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"From files: pickles/legal_words_pickles/legal_words_A,B.p, uber_topics_80.jsonl",,Which passage is more topic relevant?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Shannon,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Raymis,Which passage is positive?,How fluent is the passage of A?,How fluent is the passage of B?,Hayley,,,,,,,,,,,,
"The relationship between the two cities is already well defined in the way they interact with the rest of the country. But with an estimated $1.1 billion in proposed infrastructure, and an eye on the future, a new study by Boston Consulting Group and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts suggests that if Boston is to maintain its lead in the country as the most livable city in America, it needs to be","The relationship between my girlfriend and I is pretty good. We have been together for about a year now but we are both in college. She has had her share of problems with alcohol abuse which she admits to having.
Recently she was arrested on charges that were later dropped. Her parents told me they would pay the court fees if I paid them back some money from what I made off of her. They",B,3,3,,B,3,2,,B,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,16_882_839
"Emphasised are the words ""maybe"" and ""possibly"".
I am a student at an American university. My university has been in existence for over 100 years but recently it was decided to change its name from ""University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill"" to ""North Carolina State University"" which is what we have now. The reason given by the administration was that they wanted to be more inclusive towards people who","Emphasised are: the importance of the individual's own self-determination, and the importance of self regulation, including a sense of responsibility for personal welfare and the environment, and personal responsibility for one's family and others' welfare; and a desire to be governed by law and justice
The right to a legal defence may be an essential right, particularly in criminal law and the rule of",B,2,3,,B,4,3,,B,4,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,14_849_744
"Foundational to this is that the first generation of men were born with a lot of sexual problems. The problem is, most guys will be fine with sex until they're 40 years old, when the sex drive starts fading. The only hope is to find a new sexual partner and get them into a committed relationship.
But if you are a man who's had multiple sexual partners in college","Foundational to this is a recent post on r/legaladvice about the legality of using your car as an ATM.
I was wondering if anyone could provide some legal insight into what would be required for me to use my car as an ATM and how it might affect me. I'm in California but have lived here since 2002. My question is, can you legally do this? If so, how?",B,3,4,,B,2,4,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,4_610_623
"The central theme to this article is that there's no way we know what would happen if a large-scale, global-scale collapse was taking place.
The problem is, as I wrote, the government is not prepared for anything beyond what we're already seeing.
I will address the question of the ""natural"" state of affairs, but first I must explain why we are","The central theme of this subreddit is that the government should be able to do whatever it wants with no repercussions.
I am not a fan of this, but here goes. My wife and I have been married for over 10 years. We are both in our early 30's. She has had an affair with her boss since she was 18. He knows about it, he doesn't care, he's just happy",Neither,3,2,,Neither,4,5,,Neither,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,9_50_869
"The key aspect of this is that I am a US citizen and have lived in the UK for over 10 years.
My wife has been working as an English teacher here since she was 18 years old. She had her first child at 19 and then moved to England when he turned 18. Her husband works full time but they are both on benefits. They live with my parents who also work full time.",The key aspect discussed at this meeting is not only the need for more research but also the necessity of developing strategies to address this growing issue. The meeting will examine the issues and strategies proposed to be developed and implemented as part of this study with particular attention to the issues and challenges that must be addressed for this emerging technology to become a reality. We will examine the challenges in developing a comprehensive regulatory framework,Neither,4,3,,Neither,3,3,,Neither,2,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,11_29_754
"In this essay I will be discussing the legal aspects of a case that is currently in court.
The story begins with my father and his wife having been married for over 30 years. They have two children together. My mother has always had an issue with her husband cheating on her. She would often tell him to leave me alone or not talk about me. He was never able to do so because he","In this essay, I'm going to talk about the importance of the role of the Church in society and why it's a necessity for a free society. I'll also explain why we can't have free trade and why we have to have an international system, in order to ensure that every member state has the right to develop its own legal system in accordance with international law. In order to achieve",B,2,4,,B,3,4,,A,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,19_335_440
"Views on the matter are very divided.
I am a student at an American University. My parents have been divorced for over 20 years and my father has never remarried or had any children. He is currently in his late 50s. His ex-wife was not married to him when they got divorced. She left her husband after he cheated with another woman. They were together until she filed for divorce because of their separation. The","Views on the subject of immigration are mixed. Most agree that a nation should accept all immigrants who have been legally recognized as citizens of the U.S. and who meet a host of other requirements. But, a majority also say immigration laws have to be tightened. The Pew Research Center finds the following breakdown among the public:
About one-third (34%) say legal immigrants should",Neither,4,5,,Neither,3,4,,B,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,2_227_252
"In summary, it seems that the United States has not changed its policy regarding the sale, transfer, and use of military equipment by other countries. The U.S. government, which has long had a policy of not approving sales contracts from foreign governments, has been more open to the idea in the past year, the White House said in an official response to a congressional subpoena for documents.
","In summary I was in a car accident and my insurance company is going to pay for the damages but not the medical bills.
My question is, what happens if they decide that it wasn't an accident? Will there be any legal action taken against them? If so, how do we go about getting this resolved?
Thanks so much for your help.
TL;DR- Car hit me",Neither,3,3,,Neither,4,3,,B,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,0_644_197
"It has been shown that there is a difference between the quality of life of the elderly relative to that of the younger adults. A study by Professor Richard Cairns and Professor Andrew J. Brown from Oxford, published in Health Policy, concludes that a large, comprehensive, evidence-based health service for the elderly is not only economically feasible, but is also politically necessary.
In the UK,","It has been shown that the police have no evidence of any crime and I am not sure what to do next.
My girlfriend was in a car accident with her boyfriend on July 1st last year. She is now paralyzed from the waist down due to injuries sustained during this accident. The driver did not stop at all after hitting my girlfriend. He drove off without stopping. His insurance company refuses to pay for",B,3,4,,B,3,2,,B,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,17_518_199
"More importantly, we have now seen what the FBI has been up to since 9/11: a massive operation with an unprecedented scale and a number of people who would never, ever be considered suspect in their own right.
And now, the Justice Department is investigating whether the FBI illegally used a sting warrant to gather information on millions of American citizens to serve warrants for their arrest in foreign court","More importantly, what are the legal implications of this situation?
I am a student at an American University. My girlfriend is from another country. We have been dating for about 2 years and living together since then. She has lived in my apartment for almost 3 years. Her parents live with us as well. They pay rent to us. The only problem is, they don't want her staying there anymore. Their reasoning was that",Both,3,2,,Both,4,3,,B,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,12_720_219
"An illustration of the situation
I am a student at an American University. My parents are both in their late 50's and have been married for over 30 years. They live on my parent's property which is about 2 miles from campus. The house has 3 bedrooms with one bathroom each. There is also another bedroom that they use as a guest room. This room was built by them when it first came to","An illustration of a solar flare, which occurred during a rare solar eclipse, on Sept. 21, 2010, on a solar observatory near Cape Canaveral.
A rare solar eclipse will take place on Aug. 20 as it passes over parts of the continental United States. That means you're in a good position to witness the event from a few dozen feet away. You can watch it live",Neither,2,3,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,6_237_700
"Furthermore, the report states that ""the government's decision does not affect the legal rights of individuals and businesses to sue in court for damages, and the government has never asserted any authority or interest to do so.""
According to the complaint, the lawsuit is the result of a series of complaints against the agency filed in federal court.
According to court documents filed Friday in a criminal case","Furthermore, I have a friend who is in the process of getting his license and has been driving for about 2 years now. He was pulled over by police on Friday night because he had an expired tag from last year. The officer said that they were going to write him up if it wasn't paid off within 48 hours.
My question is, what are my options here? Should I just pay it? If so,",A,3,2,,A,4,4,,B,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,8_730_743
"Prior to this week's episode, we had a lot going on. We started the episode with some discussion about the future, including how the new season will start with a bang. After the break, we look at what we can expect from the show, the new episode of The Good Wife and more.
In the wake of the murder trial in the murder trial of former FBI agent Aaron","Prior to this I had a friend who was in the military and he told me that if you are going to be deployed for more than 6 months then your insurance will not cover you. He said it would only apply to those with pre-existing conditions.
My question is how can someone get out of paying their own medical bills when they have no insurance? Is there any way around this? If so",Neither,3,3,,Neither,3,3,,Neither,3,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,13_642_745
"The connection to the first movie is pretty much a non-issue, as you'll see. But what I did find was that there is a very small percentage of people in America that watch anime in a similar way.
This is the first part of a three part series exploring the role of the internet in the creation or preservation of art forms and the history of the art forms as they","The connection is a little sketchy at the moment but I will try to get it fixed as soon as possible.
My wife and I have been together for about 5 years now and we are both in our early 30s. We live with my parents who own their home which they bought when she was 18. They also rent out rooms on Airbnb so that way if anything happens there would",Neither,4,4,,Neither,2,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,3_818_679
"To review, I've just read an article in the NYT, ""Is there a connection between smoking marijuana and mental illness? ,"" which I think is probably the best way of explaining how the article's conclusion is wrong. It is based on a study, a report by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services, and I'm sure a number of people will disagree with my","To review, I am a student at the University of Texas in Austin. My parents are divorced and my dad has been living with me for about 6 months now.
The first time he came to visit me, we had an argument over something that happened when I was younger. He said it wasn't his fault but I told him not to talk like that. We got into another fight because he didn't want to",Neither,3,2,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,5_890_353
"To conclude, I am a college student who has been working for the past year and a half as an intern at my local hospital.
My internship was supposed to be about 6 months long, but it ended up being almost 2 years. The reason why is because of some issues with our insurance company that we had to deal with. We were not covered by any kind of health insurance, so they decided to","To conclude, I would like to share with you the following observations about the current political situation in India. I would like to point out how the government of India can improve upon its policies by following the example set by the United Nations (the UN has a reputation of being an authoritarian body with a tendency to act unilaterally), the UN General Assembly and the Constitution. If you follow my arguments, you",Neither,3,4,,Neither,4,4,,Neither,4,4,,,,,,,,,,,,,10_867_684
"In brief, a ""non-profit corporation"" means a person or company that receives income from the sale of goods and services by means of a tax-exempt organization and uses the proceeds to make improvements to the property to which the organization is dedicated. A corporation is subject to the tax laws of the State of Illinois when it is formed by a law of the state, a county, or the","In brief, my wife and I have been married for about a year now. We are both in our early 30's with no kids.
My wife's parents live on the other side of town from us. They own their home outright, but they rent it out to people who don't pay rent. The house is not worth much more than what we paid for it, so it's basically just sitting there collecting dust.
"The issue focused on the issue of whether the federal government should require that a company disclose its political spending and its influence on legislation. The court decided, in a 4-to-0 decision, that the issue was a ""fundamental one,"" so the government had no right to compel companies to disclose that information to lawmakers, and that it lacked standing. The court also ruled that the government did","The issue focused on a car that was parked in the driveway of my parents house. I had to go out and get it towed because they didn't have insurance.
My question is what are some things you can do if your insurance company doesn't cover it? What happens when their policy expires? Do they just give me money for the car? Or does this mean I'm responsible for paying them back or",A,4,2,,A,3,3,,A,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,18_456_519
"This essay discusses an issue in feminist philosophy that may seem obvious, but is often overlooked in favor of a more conventional feminist reading. The issue concerns whether or not there should be a distinction between the rights of persons and the right of states to regulate.
I will start by stating a claim I will be making about the rights to be free from government regulation as a right: there is no","This essay discusses the legal issues surrounding a man who was convicted of murder in Texas for killing his wife and her lover.
[Link to original article](source)
I am not sure if this is allowed on Reddit, but it seems like an interesting read. It also has some good information about how the system works here.
The case involved a woman named Mary Ann Smith.",Both,2,3,,Both,3,3,,B,3,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,1_212_247
"To summarise, it was an interesting experience and the first time I had seen this kind of thing happening at a public conference. The first thing that struck me was that the speakers seemed to be having a lot of fun and laughing. That was not my experience in this particular conference and I do not recommend attending such events.
It will be impossible to determine the truth of any accusation that","To summarise the situation - I am a student at an American university and my girlfriend is from another country. We have been together for about 2 years now but we are both in our final year of university.
She has recently started to get into trouble with her parents because she was spending too much time on facebook or playing games online. They told me that they would not let us go",Neither,4,2,,Neither,4,3,,Neither,4,3,,,,,,,,,,,,,15_856_503