import os import json import polars as pl import gradio as gr from gradio_pdf import PDF from common import Interface from parser import PDFTableParser class WebUI: def __init__(self): pass def process_pdf(pdf_file, output_path, edge_tol, row_tol, pages): ts, tempd = Interface.get_tempdir() tempf = os.path.join(tempd, output_path) parser = PDFTableParser([pdf_file], [tempf], ',', edge_tol, row_tol, pages) tables = parser.read_tables(pdf_file) if tables: parser.save_tables_as_csv(tables, tempf) df = pl.concat([pl.DataFrame(table.df) for table in tables]) return df, [tempf], {"status": "success", "message": f"Processed PDF and saved as {tempf}"} return None, None, {"status": "error", "message": "Failed to process PDF"} def run(self): with gr.Blocks(title="PDF Table Parser", css="body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } footer { visibility: hidden; }") as app: gr.Markdown("# PDF Table Parser") description="Upload a PDF file to extract tables" gr.Markdown(f"### {description}") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): pdf_in = PDF(label="Document") with gr.Row(): edge_tol = gr.Number(50, label="Edge tol") row_tol = gr.Number(50, label="Row tol") pages = gr.Textbox('1', label="Pages", info="You can pass 'all', '3-end', etc.") output_path = gr.Textbox(f"output.csv", label="Output Path") with gr.Column(): status_msg = gr.JSON(label="Status Message") output_files = gr.Files(label="Output Files") with gr.Row(): output_df = gr.Dataframe(label="Extracted Table") examples = gr.Examples([["data/demo.pdf"]], inputs=pdf_in) pdf_in.change(WebUI.process_pdf, inputs=[pdf_in, output_path, edge_tol, row_tol, pages], outputs=[output_df, output_files, status_msg]) app.launch() def main(args): parser = PDFTableParser(args.input_files, args.output_files, args.delimiter, args.edge_tol, args.row_tol, args.pages) parser.process_files() if __name__ == "__main__": webui = WebUI()