Text Generation

It generates <0x0A> instead of new line

by Hoioi - opened

I'm not sure if there's something wrong with the original model or the quantized version, but it generates <0x0A> instead of a going to the new line.

OK thanks. I'm also not sure if this is because of the original model, or a bug in the code I need to use to make it.

Because the original model doesn't include a tokenizer.model, I need to use a llama.cpp PR that can make GGUF from tokenizer.json. And it currently seems to have this bug.

I will see if I can find a tokenizer.model for this model and do it that way instead.

I've re-created the GGUFs for this model and v1 and newlines are now generated correctly.

@TheBloke hey man, please don't forget to quantize this model neural-chat-7b-v3-3 please.

Thank you so much for your fast support!

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