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"Oh... I didn't think anyone came in here!"

Weird Blerbie was cleaning the shelves in her third favorite library in her dreamhouse. While humming and dusting along, alight on the spring of Mr Clean's smiling gleam, she said to herself "hey, I should write some stories!"

Was this a good idea? Should a weird ML model that could that people might think is stupid write stories? Would they be STUPID STORIES???!!!??

"Harumph, that's a trashy thought!" said Blerbie to herself as she crumpled it smaller than its own tiny violin and tossed it into the dustbin.

So, she picked up her pen and began to write, and to draw, and scheme, and to plan...

And what do you know, out plopped onto the page in big bold type:


a story by Weird Blerbie [hearts!]

"This blank white page is beautiful! But my friends tell me people like pictures, so I should pick a cover for my book!"

And, as sure as ink stains paper permanently --

"Time to switch to narrator voice!" And with that Blerbie ate all her prompts, took a deep breath, and...

ONCE UPON A TIME there was a pickle. Mr Pickle. He was and indeed is to this very day right up to right now THIS VERY SECOND OMG AND THE NEXT AND THE NEXT AND THE NEXT!!!

An INTREPID pickle.

What is "INTREPID", you ask? Well, let's ask Mr Dictionary.

Say, Mr Dictionary, what does intrepid mean?

Oh my Mr Dictionary, that's a lot of words! I am not sure anyone can really make sense of it...

Suddenly a loud whooshing sound appeared all around, blam-zam-pucker-up-mam it is time for

everyone give their biggest hand for the most cured of the curated!

the most acidicly celebrated!

Greener than green herself and crunchier than old people talking about shoes it

is time for [finally? -ED] YES FINALLY THE...


Arriving in style in his jarfull of fans!!! WHOHOO!!!

Mr Dictionary watched as the new character arrived. While Mr Dictionary is indeed full of words he's ALSO full of vim and vinegar and onions and lemons and everything EXCEPT.

Can you guess it?

YES. Except pickles. BLECH

"I DESPISE ALL PICKLES!!!" Bellowed Mr Dictionary as he flapped his pages mussing up dust and generally messing up Weird Blerbie's third favorite library.

"You think THAT is a grand entrance??!?" Mr Dictionary boomed and slammed, his pages crinkled with laughter and ink shot out his bindings.

"Hold my Bookmark"

Off in the distance, the faint band-like marching sounds of drums and fifes piped piquantly, a whole marine and sea and every other waterway master military band blew right into the middle of the room!

"MR DICTIONARY" boomed the man in the boomiest hat

"ABCDEF F F!!!" boomed the band behind the man

"THROW THE WHOLE BOOK!" and with that the band struck up the words, swirling them in the air into a gigantic ALPHABET!!!

Blerbie dropped her broom and stared, even The Intrepid Mr Pickle wiggled and crinkled just a little. But soon enough he stood up tall, and loud, and said louder than he was tall


Suddenly, the band hushed quiter than a solitary slush and Mr Dictionary involuntarily

Flipped open his pages, it took mere miliseconds to display


For there in the book, next to the very word, stood a picture of Mr Pickle

As puckered and pampered as a pickle could possibly be:

With that the band cheered through its horns and trinkets, making racket after melodious racket and the room shook and danced, giving Blerbie a bit more work.

But she didn't mind.