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@@ -6,7 +6,65 @@ tags: []
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# Model Card for Model ID
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<!-- Provide a quick summary of what the model is/does. -->
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## Model Details
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# Model Card for Model ID
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<!-- Provide a quick summary of what the model is/does. -->
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The model was tuned on 10.000 examples of the form:
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Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.
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### Instruction:
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Draw an image for the given caption using ASCII art.
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### Input:
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Andy Warhol with Marilyn Monroe
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### Response:
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;;;;;;;;========================::++++%%%%%%%%##++%%++============;;**%%--??%%%%##--%% ``
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**--==========================--==;;;; %%##;;::**??++--======;;==;;;;;;::????**==.. ````
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**--..;;====================----++++++%%%%++%%%%??####**::--======;;;;;;??%%++;;**%% ..--
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**::``==============------------``##;;%%%%%%##%%==??++ ::======;;````##..::??%%##````````
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**==``;;============------------??--++%%==##--##;;==:: ``---- ``````%%%%%%%%%%%% ``````
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::==``==========--==------------..??==##**--??++..==.. ```````` ++%%%%%%%%%%
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--;;..==========--------------::````..??++%%++....:: `````` %%%%%%%%%%
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..==..==========--------------:: **++##++??;; `````` %%%%%%%%%%
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````..======----------------##%%##????%%++++**==??++;; `` ```` ++%%%%%% %%
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::--::======----------------%%%%##??**##++##++??++**##++.. ```` %%%%%% ``..
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--::::==------------------??%%##++++++####++++??;;;;####++ ```` %%%%%% ````
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--::::==------------------++######++++++####++??**??**##++ `````` %%%%%% ````
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--::::==------------------########??##++??++????******++?? ```` ``%%%% ``````
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;;--::==------------------##########%%##++**????????**==** `````` %% ``````
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;;==--==----------------::######++%%%%%%##??==####++??==;; ````````..%% ````````
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====----------------::::::++####++##%%%%%%++==######++%%:: ````````.. ``````````
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;;==------::--------::::::++++++??%%%%%%%%%%==++####%%??.. ```````````` ``````````
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;;==------------::::::::::??++++**##%%%%%%%%##??##%%%%%%** `````````` ``````````
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==**----------::::::::::::**??++;;++######????++##%%%%%% `` ``````````==````````````
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------------::::::::::::::;;??**;;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%##** ##**;; ```````````` ````````````
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------------::::::::::::::::++??;;%%%%%%%%%%####;;``++** ??;;++ ````````````;;;;%%````````
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----------::::::::::::::::::??++--%%%%%%####++;;**++++** ==..;;++``````````####++;;````````
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--------**;;----::::::::::::;;??**%%%%%%%%%%??----::::--**??######++##++####++%%..`` ``....
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%%%%##%%##..%%??**%%##??++####;;**??++++**%%%%%%%%%%****==**####%%%%%%%%%%;;;; ``......
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``==--``..==;;??--**::??++????##++%%%%``%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@@==```````````` ````````........
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## Model Details