import logging import math import os import queue import re from multiprocessing import Queue from typing import ( List, Tuple, Union, Dict, Any, Set, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Literal, ) import numpy as np import torch import torch.multiprocessing as mp import torch.nn as nn from tqdm import tqdm from transformers import is_torch_npu_available if TYPE_CHECKING: from transformers import PreTrainedTokenizer os.environ["PYTHONWARNINGS"] = "ignore" logger = logging.getLogger("FASTIE") def get_id_and_prob(spans, offset_map): prompt_length = 0 for i in range(1, len(offset_map)): if offset_map[i] != [0, 0]: prompt_length += 1 else: break for i in range(1, prompt_length + 1): offset_map[i][0] -= (prompt_length + 1) offset_map[i][1] -= (prompt_length + 1) sentence_id = [] prob = [] for start, end in spans: prob.append(float(start[1] * end[1])) sentence_id.append( (offset_map[start[0]][0], offset_map[end[0]][1])) return sentence_id, prob def get_span( start_ids: Union[List[int], List[Tuple[int, float]]], end_ids: Union[List[int], List[Tuple[int, float]]], with_prob: bool = False ) -> Set[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Get span set from position start and end list. Args: start_ids (List[int]/List[tuple]): The start index list. end_ids (List[int]/List[tuple]): The end index list. with_prob (bool): If True, each element for start_ids and end_ids is a tuple aslike: (index, probability). Returns: set: The span set without overlapping, every id can only be used once. """ if with_prob: start_ids = sorted(start_ids, key=lambda x: x[0]) end_ids = sorted(end_ids, key=lambda x: x[0]) else: start_ids = sorted(start_ids) end_ids = sorted(end_ids) start_pointer = 0 end_pointer = 0 len_start = len(start_ids) len_end = len(end_ids) couple_dict = {} # 将每一个span的首/尾token的id进行配对(就近匹配,默认没有overlap的情况) while start_pointer < len_start and end_pointer < len_end: if with_prob: start_id = start_ids[start_pointer][0] end_id = end_ids[end_pointer][0] else: start_id = start_ids[start_pointer] end_id = end_ids[end_pointer] if start_id == end_id: couple_dict[end_ids[end_pointer]] = start_ids[start_pointer] start_pointer += 1 end_pointer += 1 continue if start_id < end_id: couple_dict[end_ids[end_pointer]] = start_ids[start_pointer] start_pointer += 1 continue if start_id > end_id: end_pointer += 1 continue result = [(couple_dict[end], end) for end in couple_dict] result = set(result) return result def get_bool_ids_greater_than( probs: List[List[float]], limit: float = 0.5, return_prob: bool = False ) -> List[List[int]]: """ Get idx of the last dimension in probability arrays, which is greater than a limitation. Args: probs (List[List[float]]): The input probability arrays. limit (float): The limitation for probability. return_prob (bool): Whether to return the probability Returns: List[List[int]]: The index of the last dimension meet the conditions. """ probs = np.array(probs) dim_len = len(probs.shape) if dim_len > 1: result = [] for p in probs: result.append(get_bool_ids_greater_than(p, limit, return_prob)) return result else: result = [] for i, p in enumerate(probs): if p > limit: if return_prob: result.append((i, p)) else: result.append(i) return result def dbc2sbc(s) -> str: rs = "" for char in s: code = ord(char) if code == 0x3000: code = 0x0020 else: code -= 0xfee0 if not (0x0021 <= code <= 0x7e): rs += char continue rs += chr(code) return rs def cut_chinese_sent(para: str) -> List[str]: """ Cut the Chinese sentences more precisely, reference to "". """ para = re.sub(r'([。!?\?])([^”’])', r'\1\n\2', para) para = re.sub(r'(\.{6})([^”’])', r'\1\n\2', para) para = re.sub(r'(\…{2})([^”’])', r'\1\n\2', para) para = re.sub(r'([。!?\?][”’])([^,。!?\?])', r'\1\n\2', para) para = para.rstrip() return para.split("\n") class UIEDecoder(nn.Module): keys_to_ignore_on_gpu = ["offset_mapping", "texts"] @torch.inference_mode() def predict( self, tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", texts: Union[List[str], str], schema: Optional[Any] = None, batch_size: int = 64, max_length: int = 512, split_sentence: bool = False, position_prob: float = 0.5, language: Optional[str] = "zh", show_progress_bar: bool = None, device: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[Any]: self.eval() self.is_english = False if language.lower() in ["zh", "zh-cn", "chinese"] else True if schema is not None: self.set_schema(schema) if show_progress_bar is None: show_progress_bar = ( logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO or logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG ) # Cast an individual text to a list with length 1 if isinstance(texts, str) or not hasattr(texts, "__len__"): texts = [texts] if device is None: device = next(self.parameters()).device return self._multi_stage_predict( tokenizer, texts, batch_size, max_length, split_sentence, position_prob, show_progress_bar ) def set_schema(self, schema): if isinstance(schema, (dict, str)): schema = [schema] self._schema_tree = self._build_tree(schema) def _multi_stage_predict( self, tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", texts: List[str], batch_size: int = 64, max_length: int = 512, split_sentence: bool = False, position_prob: float = 0.5, show_progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> List[Any]: """ Traversal the schema tree and do multi-stage prediction. """ results = [{} for _ in range(len(texts))] if len(texts) < 1 or self._schema_tree is None: return results schema_list = self._schema_tree.children[:] while len(schema_list) > 0: node = schema_list.pop(0) examples = [] input_map = {} cnt = 0 idx = 0 if not node.prefix: for data in texts: examples.append({"text": data, "prompt": dbc2sbc(}) input_map[cnt] = [idx] idx += 1 cnt += 1 else: for pre, data in zip(node.prefix, texts): if len(pre) == 0: input_map[cnt] = [] else: for p in pre: if self.is_english: if'\[.*?\]$', prompt_prefix =["[", 1)].strip() cls_options ='\[.*?\]$', # Sentiment classification of xxx [positive, negative] prompt = prompt_prefix + p + " " + cls_options else: prompt = + p else: prompt = p + examples.append( { "text": data, "prompt": dbc2sbc(prompt) } ) input_map[cnt] = [i + idx for i in range(len(pre))] idx += len(pre) cnt += 1 result_list = self._single_stage_predict( tokenizer, examples, batch_size, max_length, split_sentence, position_prob, show_progress_bar ) if examples else [] if not node.parent_relations: relations = [[] for _ in range(len(texts))] for k, v in input_map.items(): for idx in v: if len(result_list[idx]) == 0: continue if not in results[k].keys(): results[k][] = result_list[idx] else: results[k][].extend(result_list[idx]) if in results[k].keys(): relations[k].extend(results[k][]) else: relations = node.parent_relations for k, v in input_map.items(): for i in range(len(v)): if len(result_list[v[i]]) == 0: continue if "relations" not in relations[k][i].keys(): relations[k][i]["relations"] = { result_list[v[i]]} elif not in relations[k][i]["relations"].keys(): relations[k][i]["relations"][] = result_list[v[i]] else: relations[k][i]["relations"][].extend(result_list[v[i]]) new_relations = [[] for _ in range(len(texts))] for i in range(len(relations)): for j in range(len(relations[i])): if "relations" in relations[i][j].keys() and in relations[i][j]["relations"].keys(): for k in range(len(relations[i][j]["relations"][])): new_relations[i].append(relations[i][j]["relations"][][k]) relations = new_relations prefix = [[] for _ in range(len(texts))] for k, v in input_map.items(): for idx in v: for i in range(len(result_list[idx])): if self.is_english: prefix[k].append(" of " + result_list[idx][i]["text"]) else: prefix[k].append(result_list[idx][i]["text"] + "的") for child in node.children: child.prefix = prefix child.parent_relations = relations schema_list.append(child) return results def _convert_ids_to_results(self, examples, sentence_ids, probs): """ Convert ids to raw text in a single stage. """ results = [] for example, sentence_id, prob in zip(examples, sentence_ids, probs): if len(sentence_id) == 0: results.append([]) continue result_list = [] text = example["text"] prompt = example["prompt"] for i in range(len(sentence_id)): start, end = sentence_id[i] if start < 0 and end >= 0: continue if end < 0: start += len(prompt) + 1 end += len(prompt) + 1 result = {"text": prompt[start: end], "probability": float(prob[i])} else: result = {"text": text[start: end], "start": start, "end": end, "probability": float(prob[i])} result_list.append(result) results.append(result_list) return results def _auto_splitter(self, input_texts, max_text_len, split_sentence=False): """ Split the raw texts automatically for model inference. Args: input_texts (List[str]): input raw texts. max_text_len (int): cutting length. split_sentence (bool): If True, sentence-level split will be performed. return: short_input_texts (List[str]): the short input texts for model inference. input_mapping (dict): mapping between raw text and short input texts. """ input_mapping = {} short_input_texts = [] cnt_short = 0 for cnt_org, text in enumerate(input_texts): sens = cut_chinese_sent(text) if split_sentence else [text] for sen in sens: lens = len(sen) if lens <= max_text_len: short_input_texts.append(sen) if cnt_org in input_mapping: input_mapping[cnt_org].append(cnt_short) else: input_mapping[cnt_org] = [cnt_short] cnt_short += 1 else: temp_text_list = [sen[i: i + max_text_len] for i in range(0, lens, max_text_len)] short_input_texts.extend(temp_text_list) short_idx = cnt_short cnt_short += math.ceil(lens / max_text_len) temp_text_id = [short_idx + i for i in range(cnt_short - short_idx)] if cnt_org in input_mapping: input_mapping[cnt_org].extend(temp_text_id) else: input_mapping[cnt_org] = temp_text_id return short_input_texts, input_mapping def _single_stage_predict( self, tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", inputs: List[dict], batch_size: int = 64, max_length: int = 512, split_sentence: bool = False, position_prob: float = 0.5, show_progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> List[Any]: input_texts = [] prompts = [] for i in range(len(inputs)): input_texts.append(inputs[i]["text"]) prompts.append(inputs[i]["prompt"]) # max predict length should exclude the length of prompt and summary tokens max_predict_len = max_length - len(max(prompts)) - 3 short_input_texts, input_mapping = self._auto_splitter( input_texts, max_predict_len, split_sentence=split_sentence ) short_texts_prompts = [] for k, v in input_mapping.items(): short_texts_prompts.extend([prompts[k] for _ in range(len(v))]) short_inputs = [ { "text": short_input_texts[i], "prompt": short_texts_prompts[i] } for i in range(len(short_input_texts)) ] encoded_inputs = tokenizer( text=short_texts_prompts, text_pair=short_input_texts, stride=2, truncation=True, max_length=512, padding="max_length", add_special_tokens=True, return_offsets_mapping=True, return_tensors="np", ) offset_maps = encoded_inputs["offset_mapping"] start_prob_concat, end_prob_concat = [], [] batch_iterator = tqdm(range(0, len(short_input_texts), batch_size), desc="Batches", disable=not show_progress_bar) for batch_start in batch_iterator: batch = { key: np.array(value[batch_start: batch_start + batch_size], dtype="int64") for key, value in encoded_inputs.items() if key not in self.keys_to_ignore_on_gpu } for k, v in batch.items(): batch[k] = torch.tensor(v, device=self.device) outputs = self(**batch) start_prob, end_prob = outputs[0], outputs[1] if self.device != torch.device("cpu"): start_prob, end_prob = start_prob.cpu(), end_prob.cpu() start_prob_concat.append(start_prob.detach().numpy()) end_prob_concat.append(end_prob.detach().numpy()) start_prob_concat = np.concatenate(start_prob_concat) end_prob_concat = np.concatenate(end_prob_concat) start_ids_list = get_bool_ids_greater_than(start_prob_concat, limit=position_prob, return_prob=True) end_ids_list = get_bool_ids_greater_than(end_prob_concat, limit=position_prob, return_prob=True) input_ids = encoded_inputs["input_ids"].tolist() sentence_ids, probs = [], [] for start_ids, end_ids, ids, offset_map in zip(start_ids_list, end_ids_list, input_ids, offset_maps): span_list = get_span(start_ids, end_ids, with_prob=True) sentence_id, prob = get_id_and_prob(span_list, offset_map.tolist()) sentence_ids.append(sentence_id) probs.append(prob) results = self._convert_ids_to_results(short_inputs, sentence_ids, probs) results = self._auto_joiner(results, short_input_texts, input_mapping) return results def _auto_joiner(self, short_results, short_inputs, input_mapping): concat_results = [] is_cls_task = False for short_result in short_results: if not short_result: continue elif 'start' not in short_result[0].keys() and 'end' not in short_result[0].keys(): is_cls_task = True break else: break for k, vs in input_mapping.items(): single_results = [] if is_cls_task: cls_options = {} for v in vs: if len(short_results[v]) == 0: continue if short_results[v][0]['text'] in cls_options: cls_options[short_results[v][0]["text"]][0] += 1 cls_options[short_results[v][0]["text"]][1] += short_results[v][0]["probability"] else: cls_options[short_results[v][0]["text"]] = [1, short_results[v][0]["probability"]] if cls_options: cls_res, cls_info = max(cls_options.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) concat_results.append( [ {"text": cls_res, "probability": cls_info[1] / cls_info[0]} ] ) else: concat_results.append([]) else: offset = 0 for v in vs: if v == 0: single_results = short_results[v] offset += len(short_inputs[v]) else: for i in range(len(short_results[v])): if "start" not in short_results[v][i] or 'end' not in short_results[v][i]: continue short_results[v][i]["start"] += offset short_results[v][i]["end"] += offset offset += len(short_inputs[v]) single_results.extend(short_results[v]) concat_results.append(single_results) return concat_results @classmethod def _build_tree(cls, schema, name="root"): """ Build the schema tree. """ schema_tree = SchemaTree(name) for s in schema: if isinstance(s, str): schema_tree.add_child(SchemaTree(s)) elif isinstance(s, dict): for k, v in s.items(): if isinstance(v, str): child = [v] elif isinstance(v, list): child = v else: raise TypeError( f"Invalid schema, value for each key:value pairs should be list or string" f"but {type(v)} received") schema_tree.add_child(cls._build_tree(child, name=k)) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid schema, element should be string or dict, but {type(s)} received") return schema_tree def start_multi_process_pool(self, target_devices: List[str] = None) -> Dict[ Literal["input", "output", "processes"], Any]: """启动多进程池,用多个独立进程进行预测 如果要在多个GPU或CPU上进行预测,建议使用此方法,建议每个GPU只启动一个进程 Args: target_devices (List[str], optional): PyTorch target devices, e.g. ["cuda:0", "cuda:1", ...], ["npu:0", "npu:1", ...], or ["cpu", "cpu", "cpu", "cpu"]. If target_devices is None and CUDA/NPU is available, then all available CUDA/NPU devices will be used. If target_devices is None and CUDA/NPU is not available, then 4 CPU devices will be used. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary with the target processes, an input queue, and an output queue. """ if target_devices is None: if torch.cuda.is_available(): target_devices = ["cuda:{}".format(i) for i in range(torch.cuda.device_count())] elif is_torch_npu_available(): target_devices = ["npu:{}".format(i) for i in range(torch.npu.device_count())] else:"CUDA/NPU is not available. Starting 4 CPU workers") target_devices = ["cpu"] * 4"Start multi-process pool on devices: {}".format(", ".join(map(str, target_devices))))"cpu") self.share_memory() ctx = mp.get_context("spawn") input_queue = ctx.Queue() output_queue = ctx.Queue() processes = [] for device_id in target_devices: p = ctx.Process( target=UIEDecoder._predict_multi_process_worker, args=(device_id, self, input_queue, output_queue), daemon=True, ) p.start() processes.append(p) return {"input": input_queue, "output": output_queue, "processes": processes} @staticmethod def stop_multi_process_pool(pool: Dict[Literal["input", "output", "processes"], Any]) -> None: """ Stops all processes started with start_multi_process_pool. Args: pool (Dict[str, object]): A dictionary containing the input queue, output queue, and process list. Returns: None """ for p in pool["processes"]: p.terminate() for p in pool["processes"]: p.join() p.close() pool["input"].close() pool["output"].close() def predict_multi_process( self, tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", texts: List[str], pool: Dict[Literal["input", "output", "processes"], Any], batch_size: int = 64, max_length: int = 512, split_sentence: bool = False, language: Optional[str] = "zh", position_prob: float = 0.5, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[Any]: if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = min(math.ceil(len(texts) / len(pool["processes"]) / 10), 5000) logger.debug(f"Chunk data into {math.ceil(len(texts) / chunk_size)} packages of size {chunk_size}") input_queue = pool["input"] last_chunk_id = 0 chunk = [] for text in texts: chunk.append(text) if len(chunk) >= chunk_size: input_queue.put( [last_chunk_id, tokenizer, batch_size, chunk, max_length, split_sentence, language, position_prob] ) last_chunk_id += 1 chunk = [] if len(chunk) > 0: input_queue.put( [last_chunk_id, tokenizer, batch_size, chunk, max_length, split_sentence, language, position_prob] ) last_chunk_id += 1 output_queue = pool["output"] results_list = sorted([output_queue.get() for _ in range(last_chunk_id)], key=lambda x: x[0]) return sum([result[1] for result in results_list], []) @staticmethod def _predict_multi_process_worker( target_device: str, model: "UIEDecoder", input_queue: Queue, results_queue: Queue ) -> None: """ Internal working process to predict in multi-process setup """ while True: try: chunk_id, tokenizer, batch_size, chunk, max_length, split_sentence, language, position_prob = ( input_queue.get() ) results = model.predict( tokenizer, chunk, batch_size=batch_size, max_length=max_length, split_sentence=split_sentence, language=language, show_progress_bar=False, device=target_device, ) results_queue.put([chunk_id, results]) except queue.Empty: break class SchemaTree(object): """ Implementation of SchemaTree """ def __init__(self, name='root', children=None): = name self.children = [] self.prefix = None self.parent_relations = None if children is not None: for child in children: self.add_child(child) def __repr__(self): return def add_child(self, node): assert isinstance( node, SchemaTree ), "The children of a node should be an instance of SchemaTree." self.children.append(node)