[Converter] How to use T2I adapter ? Little local file bug
Congratulations and Thank you for the amazing contribution.
- I'm a little confused how to use T2IAdapter origin in the converter, can you provide more information on how to set the version ?
- A little something broke in the converter, the local controlNet conversion shows error : "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rsplit'", Downloading from HF origin is fine.
Impressive, as always.
T2IAdapter conversion only needs to fill in the project name information, such as: TencentARC/t2i-adapter-depth-midas-sdxl-1.0
At present, there is a variable resolution setting error in the conversion T2IAdapter-sdxl. The upper limit is 1024, but it can work normally.
Local controlnet needs to download the diffusion format, and the diffusion_pytorch_model.bin and config.json files are placed in a folder called controlnet-depth.
Note that the "-depth" in the folder name is very important to identify the controlnet type, otherwise the preprocessor cannot be used.
Hello guys! I just pushed a new version that should fix the ControlNet bug and the resolution problem for XL T2IAdapters.