export Monomial |
const TupOrVec{T} = Union{AbstractVector{T}, Tuple{Vararg{T}}} |
struct Monomial{C} <: AbstractMonomial |
vars::Vector{PolyVar{C}} |
z::Vector{Int} |
function Monomial{C}(vars::Vector{PolyVar{C}}, z::Vector{Int}) where {C} |
if length(vars) != length(z) |
throw(ArgumentError("There should be as many vars than exponents")) |
end |
new(vars, z) |
end |
end |
Monomial{C}(vars::Tuple{Vararg{PolyVar{C}}}, z::Vector{Int}) where C = Monomial{C}([vars...], z) |
iscomm(::Type{Monomial{C}}) where C = C |
Monomial{C}() where C = Monomial{C}(PolyVar{C}[], Int[]) |
Monomial(vars::TupOrVec{PolyVar{C}}, z::Vector{Int}) where C = Monomial{C}(vars, z) |
function Base.convert(::Type{Monomial{C}}, x::PolyVar{C}) where C |
return Monomial{C}([x], [1]) |
end |
Monomial(x::PolyVar{C}) where C = convert(Monomial{C}, x) |
function MP.convertconstant(::Type{Monomial{C}}, α) where C |
α == 1 || error("Cannot convert $α to a Monomial{$C} as it is not one") |
Monomial{C}(PolyVar{C}[], Int[]) |
end |
Monomial(α::Number) = convert(Monomial{true}, α) |
Base.broadcastable(m::Monomial) = Ref(m) |
Base.copy(m::M) where {M<:Monomial} = M(m.vars, copy(m.z)) |
function canonical(m::Monomial) |
list = m.z .> 0 |
Monomial(_vars(m)[list], m.z[list]) |
end |
function Base.hash(x::Monomial, u::UInt) |
cx = canonical(x) |
if iszero(nvariables(cx)) |
hash(1, u) |
elseif nvariables(cx) == 1 && cx.z[1] == 1 |
hash(cx.vars[1], u) |
else |
hash(_vars(cx), hash(cx.z, u)) |
end |
end |
MP.exponents(m::Monomial) = m.z |
_vars(m::Union{Monomial}) = m.vars |
MP.monomial(m::Monomial) = m |