RAR / evaluator /evaluator.py
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"""This file contains a class to evalute the reconstruction results.
Copyright (2024) Bytedance Ltd. and/or its affiliates
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import warnings
from typing import Sequence, Optional, Mapping, Text
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .inception import get_inception_model
def get_covariance(sigma: torch.Tensor, total: torch.Tensor, num_examples: int) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Computes covariance of the input tensor.
sigma: A torch.Tensor, sum of outer products of input features.
total: A torch.Tensor, sum of all input features.
num_examples: An integer, number of examples in the input tensor.
A torch.Tensor, covariance of the input tensor.
if num_examples == 0:
return torch.zeros_like(sigma)
sub_matrix = torch.outer(total, total)
sub_matrix = sub_matrix / num_examples
return (sigma - sub_matrix) / (num_examples - 1)
class VQGANEvaluator:
def __init__(
enable_rfid: bool = True,
enable_inception_score: bool = True,
enable_codebook_usage_measure: bool = False,
enable_codebook_entropy_measure: bool = False,
num_codebook_entries: int = 1024
"""Initializes VQGAN Evaluator.
device: The device to use for evaluation.
enable_rfid: A boolean, whether enabling rFID score.
enable_inception_score: A boolean, whether enabling Inception Score.
enable_codebook_usage_measure: A boolean, whether enabling codebook usage measure.
enable_codebook_entropy_measure: A boolean, whether enabling codebook entropy measure.
num_codebook_entries: An integer, the number of codebook entries.
self._device = device
self._enable_rfid = enable_rfid
self._enable_inception_score = enable_inception_score
self._enable_codebook_usage_measure = enable_codebook_usage_measure
self._enable_codebook_entropy_measure = enable_codebook_entropy_measure
self._num_codebook_entries = num_codebook_entries
# Variables related to Inception score and rFID.
self._inception_model = None
self._is_num_features = 0
self._rfid_num_features = 0
if self._enable_inception_score or self._enable_rfid:
self._rfid_num_features = 2048
self._is_num_features = 1008
self._inception_model = get_inception_model().to(self._device)
self._is_eps = 1e-16
self._rfid_eps = 1e-6
def reset_metrics(self):
"""Resets all metrics."""
self._num_examples = 0
self._num_updates = 0
self._is_prob_total = torch.zeros(
self._is_num_features, dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._is_total_kl_d = torch.zeros(
self._is_num_features, dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._rfid_real_sigma = torch.zeros(
(self._rfid_num_features, self._rfid_num_features),
dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._rfid_real_total = torch.zeros(
self._rfid_num_features, dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._rfid_fake_sigma = torch.zeros(
(self._rfid_num_features, self._rfid_num_features),
dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._rfid_fake_total = torch.zeros(
self._rfid_num_features, dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device
self._set_of_codebook_indices = set()
self._codebook_frequencies = torch.zeros((self._num_codebook_entries), dtype=torch.float64, device=self._device)
def update(
real_images: torch.Tensor,
fake_images: torch.Tensor,
codebook_indices: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
"""Updates the metrics with the given images.
real_images: A torch.Tensor, the real images.
fake_images: A torch.Tensor, the fake images.
codebook_indices: A torch.Tensor, the indices of the codebooks for each image.
ValueError: If the fake images is not in RGB (3 channel).
ValueError: If the fake and real images have different shape.
batch_size = real_images.shape[0]
dim = tuple(range(1, real_images.ndim))
self._num_examples += batch_size
self._num_updates += 1
if self._enable_inception_score or self._enable_rfid:
# Quantize to uint8 as a real image.
fake_inception_images = (fake_images * 255).to(torch.uint8)
features_fake = self._inception_model(fake_inception_images)
inception_logits_fake = features_fake["logits_unbiased"]
inception_probabilities_fake = F.softmax(inception_logits_fake, dim=-1)
if self._enable_inception_score:
probabiliies_sum = torch.sum(inception_probabilities_fake, 0, dtype=torch.float64)
log_prob = torch.log(inception_probabilities_fake + self._is_eps)
if log_prob.dtype != inception_probabilities_fake.dtype:
log_prob = log_prob.to(inception_probabilities_fake)
kl_sum = torch.sum(inception_probabilities_fake * log_prob, 0, dtype=torch.float64)
self._is_prob_total += probabiliies_sum
self._is_total_kl_d += kl_sum
if self._enable_rfid:
real_inception_images = (real_images * 255).to(torch.uint8)
features_real = self._inception_model(real_inception_images)
if (features_real['2048'].shape[0] != features_fake['2048'].shape[0] or
features_real['2048'].shape[1] != features_fake['2048'].shape[1]):
raise ValueError(f"Number of features should be equal for real and fake.")
for f_real, f_fake in zip(features_real['2048'], features_fake['2048']):
self._rfid_real_total += f_real
self._rfid_fake_total += f_fake
self._rfid_real_sigma += torch.outer(f_real, f_real)
self._rfid_fake_sigma += torch.outer(f_fake, f_fake)
if self._enable_codebook_usage_measure:
self._set_of_codebook_indices |= set(torch.unique(codebook_indices, sorted=False).tolist())
if self._enable_codebook_entropy_measure:
entries, counts = torch.unique(codebook_indices, sorted=False, return_counts=True)
self._codebook_frequencies.index_add_(0, entries.int(), counts.double())
def result(self) -> Mapping[Text, torch.Tensor]:
"""Returns the evaluation result."""
eval_score = {}
if self._num_examples < 1:
raise ValueError("No examples to evaluate.")
if self._enable_inception_score:
mean_probs = self._is_prob_total / self._num_examples
log_mean_probs = torch.log(mean_probs + self._is_eps)
if log_mean_probs.dtype != self._is_prob_total.dtype:
log_mean_probs = log_mean_probs.to(self._is_prob_total)
excess_entropy = self._is_prob_total * log_mean_probs
avg_kl_d = torch.sum(self._is_total_kl_d - excess_entropy) / self._num_examples
inception_score = torch.exp(avg_kl_d).item()
eval_score["InceptionScore"] = inception_score
if self._enable_rfid:
mu_real = self._rfid_real_total / self._num_examples
mu_fake = self._rfid_fake_total / self._num_examples
sigma_real = get_covariance(self._rfid_real_sigma, self._rfid_real_total, self._num_examples)
sigma_fake = get_covariance(self._rfid_fake_sigma, self._rfid_fake_total, self._num_examples)
mu_real, mu_fake = mu_real.cpu(), mu_fake.cpu()
sigma_real, sigma_fake = sigma_real.cpu(), sigma_fake.cpu()
diff = mu_real - mu_fake
# Product might be almost singular.
covmean, _ = linalg.sqrtm(sigma_real.mm(sigma_fake).numpy(), disp=False)
# Numerical error might give slight imaginary component.
if np.iscomplexobj(covmean):
if not np.allclose(np.diagonal(covmean).imag, 0, atol=1e-3):
m = np.max(np.abs(covmean.imag))
raise ValueError("Imaginary component {}".format(m))
covmean = covmean.real
tr_covmean = np.trace(covmean)
if not np.isfinite(covmean).all():
tr_covmean = np.sum(np.sqrt((
(np.diag(sigma_real) * self._rfid_eps) * (np.diag(sigma_fake) * self._rfid_eps))
/ (self._rfid_eps * self._rfid_eps)
rfid = float(diff.dot(diff).item() + torch.trace(sigma_real) + torch.trace(sigma_fake)
- 2 * tr_covmean
if torch.isnan(torch.tensor(rfid)) or torch.isinf(torch.tensor(rfid)):
warnings.warn("The product of covariance of train and test features is out of bounds.")
eval_score["rFID"] = rfid
if self._enable_codebook_usage_measure:
usage = float(len(self._set_of_codebook_indices)) / self._num_codebook_entries
eval_score["CodebookUsage"] = usage
if self._enable_codebook_entropy_measure:
probs = self._codebook_frequencies / self._codebook_frequencies.sum()
entropy = (-torch.log2(probs + 1e-8) * probs).sum()
eval_score["CodebookEntropy"] = entropy
return eval_score