from functools import partial |
import os |
import torch |
import numpy as np |
import gradio as gr |
import random |
import shutil |
print(f"Is CUDA available: {torch.cuda.is_available()}") |
print(f"CUDA device: {torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device())}") |
import os |
from os.path import join as pjoin |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from models.mask_transformer.transformer import MaskTransformer, ResidualTransformer |
from models.vq.model import RVQVAE, LengthEstimator |
from options.hgdemo_option import EvalT2MOptions |
from utils.get_opt import get_opt |
from utils.fixseed import fixseed |
from visualization.joints2bvh import Joint2BVHConvertor |
from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical |
from utils.motion_process import recover_from_ric |
from utils.plot_script import plot_3d_motion |
from utils.paramUtil import t2m_kinematic_chain |
from gen_t2m import load_vq_model, load_res_model, load_trans_model, load_len_estimator |
clip_version = 'ViT-B/32' |
WEBSITE = """ |
<div class="embed_hidden"> |
<h1 style='text-align: center'> MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions </h1> |
<h2 style='text-align: center'> |
<a href="https://ericguo5513.github.io" target="_blank"><nobr>Chuan Guo*</nobr></a>   |
<a href="https://yxmu.foo/" target="_blank"><nobr>Yuxuan Mu*</nobr></a>   |
<a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=w4e-j9sAAAAJ&hl=en" target="_blank"><nobr>Muhammad Gohar Javed*</nobr></a>   |
<a href="https://sites.google.com/site/senwang1312home/" target="_blank"><nobr>Sen Wang</nobr></a>   |
<a href="https://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~lcheng5/" target="_blank"><nobr>Li Cheng</nobr></a> |
</h2> |
<h2 style='text-align: center'> |
<nobr>arXiv 2023</nobr> |
</h2> |
<h3 style="text-align:center;"> |
<a target="_blank" href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.00063"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> Paper </button></a>   |
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/EricGuo5513/momask-codes"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> Code </button></a>   |
<a target="_blank" href="https://ericguo5513.github.io/momask/"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> Webpage </button></a>   |
<a target="_blank" href="https://ericguo5513.github.io/source_files/momask_2023_bib.txt"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"> BibTex </button></a> |
</h3> |
<h3> Description </h3> |
<p> |
π₯π₯π₯ This space presents an interactive demo for <a href='https://ericguo5513.github.io/momask/' target='_blank'><b>MoMask</b></a>, a method for text-to-motion generation!!! It generates human motions (skeletal animations) based on your descriptions. To gain a better understanding of our work, you could try the provided examples first. π₯π₯π₯ |
</p> |
<p> |
πππ In addition, we provide a link to download the generated human skeletal motion in <b>BVH</b> file format, compatible with CG software such as Blender!!! πππ |
</p> |
<p> |
πππ If you find this demo interesting, we would appreciate your star on our <a href="https://github.com/EricGuo5513/momask-codes" target="_blank">github</a>. More details could be found on our <a href='https://ericguo5513.github.io/momask/' target='_blank'>webpage</a>. π«Άπ«Άπ«Ά |
</p> |
<p> |
If you have any issues on this space or feature requests, we warmly welcome you to contact us through our <a href="https://github.com/EricGuo5513/momask-codes/issues" target="_blank">github repo</a> or <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject =[MoMask]Feedback&body = Message">email</a>. |
</p> |
</div> |
""" |
WEBSITE_bottom = """ |
<p> |
We thanks <a href="https://huggingface.co./spaces/Mathux/TMR" target="_blank">TMR</a> for this cool space template. |
</p> |
</div> |
""" |
"A person is running on a treadmill.", "The person takes 4 steps backwards.", |
"A person jumps up and then lands.", "The person was pushed but did not fall.", |
"The person does a salsa dance.", "A figure streches it hands and arms above its head.", |
"This person kicks with his right leg then jabs several times.", |
"A person stands for few seconds and picks up his arms and shakes them.", |
"A person walks in a clockwise circle and stops where he began.", |
"A man bends down and picks something up with his right hand.", |
"A person walks with a limp, their left leg gets injured.", |
"A person repeatedly blocks their face with their right arm.", |
"The person holds his left foot with his left hand, puts his right foot up and left hand up too.", |
"A person stands, crosses left leg in front of the right, lowering themselves until they are sitting, both hands on the floor before standing and uncrossing legs.", |
"The man walked forward, spun right on one foot and walked back to his original position.", |
"A man is walking forward then steps over an object then continues walking forward.", |
] |
CSS = """ |
.generate_video { |
position: relative; |
margin-left: auto; |
margin-right: auto; |
box-shadow: var(--block-shadow); |
border-width: var(--block-border-width); |
border-color: #000000; |
border-radius: var(--block-radius); |
background: var(--block-background-fill); |
width: 25%; |
line-height: var(--line-sm); |
} |
} |
""" |
DEFAULT_TEXT = "A person is " |
if not os.path.exists("checkpoints/t2m"): |
os.system("bash prepare/download_models_demo.sh") |
parser = EvalT2MOptions() |
opt = parser.parse() |
fixseed(opt.seed) |
opt.device = torch.device("cpu" if opt.gpu_id == -1 else "cuda:" + str(opt.gpu_id)) |
dim_pose = 263 |
root_dir = pjoin(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.dataset_name, opt.name) |
model_dir = pjoin(root_dir, 'model') |
model_opt_path = pjoin(root_dir, 'opt.txt') |
model_opt = get_opt(model_opt_path, device=opt.device) |
vq_opt_path = pjoin(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.dataset_name, model_opt.vq_name, 'opt.txt') |
vq_opt = get_opt(vq_opt_path, device=opt.device) |
vq_opt.dim_pose = dim_pose |
vq_model, vq_opt = load_vq_model(vq_opt) |
model_opt.num_tokens = vq_opt.nb_code |
model_opt.num_quantizers = vq_opt.num_quantizers |
model_opt.code_dim = vq_opt.code_dim |
res_opt_path = pjoin(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.dataset_name, opt.res_name, 'opt.txt') |
res_opt = get_opt(res_opt_path, device=opt.device) |
res_model = load_res_model(res_opt, vq_opt, opt) |
assert res_opt.vq_name == model_opt.vq_name |
t2m_transformer = load_trans_model(model_opt, opt, 'latest.tar') |
length_estimator = load_len_estimator(model_opt) |
t2m_transformer.eval() |
vq_model.eval() |
res_model.eval() |
length_estimator.eval() |
res_model.to(opt.device) |
t2m_transformer.to(opt.device) |
vq_model.to(opt.device) |
length_estimator.to(opt.device) |
opt.nb_joints = 22 |
mean = np.load(pjoin(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.dataset_name, model_opt.vq_name, 'meta', 'mean.npy')) |
std = np.load(pjoin(opt.checkpoints_dir, opt.dataset_name, model_opt.vq_name, 'meta', 'std.npy')) |
def inv_transform(data): |
return data * std + mean |
kinematic_chain = t2m_kinematic_chain |
converter = Joint2BVHConvertor() |
cached_dir = './cached' |
uid = 12138 |
animation_path = pjoin(cached_dir, f'{uid}') |
os.makedirs(animation_path, exist_ok=True) |
@torch.no_grad() |
def generate( |
text, uid, motion_length=0, use_ik=True, seed=10107, repeat_times=1, |
): |
print(text) |
prompt_list = [] |
length_list = [] |
est_length = False |
prompt_list.append(text) |
if motion_length == 0: |
est_length = True |
else: |
length_list.append(motion_length) |
if est_length: |
print("Since no motion length are specified, we will use estimated motion lengthes!!") |
text_embedding = t2m_transformer.encode_text(prompt_list) |
pred_dis = length_estimator(text_embedding) |
probs = F.softmax(pred_dis, dim=-1) |
token_lens = Categorical(probs).sample() |
else: |
token_lens = torch.LongTensor(length_list) // 4 |
token_lens = token_lens.to(opt.device).long() |
m_length = token_lens * 4 |
captions = prompt_list |
datas = [] |
for r in range(repeat_times): |
mids = t2m_transformer.generate(captions, token_lens, |
timesteps=opt.time_steps, |
cond_scale=opt.cond_scale, |
temperature=opt.temperature, |
topk_filter_thres=opt.topkr, |
gsample=opt.gumbel_sample) |
mids = res_model.generate(mids, captions, token_lens, temperature=1, cond_scale=5) |
pred_motions = vq_model.forward_decoder(mids) |
pred_motions = pred_motions.detach().cpu().numpy() |
data = inv_transform(pred_motions) |
ruid = random.randrange(99999) |
for k, (caption, joint_data) in enumerate(zip(captions, data)): |
animation_path = pjoin(cached_dir, f'{uid}') |
os.makedirs(animation_path, exist_ok=True) |
joint_data = joint_data[:m_length[k]] |
joint = recover_from_ric(torch.from_numpy(joint_data).float(), 22).numpy() |
bvh_path = pjoin(animation_path, "sample_repeat%d.bvh" % (r)) |
save_path = pjoin(animation_path, "sample_repeat%d_%d.mp4"%(r, ruid)) |
if use_ik: |
print("Using IK") |
_, joint = converter.convert(joint, filename=bvh_path, iterations=100) |
else: |
_, joint = converter.convert(joint, filename=bvh_path, iterations=100, foot_ik=False) |
plot_3d_motion(save_path, kinematic_chain, joint, title=caption, fps=20) |
np.save(pjoin(animation_path, "sample_repeat%d.npy"%(r)), joint) |
data_unit = { |
"url": pjoin(animation_path, "sample_repeat%d_%d.mp4"%(r, ruid)) |
} |
datas.append(data_unit) |
return datas |
def get_video_html(data, video_id, width=700, height=700): |
url = data["url"] |
video_html = f""" |
<h2 style='text-align: center'> |
<a href="file/{pjoin(animation_path, "sample_repeat0.bvh")}" download="sample.bvh"><b>BVH Download</b></a> |
</h2> |
<video class="generate_video" width="{width}" height="{height}" style="center" preload="auto" muted playsinline onpause="this.load()" |
autoplay loop disablepictureinpicture id="{video_id}"> |
<source src="file/{url}" type="video/mp4"> |
Your browser does not support the video tag. |
</video> |
""" |
return video_html |
def generate_component(generate_function, text, motion_len='0', postprocess='IK'): |
if text == DEFAULT_TEXT or text == "" or text is None: |
return [None for _ in range(1)] |
try: |
motion_len = max(0, min(int(float(motion_len) * 20), 196)) |
except: |
motion_len = 0 |
use_ik = postprocess == 'IK' |
datas = generate_function(text, uid, motion_len, use_ik) |
htmls = [get_video_html(data, idx) for idx, data in enumerate(datas)] |
return htmls |
theme = gr.themes.Default(primary_hue="blue", secondary_hue="gray") |
generate_and_show = partial(generate_component, generate) |
with gr.Blocks(css=CSS, theme=theme) as demo: |
gr.Markdown(WEBSITE) |
videos = [] |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=3): |
text = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
label="Text prompt", |
) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
motion_len = gr.Textbox( |
show_label=True, |
label="Motion length (<10s)", |
value=0, |
info="Specify the motion length; 0 to use the default auto-setting.", |
) |
with gr.Column(scale=1): |
use_ik = gr.Radio( |
["Raw", "IK"], |
label="Post-processing", |
value="IK", |
info="Use basic inverse kinematic (IK) for foot contact locking", |
) |
gen_btn = gr.Button("Generate", variant="primary") |
clear = gr.Button("Clear", variant="secondary") |
gr.Markdown( |
f""" |
""" |
) |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
def generate_example(text): |
return generate_and_show(text) |
examples = gr.Examples( |
examples=[[x, None, None] for x in EXAMPLES], |
inputs=[text], |
examples_per_page=10, |
run_on_click=False, |
cache_examples=False, |
fn=generate_example, |
outputs=[], |
) |
i = -1 |
for _ in range(1): |
with gr.Row(): |
for _ in range(1): |
i += 1 |
video = gr.HTML() |
videos.append(video) |
gr.Markdown(WEBSITE_bottom) |
examples.outputs = videos |
def load_example(example_id): |
processed_example = examples.non_none_processed_examples[example_id] |
return gr.utils.resolve_singleton(processed_example) |
examples.dataset.click( |
load_example, |
inputs=[examples.dataset], |
outputs=examples.inputs_with_examples, |
show_progress=False, |
postprocess=False, |
queue=False, |
).then(fn=generate_example, inputs=examples.inputs, outputs=videos) |
gen_btn.click( |
fn=generate_and_show, |
inputs=[text, motion_len, use_ik], |
outputs=videos, |
) |
text.submit( |
fn=generate_and_show, |
inputs=[text, motion_len, use_ik], |
outputs=videos, |
) |
def clear_videos(): |
return [None for x in range(1)] + [DEFAULT_TEXT] |
clear.click(fn=clear_videos, outputs=videos + [text]) |
demo.launch(share=True) |