"From files: pickles/politics_pickles/politics_A,B.p, greedy_bow_results.json",,Which passage is more topic relevant?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Shannon,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Raymis,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Hayley,,,,,,,,,,, "Emphasised are the two most common and significant factors for the development of depression in patients with bipolar disorder, but there are other factors that are important and potentially important for patients with bipolar disorder and depression. The majority of patients in bipolar disorder receive treatment for depression. A review of the literature suggests that: In a majority of patients with bipolar disorder, primary primary depression is the primary diagnosis; The majority of those with primary primary depression are female; A minority of patients with primary primary ","Emphasised are the key words used in the document and the key issues to be addressed in the draft. Key words: The Australian Government's proposed reforms to the Immigration and Nationality Act include: the introduction of mandatory criminal record checks to reduce the numbers of people subject to immigration and national identity checks to protect the security of our community from terrorist and criminal gangs.",Neither,2,4,,Neither,1,3,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,41_153_306 "Furthermore, a recent study found that people in the US are more likely to support laws that make it harder to file for tax deductions if a business is in bankruptcy. Mr Trump also pledged to ""get rid"" of the estate tax, and he has called for tax reform which he said was a ""disaster"".<|endoftext|>The government is facing fresh pressure to cut its tax burden after the","Furthermore, in this case, the court is concerned with what are known as ""preventable injuries"" and is not concerned with whether or not there has been any actual injury. For these cases, the court will order a court order that the defendant pay for any injury suffered. The court's order is to determine whether a court order is necessary to enforce or prevent an alleged violation of state civil rights statutes. In order for the court order to apply it must be based on facts that state there is ",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,24_174_29 "The central theme to the film is that people are dying. The film opens with a scene of a family in a rural region, in an area dominated by an oppressive government and the state-owned industry. The family is poor, and the government does not provide food, water, or health services. It takes an army of thugs to keep the government in power, and the government itself","The central theme of these two papers was to demonstrate that the taxonomic structure of the order was highly variable, with some taxa having a very distinct taxonomic state. This taxonomic state might have a significant impact on taxonomy and taxonomic taxonomy may be an important taxonomic taxonomist. In order to do so, the authors used taxonomic taxonomism and taxonomy to compare taxonomy of taxa with taxa with no taxonomy. The authors examined taxonomism and tax ",Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,3,,Both,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,27_710_233 "To review, a lot is being done with this issue, including the recent announcement of an ""open"" government, with a free vote in Parliament. The new government is also expected to make public spending more flexible, with the promise of cuts if necessary. In a country as big and diverse as India, the public sector is the main employer, so public spending needs government control ","To review, I had a great time at a conference in Chicago last week (and it was great because I was in Chicago, which means that it was really hot). I've been thinking a lot about this conference for the last three years. I'm always happy that we've had a bunch of great conference speakers, and even less so for the ones that are actually bad. But I've never seen anything quite like this conference. So I thought we'd write something up. I'm glad you liked what we ",A,4,5,,A,4,5,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,15_730_743 "It has been shown that a high intake of carbohydrates can cause an increase in blood glucose levels and decrease insulin resistance in mice. A study by a group of investigators at the Department of Nutrition at the University of California, San Francisco, showed that consuming a low fat diet, which is high in fat and cholesterol, for 12 weeks reduced the blood glucose levels and decreased insulin resistance in mice. The low fat diet also increased the number of fat-derived insulin-producing cells in the liver and the insulin sensitivity of the mice. ","It has been shown that, if we are to consider the concept of self-consciousness, then, for the first time, the concept of 'the self' and its relationship to the other is at issue, the study says. This study examines whether there are differences in the way in which a person views the state of the U.S. government by state and party. Using national party",B,5,4,,B,5,4,,B,5,4,,,,,,,,,,,,51_815_562 Foundational to this is the concept of the human brain. The brain is a collection of cells which are interconnected across the entire length of the body. These cells communicate with each other through neurotransmitters and chemical signals. They also regulate the immune system and control the body's ability to recover from injury. The importance of the central nervous system for survival and reproduction is demonstrated by the fact that survival,"Foundational to this is the power of the state to make laws. This power is often called ""the power of the state"" (or ""the power of government""), but it is really the power to make laws. It is this power to make laws that gives authority to government to regulate, control and order the state. When government is made to act on its authority it has power to change people's beliefs and attitudes. This power allows government to regulate things such as how we eat, wear clothes or dress in ",B,4,4,,B,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,13_410_293 "Emphasised are the differences of opinion among political scientists about the impact of political ideology on the economy. A large majority of political scientists say that political conservatism is associated with lower economic growth while a minority say the opposite. A majority of political scientists say that political liberalism is associated with higher economic growth. A majority of political scientists are in favour of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The majority of political scientists do not believe that tax cuts for the wealthy are likely to benefit average Americans, but do think ","Emphasised are the benefits of the tax cuts, and that they have helped reduce the deficit. However the government's spending cuts have had the opposite effect as they have led to greater tax increases. The Tax Policy Centre has calculated that the tax cuts have increased the debt by £2.6tn since 2010. It estimates that cutting tax revenues by £1.9tn",A,3,5,,A,3,5,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,39_413_780 "Emphasised are the effects of the drug and the amount consumed, and they also show how the effects can vary between individuals, depending on the state of mind of the person taking the drug. In the United States, a medical marijuana card is a state-issued ID card that allows patients to obtain up to two forms of medical marijuana (the medical and recreational states). It can be","Emphasised are the key words: ""The"" and ""the"", ""this"" and ""that"". The word ""the"" is important because it's used in all of these terms, and it's what makes the word ""the"" unique in its context. For example, when I say the government is ""taking action"" I don't mean that government has done anything. In fact, government does exactly what it's supposed to do — take steps towards reducing the deficit. When it comes to government ",Neither,5,3,,Neither,5,3,,Neither,5,3,,,,,,,,,,,,40_396_81 "The connection between the two sides of this issue will likely be a source of tension in the coming days. The administration's argument that it is a ""war on Christmas,"" a claim that is already being challenged, and that it is unconstitutional is a direct attack on the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection of law under the law. The Constitution provides a means for government to regulate the conduct of private business","The connection between the power of the Internet, its power to disrupt political parties, and the political power of the state is at an all-time low. The government and major political parties are in a state of panic about the power of the Internet and its potential political consequences in the state's political life. The state is scrambling to make use of the power of the Internet to counter this threat. It will need political parties and social movements to fight political parties with political power. It will need political movements with political ",B,4,3,,B,4,3,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,11_152_337 "Prior to this week, the only way to get one of these devices was through a reseller or direct order. The only way to order one from Samsung or LG was by buying the Galaxy S3, or even just buying a new phone. The Galaxy Note 3 was available direct from the retailer, but the Note 3 was discontinued after a few months. Samsung has now revealed that you can order one directly via its website. However, you must order via Samsung's direct order service if you order via another ","Prior to this year, we had no idea that the government could actually spend more money and spend less on health care than it did in 2009, and the federal government spends less money than any other government in history. This is especially significant in terms of the federal government's budget deficit, which in 2009 was $9 trillion, or about 2.5 percent of GDP. It was more of a",B,4,4,,B,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,36_841_238 "The issue focused on how a ""free market"" could have prevented a series of tragedies, including the shooting deaths of six people and the wounding of more than 50 others by armed militia members at the Bundy family ranch in Nevada. ""I don't think a free market is the answer to this issue,"" he said. ""I think a free market is an economic system that gives people a","The issue focused on the use of state-funded education programs to support the political agenda of political candidates on the state level. The report also noted how the state legislature has passed numerous bills that have made it more difficult to obtain a concealed carry permit in state-controlled gun stores. In 2012, state Sen. John Carona of Lake County signed the bill that required gun owners to obtain an individual license. ""It's a political issue and it's going to impact our state government,"" Car ",B,5,4,,B,5,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,56_388_323 "The central theme of the book is that political and economic power are intimately linked and that political power can be used to create the conditions for authoritarian rule. This political power can be derived from authoritarianism, and it can be applied to the political process in general. In order to achieve this, authoritarianism must be applied to the politics in the country. The author shows how authoritarianism can be developed by political elites as authoritarian political systems. His primary goal was to examine authoritarian political systems that have arisen over recent centuries in ","The central theme of the new study is that we can learn a lot about ourselves in just a few minutes by asking about our thoughts before they are formed. It turns out that we're much better with our thoughts before we act—or, as a psychologist, John Dewey said, we are better at being present than our actions are, so we are better at planning and executing our public policies",A,3,3,,A,3,3,,Both,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,29_219_172 "In summary, our data indicate that the majority of people who reported having ever been a victim of sexual violence were men. This means that a vast majority of the victims of sexual assault are males. In order to better understand the prevalence of sexual violence, the data for 2012 will be released in 2014. The most recent information on rape and sexual assault are from 2006 to 2012. We also know that the majority of those who report being victims of sexual violence are male (88% in 2012). ","In summary, we have seen that there is little doubt that a majority of Americans want to protect the environment and reduce carbon pollution. But, the public is increasingly skeptical about the ability of government to make these important and necessary policies. For example, a recent Rasmussen poll revealed that only 33 percent of Americans trust Congress, and only 36 percent trust the federal government. And while the President has shown a",B,4,4,,B,3,3,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,0_197_460 "To summarise: 1. It is possible to make an argument about the role of politics in the political process. 2. This argument does not depend on whether there are two or more political parties in power, as this has been argued before. 3. The arguments that have been made for the legitimacy of the political process are not based on political parties or government power. This argument does rely on political power being political power because politics itself involves power. There are political processes that ","To summarise, the data shows that there is a strong positive correlation between economic growth and the growth in the labor force participation rate. The correlation is not as strong as one might expect given that the economy is highly dependent on the labour force, especially for the large part of the economy. The government should use that evidence for a policy of government spending to stimulate the labour market and reduce taxes,",A,3,4,,A,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,43_495_338 "To conclude, the results indicate a possible connection between the development of human brain size in Africa and the emergence of modern man. The findings provide evidence for the role of a single evolutionary event that led to the rapid development of modern human societies, but it is unclear whether that event occurred prior to the development of the human capacity for social organization and state, i.e., political, religious, cultural","To conclude, it is important to note that, although the majority of these individuals have been identified as members of the same political party in order to identify political affiliation, there are many other individuals that are not members of that political party. It is important to remember that political affiliation does not mean membership of the political party. For the purpose of this study, political affiliation was defined as having one political affiliation (either Republican or Democrat), but not voting or expressing political views. For this purpose, political affiliation was ",B,4,3,,B,4,3,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,31_838_827 "An illustration of the power of a computer program, shown in this illustration taken from the computer science textbook ""The Art of Computer Programming"", shows an electronic circuit board and its power supply. Credit: R. S. Raghunathan/University of Illinois At least four computer scientists and an MIT computer scientist are working on a breakthrough that will allow them to build the ultimate artificial intelligence system. They believe their breakthrough could lead to artificial intelligence as sophisticated as computers built by human beings. They've dubbed their technology ","An illustration of the proposed $1bn US project to rebuild a $10bn power grid in southern Africa by 2018. An international team of engineers and experts is developing a plan to create a power supply system for Africa, which has been left to the hands of the grid for decades. The US and the African countries of Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone have been struggling",Neither,4,5,,Neither,4,5,,Neither,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,22_135_278 "Furthermore, the primary tax authority has been accused of not taking sufficient steps to prevent the tax avoidance by the tax haven countries. ""These tax havens, which are tax havens in disguise, are being used to facilitate tax evasion in order to benefit tax-evading tax havens,"" said the report. ""They are not helping to reduce tax evasion, nor are they helping to reduce tax evasion. They are simply enabling tax avoidance by tax havens."" The tax havens are a tax haven that ","Furthermore, a study conducted in the late 1960s by the National Research Council of Canada showed that Canadians are less likely to use marijuana than Americans are. ""The Canadian public does not see pot as a public health concern,"" the study's report reads. ""There appears to be no public support for the legalization or regulation of marijuana in the Canadian government."" ""This report provides an",Neither,3,5,,Neither,3,5,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,26_55_588 "To conclude, we should note that there are some very interesting differences between the current state and the previous ones, and we should also point out that this analysis was done with an incomplete set of data. We will discuss how these differences relate to the present state of the state of public opinion in this article as well as in the rest of this series as a whole. I've spent the best","To conclude, I believe a majority of people would agree that it was not only possible, but encouraged, to make the political decision to take a stance on political and social issues that did not coincide with the majority's political ideology. It is possible, but not a given, to find an ideology that is consistent with one's political political philosophy while also being consistent with the ideology of the majority. In my opinion, this is not what we do in the United States, where we can choose to be consistent with the ",B,4,3,,B,4,3,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,30_818_603 "To review, I've been reading the books of Thomas Hobbes, Thomas Carlyle, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Thomas Jefferson, and other great men of history for a while now. I've read a good deal of political philosophy and I have to admit, as much as I disagree with it on political and social issues, my opinion of political philosophy is fairly liberal. The idea that","To review, the first is that, while it was an easy way to make my own bread (I've never made it before and I'm not quite sure how), it wasn't really very healthy. The first thing to notice is how much sugar it contains, which, as I said, was much more than I'd be willing to eat for myself. The next thing to notice is that it was not very easy. I was using the whole wheat bread recipe I used for the dough for the whole loaf ( ",A,4,4,,A,4,4,,A,4,5,,,,,,,,,,,,16_780_541 "In brief, I am a political scientist at the University of Toronto and I wrote a paper for the International Journal of Public Administration. In order to understand why political scientists like me get so upset with the state of politics, we have to understand how political scientists think about politics. And the way politics is thought about is not in isolation from the rest of political science. Political scientists have been thinking about politics since politics began—and political theory since political theory began—since Aristotle. In politics, politics means politics ","In brief, this is a series of posts about the various issues that arise when a company is able to raise capital in a country outside its own borders: tax evasion and corruption, corruption and bribery, tax evasion and tax subsidies (or the lack of these) and tax fraud. The series is not meant to be a comprehensive look at these issues in all countries. Rather, the purpose",A,2,3,,A,2,3,,Both,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,20_3_102 "Foundational to this is the fact that we are all born with the same set of biological traits and our brains are designed to process and adapt to the environment in order to survive and thrive. These traits can be passed down to our progeny, whether we're born with a particular set of genetic material or not. It's a common myth that certain environmental factors have an impact on our health. For example, if you have a high blood pressure, then you may not have as many antioxidants in your blood as someone ","Foundational to this is a belief in the value of a person's life. It's an important belief because, as the great philosopher Richard Winton has said of the value of freedom, freedom means ""the ability to do what is right for me in the present and to act on behalf of the people of the state to secure liberty for others."" And liberty is a word that is",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,14_823_506 "The relationship between the state of the Earth, climate and climate change is changing. It's changing fast, and is likely to continue doing so for decades and decades to come. The world is currently experiencing the worst of the climate change. We're seeing extreme weather patterns, with floods, droughts, heatwaves and more. It's changing rapidly. We're seeing more intense storms and wildfires. We're experiencing more extreme precipitation events such as record-breaking snowstorms and floods across the ","The relationship between the United States and Canada is the strongest it's ever been, yet it remains unclear if the United States will be able to maintain diplomatic relations with either country without a new president. While both governments have publicly expressed support for the Trump administration, there have been no formal announcements regarding how the relationship will work under Trump. While the administration has made a number of statements about the",Neither,4,5,,Neither,4,5,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,47_883_838 "More importantly, this article is not about why I don't believe in God, which is another topic of debate, but about why people believe what they do. For some reason, the idea that the only true religion is the Christian is a staple of our culture today. This isn't a new idea; Christianity is the dominant political and ideological philosophy and ideology in the West right now.","More importantly, he added, ""If you're going to go back and change the way we look at the government, you should do it in order to give a better opportunity for everyone.""<|endoftext|>The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 Achievements and Trophies [ edit ] Achievements [ edit ] Trophy [ edit ] You have earned a Silver medal. See also [ edit ] Books [ edit ] ",A,3,4,,A,3,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,48_146_125 "In this essay, we examine a number of aspects of the history of the modern world that have contributed greatly to its current state. These aspects include capitalism, the state, and democracy. They are all related to the state's role as a guarantor of liberty and political equality between citizens. This is a state of affairs characterized by the existence of a democratic state government and its power and authority over","In this essay, the author explores a series of questions about the power of culture and culture politics and the ways that culture and politics can be linked. What is culture politics? What does culture politics mean to you? What is culture politics politics in practice? How is culture political power used? What do culture political political power look like in practice? What are you doing about culture politics? This essay is part of a series of essays by the political scientist John D. Kennedy, PhD. (http://john ",Both,4,2,,Both,4,2,,Both,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,57_502_57 "To summarise, a number of the major features that are present in this project are: a user interface based on an open source design philosophy (open source design in the public sector); a robust and modern state of the art infrastructure (high-speed, high bandwidth transport and communications networks); an efficient, state-of-the-art government; a vibrant and vibrant economy that is responsive to","To summarise, here is what happened: the government of Canada announced that it has a tax system that is fair. In order to do that we need to be able to tax imports of imports of all sorts. The tax system that is fair, that we are now in, will have to be tax-based. I have argued that there are three main arguments for tax-based tax system: 1. There is no tax to pay: the tax on imports does not have to be paid ",Neither,2,3,,Neither,2,3,,B,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,42_538_857 "It has been shown that women in India tend to have lower levels of testosterone than men. This is the case for both men and women, according to new data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The research, published in the journal JAMA on August 25, found that while men's testosterone was lower, in females, it was higher. However, the difference in testosterone levels between the sexes was not statistically significant. The researchers, led by Dr Manish Sahu, the ","It has been shown that, when exposed to a particular odor, the brain produces a complex set of neural pathways associated with emotional and cognitive states that correspond with specific physiological and cognitive state. These processes may be important in modulating the neural responses that are associated with aversive experiences. For instance, we have found in a study using positron emission tomography of spontaneous state state (SS-state",Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,52_221_518 "In brief, a lot more of the world has been built by private companies than is publicly owned. Private companies can be very good at managing debt and managing the environment, but governments are usually much more concerned with the long term health of the economy, the stability of the financial sector and so on. The private sector is not government, and governments are not private businesses, so government regulation","In brief, the new system will be based on the power of a small battery (called an inverter or battery pack) that can be powered by electricity from an AC power grid or direct current power source. ""This is really the power of the power grid, it's a power grid,"" said Paul Davenport, president of PowerTech International, one of the companies that will provide power to the new system. The power grid is the power supply for a vast majority of power plants around ",Neither,3,2,,Neither,3,2,,A,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,19_624_611 "To summarise, a new generation of political activists in Britain is being forced to face questions about their role in the past. The answer is, of course, nothing. It does not matter if the question is ""Is there a problem?"" it is the question ""How did we get from where we are today to where we want to be?"". The political system, the party system,","To summarise, the most recent report from the International Labour Organization is an extremely disappointing report for Canada, which has been a leader in the international community for the past 40 years and remains at the forefront of many other countries' labour market initiatives. The report also shows that, while the government has taken steps to improve the employment and wage situation of Canadian workers, it does not appear to be making enough progress to address the majority of the problems identified in this report. This is despite the fact that in 2011 ",A,2,4,,A,2,3,,Both,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,44_126_7 "Foundational to this is the assumption the majority of people will have a certain type of personality. We can't change that, but we can make certain people feel a certain way in certain situations so they are able to do better. If a group of people is not in sync with one another, they will not be able to do anything. If a culture is not in sync with one another, they will not be able to do anything. If a culture doesn't have the ability to ","Foundational to this is a very interesting point in history, namely, the development of the Soviet Union in the early 20th century. We need a new understanding of Soviet history in light of its present-day political and economic situation. A good place to start is with the early years of the Soviet Union, when socialism was still in place. In the 19 th century,",B,4,5,,B,4,5,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,12_837_628 "In this essay, we will explore the concept of the ""self-determining norm."" The concept refers to the idea that human beings, as a group, have the right and the obligation to determine the values of the social world that will govern their lives. The norm is the collective will to do as we like, regardless if we have the authority or the power to do so and regardless","In this essay, Michael S. Williamson argues that it is no coincidence that the government-sponsored research that is now so central to U.S. national security and foreign policy has largely been financed by a variety of government agencies, including the CIA, National Endowment for Democracy, Office of Science and Technology Policy, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In order to understand why this is the case, we must first consider the role and function of government. The United States government began with a direct tax on ",B,3,4,,B,3,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,58_456_519 "Prior to this year's state legislative elections, state Sen. Mike McGuire (D) had been in a primary fight with state Rep. John Whitmire (D-St. Clair). McGuire, who was the Republican primary nominee, lost, but Whitmire, a state delegate to the Republican National Convention, won. But the state legislature is still looking for a replacement for state Rep. Mike Gorman, who was elected in 2014 and has been in state government since then. McGuire, who was re ","Prior to this, we were told that this is a ""very difficult"" project and it was ""too risky"" to go into business with. It is, however, an ""interesting"" venture which has the potential to be a ""big business"" and is ""in the national interest"". A new report by the government shows Britain's population is shrinking faster than the country's political establishment would",Both,5,4,,Both,5,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,38_501_894 "The relationship between politics, religion and culture can be seen as one of many in a culture that is still deeply divided and divided. There is no one political ideology that dominates in politics in the West. The politics of religion and culture, however, is a very real phenomenon. The relationship between politics, religion and culture can be seen as one of several in a culture that is still deeply divided and divided. It is not about who is right, but who is wrong. In this ","The relationship between the two nations has been strained since the two countries' leaders were locked in a decades-long rivalry for the leadership of East Asia. China's president Xi Jinping, who took charge of the country after his father died, is seen as the most powerful figure of his generation. Mr Xi was a strong leader who has been criticised for the lacklustre performance of",A,3,3,,A,3,3,,A,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,46_261_292 "The issue focused on the issue of whether the federal government should require all public universities and colleges to accept refugees. In an opinion piece by a former U.S. senator, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R) of Alabama, the Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, was cited by a number of conservative justices as a reason for their refusal to consider the federal","The issue focused on the state of the state's public transportation system. The state Department of Transportation has made significant progress in its efforts to improve transportation access and affordability for state residents, but it remains a long-term challenge. The state's transportation budget is projected to increase from $9.1 billion in 2013-14 to $18.0 billion in 2023-24. The state's transportation funding gap remains significant due to state tax revenues that have decreased significantly due in part to state tax reductions passed during Governor Rick ",A,4,5,,A,4,5,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,54_686_201 "In this essay, I will try to explain a concept I think has been misunderstood in the recent discussions about the state of the state of capitalism in Russia and Ukraine. In my opinion, capitalism in the state of capitalism is not a state of capitalism. Instead, capitalism is an institutional system, which is not a state of capitalism either. I will state that capitalism is not state capitalism and that capitalism has never existed as such. Capitalism is not capitalism but capitalism within capitalism. Capitalism exists within capitalism because capitalism ","In this essay, I am attempting to describe the historical context of a specific incident that has become known as the ""Sydney siege"". A few days earlier in the month of June, in the city of Sydney, a gunman opened fire in the CBD, killing four people and wounding more than 60 others, many of them civilians. It was not an attack by Islamic fundamental",Neither,1,4,,Neither,1,4,,A,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,59_559_438 "This essay discusses the origins, politics and culture of political culture in India. It also looks at some of the problems that political culture has for the Indian state and the country as a whole.<|endoftext|>The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 Achievements and Trophies [ edit ] Achievements [ edit ] Trophy [ edit ] You have earned a Silver medal. You have earned a Bronze medal. You have earned a ","This essay discusses what a ""good"" society might look like, and why there is no need to define one. The concept of a good society was coined by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, and has become the standard Marxist view of human life and the State. It is a philosophy of state power that seeks to establish a society where the political and economic power are distributed to the",A,3,4,,A,3,4,,A,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,4_819_678 "The connection between a man's sexual orientation and his mental health is complicated by a lack of research on sexual orientation in the general population; the vast majority of researchers studying mental health believe that homosexuality, or lack thereof, is biologically unchangeable, but a growing body of research suggests that it may be the result of cultural factors. In a recent study published in The Journal of Sex &","The connection between capitalism, socialism and communism was always the subject of discussion in the United States. In the late 1960s, the government of Fidel Castro began a program of political indoctrination aimed at the masses. The aim of this program was the establishment of a new state, socialism, in Cuba. The government of the Soviet Union, led by Nikita Khrushchev, had also been attempting to establish socialism in the Soviet Union. In this program, socialism and communism were linked together. The government ",Neither,3,4,,Neither,3,4,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,9_360_717 "This essay discusses a recent study by the British government to assess the impact of the EU referendum on the economy and the environment. I discuss how a large-scale survey of business, academics, journalists and political leaders can be a powerful force for change. The European Commission has just commissioned a large-scale national poll. What does it mean to say ""we"" are in a referendum or","This essay discusses the political power of the state, its political authority and its legitimacy. It begins by arguing that the state is a political institution that must be abolished in order to eliminate its legitimacy. The state is an authority. It is the authority that holds political power over the people as a whole, and that is empowered by the state to order and direct society's economy and political culture. This authority has legitimacy as an authority because it is constituted from above through its state authority. Thus the legitimacy is based ",Both,5,4,,Both,5,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,5_840_193 "The central theme of this book is that we are living in a ""transnational age"" that has been shaped by neoliberalism and globalisation, in a time of unprecedented inequality, social exclusion, and political instability, in which political power rests not in the state but in markets and financial markets. But neoliberalism is not just economics; it is politics. And markets and finance capitalism are","The central theme of the new film, which will also be released in North America on November 17th, is that of a family that, through an unfortunate series of circumstances, ends up at the bottom of the social ladder, having to fend for themselves on the side. ""I'm really proud to have this film, this family's story, that's going to be told, and it's also going to be a very personal film that will be very personal to me, because it's been my father ",A,3,3,,A,3,3,,A,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,28_606_33 "In brief, the primary reason we don't want to be part of the political system of government is that it's not fair. In this case it's because the political system is rigged in favour of a party that is doing the bidding of special interest groups and the power-elites. The political system is a tool, a mechanism, and is designed to facilitate power-elite rule. It is also a political tool, but it is one that is designed to serve political power, not to serve ","In brief, a ""non-profit corporation"" means a person or company that receives income from the sale of goods and services by another, and that is exempt from taxes under the Internal Revenue Code. The IRS tax code requires a non-profit corporation to file tax returns, which it may make in person or by mail. Tax forms and return forms that a business tax return or tax",A,4,4,,A,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,18_367_50 "The key aspect of a good tax is how you treat your tax. The tax code has become increasingly tax-oriented in the last few years. It doesn't seem like there are enough tax breaks and tax credits. It is becoming more complicated to understand how much you need. A tax code that is tax-oriented, or tax-efficient, will make tax planning easier and will help you avoid tax bills. A tax code that doesn't tax at all but is simply tax-efficient will result ","The key aspect discussed is that the current state of the economy will not be sustainable unless we have a fundamental change in our society. We need to be able to have a democratic society, that is, a society which is not controlled by the wealthy few, the powerful elite, but rather is democratic as a political society based on the rights of citizens and the rule of law. This is what democracy",Neither,2,3,,Neither,2,3,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,33_745_508 "More importantly, the new law does not affect people who are not in the United States legally or illegally, such as children, people with a temporary resident visa, or foreign workers who may have been brought in as workers or as guests.<|endoftext|>The government has decided to ban a certain kind of plastic cup from the market. The new rules will take effect on April 1st. The government said that the ban is to protect the environment and to reduce the risk of plastic particles in drinks and food. The ban ","More importantly, he's got an eye for talent. ""I think he's going to be very talented at the top and will bring with him an enormous amount of wealth, and he will create a world of justice and equality,"" the president said. ""The United States of America is the only power that has been the victim of communism. The communists have been using communism to destroy democracy",Neither,5,4,,Neither,5,4,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,50_789_774 "Views on the future of the EU are being influenced by Brexit – but is this a bad thing? For some in the Leave camp, the prospect of Brexit means we'll leave the EU. For others, the referendum campaign and referendum result was an important event in British history. This week saw both. We're all about to celebrate the referendum result with some political and political","Views on the government's tax policy are at their lowest level since 2011 and are down more than 20 per cent on the year before. But tax experts say the government's plans to tax the rich have been widely rejected. The majority of tax experts surveyed believe the government tax plan has not worked. They are also critical of the government's plans to increase the personal tax allowance from $18,200 to $24,900 per adult tax filer and to introduce new property tax exemptions ",A,4,4,,A,3,4,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,6_4_681 "Views on this post: In this post I will talk about using a tool to find out how much a product has gone down to market price in India by tracking its stock price against a stock price index. I will also use this to compare different tax rates on different products and how to tax them on the same day. If you want to read more, read","Views on the state of political power and politics in the state. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you agree that you will receive email newsletters from us and other online sites. For more information on cookie settings and how to change them, please see this link: www.aboutcookies.org/privacy/cookie.php You can change your cookie settings at any time. To find out more about our cookies and the cookies we use to send out ",B,4,5,,B,4,5,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,7_168_95 "In summary, the government is trying to do everything it can to prevent people from getting access to information in the way that is necessary for public safety and security. It is doing this through a number of means. It is also using its power of appropriation and appropriation authority to seek to stop individuals and organizations that are using the internet for their political and political activities. We believe that there is no reasonable expectation that government entities will have the capacity to prevent individuals from communicating political information to each other online and using political information ","In summary, a significant number of individuals in India are under the age of 45 – the age at which they are expected to become a full-time citizen. This includes a majority of the government's political leaders. The government has a clear policy of encouraging the youth to take up political office, even as it seeks to reduce the workforce. The government, the opposition and the Congress have",Both,3,5,,Both,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,1_213_246 "This essay discusses the power of culture, culture in general, and the power of politics to shape culture, politics in particular, and culture, politics in general. In particular, we examine how culture can become power, how it may be corrupted and replaced by politics, and the power of political culture in shaping political culture. The power of culture The power of culture is a direct consequence of power politics, the power to shape culture. Power politics is the power of the majority to determine political culture as ","This essay discusses the history of the concept of the ""American exceptionalism,"" the relationship that America has with other countries in the world, as well as the role of nationalism within American politics and public policy. It argues that the notion of the exceptional state and its political and economic consequences is not a concept that can exist independently. As the state is an institutional form that can change its political, economic",Both,2,4,,Both,2,4,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,3_65_860 "The key aspect discussed at this meeting is what can be done with the data we already have about the economy as a whole: how do we build more efficient economies? In other words: what is the best way to achieve these objectives? What will it cost? And what are the risks? This discussion will begin with a review of government spending over the past 20 years, including taxes,","The key aspect of the state of the political and economic order in India is not to say that politics is the most important thing, but rather to state how politics is becoming the most important thing. The political order is a state of affairs of politics in India; politics cannot be the sole state of politics. The state cannot exist in its own right. The political order is not the state of politics but rather politics as state. Politics as state exists because democracy exists. In democracy politics becomes politics as ",B,3,2,,B,3,2,,Both,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,35_176_283 "It has been shown that the brain is capable of storing and retrieving mental data, including memories. In fact, the brain can store up to 200 million of them, and it uses these to perform complex mental tasks. It is the brain's ability to store and remember that enables it to remember and recall events. Memory, as the primary mechanism by which memory is maintained and retrieved, is","It has been shown that the ability to identify and understand complex language can result in improved speech recognition performance in young children. The present study investigated whether children who speak fluently are more likely to achieve high-level fluency with respect to the English language. Using an interview format that allows the child to state his or her language skills independently and to ask for additional information, three groups of children were interviewed on whether they knew enough English to understand fluently the sentences spoken during conversation. The majority of participants had mastered fluency ",Neither,3,4,,Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,53_682_887 "To conclude, the state of Israel, which has been an active power in the Middle East since 1948, has no choice but to accept a Palestinian state as a precondition for establishing peace with the Palestinians. A Palestinian state cannot be established without the support of a majority of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It has been clear from the beginning that a state would have to be based on the state of Israel, which is in direct conflict with the legitimacy of the state of Palestine ","To conclude, a new generation of researchers has been exploring the role of the environment as an agent of social change. The most promising areas to look at are environmental policy and governance, political economy, and public policy. The study of politics, however, has often been confined to the political realm, and political economy has rarely been considered an integral part of it. A New Political Economy of",B,4,3,,B,4,3,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,32_649_828 "Views on the matter have been divided between the two sides of the spectrum. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation's News Corp Australia and The Financial Review newspaper said the government should scrap the law in order to protect Australian citizens from tax scams. The Government has said it would consider the advice on taxing overseas income but not the tax implications of taxing it overseas. But Senator Nick Xen","Views on the constitution By Dr. William F. Buckley Jr. The constitution is a document of government by the people, approved by them, and interpreted by them. Its authority, however, is absolute, and it must be respected and obeyed. The majority of the state governments of the United States, however, have failed to follow these principles. In the past they have been guilty of political manipulation, or at best of misapprehension of constitutional authority, and have given ",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,8_352_271 "The connection between a man's life and his property is a very important part of property ownership in the United States. The U.S. government has created the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (RLUTA), which gives property owners a lot of power to control their neighbors. The law, which was passed as the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1936, gives property owners a power to: 1. Deny or refuse to sell property to any person or entity ","The connection to the internet and to technology is one of many factors that determine who ends it up in a person's life. But it's also the one that can't be changed. ""I don't think people really realize how difficult it is to make a change in a system,"" said former Republican state Rep. John Bocchini, who ran for governor against Democrat Jim Boc",B,5,5,,B,5,5,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,10_237_700 "The relationship of the American people to government is one of profound distrust. As the nation is increasingly controlled by a small number of elites, we have little interest in the government that is supposed to serve the people. The government itself has grown increasingly unaccountable to the people, and is the only institution in our society that the government is required to obey. This makes it impossible for any government, no","The relationship between a person's state of mind and his or her decision to engage in illegal activities. The relationship between a person's state of mind and his or her decision to engage in illegal activities. The U.S. government has long held the view that it is a primary responsibility of the government to prevent, detect, and prosecute individuals who seek to engage in illegal activity. But as the government's power to stop such activity has expanded, it has also sought to broaden its reach to include individuals ",Neither,4,4,,Neither,3,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,45_394_195 "In summary, the state government of Kerala has decided to allow a government-owned bank in order to reduce government corruption, but it is yet to announce the date for it's inauguration. The government has also given an order for the establishment of a government-run bank, but that is yet to go up for approval. The government has also decided to provide government-owned power to power plants, but the power will be provided by power utilities. The government of Kerala has also decided to establish ","In summary, it seems that the United States has the worst record in terms of environmental policy. A report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says the US has a ""lack of public knowledge"" on environmental policies affecting climate change. The report, released to the media in Washington DC, is part of a global survey of climate science and climate politics that will be released",B,3,4,,B,4,4,,Both,2,4,,,,,,,,,,,,2_451_192 "To review, the primary reason we don't want to have an infinite amount of government in our lives is that our government is not going to be infinite. We are going to get tired of dealing with the government. The government is going to run out of money, and the only thing it can do is try to make the government as big as it can get away with being. The government's primary job is to protect us in case we do something illegal, or it wants us to do something illegal, ","To review, I've been working on a new book project, and this year I decided to write about how to make a successful startup, in this case a startup that helps people build a business. In the process of writing, I've come to a new set of ideas about what makes an ideal startup. I'm not a lawyer; that is not my profession. But I'm",Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,3,,A,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,17_719_876 "Furthermore, it was only the latest attack in a string of recent incidents by the Taliban in Kabul where the government has responded with the use of heavy firepower. In February, a suicide bomber targeted the presidential palace with a roadside bomb. In March, the government announced it had killed two Taliban insurgents who had entered the city from neighboring Pakistan by car and had tried to storm security forces. ","Furthermore, the fact that we are living in the 21st century is not only about technological advancement, but also about the social and political context in which it takes place. As technology advances, we are seeing a rise of authoritarianism across the developed world. ""The state, by definition, is in power and the state is not necessarily in power to begin with and it is not necessarily in power to end with. The state is in power to protect its power."" We have seen this dynamic ",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,A,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,25_754_397 "An illustration of a ""dinosaur"" fossil found on the floor of a cave in northern Spain has been discovered by researchers, who say the fossil's jaw is more closely related to modern birds than previously thought. ""This is quite an exciting discovery as the jaw of the fossil, which has been in the ground for a long time, has been discovered in an area that was not known for fossil remains,"" said lead author, University of La Laguna's Dr. José Ponce de Leon. ","An illustration of a ""smart"" device using a quantum computer. (Image: Wikimedia Commons) The world is on its last leg, and the pace of innovation seems to be slowing, as the world's population continues to decline, and the ability of states to fund their own security is being eroded. In response, many countries around the world are moving to a ""state of the nation",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,21_113_866 "An illustration of the first generation of solar cells, which are capable of storing more energy per pound than traditional batteries. Credit: University of Maryland, College Park Solar electricity production will reach a record high by mid-century thanks to a surge in the amount of power produced from new technology, according to a research paper. The report, commissioned by solar power producer SolarWorld, says","An illustration of the solar-powered rover Curiosity's mast-mounted Chemistry and Physics instrument, which has been used to measure the composition of the rock samples on Mars' Gale Crater and at Gale Crater's south pole. The Curiosity mission's Chemistry and Physics instrument, known as MAHLI, was designed to measure the chemical compositions of rocks on Mars' Gale Crater. In order to perform the instrument's primary purpose, the rover will be carrying a sample scoop to a location on the ",Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,23_206_709 "More importantly, it's the first time that a single state has passed this legislation. The majority of states are now looking to make gun restrictions less restrictive by expanding state background checks to include private gun sales, as well as expanding the state's assault weapons ban to include semi-automatic weapons.<|endoftext|>A few years ago, an acquaintance asked me about the state of the Internet and I thought that it would be helpful for anyone who had to navigate it to write down everything she'd seen or heard about it on Twitter and ","More importantly, the study also shows that the majority of the people who have experienced discrimination are women. ""It was important to us to get women's voices heard, because we are a country and a state that is built and built on women,"" said Republican Rep. Ann Wagner, a Michigan state lawmaker who has led the opposition to a state budget. In the state legislature,",Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,3,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,49_821_184 "Prior to this year, the number of children being referred to the state's mental health authority had fallen to its lowest level in two decades, according to figures from the Department of Children's Services. The state has a waiting list for state children's mental health services, but the state has only been able to provide care to some people on that list for so long because of government budget cuts. The state's state-run mental health authority, the state Department of Health Services, has been unable to ","Prior to this week's presidential election, there was a sense that the Democratic Party was poised to reclaim political power. But as of this week, it remains in the minority. As a result, the Democratic Party has lost political power at every level of government. In recent years, Democratic governments across much of the country have failed to achieve progressive political reforms. This is especially evident in state",B,4,5,,B,4,4,,B,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,37_755_848 "The key aspect discussed by the government is that it would be easier to implement than any of the other policies currently being implemented, which have proven costly, disruptive and ineffective for Australian businesses. While a number of governments have been criticised for not having a comprehensive, effective tax and transfer tax system, Australia's is not one of them. It is not the tax system we have,","The key aspect of political power is political power in its most effective form. It is a form of power in which there is no political power, because power is a social property of politics. Political power, however, is often the product of political power. This is the power to influence others. The power to influence others, however, is usually not political power. This is not the case for political power. The power to influence others is often political power, which is often expressed in the form of power ",B,4,1,,B,4,1,,Both,4,1,,,,,,,,,,,,34_600_615 "The issue focused on the constitution in light of the Supreme Court's decision that state constitutions are subject to state law. The court's order comes as state and local governments across America have grappled with how to deal with a court order that has forced them to change their state constitution to protect gay people from discrimination. ""The constitution is not the government of America,"" said state Rep. Matt Cartwright, a Democrat from St. Louis, who introduced a bill in April requiring all state government documents to ","The issue focused on an alleged violation of federal laws on the sale of alcohol and tobacco. But the lawsuit alleges the state also violated state and federal laws by denying people in the program benefits. The lawsuit also alleges that state officials discriminated against those who were already receiving government benefits for their own financial benefit — including food stamps, unemployment insurance and child benefits. The state also has been fined more",Neither,5,5,,Neither,5,4,,Both,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,55_225_624