Are there plans for longer context version of this model?

by MarinaraSpaghetti - opened

Hey, super cool to see you guys releasing new Yi models, thank you for all the hard work! Yi with 200k context is my go-to one, so I must ask, are you planning on releasing this one with longer contexts too? At least with 32k? I find that 4k is a too small size nowadays, with even Llama-3 having 8k as a base (though for my personal uses, these numbers are too small as well anyway, ha ha).
Thank you in advance for your answer and cheers!

Came to ask the same, models under 16K (some might say 32K) context size tend to have a very limited use case.

Congrats on a the launch - very exciting indeed!

on the way, please stay tuned

Thank you so much for the response, best birthday gift ever. πŸ’– Will wait patiently!

wow, happy birthday to you ~ ❀️

Awww, thank you so much! 😭 Cheers, lads!

lorinma changed discussion status to closed

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