Silly Tavern

by biship - opened

How do you use this in silly tavern? I don't know what Context Template or Instruct Mode Preset to use. All I get is gibberish. Thanks!

Steel Storage org

it depends on your settings but I recommend context template as instruct template causes problems. Even tho it will take instructions. (trying to resolve this issue)

With settings set at temp: 1.0 and min p: 0.02-0.15

Steel Storage org

If you still have problems let me know!

Still gibberish. I tried multiple context templates and your text completion settings. Even with instruct mode off.

Steel Storage org

Hmm, I just ran a benchmark without issue... have you tried to re-download the model? sometimes the safetensors can get corrupted if the network is unstable or is accidentally disconnected.

Steelskull changed discussion status to closed

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