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Author: Luan Dias -
This code implements a custom QToggle class, which is a toggle switch derived
from QCheckBox. The QToggle class features customizable colors, and properties.
It includes smooth transitions when toggling between states.
The custom properties include:
bg_color: background color of the toggle
circle_color: color of the circle inside the toggle
active_color: color of the background when the toggle is checked
disabled_color: color of the toggle when it's disabled
text_color: color of the text
Main functions and methods in the class include:
init: Initializes the QToggle object with default colors and settings
setDuration: Set the duration for the animation
update_pos_color: Updates the circle position and background color
start_transition: Starts the transition animation when the state changes
create_animation: Creates the circle position animation
create_bg_color_animation: Creates the background color animation
sizeHint: Provides the recommended size for the toggle
hitButton: Determines if the mouse click is inside the toggle area
paintEvent: Handles the custom painting of the toggle
The example demonstrates how to use the QToggle class by creating three
different toggles with various settings such as custom height, colors, and font.
from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, QRect, pyqtProperty, QPropertyAnimation, QPoint, \
from PyQt6.QtGui import QColor, QFontMetrics, QPainter, QPainterPath, QBrush, \
QPen, QFont
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QCheckBox, QVBoxLayout
class QToggle(QCheckBox):
bg_color = pyqtProperty(
QColor, lambda self: self._bg_color,
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_bg_color', col))
circle_color = pyqtProperty(
QColor, lambda self: self._circle_color,
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_circle_color', col))
active_color = pyqtProperty(
QColor, lambda self: self._active_color,
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_active_color', col))
disabled_color = pyqtProperty(
QColor, lambda self: self._disabled_color,
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_disabled_color', col))
text_color = pyqtProperty(
QColor, lambda self: self._text_color,
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_text_color', col))
def __init__(self, parent=None):
self._bg_color, self._circle_color, self._active_color, \
self._disabled_color, self._text_color = QColor("#0BF"), \
QColor("#DDD"), QColor('#777'), QColor("#CCC"), QColor("#000")
self._circle_pos, self._intermediate_bg_color = None, None
self._animation_duration = 500 # milliseconds
self._user_checked = False # Introduced flag to check user-initiated changes
circle_pos = pyqtProperty(
float, lambda self: self._circle_pos,
lambda self, pos: (setattr(self, '_circle_pos', pos), self.update()))
intermediate_bg_color = pyqtProperty(
QColor, lambda self: self._intermediate_bg_color,
lambda self, col: setattr(self, '_intermediate_bg_color', col))
def setDuration(self, duration: int):
Set the duration for the animation.
:param duration: Duration in milliseconds.
self._animation_duration = duration
def update_pos_color(self, checked=None):
self._circle_pos = self.height() * (1.1 if checked else 0.1)
if self.isChecked():
self._intermediate_bg_color = self._active_color
self._intermediate_bg_color = self._bg_color
def start_transition(self, state):
if not self._user_checked: # Skip animation if change isn't user-initiated
for anim in [self.create_animation, self.create_bg_color_animation]:
animation = anim(state)
self._user_checked = False # Reset the flag after animation starts
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
self._user_checked = True # Set flag when user manually clicks the toggle
def create_animation(self, state):
return self._create_common_animation(
state, b'circle_pos', self.height() * 0.1, self.height() * 1.1)
def create_bg_color_animation(self, state):
return self._create_common_animation(
state, b'intermediate_bg_color', self._bg_color, self._active_color)
def _create_common_animation(self, state, prop, start_val, end_val):
animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, prop, self)
animation.setStartValue(start_val if state else end_val)
animation.setEndValue(end_val if state else start_val)
return animation
def showEvent(self, event):
super().showEvent(event) # Ensure to call the super class's implementation
def resizeEvent(self, event):
def sizeHint(self):
size = super().sizeHint()
text_width = QFontMetrics(
size.setWidth(int(self.height() * 2 + text_width * 1.075))
return size
def hitButton(self, pos: QPoint):
return self.contentsRect().contains(pos)
def paintEvent(self, event):
painter = QPainter(self)
circle_color = QColor(
self.disabled_color if not self.isEnabled() else self.circle_color)
bg_color = QColor(
self.disabled_color if not self.isEnabled() else
text_color = QColor(
self.disabled_color if not self.isEnabled() else self.text_color)
bordersradius = self.height() / 2
togglewidth = self.height() * 2
togglemargin = self.height() * 0.3
circlesize = self.height() * 0.8
bg_path = QPainterPath()
0, 0, togglewidth, self.height(), bordersradius, bordersradius)
painter.fillPath(bg_path, QBrush(bg_color))
circle = QPainterPath()
self.circle_pos, self.height() * 0.1, circlesize, circlesize)
painter.fillPath(circle, QBrush(circle_color))
text_rect = QRect(int(togglewidth + togglemargin), 0, self.width() -
int(togglewidth + togglemargin), self.height())
0, (self.height() - painter.fontMetrics().height()) // 2, 0, 0)
painter.drawText(text_rect, Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignLeft |
Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignVCenter, self.text())
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication([])
window = QWidget()
layout = QVBoxLayout()
checkbox0 = QToggle()
checkbox1 = QToggle()
checkbox1.setText('Checkbox 1 - Disabled')
checkbox2 = QToggle()
checkbox2.setText('Checkbox 2 - Checked, custom height, animation duration, colors and font')
checkbox2.setFont(QFont('Segoe Print', 10))