import requests |
import json |
def get_middle(val1, val2): |
return int((val1+val2)/2) |
def page_exists(url, API_KEY): |
headers = { |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36', |
text_result = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text |
json_result = json.loads(text_result) |
if json_result["data"]["nodes"]: |
return True |
else: |
return False |
def find_page(url, max_value, API_KEY): |
max_possible_result = max_value |
next_to_check = max_possible_result |
max_good_result = -1 |
min_none_result = 9999 |
count = 0 |
while True: |
if page_exists(replace_page_number(url, next_to_check), API_KEY): |
print("+ found characters at page ", next_to_check) |
if max_good_result < next_to_check: |
max_good_result = next_to_check |
if max_good_result != -1 and min_none_result != 9999: |
next_to_check = get_middle(max_good_result, min_none_result) |
else: |
next_to_check = int(next_to_check + next_to_check/2) |
else: |
print("- no characters at page ", next_to_check) |
if min_none_result > next_to_check: |
min_none_result = next_to_check |
if max_good_result != -1 and min_none_result != 9999: |
next_to_check = get_middle(max_good_result, min_none_result) |
else: |
next_to_check = int(next_to_check/2) |
count += 1 |
if max_good_result == next_to_check: |
print("\n[VALUE FOUND]: ", next_to_check) |
print("[FINISHED IN]: ", count, " turns!") |
break |
def replace_page_number(url, new_page): |
base_url, query_string = url.split('?', 1) |
query_params = query_string.split('&') |
updated_params = [] |
for param in query_params: |
if param.startswith('page='): |
updated_params.append(f'page={new_page}') |
else: |
updated_params.append(param) |
updated_query_string = '&'.join(updated_params) |
return f"{base_url}?{updated_query_string}" |
test = "https://api.chub.ai/search?excludetopics=&first=20&page=1&namespace=characters&search=&include_forks=true&nsfw=true&nsfw_only=false&require_custom_prompt=false&require_images=false&require_expressions=false&nsfl=true&asc=false&min_tokens=50&max_tokens=100000&chub=true&require_lore=false&exclude_mine=true&require_lore_embedded=false&require_lore_linked=false&sort=default&topics=Female,Redhead&venus=true&count=false" |