import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.quantization import QuantStub, DeQuantStub class RepVGGWholeQuant(nn.Module): def __init__(self, repvgg_model, quantlayers): super(RepVGGWholeQuant, self).__init__() assert quantlayers in ['all', 'exclud_first_and_linear', 'exclud_first_and_last'] self.quantlayers = quantlayers self.quant = QuantStub() self.stage0, self.stage1, self.stage2, self.stage3, self.stage4 = repvgg_model.stage0, repvgg_model.stage1, repvgg_model.stage2, repvgg_model.stage3, repvgg_model.stage4, self.linear =, repvgg_model.linear self.dequant = DeQuantStub() def forward(self, x): if self.quantlayers == 'all': x = self.quant(x) out = self.stage0(x) else: out = self.stage0(x) out = self.quant(out) out = self.stage1(out) out = self.stage2(out) out = self.stage3(out) if self.quantlayers == 'all': out = self.stage4(out) out =, -1) out = self.linear(out) out = self.dequant(out) elif self.quantlayers == 'exclud_first_and_linear': out = self.stage4(out) out = self.dequant(out) out =, -1) out = self.linear(out) else: out = self.dequant(out) out = self.stage4(out) out =, -1) out = self.linear(out) return out # From def fuse_model(self): for m in self.modules(): if type(m) == nn.Sequential and hasattr(m, 'conv'): # Note that we moved ReLU from "block.nonlinearity" into "rbr_reparam" (nn.Sequential). # This makes it more convenient to fuse operators using off-the-shelf APIs. torch.quantization.fuse_modules(m, ['conv', 'bn', 'relu'], inplace=True) def _get_qconfig(self): return torch.quantization.get_default_qat_qconfig('fbgemm') def prepare_quant(self): # From self.fuse_model() qconfig = self._get_qconfig() self.qconfig = qconfig torch.quantization.prepare_qat(self, inplace=True) def freeze_quant_bn(self): self.apply(torch.nn.intrinsic.qat.freeze_bn_stats)