Researchers have introduced OpenDevin, an open-source platform for building powerful AI agents that interact with the world through software interfaces.
Here is a speed-run of features:
- Flexible agent abstraction, allowing easy implementation of diverse AI agents - Sandboxed Linux environment and web browser for safe code execution and web interaction - Core actions including IPythonRunCellAction, CmdRunAction, and BrowserInteractiveAction - AgentSkills library with reusable tools like file-editing utilities and multi-modal document parsing - Multi-agent delegation for complex task solving - Comprehensive evaluation framework with 15 benchmarks across software engineering and the web
Here is how you get Devin working:
1. Set up the environment: - Install OpenDevin by following the instructions in the GitHub repository ( - Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed.
2. Choose an agent: - Select an agent from the AgentHub, such as the CodeActAgent or BrowsingAgent. - Alternatively, create your own agent by implementing the agent abstraction.
3. Configure the environment: - Set up the sandboxed Linux environment and web browser. - Mount any necessary files or directories into the workspace.
4. Define the task: - Specify the task you want the agent to perform, such as writing code, debugging, or web browsing.
5. Initialize the agent: - Create an instance of your chosen agent. - Set any necessary parameters or prompts.
6. Start the interaction: - Begin the agent's execution loop, which typically involves: a. The agent perceiving the current state b. Deciding on an action c. Executing the action in the environment d. Observing the results