import gradio as gr import librosa from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from mutagen.id3 import ID3, APIC, TIT2, TPE1 import io from colorthief import ColorThief import colorsys import math import os from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count import tempfile import ffmpeg import subprocess import traceback path = 'C:/Users/ziqia/Downloads/oooo/' # Update with your path def getRenderCords(ta: list, idx: int, res: int = 1024, size: tuple = (1280, 720)) -> list: i = idx - res // 2 x, y = size[0] * .9 / -2, (ta[i] - 128) * (size[1] / 2000) + (size[1] * .7 / -2) c = [] while i < idx + (res // 2): c.append((x, y)) i += 1 y = (ta[i] - 128) * (size[1] / 2000) + (size[1] * .7 / -2) x += (size[0] * .9) / res return c def center_to_top_left(coords, width=1280, height=720): new_coords = [] for x, y in coords: new_coords.append(totopleft((x, y), width=width, height=height)) return new_coords def totopleft(coord, width=1280, height=720): return coord[0] + width / 2, height / 2 - coord[1] def getTrigger(ad: int, a: list, max: int = 1024) -> int: i = ad while not (a[i] < 128 and not a[i + 2] < 128 or i - ad > max): i += 1 return i def extract_cover_image(mp3_file): audio = MP3(mp3_file, ID3=ID3) for tag in audio.tags.values(): if isinstance(tag, APIC): image_data = cover_image = return cover_image print("No cover image found in the MP3 file.") return None def getTitleAndArtist(mp3_file): audio = MP3(mp3_file, ID3=ID3) title = audio.get('TIT2', TIT2(encoding=3, text='Unknown Title')).text[0] artist = audio.get('TPE1', TPE1(encoding=3, text='Unknown Artist')).text[0] return title, artist def getColour(img): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".png", delete=False) as tmpfile:, format="PNG") color_thief = ColorThief( dominant_color = color_thief.get_color(quality=1) os.remove( return dominant_color def clamp(number): return max(0, min(number, 1)) def normalizeColour(C) -> tuple[int, int, int]: cc = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(C[0] / 255, C[1] / 255, C[2] / 255) ccc = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(cc[0], clamp(1.3 * cc[1]), .8) return math.floor(ccc[0] * 255), math.floor(ccc[1] * 255), math.floor(ccc[2] * 255) def normalizeColourBar(C) -> tuple[int, int, int]: cc = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(C[0] / 255, C[1] / 255, C[2] / 255) ccc = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(cc[0], clamp(1.4 * cc[1]), .6) return math.floor(ccc[0] * 255), math.floor(ccc[1] * 255), math.floor(ccc[2] * 255) def stamp_text(draw, text, font, position, align='left'): text_bbox = draw.textbbox((0, 0), text, font=font) text_width = text_bbox[2] - text_bbox[0] text_height = text_bbox[3] - text_bbox[1] x, y = position y -= text_height // 2 if align == 'center': x -= text_width // 2 elif align == 'right': x -= text_width draw.text((x, y), text, font=font, fill="#fff") def linear_interpolate(start, stop, progress): return start + progress * (stop - start) def render_frame(params): n, samples_array, cover_img, title, artist, dominant_color, width, height, fps, name, oscres = params num_frames = len(samples_array) // (11025 // fps) img ='RGB', (width, height), normalizeColour(dominant_color)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) s = (11025 // fps) * n if s > len(samples_array): return e = center_to_top_left(getRenderCords(samples_array, getTrigger(s, samples_array, max=oscres),res=oscres,size=(width, height)), width=width, height=height) d.line(e, fill='#fff', width=2) cs = math.floor(min(width, height) / 2) cov = cover_img.resize((cs, cs)) img.paste(cov, (((width // 2) - cs // 2), math.floor(height * .1))) fontT = ImageFont.truetype(path+'Lexend-Bold.ttf', 50*(min(width, height)//720)) fontA = ImageFont.truetype(path+'Lexend-Bold.ttf', 40*(min(width, height)//720)) fontD = ImageFont.truetype(path+'SpaceMono-Bold.ttf', 30*(min(width, height)//720)) stamp_text(d, title, fontT, totopleft((0, min(width, height) * .3 // -2), width=width, height=height), 'center') stamp_text(d, artist, fontA, totopleft((0, min(width, height) * .44 // -2), width=width, height=height), 'center') d.line(center_to_top_left([(width * .96 // -2, height * .95 // -2), (width * .96 // 2, height * .95 // -2)], width=width, height=height), fill=normalizeColourBar(dominant_color), width=15 * height // 360) d.line(center_to_top_left([(width * .95 // -2, height * .95 // -2), (linear_interpolate(width * .95 // -2, width * .95 // 2, s / len(samples_array)), height * .95 // -2)],width=width, height=height), fill='#fff', width=10 * height // 360) os.makedirs(path+f'out/{name}/', exist_ok=True)'out/{name}/{str(n)}.png', 'PNG',) def RenderVid(af, n, fps=30): (ffmpeg .input(path+f'out/{n}/%d.png', framerate=fps) .input(af) .output(n + '.mp4', vcodec='libx264', r=fps, pix_fmt='yuv420p', acodec='aac', shortest=None) .run() ) def main(file, name, fps=30, res: tuple=(1280,720), oscres = 512): global iii iii = 0 # Load the audio file audio_path = file y, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr=11025) # Resample to 11025 Hz y_u8 = (y * 128 + 128).astype('uint8') samples_array = y_u8.tolist() # Extract cover image, title, and artist cover_img = extract_cover_image(audio_path) if cover_img is None: return # Exit if no cover image found title, artist = getTitleAndArtist(audio_path) dominant_color = getColour(cover_img) # Frame rendering parameters width, height, fps = res[0], res[1], fps num_frames = len(samples_array) // (11025 // fps) # Prepare parameters for each frame params = [(n, samples_array, cover_img, title, artist, dominant_color, width, height, fps, name, oscres) for n in range(num_frames)] try: with Pool(cpu_count()) as pool:, params) except Exception as e: print('Ended in error: ' + traceback.format_exc()) print('FFMPEG') ffmpeg_cmd = [ "ffmpeg", '-framerate', '30', '-i', path+f'out/{name}/%d.png', # Input PNG images '-i', f'{file}', # Input MP3 audio '-c:v', 'libx264', '-r', '30', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-c:a', 'aac', '-shortest', path+f'{name}.mp4' # Output MP4 filename ] def gradio_interface(audio_file, output_name, fps=30, resolution='1280x720', oscres=512): try: res = tuple(map(int, resolution.split('x'))) main(audio_file, output_name, fps=fps, res=res, oscres=oscres) return f"Output video '{output_name}.mp4' has been created. Click the link to download." except Exception as e: return f"Error processing file: {e}" # Define Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=gradio_interface, inputs=[ gr.inputs.File(label="Upload your MP3 file"), gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Output Video Name (without extension)"), gr.inputs.Number(label="Frames per Second", default=30, min=1, max=60), gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Output Resolution (e.g., 1280x720)", default="1280x720"), gr.inputs.Number(label="Number of Visualization Segments", default=512) ], outputs=gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Output"), title="MP3 to Video Visualization", description="Upload an MP3 file and configure parameters to create a visualization video." ) # Launch Gradio interface iface.launch()