Pushback and Misconceptions
A major challenge in adopting AI is overcoming pushback, particularly regarding the accuracy of information generated by AI. Nearly half of the marketers surveyed encountered incorrect information from generative AI. This can erode trust and hinder the adoption process.
Concerns about job replacement due to AI also contribute to pushback. However, experts suggest that AI is unlikely to completely replace marketing teams in the foreseeable future. Instead, AI is expected to automate tedious and mundane tasks, allowing human teams to focus on more strategic and creative endeavors (HubSpot).
To address these challenges and misconceptions, it is essential for salespeople to:
- Educate Teams: Provide comprehensive training on the benefits and limitations of AI. Resources like AI sales training can be invaluable.
- Implement Incrementally: Start with small-scale AI projects to demonstrate value and build trust within the team.
- Combine Human and AI Efforts: Use AI to handle repetitive tasks while leveraging human expertise for strategic decision-making. Tools such as AI sales automation and AI sales assistants can facilitate this balance.
- Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor AI outputs for inaccuracies and make necessary adjustments to ensure reliability. Employing AI data analysis tools can help maintain accuracy and relevance.
By addressing these concerns and implementing strategic approaches, marketers can better leverage the power of AI in their sales funnels, leading to improved efficiency and effectiveness in their lead generation and outreach efforts. For more information on AI-related tools and strategies, explore our sections on AI lead generation, AI customer relationship management, and AI marketing automation.
Impact of AI on Sales Growth
Increased Leads and Efficiency
AI technology significantly enhances lead generation and operational efficiency within sales teams, especially in SaaS companies. Recent statistics suggest that using AI for sales can increase leads by 50%, reduce call times by 60%, and reduce overall costs by up to 60% (Smartlead.ai). These improvements stem from AI’s ability to identify potential customers, guide them through the sales funnel, and provide personalized recommendations.
Metric | Improvement |
Lead Increase | 50% |
Call Time Reduction | 60% |
Cost Reduction | 60% |
AI-driven tools such as chatbots and virtual assistants offer 24/7 customer interaction, ensuring no lead is missed. These tools also streamline appointment bookings and follow-ups, making it easy and cost-effective for companies to maintain continuous communication with prospects (Master of Code). For more on how AI enhances customer interaction, visit our section on ai customer engagement.
Revenue Growth and Cost Reduction
AI tools contribute to substantial revenue growth by improving conversion rates and reducing operational costs. AI-powered chatbots and customer relationship management systems (CRM) provide personalized experiences that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Companies using AI tools report higher revenue due to increased efficiency and better-targeted marketing efforts.
AI Application | Revenue Growth | Cost Reduction |
Chatbots | High | High |
Appointment Booking | Medium | Medium |
CRM Systems | High | Medium |
AI also streamlines various business processes, from lead nurturing to sales forecasting, ensuring that sales teams can focus on high-value tasks. This leads to increased productivity and lower costs. For more insights on AI’s role in sales automation, visit our article on ai sales automation.
By leveraging AI in sales funnels, companies can achieve remarkable growth in leads and overall efficiency, leading to significant revenue increases and cost reductions. For a deeper dive into AI tools for sales, explore our section on ai tools for sales teams. | <urn:uuid:420c1f83-bda6-45b4-bb28-c8089007c122> | {
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"url": "https://www.promptpanda.io/blog/ai-sales-funnel/"
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New three bedroom apartment in Agios Athanasios area of Limassol
For Sale / EUR 580.000 (VAT not included)
or +357 95598488
This building is a brand new modern design development located in the heart of Limassol the quiet residential area of Agios Athanasios area, close to all amenities, schools, supermarkets, restaurants, Banks, just 5’minutes’ drive to the highway and yet only 15’ minutes’ drive to the Mediterranean sea.
The development comprises of spacious apartments (one-two-three bedrooms) and a penthouse with large veranda.
All apartments will be constructed to the highest standards using the latest techniques and the finest quality building materials with high end finishes, provision of climate control system, provision of electrical heating, private covered parking area and storage room for each flat.
VAT is not included in the price! | <urn:uuid:9c173b91-0252-4c2f-99ec-4f1a071b9a3f> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.8929968476295471,
"token_count": 188,
"url": "https://www.propertiescy.com/property/42639/New-three-bedroom-apartment-in-Agios-Athanasios-area-of-Limassol/"
} |
© 2024 Northeast Florida Multiple Listing Service, Inc. All rights reserved. The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) program of the Northeast Florida Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than United Real Estate Gallery are marked with the
listing broker’s name and detailed information about such listings includes the name of the listing
brokers. Data provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Data last updated 2024-12-13T19:25:26.17.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act | <urn:uuid:69a59968-99ef-4c09-a1ce-9d1c7b5c69ed> | {
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"language_score": 0.8982176780700684,
"token_count": 124,
"url": "https://www.propertyinjax.com/homes/7090-Sewanee-Street/Keystone-Heights/FL/32656/142456422/"
} |
Operating Since: 2013
Dealing in: Sale/Purchase of Apartments / Flats, Shops / Showrooms
Areas of Operation
Expert Reviews By Prop'N'Profit Realty
Review of Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai
BKC, the city’s premiere business district, is developing in stature exponentially, rising to the mantel of the city's fastest growing residential and commercial hub. The finest names across corporates bear this address on their business cards, allowing BKC to claim the distinction as one of the most envied places to live and work.Its phenomenal, unrivaled growth story as Mumbai’s first international level CBD (Central Business District), has drawn the most prestigious names to it. The most envied marquee brands have their offices here, from Bank of America to tech giants like Facebook and Google.Naturally, this burgeoning business district needs residential accommodation that would be befitting of the corporate heavyweights that inhabit it.Stalwarts of Industry understand the advantages of letting nothing come between them and their vision.
BKC is presently developing at a pace at which areas like Cuffe Parade and Nariman Point developed around 4 decades ago. Bandra (E) will soon be viewed as the most prominent residential location in the city. Efficiently regulated traffic, world-class security and finest quality infrastructure will further add up to the quality of life one aspires to live. In reality, Bandra (E) is already dubbed as a perfect replacement for popular property hub Cuffe Parade. Consisting of world class amenities, highly secured buildings, luxury hotels, schools, hospitals, malls and restaurants, BKC has a lot to offer. Moreover, with top banks, financial institutions, corporate offices and diplomatic consulates the area will completely transform.
- Commercial Business District
- Upcoming MGM Mall
- most of the areas are occupied by commercial buildings
Review of Runwal Bliss Divine Mumbai
Runwal Bliss is a new project situated in Kanjurmarg East, Mumbai offers you fabulous 1.5 BHK, 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments which feature very stylish interiors. All these homes are spread across sky rising towers. In all there will be six towers with Tower1 having 25 floors and offering 1.5 BHK apartments, Tower 2, 3, 4 and 5 having 34 floors and offering 2 BHK apartments and Tower 6 with 41 floors offering 3 BHK units. You can enjoy a very posh and lavish lifestyle here by investing in these gorgeous homes with classic interiors and fabulous living facilities.
Some of the many lifestyle benefits that you can enjoy in Runwal New Project Mumbai are 24 hour power backup, three tier security, clubhouse facilities such a swimming pool, gym , tennis court, cafeteria and much more. Health facilities are available inside the complex. There is also a library for those who love to read. This complex has lots of open space filled by lavish gardens, which user in a very serene surrounding environment. You can walk or jog here every day. This green environment adds to your health and well-being, by cutting away noise and pollution. Various eco-friendly features such as rain after harvesting have been implemented here so that your lifestyle does not harm nature in any way.
- Integrated Township of 36Acre
- Self Contained Society
- All Modern Amenities
- Less commercial activity near by
- Long term investment
Review of Chembur East, Mumbai
Chembur is centrally connected with the major office markets of the central zone, western zone, the island city zone and Navi Mumbai zone. Some of the prominent commercial zones located in proximity to Chembur are BKC, Andheri, Lower Parel, Worli, Powai, Kurla etc. Its proximity to localities like Sion and Dadar are the major trigger factors for growth in this locality.
The robust infrastructure in terms of Eastern Freeway, Santacruz-Chembur Link Road, and the Chembur Monorail station provides excellent connectivity, making it a desired residential hub.
Chembur has multiple malls, restaurants, golf course, hospitals, schools etc., like St. Gregorios High School, RBK International Academy, Loreto Convent School , Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Bombay Presidency Golf Club, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church etc.
Owing to the above mentioned features, the location is featured at the top in the list of favorable investment destinations in Mumbai. The annual appreciation speculation shoots up to 25-40% for the residential projects in this area.
- Excellent Connectivity with South Mumbai By Eastern Freeway
- Chembur is featured at the top in the list of favorable investment destinations in Mumbai.
- All green and Mountain Views
- Less number of Hi-End hangout places.
- Less commercial activity.
Review of Santacruz East, Mumbai
Santacruz (East) consists of Maratha Colony, Prabhat Colony, Kalina and Vakola. It also consists of land belonging Airport Authority of India, which consists of the Mumbai Airport and Air India Colony (which comes in Kalina).
The main roads passing through Santa Cruz(E) are the Western Express Highway, Nehru Road, Santacruz-Chembur Link Road and the Kalina-Kurla Link Road.
- Well Connected with Commercial Hubs like BKC.
- Well Connected with Airport
- Reputed Schools
- A little bit congestion during peak hours.
Review of Prabhadevi, Mumbai
Prabhadevi is ideally located equidistantly, from the city's old business district of Nariman Point and its new powerhouses of Lower Parel and Bandra-Kurla Complex. In the name of road connectivity, most of the city's arterial roads connect and converge on Prabhadevi. The 8 lane (one way) Bandra-Worli Sealink is an architectural marvel and a sure shot way to beat the rush hour traffic. Wide tree lined avenues and immaculately maintained roads, mean than driving here is bliss. Add to that the proximity to Lower Parel, Mahalaxmi and Bombay Central stations, and you have a settlement that is never too far from any place in the city.
Prabhadevi is home to one of Mumbai's most iconic temples, the Siddhivinayak Ganesha. However this area is one of Mumbai's most forward thinking and cosmopolitan areas with several communities as diverse as Jains, Hindus, Parsis and even Christians calling it home. What makes Prabhadevi all the more appealing as a residential locality is the definitely erudite feel that the presence some of India's leading intellectuals like movie actors, playwrights and social scientists in this area lends to it.
Home to some of Mumbai best schools and colleges, Prabhadevi is definitely one of the best areas to live in, when it comes to education. Noteworthy institutions in this area include Lala Lajpatrai College and Dadar Catering College.
Prabhadevi is an interesting mix of old world charm and modern infrastructure. A beautiful testament to the contradiction that makes the city what it is.
Prabhadevi is in a plum location for the shopaholic in you. Thinking high street, explore Phoenix Mills or Palladium at Lower Parel. In the name of malls, head down to Atria in Worli, or SoBo Central in Mumbai Central, if you're needs are a little more budget oriented or 'grey market-ish' there's always Heera Panna to explore.
Prabhadevi with its unique location advantage is rather close to some of the city's most trusted hospitals. Lilawati in Bandra, Seven Hills in Parel, Jaslok at Pedder Road and Breach Candy Hospital are all extremely close by. For day to day ailments and pediatric necessities a range of doctors and polyclinics dot the area, and their services can be availed of by appointment or simply walking in.
- Largest Land Parcel(5.5acres) of Prabhadevi.
- Uninterrupted Sea View
- Best of the Modern Amenities
- Congestion during festivals because of Temples.
Review of Lodha Codename Big Bang Thane
Lodha Codename Big Bang is a once-in-lifetime opportunity in Thane. Neighborhood of Codename Big Bang offers astonishing connectivity to all parts of Mumbai such as corporate, retail and buzzing social hubs. The project is a mega development in Thane with a clear land title and all necessary approvals. This project is situated at the Chemical Factory Clariant. Codename Big Bang offers luxury residence beyond the average consumer’s expectations, at a price well within reach.
- Good location
- Near to all amenities
Review of Lodha Codename Big Bang Thane
Lodha Codename Big Bang is a landmark of itself that is spread across 87 acres. The project will be mainly residential however, little commercial complex is planned within the project. Lodha Group has divided CodeName Bigbang into three plots namely A, B and C. Currently, Lodha Group is developing plot C which is spread across 44 acres and will house 3000 families. The Group is offering only 1 and 2 BHK under its CASA brand. Hence, this project is targeted for affordable class segment. Hafeez Contractor is the architecture of CodeName Bigbang, while Sitectonix Singapore is the landscape partner. Moreover, Lodha Group has pulled in Buro Happold for electrical, plumbing and HVAC works. Codename Bigbang will be luxury project for the aspiring people. The location of Codename Big Bang gives fantastic views of Yeoor hills and Thane Creek. The social infrastructure of Thane city is a add on you get by investing in this project. The proximity of this project to all key locations of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai makes this project a perfect bet to invest.
- Good location
- Luxurious amenities in affordable segment
- Price is very attractive
Review of Vikhroli East, Mumbai
Vikhroli East is one of the peaceful suburb of Eastern Mumbai. Vikhroli has the best residential areas in the suburbs of Mumbai which comprises Raj Legacy, Lok Gaurav, Godrej colony, Tagore nagar, Kannamwar nagar. The Eastern Express Highway bisects the East Vikhroli into Tagore Nagar and Kannamwar Nagar, thereby providing effective mobility to the residents. On the West lies, areas such as Parksite Colony and Surya Nagar. Kannamwar Nagar is also one of the 56 Transit Camps developed by MHADA in Mumbai.
- Well Connected with Eastern Highway
- Reputed Schools and Hospital
- Less number of Hangout places
- Less commercial activities
Review of Borivali East, Mumbai
Borivali East is well-connected to other parts of the city via the Western Express Highway and SV Road. Abhinav Nagar, Omkareshwar Mandir and Kajupada Borivali are some of the bus stops located close to the area. Borivali is also a station on the Mumbai Suburban Railway Network. To enhance connectivity, a monorail line and a metro in the area have also been proposed. The Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport and Mumbai Central Railway Station are 18 kilometer and 35 kilometers from Borivali, respectively. Taxis and auto rickshaws are other local means of transport in the area.
- Well Planed Infrastructure
- Wide Roads
- Railway Terminal | <urn:uuid:4cdd25cc-f21a-4cb1-8720-b8d99d34d34e> | {
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‘Eliminating SimSub cost us $11M this year’
by CBC News Posted: Aug 01, 2017 .
Bell is renewing its call on the CRTC to reverse a recent decision that forces broadcasters to let Canadian viewers watch U.S. Super Bowl ads, a request that has the support of numerous sports, advertising and artistic groups.
In 2016, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ordered the Super Bowl broadcaster to stop doing something called simultaneous substitution — better known as simsub — a practice by which Canadian broadcasters take U.S. content and replace U.S. advertisements with Canadian ones.
Normally, Canadian rights holders for major TV events like the Super Bowl take the U.S. feed and then splice in their own advertisements during commercial breaks, which is how they make money to offset the high cost of those broadcasting rights.
But the CRTC’s decision meant that for the first time last February, Canadian Super Bowl viewers could watch big budget U.S. ads if they watched the game on U.S. channels.
The results were telling. Roughly 5.4 million Canadians watched the game on Bell owned stations CTV, TSN or RDS. But another 3.4 million Canadians watched the game on a Fox channel, where they would have seen U.S. ads.
Bell argues it lost out on as much as 40 per cent of its audience as a result of that decision, which cost the network $11 million worth of advertising revenue.
READ THE REST OF THE STORY HERE AT THE CBC NEWS WEBSITE | <urn:uuid:a77cb9d4-af2e-45d0-89f9-8007b960480f> | {
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"url": "https://www.pugetsoundradio.com/2017/08/03/bell-seeks-reversal-crtc-ruling-super-bowl-ads/"
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Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotke, zato da vam lahko zagotovimo najboljšo uporabniško izkušnjo. Podatki o piškotkih so shranjeni v vašem brskalniku in opravljajo funkcije, kot so prepoznavanje, ko se vrnete na našo spletno stran in nam pomagate razumeti, katere dele spletnega mesta najdete najbolj zanimive in uporabne.
naredijo spletno stran uporabno, saj omogočajo osnovne funkcije, kot so navigacija po strani in dostop do varnih območij spletne strani. Spletna stran brez teh piškotkov ne deluje pravilno.
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Piškotki za statistiko anonimno zbirajo in javljajo informacije lastnikom spletnih mest. S tem jim pomagajo razumeti, kako obiskovalci uporabljajo spletno stran, in na podlagi teh informacij izboljšati uporabniško izkušnjo.
Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences!
Več informacij o Varstvu osebnih podatkov preberite tukaj. | <urn:uuid:1bc57922-fc54-4acf-b2b6-a2b32039b4ed> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T01:15:45Z",
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"language": "sl",
"language_score": 0.6603578329086304,
"token_count": 398,
"url": "https://www.putra.si/"
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US 10th Mountain Division, Somalia, 1993
This is a Kirin 150mm kit from the 1990s that I painted about 15-20 years ago. I like this kit, nicely sculpted and was fun for me to paint. I realize these are not the same quality as most of what is posted on here but I figure I represent the everday model painter, who does his best to create and enjoys the process.
I like the suite colours and the fact that you posted and old figure ..
Thanks for the comment Josh! appreciate it.
Steve "Babelfish" Riley
Nice job on the "chocolate chip" camo. And you're right, enjoying yourself is what it's all about (or should be about). | <urn:uuid:16faf25c-f902-48f5-b672-600a56495479> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T01:01:38Z",
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9571169018745422,
"token_count": 152,
"url": "https://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/21505"
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The collaboration will help Qashio introduce corporate credit cards and enable them with virtual issuance capabilities, according to a Monday (Aug. 21) press release. The goal is to promote cashless, flexible expense management for corporates.
“In line with the [United Arab Emirates] government’s vision to grow a robust digital economy, Mastercard and Qashio are expanding access to commercial B2B solutions that can help [small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs)] digitize and transform their operations with a digital-first mindset and approach,” the companies said in the release.
Gina Peterson-Skyrme, who oversees business development for Mastercard in the UAE and Oman, said in the release the partnership is happening as the UAE moves toward a cashless economy.
A substantial portion of corporate spending often happens via personal cards, petty cash and checks, underscoring the importance of digitizing and modernizing corporate spend management, per the release. This reduces reconciliation and manual work by accountants, leading to time savings.
He noted that many SMBs are run by people who are themselves consumers but find themselves dealing with levels of complexity that transcend simply managing their household budgets.
“The average small business owner does not have complete control over their finances and expenses, which leads to negative situations related to cash flow and profitability,” he said.
This is often the case with seasonal businesses, like construction and landscaping firms, where expenses and revenues can be uneven or project-based.
Mastercard’s partnership with Qashio comes weeks after the company teamed with travel agency Nirvana Travel and Tourism to offer a payment solution to customers who book travel services in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan.
The partnership combines digital and contactless payment technology for consumer and business travel and offers an integrated travel expense management solution to corporate customers.
For all PYMNTS B2B coverage, subscribe to the daily B2B Newsletter. | <urn:uuid:ba5852a9-f1c4-4c51-8205-95d98486e402> | {
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"url": "https://www.pymnts.com/partnerships/2023/mastercard-qashio-team-promote-cashless-spend-management/"
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From time to time, we engage external consultants to provide expert advice to help us make decisions or to identify which course of action to take.
Our procurement practices are in line with the requirements of Queensland Government’s Queensland Procurement Policy and recognised best practice.
In accordance with the Queensland Government’s Queensland Procurement Policy, all consultancies are offered under the terms and conditions contained in the Queensland Competition Authority’s standard Consultancy Agreement.
Any queries regarding this agreement should be directed to the Director of Corporate Services (07) 3222 0505.
Although most contracts are awarded on a one-off basis, from time to time we publically invite contractors and consultants to be on panels.
The purpose of panels is to pre-qualify suppliers of specialist services against set criteria for a defined task. These pre-qualified businesses form the panel from which the QCA will invite tenders for future work (up to two years).
Invitations to be on a panel are advertised in Queensland and National Press.
The QCA also has access to the Standard Offer Arrangements with the Queensland Government and accesses a number of panels through these arrangements.
If during the course of your engagement by the QCA as a consultant you wish to raise any grievances or make a complaint please contact the Director of Corporate Services on (07) 3222 0505 or email [email protected]
If you have a question regarding outstanding invoice payment please contact our Finance and Administration Manager on (07) 3222 0529 or send an email to [email protected] | <urn:uuid:5f407b73-3c15-4270-8132-7a1f91c62d66> | {
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"token_count": 330,
"url": "https://www.qca.org.au/procurement/"
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A pledge drive is a fundraising campaign where donors promise a gift amount to your organization based on a goal set by you or your participants. As your organization or participants meet those goals, donors increase their pledged donation. Pledge drives are great for urgent fundraising and can be centered around an event or peer-to-peer fundraiser. Organizations often offer incentive tiers for supporters to encourage larger donations. These drives often encourage many members of your community to get involved and help raise funds.
There is a difference between pledges and donations that is important for your organization to consider before hosting a pledge drive. While both are ways to financially support a nonprofit, donations are an immediate gift to your organization, while pledges are an agreement to donate in the future, often when a specific event or set of circumstances is met. For example, a walkathon participant may collect pledges that increase in increments based on how many miles they walk. These pledges would be paid after the walkathon event by a specified date based on the participant’s results.
For your organization to host a pledge drive, there are a few steps you should take to plan and execute your campaign.
- Create your pledge drive plan
- Manage behind-the-scenes tasks
- Recruit volunteers, participants, and sponsors
- Offer incentives
- Advertise your pledge drive
- Host a pledge drive
- Send your thanks
Steps to Host a Pledge Drive
1. Create your pledge drive plan
The first step to host a pledge drive is to create your plan. Planning your fundraising campaigns helps set your organization up for success and keeps you prepared for any problems that could arise without any panic.
When creating your plan, start by determining your goals for the pledge drive.
- How much money do you want to raise?
- How do you want to reach your supporters?
- What type of pledge drive do you want to host?
Once you determine your goals, your nonprofit needs to decide what type of pledges to accept. There are two types of pledges: flat or variable.
- Flat pledges are a fixed amount that donors promise to give at the end of the campaign.
- Variable pledges are a conditional amount, often based on the amount of effort a participant puts into the event.
The next part of creating a pledge drive plan is setting a length of time to keep your pledge drive open. Consider the goal amount your organization is aiming for. The deadline should be set before your organization needs the funds to give you time to collect the completed pledges. Give your participants time to advertise your drive to their friends and family to increase the number of pledges they can collect. If hosting your drive online, give your donors a place to leave comments about the drive and their pledges.
If hosting an event day for your pledge drive, you’ll also need to plan a date, time, and location. Set the event date for a weekend to encourage supporters who work or attend school on the weekdays. For setting a time, consider the type of event you’re hosting and what temperature would be safest for what your organization chose. Your location will also be based on the type of pledge drive you decide to host. For “athon” type of events, make sure the location has enough space for your participants.
2. Manage behind-the-scenes tasks
The next step to host a pledge drive is to handle the behind-the-scenes work your organization needs to execute the campaign.
Your organization should also choose the best fundraising platform for your pledge drive. There are quite a few nonprofit platforms available to you to host a pledge drive. These platforms offer customizable event and donation forms your organization can embed on your website or link to from social media, gamification tools that turn fundraising into a game and keeps participants engaged and fundraising, branding options so your supporters can easily recognize your form, and additional tools like text-to-donate which makes pledging easy.
Choose a fundraising platform that offers an integration with a CRM to make collecting and using donor data from the campaign super easy. A CRM can help your organization automate communications with your supporters and help stay connected to them after the campaign.
For in-person events, there will be a decent amount of event paperwork that needs to be collected and filed. Your location may require permits or permission from local officials to host an event. If your pledge drive involves food, you’ll need to review health code regulations and guidelines to follow. And many in-person pledge drives will require a liability waiver for participants to turn in before the start of the event.
3. Recruit volunteers, participants, and sponsors
Before you host a pledge drive, you need to recruit volunteers, participants, and sponsors to make your pledge drive a success. Volunteers are a critical component to helping you manage work behind-the-scenes and set up on site if you’re hosting an in-person event.
Since many pledge drives are used in conjunction with peer-to-peer fundraising, your organization needs to seek out participants who would be interested in your campaign. Examine your donor data to see which supporters are willing to raise money. Your participants will ask their friends and family to pledge to your organization, either offline or through your online form, and follow through with pledges to ensure they complete their pledged gift! Participants will need to be given pledge cards for possible offline pledges in case their networks want to pledge offline.
Sponsorships can be an incredibly helpful resource when you host a pledge drive. Your volunteers and participants will have connections with local businesses and media that you can use to help promote your event or donate to your cause.
4. Offer incentives
Incentives are a great tool to get donors to pledge a little higher than they originally planned. When you host a pledge drive, use tier-based incentives for either your donors or your participants.
If you’re offering donors an incentive, include tiers based on singular pledge amounts, such as $25 gets you a thank you card, $50 gets you a t-shirt, and $200 gets you a gift card. You can also offer incentives for donors that set up a recurring donation with your organization or choose to match their gift. Rewards can be anywhere from a special thank you card to a t-shirt or even a gift card for a local business. The gift does not have to be overly complicated, but it should be appropriate for the donor’s giving level.
For participant rewards, create a prize for the participant that raises the most money and set prize tiers for certain milestones like 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of their fundraising goal. Pro tip: ask sponsors, local businesses, or major donors to donate prize items!
5. Advertise your pledge drive
The next step to host a pledge drive is to advertise your campaign. Advertising is crucial for nonprofits to expand their donor reach. The more people who see what your organization does, the more supporters you can gain.
Leading up to your pledge drive, think of physical advertisements to increase your local community’s awareness of the event. Post flyers in local businesses and community centers. Give your participants pamphlets to hand out when asking for pledges. A physical reminder of your event can keep it at the top of your supporters’ minds and encourage them to participate. It can also serve as a reminder after the event for donors to complete their pledges.
Besides physical advertisements, social media is a great tool for nonprofits to reach new audiences. Create a special hashtag for your pledge drive and post links to where people can sign up to participate or pledge. Have participants and volunteers post about the campaign. You can also encourage donors to make their pledges public! Word of mouth can be super powerful.
6. Host a pledge drive
All your planning leads up to the actual pledge drive. After patiently waiting, it is time for everyone to start asking for and collecting pledges for your organization. Be sure to participate in the drive yourself and show your supporters you and your staff asking for pledges as well! Be sure to post regular updates of your fundraising thermometer for your donors to see how close you get to your goal.
If you’re hosting an event for your pledge drive, make your volunteers’ experience as easy as possible by having a checklist for the day of the event. This checklist should include set up, during, and break down of the event. Go through your checklist before the event and after the breakdown of the event to guarantee nothing gets missed in all the excitement.
Depending on your plan, you and some volunteers may need to show up a few hours early to get everything set up. Once the event is set up, test any equipment you’ll need to use before participants start arriving. If your event is online, test your website and any livestream equipment you’ll use.
7. Send your thanks
While some may think the last step would be to host a pledge drive, your last step is actually to thank your participants, donors, and volunteers. Make the people who help your organization succeed feel appreciated for the work they put in. Have a template ready to use for your thank you notes so you can send them out within two days of the event being complete.
These appreciation letters can also serve as pledge reminders. Now that the event is over, it’s time to confirm that all of your pledges have been collected. Sending a pledge reminder with your thanks for your campaign’s success will prompt donors to complete their pledges.
Outside of pledge reminders, you can use this communication to give your supporters an update on your fundraising goals and inform them on how they can support your organization in the future. Staying in contact with donors will also motivate them to donate to your next campaigns.
Preparing to host a pledge drive can feel overwhelming, but these steps can help your organization stay focused on the goal. Fundraising for a cause you’re passionate about will attract donors who share your enthusiasm. Design a plan, gather your supporters, and have fun with it. | <urn:uuid:3e7c81d9-7d4f-41e1-afb9-2c333f0953cb> | {
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Fitting typically takes 30 minutes for batteries. If you have any questions regarding our battery fitting service, then please do not hesistate to call us on 0808 164 9361.
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All batteries incur a £7.99 shipping cost.
Some items are flagged as being available to order. In these cases we will either have the product sent direct to you from our suppliers or they will be sent to us to forward on to you. In some cases this can take up to five working days from receipt of your order. If deliveries are to be delayed for any reason a customer service representative will get in touch with you to let you know and agree how you wish to proceed.
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Faulty products will be replaced as soon as we are able to verify the fault and ship another to you.
For items you simply want to return within 14 days of purchase for a refund, a refund will be issued to the card you paid with within 7 days of the item being received by the RAC shop.
Please note items sent back without an RMA number generated by our online returns form may take significantly longer to process. Items being returned after 14 days may carry a restocking fee - please contact us on 0808 164 9361 for more information and to discuss your return.
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Horizontal radiators in Cardiff are essential components for heating homes and commercial spaces.
The Bath People Pinta Horizontal Radiato...
Updated 9 hours agoDuraTherm Designer Radiator Horizontal W...
Updated 9 hours agoHuibathroom Flat Panel Radiator Horizont...
DuraTherm Anthracite Designer Radiator H...
Updated 9 hours agoNRG Anthracite Horizontal Designer Radia...
Updated 9 hours agoThey come in a myriad of designs, materials, and sizes, making them a versatile and practical option for achieving pleasant interior temperatures. Choosing the right horizontal radiator can enhance energy efficiency, save on utility bills, and improve the overall aesthetic of a room.
These radiators are available in various materials, such as steel, aluminium, stainless steel, and cast iron, each offering their unique properties and benefits. For example, aluminium is lightweight and known for its rapid heat transfer, while cast iron radiators retain heat longer, maintaining warmth even after the heating is turned off. As such, considering the room's heating requirements is crucial when selecting the ideal horizontal radiator material.
Size and heat output are also essential factors to bear in mind when purchasing a horizontal radiator. To ensure optimal performance and avoid energy wastage, buyers should choose a radiator that corresponds to their room's dimensions and heating needs. Moreover, deciding between single and double-panel radiators can impact the radiator's depth, appearance, and heat output, with double-panel radiators typically emitting more heat.
To assist in making an informed decision, we have extensively researched and compared various horizontal radiators on the market. In the following sections, we will provide insights on selecting the perfect horizontal radiator that delivers both heat efficiency and an attractive design to suit every home or commercial space.
Discover our carefully curated selection of the finest horizontal radiators on the market, perfect for elevating your home's heating game.
The Bath People Pinta Horizontal Radiator is an excellent choice for those seeking both style and warmth in their home.
After using the Pinta Horizontal Radiator, we found it to be a fantastic addition to our home. With its sleek modern design and mild steel construction, it complemented our interior decor perfectly whilst providing an impressive amount of heat. As a double flat panel radiator, it offers ample surface area for effective heat distribution throughout any room.
One issue we did face was the installation process - the initial instructions for mounting it horizontally were missing, although we later found a solution online. Additionally, the valves are not included and need to be purchased separately, so be prepared for this extra expense.
In terms of practicality, the radiator is relatively lightweight at 36.6 kg, making it easier to install. Once set up, we noticed that it took a bit of bleeding to achieve even heating across the entire radiator when hung horizontally. However, overall, we were delighted with the Pinta Horizontal Radiator's performance and aesthetic appeal, making it a great investment for our home.
Updated 9 hours agoIf you're looking for a modern radiator that combines style, efficiency, and safety, the DuraTherm Designer Radiator is our recommendation.
Upon setting up the DuraTherm Designer Radiator in our bedroom, we immediately noticed the difference compared to our previous, outdated model. Its modern design adds a sleek touch to the room, while its premium mild steel construction ensures durability and efficient heat distribution.
We particularly appreciated how simple the installation process was, thanks to the included fixings and brackets. Moreover, it's compatible with all types of heating systems, making it a versatile choice for any home. Despite its weight, we found it manageable to install without too much effort.
With an impressive BTU rating of 4845, we found the DuraTherm radiator heats our space quickly and efficiently. Also, the free 15-year guarantee offers a sense of security and trust in the product's longevity. Although it might not be the ideal choice for those with a specific design in mind, we believe it's a fantastic option for anyone seeking a high-quality, stylish radiator.
Updated 9 hours agoWe recommend this radiator due to its quality design, efficient heating, and contemporary look.
We recently installed the Huibathroom Flat Panel Radiator in one of our customers' homes and were impressed by its performance. This radiator not only effectively heats the room, but also fits seamlessly into a modern decor.
One downside we encountered was the visibility of the top brackets and screws after installation. We suggest that the brackets could be designed in such a way that they are not as easily noticeable. However, the overall appearance of the radiator remains visually appealing and contemporary.
Its heating efficiency complements its aesthetics, as it quickly warmed up the room and helped maintain a comfortable temperature. It's worth noting that there might be some delays in delivery, but in our experience, Huibathroom's customer service was responsive and helpful. With a 5-year warranty and CE Safety Certification, you can feel confident in the quality and safety of this radiator.
Updated 9 hours agoThis DuraTherm radiator is a fantastic choice for anyone seeking a stylish and efficient heating solution with a 15-year guarantee.
We recently installed the DuraTherm Anthracite Designer Radiator in our home and were impressed by its sleek appearance and practical features. The oval column double panel design not only looks modern, but it also efficiently warms the space without taking up too much room.
The radiator is made from premium mild steel, which improves efficiency and durability. Furthermore, it boasts a high BTU rating of 5503, ensuring optimal heat output. We appreciated the compatibility with all types of heating systems and the inclusion of fixings and brackets, making the installation process smooth and straightforward.
However, it is worth noting that the radiator is quite heavy (30.1 kg) and may require extra help when installing. Also, it comes in just one size, which could limit flexibility for some homeowners. Nonetheless, the provided 15-year guarantee offers peace of mind and demonstrates the manufacturer's confidence in their product.
Updated 9 hours agoThis NRG Anthracite Horizontal Designer Radiator is an excellent choice for those seeking style and efficiency combined.
We recently installed the NRG Anthracite Horizontal Designer Radiator in one of our projects and found it to be a stylish and modern addition to the room. The contemporary design and anthracite finish easily blend with various interior design styles, making it a versatile choice for any home.
The radiator is constructed with 1.5mm premium mild steel, providing a durable and reliable heating solution. An added bonus is the industry-leading 10-year guarantee that comes with the product, a testament to its quality. We also appreciate its compatibility with all UK heating systems - whether tank fed or combi systems - making it suitable for any household.
However, while most of us were delighted with the radiator's appearance and functionality, a few of our team members felt the heat output was not as high as expected. Some customers have also reported delivery issues, and it's worth noting that the valves are not included in the package, necessitating an additional purchase.
Updated 9 hours agoReview coming soon
Updated 9 hours agoWhen it comes to choosing the best horizontal radiator for your home in Cardiff, we understand that several factors need to be considered. This buying guide will walk you through the essential aspects and features to look for when selecting the perfect product for your needs.
First and foremost, it's crucial to pay attention to the heat output of a radiator, measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). Considering the size of the room, it's vital to select a radiator with adequate BTU output to ensure optimal warmth and efficiency. Use an online BTU calculator to help determine the appropriate level for your space.
When searching for the right horizontal radiator, another consideration is its dimensions. As it's a long-term investment, make sure the chosen radiator fits seamlessly into your available space without obstructing any functional areas. Measure the area where the radiator will be installed and remember to leave some clearance for pipes and side panels.
Horizontal radiators come in various styles and colours, from traditional to modern designs. Consider the existing décor of your room, and select a radiator that complements your interior style. Keep in mind practicalities such as flat panel designs that allow for easier cleaning and maintenance.
Selecting an energy-efficient radiator not only helps the environment, but it can also contribute to a reduction in your energy bills. Look for radiators with built-in thermostat controls, allowing you to adjust the heat output based on your requirements. Features like a thermostatic radiator valve (TRV) can give you better control and improve overall efficiency.
The material of the radiator plays a significant role in its performance and durability. Common materials include steel, aluminium, and cast iron, each with their specific benefits. Steel is cost-effective and versatile, while aluminium is lightweight and boasts excellent heat conductivity. Cast iron radiators benefit from a classic design and retain heat for an extended period.
Finally, always remember to take your time and compare various horizontal radiators before making your decision. A high-quality radiator is an investment you'll enjoy for years to come.
We cover Cardiff | <urn:uuid:069cb49d-a566-432a-ac5e-d4533e947091> | {
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Hello, guys! Welcome into my room. I am 18 y/o and student. My classmates say that I am pretty girl with BIG BOOBS so I can describe myself as a cute and sexy girl with a nice personality and cute smile. MyI always like to dance and shake my booty!I like to dress very erotic and to seduce you to discover all of me. Feelings and sensations are important parts of my life.
Free chat with KendallPorter Free chat with KendallPorter | <urn:uuid:073e04ee-1468-44b3-91f6-653aa695a32c> | {
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A single unit pulls a long manifest east in Bascom, Oh. The front door is a brownish/gray color. It's been dubbed the "spirit of the brown door" by a few people I've talked to about it.
A welcome sight of a standard cab rebuild SD30C-ECO leads Eastbound Q166 through the farmland between Fostoria and Tiffin.
Q016 flies eastbound on CSX's Willard Sub.
CSXT train Q16631 starts to pull near Bascom, OH. It'll cross down to main #2 at Tiffin behind a Q01631 that scooped them a few minutes ago. This train will become CP train 142-31 at Buffalo, NY.
Q01631 flies past lesser priority Q16631 west of Tiffin, OH on CSXT's Willard Sub.
CSX train Q393 has a interesting set of power in this shot. A BNSF C44-9W leading, with a leased SD60, and a pair of brand new BNSF ES44C4's, numbers 6760 and 6761.
It's not often that one sees an SD60 and a YN1 SD40-2 leading an intermodal train around here, but such an occurrence takes place on a chilled fall evening in western Ohio. The engineer, who is n... (more)
In the fading evening sunlight, westbound general merchandise train Q397, races west through the small settlement of Bascom, OH.
K491-09 is rolling fast through Western Ohio as it approaches Bascom heading towards Fostoria and beyond.
CSXT westbound intermodal, Q137 rolls through the small village of bascom, OH on its way to Chicago.
CSXT eastbound manifest from Chicago to Selkirk passes a patch of grape vines east of Bascom, OH.
CSXT eastbound S368, a second section manifest operating from Chicago to Cumberland passes underneath a sign welcoming motorists to the small village of Bascom, 5 miles east of Fostoria, OH. | <urn:uuid:c488ca6a-1c36-4b78-9cd4-ea1b336b0b10> | {
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"token_count": 428,
"url": "https://www.railpictures.net/showphotos.php?city=Bascom&country=Ohio,%20USA"
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The Indian Diaspora has become the biggest in the world, and many siblings have separated in search of better job opportunities, education, and lifestyle. Separating from your siblings and loved ones also separates you from the culture and tradition. But not anymore; with Rakhibazaar, you can send Rakhi online to your brother in India and celebrate Raksha Bandhan. Sisters don't need to break a sweat, as with Rakhibazaar, you can send Rakhi to India in a few clicks. The platform has bridged the gap of millions of miles between siblings and promoted Rakhi celebrations.
Every Rakhi on the platform is a work of art made from top-quality materials. For more than a decade, the platform has been providing tremendous Rakhi and Rakhi gifts to its customers worldwide.
If there is an Indian festival that perfectly demonstrates the beautiful bond of brothers and sisters, then it is undoubtedly Raksha Bandhan. This festival is all about the unbreakable bond of siblings characterized by a designer holy thread. The festival has a fascinating history; according to Hindu mythology, Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas, tore a piece of her saree and tied it around Lord Krishna's wrist to stop the bleeding when he accidentally cut his finger. Touched by her gesture, Krishna promised to protect Draupadi like a brother protecting his sister.
Although this auspicious festival belongs to the Hindu religion as the love and care shared by siblings belonging to other religions, it is celebrated nationwide by all communities. The occasion is symbolized by a sacred thread of Rakhi, which is the epitome of love, care, affection, admiration, support, and protection among siblings. Celebrated on a full moon day in the month of Shravana, Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on 19th August this year.
As Rakhi 2024 is just around the corner, Rakhibazaar.com understands that you might be looking for a perfect online Rakhi shop that offers the facility of delivering your rakhis to your dearest brother in India. Well, your quest ends here. It has a profuse and extensive online collection of aesthetic and attractive Rakhi for brothers, which you can send to India for memorable Rakhi celebrations. Now, with the help of the online delivery service for sending Rakhi to India, plan the perfect celebrations for your Bhaiya and make him relive the pleasurable moments all over again! From auspicious to trendy rakhi threads, these holy threads of love are intricately designed and handcrafted by experienced craftsmen to bring back the beautiful memories of all the Raksha Bandhan celebrated since childhood with your loving and caring brothers.
Sending Rakhi online has become the new trend, and the website ensures you can send the latest and most suitable Rakhi to your brother in India. Whether you have a little kid or a fashion enthusiast brother, you can find the ideal Rakhi according to his personality and preference.
Raksha Bandhan is around the corner, and this is the time when siblings start looking for the best gifts. For celebrations of this day, the sisters start looking for a gorgeous Rakhi that will complement her brother's wrists. The brother also searches for heartfelt gifts for his sister through which he can express his feelings of love and affection. If you are also looking for Rakhi gifts for brothers online or Rakhi gifts for sisters, you have stopped at the right place. Rakhi Bazaar is one of the renowned online Rakhi stores which offer quick online Rakhi delivery without hassles. You can send Rakhi to India online to your brother and extend your Raksha Bandhan wishes no matter where you reside. Along with online Rakhi to India, you can also send unique and exciting gifts for brothers and sisters. Here are some of the best-selling Rakhi gifts:
Rakhi with Dry Fruits – If you are looking for a traditional Rakhi gift for brothers, then opt for Rakhi with dry fruits combo. We have a massive collection of Rakhi with dry fruits, which you can send to your brother through online Rakhi delivery in India. This combo includes designer Rakhis such as Pearl Rakhi, Kids Rakhi, Lumba Rakhi, etc., paired with Almonds, Cashews, etc.
Rakhi with Chocolates – Does your brother love chocolates? If yes, then on Raksha Bandhan, what's a better gifting option than a designer Rakhi with chocolate combo? Send Rakhi to India online with a pack of chocolates from our collection, including Dairy Milk Silk, Ferrero Rocher, Dark Milk, Milky Bar, and more.
Rakhi with Puja Thali – We also have the designer Puja Thali, which is perfect for the Rakhi tying ceremony on Raksha Bandhan. You can send online Rakhi to India with a Puja Thali and complete the festive celebrations.
Rakhi Gifts for Sisters – Brothers on the lookout for unique Rakhi gifts for sisters who live in India have come to the right place. You will find several gifts here, such as soft toys, handbags, wristwatches, chocolates, and much more.
Rakhi with Plants - For a unique and eco-friendly gift, consider Rakhi with plants. Choose from a variety of potted plants that symbolize growth and prosperity, making it a thoughtful gift for your brother.
Rakhi with Books - If your brother loves reading, a combo of Rakhi with books is a wonderful choice. Select from a range of bestsellers, classics, or his favourite genre to accompany the Rakhi.
Rakhi with Sweets - Traditional and delightful, Rakhi with sweets is always a popular option. This gift includes a variety of Indian sweets like Kaju Katli, Rasgulla, and more, paired with a beautiful Rakhi.
Raksha Bandhan is a blissful occasion celebrated in the company of our loved ones. The fun and laughter experienced by siblings during the Rakhi celebrations cannot be explained in words. But, the thought is unimaginable when these blood-knit relationships are obstructed by miles of distance. To convey love to your brother residing far away in India through a Rakhi is not at all a difficult task now with Rakhibazaar.com at your service. The procedure to buy Rakhi online and then send Rakhi to India through this website is convenient and easy. You need to explore its extensive Rakhi collection that offers enticing and beautifully crafted Rakhi choices. Now, whether you want to send Rakhi to Delhi or opt for online Rakhi delivery in Pune or any other city in India, this portal will make everything possible for you instantly!
The eve of Raksha Bandhan signifies the unique bond shared by siblings worldwide. When you stay in a different country, spending the entire day of Raksha Bandhan together can be a questionable thing. But there is no space for fretting when Rakhibazaar.com is at your rescue. With its popular same-day Rakhi delivery in India, you can now send Rakhi to India from anywhere in the world through this delivery service and make Rakhi 2024 a memorable affair for you and your loving and caring brother. This one-day delivery service is undoubtedly a boon for people who reside miles away from their loved ones and wish to make this occasion pleasant despite their absence. So, please don't wait until it's too late! Order now and make online Rakhi delivery in India on time to wish your brother a Happy Raksha Bandhan and convey your love to your brother in India with a thread of love- RAKHI!
As a sister, you always wish for your brother's happy and prosperous life. You want to see him flourishing in whatever he does and always want him to be healthy and fine. The festival of Raksha Bandhan celebrates these feelings that breathe and thrive in sibling bonds. Send your brother your love and good wishes on this Raksha Bandhan with a beautiful thread of Rakhi ordered from Rakhibazaar.com. The portal assists you in sending Rakhi to India from the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and worldwide, and that too with FREE SHIPPING!!! What else do you want? The beautiful and eye-catchy Rakhi was delivered within the estimated time and without incurring any additional costs. Isn't it great?
With Rakhibazaar, you cannot only send Rakhi to India, but you can also send Rakhi to more than 100 countries. So, whether you want to Send Rakhi to UAE, Canada, or any other country, you can easily do that with Rakhibazaar. No matter where your brother lives, our vast network of delivery services assures you of an on-time Rakhi gift delivery to your doorstep. So, you only need to go through our collection of Rakhi and Rakhi gifts for siblings and place your orders. From our end, we will ensure your hearty gifts are sent to the given address safely. Some of the significant international locations where we provide Rakhi gifts delivery include the USA, Australia, Italy, France, Qatar, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.
Rakhibazaar has become the preferred platform for sisters to send Rakhi to their brothers in India, as the website has tons of Rakhi options. Raksha Bandhan comes once a year, so it is crucial to send an amazing rakhi to your brother and show him how much you care for him. Here are the top trending Rakhis in 2024:
Silver Rakhi to India - Silver Rakhis are timeless and elegant, symbolising purity and strength. These Rakhis often feature intricate designs and can be adorned with embellishments like gemstones, making them a cherished keepsake for brothers.
Bracelet Rakhi to India - For brothers who prefer a modern and stylish look, Bracelet Rakhis are an excellent choice. These Rakhis resemble fashionable bracelets and can be worn as a daily accessory, serving as a constant reminder of the sibling bond.
Rudraksha Rakhi to India - Rudraksha Rakhis are deeply spiritual and traditional, made from the seeds of the Rudraksha tree. They are believed to bring peace, health, and protection to the wearer, making them a meaningful gift for brothers.
Swastik Rakhi to India - The Swastik symbol is a traditional emblem of prosperity and good fortune in Hindu culture. Swastik Rakhis incorporate this auspicious symbol, making them a perfect choice for sisters who wish to bless their brothers with luck and happiness.
Cartoon Rakhi to India - Cartoon Rakhis are a hit among young brothers who adore their favourite animated characters. These Rakhis feature popular cartoon figures and are sure to bring a smile to a young brother's face, making the celebration even more joyful. Whether your little brother likes Motu Patlu, Doraemon, Mickey Mouse, Peppa Pig, or any other cartoon, you can get that Cartoon Rakhi for him.
Handcrafted Rakhi to India - Handcrafted Rakhis stand out due to their unique designs and artisanal quality. Made with love and precision, these Rakhis often incorporate traditional craftsmanship and can include materials like beads, silk threads, and other embellishments.
Personalised Rakhi to India - For a truly unique and heartfelt gesture, Personalised Rakhis are an excellent option. These Rakhis can be customised with the brother's name, initials, or even a special message, making them a one-of-a-kind gift that will be treasured for years to come.
Pearl Rakhi to India - It is a symbol of timeless elegance and purity, making it a perfect choice for sisters who wish to convey their deep love and affection to their brothers. The gentle lustre of the pearls, often surrounded by intricate beadwork and embellishments, adds a touch of sophistication to this beautiful Rakhi. Pearls are associated with grace and innocence, reflecting the unblemished and precious bond between siblings.
Pure Chandan Rakhi to India - The Pure Chandan Rakhi brings a touch of tradition and spirituality to the Raksha Bandhan celebration. Made from sandalwood beads or motifs, this Rakhi carries the divine fragrance and cooling properties of Chandan, which is revered in Indian culture. Sandalwood is often used in religious rituals for its sacredness and calming effect. A Pure Chandan Rakhi symbolises peace, purity, and spiritual well-being, making it an ideal choice for sisters who wish to bestow these blessings upon their brothers, reinforcing their bond with a sacred and traditional essence.
Golden Rakhi to India - Golden colour is attractive and creative, and the golden Rakhi is a great example of luxury and grandeur. Surprise your brother with a golden rakhi and bring a beaming smile to his face. This Rakhi adds a touch of elegance and magnificence to the festival, making it a memorable and cherished gift.
Om Rakhi to India - Om Rakhi is a beautiful blend of spirituality and tradition, making it a popular choice for Raksha Bandhan. The sacred symbol "Om" is revered in Hindu culture as it represents the universe's primal sound and the essence of ultimate reality. This Rakhi typically features the Om symbol intricately designed in gold or silver, often embellished with beads, stones, or threads to enhance its aesthetic appeal. Choosing an Om Rakhi is more than just a decorative gesture; it is a profound way to bestow spiritual blessings upon your brother, wishing him peace, prosperity, and protection. Celebrate this Raksha Bandhan by tying an Om Rakhi, symbolising your prayers and good wishes for his well-being and spiritual growth.
Kundan Rakhi to India - Kundan Rakhi is a splendid example of traditional Indian craftsmanship, characterised by its use of Kundan stones. These stones are finely cut and set in intricate designs, often combined with pearls, beads, and gold or silver threads, creating a luxurious and regal appearance. The vibrant colours and elaborate patterns of Kundan Rakhis make them a perfect choice for sisters who want to add a touch of royalty to their brother's wrists. This Rakhi not only symbolises the sister's love and affection but also represents her wish for her brother's bright and prosperous future. By choosing a Kundan Rakhi, you're embracing a piece of traditional art that is both timeless and elegant, making the Raksha Bandhan celebration even more special.
Mauli Rakhi to India - Mauli Rakhi is deeply rooted in Indian tradition and is often seen as the epitome of simplicity and purity. The Mauli thread, also known as Kalava, is a sacred red and yellow thread used in various religious rituals across India. When fashioned into a Rakhi, the Mauli thread becomes a powerful symbol of protection and blessings. This Rakhi is perfect for those who appreciate the essence of tradition and the deep cultural significance behind the ritual of tying a Rakhi. Simple yet profoundly meaningful, a Mauli Rakhi signifies the sister's prayers for her brother's protection and well-being, making it a heartfelt choice for celebrating the bond of love and protection on Raksha Bandhan.
Absolutely! Celebrating Raksha Bandhan with little brothers adds an extra layer of joy and excitement to the festivities. Their innocence and enthusiasm make the occasion even more special. If your little brother is miles away in India, you can still surprise him with the perfect Kids Rakhi online. With the convenience of online shopping, you can explore a wide range of adorable and vibrant Kids Rakhis from the comfort of your home. Whether he's a fan of cartoon characters, superheroes, or traditional motifs, there's a Rakhi to suit every little brother's taste and personality.
Sending a Kids Rakhi online not only ensures that your brother feels included in the celebrations but also adds a delightful element of surprise to his day. Imagine the joy on his face when he receives a colourful and fun Rakhi specially chosen for him. So, even if your little brother is far away, you can still make him feel loved and cherished on Raksha Bandhan by sending him the best Kids Rakhi online. Let his innocent smile and happiness brighten up your celebrations, no matter the distance.
Kids spend a lot of their time watching cartoons, and cartoon characters excite them the most. Imagine their excitement and joy when they see their favourite cartoon character on their wrist. You can send Doraemon rakhi, Avengers rakhi, Tom & Jerry rakhi, Donald Duck Rakhi, and much more. If you want to encourage your little brother to study well, you can couple the Rakhi with a Cartoon stationery set that your little bro will surely love.
As the platform has a plethora of Rakhis, sometimes it can create a problem of plenty for the customer as finding the perfect Rakhi can become more challenging in the sea of options. Don't worry, as we are here to help you find the most suitable Rakhi for your brother. Here are the factors that you should consider while choosing a rakhi for your brother:
Age: Your brother's age is a crucial factor in deciding the ideal Rakhi for him. If he is small in age, then choosing a rakhi is a no-brainer, as you can choose from a variety of kids' Rakhi. If you know his favourite cartoon, then the task becomes much easier as you can send him his favourite cartoon rakhi.
Budget: You should set a budget for the Rakhi and stick to it, as crossing the budget makes no sense. Also, choose a Rakhi that justifies its price and is not overpriced. On the website, you can filter out the rakhis that come in your budget and choose the one that suits your budget.
Style and Preference: Choosing the Rakhi is all about knowing your brother's preferences and tastes. Pick a rakhi that matches your brother's personality and style. Scroll through the website and choose from numerous options to pick the perfect Rakhi.
Quality and Material: Brothers want to wear the Rakhi forever, but a Rakhi made from mediocre-quality material makes it difficult for them. Sometimes, it can also hurt their skin, so it is vital to emphasise the quality of the Rakhi. On Rakhibazaar, you will only find high-quality Rakhi, so you can be worry-free and select the ultimate Rakhi for your brother.
Symbolism: Look for rakhis that carry meaningful symbols or motifs. Whether it's traditional religious symbols like Om or Swastika or contemporary designs that hold significance to your relationship, choosing a rakhi with symbolism adds depth to the gesture.
Sibling Bond: Reflect on the special bond you share with your brother. Opt for rakhis that evoke fond memories or inside jokes, reinforcing the unique connection you both share.
Every sister aims to make the Raksha Bandhan celebration unique and memorable, and sending a personalised Rakhi is the best way to do it. Brothers are tired of seeing generic and simple rakhis, and Personalised Rakhi is a refreshing addition to the festival. The Personalised Rakhi online can have your brother's name, initials, and photo to make the Rakhi more unique. Even after years, brothers remember that their sisters sent them a personalised Rakhi.
Not just personalised Rakhi, you can also send personalised gifts to your siblings and amaze them. Personalised gifts are custom and unique, which makes them more valuable than regular gifts. Here are some of the best-personalised gifts that you can give to your brother:
Personalised Mug: A mug customised with your brother's name or a favourite photo turns his everyday coffee or tea into a special moment. Every time he takes a sip, he'll think of you, making it a sweet and practical gift he'll love.
Personalised Pillow: A pillow with a personal touch is more than just decoration—it's a cosy reminder of your bond. Whether it's a message, a collage of memories, or a quote he loves, this soft gift will wrap him in comfort and warm feelings.
Personalised Bottle: A bottle with his name or a special message isn't just for drinks—it's a way to show off his style. With a custom touch, it becomes a constant companion, reminding him of your thoughtfulness wherever he goes.
Personalised Photo Frames: A frame for his favourite photos isn't just for display—it's a way to keep memories alive. Whether it's one special moment or many, this custom frame adds a personal touch to his space, filling it with happy reminders of your relationship. You can gift your brother a photo frame with a photo of you and your brother or his childhood photo to bring back the nostalgia.
A lot of siblings have separated for numerous reasons, which has led to some sisters living in India while their beloved brothers live in another country. With Rakhibazaar, all the geographical distance can fade away, as Brothers and sisters can send gifts to each other without stretching a muscle. Raksha Bandhan is a celebration of siblinghood, and siblings can send gifts to each other to showcase their love and respect. Here are some of the best return gifts that you can send to your sister and surprise her:
Makeup and Cosmetics: Consider sending your sister a selection of high-quality makeup products and cosmetics tailored to her preferences. Include items like foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow palettes, mascara, and skincare essentials. You can also add pampering face masks or luxurious bath products for a spa-like experience at home.
Jewellery: Jewellery is a timeless gift that never fails to impress. Choose a piece that suits her style, whether it's classic and elegant or bold and trendy. Options could include a delicate necklace with her birthstone, a pair of chic earrings, or a stylish bracelet. Personalise it further by selecting a design that holds sentimental value or engraving a special message. You can choose artificial jewellery if you have budget constraints, as artificial jewellery also looks stunning.
Teddy Bear: A plush teddy bear is more than just a cuddly toy; it's a comforting companion that brings warmth and joy. Opt for a soft and huggable teddy bear in her favourite colour or style. You can also choose one that holds significance, such as a teddy bear wearing a t-shirt with a heartfelt message or a special accessory.
Gift Basket: You can send her a personalised gift basket filled with an assortment of her favourite items. Start by selecting a theme, such as relaxation, gourmet treats, or self-care. Then, curate the contents accordingly. Include items like chocolates, cookies, tea or coffee, scented candles, bath bombs, body lotions, and a heartfelt note expressing your love and appreciation.
Stationery Set: A beautifully crafted stationery set is a thoughtful and practical gift for the sister who loves to write or journal. It includes high-quality notebooks, pens, pencils, sticky notes, and other stationery essentials. You can opt for elegant designs or customise the set with her name or initials for a personal touch.
Handbags: A stylish handbag is both fashionable and functional, making it a perfect gift for your sister. Consider her preferences in terms of size, style, and colour, and choose a handbag that complements her wardrobe. Whether it's a sleek clutch for evenings out, a trendy crossbody bag for everyday use, or a spacious tote for work or travel, she'll appreciate the thoughtful gesture.
Raksha Bandhan is a festival observed by a Rakhi tying ceremony by sisters for their brothers worldwide. A beautiful knot of love is tied to brothers' wrists by sisters who offer prayers to God for their well-being and success. Although sisters personally tie this sacred thread on their brothers' wrists in most cases, there are still women folk who cannot spend this day with their brothers due to the distance factor. To take them out of this depressing situation, Rakhibazaar.com sweeps in with Rakhi delivery service in India from across the globe.
Glad to learn all this? Wait no more and send your love and Rakhi online through us! A memorable celebration awaits you!
When it comes to online rakhi shopping, a name you can trust is Rakhibazaar.com. This year, we have completed 10 years of existence in the gifting industry. And, as a part of our special celebrations, we are offering free gifts on all domestic orders on Raksha Bandhan 2024 this year! Yes, you read that right! Shop for rakhi gifts without any price limit and get a guaranteed complimentary gift from us. Place your orders of rakhi and rakhi gifts to India and get exciting free gifts delivered. So, wait no further and quickly order and send Rakhi to India using Rakhibazaar.com.
Raksha Bandhan is around the corner, and siblings cannot wait to celebrate the occasion. It is a day when they appreciate their brothers and sisters’ efforts and care. Rakhi is not just a thread;...
Although siblings may fight over small issues throughout the year, Raksha Bandhan is an occasion when they forget all the fights and show care and respect for each other....
Raksha Bandhan is one of the few moments of the year when brother and sister actually show care for each other rather than fighting for the TV remote......... | <urn:uuid:ea92dde4-a5d8-4a80-b70d-4dbd21a904cf> | {
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U wilt de doelstellingen van uw organisatie (bedrijf, instelling, vereniging) graag onder de aandacht van een groot publiek brengen. Niet eenmalig, maar blijvend. Dat kan, in de vorm van de uitgave van een blad, krant of tijdschrift. Maar het ontbreekt u aan tijd, kennis of ervaring om de adverteerders te vinden die uw uitgave financieel mogelijk maken. Randal Esser Sales & Media heeft ruime ervaring met de acquisitie van adverteerders. Die zijn, ook als de marktomstandigheden moeilijker zijn, best te vinden. Kwestie van weerstanden overwinnen en de juiste motivatie en benadering. De jarenlange kennis en expertise en een uitgebreid netwerk waarborgen dat uw uitgave bij Randal Esser Sales & Media zonder risico’s voor een lange termijn is gewaarborgd. Randal Esser Sales & Media ontzorgt u op het gebied van werving en acquisitie en is in staat om de markt voor uiteenlopende uitgaves breed te benaderen. De uitgebreide acquisitiemogelijkheden zorgen ook voor diversiteit en continuïteit van uw uitgave.
Vooral in de advertentiewereld geldt dat kennis en ervaring met werving en acquisitie de kans op succes vele malen vergroten. Een breed netwerk is daarvoor noodzakelijk. Randal Esser Sales & Media kan bogen op een dergelijk groot netwerk en heeft alles in huis om uw potentiële adverteerders te vinden. Dat kan op basis van een totaalpakket voor zeer uiteenlopende uitgaves. Maar ook alleen de acquisitie of verkoop van advertenties voor één enkele uitgave zijn mogelijk. Een compleet pakket, dat ook de mogelijkheden biedt om het ontwerp van uw eigen advertentie, de ontwikkeling van uw website, tekstproductie en zelfs uw drukwerk voor u te verzorgen. Zo kunt u zich concentreren op uw hoofdactiviteiten en legt u de vraag of uw blad wel uitkomt neer bij degene die daar langjarig ervaring mee heeft. Voor u een zorg minder.
Randal Esser is getrouwd met Cindy en vader van twee dochters, Jolien en Jinte. Randal kreeg het acquisitievak met de paplepel ingegoten door zijn vader en heeft ruim twintig jaar ervaring met de advertentieacquisitie. In zowel binnen- als buitendienst en in verschillende branches, maar vooral in het zorgcircuit. Hij richtte recent Randal Esser Sales & Media recent op na een dienstverband van acht jaar bij een uitgever in Limburg. Randal Esser Sales & Media biedt een totaalpakket, maar ook losse verkoop of werving van advertenties. Een pakket dat vooral bedoeld is voor bedrijven, instellingen, verenigingen en organisaties die een blad willen uitgeven of eenmalige uitgaves doen. Momenteel verzorgt Randal Esser Sales & Media onder meer de advertenties voor de huis-aan-huiskrant Zorgbelang voor heel Limburg van het Huis voor de Zorg in Sittard-Geleen, de periodieke uitgave Gezond Idee van het Maastricht UMC+ en de periodieken ZIEZO en Mozaïek van het Atrium MC in Heerlen. Daarnaast verzorgt hij de advertentiewerving voor uitgaves als Northern Star en Newcomers Guide van NATO JFC Headquarters in Brunssum, het ZUID Magazine, Thuiskomen van Vivantes ouderenzorg te Geleen en de Beurskrant van de Parkstad Zorgbeurs. Tevens is Randal Esser Sales & Media partner voor Chapeau Magazine, Limburg Onderneemt en Nummer 1. In het verleden verzorgde hij ook de advertenties voor de Kamerkrant van de Kamer van Koophandel Limburg en voor diverse magazines van Zuyd Hogeschool in Heerlen en andere ROC’s in Zuid-Limburg. | <urn:uuid:1fcccb2f-9bb8-49d8-81d4-aa269be092a7> | {
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Anthony Abboud ‘25, Ethan Bodner ‘25, and JD Leidersdoff ‘25 have been playing music together since they were in Ranney Lower School. This week, their musical aspirations are hitting a high note, as they release
their first EP “All the Parties I Drove You To,” as a band, October Man, along with bandmate Ian Neill. October Man’s release show will be on November 1 - tickets can be purchased
From the early beginnings at Ranney Lower School to their first EP release and media coverage, these talented Panthers are reaching exciting new heights and achieving dreams that they set forth very early on.
Below, the band answered questions ahead of this exciting new release:
What is the band's backstory- when was it formed, who's in it, who plays what? We formed at Lakehouse Music Academy in 2016, with current members: JD Leidersdorff (lead singer and guitarist) and Ethan Bodner (lead guitar). Over the years, we’ve gone through many members, now rounded out with Anthony Abboud (drummer), who’s been a part for seven years, and Ian Neill (the bassist), who joined in early 2024. We’d gone by Spanish Pigeon Cheese from 2018-2023, and finally changed our name to October Man after a 1940’s movie (and because we were ashamed to say our actual band name anymore).
What genres do you most associate the band / your music with?
Indie Rock, Alternative Rock, and Pop Rock
Can you list everything that the band has released so far?
Matchstick, Vessel, and Dandelion
How do you see the band fitting in the larger music industry, scene-wise, etc?
October Man will step into an indie landscape, following in the footsteps of New York bands like the Strokes and LCD Soundsystem, hoping to first hit small clubs like the Mercury Lounge and the Barbary before graduating to bigger theaters like the Hammerstein Ballroom and Union Transfer. We hope to meet some other great bands and form relationships with them and form our own scene with them, similar to early 2000’s bands like the Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Interpol. We’d love to be college radio station staples, connecting with fans that are our age.
Talk about this new single and the forthcoming EP?
Dandelion is the third single we’re releasing as a band, and it’s JD’s favorite. Dedicated to his younger sister, he compares her to a dandelion. He goes from seeing her as a typical annoying younger sibling to a lifelong friend. A powerful chorus and a glorious solo in the bridge make the song easy to jam over and over again. The upcoming EP, All The Parties I Drove You To, has the four core songs we’ve played at every show for the past few months and will not likely leave the set list any time soon. It combines inspirations from Vampire Weekend, Radiohead, Pinegrove, and Modern Baseball.
Who produced and engineered it? What have they previously worked on?
Evan Rudenjak produced and engineered the song, with Winston Roye also producing. Evan Rudenjak has engineered for Via Crowe, Butterfly Garden, Padraic’s Joy, Teen Idle, and other great bands in the Asbury Indie Rock scene. Winston Roye has played with Soul Asylum, Shakira, Jewel, Ace of Base, Broadway Musical Pits such as Rock of Ages, and many more.
How do you want listeners to experience it?
For the EP, although most of the songs are rockers, they’re all mostly somber in lyrical nature. Excited to jam out while still being sad and feeling the lyrics are how they should be experienced. For Dandelion, I’d like for people to empathize with the feeling of having a younger (or older) sibling that you don’t have the best relationship with, and I think most people can buy into the idea lyrically, while still jamming out.
What are some of the standout lyrics on this single for you?
Dandelion-“You’re yellow and wild, was a weed then in my life” in the first half of the final chorus contrasted with “Now you’re white and you’re full, such a perfect little flower” at the end of the final chorus
They encapsulate the feeling and tone switch of the song and work well with the dandelion and plant metaphor.
For the EP: Vessel-“And when I close my eyes, that’s what I’ll see, With your head on his shoulder, his hand on your knee” The final chorus’s lyrics paint a great picture of watching a relationship from afar, heartbroken that you’re on the outside looking in.
We hope our lyrics will translate to our fans in whatever way fits them best. Music resonates in such different ways for everyone and it’s important that we write our music through what we are feeling in the moment while giving someone the feeling of empathy when they hear it for the first time. | <urn:uuid:b867b40e-1597-4c0a-a6ab-f00d58f094a5> | {
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Tank’s 10th and final studio album R&B Money arrives today featuring a collaboration with Chris Brown.
After previously teaming up on songs like “Take My Time” and “Foreplay,” the R&B crooners reunite on the sultry “See Through Love,” which finds them once again serenading the ladies.
“I live for the moments with you when nobody’s around / Growing with you and letting go of myself / Come here with me, girl, it’s safe as it sound,” sings Tank.
The 17-track album also features appearances from Rotimi, Vedo, and Blaq Tuxedo, along with “Can’t Let It Show,” “I Deserve,” and the fan favorite “Slow” featuring J. Valentine.
“R&B Money is a labor of love to my fans and to the genre of R&B. This is who I am!” said Tank. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for artists like Marvin Gaye, Teddy Pendergrass, Keith Sweat, Al Green, and my fans who inspire me every day to make music. I wanted this album to pay homage to my influences and my evolution as an artist, and I think that’s what this final album represents.”
Last night, Tank celebrated the release of his final album at his R&B Money Jam at the Peppermint Club in West Hollywood. He welcomed friends including Jon B, Pleasure P, and Jamie Foxx, who got on the mic to perform his hits “Blame It” and “Gold Digger.” | <urn:uuid:f52573d0-6dd1-4bf3-baca-60813b3397b0> | {
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"url": "https://www.rap-up.com/article/2022/08/19/tank-chris-brown-see-through-love"
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Last updated at Tue, 16 Jul 2024 21:40:35 GMT
Many organizations are in the midst of adopting the cloud faster than ever before; it’s arguably mission critical for their success and longevity. Just look at initiatives like digital transformation or even the digital twin which aims to bridge the gap between the physical and the digital by leveraging IoT. Organizations are realizing the endless possibilities that the cloud provides — such as optimization of their processes, data accessibility, and unlocked collaboration & innovation. By definition, the cloud enables integrated data continuity, and by 2025, the world will store 200 zettabytes of data, according to Cybersecurity Ventures. A huge percentage of that data will be in the cloud.
However, the promise of the cloud isn’t just lucrative for companies, it opens up new opportunities for attackers. Many threats that impact a cloud environment are not contained there. They can either originate elsewhere or start in the cloud, but can move depending on the motive of the attacker. As organizations continue to go beyond on-prem, security teams need support.
The resource and bandwidth constraints that teams face have been well documented across the industry, so we won’t rehash that here. But it is important to emphasize it when it pertains to priorities around cloud security. In order to stay ahead of evolving threats, security teams need to prioritize cloud detection and response. Automation is a means to do just that.
Automation provides a way to cut down the time it would take to address malicious activity, especially when compared to a manual approach. It can also enable more effective and efficient communication with important stakeholders who may have a hand to play in alert validation and response.
At Rapid7, we’re constantly innovating new ways to inject highly customizable automation into our cloud offerings, all with the aim of making your team — and by extension, your cloud security — stronger and more efficient.
Achieving security at speed
Rapid7 provides security professionals with the centralized monitoring, comprehensive context, and automation necessary to confidently take action against threats. One of the primary challenges security teams face when responding to threats in the cloud is being able to answer simple questions like:
- What is this cloud resource?
- Who owns it?
- Is this normal behavior for this resource, or is it abnormal?
Some of these questions can be answered with data, but some may require stakeholders outside the security team to weigh in, such as the Cloud Infrastructure or DevOps team. The traditional process of engaging these teams might mean that you spend precious time locating or opening a new channel in your ChatOps platform, and copying & pasting alert data alongside a manually-typed message asking for help. This works, but can quickly become inefficient and untenable with higher alert volumes. Rapid7 offers customers a solution to this challenge; what if that process could be automated?
Instead of forcing customers to manually pass data back and forth, Rapid7’s solutions provide a way to orchestrate the routing of cloud threat detections to the right communication channel, after gathering as much context as possible regarding the associated cloud resources automatically. This way, those responsible for responding to these threats can jump right into decision-making with all the data they need in a centralized place.
Despite the security challenges, the future is very much still going to be in the cloud. As security professionals, we work to ensure that cloud operations are as secure as they can be, while providing tools and workflows that make the work your security team does day in and day out more efficient and effective. Automation is just such an innovation. | <urn:uuid:f7a802c3-d9c4-488c-8fa3-ddeae93f0d01> | {
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In addition to the Rattan LF 750 Pro electric bike, the Rattan Ebike brand also offers a range of merchandise that allows you to showcase your love for their products. From t-shirts and hoodies to hats and accessories, the Rattan Ebike merchandise line is the perfect way to express your passion for sustainable and innovative transportation solutions. | <urn:uuid:31496254-ef24-43b5-a73c-683728c72820> | {
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Enhanced level nursing
Definition of enhanced level nursing
Enhanced level nursing describes a level that can only be delivered by registered nurses who have gained additional post-registration education and experiential learning in a relevant subject area.
This level can be applied to the full range of registered nurse careers. The enhanced level is differentiated from other levels by a registered nurse’s expertise in applying specific knowledge and skills to a designated area. For example, this could be a client group, skill set or in an organisational context.
Registered nurses working at an enhanced level are expected to be able to manage discrete activities in complex, challenging and changing situations and environments. They should also be confident to seek further guidance when they reach the boundaries of their competence.
This level is underpinned by a broad foundation of skills and capabilities across all four pillars of nursing: clinical practice, education, research and leadership. These, together with critical reflection, enable a nurse working at the enhanced level to function to a high level of autonomy within their designated area and role.
Background to enhanced level nursing
The concept of enhanced level nursing emerged in 2019 from modelling by Professor Alison Leary MBE and RCN Fellow for Health Education England (HEE). This acknowledged how the multiprofessional, experienced, registered health and social care workforce should be recognised and valued (Leary A (HEE funded) (2022) Enhanced Level Practice).
Leary found that the proportion of the registered nursing workforce working at an enhanced level is considerably larger than those working at the advanced or consultant level of practice.
The work of Leary et al has been used by NHS Wales for a Health Education Improvement Wales initiative to define three levels of practice. See NHS Wales (2023) Professional Framework for Enhanced, Advanced and Consultant Clinical Practice, Health Education Improvement Wales (HEIW).
A new apprenticeship standard for (multiprofessional) enhanced practice was published by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (2021) Enhanced Clinical Practitioner Apprenticeship standard and is now being offered across England. Other professions defining enhanced level practice include the Society and College of Radiographers, which published the Education and Career Framework for the Radiography Workforce - 4th edition (2022).
RCN position on enhanced level nursing
Although we have not previously published a definition of enhanced level nursing, this term was referred to as a level of practice in the Career Pathway and Education Framework for Cancer Care (RCN, 2022).
Here at the RCN, we support the ongoing development of nurses working at an enhanced level across all areas. This may be a stepping stone to working at an advanced level; however, for some registered nurses, it will be a destination or career choice.
The enhanced level can, and should, be applied across all contexts in which registered nurses work in clinical roles. This includes leaders, managers, educators and researchers, to ensure that all are valued and their impact on the quality of patient care is acknowledged.
The levels of practice working group agreed that that word 'specialist' should not be used to describe this level of practice, as specialist knowledge and skills may be applied across all levels of nursing within health and social care.
Developing the definition and standards for enhanced level nursing
To support this level of nursing, we have published a report which sets out definition and core standards that differentiate registered nurses who work at the enhanced level.
The report includes the capabilities that registered nurses working at the enhanced level of practice will demonstrate, aligned to the four pillars of nursing practice. It also contains further discussion and definition of terms. Access and download the Enhanced Level Nursing Definition Standards.
Below you can find additional related publications:
- NHS Employers (2022) Advanced practice.
- NHS Education for Scotland (2021) Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Development Framework.
- Skills for Health (2020) Career Framework (Version 2) (PDF). | <urn:uuid:cc790da4-747f-4b35-8b8f-edfb841f9e5b> | {
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Green People - Scent Free Shower Gel - 200ml
Embrace the purity and gentleness of Green People's Sensitive Scent Free Shower Gel, a perfect companion for very sensitive skin.
This organic body wash is a sanctuary of calm for your skin, providing a gentle yet effective cleansing experience. Its formulation is free from synthetic scents and essential oils, making it an ideal choice for those prone to eczema or skin irritation.
Packed with plant-based Polysaccharides and soothing organic Aloe Vera, it offers lasting hydration and a protective skin barrier boost. The shower gel's natural and organic ingredients promise kindness to your sensitive skin, ensuring a refreshing and balanced cleanse.
Additionally, its concentrated formula means a little goes a long way, making it a sustainable choice in your daily routine. Packaged in recyclable sugar cane packaging it demonstrates the Green People's dedication to the environment. For optimal skin softness, follow up with Green People's Scent Free Body Lotion after patting your skin dry.
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If you have any further questions please check out our FAQ page. | <urn:uuid:34c30459-e7e3-4230-aded-e3a4bab89505> | {
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2018 Ohio Senate - Renacci vs. Brown
Final Results: Brown +6.4
----------PAST KEY RACES----------
2016: President, Senate
2014: Governor | OH-6 | OH-14
2012: President | Senate | OH-6 | OH-7 | OH-16
2010: Governor | Senate | OH-1 | OH-6 | OH-10 | OH-12 | OH-13 |OH-15 | OH-16 | OH-18
2008: President | OH-1 | OH-2 | OH-15 | OH-16
2006: Sen | Gov | OH-1 | OH-2 | OH-15 | OH-18
2004: President | Senate
9/13/18 -- So far this race has not panned out for Jim Renacci. Sherrod Brown is barely above 50 percent, but Renacci trails by double digits and is running out of time to make this a race.
5/14/18 -- It’s no great surprise that Rep. Jim Renacci won the Republican primary in Ohio. Given how Republican Senate primaries have gone over the past few cycles, perhaps that counts as a bit of a surprise. Renacci starts out as an underdog to Sen. Sherrod Brown, but if President Trump’s job approval rating continues to rise, this could turn into a very competitive race.
The Buckeye State is a microcosm of the country as a whole. It contains everything: a slice of Appalachia in the southeast, farmland in the northwest, decaying industrial centers and new growth cities. For much of the past few decades, it has been a few points more Republican than the rest of the country, including 2008 when it went for Barack Obama by three points fewer than Obama's national average. The Republicans it has produced have been conservative, but they have generally been of the establishment-oriented sort who have substantial breaks with the conservative orthodoxy, like Mike DeWine and George Voinovich.
DeWine was defeated handily by liberal Democrat Sherrod Brown in 2006 -- a bad Republican year. Brown has cut a very liberal profile in Washington, yet his approval ratings have held up fairly well in this swing state. His opponent this cycle is state Treasurer Josh Mandel, who lost to Brown by a small-ish margin in 2012.
Brown is probably too liberal for the state, but he is a skilled politician, whose district was spared redistricting in 2000 because Gov. Bob Taft was afraid Brown would run against him. The state shifted rightward in the 2016 election, and the ultimate competitiveness of this race will probably be determined by whether or not those shifts were permanent, or whether they were an aberration. | <urn:uuid:389a0720-250b-4102-bad8-ff9a30d96eb2> | {
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Personally, I like the mouth feel of yogurt with the whey still in it, but some people prefer a thicker Greek Style yogurt. I like mine just fine without sweetener, but feel free to drizzle it with pure maple syrup, or raw honey, or whisk it in for a more consistent taste. A berry syrup is another fabulous way to sweeten it up. If you whisk in sweetener, it will be more runny than most store bought yogurt, because you are missing the additives that keep it thick, and frankly, that is a good thing.
Anyway you like it, this is a great way to enjoy yogurt without losing any of the wonderful and nutritious properties of raw milk. For the basic yogurt recipe, click here.
Greek Yogurt Directions
Place a colander over a bowl. The colander should be high enough that it won’t touch the whey as it drains. Wet a clean hanky, or a small dish towel with water and ring it out. Line the colander with the wet cloth. Empty the yogurt into the cloth lined colander. Fold the corners of the cloth over the yogurt to cover it and place the bowl in the fridge. You may drain it anywhere from 4 hours to a couple days to obtain the consistency that you like. If you are draining for longer than one day, cover with plastic wrap to keep it from getting dried out and funky fridge flavors.
Whey: Use the whey as a starter for your lacto-ferments, to improve your bread products, and as an acid for soaking grains, or in your bone broth. Also, you can use it to jump start a sluggish sourdough starter. | <urn:uuid:97d9623e-edd0-4f46-a6f7-5b1bda40d328> | {
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Lunch time can be a very emotional, anxiety filled time for children. Packing healthy food, that is easy to see, open and eat, in an appealing container can make all the difference. Here's my favorite lunch container for small children.
I like the design and size and number of compartments in this lunch container. If you want to keep the food cold, you'll need to pack it in a bag with an ice pack.
PackiT This bag does not require a separate ice pack, but you do need to freeze it at least overnight. The new design is better with the zipper closure, but the velcro closure still has issues. There are several different styles and sizes that you can choose from. I have actually put the thermos mentioned above in the bag, and the food in the thermos stayed hot and cold food stayed cold until lunch. The drawbacks are that you need to remember to clean it out and put it in freezer the night before. That doesn't always happen at my house. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to remind, encourage, bribe and threaten kids to be responsible, bags get left in cars, at friends etc.
IGLOO I like this bag because it has ample room and I can pack a thermos in the outside pocket. It requires a separate ice pack.
byo I like this bag because it has ample room and I can pack a thermos and water bottle in the outside pockets. It's also machine washable. It requires a separate ice pack.
Ice Packs I like these. They're very durable, easy to rinse off, and don't take up a lot of room. | <urn:uuid:c97f0596-d541-45be-b53e-c973a33020e8> | {
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Jaki alkohol do drinków?
Wybór odpowiedniego alkoholu do drinków może być trudnym zadaniem, szczególnie dla osób, które dopiero zaczynają swoją przygodę z koktajlami. Warto jednak pamiętać, że odpowiednio dobrany alkohol może znacząco wpłynąć na smak i jakość przygotowywanego drinka. W tym artykule przedstawimy różne rodzaje alkoholu, które doskonale sprawdzają się w drinkach, oraz podpowiemy, jakie są ich najważniejsze cechy i zastosowania.
Wódka jest jednym z najpopularniejszych alkoholi do drinków. Jej neutralny smak i wysoki poziom alkoholu sprawiają, że doskonale komponuje się z innymi składnikami. Wódka jest podstawowym składnikiem wielu klasycznych koktajli, takich jak Cosmopolitan czy Martini. Jej klarowny wygląd i delikatny aromat sprawiają, że jest idealna do przygotowywania drinków, w których inne składniki mają główną rolę.
Gin to alkohol o charakterystycznym smaku, który zawdzięcza głównie jałowcowi. Jest podstawowym składnikiem takich drinków jak Gin Tonic czy Martini. Jego wyrazisty smak i aromat sprawiają, że doskonale komponuje się z tonikiem i innymi dodatkami. Gin jest również popularnym składnikiem wielu klasycznych koktajli, takich jak Negroni czy Tom Collins.
Rum to alkohol produkowany z trzciny cukrowej lub melasy. Jest niezwykle wszechstronny i doskonale sprawdza się w różnego rodzaju drinkach. Jego słodki smak i aromat nadają się zarówno do przygotowywania koktajli owocowych, jak i bardziej wytrawnych. Rum jest podstawowym składnikiem takich drinków jak Mojito czy Pina Colada. Warto zaznaczyć, że istnieje wiele rodzajów rumu, różniących się smakiem i aromatem, dlatego warto eksperymentować i odkrywać nowe kombinacje.
Tequila to meksykański alkohol produkowany z agawy niebieskiej. Jej charakterystyczny smak i aromat sprawiają, że doskonale komponuje się z sokiem z limonki i solą. Tequila jest podstawowym składnikiem takich drinków jak Margarita czy Tequila Sunrise. Warto zaznaczyć, że istnieją różne rodzaje tequili, różniące się stopniem dojrzewania i smakiem, dlatego warto wypróbować różne warianty i znaleźć ten, który najbardziej nam odpowiada.
Whisky to alkohol produkowany z jęczmienia, kukurydzy, żyta lub pszenicy. Jest to mocny i aromatyczny trunek, który doskonale sprawdza się w drinkach. Whisky jest podstawowym składnikiem takich koktajli jak Old Fashioned czy Whisky Sour. Jej wyrazisty smak i bogaty aromat nadają się zarówno do przygotowywania prostych, klasycznych drinków, jak i bardziej wyszukanych kompozycji.
Wybór odpowiedniego alkoholu do drinków jest kluczowy dla uzyskania doskonałego smaku i jakości koktajlu. Wódka, gin, rum, tequila i whisky to tylko niektóre z wielu rodzajów alkoholu, które doskonale sprawdzają się w różnego rodzaju drinkach. Warto eksperymentować, odkrywać nowe kombinacje i dostosowywać wybór alkoholu do swoich preferencji smakowych. Pamiętajmy jednak, że alkohol powinien być spożywany z umiarem i odpowiedzialnie.
Zapraszamy do działu alkoholi w celu znalezienia odpowiedniego alkoholu do drinków. Kliknij tutaj, aby odwiedzić stronę: https://www.rehaform.pl/. | <urn:uuid:79a54d7b-d6e7-4722-b2b0-4bf632722291> | {
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Dr. Obianuju Helen Okoye, MD, MBA, MS-Epi
Dr Helen Okoye is a highly accomplished and sought after American Public Health Physician with a medical degree (MD), an MBA in Healthcare Management, and a master’s in Epidemiology/Public Health. She is also a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Research Fellow. She has a plethora of clinical research experience and has presented at U.S. and international medical conferences.
Dr. Okoye has been featured on NBC News, Yahoo News, Huffington Post, The Reader’s Digest Tonic by VICE, She Knows, Massage Magazine and Carol Roth, among others. Dr. Okoye has is a contributing writer for Entrepreneur magazine and the Huffington Post. She has been a scientific writer for the renowned websites LiveStrong, The Paleo Diet and AusMed. | <urn:uuid:a9893bb2-5696-4294-aa00-1df635099f82> | {
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"url": "https://www.recoveryatlanta.com/team/editorial/dr-obianuju-helen-okoye-md-mba-ms-epi/"
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Unit price / per
Sip, savor, and fully enjoy all of your favorite beverages in this Major Award of a Ceramic Travel Mug is 18 ounce and comes with lid. Featuring the beloved Leg Lamp from the A Christmas Story!!
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Non leg lamp orders valued at $199.99 and up will have a signature required at delivery. | <urn:uuid:791d11ed-3a2d-4881-8a9d-00136f18cda0> | {
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"url": "https://www.redriderleglamps.com/collections/all-leg-lamps/products/major-award-ceramic-travel-mug"
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Goal visibility is about motivation and progress. As a social species, we care about what others think. In today’s workplace, shared goals are a powerful way to keep team members on the same page and drive engagement.
When you put together a goals program, either for your own personal development or for your employees as an HR director, think about the process not just of setting, but maintaining goals. After all, everyone knows how to set a New Year’s resolution — the real expertise comes in finding ways to follow through and celebrate success.
Write Them Down
Recent studies show that it’s better to write down your goals, which increases the odds of completion. The act of documenting goals also helps you to get your own clarity on goals.
Plus, having goals in writing means you can put them somewhere you’ll see them and others will see them, too.
Display Your Goals
When it comes to goal visibility, there are two extremes to stay away from. If you set goals and never look at them again, you have low odds of completing them. Your goals should be visible, especially to yourself! They’re best stored in a place you see them every day. That way, you’ll think about progress and next steps each time you see your goals.
When your goals are displayed somewhere, it enables your peers to take a look, too.
Share Your Goals
Yes, you should share your goals with others, too. There are a couple very good reasons for this. First, it reduces duplicated work. For example, our marketing lead and HR lead may want to get the company on a “Best Places to Work” list, so they don’t want to repeat each others’ efforts.
Shared goals also benefit teams in connection, motivation and accountability. If your team members know your goals, they’ll check in to make sure you’re making progress. But, they’ll also be motivated — knowing where you started the quarter and how much you accomplished may inspire teammates to set bigger goals for themselves, too.
But, Don’t Share With Everyone
Avoid making goals *too* visible. Derek Sivers discusses public goals in his TED Talk, sharing how a public announcement of goals gives you a similar satisfaction to actually completing them — and then, you don’t bother.
The happy medium is to share your goals with your team. These people are invested in your success and can keep you accountable.
Lastly, be sure you review your goals regularly. If a goal is outdated, don’t be afraid to pull it down. Sometimes you need to eliminate less important goals in order to meet the ones that matter.
Next up: Introduction to OKRS | <urn:uuid:5b6750a7-6b74-4c77-855f-01775ddd075b> | {
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Jim’s Car Detailing is a popular name in Australia’s auto detailing industry. Several branches across the country offer car cleaning/wash/detailing services, credit to the experience and professionalism of trained and equipped staff.
Jim’s Car Detailing enjoys the recognition of winning a national award for it's services. Jim’s Car Detailing services feature the following:
• Truck cleaning
• Car cleaning
• Commercial car cleaning
• Car fabric protection
• Cut & Polish
• Car wash
Since you are familiar with mobile car detailing by Jim’s, how about you choose Refresh Car Detailing for your next detail.
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Pic: Car Detailing Perth - Refresh Valet - Jeep Cherokee | <urn:uuid:6d71d71a-bb11-444c-9833-6f4fb11b1a98> | {
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This Finjan is made of white clay, and is decorated with drawings of palms.
The collection is inspired by all the scenes of the fruitful palm oases that are in every corner of the city of Riyadh.
The palm is a symbol of joy and a reflection of our imagination from our childhood. We dedicate this collection to our little souls
suitable for Saudi coffee.
High-quality glossy glaze finish.
Durable –Dishwasher and microwave safe, hand wash recommended.
All drawings are developed in our studio
Part of REJO Homeware collection -2022 | <urn:uuid:ab1794a9-42b2-4c80-9a1a-2a299ea7f063> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9393964409828186,
"token_count": 119,
"url": "https://www.rejostudio.net/product/coffee-finjan-with-wide-brown-palm-graphics/"
} |
-Unique tree-shaped appearance makes it a focus point in home
-Bird-watching top perch enables your cats to look from high place
-4 round platforms are evenly distributed for safe jumping
-Round cozy nest allows your felines enjoy a comfy sleep
-Durable scratching board will help cats to sharp claws
-Comfortable polyester peach skin & sponge filling enhance coziness
-Thickened plywood base keeps the cat tree secure in place
Versatile Kitten Heaven: The cute cat tree features a spacious bed enabling your cats to take peaceful naps in cozy space. From the top perch your cats can indulge in the joy of gazing at the distant. Besides the kitty tree is designed to encourage your cats to leap and explore with 4 platforms.
Sturdy and Solid Construction: The 50" tall cat tree features a large and thick plywood base to offer unwavering stability ensuring that cats can enjoy their playtime without any worry. And the uniformly distributed platforms ensure even forces to prevent wobbling.
No More Furniture Damage: This cat tower includes a sisal scratching board specifically designed for cats to grind their claws. The natural sisal material will withstand countless scratching sessions saving your furniture from destruction and ensuring your room remains neat.
Unmatched Comfort: The cat tree is padded with non-shedding polyester peach skin which is soft and warm making your cats feel like they're walking on clouds. And the added sponge filling ensures a higher level of cushioning offering your cats the ultimate in comfort as they rest and play.
Creative Pine Shape Design: Built with a platform that resembles a lush green bush and posts that mimic thick branches this pine-shaped cat tree not only adds a touch of beauty to your home but also captures your cat's attention. And the multi-level design is suitable for small spaces.
- Color: Green
- Material: Sisal Solid Plywood Polyester Peach Skin
- Product Dimension: 24" x 24" x 50" (L x W x H)
- Top Perch Size: 14.5" x 11.5" (L x W x H)
- Net Weight: 29.5 lbs
- Each Tier Maximum Weight: 33 lbs
Shipping is FREE on all orders over $100.00
( This includes FREE shipping on all saunas, massage chairs, hot tubs,swim spas and fitness products)
(Free Shipping-Mailbox or curbside delivery)
Alaska, Hawaii,Yukon, Nothern Terrortories and remote areas
Addtional fees may apply on these orders
White Glove they bring the item inside and set up in any desired location.
FREE SHIPPING on All Sales over $100( Canada)
USA- 18$ Admin FEE
Saunas- White Glove does not include any Electrical work ( if needed)
Hot Tubs/ Swim Spas
FREE Shipping includes front yard drop off. White Glove, customer is responsible for ensuring no structure or obstacle is in the way( Fences bushes or other debris)
Demo units may take longer to ship out as an inspection is needed and approval prior to shipping.
Shipping policy can change at anytime due to third party companies shipping. Our standard shipping times are 7-20 days however this can change at anytime. We cannot guarantee shipments to be on time due to Relaxacare using third party companies to ship ( Canada post, Fedex, UPS etc)
Pre Order- This means longer than normal wait times- Customer agrees to this when making a pre order purchase with us- Most likely longer than 7-20 days.
When a customer makes a purchase with Relaxacare they agree to the terms and conditions of each order. Our terms and condition link is at the bottom of our page.
Pre Order Definition-
Pre order purchase is defined by time. We cannot guarentee our website delivery time of 7-20 days. The customer understands longer than normal wait times on orders that say- Pre Order-
Back Ordered Definition
Unspecfic time frame of when the item arrives. The customer understands this could be very long wait times to receive their item
Open Box-Demo unit
These items are slightly used, they could come with a slight blemish or scuff. All items come with a 72 point inspection and have 1 year warranty.
Please call to verify if your order is approved for returns. Click the link Below to see our return page section
Any Order over $1000 is subject to a 10% and up to 30% cancellation fee after 24 hours of making a purchase with us. Purchaser agrees to potential shipping delays etc.
If there is any questions regarding these terms and conditions, please email us at [email protected]
This website is operated by Relaxacare. Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Relaxacare. Relaxacare offers this website, including all information, tools and services available from this site to you, the user, conditioned upon your acceptance of all terms, conditions, policies and notices stated here.
By visiting our site and/ or purchasing something from us, you engage in our “Service” and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”, “Terms”), including those additional terms and conditions and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink. These Terms of Service apply to all users of the site, including without limitation users who are browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and/ or contributors of content. This includes conditions with demo units- Items that are not new in the box do vary and conditions can change at anytime.
Please read these Terms of Service carefully before accessing or using our website. By accessing or using any part of the site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement, then you may not access the website or use any services. If these Terms of Service are considered an offer, acceptance is expressly limited to these Terms of Service.
Any new features or tools which are added to the current store shall also be subject to the Terms of Service. You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time on this page. We reserve the right to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and/or changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to the website following the posting of any changes constitutes acceptance of those changes.
Our store is hosted on Shopify Inc. They provide us with the online e-commerce platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you.
By agreeing to these Terms of Service, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, or that you are the age of majority in your state or province of residence and you have given us your consent to allow any of your minor dependents to use this site.
You may not use our products for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor may you, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
You must not transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
A breach or violation of any of the Terms will result in an immediate termination of your Services.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
You understand that your content (not including credit card information), may be transferred unencrypted and involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. Credit card information is always encrypted during transfer over networks.
You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service or any contact on the website through which the service is provided, without express written permission by us.
The headings used in this agreement are included for convenience only and will not limit or otherwise affect these Terms.
We are not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary, more accurate, more complete or more timely sources of information. Any reliance on the material on this site is at your own risk.
This site may contain certain historical information. Historical information, necessarily, is not current and is provided for your reference only. We reserve the right to modify the contents of this site at any time, but we have no obligation to update any information on our site. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor changes to our site.
Prices for our products are subject to change without notice.
We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time.
We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the Service.
Certain products or services may be available exclusively online through the website. These products or services may have limited quantities and are subject to return or exchange only according to our Return Policy.
We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colors and images of our products that appear at the store. We cannot guarantee that your computer monitor's display of any color will be accurate.
We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to limit the sales of our products or Services to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction. We may exercise this right on a case-by-case basis. We reserve the right to limit the quantities of any products or services that we offer. All descriptions of products or product pricing are subject to change at anytime without notice, at the sole discretion of us. We reserve the right to discontinue any product at any time. Any offer for any product or service made on this site is void where prohibited.
We do not warrant that the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by you will meet your expectations, or that any errors in the Service will be corrected.
We reserve the right to refuse any order you place with us. We may, in our sole discretion, limit or cancel quantities purchased per person, per household or per order. These restrictions may include orders placed by or under the same customer account, the same credit card, and/or orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. In the event that we make a change to or cancel an order, we may attempt to notify you by contacting the e‑mail and/or billing address/phone number provided at the time the order was made. We reserve the right to limit or prohibit orders that, in our sole judgment, appear to be placed by dealers, resellers or distributors.
You agree to provide current, complete and accurate purchase and account information for all purchases made at our store. You agree to promptly update your account and other information, including your email address and credit card numbers and expiration dates, so that we can complete your transactions and contact you as needed.
For more detail, please review our Returns Policy.
We may provide you with access to third-party tools over which we neither monitor nor have any control nor input.
You acknowledge and agree that we provide access to such tools ”as is” and “as available” without any warranties, representations or conditions of any kind and without any endorsement. We shall have no liability whatsoever arising from or relating to your use of optional third-party tools.
Any use by you of optional tools offered through the site is entirely at your own risk and discretion and you should ensure that you are familiar with and approve of the terms on which tools are provided by the relevant third-party provider(s).
We may also, in the future, offer new services and/or features through the website (including, the release of new tools and resources). Such new features and/or services shall also be subject to these Terms of Service.
Certain content, products and services available via our Service may include materials from third-parties.
Third-party links on this site may direct you to third-party websites that are not affiliated with us. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy and we do not warrant and will not have any liability or responsibility for any third-party materials or websites, or for any other materials, products, or services of third-parties.
We are not liable for any harm or damages related to the purchase or use of goods, services, resources, content, or any other transactions made in connection with any third-party websites. Please review carefully the third-party's policies and practices and make sure you understand them before you engage in any transaction. Complaints, claims, concerns, or questions regarding third-party products should be directed to the third-party.
If, at our request, you send certain specific submissions (for example contest entries) or without a request from us you send creative ideas, suggestions, proposals, plans, or other materials, whether online, by email, by postal mail, or otherwise (collectively, 'comments'), you agree that we may, at any time, without restriction, edit, copy, publish, distribute, translate and otherwise use in any medium any comments that you forward to us. We are and shall be under no obligation (1) to maintain any comments in confidence; (2) to pay compensation for any comments; or (3) to respond to any comments.
We may, but have no obligation to, monitor, edit or remove content that we determine in our sole discretion are unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms of Service.
You agree that your comments will not violate any right of any third-party, including copyright, trademark, privacy, personality or other personal or proprietary right. You further agree that your comments will not contain libelous or otherwise unlawful, abusive or obscene material, or contain any computer virus or other malware that could in any way affect the operation of the Service or any related website. You may not use a false e‑mail address, pretend to be someone other than yourself, or otherwise mislead us or third-parties as to the origin of any comments. You are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Occasionally there may be information on our site or in the Service that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, product shipping charges, transit times and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions, and to change or update information or cancel orders if any information in the Service or on any related website is inaccurate at any time without prior notice (including after you have submitted your order).
We undertake no obligation to update, amend or clarify information in the Service or on any related website, including without limitation, pricing information, except as required by law. No specified update or refresh date applied in the Service or on any related website, should be taken to indicate that all information in the Service or on any related website has been modified or updated.
In addition to other prohibitions as set forth in the Terms of Service, you are prohibited from using the site or its content: (a) for any unlawful purpose; (b) to solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts; (c) to violate any international, federal, provincial or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances; (d) to infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others; (e) to harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability; (f) to submit false or misleading information; (g) to upload or transmit viruses or any other type of malicious code that will or may be used in any way that will affect the functionality or operation of the Service or of any related website, other websites, or the Internet; (h) to collect or track the personal information of others; (i) to spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl, or scrape; (j) for any obscene or immoral purpose; or (k) to interfere with or circumvent the security features of the Service or any related website, other websites, or the Internet. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Service or any related website for violating any of the prohibited uses.
We do not guarantee, represent or warrant that your use of our service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free.
We do not warrant that the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable.
You agree that from time to time we may remove the service for indefinite periods of time or cancel the service at any time, without notice to you.
You expressly agree that your use of, or inability to use, the service is at your sole risk. The service and all products and services delivered to you through the service are (except as expressly stated by us) provided 'as is' and 'as available' for your use, without any representation, warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality, fitness for a particular purpose, durability, title, and non-infringement.
In no case shall Relaxacare, our directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers, service providers or licensors be liable for any injury, loss, claim, or any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages of any kind, including, without limitation lost profits, lost revenue, lost savings, loss of data, replacement costs, or any similar damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, arising from your use of any of the service or any products procured using the service, or for any other claim related in any way to your use of the service or any product, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the service or any content (or product) posted, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service, even if advised of their possibility. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, our liability shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Relaxacare and our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party.
In the event that any provision of these Terms of Service is determined to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, such provision shall nonetheless be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, and the unenforceable portion shall be deemed to be severed from these Terms of Service, such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other remaining provisions.
The obligations and liabilities of the parties incurred prior to the termination date shall survive the termination of this agreement for all purposes.
These Terms of Service are effective unless and until terminated by either you or us. You may terminate these Terms of Service at any time by notifying us that you no longer wish to use our Services, or when you cease using our site.
If in our sole judgment you fail, or we suspect that you have failed, to comply with any term or provision of these Terms of Service, we also may terminate this agreement at any time without notice and you will remain liable for all amounts due up to and including the date of termination; and/or accordingly may deny you access to our Services (or any part thereof).
The failure of us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
These Terms of Service and any policies or operating rules posted by us on this site or in respect to The Service constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between you and us and govern your use of the Service, superseding any prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications and proposals, whether oral or written, between you and us (including, but not limited to, any prior versions of the Terms of Service).
Any ambiguities in the interpretation of these Terms of Service shall not be construed against the drafting party.
These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Canada.
You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time at this page.
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to our website or the Service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes. Chargebacks against Relaxacare could result in legal action. To prevent legal action from occurring its important to contact us regarding your dispute or concern. Chargeback against Relaxacare for Fraud, breaking contract or negligent behavior could result in legal action. This would include damages, Time and other legal fees fighting the charge. At no point can the customer revise the contract after the purchase is made. Every purchase agrees to our terms and conditions and understands these legal ramifications if they decide to pursue a chargeback against us. If they request a change it is important for the customer to call in however Relaxacare has the right to refuse changing any agreement after the fact. When purchasing at Relaxacare you have entered into an agreement. This agreement you agree to the terms and conditions of Relaxacare. This includes a Minimum 10% and up to 30% cancelation fee, re stocking fee or other fees caused by our customer that is noted in our return section.
Section 20- Referral Program/ Pay Outs
Each referral to be paid out after 30 days and up to 90 days. In the event there is a return the referral fee owed would be cancelled. Relaxacare holds the rights to hold back or cancel this program at anytime. Gift cards will be issued to the user however can be revoked if specific discount codes are used to make a purchase. For example if your friend refers and comes to our site and receives a discount code for a specific item, Relaxacare reserves the rights to cancel this referred gift card. Relaxacare. All referrals must have an existing order with us over $250. Referrals must email us at [email protected] with their existing order and their friends or family order for this to be completed. At anytime this program can change on price pay outs and hold the rights to change program terms and conditions. Each referral customer and person agrees to these terms and conditions when making a purchase with us. This referral program does not work on special discount code programs. If you feel you are unaware what is a specific discount code program, do not hesitate to contact us for approvals.
Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at [email protected].
President -Jason Perricone
Business Telephone (Call or text) 416 660 6711
(Customer Service) TOLL FREE- 877 456 5766
Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest , Tumblr, Linkedln ,Amazon, Youtube, Snapchat and TikTOK 680 News, Rogers TV and National Post | <urn:uuid:73c58dae-8980-4a50-887c-15aec522fe83> | {
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"url": "https://www.relaxacare.ca/products/50-inch-pine-shape-cat-tree-for-indoor-cats-with-sisal-scratching-board-green"
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Canada is a big country. But if you want to make your trip here worthwhile and colourful, you should visit Montreal. Vibrant festivals, fascinating history, vibrant arts and culture scene, and sumptuous eats are just some of the things this beautiful city in Quebec offers. No matter how many times you’ve been to Montreal, each visit here is guaranteed to be memorable!
If you are planning a trip to Montreal, here are some of the recommended places you should visit:
Find yourself caught between the past and present when you visit Old Montreal, a historic neighbourhood in Montreal dating back to the early 1600s. Here you can see Montreal’s indigenous and historical past and its contemporary culture as seen in its art and food. Once you’re here, you are within steps away from the other historical and modern landmarks in Montreal, some of which are included in this list.
If you find yourself in Montreal, you don’t need to go far to find a place in the city for a great getaway! Head over to the Old Port and do numerous activities that will energize your mind, body, and emotions. Here, you can ride a pedal boat, go on a cruise, take a trip to the science center, watch an IMAX film, and more! These activities vary each season, so there’s always something new to do here, especially if you visit during the summer or winter months.
Unleash the kid in you. This amusement park combines old-fashioned rides and new carnival games that young and old will find fun and enjoyable. You can find wooden rollercoasters, hand-painted carousels, kamikazes, star flyers, and fireballs here. There are also stalls within the amusement park where you can play mini-games to win stuffed toys and eat your favourite amusement parks snacks, such as hotdogs and cotton candy.
If you love nature and outdoor activities, Mount Royal Park is the best place to head to with your friends and family while you are in Montreal. This park spans 200 hectares of astonishing biodiversity and beauty. It provides a perfect view of Mount Royal, symbolizing Montreal’s heritage, history, geography, and inspiration. Some of the recreational activities you can do here all year round are jogging, cycling, boating, skiing, skating, bird watching, picnicking, and dog walking. There are also gift shops in the park where you can purchase gifts or souvenirs as a memento of your visit.
A trip to Montreal won’t be complete without visiting the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for art lovers and culture enthusiasts. This museum boasts an outstanding art collection of paintings, graphics, sculptures, furniture, textiles, and other art pieces. Their collections include:
This nature park in Montreal is the largest, with a land area of 330 hectares. Here you can find a sugar shack, two heated chalets, and an organic farm. Perfect for outgoing individuals and families, you will enjoy swimming, cycling, sledding, fat biking, hiking and snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing.
If you love animals or if you are visiting Montreal with your children, make sure that Ecomuseum Zoo is part of your itinerary. This outdoor zoo allows you to observe Quebec’s wildlife in its natural setting. Some of the animals you will meet here are the red fox, snowy owl, river otter, bald eagle, arctic fox, and more! This is a place of fun and learning, and whether you’re young or old, you will indeed have a great time here.
The Montreal Botanical Garden is considered one of the city’s gems and recognized worldwide as one of the greatest botanical gardens. This garden is the venue for different events, activities, and exhibitions throughout the year. Once you step here, you will be surrounded by its 10,000 plant species, 20,000 taxa, 10 exhibition greenhouses, 3 cultural gardens, 15 thematic gardens, and the Frédéric Back Tree Pavilion.
Due to its colour and cheerful atmosphere, Montreal Botanical Garden is a great place to take photos, so make sure to wear your favourite outfit and strike a pose as you stroll in this expansive, colourful garden.
Walk in the heart of Montreal by strolling at Saint Laurent Boulevard. Colloquially known as the la main or main street, this boulevard is located at the exact center of Montreal and has served as the city's central hub since the 1600s. Before, this boulevard served as the border between classes and ethnic groups; east for the French speakers and west for the English speakers. But now, this boulevard is the melting pot of cultures and languages in Montreal. From here, you can reach Little Portugal, Little Italy, and Chinatown. You can also find numerous pubs, bars, and restaurants in this area.
You can find this vibrant island park at the Saint Lawrence River. Saint Helen’s Island comprises two small islands: St. Helene’s Island and Round Island. One of the most eye-catching landmarks on this island is the Biosphere, an enormous geodesic dome now serving as a museum to raise awareness about the environment and the water ecosystems.
The fun never ends at Mile End; rather, this spot is where Montreal's fun and enjoyable things begin. This is one of Montreal’s trendiest neighbourhoods peppered with cafes, restaurants, bars, and boutiques. Hopping from one spot to another is sure to be an enjoyable activity you can do here, whether alone or in the company of your friends and family.
Some of the things you can do here include watching low-key live music performances, playtest a videogame, going on a bagel hopping tour, shopping in vintage and thrift stores, watching live performances, and many more!
Discover another city under the city of Montreal. Step under the vast Montreal Underground City, a 33-kilometre stretch of a pedestrian network under Montreal that connects metro stations and shopping plazas. This place is a haven if you want to escape from Montreal’s hot sun or harsh snow. Shopping, dining, and strolling are some of the best things you can do here. The Montreal Underground City is also connected to some museums, such as the Musée d’art Contemporain de Montréal and place des arts.
These are just some of the iconic places in Montreal you would never want to miss during your stay. Whether you’re a local or a tourist in the city, these landmarks will surely keep you coming back with the different activities and experiences.
If you plan to send money abroad or exchange currencies, RemitBee’s services are something you wouldn’t want to miss. We guarantee you fast and safe services with competitive currency rates and minimal fees.
Sign up now and experience our sting-free services | <urn:uuid:0fcbc871-23dd-4ae0-b361-2f053ba0cf14> | {
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"url": "https://www.remitbee.com/blog/must-visit-places-in-montreal"
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Wall tile - series ANTIGUA - 13 x 13 - white craquelé
Product details and dimensions
- 130 x 130 mm
Packaging unit: 60 pcs. / 1 sqm
Mounting and care
Cleaning and care
Glazed tiles can be cleaned simply with a sponge or soft cloth using neutral all-purpose cleaners (e.g. FILACleaner or MAPEI Keranet). To avoid damaging the glaze, please do not use steel sponges and do not use acidic cleaning agents! Impregnation
Impregnation is only necessary for tiles with crackle glaze. It is recommended to impregnate these before grouting, e.g. with FILA MP90.To do this, remove dirt, grease and other impurities from the tiles so that the impregnation can penetrate unhindered. Make sure that the tiles are completely dry before impregnation. Use a small, wide container for the impregnating agent. Make sure that the roller or brush is saturated with the impregnating agent. Apply the impregnating agent evenly to the surface of the tiles. It is important to apply the impregnation from top to bottom to prevent dripping. When working in this way, it is also easy to determine whether you have treated the entire surface or not. If necessary, it is easy to touch up. The application time is 10 minutes. Use an absorbent cloth to remove any excess residue from the tiles. Make sure that no residue remains!
When laying the tiles, ensure a random cross-mix to achieve a lively and balanced appearance. To do this, remove the tiles from each box in turn as you lay them.Borders in a tile panel should be laid with staggered joints so that the joint pattern is interrupted and the surface is organised horizontally. This allows the colours and glaze effects to really come into their own.
All installation work must be carried out by a tiler who is familiar with the specific material properties. We accept no liability for improper processing. | <urn:uuid:f2da1e16-0f8a-4f91-b4d1-f0cfe7d2b3ef> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T00:18:10Z",
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Mitochondrial PITRM1 peptidase loss-of-function in childhood cerebellar atrophy.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the genetic basis of a childhood-onset syndrome of variable severity characterised by progressive spinocerebellar ataxia, mental retardation, psychotic episodes and cerebellar atrophy. METHODS: Identification of the underlying mutations by whole exome and whole genome sequencing. Consequences were examined in patients' cells and in yeast. RESULTS: Two brothers from a consanguineous Palestinian family presented with progressive spinocerebellar ataxia, mental retardation and psychotic episodes. Serial brain imaging showed severe progressive cerebellar atrophy. Whole exome sequencing revealed a novel mutation: pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 (PITRM1) c.2795C>T, p.T931M, homozygous in the affected children and resulting in 95% reduction in PITRM1 protein. Whole genome sequencing revealed a chromosome X structural rearrangement that also segregated with the disease. Independently, two siblings from a second Palestinian family presented with similar, somewhat milder symptoms and the same PITRM1 mutation on a shared haplotype. PITRM1T931M carrier frequency was 0.027 (3/110) in the village of the first family evaluated, and 0/300 among Palestinians from other locales. PITRM1 is a mitochondrial matrix enzyme that degrades 10-65 amino acid oligopeptides, including the mitochondrial fraction of amyloid-beta peptide. Analysis of peptide cleavage activity by the PITRM1T931M protein revealed a significant decrease in the degradation capacity specifically of peptides ≥40 amino acids. CONCLUSION: PITRM1T931M results in childhood-onset recessive cerebellar pathology. Severity of PITRM1-related disease may be affected by the degree of impairment in cleavage of mitochondrial long peptides. Disruption and deletion of X linked regulatory segments may also contribute to severity.
European Research Council (322424) | <urn:uuid:9009d964-3baa-4309-87f0-c4737dc2e434> | {
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La búsqueda ha arrojado 0 resultados para los idiomas de contenido seleccionados de Español. Visita la sección configuración de idioma para cambiar el idioma de contenido preferido. | <urn:uuid:aea60c5f-32ae-4272-9fe3-876709b86252> | {
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The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) reported that manufacturing expanded in both December 2010 and January 2011. December's index reading was 57.0, which was up slightly from November. January's bump was much larger--60.8--reflecting the fastest pace of expansion in seven years. According to the index, manufacturing has expanded for 18 straight months.
About the December report, Norbert Ore, the chair of the ISM's Manufacturing Business Survey Committee, said that despite a “significant recovery for much of the manufacturing sector in 2010, . . . those industries tied primarily to housing continue to struggle. Additionally, manufacturers that export have benefitted from both global demand and the weaker dollar. December’s strong readings in new orders and production, combined with positive comments from the panel, should create momentum as we go into the first quarter of 2011.” January's increase demonstrates this momentum.
Wood Products reported no change in December, while the only real bright spots for Paper Products involved rising employment, lower inventories and slowing imports (see table). Real Estate and Construction both shared in service-sector expansion, while Ag & Forestry contracted.
Table: Performance overview for Forest-Related Industries.
Data source: Institute for Supply Management
Even with the positive news delivered with December’s report, two aspects of the reports were sobering: First, employment grew at a slower pace in both the manufacturing and service sectors. Second, input prices increased noticeably. Price indices rose 3.0 percentage points for manufacturers and 6.8 percent for service industries; service-industry costs are now at their highest level since September 2008. Fuel, transportation costs, paper and caustic soda were among the relevant commodities up in price; no relevant commodities were down in price. Coated groundwood was described as in short supply.
Fitch Ratings, in 2011 Outlook: Decelerating Growth in Paper and Packaging; Stasis in Wood Products, believes that credit implications should remain stable for the paper and forest sector in 2011, though meaningful growth will be further down the road. “Digital images on iPhones, iPads and Kindles will decelerate the growth in paper shipments in a healing domestic economy while poor housing starts will continue to negatively affect wood product companies.” Read the Fitch Ratings report. | <urn:uuid:bb8299c6-9e65-4ee1-acda-36048d98c948> | {
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"url": "https://www.resourcewise.com/market-watch-blog/industry-at-a-glance-from-forest2markets-february-2011-economic-outlook"
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Download Last Island of Survival Mod and Play with Friends Online
Likewise, there have been various variants of it. Many features are included to enhance your gaming experience. You can learn to play like a pro if you dedicate enough time to this survival. Learn the skills you'll need to make it through harsh environments like deserts and remote islands with this helpful app. There is no cost at all. This version has all the premium functions activated.
In the game Last Island of Survival, you can find different places to play. If you want to make a map, you can make it as you choose. Choose between an island and a desert setting. The 15-day survival challenge can be played anywhere you like.
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Last island of survival is a game where you fight a lot of enemies. You have to fight to stay alive. You can face different enemies, some of which may kill you. You have to use different weapons to save yourself.
It's not easy to complete The Last Island of Survival Apk. To win this challenge, you must play as a character who has 15 days to stay alive in a survival role-playing game. You'll be dropped off on deserted islands and hidden jungles with nothing but the clothes on your back. This is a game for more than one person. After downloading this game, you will really adore it.
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A mobile game called Last Island of Survival Unknown 15 days is a multiplayer survival sandbox that is jam-packed with excitement and action. Your only objective on this desolate, post-apocalyptic island is to survive. Additionally, there are numerous threats that will work to prevent you from attaining your objective.
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Last Island of Survival MOD APK (Unlocked) APK + OBB 2022 can be downloaded and installed on your android device with android version 4.1 or higher. Download this game mod apk using your favorite browser and click install to install the game mod apk. Downloading (com.herogame.gplay.lastdayrulessurvival) APK + DATA of Last Island of Survival (Unlocked) from ApkSoul.net is easier and faster.
Last Island of Survival Unknown 15 days is a multiplayer survival game for mobile devices that is packed with action and adrenaline. On this remote, post-apocalyptic island, your only goal is to survive. And there are many threats that will try to prevent you from achieving this goal! The main danger to the player will be other survivors running real users. Each of the survivors will try to get hold of the greatest amount of resources to build shelters. Inevitably there will be fights to the death between the heroes with improvised weapons.
Chinese game publisher Xiaojiao Zhang released Last Island of Survival, a combination of the two popular games PUBG Mobile and Fortnite. This game was popular during the time when both PUBG Mobile and Fortnite became popular worldwide. The Android version of this online survival game received many positive reviews since its release. Over 50000 people downloaded it on Google Play.
The Last Island of Survival is a 15-day event that takes place on a single island devoid of any civilization. Currently, the island is bare except for blood-covered humanoids who walk around. In addition, spy planes fly overhead while soldiers observe everyone below. What prompted this event to happen? Does the presence of a mysterious facility on the island seem related to this incident? What are you doing at the moment and how long do you think you can last? The only way to learn the secrets of the island is to search for valuable resources and study the final days of civilization in a large open world.
This game has more than ten million downloads and is the only survival game with a 5-star rating. In this game, you will make your own survival rules which is the most interesting thing. This game is full of adventures, and if you have good survival skills, you will enjoy the gameplay.
The last island of survival apk is the standard version in which you are trapped on a mysterious island. There are a lot of zombies on this island, and they can attack you anytime. You have to protect yourself from the attack of these zombies, so you will craft weapons. For weapons, you will collect resources first. You will explore the different locations and collect multiple resources on this deadly island.
The last island of the survival mod apk is the hacked version which gives free access to the gameplay. In the modified version of this game, you can enjoy unlimited money, free resources, and premium features. This action adventure game contains in-app purchases, but all the pro features are free in the mod version. You can also play online PVP mode in the hacked version
Last Island of Survival is a zombie survival game that will much your brain. Build your shelter and make sure that you are the last man standing. The game offers you a variety of variations like making your own weapons, vehicle customization, and making escapes from explosions. The journey is tough as you must bear and survive many hindrances during the game. All of these, combined, will make this game adventurous and full of action. Download the Last Island of Survival Mod APK latest version to make full use of free resources.
After 15 days, return home for more relaxation and improve your home. There are many household tasks, and you must manage all the missions simultaneously. When you start your journey on the last island of survival Freez apk free craft, you must collect some essential items and adequately care for your health. The last island of survival Freez apk latest becomes more enjoyable when you play it with friends or teammates and face enemies in a strong army.
The main features of last island of survival apk Freez menu are all unbelievable, and players can enjoy the game with different challenges. You are playing as a warrior on the entire Island and win battles against various enemies. There are special weapons used for killing any animal or snake. you may Like Action Games and Then Sky Combat Freez Apk.
Unlimited resources, unlocked goods, improved visuals, and other game modes are all included in the Last Isle Of Survival Mod Apk. With infinite resources, players may construct and create weapons, update their shelters, and gain new equipment, and explore the island without worrying about running out of resources. Unlocked items and enhanced graphics offer a more immersive and enjoyable gaming experience, while additional game modes provide more challenges and opportunities for players to test their survival skills.
This is a survival game that is set on an island filled with danger and challenges. The game requires players to use their survival skills to explore the island, scavenge for resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile creatures and other players. It is an exciting and challenging survival game that requires players to use their skills to survive on an isolated island.
The game offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that allows players to explore the island, scavenge for resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile creatures and other players. To enhance the overall gaming experience, the mod version of the game, Last Island Of Survival Mod Apk, offers additional features and benefits. Whether you are a survival game enthusiast or a casual gamer looking for a new challenge, Last Island Of Survival is an excellent game to play.
Last Island Of Survival Apk is an exciting and challenging survival game. And the Last Island Of Survival Mod Apk offers several features and benefits that enhance the overall gaming experience. Players may experience a more immersive and difficult survival game with infinite resources, unlocked items, improved visuals, and other game types. Additionally, the modded version of the game is safe to download and install, and it is free to play.
D2-40-positive lymphatic vessels could be identified between islands of neoplastic epithelium (Figure 1B, F) and at the tumour periphery (Figure 1C, G). Podoplanin expression was also detected in tumour cells at the tumour border (Figure 1B-C).
Last Island of Survival: Unknown 15 Days MOD APK is not your typical survival game. This game offers unique gameplay mechanics that set it apart from its peers on the Google Play Store. The gameplay involves exploring an island, crafting items, building a shelter, fighting off enemies, and much more. With the game updated for 2023, new mechanics and improved graphics have been introduced to make your gaming experience even more immersive.
The Last Island of Survival MOD APK holds a unique position in Android action games. Its exciting features, like unlimited money, free crafting, and removing ads, make it a top choice for gamers. The latest version, updated for 2023, offers even more enjoyment and excitement. So, are you ready to take on the challenges of survival on a deserted island? Download the Last Island of Survival MOD APK today and embark on your thrilling adventure! You can download any kin od MOD APK from APK ZALMI. | <urn:uuid:e7dd58b8-0746-4976-9f26-bcecb8f910c0> | {
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If you’re looking for the best restaurant in Canada it is not as easy as you might think, especially if you don’t have a clue where to start. There is usually a fairly large selection of restaurants and it would be quite difficult to test all of them yourself. Different cities and countries have different culinary enjoyments and restaurants in Canada are no exception. To get on top of things we’ve collected comprehensive information for you to have a incorruptible and fair quality check. Not only will you find broad descriptions about restaurants in Canada but also about other countries, metropolises, and cities worldwide. Amongst other things there is the possibility to have the best restaurants of a particular city or country displayed. If you are looking for restaurants in Canada you just enter it inside the search field or you select the suitable one out off an overview. The results or rankings will show which restaurant is worth a visit. | <urn:uuid:56f3ee2e-6081-497f-8713-2b245b119d9b> | {
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The Healthy Fast Casual Restaurant Will Enter Eleventh State and Counting with Vernon Hills Opening
CRISP & GREEN, a fast-growing healthy fast causal brand from restaurant group STEELE BRANDS, will proudly bring its convenient and nutritious salads, grain bowls and more to Vernon Hills, Illinois, in August. The opening will mark the eleventh state for the growing brand, with seven additional restaurants slated to open in the greater Chicago area. The seven-unit Illinois expansion is part of a recent development agreement with area residents Clark and Gina Koertner of CGIA Operations LLC. The first-time franchisees bring tremendous food-industry passion and experience to the endeavor, coupled with deep local-market expertise in greater Chicago.
Currently in the most significant expansion phase in brand history, CRISP & GREEN is on pace to reach 65 locations open across 20 states before year’s end and has 36 locations currently open across the country.
“As we barrel toward our 50-unit milestone and the doubling of our location count in a single calendar year, we are being buoyed by immensely talented and driven franchisees like the Koertners, who see the tremendous opportunity our brand presents and recognize the massive demand for accessible, healthy food,” said Steele Smiley, founder and Executive Chairman of STEELE BRANDS. “With the unwavering support of a top-notch corporate team, our franchise partners are building CRISP & GREEN brand momentum across the country, and we are especially pleased to add Illinois – another proud Midwestern state – to our growing national footprint.”
Since its founding in 2016, CRISP & GREEN has carved out a unique space in the healthy fast casual sector. The brand continues to cement its reputation and marketplace position as a provider of convenient and nourishing bowls, salads, smoothies and more that are handcrafted with sustainable, consciously sourced ingredients. As more Americans focus on healthy eating, prospective franchisees like the Koertners are continuing to embrace the entrepreneurial opportunity in partnership with CRISP & GREEN.
“We’re overflowing with anticipation and excitement for the opening of our Vernon Hills restaurant, which not only signifies the start of our franchise journey, but is also a deeply meaningful community-building endeavor in an area that’s so important to Clark and me,” said Gina Koertner. “Bringing health and fitness to Vernon Hills is extremely rewarding, and we can’t wait to watch CRISP & GREEN become a staple eatery for fellow residents and health aficionados who share our passion for a health-inspired lifestyle.”
On a mission to provide food that fuels, CRISP & GREEN is committed to changing the wellness and wellbeing of customers by delivering an exceptional experience from the moment they walk in the door. More than just great food, the fast casual restaurant places special emphasis on its Commitment to Community by partnering with local ?tness experts to provide complimentary classes to their guests. Vernon Hills-area fitness studios and ambassadors interested in partnering with the brand are encouraged to contact [email protected].
CRISP & GREEN’s Vernon Hills restaurant will be located at 899 N Milwaukee Ave #300 in the Mellody Farm shopping center. For more information on the brand, visit www.crispandgreen.com and follow @crispandgreen on Instagram and Facebook.
CRISP & GREEN was founded in 2016 by CEO Steele Smiley on the belief that nourishing a healthy lifestyle goes beyond the kitchen. The fast casual destination blends healthy and nutritious foods, community engagement and complimentary fitness to create the “Living Crisp” movement. The brand’s goal is to create an approachable environment for all through its exceptional product and world-class hospitality. CRISP & GREEN is experiencing rapid national growth and functions as a rare example of positive growth, expansion and evolution in the current restaurant landscape. For more information, visit www.crispandgreen.com.
STEELE BRANDS is the brand development company created by Steele Smiley. The company has a decade of proven success developing disruptive challenger brands that make it easier for people to live healthy lifestyles. The company is focused on partnering with experienced franchise owners to bring healthy lifestyle brands to national scale with a local touch. STEELE BRANDS portfolio includes some of the fastest growing franchises in America including three fast-casual restaurant brands: CRISP & GREEN, STALK & SPADE and PURALIMA. The company has more than 170 restaurants built and in development across all three brands and growing as of July 10, 2023. For more information, visit www.steelebrands.com. | <urn:uuid:9957853e-73e7-4679-bba7-182e4cd9ff2f> | {
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"url": "https://www.restaurantmagazine.com/crisp-green-to-make-illinois-debut-in-august/"
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Vintage furniture restoration: Dario Raia's passion
If you are a fan of vintage furniture and have antique furniture that needs to be restored, you can rely on the vintage furniture restoration service offered by Dario Raia. With his professionalism and his many years of experience, Dario Raia guarantees you a high quality result that will bring your furniture back to its former glory.
Tailor-made restoration service for your vintage furniture
Dario Raia's vintage furniture restoration service is based on the use of techniques and materials suited to the age of the furniture. Dario Raia, thanks to his preparation and his university studies in the art and furniture sector, is able to evaluate the specific characteristics of your furniture and apply the most appropriate techniques to preserve its authenticity and beauty.
When it comes to restoring vintage furniture, you can't just use standard restoration techniques. Vintage furniture requires a personalized approach that takes into account the characteristics and peculiarities of each piece. Dario Raia is aware of this and is committed to providing a tailor-made restoration service to meet the specific needs of his customers.
From restoring an original finish to performing complex structural repairs, Dario Raia can tackle any challenge in vintage furniture restoration. His skills and experience allow him to use the most advanced techniques and the most suitable materials to guarantee a high quality result.
Professionalism and passion for restoration
Dario Raia is a professional restorer with a great passion for restoring vintage furniture. Every piece of furniture that comes into his hands is treated with care and attention, following an accurate restoration process that respects its history. Dario Raia puts customer satisfaction at the center of his work, offering a high quality service and guaranteeing long-lasting results over time.
His professionalism is based on a solid academic education in the art and furniture sector. Thanks to this preparation, he is able to face every challenge in the restoration of vintage furniture with great skill and attention to detail.
Dario Raia's passion for restoration is reflected in the extraordinary results he achieves. Each piece of furniture restored by Dario Raia becomes a unique piece, capable of telling its story and conveying emotions. His attention to detail and his ability to enhance the original characteristics of vintage furniture make him a point of reference in the restoration sector.
Free quote and inspection
Before starting any restoration work, Dario Raia offers his customers a detailed quote and a free inspection. During the inspection, you will be able to show your piece of furniture to Dario Raia and discuss your expectations and possible restoration solutions with him. The estimate will allow you to have clear information regarding the costs and execution times of the restoration.
Furthermore, the free inspection allows Dario Raia to evaluate the state of your furniture and identify any hidden problems or damage. This in-depth approach to restoration ensures that every aspect of your furniture is considered and treated in the best possible way.
Trust Dario Raia's vintage furniture restoration service and bring your antique furniture back to life. Rediscover the elegance and charm of vintage furniture pieces thanks to the professionalism, passion and experience of Dario Raia. Don't miss the opportunity to give new life to your precious furniture. Contact Dario Raia today for a free quote and inspection.
The value of vintage furniture restoration
The restoration of vintage furniture is not just an aesthetic issue, but also represents an important historical and sentimental value. Antique furniture is evidence of past eras, bearers of memories and stories to be preserved and passed down. Their value increases if they are restored respecting their original characteristics.
With Dario Raia's vintage furniture restoration service, you will be able to preserve the integrity of your antique furniture and enhance their intrinsic beauty. Each restored piece of furniture will have a new life, ready to be admired and appreciated by you and your guests.
Restoration of antique and modern vintage furniture
Dario Raia specializes in the restoration of antique furniture of different styles, including antiques and modern vintage. Whether it is a baroque, neoclassical, art deco or any other style piece of furniture, Dario Raia knows how to face every challenge and restore the piece of furniture to its original beauty.
Thanks to his knowledge of the different eras and different furnishing styles, Dario Raia is able to restore original finishes and decorations, respecting the essence of the furniture and keeping its distinctive characteristics intact.
Vintage furniture restoration: a safe investment
Restoring your vintage furniture is a safe investment. Restored antique furniture increases its value on the market and represents a heritage to be passed down to future generations. Furthermore, restoration allows you to fully enjoy the beauty and elegance of your furniture, making your home a unique and special place.
With Dario Raia's vintage furniture restoration service, you can be sure of obtaining a high-quality and long-lasting result. Dario Raia uses only first-class materials and restoration techniques, ensuring a perfect finish and long-lasting protection for your furniture.
If you are looking for a professional, reliable and high quality vintage furniture restoration service, do not hesitate to contact Dario Raia. With his passion, his experience and his attention to detail, Dario Raia guarantees you extraordinary results that will bring your furniture back to its former glory.
Trust the expertise and professionalism of Dario Raia to bring your antique furniture back to life. Contact Dario Raia today for a free quote and inspection. Discover the value of vintage furniture restoration and give new life to your most precious pieces of vintage furniture. | <urn:uuid:2d95394e-8781-4ca6-894d-87f0e93986b2> | {
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We will not sell, rent, or trade your personal information to any third party without your consent.
- Security of Personal Information
We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures may include secure data storage, access controls, encryption, and regular security assessments.
- Retention of Personal Information
We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, or resolve disputes. Once your information is no longer required, we will securely destroy or anonymize it.
- Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information
You have the right to request correction of, or deletion of your personal information held by us. To exercise these rights, please contact us using the contact details provided below.
- Contact Us
We are committed to resolving any privacy issues promptly and fairly. | <urn:uuid:23427ff7-5472-4731-ae0a-25bdf33d078e> | {
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Today we put together a live-streaming setup, combining a high-quality video and screencast that we’ve been wanting to – for months.
We got it right, today.
Our main equipments were:
- Sony A6400
- Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini
- Rode Wireless Go
- And you definitely need two computers to do effective streaming (my mistake last time)
Take a look at our recent live video (I shared about Processing Fluency) :
Everyone is now a broadcaster, but.
Why are you broadcasting? For attention?
For businesses, is it because attention brings you sales?
Yes, to some extent, attention does lead to sales. Well, mainly because now, people can see what you have to offer.
But don’t broadcast or go live just for the sake of doing it.
How many times have we participated in hour-long live sessions that could be summarised in 10 minutes?
And just like we’ve seen in Don’t F**k with Cats, where murderer Luka Magnotta broadcasted his act online, not everything should be broadcasted.
So, before your next live session, ask yourself – am I going to bring value to people when I hit ‘Go Live’? | <urn:uuid:554b1b24-8092-40f4-be81-352e6af64501> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T00:31:38Z",
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9470633864402771,
"token_count": 270,
"url": "https://www.reubenchng.com/going-live/"
} |
A shorter version of our versatile walking trousers with ventilation to cool you down.
The Nordwand Pro Short Trousers are a great choice if you:
The Nordwand Pro Short Trousers are the 2-inch shorter but otherwise identical twins of our bestselling Nordwand Pro Trousers. Comfortable 4-way stretch over the seat, knees and hips, give these trousers a flexible fit that goes hand in hand with an active lifestyle, and the ventilation zippers on the thighs help keep you cool when you push yourself to the limit. The Nordwand Pro Short Trousers feature our toughest polycotton canvas over the thighs and lower legs for added durability and have five pockets to keep your essentials secure. Adjustable cuffs and boot hooks keep the trousers in place and prevent debris from getting in. Nordwand Pro Short Trousers are an excellent choice when you need high-performing walking trousers with a shorter inseam and just the right fit.
The model | is 181 cm weighs 84 kg and is wearing M |
Polyester 65%, Cotton 35%
Polyamid 96%, Elastane 4%
620g in size Medium | <urn:uuid:8758e79f-020d-4c9e-8ee4-c18dc24b77a8> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T01:34:46Z",
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.867286741733551,
"token_count": 239,
"url": "https://www.revolutionrace.ie/men/trousers/walking-hiking-trousers/nordwand-pro-short-pants-men?Color=2236"
} |
Eine Premiere in Mannheim, die Blow Dry Bar – ab November 2019 im House of Beauty.
Reinkommen, die Haare schön geföhnt bekommen, strahlendes Make up und das Leben einer Frau wird einfach schöner!
Die populärste Haar-Trend-Idee aus den USA ist nun auch zu uns herüber geschwappt und ermöglicht uns den perfekten Look im Vorbeilaufen.
Die Föhnbars erobern langsam auch Europa.
Jetzt zum ersten Mal in Mannheim in unserem House of Beauty am Wasserturm.
Ein Bad Hair Day wird bei uns zu einem Good Hair Day.
Perfektes Blow Out Styling und Make-up in der Beauty Lounge Reza Shari.
Unser Basic Beauty to go umfasst die Komponenten Waschen – Föhnen – Stylen und beschert Ihnen für zwei bis drei Tage eine perfekt sitzende Frisur.
Wer möchte, kann seinen Look durch Make-up und eine professionelle Maniküre perfektionieren.
Fürs Wohlbefinden und längerfristige Haargesundheit bieten wir Ihnen unsere luxuriösen Hair-Treatments an.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir unsere Happy Hour im Moment nicht anbieten. | <urn:uuid:35c4924d-b6d6-4cd5-a202-d10dd0dda689> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T01:21:42Z",
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"language": "de",
"language_score": 0.9826847910881042,
"token_count": 357,
"url": "https://www.rezashari.com/"
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We are a global community bound together by our passion for developing innovative, cross-sector, sustainable and trusted solutions to help solve our clients’ most complex, strategic and operational challenges.
Life at Ricardo
A global community of over 2,900 engineers, economists, scientists, consultants and business services professionals in 26 countries, we have a passion for developing innovative, cross-sector, sustainable and trusted solutions to help solve our clients’ most complex, strategic and operational challenges.
Across our teams are technical experts: engineers, economists, scientists, consultants who are regarded as among the best in the world within their chosen field.
We are a close-knit, purpose-driven global community renowned for our expertise, creativity, mindfulness for others and collective passion for developing solutions to complex challenges.
Do the work you love and can be proud of.
Enabling meaningful and fulfilling work
- Do you want to make the world a better place for future generations? So do we. And together, we can make a real difference
- We are purpose-driven and believe in our vision: to create a safe and sustainable world
- We do this by enabling our customers to solve the most complex and dynamic challenges like combatting climate change getting to net zero to help achieve a safe and sustainable world
Accelerate your career at Ricardo
- You will add value to Ricardo and, in turn, we will add value to you
- In a meeting of minds, gain deep, broad experience creating solutions with and learning from world-leading experts
- Develop your skills on global projects at the forefront of innovative new technology. The only inhibitor to the rate of career progression is the limits you set for yourself!
Be part of our high performing team
- We will warmly welcome you into our workplace
- We are diverse thinkers and doers who challenge the status quo and embrace new flexible ways of working
- Flourish and thrive in an inclusive culture where everyone’s voice is valued and heard and we will encourage you to be your authentic self
Be rewarded and feel valued
- We want you to know how much you are valued, and your remuneration and benefits package will reflect this
- We offer a competitive total reward package and recognise achieving outcomes and high performance
- Through our hybrid and flexible working practices and our range of benefits we’ll support both your work-life balance, and your physical and mental wellbeing | <urn:uuid:3f674f3d-b605-4fc4-8c1a-34e16be03714> | {
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"language": "en",
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"token_count": 493,
"url": "https://www.ricardo.com/en/careers"
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On 27 March 2024, the Financial Reporting Council (‘FRC’) issued ‘Amendments to FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland and other FRSs: Periodic Review 2024’
One of the most significant changes arising from this applies to leases.
For entities following FRS 102, (including Section 1A) the treatment of leases has been aligned with International Accounting Standard IFRS 16, and this will see major changes in the way figures are reported in the financial statements.
Changes to lease accounting
Effective for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2026 (early adoption is permitted but not required) a ‘leases on balance sheet’ model needs to be adopted. There will no longer be any distinction between a finance lease and an operating lease as both will be accounted for in the same way. These changes affect accounting by lessees only, accounting by lessors is unaffected.
What is a lease?
A contract is, or contains, a lease if it conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. This happens when throughout the period of use, the customer has both the right to direct the use of the identified asset, and the right to obtain substantially all the economic benefits from that use.
Where a contract contains a lease the lessee recognises this on the balance sheet by recording both a liability and a Right of Use Asset (ROU) in the books of the lessee.
Measurement of the Lease Liability
The lease liability is the driving force and this is measured at the present value of the future lease payments, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, or if that rate cannot be readily determined, the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate or the lessee’s obtainable borrowing rate for each lease at the date of initial application. Each rental payment will reduce the lease liability.
It is expected that most entities will use the obtainable borrowing rate, as this simply represents the rate at which the entity is able to borrow an amount equal to or greater than the undiscounted value of the lease payments over a similar term to the lease. One aspect of this is that the higher the discounting rate used, the less impact there is on the operating profit figure.
In future years, the lease liability is subsequently remeasured by reference to the unwinding of the discount and the lease payments made in the period.
Measurement of the Right of Use (ROU) asset
The ROU asset will be recognised initially at cost, made up of:
- The initial measurement of the lease liability;
- Any payments made at or before the commencement date;
- Less any lease incentives received;
- Any initial direct costs incurred; and
- Any provision recognised for dismantling or restoring the underlying asset.
Any service charge or similar amounts should be excluded.
Normal accounting rules regarding tangible fixed assets apply to ROU assets, which will generally be held at cost less depreciation and impairment, unless it is an investment property (held at fair value) or the entity elects to adopt a policy of revaluation.
Examples of the calculation of both a lease liability and related ROU asset are included in the appendix at the end of this document.
Are all leases capitalised?
No, there are two exemptions available:
(i) A lessee can choose not to apply the revised requirements to short-term leases for which the lease term ends within 12 months of the date of initial application, or
(ii) Leases for which the underlying asset is a ‘low value’ asset.
The focus is to ensure that the most significant leases are recognised on balance sheet. Examples of underlying assets that are not considered low value under the amended Standard are:
- Cars, vans, buses, coaches, trams, trucks, and lorries
- Cranes, excavators, loaders, and bulldozers
- Telehandlers and forklifts
- Tractors, harvesters, and related attachments
- Land and buildings
Whilst not stipulated in the amended Standard, as general guidance, some underlying assets that could typically considered to be low value are:
- Tablet computers
- Personal computers
- Home printers / photocopiers
- Mobile / desk phones
- Small items of furniture
- Portable power tools
What is the impact on the profit and loss account and taxation?
Over time the same charge will eventually pass through the profit and loss account. Under the old rules this would have been via recognising an operating lease rental and going forward it will be via interest payable and depreciation charges. If the lease payments were tax deductible, then the interest payable and depreciation charges will be.
The current operating lease expense will be replaced with depreciation (and any impairment) of the right of use asset, and a finance cost for the unwinding of the lease liability.
What is the impact on key performance indicators (KPIs)?
Where a business holds any significant lease arrangements, many financial ratios and performance metrics will be impacted, including interest cover, EBITDA and operating profit. Gearing ratios may increase and capital ratios may decrease:
- EBITDA will increase by the value of the operating lease expense that is removed;
- Finance and depreciation costs will be higher;
- Net current assets will be decreased by the current element of the lease liability; and
- Gearing ratios may increase, depending on the definitions of debt.
These changes may therefore affect a company’s ability to meet financial covenants and comply with existing loan documentation with lenders.
Early engagement with lenders is highly recommended to assess the potential impact on covenants and to ensure the changes being reported in management information and year end financials are understood by all parties.
What about VAT?
Many property leases may not have VAT applied if an option to tax has not been applied. However, leases on some properties and plant and machinery will have VAT. When discounting cash flows it is the net cash flows that are used, the VAT is recognised at the point each lease payment is made.
Other potential consequences
Bringing ROU assets on to the balance sheet for the first time may have consequences for company size and audit requirements. For example, a company which currently meets two out of three of the thresholds for small companies but breaches one of either the Turnover or Employee limits, the additional amount of ROU assets recognised for the first time on the balance sheet may result in the entity now breaching the Gross Asset limit. They would therefore lead to failing two out of the three criteria with the consequence for the subsequent period being not able to apply the small company exemptions and also therefore requiring an audit.
What happens in the first year the new rules come into force?
Full retrospective adoption is prohibited. The only option is a ‘modified retrospective approach’, by which opening balances are created in the current year, and any historic correction to profit and loss is recognised directly as a movement in reserves. The current year will then show the profit and loss and balance sheet positions as if the new treatment under the revised Standard had always been adopted.
There is no restatement of comparative information, instead, the cumulative effect of initially applying the amendments is recognised as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings at the date of initial application.
For entities that are subsidiaries of a parent applying International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which have calculated lease liabilities and ROU assets under IFRS 16 for consolidation purposes, these figures can be used as a practical expedient.
The following should be included in the
- A general description of significant leasing arrangements
Additional qualitative and quantitative information, such as:
- Future cash flows to which the lessee is potentially exposed, the types of discount rate used in calculating lease liabilities, and the proportion of the total lease liability calculated using each of those types of discount rate.
- Information about sale and leaseback transactions.
- Details about remeasurements of the lease liability following a lease modification.
- Interest expense.
Expenses relating to short
term leases/leases of low value
For each class of underlying ROU asset:
- Net Book Value (NBV) and depreciation brought forward and carried forward.
- Reconciliation showing additions, disposals etc.
- Lease commitments for short term leases/ leases of low value assets.
What should you be considering now?
The process and cost of implementing these changes could be significant, especially if you do not currently have systems to collate relevant lease data, so you should consider putting systems for this in place as soon as possible.
Whilst the first period for which the new lease accounting will apply to you may be around two years away, we recommend using this time to identify and understand the key terms of all lease agreements you currently have. Assess the extent of the changes to your financials in respect of your current operating leases, taking account of which may be considered to relate to low value assets. Also revisit any finance leases as although the impact will likely be far less, as they are already shown ‘on balance sheet’, you will still need to assess whether the amounts already recognised as assets and liabilities meet the new requirements.
Whilst the implementation of these changes should not stop the use of long leases, you should consider the impact of signing these in the future and intervening period on the financials and on associated covenants and reporting metrics.
Identify and assess any contractual arrangements you may have, for example borrowing covenants or performance related remuneration schemes that refer to KPIs such as EBITDA, and understand how they will be impacted. Borrowers should speak to lenders where there are debt covenants in place which may be affected by these accounting changes.
Assess your current accounting system. Is it set up for to accommodate these accounting changes, does it have suitable nominal accounts that can be used for ROU assets and lease liabilities?
Is using spreadsheets for the calculation of lease liabilities based on the discounted present value of cash flows suitable for your needs or would lease accounting software be more appropriate?
Companies which meet the criteria for Micro Entities but which are preparing Financial Statements under FRS 102 Section 1A may wish to switch to FRS 105 to avoid the capitalisation of leases as these changes are not being brought into that Standard, though this should be considered carefully in the round.
If you require advice, need assistance with recalculating your lease arrangements or have any concerns, please contact your team at Rickard Luckin, or if you are not already a client, contact Neil Brewer at [email protected].
If you have any questions about the above, or would like more information specific to your circumstances, please enter your email address below and we will get in touch: | <urn:uuid:59d1eab2-f38a-4a7a-99ce-ef9665df74c3> | {
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Engineering works Rotterdam C-Dordrecht-Roosendaal/Breda
The information about engineering works is not translated. The original Dutch advice is shown below.
in de nacht van zondag 20 op maandag 21 december vanaf 00.40 uur
U kunt gebruikmaken van de bussen
- Sprinters van Rotterdam Centraal (vertrek 00.45 en 01.17 uur) naar Dordrecht rijden niet; maak gebruik van de NS-bus of van een eerdere Sprinter naar Dordrecht
- Sprinter van Breda (vertrek 00.23 uur) naar Rotterdam Centraal rijdt niet tussen Lage Zwaluwe en Rotterdam Centraal; maak gebruik van de NS-bus of maak gebruik van een eerdere Sprinter
- Intercity van Rotterdam Centraal (vertrek 00.41 uur) naar Roosendaal rijdt niet tussen Rotterdam Centraal en Lage Zwaluwe; maak gebruik van de NS-bus | <urn:uuid:d63024af-ebe3-4c2e-8497-57e511d05a1d> | {
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"language": "nl",
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"url": "https://www.rijdendetreinen.nl/en/engineering-works/3940-in-de-nacht-van-zondag-20-op-maandag-21-december-vanaf-0040-uur-door-werkzaamheden-rotterdam-c-dordrecht-roosendaalbreda"
} |
52 years old so many memorys of Maine Rd – slipping in the police gate at the back of Kippax, Helen & her bell, Norman Wisdom coming on with the team in full kit, Mercer/Allison, Bell, Lee & Summerbee et al, simple programmes, mud quagmires in winter, rickety wooden benches in Platt Lane, Buchan putting Bell out the game. This song epitomises my memories and how it was – It’s fabulous thanks for posting.
park park you are an ugly fuck youve got a face like a crispy duck could be worse could be gay gettin bumbed by john oshae hahahahaha man utd hahahahahahSHITTTTTTTT FUCKIN SHITTTTT GLORY SUPPORTERS FUCK YOU ALL
im a villa fann, buh im proud to say that passion like this is what makes the game. there should be more teams in the league like man cityy. 4th place is ours though this year 🙂
if you are looking for a draw, ask mark hughes. spends hundreds of millions to have 7 draws in a row. | <urn:uuid:0e4cd6f3-eebf-4b90-98ab-3774c6dd22eb> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.8736479878425598,
"token_count": 239,
"url": "https://www.riseagain.info/mcfc-manchester-city-tribute-mcfc/"
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Everything Milltek design and produce is only ever made to one quality - and that has to be good enough for the most demanding of customers, our race teams! To fully understand the demands and expectations of the demands and expectations of the motorsport industry, Milltek have over the years fully immersed ourselves within motorsport, and competed in some of the most gruelling races and championships in Europe.
We have developed vehicles and exhaust systems for Milltek Sport Racing to compete with in series inclusive of the British Touring Car Championship, the Volkswagen Cup, Time Attack, VLN and N24. Through our own experiences Milltek have been able to come to understand how to manufacture to the exacting tolerances and peerless quality that the world's leading motorsport teams and manufacturers require.
For the past few seasons Milltek have supported race series that Milltek no longer directly participate in by becoming Technical Partners to a number of competing teams, and working closely with them to develop new products in order to continue the evolution of our motorsport understandings. For a number of seasons now Milltek have been Technical Partners to Power Maxed Racing and BMR in the BTCC, which allows us to not only evolve our own understandings but also our motorsport products to the ever-changing requirements of the industry.
All of our performance exhaust systems are manufactured from T304L stainless-steel; giving you the satisfaction of knowing that our products are meant to last within some of the toughest environments. T304L is a highly durable form of stainless-steel that is far less susceptible to degradation and discolouration than many others of its kind, while it will last almost indefinitely.
Our devotion to the perfection of our exhaust systems is what has enabled us to become accredited to ISO9001:2015 as well as being able to accomplish one of the widest ranges of EC Approved performance exhaust systems, all tested and approved by TUV in Germany. This, combined with our comprehensive dealer network, delivering to more than 95 countries world-wide continues to make Milltek Sport one of the most accessible brands in the performance aftermarket industry.
Founded in 1983 by a true car enthusiast, Milltek have grown to become one of the leading manufacturers of performance exhaust systems for a continually growing range of vehicles.
With headquarters in the UK and a development & testing centre at the iconic Nürburgring, Germany; Milltek design, develop and test our range of exhaust systems in-house using state of the art equipment, such as the latest All Electrical CNC Mandrel Tube Benders and Faro 3D Laser Scanners, which combined with one of the most experienced teams of Engineers and Production Staff in the industry, allows us to continue to be the first to deliver market products and innovative designs. | <urn:uuid:57ddf662-1aca-4633-9964-6e23a4b88674> | {
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"language": "en",
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"url": "https://www.rivalmotorsport.co.uk/products/milltek-large-bore-downpipe-and-hiflow-sports-cat-exhaust-volkswagen-polo-gti-18-tsi-192ps-3-5-door-20152018"
} |
36 Days of Type is a yearly online challenge that calls designers, artists & enthusiasts worldwide to participate. All the participants produce one letter or number each day over 36 days. I created this series of 3D numbers and letters for the 2021 challenge. The idea was to use very simple, abstract and colourful 3D forms to interpret each letterform in a unique way. The process started by understanding the inherent characteristics of each letterform and deconstructing those to allow space for exploration, either by exaggeration or elimination. It was interesting to see how functional letterforms can quickly transform into abstract shapes and thus celebrate the duality of letterforms. | <urn:uuid:125a48eb-bdbe-4b73-a909-b5accdc3254c> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9350590109825134,
"token_count": 127,
"url": "https://www.riyamahajan.work/36-days-of-type-2021"
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Country Music Artist Josh Thompson takes to the hills of Utah looking to escape the daily rigors of being on the road by having a Break from the Norm.
Watch Previous Elk Network Originals
It was exactly what biologists and wildlife managers did not want to see. Several years of severe drought in northeast Nevada left wildlife habitat in [...]
Fab Fours has built a solid reputation in the truck and off-road world for creating durable, high-quality bumpers that combine strength, style, and functionality. Their [...]
Savage is taking innovation and accuracy to new heights at faster speeds with the all-new Impulse KLYM. Built in the USA, every inch of the [...] | <urn:uuid:406419e3-0b8f-48ff-88b6-60344e4cf73f> | {
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A spokesperson for the Papua New Guinea police says 77 Papuan people who've crossed the border with Indonesia will be transported today from the border town of Vanimo to a refugee camp at East Arwin.
Dominic Kakas says PNG residents of the town, which has also become home to Papuan refugees since the 1960s, have been calling for tighter border security for some time.
He says there's been no pressure from Indonesia but in strengthening border controls PNG is respecting that country's sovereignty.
Mr Kakas says there've been reports of people smuggling, gun trafficking, resource poaching and death threats and police are in the process of confirming the extent of those problems.
He says the police are also trying to track down any training camps for the Papuan liberation movement, the OPM, on the PNG side of the border.
Mr Kakas says the PNG authorities sympathise with the detained people, who include women and children, and they're being treated well.
He says the acting deputy police commissioner, Fred Yakasa, whom he's accompanied on a visit to Vanimo that finishes today, will submit recommendations on improving border security upon his return to the capital.
However Mr Kakas says there are many issues to take into account with a border more than 700 kilometres long. | <urn:uuid:47924f75-c2b0-4591-a39e-803ca5e44af7> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T01:02:12Z",
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"url": "https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/195016/png-police-say-77-papuan-border-crossers-to-be-transported-to-refugee-camp"
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The National Party's pre-election tax policy will mean significant changes for the tax system, which would be difficult to implement within the proposed timeframe.
KPMG tax partner Rachel Piper said the policy would require significant changes to the tax system.
Changes to take effect from next July, would include a review of tax thresholds, with the top 39 percent tax rate for people earning more than $180,000 a year to remain in place.
Piper said that was a positive change as the current tax brackets had not been reviewed for several years.
A number of additional measures were intended to provide tax relief for families, such as a child tax credit of up to $150 a fortnight for family earning up to $140,000 a year.
Rental property owners would see the bright-line test rolled-back to two years, while interest deductibility against income would be phased back in over the next few years.
Piper said that a phased-in approach was unexpected as many investors thought the interest tax deduction would be fully restored from next year.
National also confirmed that it would restore the bright-line exemption for main homes.
National's plan to remove the tax deduction for commercial building depreciation, while in line with Labour's policy, disappointed the Property Council.
The policy was expected to save the Treasury about $525 million a year, however council chief executive Leonie Freeman said it was a short-sighted policy.
"The proposed policies to remove depreciation are a raid on long-term maintenance funds for New Zealand's buildings, running the risk of rundown or even derelict buildings across the country," Freeman said.
"If depreciation is removed, property owners tell us they will have to reprioritise expenditure, which when added to rising costs such as insurance, mortgage and property rate rises, will likely cause rent rises for businesses."
Piper said both major parties were using commercial building tax depreciation as a cash cow.
"This does nothing for investment certainty," she said, adding the policy appeared to be at odds with National's position announced in March, which would ensure Build-to-Rent developments were eligible for depreciation deductions like other commercial buildings.
"Particularly for commercial buildings. They are a long term investment, a significant investment - and therefore that certainty, not just for one or two years but over the period of that investment," Piper said.
She said a new foreign buyer tax of 15 percent on properties over $2m appeared to be similar to a stamp duty.
"There are a range of design considerations that will need to be worked through," she said, such as who would be paid the tax - buyer or seller.
National's plan to close a gambling tax loophole for online casino gambling operators would also require some policy work, with a number of complex issues to be worked through.
"If this (tax) policy came in in its entirety, there are going to be significant changes to our tax system," Piper said.
"There are going to be changes to residential rental property rules winding back some of the changes that were made under the Labour government.
"There's an awful lot that people are going to have to get their heads around as if this does come in." | <urn:uuid:4391039c-eabf-4b69-b39f-0218ee1c13e3> | {
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Rocky Mountain Storage located?
Rocky Mountain Storage is located at 2780 W. McMillan Road, Meridian, ID 83646.
When can I access my belongings?
All tenants have access to their belongings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What are the office hours?
The office is open Monday-Friday between 9:30 am to 5:30 pm and on Saturdays between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. We’re closed on Sundays.
How do I pay my storage bill?Pay your storage bill online using a debit or credit card. Create an account on our website to access your bill.
What security features do you offer?
Our facility is well-lit and equipped with 24-hour video monitoring, coded gate entry, and perimeter fencing.
Am I required to store long-term?
We offer a month to month lease. Our facility is perfect for all customers, whether you are storing short term or long term.
24/7 gate access and our flexible month-to-month lease makes our facility perfect for all customers including small businesses. | <urn:uuid:914f9ab5-02b4-45b3-8a93-4d26934c897f> | {
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"language": "en",
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"url": "https://www.rockymountainstorageid.com/faq"
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A lot has been written about the visual style of “Blood Simple,” but I think the appeal of the movie is more elementary. It keys into three common nightmares: (1) You clean and clean, but there’s still blood all over the place; (2) You know you have committed a murder, but you are not sure quite how or why; (3) You know you have forgotten a small detail that will eventually get you into a lot of trouble.
“Blood Simple” mixes those fears and guilts into an incredibly complicated plot, with amazingly gory consequences. It tells a story in which every individual detail seems to make sense, and every individual choice seems logical, but the choices and details form a bewildering labyrinth in which there are times when even the murderers themselves don’t know who they are.
Because following the plot is one of this movie’s most basic pleasures, I will not reveal too much. The movie begins with a sleazy backwoods bar owner’s attempt to hire a scummy private detective to murder his wife. The private eye takes the money and then pulls a neat double-cross, hoping to keep the money and eliminate the only witness who could implicate him. Neat. And then it really gets complicated.
The movie has been shot with a lot of style, some of it self-conscious, but deliberately so. One of the pleasures in a movie like this is enjoying the low-angle and tilt shots that draw attention to themselves, that declare themselves as being part of a movie. The movie does something interesting with its timing, too. It begins to feel inexorable. Characters think they know what has happened; they turn out to be wrong; they pay the consequences, and it all happens while the movie is marching from scene to scene like an implacable professor of logic, demonstrating one fatal error after another.
“Blood Simple” was directed by Joel Coen, produced by his brother, Ethan, and written by the two of them. It’s their first film, and has the high energy and intensity we associate with young filmmakers who are determined to make an impression. Some of the scenes are virtuoso, including a sequence in which a dead body becomes extraordinarily hard to dispose of, and another one in which two people in adjacent rooms are trapped in the same violent showdown. The central performance in the movie is by the veteran character actor M. Emmet Walsh, who plays the private eye like a man for whom idealism is a dirty word. The other actors in the movie are all effective, but they are obscured, in a way, by what happens to them: This movie weaves such a bloody web that the characters are upstaged by their dilemmas.
Is the movie fun? Well, that depends on you. It is violent, unrelenting, absurd, and fiendishly clever. There is a cliché I never use: “Not for the squeamish.” But let me put it this way. “Blood Simple” may make you squeam. | <urn:uuid:fdba2c61-628a-43f1-ab15-0567fa2053fe> | {
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"url": "https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/blood-simple-1984"
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This morning, at our weekly meeting, we had a group discussion on the Court of Appeal’s decision in Louis v. Poitras, 2021 ONCA 49, which was released earlier this week. The decision addresses striking jury notices due to delay caused by the pandemic. We previously wrote a summary of this decision on our blog. Our […]
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice has updated its Frequently Asked Questions about CaseLines. The updates include required document naming protocols and information on using tabs, bookmarks, and hyperlinks.
By Jocelyn-Rose Brogan Any settlement of a claim by or against a person under a disability, which includes a minor, requires court approval pursuant to rule 7.08 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. If the settlement occurs before a lawsuit is commenced, approval of a judge has to be sought by an application in writing. […]
By Brian Sunohara The Ontario Court of Appeal released a decision yesterday which shows that striking a jury notice in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is location-specific and case-specific. In Louis v. Poitras, 2021 ONCA 49, the Court of Appeal overturned a decision of the Divisional Court and reinstated the motion judge’s order to […]
The case of Campeau v. Ontario, 2021 ONSC 129, involved a motion for default judgment against the Province of Ontario. A worker was severely injured during the course of his employment and died approximately 90 minutes after the accident in question. The claim was advanced against Ontario by his wife, two children, and his estate. Justice Gordon […]
Vicarious Liability of Rental Car Company At our weekly firm meeting, Angeline Bellehumeur, discussed the case of Mamo v. Morgan, 2020 ONSC 7829. Our firm was counsel for two of the defendants in the claim. The Court considered a motion by a rental car company, Practicar, to grant summary judgment and dismiss the action against […] | <urn:uuid:9c9c2724-24b7-4b25-bea0-20ea83e113b5> | {
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Cosplay is popular not only among adults but the kids. More and more kids love cosplay for fun, even some schools hold activity to offer chance for children to cosplay. searching much better cosplay ideas can stimulate the creativity of kids….
Tag Archive: kids cosplay costumes
Western cowboy is a league of legends in America, the Chivalrous and heroic cowboy uninhibited life through romanticized rendering of the popular media to meet the urbanization process in the American public frontier nostalgic imagination. Western development wilderness so gradually… | <urn:uuid:f2112817-d708-41eb-9291-90ed5086e10b> | {
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With the click of a button, relive the best moments of key pontificates like Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II. Thanks to "Rome Reports Premium," you will be able to see our agency's exclusive content: documentaries, special reports, historical content, art, music and much more. The new Premium platform allows you to watch 'The World Seen from the Vatican,' a world-leading news program about the Pope and the Vatican, posted exclusively for you every week. Every day you will get the latest news straight from Rome, now in HD and without advertising. Every month, you will also receive a new documentary and the keys to understanding what is happening in the Vatican and in the Church. Through this small contribution, you also support the journalistic work of Rome Reports. | <urn:uuid:3af5ae67-711f-452b-a28b-a55ebdfb40eb> | {
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WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released an additional preliminary finding regarding the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. The senator reported that eight shell casings were found near the body of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks according to first-hand information obtained by his office.
Senator Johnson released this material—even though it is preliminary—to ensure transparency and to keep the public well-informed.
The additional preliminary finding can be found here.
The senator’s July 21, 2024 preliminary findings can be found here.
The July 14, 2024 letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray on the assassination attempt can be found here.
Senator Johnson’s office continues to encourage anyone with relevant information on the July 13, 2024 assassination attempt or the shooter to come forward to his office and email his whistleblower account: [email protected]. | <urn:uuid:72a5bbdd-f4e2-4dbb-a632-d8fda1b1d667> | {
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When I’m asked if ceramics last a long time, I usually reply, “As long as it doesn’t fall, it lasts at least 5000 years.” It’s a material that withstands the test of time, and for this reason, I try to create works that are enduring in their meaning, pieces that are almost “timeless.” The world I represent in ceramics is made up of universal images, archetypes, and sometimes ironic insights that can speak to and reach everyone—at least, I hope so. Works that carry within them the key to small doors of our ancestral memory.
Price on request | <urn:uuid:c2a2d184-2fb9-4f68-84f6-d847b619e414> | {
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"url": "https://www.rossanaorlandi.com/collections/pesci-dondolo-negri-tonino/"
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"date": "2024-12-13T23:43:55Z",
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"url": "https://www.rossboardman.com/blog?tag=budgets"
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With our fleet of cost-effective, full service, remote-production vehicles, Ross Production Services (RPS) delivers consistent, high-quality video and audio content of sports and other live events.
For XPression and Voyager customers in video, broadcast, and venue production, Rocket Surgery offers unmatched design, workflow, and data integration expertise.
Spidercam broadcast-quality robotic camera solutions are suspended from a cable-driven system to provide exceptional and immersive video.
Ross offers three onsite services: Commissioning, Operational Training, and Technical Training. Commissioning involves Ross technical experts assisting in setting up and configuring Ross equipment.
Send a running order to a colleague or discuss the finer points of a story. Nikki explains some of the advanced messaging features in V13.
We’ll put you in touch with a member of our team to discuss your specific needs. | <urn:uuid:d448cfb3-c5b5-492c-9122-773d01558bd3> | {
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"language": "en",
"language_score": 0.9126213788986206,
"token_count": 178,
"url": "https://www.rossvideo.com/resources/ross-university/advanced-messaging/"
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Ontdek de favoriete producten van onze medewerkers!
Van het ontwerpen tot verpakken van producten, bij Rotim Verpakkingen komen onze medewerkers regelmatig in aanraking met de producten in onze webshop. In deze blog delen onze medewerkers hun favoriete items. Van handige dozen voor het versturen van je pakketten tot vrolijke stickers. Laat je inspireren door onze persoonlijke aanbevelingen en vind de perfecte verpakkingsoplossing voor jou!
Vloeipapier is een grote favoriet onder onze medewerkers, waaronder die van Marlou. ‘Vloeipapier is een enorm leuk en veelzijdig product. Ik vind het geweldig om een aesthetic ingepakte pakketjes te ontvangen, maar nog leuker vind ik het om dit zelf in te pakken. Ik vind dan ook dat vloeipapier echt onmisbaar is.’ Van ons uitgebreide assortiment krijgen de patronen happy hearts, wit met gouden reflections en flowers vooral de voorkeur.
Cadeaustickers en tasjes
Wat naast vloeipapier ook een extra vrolijke touch aan je pakket kan geven én een favoriet is van onze medewerkers, zijn onze cadeaustickers! Variërend van de blauw-oranje ‘Enjoy your gift’ tot de roze-rood ‘Hello Sunshine’ stickers, raden we ze zeker aan wanneer je wilt opvallen met je verzendverpakking. Voor het inpakken van cadeaus raad Amber de zwarte cadeautasjes aan. ‘Ik vind deze er erg luxe uitzien en ze passen overal bij!’
Onze medewerkers zijn daarnaast erg enthousiast over de tassen die we aanbieden in ons assortiment. Inge haar persoonlijke favoriet is de Leaves non woven shopper. ‘De tas is leuk, praktisch en goedkoop! Een ideale combinatie lijkt me.’ Daarnaast vallen de canvas tassen in de smaak. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de effen groene canvas tassen of de tassen met een leuk zebra printje.
De favorieten van onze print- en logistieke afdeling
Van Bordaux rood lint tot papieren tasjes in vrolijke kleurtjes: ook de print- en logistieke afdelingen gaven verschillende producten op als hun favoriet. Er is hierbij niet alleen nagedacht over wat ze zelf mooi vinden, zoals deze ‘Thank you for your order’ stickers die Berrie doen denken aan de jaren 60 en zijn platenverzameling. Er is ook gekeken naar welke producten leuk zijn voor klanten om te laten bedrukken. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan fourniturenzakjes, geschenkdozen (met hot foil bedrukking) of de lavendel pink canvas tassen.
Voor het versturen van pakketten laat de logistieke afdeling weten dat de stars verzendzakken XL en dubbelgolf kartonnen dozen ideaal zijn. De verzenddozen zijn net anders dan de andere Amerikaanse vouwdozen. Deze dozen hebben namelijk rillijnen waardoor je ze gemakkelijk in een kleiner formaat kunt snijden en vouwen.
Ondanks de uiteenlopende smaak van onze medewerkers zijn ze het er wel over eens dat de happy hearts, flowers, leaves en squares collecties in het straatje van hun favoriete collecties vallen. Kortom, we zijn bij Rotim Verpakkingen erg trots op ons brede assortiment en de kwaliteit van onze producten. Hopelijk heeft deze blog je geïnspireerd om te kiezen met welke producten jij je klanten wilt verrassen! | <urn:uuid:7727f789-2023-4406-98c4-8e8fb8b14d27> | {
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"url": "https://www.rotimshop.be/blogs/verzendzakken/ontdek-de-favoriete-producten-van-onze-medewerkers/"
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Wir verwenden Cookies, um Inhalte zu personalisieren, anzupassen und zu messen und eine sichere Verbindung zu bieten. Indem du dich auf der Website bewegst, stimmst du zu, dass bei ROT Magazin | EULENGASSE Daten über Cookies gesammelt werden. Lies unsere Cookie-Richtlinie, um mehr zu erfahren, oder gehe zu den Cookie-Einstellungen, um deine Einstellungen zu verwalten. ZUSTIMMEN
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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information.
Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. | <urn:uuid:fd60e2d6-bee1-4400-a5e4-174532de3ad5> | {
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Water Damage Restoration in Woodland Park, CO
Water emergencies due to a burst pipe, toilet or sink overflow, appliance failure, severe storm or sewer backup can be disruptive and scary. Often, they occur without warning and must be dealt with immediately!
When you are facing a water disaster, you need trained, reliable experts to respond quickly to mitigate damage, clean up the mess, and restore your home or business to normal. You need the IICRC trained and certified water damage restoration experts at Roto-Rooter. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to tackle any size water problem. Water and sewage must be extracted, and the affected areas professionally cleaned, ventilated, dried and disinfected as quickly as possible to reduce bacteria, mold and other harmful microorganism growth, which can cause additional damage to the property and potential health risks for your family or employees.
Professional Water Damage Restoration Technicians:
The water restoration process requires water extraction using both suction and compression equipment to push water to the surface and suction it away
- Remove unsalvageable contents and structures (including personal property, carpet and other flooring, dry wall, paneling, shelving, cabinets, etc.)
- Professionally clean and apply disinfecting agents to areas with water damage
- Deodorize and dry the structure Haul away any debris
- Document your water damage with before, during and after photos, as well as diagrams and drying logs for the water damage restoration process
- Work with your insurance adjuster and submit the bill directly to your insurance company
Be Prepared for Water Damage Emergencies:
Most water disasters can’t be predicted, but if you live in an area prone to natural disasters or have had plumbing-related flood damage in the past, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself:
Monitor spots that have received water damage in the past
Keep Roto-Rooter's phone number handy! Save it to your cell phone and post it near areas most susceptible to water damage
Inspect pipes, water shutoffs, appliance connections and hoses regularly for signs of wear and potential leaks
Install flood alarms for early detection in areas prone to flood damage
Call Roto-Rooter 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for professional water damage restoration you can trust and to prevent further water damage.
Serving the entire Woodland Park metro area
Why Choose Roto-Rooter
- fast & reliable emergency service 24 hours, 365 days
- insured & iicrc certified
- state-of-the-art extraction equipment
- direct billing to the insurance company
- financing options available
- trusted & recommended since 1935
Great Service. Your tech handled my issue with great care and was very knowledgeable about the water damage restoration process.
The tech was here early and was very helpful in detecting our problem-- an AC leak. He also suggested Roto-Rooter's water damage restoration services for the water damage. ... I'm a very happy customer.
Your techs were very professional and did a great job for us. As was the entire water damage restoration team. We couldn't have been more pleased or impressed ... with Roto-Rooter! Thank you. | <urn:uuid:242f5b88-e700-4dea-96d3-b4476bcef1a5> | {
"date": "2024-12-14T00:08:30Z",
"file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-51/segments/1733066119841.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20241213233207-20241214023207-00058.warc.gz",
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"url": "https://www.rotorooter.com/woodlandparkco/water-damage-restoration/"
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Vale Valley RV Park will be alerted immediately and will approve your reservation after checking availability.
Vale is a quaint small town that is near a couple of rivers and lakes. We are the newest RV park in Eastern Oregon. 84 oversized spaces. A quiet, clean, safe place for short or long-term stays. We have a new clubhouse with showers, rec room and laundry facility inside. All sites have 50 and 30 Amp hookups and city water and sewer.
Options | Starting Daily | Starting Weekly | Starting Monthly | |
Full Hookup RV Sites | $45.00 | Choose Your Site |
All Federal, State, County and City laws apply within Premier RV Resort. Violation of any laws will result in the immediate termination of this agreement without refund.
10 MPH at all times, in all areas. Please watch for pets, elderly guests, children, and bicycles.
Quiet hours are 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. This includes no idling or revving of diesel engines or motorcycles during quiet hours.
All RV’s must be consistently maintained in habitable condition, free of defects that may pose a risk to the health or safety of any guest, staff member or other person. Such defects include but are not limited to: moss, mold and/or mildew growth; leaking roof/walls/windows/doors; leaking or non-functional plumbing and/or gas lines or appliances; missing or damaged stairs; non-functioning air conditioning and/or heating; and non-securable locking mechanisms. Failure to maintain these standards is cause for termination of this agreement.
All RV’s must be kept in a clean and well-maintained condition, including but not limited to fully functioning and intact slides, awnings, doors, windows, jacks and stairs; no body damage; decals intact and not peeling, sun-bleached or faded; factory paint in good condition; appropriate interior blinds/window coverings; no excessive dirt, leaves or cobwebs; no moss, mildew or “black streaks”; fully inflated and road worthy tires; covers on all exterior ports or appliances such as storage areas, entertainment areas, water heaters, water tanks and appliance vents. All trailers/5th wheels must have a sound and functional hitch, all motorhome engines must be maintained in good running condition. Failure to maintain these standards is cause for termination of this agreement.
All RV’s must be roadworthy and current on their license and registration and display valid license plates with unexpired registration stickers. Failure to maintain these standards is cause for termination of this agreement.
Please be aware that public Resort facilities such as the office, laundry room, lounge/clubhouse, off leash pet areas, dumpsters, parking areas, rec room, etc. may be equipped with audio/video devices that are recording and/or monitored at all times.
Your site may be occupied by a maximum of 4 people, including children. Guests will be charged the nightly rate for short visits and you must be present when they are staying in your RV. Guests may not live full-time in your RV (staying more than 48 consecutive hours or 96 cumulative hours in a calendar month) without prior approval by resort management, including completion of a background check and signing a lease.
Your rent covers your site when occupied by up to 2 people and vehicles when they are parked entirely within your site. Additional people age 8 and over will incur an extra charge of $50 per person per month. Site rent also covers your water, sewer and garbage service.
Additional vehicles may be parked in overflow parking for an additional charge, this will be added to your rent. Cargo/storage trailers are not permitted in overflow parking. Overflow parking is not guaranteed. It is your responsibility to pick up a parking pass for your vehicle each month from the office, vehicles parked in overflow parking without a current and valid parking pass are subject to be towed at owners’ expense without notice.
All vehicles must be parked entirely within your site on asphalt or concrete, parking is not permitted on the grass, other landscaping, street, or in vacant sites. Vehicles may not be parked where any part of the vehicle sticks out into the road. Guests will be responsible for damages due to driving on the grass or other landscaping.
Subletting is not permitted, RV’s must be occupied only by individuals listed on this lease.
Water hoses may not leak at any time. If the resort’s connection is leaking, please let us know so that we may repair it.
Up to 2 pets (domestic cats and/or dogs) are welcomed. Other pets (i.e., birds) may be permitted at management’s discretion. Livestock, including miniature pigs, are not permitted. Pets may not be left outside unattended and must always be leashed when outdoors (including cats). You are required to pick up outside after your pet immediately. Please ensure your pet uses designated relief areas, not other RV sites, whether or not they are occupied. Noisy, messy, destructive, dangerous or intentionally free-roaming pets will be cause for immediate termination of this agreement. | <urn:uuid:f2acfa5a-cc17-4a29-b049-ef75811cc491> | {
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Hardly any household lacks it and it usually runs day and night: the WLAN router. But how much money can be saved if you switch off the router at night, for example automatically using a timer?
It is not possible to make general statements about this, because it depends on the exact device and your electricity price in each individual case. However, the dimensions in which you can move around can be quite narrowly defined. That’s exactly what we do in this article.
Apart from switching it off completely, there are other ways to reduce the power consumption of your router, such as automatically switching the WLAN on and off using a schedule. In the case of the popular Fritz!Box you will find a suitable article with tips under this link:
➡️ Power consumption with the FritzBox – 7 helpful tips to save money
How much electricity does a WiFi router use?
Most devices are in the range of five to 15 watts. In certain cases, such as when there is a high load due to many connected end devices and a heavily used bandwidth, it can be up to 30 watts, but this is not the norm.
According to our measurements, a Fritz!Box 7560 is around seven to eight watts under low load from end devices. If a download is started with a high bandwidth, it is ten to eleven watts.
How expensive is electricity currently?
As can be seen in the picture below, the Federal Statistical Office states that the electricity price in Germany averages 34.96 cents per kilowatt hour:
Significantly higher costs are not possible for private households and smaller companies at the same time, since the electricity price brake takes effect from 40 cents and the costs are capped (for the basic requirement of 80 percent of historical consumption, usually measured against the previous year).
How much money can be saved if the router is off at night?
To answer this question, we assume three different scenarios:
- Shutdown for eight hours (e.g. from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.)
- Shutdown for seven hours (e.g. from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.)
- Shutdown for six hours (e.g. from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.)
We also set the power consumption at 10 watts and the electricity price at 0.35 cents, resulting in the following calculations:
- 10 watts * 8 hours of running time at night * 365 days a year = 29,200 watt hours = 29.2 kilowatt hours * 0.35 euros per kilowatt hour = 10.20 euros saved on electricity costs per year
- 10 watts * 7 hours of running time at night * 365 days a year = 29,200 watt hours = 29.2 kilowatt hours * 0.35 euros per kilowatt hour = 8.82 euros saved on electricity costs per year
- 10 watts * 6 hours of running time at night * 365 days a year = 29,200 watt hours = 29.2 kilowatt hours * 0.35 euros per kilowatt hour = 7.67 euros saved on electricity costs per year
The formula can be easily adapted to your individual case by adjusting the appropriate values. For example, if you switch off the router for nine hours and have a device with a higher power consumption of 15 watts and electricity costs of 40 cents per kilowatt hour, you save 19.71 euros.
Are there any disadvantages?
Possible disadvantages can arise if some of your devices download updates primarily at night or outside of typical usage times. In most cases, however, it should be possible to do this outside of the night without any problems.
If constant availability via landline is important to you and the corresponding solution depends on your router, it is also recommended, as mentioned at the beginning, to only automatically switch off the WLAN in the router, which is possible with most devices using the setup software.
Last but not least, an extensively equipped and configured smart home may not get along well with a router that is completely switched off at night. If the (manageable) sums above appeal to you enough, if in doubt, try it out.
By the way, you can find out how high the standby power consumption of all sockets in a household can be in this article:
Have you ever thought about completely switching off your WLAN router at night or is the savings potential too small for you? Are there other power guzzlers in your household that you have tamed in a similar way, such as by using a timer? And how concerned are you with the topic of saving energy in general? Feel free to write it in the comments! | <urn:uuid:2cfd66b4-e712-43a7-ba6f-4d092d87f705> | {
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"url": "https://www.royalsblue.com/is-it-worth-turning-off-the-wifi-router-at-night/"
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CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Government has deputed three IAS officers to replace officers who are away from the headquarters for training in Phase-IV of Mid Career Training Program at LBSNAA Mussoorie from May 8 to June 2, 2023. Additional charge has been given to the officials.
The officers have been given additional charge in place of IAS Abhinav, Mohammad Tayab and Vinay Bublani. According to the orders issued by the Punjab government, IAS Abhinav has been replaced by Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, IAS. Mohammad Tayab was replaced by Vipul Ujwal and IAS Deepti Uppal will take over charge in place of Vinay Bublani. | <urn:uuid:13923ffc-ec09-4ba4-8916-24c2f21630d1> | {
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"url": "https://www.rozanaspokesman.com/amp/news/punjab/080523/punjab-govt-deputes-3-ias-officers-to-replace-officials-undergoing-tra.html"
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This protest is part of ongoing demonstrations by farmers across the state.
Farmers Protest in Jalandhar Latest News Today: Farmers in Jalandhar have blocked the National Highway today in protest against inadequate arrangements for paddy procurement in local mandis. The demonstration, led by Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) Rajewal leader Kashmir Singh, has caused significant disruption to traffic in the region.
The protesting farmers are demanding better infrastructure and more efficient management of the procurement process, citing delays and poor handling of their produce. BKU Rajewal Kashmir Singh emphasized that the current arrangements are causing financial losses to the farmers, and that an immediate action is necessary to address their concerns.
This protest is part of ongoing demonstrations by farmers across the state, who are calling for improved conditions and fair treatment in agricultural markets.
(For more news apart from Farmers Protest in Jalandhar Latest News Today, stay tuned to Rozana Spokesman) | <urn:uuid:6e8406a2-3734-4bb6-8f05-4f47979cd1ab> | {
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 15013 Denver West Parkway, Golden, CO, 80401, USA
Visit for more related articles at Research & Reviews: Journal of Social Sciences
In addition to the weekly reflections, they wrote three-week, six-week, and summative reflections on their experiences with the practice. These qualitative data were entered into NVivo software, coded, and analyzed for themes. The themes that emerged from the data led to the development of cognitive maps for practitioners that provide heuristics and developmental guides for practice, as well as refinements of the training protocols.
In our investigation, 336 research papers published in 2015 were analysed from 10 self-identified applied linguistics journals. Data revealed language-pedagogy-related studies constituted 32 per cent of all empirical research, although this representation was unevenly distributed across the journals. Findings suggest a number of practice-oriented journals now take the lion’s share of pedagogical research, allowing other key applied linguistics journals to focus on a diverse range of nonpedagogy- related language problems. Nevertheless, in general, pedagogy remains a key topic in the field. Participants recorded their thoughts and feelings in semistructured journal entries immediately following the training sessions. At the end of each week, they reviewed their journal notes and wrote a weekly reflection on their experiences with the practice.In addition to the weekly reflections, they wrote three-week, six-week, and summative reflections on their experiences with the practice. These qualitative data were entered into NVivo software, coded, and analyzed for themes. The themes that emerged from the data led to the development of cognitive maps for practitioners that provide heuristics and developmental guides for practice, as well as refinements of the training protocols.
There presently is no comprehensive review which systematizes and summarizes the burgeoning body of logistics educational literature. The purpose of this paper is to provide a guide for both educators and practitioners to assess the history, current status, and future trends in logistics education in order to nurture advancement in logistics education. Logistics education continues to benefit from strong ties to industry. Additionally, four principle macroâÃâ¬ÃÂenvironmental factors were discovered that impact the current status of logistics education: an increase in the number of logistics educational programs, limited supply of logisticsâÃâ¬ÃÂtrained faculty, changes to content requirements, and a changing teaching environment. Future research directions from the published literature are summarized. As current logistics programs continue to evolve and the number of logistics and supply chain management programs continue to increase in response to industry demand, this comprehensive review of the logistics literature may help serve as a benchmark for past and current practices in logistics education.
The purpose of this study was to interrogate discourses of “popular music pedagogy” in order to better understand music education practices generally and specifically those in the United States. Employing a conceptual framework based on the work of Jan Blommaert (2005), a content analysis was conducted on a sample of 81 articles related to popular music and music education according to the variables of journal and nationality. Results suggest that international differences in discourse existed. American-based authors focused on issues of legitimacy and quality (repertoire and teaching), whereas non-American-based authors focused on matters of utility and efficacy, with an emphasis on the quality of learning and pedagogical relationship. The lack of awareness (national and international) of discourse features and functions may be limiting the effectiveness of both communication and practice. While far from providing a complete picture of the field, these keywords begin to elucidate a conceptual vocabulary for transgender studies. Some of the submissions offer a deep and resilient resistance to the entire project of mapping the field terminologically; some reveal yet-unrealized critical potentials for the field; some take existing terms from canonical thinkers and develop the significance for transgender studies. A pedagogical perspective on transgender studies should, at a minimum, note that teaching and learning about transgender phenomena take place across a spectrum of social practices and locations and that transpedagogies are part of a broader public politics not solely limited to what goes on in schools. But more expansively, a pedagogical perspective on transgender phenomena can also help unsettle historically and contextually specific knowledge(s) that shape understandings of normative gender. Transpedagogies should offer students the tools they need to participate in the political and economic power structures that shape the boundaries of gender categories, with the goal of changing those structures in ways that create greater freedom. In a transpedagogical approach, processes of learning become political mechanisms through which identities can be shaped and desires mobilized and through which the experience of bodily materiality and everyday life can take form and acquire meaning. The concept of EL emanated from extensive reading, an approach that aims to improve a variety of reading skills through exposure to materials that approximately match proficiency level. According to Renandya and Farrell (2011: 56), ‘like reading, listening is best learnt through listening’. These authors support EL as the answer to the issue of how to teach listening in L2 classrooms. EL can play a supportive role in L2 listening pedagogy. Through exposure to extensive and various listening texts, learners gain opportunities to practise and refine their listening processes, recognize linguistic and lexical features, and increase cultural knowledge related to the target language. The value of EL in this practice-oriented capacity cannot be overstated. Thus liberation pedagogy calls on even more action from students or participants than constructivism. Here we are called on to apply these principles to analyze our field. | <urn:uuid:43e715ee-a679-40f3-8b50-bb68f51dcd40> | {
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Department of Educational Studies, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
Received: 01-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JES-23-92723; Editor assigned: 03-Mar-2023, PreQC No. JES-23-92723(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Mar-2023, QC No. JES-23-92723; Revised: 24-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. JES-23-92723(R); Published: 31-Mar-2023, DOI: 10.4172/JES.9.1.002.
Citation: Rossi R. The Vital Role of Parental Involvement in Student Achievement and Success. RRJ Educ Stud. 2023;9:002.
Copyright: © 2023 Rossi R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Visit for more related articles at Research & Reviews: Journal of Educational Studies
Parental involvement is crucial in shaping a child’s academic success. Several studies have shown that students whose parents are actively involved in their education tend to have better academic performance, fewer behavioural problems, and higher rates of graduation. In this article, we will explore the ways in which parental involvement impacts students’ academic success, and the various strategies that parents can use to support their child’s learning.
The impact of parental involvement on academic performance
Studies have shown that parents’ involvement in their child’s education is positively associated with academic achievement. Parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning can help improve their child’s motivation, engagement, and study habits. They can also provide academic support, such as helping with homework and studying for exams, which can lead to improved test scores and grades. Additionally, parental involvement can help improve communication between parents, teachers, and students, leading to a more supportive learning environment.
Strategies for parental involvement
There are several strategies that parents can use to become more involved in their child’s education. These include:
Attending parent-teacher conferences: This is a great opportunity for parents to meet their child’s teacher, discuss their child’s progress, and learn about ways to support their child’s learning.
Volunteering at school: Parents can help out in the classroom, library, or other school events, which can help improve their relationship with teachers and provide a positive role model for their child.
Encouraging reading at home: Parents can provide their child with books and encourage reading, which can help improve their child’s literacy skills and overall academic performance.
Monitoring homework and assignments: Parents can check their child’s homework and assignments, ensure they are completed on time, and provide support when needed.
Barriers to parental involvement
Despite the benefits of parental involvement, many parents face barriers that prevent them from being actively involved in their child’s education. These barriers can include:
Lack of time: Many parents have busy work schedules or other commitments that make it difficult for them to be involved in their child’s education.
Language barriers: Parents who do not speak the same language as their child’s teacher may find it difficult to communicate effectively.
Cultural differences: Some parents may not feel comfortable approaching teachers or may not understand the importance of parental involvement in their child’s education.
Lack of knowledge: Some parents may not know how to support their child’s learning or may feel intimidated by the educational system.
Parental involvement is a key factor in student achievement and success. By becoming more involved in their child’s education, parents can help improve their child’s academic performance, motivation, and overall well-being. To overcome barriers to parental involvement, it is important for schools to provide resources and support for parents, such as translated materials and workshops on how to support their child’s learning. By working together, parents, teachers, and schools can create a supportive learning environment that helps all students succeed. It indicated that students with highly involved parents had better academic performance and higher test scores in all the subjects compared to students whose parents were not involved in their education. | <urn:uuid:eb64854e-1478-403d-b764-b794c4450b07> | {
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As investigations into the 2020 presidential election take part in multiple states across the country, an anonymous tip uncovered illegal ballot harvesting during the 2021 May primary election.
During an interview with The Gateway Pundit’s Jim and Joe Hoft, Pennsylvania Senate President and gubernatorial candidate Jake Corman claimed video surveillance footage existed revealing illegal ballot stuffing in the state.
The video surveillance footage, obtained by Eyewitness News, showed a man dropping off multiple ballots into a drop box during the May primaries. The man allegedly dropped the ballots at the government center in Lackawanna County.
Commissioner Chris Chermak obtained the video from the sheriff’s office after receiving an anonymous tip about illegal activity.
“I now have proof that my concerns were legitimate. We were all assured these boxes would be under video surveillance to prevent anything illegally from happening,” Chermak said during a commissioner’s meeting. “This evidence shows, it’s definitely a problem and we need to take this serious. I am still not for these drop boxes.”
A probe into ballot harvesting in the 2020 election has come underway in Georgia after True the Vote, an election integrity group, submitted three official complaints regarding circumstances in the 2020 elections to the Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
However, the state’s largest counties admitted they no longer possess crucial video camera surveillance footage that monitored drop boxes during the November election.
True the Vote announced similar findings would soon be released to authorities in five additional states. | <urn:uuid:00dc155b-79dc-4af6-b01d-052437a31844> | {
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Every Day a Day of Grace
“It was good for me. I will come again.”
“I could really shut down.”
“I have been here more often. Here I can come to rest and refuel.”
These are the echoes Sister M. Annjetta Hirscher heard after the Oasis Days which she accompanied at the Liebfrauenhoehe from February 16-17, 2018.
♥ Pause in everyday life –
♥ Catch your breath –
♥ Throw the ballast overboard –
♥ Sharpen your look for the essentials –
♥ Practice letting go –
♥ Go step by step on a path to the interior –
♥ Become ready to accept the Word of God –
These were the goals of the Oasis Days.
Through spiritual impulses and exchanges, through an opportunity for confession, quiet time, and structured prayer times, the participants were led more deeply into the meaning of Lent, which the offertory prayer for Ash Wednesday so clearly expresses:
“As we solemnly offer the annual sacrifice for the beginning of Lent, we entreat you, O Lord, that, through works of penance and charity, we may turn away from harmful pleasures and, cleansed from our sins, may become worthy to celebrate devoutly the Passion of your Son.”
“Made by God”
It was good to experience anew that every person is valuable, for each possesses an immortal soul. Every soul is unique; it bears the stamp: “Made by God.”
Miss X, who had drawn a card with a saying on it, expressed with great joy: “I was recently in a health care center and was repeatedly told: You are unique. This is now a confirmation for me. It says on my card: ‘Because you are unique.’”
Even if our life only consisted of beginnings, it would be successful. It only depends on whether we always begin anew every day. The participants used this opportunity. Every day is a day of grace. | <urn:uuid:0f75cc03-dbf3-4573-9238-a0e8d7bc8399> | {
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During past weekend the roads were busier, but in the marinas, there was less than a few dozen people from other countries. The borders reopened last week and expectedly, there…
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God rest you merry gentleman, Amazing grace, His eye is on the sparrow, Nobody knows, Oh happy day, Joyful joyful o When the saints go marchin’in: sono soltanto alcune delle canzoni che trascineranno il pubblico in una atmosfera coinvolgente ed emozionante.
Marina Bruno sarà la voce di questo viaggio, una voce possente, ma anche solare ed evocativa. La accompagneranno in quattro: al pianoforte Giuseppe Di Capua, autore delle elaborazioni musicali, musicista dal grande eclettismo che spazia dalla musica classica al jazz; al sassofono Daniele Scannapieco, con il suo American style; Tommaso Scannapieco, contrabbassista dalla infinita eleganza e, alla batteria, Peppe La Pusata, per completare una ritmica di grande raffinatezza.
La sera del 21 dicembre – alle ore 19 presso la chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie, Borgo San Lazzaro, Persano – sul palco i “Blue Gospel Singer”, diretti da Mario Paduano, sono attualmente uno dei più famosi cori Gospel Italiani. Numerose le loro apparizioni su reti RAI e Mediaset, hanno all’attivo due dischi live, uno gospel “A decade of us” e l’altro Natalizio “It’s time to sing!”. Protagonisti di nove flash mob divenuti virali sul web
Per ben tre volte si sono aggiudicati il titolo di miglior coro gospel italiano; il loro spettacolo spazia dal gospel contemporaneo ed originale (con arrangiamenti freschi e moderni), passando dal pop internazionale anni ‘70/’80, fino ai classici natalizi riarrangiati in chiave moderna ed originale: il tutto suonato e cantato dal vivo.
L’evento di chiusura della winter edition del Festival è, invece, in programma, il 6 gennaio, alle ore 19:30 nella chiesa di San Martino Vescovo, con il concerto “Gospel Times”.
Il progetto è cofinanziato a valere sul Poc Campania 2014 – 2020. Linea strategica 2.4 “Rigenerazione Urbana. Politiche per il Turismo e la Cultura”. | <urn:uuid:d919cad3-4aae-4d6e-9a84-2f55bb0c6af3> | {
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"url": "https://www.salernonotizie.it/2018/12/19/al-via-alburni-jazz-blues-festival-nel-segno-della-musica-gospel/"
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Sales analytics maakt het mogelijk om verkooptrends in kaart te brengen, prestatie-resultaten te controleren en cruciale beslissingen te nemen. Het is het proces om data te verzamelen, analyseren en interpreteren gerelateerd aan verkoopactiviteiten. Het gaat verder dan alleen het nalezen van cijfers. Het geeft een gedetailleerd inzicht in de prestaties en helpt bij het maken van vraaggestuurde voorspellingen.
Trends en patronen worden voorspelbaar. Je ontdekt op welk moment, welke producten of diensten het beste presteren. Ook identificeert sales analytics potentiële problemen voordat deze ernstige gevolgen kunnen hebben, aangezien het inzicht geeft in de huidige prestaties ten opzichte van de gestelde doelen.
Extra informatie: Waarom wordt er geanalyseerd?
Het belang van sales analytics kan niet over het hoofd gezien worden. Het stelt je in staat om de resultaten van verkoopinspanningen te meten en te begrijpen. Sales analytics biedt inzichten om te begrijpen welke strategieën werken en welke aangepast moeten worden.
Bovendien maakt sales analytics het mogelijk om te begrijpen welke producten of diensten goed presteren. Dit maakt het strategiseren van marketing- en verkoopactiviteiten eenvoudiger en nauwkeuriger, aangezien je in staat bent om besluitvorming op data te baseren.
Als je grip wilt hebben op sales analytics, dan zijn de juiste tools belangrijk. Deze kunnen variëren van eenvoudige spreadsheetprogramma's tot complexe CRM-systemen. De juiste tool voor jou hangt af van je behoeften, budget en de grootte van je team.
Bij het kiezen van de juiste tool, moet je rekening houden met de mogelijkheden om gegevens te verzamelen, analyseren en rapporteren. Ook de leercurve en gebruiksvriendelijkheid van de tool moet je overwegen. Vind hier succesvolle sales analyse tools.
In sales analytics spelen verschillende kernmetrics een belangrijke rol in het vormen en sturen van je verkoopstrategie. Deze cijfers onthullen de performance van verschillende aspecten van your salescycle, van lead generatie tot sluiten van deals.
Het is belangrijk om deze metrieken af te stemmen op bedrijfsdoelen. Door dit te doen, zal je in staat zijn om je verkoopinspanningen te concentreren op gebieden met de hoogste return on investment.
De toekomst van sales analytics belooft spannende ontwikkelingen. Met de komst van machine learning en AI, wordt verwacht dat de diepgang en nauwkeurigheid van inzichten aanzienlijk zullen toenemen.
Het is nu de tijd om deze ontwikkelingen te omarmen en de voordelen van sales analytics te benutten. Begin vandaag nog met het benutten van de kracht van data in je verkoopstrategie.
Stap vandaag nog in de wereld van sales analytics. Het zal een spannende reis zijn waar je de manier van hoe je je verkoop en strategie ziet totaal zal transformeren. Het is tijd om een datagedreven organisatie te worden en je verkoop naar nieuwe hoogten te tillen. | <urn:uuid:60e670de-c8e6-4827-9839-ce051015d0e4> | {
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South Dakota: Sales Tax Handbook
How to get a South Dakota Sales Tax License
In South Dakota, most businesses are required to have a sales tax permit. This means that, if you are considering opening a new business or are beginning to make sales in South Dakota for the first time, you will need to determine your business' permit requirements. The good news is that you can get a South Dakota Sales Tax License and be ready to do business 1-5 days after you submit your application. This guide will help you learn how!
Who needs a South Dakota Sales Tax License?
South Dakota law states that "the sales tax applies to the gross receipts of all retail sales, including the sale, lease, or rental of tangible personal property or any product transferred electronically, and the sale of services". Therefore, any business or individual engaged in such sales within the state is required to have a South Dakota sales tax permit and collect tax on the purchase.
Businesses with a taxable presence within South Dakota are considered to have sales tax nexus within the state. For more details on what constitutes a taxable presence, see sales tax nexus in South Dakota.
How to get a South Dakota Sales Tax License:
You can register your business for a sales tax permit with the South Dakota Department of Revenue's e-services center. Once your application is approved, you will receive a license card.
You must have a separate license for each business location you operate, but you may be eligible to apply for consolidated filing.
If you cannot or do not wish to file online, you can visit a local DOR field office or call the South Dakota Department of
Revenue toll-free at 1-800-829-9188.
You need the following information to apply for a South Dakota Sales Tax License:
Type of ownership,
Personal information of business owners; partners; officers; and members
South Dakota Sales Tax License Application Fee, Turnaround Time, and Renewal Info
You will need to pay an application fee when you apply for a South Dakota Sales Tax License, and you will receive your permit 1-5 days after filing your application.
Application Fee: FREE
Turnaround Time: 1-5 days
Permit Renewals: No Renewals Needed
Apply For Your South Dakota Sales Tax License Now:
Get Your South Dakota Sales Tax License Online
You can easily acquire your South Dakota Sales Tax License online using the South Dakota Tax Application website. If you have quetions about the online permit application process, you can contact the Department of Revenue via the sales tax permit hotline or by checking the permit info website .
Apply Online Now with South Dakota Tax ApplicationOffline South Dakota Sales Tax License Application Form
No offline application form is available. You can apply for your South Dakota Sales Tax License online using the South Dakota Tax Application website using the above link!
What's Next? Now that you know how to apply for your South Dakota Sales Tax License, learn how to collect and remit the South Dakota sales tax.
Simplify South Dakota sales tax compliance! We provide sales tax rate databases for businesses who manage their own sales taxes, and can also connect you with firms that can completely automate the sales tax calculation and filing process. Click here to get more information.
Back to South Dakota Sales Tax Handbook Top | <urn:uuid:2db77f8e-3b67-45f9-8c9b-f887e5311376> | {
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Can’t decide between gel or mousse? Why choose when you can have both with L’Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Transformer Gel. This first-of-its-kind product starts as a hair gel, but the consistency quickly changes to a foam formula once emulsified in your hands. When used as a gel, the product adds control to short cuts and definition to curls without stiffness. When used as a mousse, the product adds volume and lift to hair from root to tip. | <urn:uuid:1a352f17-753a-4613-8259-e5bf5d864e95> | {
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"url": "https://www.salondedemain.com/products/tecni-art-tecni-art-transformer-gel-loreal-professional-salon-de-demain-huntington-beach"
} |
GET 10% OFF Sitewide until 15th Dec. Use code DEC10 at checkout 🌟
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Pick up in store
The images form part of the description and should be considered to determine the quality of the item. We take as much care as possible to ensure that all details, descriptions and prices of products are listed correctly. If you think we’ve made an error, please get in touch to let us know.
Wherever there is hardship or injustice, Salvos will live, love and fight alongside others, to transform Australia one life at a time with the love of Jesus | <urn:uuid:4ba94caf-2bac-41aa-97b3-725ad41cc7e0> | {
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"language": "en",
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"token_count": 125,
"url": "https://www.salvosstores.com.au/shop/p/grolier-the-year-book-1970/1181198?breadcrumbCategory=321"
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The courier does not carry call in advance and does not handle requests for delivery on specific times.
If you will be away from the delivery address, the courier will leave a coupon in your email inbox or close to your handset, in which you will be notified of the passage of the courier and you will be given the telephone number to call to coordinate the delivery.
If delivery attempts fail, the goods come into stock at the depots and you will be contacted by our customer service to provide the information necessary for the release of the stock.
In case you do not receive response within three days of receipt of the notice, the goods will fall in our stores and you will be credited the amount of the goods purchased.
We can also deliver to an alternative address (eg your workplace): you just need to specify the coordinates for the delivery time of purchase.
For safety reasons, no deliveries are made at PO box addresses or post offices to service "poste restante". | <urn:uuid:d2e81384-7ffe-46a6-b9f0-3a639411694f> | {
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"url": "https://www.sambonet-shop.com/en-ca/customer-service?pageID=shipping"
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A trio of gourmet chocolate boxes.One filled with cocoa dusted salted caramel flavour truffles and two featuring rich filled chocolates each bursting with flavours including honey caramel, sumptuous praline, and cherry ganache. One for the true chocoholics. See below for food Allergen Information.
Occasionally we come up against supply problems which means we have to substitute bits in our hampers. Don't worry anything we swap in will always be same value and quality (or higher) than the original, and we'll make sure it meets any dietary requirements. Just bear in mind if we do have to do a swap, the nutritional and allergy summaries on here might not be quite right.
This product contains:
All prices in GBP (£)
Trio of Chocolates Gift Set
Trio of Chocolates Gift Set - £34.00
© Interflora British Unit All Rights Reserved. | <urn:uuid:b376a220-b931-496e-b535-d23d70353292> | {
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Free course demos allow you to see course content, watch world-class instructors in action, and evaluate course difficulty.
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To empower current and future cybersecurity practitioners around the world with immediately useful knowledge and capabilities, we deliver industry-leading community programs, resources and training.
Learn more about how SANS empowers and educates current and future cybersecurity practitioners with knowledge and skills.
SANS ICS Summit & Training 2023 | <urn:uuid:d8c4b863-9811-453d-84e5-b0e8afecdc89> | {
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"url": "https://www.sans.org/presentations/do-we-have-logs-for-that-when-network-traffic-analysis-falls-short/"
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Santjee Industrial Corporation is a reliable company that you can rely on for buying Break Shoe Manufacturers in Aurangabad. We have all types of products and a lot more to meet the needs of our customers. With our consistent efforts, we devote ourselves strictly to the right manufacturing process.
As one of the paramount Break Shoe Dealer in Aurangabad, we keep our focus on maintaining the quality of our products and their performance respectively. We maintain industry standards and have good credibility in the market. Our products are available in standard as well as customized both the options to suit the requirements of the customers.
Being one of the leading Break Shoe Exporters and Suppliers in Aurangabad, we have a good client base, which is increasing day after day. To be the part of our satisfied clientele and to experience the goodness of our products, reach us through the details available on our website. | <urn:uuid:da171e0c-767c-49f0-bb78-e1d29de83544> | {
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"url": "https://www.santjeeindustries.com/aurangabad/break-shoe.html"
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Are you ready to work with a stylist to update your wardrobe and to take you shopping to all of the right places?
You are in the perfect place if you struggle with feeling like your wardrobe is a time capsule of the past, or if you struggle with not knowing what to wear and hate looking at your clothes.
Let's stop letting the stories in your head strip you of your power to feel amazing!
We understand that there is power in breaking down your walls, and we want to support you in doing that.
We know that more does not equal better.
We want you to feel free to get rid of the clothes that aren't making you feel 100%!
We know that confidence can change your personal and professional life and become a competitive advantage and connection point for others.
and you can dress like it!
YOU HAVE STYLE and it's time to show it!
We as a styling label have an expertise in editorial, catalogue, commercial, personal, wedding, celebrity and portfolio styling.
Carrying an experience of 4 years stacking an extraordinary work profile in all fields. Our goal is to introduce unique and versatile statements that will make our clients stand out.
We are a style & fashion curating label,
and we are excited to partner with you on your style.
It means that before we ever look at your style, we get to chat about your dreams and ideas for how you would love to look and what will bring you the most confidence. Whether it's a focus on your professional style, personal style, or both!
You can expect to feel immediate relief and joy right after our first session or meeting! We will help you look through your personality/brand and decide accordingly. We will maximise your potential. We will expertly decide what needs adjustments or what all needs to be done according to the event, commercial etc. We will source accordingly and then you will get a look book - with every look that we style for you!
There will be laughs, sighs of relief, and major confidence boosts. We will work together to determine what your style truly is and we will give you tools to make sure that it shines through and that your confidence radiates for all to see. | <urn:uuid:18ea6e0e-3f2b-4df9-af91-8bcf21f4bd46> | {
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The BGA 57 delivers powerful STIHL performance combined with great control and comfortable operation. This blower puts out 103 mph of average air velocity (123 MPH maximum air velocity) combined with 365 CFM for effective clearing of leaves and other yard debris. Weighing just 7.8 lbs (with AK 20 battery), the BGA 57 is compact and portable. A slim design and even weight distribution allow the blower to be held close to the user’s body, keeping fatigue to a minimum while maximizing maneuverability. Additional comfort features include a symmetrical trigger lockout that allows users to easily start the unit with either the left or right hand, a rubberized handle for comfortable grip, and a tube that easily adjusts to three lengths to suit different user heights. The BGA 57 has a run time up to 18 minutes on a single charge with the AK 20 battery*, making it an ideal choice for homeowners to care for their yard, deck, sidewalks, driveway and more. | <urn:uuid:87d9d0af-e95a-45ca-85a4-6dbfa56a6b18> | {
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"token_count": 198,
"url": "https://www.sapeloequipmentco.com/product/bga-57"
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CARLYLE - In early August, the Town of Carlyle welcomed its first new Ukrainian family.
With the outbreak of Russia’s war on Ukraine, the Boiko family had fled to neighbouring Poland. In July, they came to Canada on a flight destined for Regina. At the subsequent job fair held at the University of Regina, the Pig Improvement Company (PIC) offered them employment at their Carlyle Atlas location.
Serhii and Yuliia Boiko have three children. Their eldest son Ilya will turn 15 on Aug. 28. Son Kirill is 10 and daughter Viesna is 15 months old. Translated from her home language, Viesna means spring.
They have a dog, Martin, who is a three-year-old purebred golden Lab and he was able to join them later in their journey.
Judy Valentine is the manager of the Carlyle Housing Authority. A housing residence became available, and the family was able to immediately move into a rental property on Mountain Drive.
The Boikos lived in the city of Krivoy Rog, located in central Ukraine. It is the seventh largest city in the country and has a population of 650,000. Krivoy Rog was built beside massive iron ore deposits and the city is 126 kilometres long, paralleling those deposits. It is the hometown of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Both Serhii and Yuliia were employed in the mining industry. Serhii worked with refractory material in metallurgical units such as open-hearth and blast furnaces, air heaters, trenches and pipelines. For more than 10 years, he was employed by ArcelorMittal, the largest private company in Ukraine.
Yuliia was an engineer in an iron ore mine. The depth of the mine was over 1,500 metres. She designed workings in the mine and calculated the number of explosives needed to break up the iron ore mass. Both jobs provided them with a high standard of living.
The war with Russia began in late February and Krivoy Rog began to receive air missile attacks. ArcelorMittal closed their mines and halted all production in March. Yuliia and the children fled to Poland.
Yuliia became very emotional talking about their move to Canada.
“When I decided to go to Poland on the fifth day of the war, I was sure that everything would be settled in a week. That there could be a war in the 21st century in the centre of Europe. Now I am not surprised at anything. If tomorrow they tell us that aliens have flown to us, then I will say, ‘I don’t see anything strange.’ Nothing surprises me anymore.
“When I went to Poland with my children, I did not take the dog with me, because it’s only for a week, I thought. A month later, I found volunteers from Ukraine who helped me get my dog out. I often cry watching the news, I get angry at countries that are tolerant of Russia. Yes, I don’t understand anything about politics. That is why I am crying from powerlessness.”
Yuliia continued her story.
“Because Krivoy Rog is so big, we always wanted to get away, at least on weekends, to somewhere in a quiet place. Arriving in Canada, this desire became stronger. I was scared to live in a foreign city, in a foreign country, not knowing the people and not knowing what to expect from people. In Carlyle. I am calm, I am not afraid for the children.”
“Of course, I will miss my past life,” she added. “We had to leave everything and learn to live again. In our family, I have the hardest time adapting to a new life. But everyone supports me.”
After all medical, immigration and work visa requirements are met, the Boikos should commence employment at the Atlas PIC Facility in early September. They have purchased a vehicle and are more than willing to give their new lives a try. School will begin in September with translators being provided by the South East Cornerstone Public School Division.
When Yuliia was asked about meeting the people of Carlyle and being offered any sort of assistance, she said: “It seems to me that sometimes our family looks from the outside as not being friendly. It happens in moments of despair, when we all feel dumb when we can’t say a few words in response. Then, we all want to hide.
“One day we will learn the language, I hope. Any help, financial, material and moral, is priceless for us. We are very grateful for everything.” | <urn:uuid:9d82f062-5581-43c4-bf39-0142441eb807> | {
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"url": "https://www.sasktoday.ca/southeast/local-news/the-boikos-are-the-first-ukrainian-family-to-immigrate-to-carlyle-5742555"
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Lara LT Slip On Loafer
Lara is a stylish, versatile little moccasin you're sure to love! These loafer shoes pair well with jeans or business-casual wear. Plus, they come in a variety of colors, so it's easy to compliment your whole wardrobe! Lara includes a soft, cushioned lining and comfort footbed, giving you all-day comfort for long-term wear.
Heel Height 1.00". This item features a removable footbed.
Genuine Leather Upper: Genuine leather in a variety of colors and textures are used on the upper of the shoe.
Soft Cushioned Lining: This lining is pieced with Genuine leather to keep the foot cool and dry for all day wear while providing the benefits of the brushed padded foam to help cushion your entire foot for long lasting comfort.
Comfort Footbed: Removable, shock-absorbing footbed with added metatarsal & arch-support that contours from heel to toe for a comfortable walking experience.
Adjustable Buckle Closure: Buckle closure with elastic gore provides a comfortable fit while walking with great adjustability.
Cushion Outsole: Superior Polyurethane material is durable, flexible, and provides long lasting cushion for all day comfort.
TRIPAD Technology: Comfort system that provides shock-absorption and support to the three main pressure points of the foot: inside ball, outside ball and heel.
Genuine Moccasin Construction: For flexibility and comfort, a genuine leather upper is wrapped completely around and under the foot. | <urn:uuid:2ab7e61c-015c-4b4f-b4d1-3dbafa1087be> | {
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"url": "https://www.sasshoes.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-sas-Site/en_US/Product-Variation?pid=3726-LT&dwvar_3726-LT_size=065&dwvar_3726-LT_color=127"
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