import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np from models.embedder import get_embedder from scipy.spatial import KDTree from import WeightedRandomSampler from torch.distributions.categorical import Categorical from torch.distributions.uniform import Uniform def batched_index_select(values, indices, dim = 1): value_dims = values.shape[(dim + 1):] values_shape, indices_shape = map(lambda t: list(t.shape), (values, indices)) indices = indices[(..., *((None,) * len(value_dims)))] indices = indices.expand(*((-1,) * len(indices_shape)), *value_dims) value_expand_len = len(indices_shape) - (dim + 1) values = values[(*((slice(None),) * dim), *((None,) * value_expand_len), ...)] value_expand_shape = [-1] * len(values.shape) expand_slice = slice(dim, (dim + value_expand_len)) value_expand_shape[expand_slice] = indices.shape[expand_slice] values = values.expand(*value_expand_shape) dim += value_expand_len return values.gather(dim, indices) def update_quaternion(delta_angle, prev_quat): s1 = 0 s2 = prev_quat[0] v2 = prev_quat[1:] v1 = delta_angle / 2 new_v = s1 * v2 + s2 * v1 + torch.cross(v1, v2) new_s = s1 * s2 - torch.sum(v1 * v2) new_quat =[new_s.unsqueeze(0), new_v], dim=0) return new_quat # def euler_to_quaternion(yaw, pitch, roll): def euler_to_quaternion(roll, pitch, yaw): qx = torch.sin(roll/2) * torch.cos(pitch/2) * torch.cos(yaw/2) - torch.cos(roll/2) * torch.sin(pitch/2) * torch.sin(yaw/2) qy = torch.cos(roll/2) * torch.sin(pitch/2) * torch.cos(yaw/2) + torch.sin(roll/2) * torch.cos(pitch/2) * torch.sin(yaw/2) qz = torch.cos(roll/2) * torch.cos(pitch/2) * torch.sin(yaw/2) - torch.sin(roll/2) * torch.sin(pitch/2) * torch.cos(yaw/2) qw = torch.cos(roll/2) * torch.cos(pitch/2) * torch.cos(yaw/2) + torch.sin(roll/2) * torch.sin(pitch/2) * torch.sin(yaw/2) # qx = torch.sin() return [qw, qx, qy, qz] # return [qx, qy, qz, qw] def quaternion_to_matrix(quaternions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Convert rotations given as quaternions to rotation matrices. Args: quaternions: quaternions with real part first, as tensor of shape (..., 4). Returns: Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3). """ r, i, j, k = torch.unbind(quaternions, -1) # -1 for the quaternion matrix # # pyre-fixme[58]: `/` is not supported for operand types `float` and `Tensor`. two_s = 2.0 / (quaternions * quaternions).sum(-1) o = torch.stack( ( 1 - two_s * (j * j + k * k), two_s * (i * j - k * r), two_s * (i * k + j * r), two_s * (i * j + k * r), 1 - two_s * (i * i + k * k), two_s * (j * k - i * r), two_s * (i * k - j * r), two_s * (j * k + i * r), 1 - two_s * (i * i + j * j), ), -1, ) return o.reshape(quaternions.shape[:-1] + (3, 3)) # This implementation is borrowed from IDR: class SDFNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, d_out, d_hidden, n_layers, skip_in=(4,), multires=0, bias=0.5, scale=1, geometric_init=True, weight_norm=True, inside_outside=False): super(SDFNetwork, self).__init__() dims = [d_in] + [d_hidden for _ in range(n_layers)] + [d_out] self.embed_fn_fine = None if multires > 0: embed_fn, input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn dims[0] = input_ch self.num_layers = len(dims) self.skip_in = skip_in self.scale = scale for l in range(0, self.num_layers - 1): if l + 1 in self.skip_in: out_dim = dims[l + 1] - dims[0] else: out_dim = dims[l + 1] lin = nn.Linear(dims[l], out_dim) if geometric_init: if l == self.num_layers - 2: if not inside_outside: torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight, mean=np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(dims[l]), std=0.0001) torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, -bias) else: torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight, mean=-np.sqrt(np.pi) / np.sqrt(dims[l]), std=0.0001) torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, bias) elif multires > 0 and l == 0: torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, 0.0) torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.weight[:, 3:], 0.0) torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight[:, :3], 0.0, np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(out_dim)) elif multires > 0 and l in self.skip_in: torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, 0.0) torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight, 0.0, np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(out_dim)) torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.weight[:, -(dims[0] - 3):], 0.0) else: torch.nn.init.constant_(lin.bias, 0.0) torch.nn.init.normal_(lin.weight, 0.0, np.sqrt(2) / np.sqrt(out_dim)) if weight_norm: lin = nn.utils.weight_norm(lin) setattr(self, "lin" + str(l), lin) self.activation = nn.Softplus(beta=100) def forward(self, inputs): inputs = inputs * self.scale if self.embed_fn_fine is not None: # input; input fn fine # inputs = self.embed_fn_fine(inputs) x = inputs for l in range(0, self.num_layers - 1): lin = getattr(self, "lin" + str(l)) if l in self.skip_in: x =[x, inputs], 1) / np.sqrt(2) x = lin(x) if l < self.num_layers - 2: x = self.activation(x) return[x[:, :1] / self.scale, x[:, 1:]], dim=-1) def sdf(self, x): return self.forward(x)[:, :1] def sdf_hidden_appearance(self, x): return self.forward(x) def gradient(self, x): x.requires_grad_(True) y = self.sdf(x) d_output = torch.ones_like(y, requires_grad=False, device=y.device) gradients = torch.autograd.grad( outputs=y, inputs=x, grad_outputs=d_output, create_graph=True, retain_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0] return gradients.unsqueeze(1) # This implementation is borrowed from IDR: class RenderingNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_feature, mode, d_in, d_out, d_hidden, n_layers, weight_norm=True, multires_view=0, squeeze_out=True): super().__init__() self.mode = mode self.squeeze_out = squeeze_out dims = [d_in + d_feature] + [d_hidden for _ in range(n_layers)] + [d_out] self.embedview_fn = None if multires_view > 0: embedview_fn, input_ch = get_embedder(multires_view) self.embedview_fn = embedview_fn dims[0] += (input_ch - 3) self.num_layers = len(dims) for l in range(0, self.num_layers - 1): out_dim = dims[l + 1] lin = nn.Linear(dims[l], out_dim) if weight_norm: lin = nn.utils.weight_norm(lin) setattr(self, "lin" + str(l), lin) self.relu = nn.ReLU() def forward(self, points, normals, view_dirs, feature_vectors): if self.embedview_fn is not None: view_dirs = self.embedview_fn(view_dirs) rendering_input = None if self.mode == 'idr': rendering_input =[points, view_dirs, normals, feature_vectors], dim=-1) elif self.mode == 'no_view_dir': rendering_input =[points, normals, feature_vectors], dim=-1) elif self.mode == 'no_normal': rendering_input =[points, view_dirs, feature_vectors], dim=-1) x = rendering_input for l in range(0, self.num_layers - 1): lin = getattr(self, "lin" + str(l)) x = lin(x) if l < self.num_layers - 2: x = self.relu(x) if self.squeeze_out: x = torch.sigmoid(x) return x # This implementation is borrowed from nerf-pytorch: class NeRF(nn.Module): def __init__(self, D=8, W=256, d_in=3, d_in_view=3, multires=0, multires_view=0, output_ch=4, skips=[4], use_viewdirs=False): super(NeRF, self).__init__() self.D = D self.W = W self.d_in = d_in self.d_in_view = d_in_view self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch_view = 3 self.embed_fn = None self.embed_fn_view = None if multires > 0: embed_fn, input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn = embed_fn self.input_ch = input_ch if multires_view > 0: embed_fn_view, input_ch_view = get_embedder(multires_view, input_dims=d_in_view) self.embed_fn_view = embed_fn_view self.input_ch_view = input_ch_view self.skips = skips self.use_viewdirs = use_viewdirs self.pts_linears = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch, W)] + [nn.Linear(W, W) if i not in self.skips else nn.Linear(W + self.input_ch, W) for i in range(D - 1)]) ### Implementation according to the official code release ### ( self.views_linears = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(self.input_ch_view + W, W // 2)]) ### Implementation according to the paper # self.views_linears = nn.ModuleList( # [nn.Linear(input_ch_views + W, W//2)] + [nn.Linear(W//2, W//2) for i in range(D//2)]) if use_viewdirs: self.feature_linear = nn.Linear(W, W) self.alpha_linear = nn.Linear(W, 1) self.rgb_linear = nn.Linear(W // 2, 3) else: self.output_linear = nn.Linear(W, output_ch) def forward(self, input_pts, input_views): if self.embed_fn is not None: input_pts = self.embed_fn(input_pts) if self.embed_fn_view is not None: input_views = self.embed_fn_view(input_views) h = input_pts for i, l in enumerate(self.pts_linears): h = self.pts_linears[i](h) h = F.relu(h) if i in self.skips: h =[input_pts, h], -1) if self.use_viewdirs: alpha = self.alpha_linear(h) feature = self.feature_linear(h) h =[feature, input_views], -1) for i, l in enumerate(self.views_linears): h = self.views_linears[i](h) h = F.relu(h) rgb = self.rgb_linear(h) return alpha, rgb else: assert False class SingleVarianceNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, init_val): super(SingleVarianceNetwork, self).__init__() self.register_parameter('variance', nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(init_val))) def forward(self, x): return torch.ones([len(x), 1]) * torch.exp(self.variance * 10.0) class BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagV18(nn.Module): def __init__(self, # self # d_in, # multires, # fileds # bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False, nn_instances=1, minn_dist_threshold=0.05, ): # contact # bending network active force field # super(BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagV18, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch = 1 d_in = self.input_ch self.output_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 1 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.contact_dist_thres = 0.1 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = True self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.static_friction_mu = 1. self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = 50000 self.cur_window_size = 60 # get self.bending_n_timesteps = self.cur_window_size + 10 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 50 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 1 self.nn_instances = nn_instances self.contact_spring_rest_length = 2. # self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # minn_dist_threshold ### self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = minn_dist_threshold self.spring_contact_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_contact_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.spring_friction_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_friction_ks_values.weight) = * 0.001 if self.nn_instances == 1: self.spring_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01[:, :] = 0.1395 else: self.spring_ks_values = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_ks_values in self.spring_ks_values: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.inertia_div_factor = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.inertia_div_factor.weight) #[:, :] = 30.0[:, :] = 20.0 self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.bending_dir_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) # dist_k_a = self.distance_ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_k_b = self.distance_ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) * 5# *# 0.1 # distance self.distance_ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.distance_ks_val.weight) # distance_ks_val # #[0] =[0] * 0.6160 ## #[1] =[1] * 4.0756 ## self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 self.ks_friction_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_friction_val.weight) = * 0.2 ## [ \alpha, \beta ] ## if self.nn_instances == 1: self.ks_weights = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) else: self.ks_weights = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_ks_weights in self.ks_weights: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) # sep_time_constant, sep_torque_time_constant, sep_damping_constant, sep_angular_damping_constant self.sep_time_constant = self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_time_constant.weight) # self.sep_torque_time_constant = self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_torque_time_constant.weight) # self.sep_damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_damping_constant.weight) # # # # # = * 0.9 = * 0.2 self.sep_angular_damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_angular_damping_constant.weight) # # # # # = * 0.9 = * 0.2 if self.nn_instances == 1: self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_constant.weight) # else: self.time_constant = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_time_constant in self.time_constant: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_time_constant.weight) # if self.nn_instances == 1: self.damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 else: self.damping_constant = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_damping_constant in self.damping_constant: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.nn_actuators = 778 * 2 # vertices # self.nn_actuation_forces = self.nn_actuators * self.cur_window_size self.actuator_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_forces.weight) # # self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # if nn_instances == 1: self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # else: self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_friction_force_net in self.actuator_friction_forces: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cur_friction_force_net.weight) # # simulator # self.actuator_weights = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.actuator_weights.weight) # = * (1. / (778 * 2)) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' self.patch_force_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) # if i == len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: # torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(cc.bias) # else: if i < len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.patch_force_scale_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_scale_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): ### ifthe lienar layer # # ## torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.patch_force_scale_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' ''' the bending network ''' # self.input_ch = 1 = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0[-1] += 0.2 ''' the bending network ''' self.dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.friction_input_dim = 3 + 3 + 1 + 3 ### self.friction_network = [ nn.Linear(self.friction_input_dim, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3) ] for i_sub_net, sub_net in enumerate(self.friction_network): if isinstance(sub_net, nn.Linear): if i_sub_net < len(self.friction_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( sub_net.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(sub_net.bias) else: torch.nn.init.zeros_(sub_net.weight) torch.nn.init.zeros_(sub_net.bias) self.friction_network = nn.Sequential( *self.friction_network ) self.contact_normal_force_network = [ nn.Linear(self.friction_input_dim, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3) ] for i_sub_net, sub_net in enumerate(self.contact_normal_force_network): if isinstance(sub_net, nn.Linear): if i_sub_net < len(self.contact_normal_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( sub_net.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(sub_net.bias) else: torch.nn.init.zeros_(sub_net.weight) torch.nn.init.zeros_(sub_net.bias) self.contact_normal_force_network = nn.Sequential( *self.contact_normal_force_network ) ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # periodict activation functions # # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # weighting model via the distance # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # distances # the kappa # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weighting_model_ks.weight) self.spring_rest_length = 2. # self.spring_x_min = -2. self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # self.obj_inertia = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.obj_inertia.weight) self.optimizable_obj_mass = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.optimizable_obj_mass.weight) import math *= math.sqrt(30) self.optimizable_spring_ks = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.optimizable_spring_ks.weight) # 400000000, 100000000 # optimizabale spring forces an the[0, :] = math.sqrt(1.0)[1, :] = math.sqrt(1.0) # optimizable_spring_ks_normal, optimizable_spring_ks_friction # self.optimizable_spring_ks_normal = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=200, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.optimizable_spring_ks_normal.weight) # # 400000000, 100000000 # optimizabale spring forces an the #[0, :] = math.sqrt(1.0) #[1, :] = math.sqrt(1.0) self.optimizable_spring_ks_friction = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=200, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.optimizable_spring_ks_friction.weight) # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # 4) aggregate forces; self.timestep_to_vel = {} self.timestep_to_point_accs = {} # how to support frictions? # ### TODO: initialize the t_to_total_def variable ### # tangential self.timestep_to_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset = {} # record the optimizable offset # self.save_values = {} # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, # self.timestep_to_ws_normed = {} self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori = {} # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # # active mesh # active mesh # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori = {} self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori = {} # timestep_to_angular_vel, timestep_to_quaternion # self.timestep_to_angular_vel = {} self.timestep_to_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_torque = {} self.timestep_to_accum_acc = {} # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx = {} self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights = {} self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist = {} self.time_quaternions = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=4 )[:, 0] = 1.[:, 1] = 0.[:, 2] = 0.[:, 3] = 0. # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_quaternions.weight) # # actuators self.time_translations = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_translations.weight) # self.time_forces = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_forces.weight) # # self.time_velocities = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_velocities.weight) # self.time_torques = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_torques.weight) # self.obj_sdf_th = None self.obj_sdf_grad_th = None self.normal_plane_max_y = torch.tensor([0, 1., 0], dtype=torch.float32) ## 0, 1, 0 self.normal_plane_min_y = torch.tensor([0, -1., 0.], dtype=torch.float32) # self.normal_plane_max_x = torch.tensor([1, 0, 0], dtype=torch.float32) ## 0, 1, 0 self.normal_plane_min_x = torch.tensor([-1, 0., 0.], dtype=torch.float32) # self.normal_plane_max_z = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1.], dtype=torch.float32) ## 0, 1, 0 self.normal_plane_min_z = torch.tensor([0, 0, -1.], dtype=torch.float32) # ## set the initial passive object verts and normals ### ## the default scene is the box scene ## self.penetration_determining = "plane_primitives" self.canon_passive_obj_verts = None self.canon_passive_obj_normals = None self.train_residual_normal_forces = False self.lin_damping_coefs = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=150, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.lin_damping_coefs.weight) # (1.0 - damping) * prev_ts_vel + cur_ts_delta_vel self.ang_damping_coefs = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=150, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ang_damping_coefs.weight) # (1.0 - samping_coef) * prev_ts_vel + cur_ts_delta_vel # self.contact_damping_coef = 5e3 ## contact damping coef -- damping coef contact ## ## damping coef contact ## def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True ##### split network single ##### ## self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.split_network[-1] += 0.2 ##### split network single ##### self.split_dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)] ) with torch.no_grad(): # no_grad() for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # # # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### # ### ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.split_weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.split_weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def uniformly_sample_pts(self, tot_pts, nn_samples): tot_pts_prob = torch.ones_like(tot_pts[:, 0]) tot_pts_prob = tot_pts_prob / torch.sum(tot_pts_prob) pts_dist = Categorical(tot_pts_prob) sampled_pts_idx = pts_dist.sample((nn_samples,)) sampled_pts_idx = sampled_pts_idx.squeeze() sampled_pts = tot_pts[sampled_pts_idx] return sampled_pts def query_for_sdf(self, cur_pts, cur_frame_transformations): # cur_frame_rotation, cur_frame_translation = cur_frame_transformations # cur_pts: nn_pts x 3 # # print(f"cur_pts: {cur_pts.size()}, cur_frame_translation: {cur_frame_translation.size()}, cur_frame_rotation: {cur_frame_rotation.size()}") ### transformed pts ### # cur_transformed_pts = torch.matmul( # cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) # ).transpose(1, 0) # center_init_passive_obj_verts # cur_transformed_pts = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0) - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) ).transpose(1, 0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) # v = (v - center) * scale # # sdf_space_center # cur_transformed_pts_np = cur_transformed_pts.detach().cpu().numpy() cur_transformed_pts_np = (cur_transformed_pts_np - np.reshape(self.sdf_space_center, (1, 3))) * self.sdf_space_scale cur_transformed_pts_np = (cur_transformed_pts_np + 1.) / 2. cur_transformed_pts_xs = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 0] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) # [x, y, z] of the transformed_pts_np # cur_transformed_pts_ys = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 1] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) cur_transformed_pts_zs = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 2] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) cur_transformed_pts_xs = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_xs, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) cur_transformed_pts_ys = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_ys, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) cur_transformed_pts_zs = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_zs, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) if self.obj_sdf_th is None: self.obj_sdf_th = torch.from_numpy(self.obj_sdf).float() cur_transformed_pts_xs_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_xs).long() cur_transformed_pts_ys_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_ys).long() cur_transformed_pts_zs_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_zs).long() cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(self.obj_sdf_th, cur_transformed_pts_xs_th, 0) # print(f"After selecting the x-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf, cur_transformed_pts_ys_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # print(f"After selecting the y-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf, cur_transformed_pts_zs_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # print(f"After selecting the z-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") if self.obj_sdf_grad is not None: if self.obj_sdf_grad_th is None: self.obj_sdf_grad_th = torch.from_numpy(self.obj_sdf_grad).float() self.obj_sdf_grad_th = self.obj_sdf_grad_th / torch.clamp(torch.norm(self.obj_sdf_grad_th, p=2, keepdim=True, dim=-1), min=1e-5) cur_pts_sdf_grad = batched_index_select(self.obj_sdf_grad_th, cur_transformed_pts_xs_th, 0) # nn_pts x res x res x 3 cur_pts_sdf_grad = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf_grad, cur_transformed_pts_ys_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) cur_pts_sdf_grad = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf_grad, cur_transformed_pts_zs_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # cur_pts_sdf_grad = cur_pts_sdf_grad / torch else: cur_pts_sdf_grad = None # cur_pts_sdf = self.obj_sdf[cur_transformed_pts_xs] # cur_pts_sdf = cur_pts_sdf[:, cur_transformed_pts_ys] # cur_pts_sdf = cur_pts_sdf[:, :, cur_transformed_pts_zs] # cur_pts_sdf = np.diagonal(cur_pts_sdf) # print(f"cur_pts_sdf: {cur_pts_sdf.shape}") # # gradient of sdf # # # the contact force dierection should be the negative direction of the sdf gradient? # # # it seems true # # # get the cur_pts_sdf value # # cur_pts_sdf = torch.from_numpy(cur_pts_sdf).float() if cur_pts_sdf_grad is None: return cur_pts_sdf else: return cur_pts_sdf, cur_pts_sdf_grad # return the grad as the def query_for_sdf_of_canon_obj(self, cur_pts, cur_frame_transformations): # cur_frame_rotation, cur_frame_translation = cur_frame_transformations cur_transformed_pts = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) ).transpose(1, 0) # cur_transformed_pts = torch.matmul( # cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0) - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) # ).transpose(1, 0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) # # v = (v - center) * scale # # sdf_space_center # cur_transformed_pts_np = cur_transformed_pts.detach().cpu().numpy() # cur_transformed_pts_np = (cur_transformed_pts_np - np.reshape(self.sdf_space_center, (1, 3))) * self.sdf_space_scale cur_transformed_pts_np = (cur_transformed_pts_np + 1.) / 2. cur_transformed_pts_xs = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 0] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) # [x, y, z] of the transformed_pts_np # cur_transformed_pts_ys = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 1] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) cur_transformed_pts_zs = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 2] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) cur_transformed_pts_xs = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_xs, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) cur_transformed_pts_ys = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_ys, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) cur_transformed_pts_zs = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_zs, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) if self.obj_sdf_th is None: self.obj_sdf_th = torch.from_numpy(self.obj_sdf).float() cur_transformed_pts_xs_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_xs).long() cur_transformed_pts_ys_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_ys).long() cur_transformed_pts_zs_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_zs).long() cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(self.obj_sdf_th, cur_transformed_pts_xs_th, 0) # print(f"After selecting the x-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf, cur_transformed_pts_ys_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # print(f"After selecting the y-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf, cur_transformed_pts_zs_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # print(f"After selecting the z-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") if self.obj_sdf_grad is not None: if self.obj_sdf_grad_th is None: self.obj_sdf_grad_th = torch.from_numpy(self.obj_sdf_grad).float() self.obj_sdf_grad_th = self.obj_sdf_grad_th / torch.clamp(torch.norm(self.obj_sdf_grad_th, p=2, keepdim=True, dim=-1), min=1e-5) cur_pts_sdf_grad = batched_index_select(self.obj_sdf_grad_th, cur_transformed_pts_xs_th, 0) # nn_pts x res x res x 3 cur_pts_sdf_grad = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf_grad, cur_transformed_pts_ys_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) cur_pts_sdf_grad = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf_grad, cur_transformed_pts_zs_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # cur_pts_sdf_grad = cur_pts_sdf_grad / torch else: cur_pts_sdf_grad = None # cur_pts_sdf = self.obj_sdf[cur_transformed_pts_xs] # cur_pts_sdf = cur_pts_sdf[:, cur_transformed_pts_ys] # cur_pts_sdf = cur_pts_sdf[:, :, cur_transformed_pts_zs] # cur_pts_sdf = np.diagonal(cur_pts_sdf) # print(f"cur_pts_sdf: {cur_pts_sdf.shape}") # # the contact force dierection should be the negative direction of the sdf gradient? # # # get the cur_pts_sdf value # # cur_pts_sdf = torch.from_numpy(cur_pts_sdf).float() if cur_pts_sdf_grad is None: return cur_pts_sdf else: return cur_pts_sdf, cur_pts_sdf_grad # return the grad as the ## query for cotnacting def query_for_contacting_ball_primitives(self, cur_pts, cur_frame_transformations): cur_frame_rotation, cur_frame_translation = cur_frame_transformations inv_transformed_queried_pts = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0) - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) ).transpose(1, 0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) # center_verts, ball_r # center_verts = self.center_verts ball_r = self.ball_r dist_inv_transformed_pts_w_center_ball = torch.sum( (inv_transformed_queried_pts - center_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ## ) penetration_indicators = dist_inv_transformed_pts_w_center_ball <= (ball_r ** 2) # maxx_dist_to_planes, projected_plane_pts_transformed, projected_plane_normals_transformed, projected_plane_pts, selected_plane_normals dir_center_to_ball = inv_transformed_queried_pts - center_verts.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_pts x 3 ## norm_center_to_ball = torch.norm(dir_center_to_ball, dim=-1, p=2, keepdim=True) dir_center_to_ball = dir_center_to_ball / torch.clamp(torch.norm(dir_center_to_ball, dim=-1, p=2, keepdim=True), min=1e-6) sd_dist = norm_center_to_ball - ball_r projected_ball_pts = center_verts.unsqueeze(0) + dir_center_to_ball * ball_r projected_ball_normals = dir_center_to_ball.clone() projected_ball_normals_transformed = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation, projected_ball_normals.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() projected_ball_pts_transformed = torch.matmul( ## center init passive obj verts cur_frame_rotation, (projected_ball_pts - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() + cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) return penetration_indicators, sd_dist, projected_ball_pts_transformed, projected_ball_normals_transformed, projected_ball_pts, projected_ball_normals ## because of ## because of def query_for_contacting_primitives(self, cur_pts, cur_frame_transformations): # cur_frame rotation -> 3 x 3 rtoations # translation -> 3 translations # cur_frame_rotation, cur_frame_translation = cur_frame_transformations # cur_pts: nn_pts x 3 # # print(f"cur_pts: {cur_pts.size()}, cur_frame_translation: {cur_frame_translation.size()}, cur_frame_rotation: {cur_frame_rotation.size()}") ### transformed pts ### # inv_transformed_queried_pts = torch.matmul( # cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) # ).transpose(1, 0) inv_transformed_queried_pts = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0) - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) ).transpose(1, 0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) # maxximum # jut define the maxim # # normal to six palnes -> # normal to six planes -> maxx_init_passive_mesh = self.maxx_init_passive_mesh minn_init_passive_mesh = self.minn_init_passive_mesh # # max y-coordiante; min y-coordiante; max dist_to_plane_max_y = torch.sum((inv_transformed_queried_pts - maxx_init_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) * self.normal_plane_max_y.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) ### signed distance to the upper s # maximum distnace? # dist_to_plane_min_y = torch.sum((inv_transformed_queried_pts - minn_init_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) * self.normal_plane_min_y.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) ### signed distance to the lower surface # dist_to_plane_max_z = torch.sum((inv_transformed_queried_pts - maxx_init_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) * self.normal_plane_max_z.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) ### signed distance to the upper s # maximum distnace? # dist_to_plane_min_z = torch.sum((inv_transformed_queried_pts - minn_init_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) * self.normal_plane_min_z.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) ### signed distance to the lower surface # dist_to_plane_max_x = torch.sum((inv_transformed_queried_pts - maxx_init_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) * self.normal_plane_max_x.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) ### signed distance to the upper s # maximum distnace? # dist_to_plane_min_x = torch.sum((inv_transformed_queried_pts - minn_init_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) * self.normal_plane_min_x.unsqueeze(0), dim=-1) ### signed distance to the lower surface # tot_dist_to_planes = torch.stack( [dist_to_plane_max_y, dist_to_plane_min_y, dist_to_plane_max_z, dist_to_plane_min_z, dist_to_plane_max_x, dist_to_plane_min_x], dim=-1 ) maxx_dist_to_planes, maxx_dist_to_planes_plane_idx = torch.max(tot_dist_to_planes, dim=-1) ### maxx dist to planes ## # nn_pts # # selected plane normals # selected plane normals # kinematics dirven mano? # # a much more simplified setting> # # need frictio # contact points established and the contact information maintainacnce # # test cases -> test such two relatively moving objects # # assume you have the correct forces --- how to opt them # # model the frictions # tot_plane_normals = torch.stack( [self.normal_plane_max_y, self.normal_plane_min_y, self.normal_plane_max_z, self.normal_plane_min_z, self.normal_plane_max_x, self.normal_plane_min_x], dim=0 ### 6 x 3 -> plane normals # ) # nearest plane points # # nearest plane points # # nearest plane points # # nearest plane points # # nearest_plane_points # selected_plane_normals = tot_plane_normals[maxx_dist_to_planes_plane_idx ] ### nn_tot_pts x 3 ### projected_plane_pts = cur_pts - selected_plane_normals * maxx_dist_to_planes.unsqueeze(-1) ### nn_tot_pts x 3 ### projected_plane_pts_x = projected_plane_pts[:, 0] projected_plane_pts_y = projected_plane_pts[:, 1] projected_plane_pts_z = projected_plane_pts[:, 2] projected_plane_pts_x = torch.clamp(projected_plane_pts_x, min=minn_init_passive_mesh[0], max=maxx_init_passive_mesh[0]) projected_plane_pts_y = torch.clamp(projected_plane_pts_y, min=minn_init_passive_mesh[1], max=maxx_init_passive_mesh[1]) projected_plane_pts_z = torch.clamp(projected_plane_pts_z, min=minn_init_passive_mesh[2], max=maxx_init_passive_mesh[2]) projected_plane_pts = torch.stack( [projected_plane_pts_x, projected_plane_pts_y, projected_plane_pts_z], dim=-1 ) # query # projected_plane_pts_transformed = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation, (projected_plane_pts - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() + cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) projected_plane_normals_transformed = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation, selected_plane_normals.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() # ### penetration indicator, signed distance, projected points onto the plane as the contact points ### return maxx_dist_to_planes <= 0, maxx_dist_to_planes, projected_plane_pts_transformed, projected_plane_normals_transformed, projected_plane_pts, selected_plane_normals ### forward; #### # def forward2(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True, friction_forces=None, i_instance=0, reference_mano_pts=None, sampled_verts_idxes=None, fix_obj=False, contact_pairs_set=None, pts_frictional_forces=None): nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # ori_nns = sampled_input_pts.size(0) if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[sampled_verts_idxes] # nn_sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts.size(0) if nex_pts_ts in timestep_to_active_mesh: ### disp_sampled_input_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts ### nex_sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[nex_pts_ts].detach() else: nex_sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts].detach() ## if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: nex_sampled_input_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts[sampled_verts_idxes] ## disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts ## act pts cur to nex ## # nex sampled input pts # # disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex = disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex / torch.clamp(torch.norm(disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex, p=2, keepdim=True, dim=-1), min=1e-5) ### if sampled_input_pts.size(0) > 20000: norm_disp_act_pts = torch.clamp(torch.norm(disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex, dim=-1, p=2, keepdim=True), min=1e-5) else: norm_disp_act_pts = torch.clamp(torch.norm(disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex, p=2, keepdim=True), min=1e-5) disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex = disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex / norm_disp_act_pts real_norm = torch.clamp(torch.norm(disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex, p=2, keepdim=True, dim=-1), min=1e-5) real_norm = torch.mean(real_norm) # print(sampled_input_pts.size(), norm_disp_act_pts, real_norm) if self.canon_passive_obj_verts is None: ## center init passsive obj verts ## init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] # at the timestep 0 ## init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) self.center_init_passive_obj_verts = center_init_passive_obj_verts.clone() else: init_passive_obj_verts = self.canon_passive_obj_verts init_passive_obj_ns = self.canon_passive_obj_normals # center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) # self.center_init_passive_obj_verts = center_init_passive_obj_verts.clone() # direction of the normal direction has been changed # # contact region and multiple contact points ## center_init_passive_obj_verts = torch.zeros((3, ), dtype=torch.float32) self.center_init_passive_obj_verts = center_init_passive_obj_verts.clone() # use_same_contact_spring_k # # cur_passive_obj_rot, cur_passive_obj_trans # ## quaternion to matrix -- quaternion for # cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # passive obj trans # ''' Transform the passive object verts and normals ''' cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ### passvie obj ns ### cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center # passive obj center # self.cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns self.cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts ## velcoti of the manipulator is enough to serve as the velocity of the peentration deo ## # nn instances # # # cur passive obj ns ## # if self.nn_instances == 1: # ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # else: # ws_alpha = self.ks_weights[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # ws_beta = self.ks_weights[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # print(f"sampled_input_pts: {sampled_input_pts.size()}") if self.use_sqrt_dist: # use sqrt distance # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.norm( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)), dim=-1, p=2 ) else: dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) #### use sqrt distances #### # ### add the sqrt for calculate the l2 distance ### # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sqrt(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ### # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.norm( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts # (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)), dim=-1, p=2 # ) ''' distance between sampled pts and the passive object ''' ## get the object vert idx with the dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # get the minn idx sampled pts to passive obj ## ''' calculate the apssvie objects normals ''' # inter obj normals at the current frame # # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ### use obj normals as the direction ### # inter_obj_normals = -1 * inter_obj_normals.detach().clone() ### use the active points displacement directions as the direction ### # the normal inter_obj_normals = -1 * disp_act_pts_cur_to_nex.detach().clone() # penetration_determining # inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] cur_passive_obj_verts_pts_idxes = torch.arange(0, cur_passive_obj_verts.size(0), dtype=torch.long) # # inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes = cur_passive_obj_verts_pts_idxes[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] # inter_obj_normals # # inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts.detach() # sampled p # dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ###### penetration penalty strategy v1 ###### # penetrating_indicator = dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals < 0 # penetrating_depth = -1 * torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals.detach(), dim=-1) # penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth[penetrating_indicator].mean() # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth_penalty # if torch.isnan(penetrating_depth_penalty): # get the penetration penalties # # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) ###### penetration penalty strategy v1 ###### # ws_beta; 10 # # sum over the forces but not the weighted sum... # # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10) # ws_alpha # ####### sharp the weights ####### # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 # m ''' get the prespecified passive obj threshold ''' minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) e # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) #### using network weights #### # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) #### using network weights #### # penetrating # ### penetration strategy v4 #### ## threshold of the sampled pts ## ''' Calculate the penetration depth / sdf from the input point to the object ''' if input_pts_ts > 0 or (input_pts_ts == 0 and input_pts_ts in self.timestep_to_total_def): cur_rot = self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # obj_sdf_grad if self.penetration_determining == "sdf_of_canon": ### queried sdf? ### if self.obj_sdf_grad is None: ## query for sdf of canon queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf_of_canon_obj(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) else: queried_sdf, queried_sdf_grad = self.query_for_sdf_of_canon_obj(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) else: if self.obj_sdf_grad is None: queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) else: queried_sdf, queried_sdf_grad = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) # inter_obj_normals = -1.0 * queried_sdf_grad # inter_obj_normals = queried_sdf_grad # inter_obj_normals = torch.matmul( # 3 x 3 xxxx 3 x N -> 3 x N # cur_rot, inter_obj_normals.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() # ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() penetrating_indicator = queried_sdf < 0 else: cur_rot = torch.eye(n=3, dtype=torch.float32) cur_trans = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) if self.penetration_determining == "sdf_of_canon": if self.obj_sdf_grad is None: queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf_of_canon_obj(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) else: queried_sdf, queried_sdf_grad = self.query_for_sdf_of_canon_obj(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) else: if self.obj_sdf_grad is None: queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) else: queried_sdf, queried_sdf_grad = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) # inter_obj_normals = -1.0 * queried_sdf_grad # inter_obj_normals = queried_sdf_grad penetrating_indicator = queried_sdf < 0 ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' # rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts ''' calculate the penetration indicator ''' penetrating_indicator_mult_factor = torch.ones_like(penetrating_indicator).float() penetrating_indicator_mult_factor[penetrating_indicator] = -1. dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * penetrating_indicator_mult_factor # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | # use contact if self.use_contact_dist_as_sdf: queried_sdf = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj # in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj = queried_sdf <= self.minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj ### queried_sdf <= minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj zero_level_incontact_indicator_robot_to_obj = queried_sdf <= 0.0 ## minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres # ## in contct indicator ## ## in contact indicator ## in_contact_indicator = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj <= minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres # ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = torch.ones_like(ws_unnormed) ws_unnormed = torch.ones_like(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # cur_act_weights = ws_normed cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # minimized motions # # penetrating_indicator = dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals < 0 # # self.penetrating_indicator = penetrating_indicator # # self.penetrating_indicator = in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj cur_inter_obj_normals = inter_obj_normals.clone().detach() ### if self.penetration_determining == "plane_primitives": # optimize the ruels for ball case? # in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj, queried_sdf, inter_obj_pts, inter_obj_normals, canon_inter_obj_pts, canon_inter_obj_normals = self.query_for_contacting_primitives(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) self.penetrating_indicator = in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj cur_inter_obj_normals = inter_obj_normals.clone().detach() elif self.penetration_determining == "ball_primitives": in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj, queried_sdf, inter_obj_pts, inter_obj_normals, canon_inter_obj_pts, canon_inter_obj_normals = self.query_for_contacting_ball_primitives(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) self.penetrating_indicator = in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj cur_inter_obj_normals = inter_obj_normals.clone().detach() else: # inter_obj_pts canon_inter_obj_pts = torch.matmul( cur_passive_obj_rot.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (inter_obj_pts - cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0)).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ## canon_inter_obj_normals = torch.matmul( # passive obj rot ## # R^T n --> R R^T n --the current inter obj normals ## cur_passive_obj_rot.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), inter_obj_normals.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ## -> inter obj normals ##### penetration depth penalty loss calculation: strategy 2 ##### penetration_proj_ks = self.minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj - queried_sdf penetration_proj_pos = sampled_input_pts + penetration_proj_ks.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## nn_sampled_pts x 3 ## dot_pos_to_proj_with_normal = torch.sum( (penetration_proj_pos.detach() - sampled_input_pts) * inter_obj_normals.detach(), dim=-1 ### nn_sampled_pts ) # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = dot_pos_to_proj_with_normal[in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj].mean() self.smaller_than_zero_level_set_indicator = queried_sdf < 0.0 self.penetrating_depth_penalty = dot_pos_to_proj_with_normal[queried_sdf < 0.0].mean() ##### penetration depth penalty loss calculation: strategy 2 ##### ##### penetration depth penalty loss calculation: strategy 1 ##### # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = (self.minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj - queried_sdf[in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj]).mean() ##### penetration depth penalty loss calculation: strategy 1 ##### ### penetration strategy v4 #### # another mophology # if self.nn_instances == 1: # spring ks values # contact ks values # # if we set a fixed k value here # contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 1).view(1,) # contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) # tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) else: contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) # contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) # contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) # tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) # optm_alltime_ks # # optimizable_spring_ks_normal, optimizable_spring_ks_friction # if self.optm_alltime_ks: opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot = self.optimizable_spring_ks_normal(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction = self.optimizable_spring_ks_friction(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) else: # optimizable_spring_ks # opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot = self.optimizable_spring_ks(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction = self.optimizable_spring_ks(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 1).view(1,) # self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot = opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot ** 2 # self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction = opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction ** 2 ## penetration proj k to robot ## penetration_proj_k_to_robot = self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot * opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot ** 2 penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction = self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction * opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction ** 2 # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = opt_penetration_proj_k_to_robot # if self.use_split_params: ## # contact_spring_ka = self.spring_contact_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) # if self.use_sqr_spring_stiffness: # contact_spring_ka = contact_spring_ka ** 2 ## ks may be differnet across different timesteps ## # if self.train_residual_friction: contact_spring_ka = 0.1907073 ** 2 ## contact spring ka ## contact_spring_kb = 0.00131699 ''' use same contact spring k should be no ''' if self.use_same_contact_spring_k: # contact_spring_ka_ori = contact_spring_ka.clone() ''' Equal forces ''' contact_spring_ka = penetration_proj_k_to_robot * contact_spring_ka # equal forc stiffjess contact_spring_kb = contact_spring_kb * penetration_proj_k_to_robot penetration_proj_k_to_robot = contact_spring_ka ''' N-Equal forces ''' # contact_spring_ka = 30. * contact_spring_ka ## change the contact spring k ## # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = penetration_proj_k_to_robot * contact_spring_ka_ori ### change the projection coeff to the robot ''' N-Equal forces ''' # contact_spring_ka = penetration_proj_k_to_robot * contact_spring_ka ## contact spring ka ## # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 30. * contact_spring_ka_ori else: contact_spring_ka = penetration_proj_k_to_robot * contact_spring_ka # # contact_spring_kb = contact_spring_kb * self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction contact_spring_kb = contact_spring_kb * penetration_proj_k_to_robot_friction penetration_proj_k_to_robot = contact_spring_ka ### contact spring ka ## if torch.isnan(self.penetrating_depth_penalty): # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) # penetrating_points = sampled_input_pts[penetrating_indicator] # robot to obj # # penetrating_points = sampled_input_pts[in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] # # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 1.0 # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 0.01 # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 0.0 # proj_force = dist * normal * penetration_k # # ## penetration forces for each manipulator point ## penetrating_forces = penetration_proj_ks.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_inter_obj_normals * penetration_proj_k_to_robot # penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces[penetrating_indicator] penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces[in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] self.penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces # forces self.penetrating_points = penetrating_points # penetrating points ## # incontact indicator toothers ## # contact psring ka ## cotnact ##### the contact force decided by the theshold ###### # realted to the distance threshold and the HO distance # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ###### the contact force decided by the threshold ###### ## contact force_d = k^d contact_dist - contact spring_damping * d * (\dot d) ## ---- should get ## ## time_cons = 0.0005 contact_manipulator_point_vel = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts ### nn_ampled_pts x ij # time_cons_rot contact_manipulator_point_vel = contact_manipulator_point_vel / time_cons contact_manipulator_point_vel_norm = torch.norm(contact_manipulator_point_vel, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) contact_force_d = contact_force_d + self.contact_damping_coef * (contact_manipulator_point_vel_norm * (self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ) # contac force d contact spring ka * penetration depth # contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) # norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## # norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(contact_force_d, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts, nnsampledpts # # penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 # penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. # penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) # friction self.penalty_friction_constraint = torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.float32).mean() # penalty friction # contact_force_d_scalar = norm_along_normals_forces.clone() # friction models # # penalty friction constraints # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(contact_force_d) # rotation and translatiosn # cur_fr_rot = cur_passive_obj_rot # passive obj rot # cur_fr_trans = cur_passive_obj_trans # tot_contact_active_pts = [] tot_contact_passive_pts = [] tot_contact_active_idxes = [] # tot_contact_passive_idxes = [] # # tot_canon_contact_passive_normals = [] tot_canon_contact_passive_pts = [] tot_contact_passive_normals = [] # tot contact passive pts; tot cotnact passive normals # tot_contact_frictions = [] tot_residual_normal_forces = [] if contact_pairs_set is not None: # contact_active_pts = contact_pairs_set['contact_active_pts'] # contact_passive_pts = contact_pairs_set['contact_passive_pts'] contact_active_idxes = contact_pairs_set['contact_active_idxes'] # contact_passive_idxes = contact_pairs_set # # app # contact active idxes # # nn_contact_pts x 3 -> as the cotnact passvie normals # canon_contact_passive_normals = contact_pairs_set['canon_contact_passive_normals'] canon_contact_passive_pts = contact_pairs_set['canon_contact_passive_pts'] cur_fr_contact_passive_normals = torch.matmul( ## penetration normals ## cur_fr_rot, canon_contact_passive_normals.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() # tranformed normals # frame passive normals # # not irrelevant at all # cur_fr_contact_act_pts = sampled_input_pts[contact_active_idxes] # cur_fr_contact_passive_pts = canon_contact_passive_pts # cur_fr_contact_passive_pts = torch.matmul( cur_fr_rot, (canon_contact_passive_pts - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() + cur_fr_trans.unsqueeze(0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) ## passive pts nex_fr_contact_act_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts[contact_active_idxes] # cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act = cur_fr_contact_act_pts - cur_fr_contact_passive_pts # cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act = nex_fr_contact_act_pts - cur_fr_contact_passive_pts dot_rel_disp_with_passive_normals = torch.sum( cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) cur_friction_forces = cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act - dot_rel_disp_with_passive_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals ## cur frame cotnct act cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act = cur_fr_contact_act_pts - cur_fr_contact_passive_pts cur_cur_penetration_depth = torch.sum( cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) if self.train_residual_friction: ''' add residual fictions ''' # 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 ### active points's current relative position, active point's offset, penetration depth, normal direction friction_net_in_feats = [cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, cur_cur_penetration_depth.unsqueeze(-1), cur_fr_contact_passive_normals], dim=-1 ) residual_frictions = self.friction_network(friction_net_in_feats) residual_frictions_dot_w_normals = torch.sum( residual_frictions * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) residual_frictions = residual_frictions - residual_frictions_dot_w_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals cur_friction_forces = cur_friction_forces + residual_frictions ''' add residual fictions ''' if self.train_residual_normal_forces: # contact_normal_force_network contact_normal_forces_in_feats = [cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, cur_cur_penetration_depth.unsqueeze(-1), cur_fr_contact_passive_normals], dim=-1 ) residual_normal_forces = self.contact_normal_force_network(contact_normal_forces_in_feats) residual_normal_forces_dot_w_normals = torch.sum( residual_normal_forces * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) residual_normal_forces = residual_normal_forces_dot_w_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals tot_residual_normal_forces.append(residual_normal_forces[remaining_contact_indicators]) # cur_rel_passive_to_active = cur_fr_contact_act_pts - cur_fr_contact_passive_pts # dot_rel_disp_w_obj_normals = torch.sum( # cur_rel_passive_to_active * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 # ) # cur_friction_forces = cur_rel_passive_to_active - dot_rel_disp_w_obj_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_fr_contact_passive_normals # if the dot < 0 -> still in contact ## rremaning contacts ## # if the dot > 0 -. not in contact and can use the points to establish new conatcts --- # maitnian the contacts # # remaining_contact_indicators = dot_rel_disp_with_passive_normals <= 0.0 ## ''' Remaining penetration indicator determining -- strategy 1 ''' # remaining_contact_indicators = cur_cur_penetration_depth <= 0.0 ## dot relative passive to active with passive normals ## ''' Remaining penetration indicator determining -- strategy 2 ''' remaining_contact_indicators = cur_cur_penetration_depth <= self.minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj remaining_contact_act_idxes = contact_active_idxes[remaining_contact_indicators] # remaining contact act idxes # if torch.sum(remaining_contact_indicators.float()).item() > 0.5: # contact_active_pts, contact_passive_pts, ## remaining cotnact indicators ## tot_contact_passive_normals.append(cur_fr_contact_passive_normals[remaining_contact_indicators]) tot_contact_passive_pts.append(cur_fr_contact_passive_pts[remaining_contact_indicators]) ## tot_contact_active_pts.append(cur_fr_contact_act_pts[remaining_contact_indicators]) ## contact act pts tot_contact_active_idxes.append(contact_active_idxes[remaining_contact_indicators]) # tot_contact_passive_idxes.append(contact_passive_idxes[remaining_contact_indicators]) # # passive idxes # tot_contact_frictions.append(cur_friction_forces[remaining_contact_indicators]) tot_canon_contact_passive_pts.append(canon_contact_passive_pts[remaining_contact_indicators]) tot_canon_contact_passive_normals.append(canon_contact_passive_normals[remaining_contact_indicators]) else: remaining_contact_act_idxes = torch.empty((0,), dtype=torch.long) ## remaining contact act idxes ## # remaining idxes # new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj = in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj.clone() new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj[remaining_contact_act_idxes] = False tot_active_pts_idxes = torch.arange(0, sampled_input_pts.size(0), dtype=torch.long) if torch.sum(new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj.float()).item() > 0.5: # # in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj, queried_sdf, inter_obj_pts, inter_obj_normals, canon_inter_obj_pts, canon_inter_obj_normals new_contact_active_pts = sampled_input_pts[new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] new_canon_contact_passive_pts = canon_inter_obj_pts[new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] new_canon_contact_passive_normals = canon_inter_obj_normals[new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] ## obj normals ## new_contact_active_idxes = tot_active_pts_idxes[new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals = torch.matmul( cur_fr_rot, new_canon_contact_passive_normals.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() # # new cur fr contact passive pts # new_cur_fr_contact_passive_pts = torch.matmul( cur_fr_rot, (new_canon_contact_passive_pts - self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ).contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() + cur_fr_trans.unsqueeze(0) + self.center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0) ## passive pts new_nex_fr_contact_active_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts[new_in_contact_indicator_robot_to_obj] new_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act = new_nex_fr_contact_active_pts - new_cur_fr_contact_passive_pts dot_rel_disp_with_passive_normals = torch.sum( new_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) new_frictions = new_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act - dot_rel_disp_with_passive_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals if self.train_residual_friction: ''' add residual fictions ''' new_cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act = new_contact_active_pts - new_cur_fr_contact_passive_pts new_cur_cur_penetration_depth = torch.sum( new_cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) # 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 ### active points's current relative position, active point's offset, penetration depth, normal direction new_friction_net_in_feats = [new_cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, new_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, new_cur_cur_penetration_depth.unsqueeze(-1), new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals], dim=-1 ) new_residual_frictions = self.friction_network(new_friction_net_in_feats) new_residual_frictions_dot_w_normals = torch.sum( new_residual_frictions * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) new_residual_frictions = new_residual_frictions - new_residual_frictions_dot_w_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals new_frictions = new_frictions + new_residual_frictions ''' add residual fictions ''' if self.train_residual_normal_forces: contact_normal_forces_in_feats = [new_cur_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, new_cur_fr_contact_passive_to_act, new_cur_cur_penetration_depth.unsqueeze(-1), new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals], dim=-1 ) new_residual_normal_forces = self.contact_normal_force_network(contact_normal_forces_in_feats) new_residual_normal_forces_dot_w_normals = torch.sum( new_residual_normal_forces * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ) new_residual_normal_forces = new_residual_normal_forces_dot_w_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals tot_residual_normal_forces.append(new_residual_normal_forces) # new_frictions = torch.zeros_like(new_cur_fr_contact_passive_pts) tot_contact_passive_normals.append(new_cur_fr_contact_passive_normals) tot_contact_passive_pts.append(new_cur_fr_contact_passive_pts) tot_contact_active_pts.append(new_contact_active_pts) tot_contact_active_idxes.append(new_contact_active_idxes) tot_canon_contact_passive_pts.append(new_canon_contact_passive_pts) tot_canon_contact_passive_normals.append(new_canon_contact_passive_normals) tot_contact_frictions.append(new_frictions) if len(tot_contact_passive_normals) > 0: # forces ? # not hard to compute ... # # passive normals; passive pts # tot_contact_passive_normals = tot_contact_passive_normals, dim=0 ) tot_contact_passive_pts =, dim=0) tot_contact_active_pts =, dim=0) tot_contact_active_idxes =, dim=0) tot_canon_contact_passive_pts =, dim=0) tot_canon_contact_passive_normals =, dim=0) tot_contact_frictions =, dim=0) if self.train_residual_normal_forces: ## the tot_residual_normal_forces =, dim=0) contact_passive_to_active = tot_contact_active_pts - tot_contact_passive_pts # dot relative passive to active with the passive normals # ## relative # this depth should be adjusted according to minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj ## dot_rel_passive_to_active_with_normals = torch.sum( contact_passive_to_active * tot_contact_passive_normals, dim=-1 ### dot with the passive normals ## ) # Adjust the penetration depth used for contact force computing using the distance threshold # dot_rel_passive_to_active_with_normals = dot_rel_passive_to_active_with_normals - self.minn_dist_threshold_robot_to_obj # dot with the passive normals ## dot with passive normals ## ## passive normals ## ### penetration depth * the passive obj normals ### # dot value and with contact_forces_along_normals = dot_rel_passive_to_active_with_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * tot_contact_passive_normals * contact_spring_ka # dot wiht relative # negative normal directions # if self.train_residual_normal_forces: contact_forces_along_normals = contact_forces_along_normals + tot_residual_normal_forces # return the contact pairs and return the contact dicts # # return the contact pairs and the contact dicts # # having got the contact pairs -> contact dicts # # having got the contact pairs -> contact dicts # ## contact spring kb ## tot_contact_frictions = tot_contact_frictions * contact_spring_kb # change it to spring_kb... if pts_frictional_forces is not None: tot_contact_frictions = pts_frictional_forces[tot_contact_active_idxes] # contac_forces_along_normals upd_contact_pairs_information = { 'contact_active_idxes': tot_contact_active_idxes.clone().detach(), 'canon_contact_passive_normals': tot_canon_contact_passive_normals.clone().detach(), 'canon_contact_passive_pts': tot_canon_contact_passive_pts.clone().detach(), 'contact_passive_pts': tot_contact_passive_pts.clone().detach(), } else: upd_contact_pairs_information = None ''' average acitve points weights ''' if torch.sum(cur_act_weights).item() > 0.5: cur_act_weights = cur_act_weights / torch.sum(cur_act_weights) # norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.norm(penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, _ = torch.max(norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, _ = torch.min(norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # print(f"maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces: {maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces}, minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces: {minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces}") # tangetntial forces --- dot with normals # if not self.use_pre_proj_frictions: # inter obj normals # # if ue proj frictions # dot_tangential_forces_with_inter_obj_normals = torch.sum(penalty_friction_tangential_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ### nn_active_pts x # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces - dot_tangential_forces_with_inter_obj_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(penalty_friction_tangential_forces) penalty_friction_tangential_forces = tot_contact_frictions if upd_contact_pairs_information is not None: contact_force_d = contact_forces_along_normals # forces along normals # # contact forces along normals # self.contact_force_d = contact_force_d # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(contact_force_d) #### penalty_frictiontangential_forces, tangential_forces #### # self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.contact_force_d = contact_force_d self.penalty_based_friction_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.tot_contact_passive_normals = tot_contact_passive_normals # penalty dot forces normals # ''' Penalty dot forces normals ''' # penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 # must in the negative direction of the object normal # # penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) # 1) must # 2) must # # # self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals # forces = self.contact_force_d + self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces center_point_to_contact_pts = tot_contact_passive_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) # cneter point to contact pts # # cneter point to contact pts # torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_contact_pts, forces) torque = torch.mean(torque, dim=0) forces = torch.mean(forces, dim=0) ## get rigid acc ## # else: # self.contact_force_d = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) torque = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) forces = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) self.contact_force_d = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=torch.float32) self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=torch.float32) self.penalty_based_friction_forces = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=torch.float32) self.tot_contact_passive_normals = torch.zeros((1, 3), dtype=torch.float32) ''' Forces and rigid acss: Strategy and version 1 ''' # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc # # ###### sampled input pts to center ####### # if contact_pairs_set is not None: # inter_obj_pts[contact_active_idxes] = cur_passive_obj_verts[contact_passive_idxes] # # center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) # center_point_to_sampled_pts = inter_obj_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) # ###### sampled input pts to center ####### # ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() ### # # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # squeeze(1) # # # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) # # ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) # # torque = torch.sum( # # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # # ) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) if self.nn_instances == 1: time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) else: time_cons = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) ## if self.use_split_params: ## ## friction network should be trained? ## # sep_time_constant, sep_torque_time_constant, sep_damping_constant, sep_angular_damping_constant time_cons = self.sep_time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.sep_torque_time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) # damping_cons = self.sep_damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) # damping_cons_2 = self.sep_angular_damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) # time_cons = 0.05 # time_cons_2 = 0.05 # time_cons_rot = 0.05 time_cons = 0.005 time_cons_2 = 0.005 time_cons_rot = 0.005 time_cons = 0.0005 time_cons_2 = 0.0005 time_cons_rot = 0.0005 # time_cons = 0.00005 # time_cons_2 = 0.00005 # time_cons_rot = 0.00005 # time_cons = 0.0005 # time_cons_2 = 0.0005 # time_cons_rot = 0.0005 ## not a good ## # time_cons = 0.005 # time_cons_2 = 0.005 # time_cons_rot = 0.005 obj_mass = self.obj_mass obj_mass_value = self.optimizable_obj_mass(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1) obj_mass_value = obj_mass_value ** 2 rigid_acc = forces / obj_mass_value # damping_coef = 5e2 damping_coef = 0.0 damping_coef_angular = 0.0 # small clip with not very noticiable # # if self.use_optimizable_params: ## damping_coef = self.sep_damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1) damping_coef_angular = self.sep_angular_damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) damping_coef = damping_coef ** 2 damping_coef_angular = damping_coef_angular ** 2 ## sue the sampiing coef angular and dampoing coef here ## if self.use_damping_params_vel: damping_coef_lin_vel = self.lin_damping_coefs(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1) damping_coef_ang_vel = self.ang_damping_coefs(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1) damping_coef_lin_vel = damping_coef_lin_vel ** 2 damping_coef_ang_vel = damping_coef_ang_vel ** 2 else: damping_coef_lin_vel = 1.0 damping_coef_ang_vel = self.ang_vel_damping if input_pts_ts > 0: # the sampoing for the rigid acc here ? # rigid_acc = rigid_acc - damping_coef * self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() ## dam #F the sampoing for the rigid acc here ? # # rigid_acc = # # rigid acc = forces # k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: ##### TMP ###### # cur_vel = delta_vel # cur_vel = delta_vel + (1.0 - damping_coef_lin_vel) * self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() # * damping_cons # self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # timestep cur_inertia_div_factor = self.inertia_div_factor(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1) # cur inv inertia is a large value? # # bug free? # ### divide the inv_inertia using the factor 20.0 # cur_inv_inertia = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, self.I_inv_ref), cur_passive_obj_rot.transpose(1, 0)) / float(20.) # cur_inv_inertia = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, self.I_inv_ref), cur_passive_obj_rot.transpose(1, 0)) / float(10.) ## # cur_inv_inertia = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, self.I_inv_ref), cur_passive_obj_rot.transpose(1, 0)) / float(cur_inertia_div_factor) ## cur_inv_inertia = torch.eye(n=3, dtype=torch.float32) # three values for the inertia? # obj_inertia_value = self.obj_inertia(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(3,) obj_inertia_value = obj_inertia_value ** 2 # cur_inv_inertia = torch.diag(obj_inertia_value) cur_inv_inertia = cur_inv_inertia * obj_inertia_value.unsqueeze(0) ## 3 x 3 matrix ## ### the inertia values ## cur_inv_inertia = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, cur_inv_inertia), cur_passive_obj_rot.transpose(1, 0)) torque = torch.matmul(cur_inv_inertia, torque.unsqueeze(-1)).contiguous().squeeze(-1) ### get the torque of the object ### # # if input_pts_ts > 0: # torque = torque - damping_coef_angular * self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot # print(f"torque: {torque}") # if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: ##### TMP ###### # cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel # # cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + (1.0 - self.ang_vel_damping) * (self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach()) # (1.0 - damping_coef_lin_vel) * cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + (1.0 - damping_coef_ang_vel) * (self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach()) # damping coef ### cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 # / 2 # # \delta_t w^1 # # prev # # # ## prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # input pts ts # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) # cur_quaternion = cur_quaternion / torch.norm(cur_quaternion, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # angular # obj_mass # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) # cur_ 3 no frictions/ # # # # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def ## quaternion to matrix and # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion # timestep # timestep # self.upd_rigid_acc = rigid_acc.clone() self.upd_rigid_def = cur_upd_rigid_def.clone() self.upd_optimizable_total_def = cur_optimizable_total_def.clone() self.upd_quaternion = cur_quaternion.clone() self.upd_rot_mtx = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx.clone() self.upd_angular_vel = cur_angular_vel.clone() self.upd_forces = forces.clone() ## ## ## self.timestep_to_accum_acc[input_pts_ts] = rigid_acc.detach().clone() if not fix_obj: if input_pts_ts == 0 and input_pts_ts not in self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def: self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts] = torch.zeros_like(cur_upd_rigid_def) self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts] = torch.zeros_like(cur_optimizable_total_def) self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts] = torch.tensor([1., 0., 0., 0.],dtype=torch.float32) self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts] = torch.tensor([1., 0., 0., 0.],dtype=torch.float32) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = torch.zeros_like(cur_angular_vel).detach() self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = cur_act_weights.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.detach() self.save_values = { 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, # quaternion # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, } return upd_contact_pairs_information def update_timestep_to_quantities(self, input_pts_ts, upd_quat, upd_trans): nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = upd_trans # .detach().clone().detach() self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = upd_trans # .detach().clone().detach() self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = upd_quat # .detach().clone().detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = upd_quat # .detach().clone().detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = quaternion_to_matrix(upd_quat.detach().clone()).clone().detach() self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = quaternion_to_matrix(upd_quat) # .clone().detach() # the upd quat # def reset_timestep_to_quantities(self, input_pts_ts): nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 self.timestep_to_accum_acc[input_pts_ts] = self.upd_rigid_acc.detach() self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = self.upd_rigid_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = self.upd_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = self.upd_quaternion self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = self.upd_quaternion.detach() # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = self.upd_rot_mtx # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = self.upd_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = self.upd_forces.detach() # class BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagV16(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False, nn_instances=1, minn_dist_threshold=0.05, ): # bending network active force field # super(BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagV16, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch = 1 d_in = self.input_ch self.output_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 1 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. # self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.contact_dist_thres = 0.1 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = True self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.static_friction_mu = 1. self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = 50000 self.cur_window_size = 60 self.bending_n_timesteps = self.cur_window_size + 10 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 50 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 1 self.nn_instances = nn_instances self.contact_spring_rest_length = 2. # self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # minn_dist_threshold ### self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = minn_dist_threshold self.spring_contact_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_contact_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.spring_friction_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_friction_ks_values.weight) = * 0.001 if self.nn_instances == 1: self.spring_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 else: self.spring_ks_values = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_ks_values in self.spring_ks_values: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.bending_dir_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) # dist_k_a = self.distance_ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_k_b = self.distance_ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) * 5# *# 0.1 # distance self.distance_ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.distance_ks_val.weight) # distance_ks_val # #[0] =[0] * 0.6160 ## #[1] =[1] * 4.0756 ## self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 self.ks_friction_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_friction_val.weight) = * 0.2 ## [ \alpha, \beta ] ## if self.nn_instances == 1: self.ks_weights = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) else: self.ks_weights = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_ks_weights in self.ks_weights: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) # sep_time_constant, sep_torque_time_constant, sep_damping_constant, sep_angular_damping_constant self.sep_time_constant = self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_time_constant.weight) # self.sep_torque_time_constant = self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_torque_time_constant.weight) # self.sep_damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.sep_angular_damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=64, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.sep_angular_damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 if self.nn_instances == 1: self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_constant.weight) # else: self.time_constant = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_time_constant in self.time_constant: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_time_constant.weight) # if self.nn_instances == 1: self.damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 else: self.damping_constant = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_damping_constant in self.damping_constant: torch.nn.init.ones_(cur_damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.nn_actuators = 778 * 2 # vertices # self.nn_actuation_forces = self.nn_actuators * self.cur_window_size self.actuator_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_forces.weight) # # self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # if nn_instances == 1: self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # else: self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) ] ) for cur_friction_force_net in self.actuator_friction_forces: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cur_friction_force_net.weight) # self.actuator_weights = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.actuator_weights.weight) # = * (1. / (778 * 2)) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' self.patch_force_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) # if i == len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: # torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(cc.bias) # else: if i < len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.patch_force_scale_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_scale_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): ### ifthe lienar layer # # ## torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.patch_force_scale_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' # self.input_ch = 1 = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0[-1] += 0.2 self.dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # periodict activation functions # # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # weighting model via the distance # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # distances # the kappa # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weighting_model_ks.weight) self.spring_rest_length = 2. # self.spring_x_min = -2. self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # 4) aggregate forces; self.timestep_to_vel = {} self.timestep_to_point_accs = {} # how to support frictions? # ### TODO: initialize the t_to_total_def variable ### # tangential self.timestep_to_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset = {} # record the optimizable offset # self.save_values = {} # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, # self.timestep_to_ws_normed = {} self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori = {} # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori = {} self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori = {} # timestep_to_angular_vel, timestep_to_quaternion # self.timestep_to_angular_vel = {} self.timestep_to_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_torque = {} # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx = {} self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights = {} self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist = {} self.time_quaternions = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=4 )[:, 0] = 1.[:, 1] = 0.[:, 2] = 0.[:, 3] = 0. # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_quaternions.weight) # self.time_translations = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_translations.weight) # self.time_forces = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_forces.weight) # # self.time_velocities = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_velocities.weight) # self.time_torques = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_torques.weight) # self.obj_sdf_th = None def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True ##### split network single ##### ## self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.split_network[-1] += 0.2 ##### split network single ##### self.split_dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)] ) with torch.no_grad(): # no_grad() for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # # # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### # ### ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.split_weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.split_weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def uniformly_sample_pts(self, tot_pts, nn_samples): tot_pts_prob = torch.ones_like(tot_pts[:, 0]) tot_pts_prob = tot_pts_prob / torch.sum(tot_pts_prob) pts_dist = Categorical(tot_pts_prob) sampled_pts_idx = pts_dist.sample((nn_samples,)) sampled_pts_idx = sampled_pts_idx.squeeze() sampled_pts = tot_pts[sampled_pts_idx] return sampled_pts def query_for_sdf(self, cur_pts, cur_frame_transformations): # cur_frame_rotation, cur_frame_translation = cur_frame_transformations # cur_pts: nn_pts x 3 # # print(f"cur_pts: {cur_pts.size()}, cur_frame_translation: {cur_frame_translation.size()}, cur_frame_rotation: {cur_frame_rotation.size()}") cur_transformed_pts = torch.matmul( cur_frame_rotation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_pts - cur_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) ).transpose(1, 0) # v = (v - center) * scale # # sdf_space_center # cur_transformed_pts_np = cur_transformed_pts.detach().cpu().numpy() cur_transformed_pts_np = (cur_transformed_pts_np - np.reshape(self.sdf_space_center, (1, 3))) * self.sdf_space_scale cur_transformed_pts_np = (cur_transformed_pts_np + 1.) / 2. cur_transformed_pts_xs = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 0] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) # [x, y, z] of the transformed_pts_np # cur_transformed_pts_ys = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 1] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) cur_transformed_pts_zs = (cur_transformed_pts_np[:, 2] * self.sdf_res).astype(np.int32) cur_transformed_pts_xs = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_xs, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) cur_transformed_pts_ys = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_ys, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) cur_transformed_pts_zs = np.clip(cur_transformed_pts_zs, a_min=0, a_max=self.sdf_res - 1) if self.obj_sdf_th is None: self.obj_sdf_th = torch.from_numpy(self.obj_sdf).float() cur_transformed_pts_xs_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_xs).long() cur_transformed_pts_ys_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_ys).long() cur_transformed_pts_zs_th = torch.from_numpy(cur_transformed_pts_zs).long() cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(self.obj_sdf_th, cur_transformed_pts_xs_th, 0) # print(f"After selecting the x-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf, cur_transformed_pts_ys_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # print(f"After selecting the y-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") cur_pts_sdf = batched_index_select(cur_pts_sdf, cur_transformed_pts_zs_th.unsqueeze(-1), 1).squeeze(1) # print(f"After selecting the z-axis: {cur_pts_sdf.size()}") # cur_pts_sdf = self.obj_sdf[cur_transformed_pts_xs] # cur_pts_sdf = cur_pts_sdf[:, cur_transformed_pts_ys] # cur_pts_sdf = cur_pts_sdf[:, :, cur_transformed_pts_zs] # cur_pts_sdf = np.diagonal(cur_pts_sdf) # print(f"cur_pts_sdf: {cur_pts_sdf.shape}") # # gradient of sdf # # # the contact force dierection should be the negative direction of the sdf gradient? # # # it seems true # # # get the cur_pts_sdf value # # cur_pts_sdf = torch.from_numpy(cur_pts_sdf).float() return cur_pts_sdf # # cur_pts_sdf # # def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, passive_sdf_net, active_bending_net, active_sdf_net, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True): def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True, friction_forces=None, i_instance=0, reference_mano_pts=None, sampled_verts_idxes=None, fix_obj=False, contact_pairs_set=None): #### contact_pairs_set #### ### from input_pts to new pts ### # prev_pts_ts = input_pts_ts - 1 # ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion # # # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # # self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_quaternions(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(4) # # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1]) # # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts + 1] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx # ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # rigid_acc = self.time_forces(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # # torque = self.time_torques(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # TODO: note that inertial_matrix^{-1} real_torque # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # friction_qd = 0.1 # # sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # sampled points --> sampled points # ori_nns = sampled_input_pts.size(0) if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[sampled_verts_idxes] nn_sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts.size(0) if nex_pts_ts in timestep_to_active_mesh: ### disp_sampled_input_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts ### nex_sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[nex_pts_ts].detach() else: nex_sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts].detach() nex_sampled_input_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts[sampled_verts_idxes] # ws_normed = torch.ones((sampled_input_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.float32) # ws_normed = ws_normed / float(sampled_input_pts.size(0)) # m = Categorical(ws_normed) # nn_sampled_input_pts = 20000 # sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) # sampled_input_pts_normals = # init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) # cur_passive_obj_rot, cur_passive_obj_trans # cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) # cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ## transform the normals ## cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts + 1] # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh ### the active mesh velocity # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # if input_pts_ts > 0: # vel_passive_mesh = self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1] # else: # vel_passive_mesh = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) ### zeros ### # vel_active_mesh = vel_active_mesh - vel_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## --> active pts ## # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # # maintain the contact / continuous contact -> patch contact # coantacts in previous timesteps -> ### # cur actuation # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = self.nn_actuators * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = self.nn_actuators * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # cur_actuation_forces = self.actuator_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # actuation embedding idxes # # forces = cur_actuation_forces # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### if friction_forces is None: if self.nn_instances == 1: cur_actuation_friction_forces = self.actuator_friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) else: cur_actuation_friction_forces = self.actuator_friction_forces[i_instance](cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) else: if reference_mano_pts is not None: ref_mano_pts_nn = reference_mano_pts.size(0) cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = ref_mano_pts_nn * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = ref_mano_pts_nn * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) cur_actuation_friction_forces = friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # nn_ref_pts x 3 # # sampled_input_pts # # r = 0.01 # threshold_ball_r = 0.01 dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts = torch.sum( (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - reference_mano_pts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts = torch.sqrt(dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts) weights_input_to_reference = 0.5 - dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts weights_input_to_reference[weights_input_to_reference < 0] = 0 weights_input_to_reference[dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts > threshold_ball_r] = 0 minn_dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts, minn_idx_input_pts_to_reference_pts = torch.min(dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts, dim=-1) weights_input_to_reference[dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts == minn_dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts.unsqueeze(-1)] = 0.1 - dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts[dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts == minn_dist_input_pts_to_reference_pts.unsqueeze(-1)] weights_input_to_reference = weights_input_to_reference / torch.clamp(torch.sum(weights_input_to_reference, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-9) # cur_actuation_friction_forces = weights_input_to_reference.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_actuation_friction_forces.unsqueeze(0) # nn_input_pts x nn_ref_pts x 1 xxxx 1 x nn_ref_pts x 3 -> nn_input_pts x nn_ref_pts x 3 # cur_actuation_friction_forces = cur_actuation_friction_forces.sum(dim=1) # cur_actuation_friction_forces * weights_input_to_reference.unsqueeze(-1) cur_actuation_friction_forces = batched_index_select(cur_actuation_friction_forces, minn_idx_input_pts_to_reference_pts, dim=0) else: # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = 365428 * input_pts_ts # cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = 365428 * (input_pts_ts + 1) if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = ori_nns * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = ori_nns * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) cur_actuation_friction_forces = friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) cur_actuation_friction_forces = cur_actuation_friction_forces[sampled_verts_idxes] else: cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = nn_sampled_input_pts * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = nn_sampled_input_pts * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) cur_actuation_friction_forces = friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # nn instances # # nninstances # # if self.nn_instances == 1: ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) else: ws_alpha = self.ks_weights[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # use_penalty_based_friction, use_disp_based_friction # # ### get the nearest object point to the in-active object ### # if contact_pairs_set is not None and self.use_penalty_based_friction and (not self.use_disp_based_friction): if contact_pairs_set is not None and self.use_penalty_based_friction and (not self.use_disp_based_friction): # contact pairs set # # contact pairs set ## # for each calculated contacts, calculate the current contact points reversed transformed to the contact local frame # # use the reversed transformed active point and the previous rest contact point position to calculate the contact friction force # # transform the force to the current contact frame # # x_h^{cur} - x_o^{cur} --- add the frictions for the hand # add the friction force onto the object point # # contact point position -> nn_contacts x 3 # contact_active_point_pts, contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose = contact_pairs_set # contact active pos and contact passive pos # contact_active_pos; contact_passive_pos; # # contact_active_pos = sampled_input_pts[contact_active_idxes] # should not be inter_obj_pts... # # contact_passive_pos = cur_passive_obj_verts[contact_passive_idxes] # to the passive obje ###s minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[contact_active_idxes] = contact_passive_idxes dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = batched_index_select(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1).squeeze(1) # ### get the nearest object point to the in-active object ### # sampled_input_pts # # inter_obj_pts # # inter_obj_normals # nn_sampledjpoints # # cur_passive_obj_ns # # inter obj normals # # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] cur_passive_obj_verts_pts_idxes = torch.arange(0, cur_passive_obj_verts.size(0), dtype=torch.long) # inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes = cur_passive_obj_verts_pts_idxes[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] # inter_obj_normals # inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts.detach() dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) # contact_pairs_set # ###### penetration penalty strategy v1 ###### # penetrating_indicator = dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals < 0 # penetrating_depth = -1 * torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals.detach(), dim=-1) # penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth[penetrating_indicator].mean() # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth_penalty # if torch.isnan(penetrating_depth_penalty): # get the penetration penalties # # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) ###### penetration penalty strategy v1 ###### ###### penetration penalty strategy v2 ###### # if input_pts_ts > 0: # prev_active_obj = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() # if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: # prev_active_obj = prev_active_obj[sampled_verts_idxes] # disp_prev_to_cur = sampled_input_pts - prev_active_obj # disp_prev_to_cur = torch.norm(disp_prev_to_cur, dim=-1, p=2) # penetrating_depth_penalty = disp_prev_to_cur[penetrating_indicator].mean() # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth_penalty # if torch.isnan(penetrating_depth_penalty): # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) # else: # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) ###### penetration penalty strategy v2 ###### ###### penetration penalty strategy v3 ###### # if input_pts_ts > 0: # cur_rot = self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts].detach() # cur_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) # penetrating_indicator = queried_sdf < 0 # if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: # prev_active_obj = prev_active_obj[sampled_verts_idxes] # disp_prev_to_cur = sampled_input_pts - prev_active_obj # disp_prev_to_cur = torch.norm(disp_prev_to_cur, dim=-1, p=2) # penetrating_depth_penalty = disp_prev_to_cur[penetrating_indicator].mean() # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth_penalty # else: # # cur_rot = torch.eye(3, dtype=torch.float32) # # cur_trans = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) ###### penetration penalty strategy v3 ###### # ws_beta; 10 # # sum over the forces but not the weighted sum... # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10) # ws_alpha # ####### sharp the weights ####### # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) #### using network weights #### # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) #### using network weights #### # penetrating # ### penetration strategy v4 #### if input_pts_ts > 0: cur_rot = self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) penetrating_indicator = queried_sdf < 0 else: penetrating_indicator = torch.zeros_like(dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals).bool() # if contact_pairs_set is not None and self.use_penalty_based_friction and (not self.use_disp_based_friction): # penetrating ### nearest #### ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ### nearest #### # rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts # cannot be adapted to this easily # # what's a better realization way? # # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[penetrating_indicator] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[penetrating_indicator] # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | in_contact_indicator = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj <= minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres # in_contact_indicator ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # cur_act_weights = ws_normed cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # penetrating_indicator = # penetrating # penetrating_indicator = dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals < 0 # self.penetrating_indicator = penetrating_indicator penetration_proj_ks = 0 - dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals ### penetratio nproj penalty ### penetration_proj_penalty = penetration_proj_ks * (-1 * torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals.detach(), dim=-1)) self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetration_proj_penalty[penetrating_indicator].mean() if torch.isnan(self.penetrating_depth_penalty): # get the penetration penalties # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) penetrating_points = sampled_input_pts[penetrating_indicator] penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 1.0 # 0.7 # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 0.01 penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 0.0 penetrating_forces_allpts = penetration_proj_ks.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals.detach() * penetration_proj_k_to_robot self.penetrating_forces_allpts = penetrating_forces_allpts penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces_allpts[penetrating_indicator] self.penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces # self.penetrating_points = penetrating_points # ### penetration strategy v4 #### # another mophology # # maintain the forces # # # contact_pairs_set # # # for contact pair in the contact_pair_set, get the contact pair -> the mesh index of the passive object and the active object # # the orientation of the contact frame # # original contact point position of the contact pair # # original orientation of the contact frame # ##### get previous contact information ###### # for cur_contact_pair in contact_pairs_set: # # cur_contact_pair = (contact point position, contact frame orientation) # # # contact_point_positon -> should be the contact position transformed to the local contact frame # # contact_point_positon, (contact_passive_idx, contact_active_idx), contact_frame_pose = cur_contact_pair # # # contact_point_positon of the contact pair # # cur_active_pos = sampled_input_pts[contact_active_idx] # passive_position # # # (original passive position - current passive position) * K_f = penalty based friction force # # # # # cur_passive_pos = inter_obj_pts[contact_passive_idx] # active_position # # # (the transformed passive position) # # # # # # the continuous active and passive pos ## # # # the continuous active and passive pos ## # # the continuous active and passive pos ## # contact_frame_orientation, contact_frame_translation = contact_frame_pose # # set the orientation and the contact frame translation # # orientation, translation # # cur_inv_transformed_active_pos = torch.matmul( # contact_frame_orientation.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous(), (cur_active_pos - contact_frame_translation.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0) # ) # should be the contact penalty frictions added onto the passive object verts # # use the frictional force to mainatian the contact here # # maintain the contact and calculate the penetrating forces and points for each timestep and then use the displacemnet to calculate the penalty based friction forces # if self.nn_instances == 1: # spring ks values # contact ks values # # if we set a fixed k value here # contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) else: contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) ###### the contact force decided by the rest_length ###### # not very sure ... # # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) # + contact_spring_kb * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 2 + contact_spring_kc * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 3 # ###### the contact force decided by the rest_length ###### ##### the contact force decided by the theshold ###### # realted to the distance threshold and the HO distance # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ###### the contact force decided by the threshold ###### ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### # dot along the normals ## cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals = torch.sum(cur_actuation_friction_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals tangential_vel = cur_actuation_friction_forces - cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### # cur actuation friction forces along normals # ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### # vel_sampled_pts_along_normals = torch.sum(vel_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # tangential_vel = vel_sampled_pts - vel_sampled_pts_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### tangential_forces = tangential_vel * tangential_ks # tangential forces # contact_force_d_scalar = contact_force_d.clone() # contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(contact_force_d, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts, nnsampledpts # penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) self.penalty_friction_constraint = penalty_friction_constraint # penalty friction contact_force_d_scalar = norm_along_normals_forces.clone() # penalty friction constraints # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(contact_force_d) ''' Get the contact information that should be maintained''' if contact_pairs_set is not None: # contact pairs set # # contact pairs set ## # for each calculated contacts, calculate the current contact points reversed transformed to the contact local frame # # use the reversed transformed active point and the previous rest contact point position to calculate the contact friction force # # transform the force to the current contact frame # # x_h^{cur} - x_o^{cur} --- add the frictions for the hand # add the friction force onto the object point # # contact point position -> nn_contacts x 3 # contact_active_point_pts, contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose = contact_pairs_set # contact active pos and contact passive pos # contact_active_pos; contact_passive_pos; # contact_active_pos = sampled_input_pts[contact_active_idxes] # should not be inter_obj_pts... # contact_passive_pos = cur_passive_obj_verts[contact_passive_idxes] ''' Penalty based contact force v2 ''' contact_frame_orientations, contact_frame_translations = contact_frame_pose transformed_prev_contact_active_pos = torch.matmul( contact_frame_orientations.contiguous(), contact_active_point_pts.unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) + contact_frame_translations transformed_prev_contact_point_position = torch.matmul( contact_frame_orientations.contiguous(), contact_point_position.unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) + contact_frame_translations diff_transformed_prev_contact_passive_to_active = transformed_prev_contact_active_pos - transformed_prev_contact_point_position # cur_contact_passive_pos_from_active = contact_passive_pos + diff_transformed_prev_contact_passive_to_active cur_contact_passive_pos_from_active = contact_active_pos - diff_transformed_prev_contact_passive_to_active friction_k = 1.0 # penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos) # penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (contact_active_pos - transformed_prev_contact_active_pos) # # penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos) penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (cur_contact_passive_pos_from_active - contact_passive_pos) ''' Penalty based contact force v2 ''' ''' Penalty based contact force v1 ''' ###### Contact frame orientations and translations ###### # contact_frame_orientations, contact_frame_translations = contact_frame_pose # (nn_contacts x 3 x 3) # (nn_contacts x 3) # # # cur_passive_obj_verts # # inv_transformed_contact_active_pos = torch.matmul( # contact_frame_orientations.contiguous().transpose(2, 1).contiguous(), (contact_active_pos - contact_frame_translations).contiguous().unsqueeze(-1) # ).squeeze(-1) # nn_contacts x 3 # # inv_transformed_contact_passive_pos = torch.matmul( # contact frame translations # ## nn_contacts x 3 ## # # # contact_frame_orientations.contiguous().transpose(2, 1).contiguous(), (contact_passive_pos - contact_frame_translations).contiguous().unsqueeze(-1) # ).squeeze(-1) # # inversely transformed cotnact active and passive pos # # # inv_transformed_contact_active_pos, inv_transformed_contact_passive_pos # # ### contact point position ### # # ### use the passive point disp ### # # disp_active_pos = (inv_transformed_contact_active_pos - contact_point_position) # nn_contacts x 3 # # ### use the active point disp ### # # disp_active_pos = (inv_transformed_contact_active_pos - contact_active_point_pts) # disp_active_pos = (inv_transformed_contact_active_pos - contact_active_point_pts) # ### friction_k is equals to 1.0 ### # friction_k = 1. # # use the disp_active_pose as the penalty based friction forces # # nn_contacts x 3 # # penalty_based_friction_forces = disp_active_pos * friction_k # # get the penalty based friction forces # # penalty_based_friction_forces = torch.matmul( # contact_frame_orientations.contiguous(), penalty_based_friction_forces.unsqueeze(-1) # ).contiguous().squeeze(-1).contiguous() ''' Penalty based contact force v1 ''' #### strategy 1: implement the dynamic friction forces #### # dyn_friction_k = 1.0 # together with the friction_k # # # dyn_friction_k # # dyn_friction_force = dyn_friction_k * contact_force_d # nn_sampled_pts x 3 # # dyn_friction_force # # dyn_friction_force = # # tangential velocities # # tangential velocities # #### strategy 1: implement the dynamic friction forces #### #### strategy 2: do not use the dynamic friction forces #### # equalt to use a hard selector to screen the friction forces # # # contact_force_d # # contact_force_d # valid_contact_force_d_scalar = contact_force_d_scalar[contact_active_idxes] # penalty_based_friction_forces # norm_penalty_based_friction_forces = torch.norm(penalty_based_friction_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # valid penalty friction forces # # valid contact force d scalar # valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator = norm_penalty_based_friction_forces <= (valid_contact_force_d_scalar * self.static_friction_mu * 500) valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator[:] = True summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator = torch.sum(valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator.float()) # print(f"summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator: {summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator}") # print(f"penalty_based_friction_forces: {penalty_based_friction_forces.size()}, summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator: {summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator}") # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes][valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] = penalty_based_friction_forces[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] * 1000. # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.01 # * 1000. # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.01 # * 1000. # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.005 # * 1000. contact_friction_spring_cur = self.spring_friction_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) # penalty_friction_tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes][valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] = penalty_based_friction_forces[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] * contact_spring_kb penalty_friction_tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes][valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] = penalty_based_friction_forces[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] * contact_friction_spring_cur # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * contact_spring_kb # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.01 # * 1000. # based friction # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.02 # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.05 # else: contact_active_idxes = None self.contact_active_idxes = contact_active_idxes valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator = None # tangential forces with inter obj normals # -> dot_tangential_forces_with_inter_obj_normals = torch.sum(penalty_friction_tangential_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ### nn_active_pts x # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces - dot_tangential_forces_with_inter_obj_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals tangential_forces_clone = tangential_forces.clone() # tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(tangential_forces) ### # if contact_active_idxes is not None: # self.contact_active_idxes = contact_active_idxes # self.valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator = valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator # # # print(f"here {summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator}") # # tangential_forces[self.contact_active_idxes][self.valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] = tangential_forces_clone[self.contact_active_idxes][self.valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # contact_active_idxes_indicators = torch.ones((tangential_forces.size(0)), dtype=torch.float).bool() # contact_active_idxes_indicators[:] = True # contact_active_idxes_indicators[self.contact_active_idxes] = False # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes_indicators] = 0. # norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # tangential forces # # maxx_norm_tangential, _ = torch.max(norm_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # minn_norm_tangential, _ = torch.min(norm_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # print(f"maxx_norm_tangential: {maxx_norm_tangential}, minn_norm_tangential: {minn_norm_tangential}") # two ### ## get new contacts ## ### tot_contact_point_position = [] tot_contact_active_point_pts = [] tot_contact_active_idxes = [] tot_contact_passive_idxes = [] tot_contact_frame_rotations = [] tot_contact_frame_translations = [] if torch.sum(in_contact_indicator.float()) > 0.5: # in contact indicator # cur_in_contact_passive_pts = inter_obj_pts[in_contact_indicator] cur_in_contact_passive_normals = inter_obj_normals[in_contact_indicator] cur_in_contact_active_pts = sampled_input_pts[in_contact_indicator] # in_contact_active_pts # # in contact active pts # # sampled input pts # # cur_passive_obj_rot, cur_passive_obj_trans # # cur_passive_obj_trans # # cur_in_contact_activE_pts # # in_contact_passive_pts # cur_contact_frame_rotations = cur_passive_obj_rot.unsqueeze(0).repeat(cur_in_contact_passive_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() cur_contact_frame_translations = cur_in_contact_passive_pts.clone() # #### contact farme active points ##### -> ## cur_contact_frame_active_pts = torch.matmul( cur_contact_frame_rotations.contiguous().transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), (cur_in_contact_active_pts - cur_contact_frame_translations).contiguous().unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) ### cur_contact_frame_active_pts ### cur_contact_frame_passive_pts = torch.matmul( cur_contact_frame_rotations.contiguous().transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), (cur_in_contact_passive_pts - cur_contact_frame_translations).contiguous().unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) ### cur_contact_frame_active_pts ### cur_in_contact_active_pts_all = torch.arange(0, sampled_input_pts.size(0)).long() cur_in_contact_active_pts_all = cur_in_contact_active_pts_all[in_contact_indicator] cur_inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes = inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes[in_contact_indicator] # contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose # cur_contact_frame_pose = (cur_contact_frame_rotations, cur_contact_frame_translations) # contact_point_positions = cur_contact_frame_passive_pts # # contact_active_idxes, cotnact_passive_idxes # # contact_point_position = cur_contact_frame_passive_pts # contact_active_idxes = cur_in_contact_active_pts_all # contact_passive_idxes = cur_inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes tot_contact_active_point_pts.append(cur_contact_frame_active_pts) tot_contact_point_position.append(cur_contact_frame_passive_pts) # contact frame points tot_contact_active_idxes.append(cur_in_contact_active_pts_all) # active_pts_idxes tot_contact_passive_idxes.append(cur_inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes) # passive_pts_idxes tot_contact_frame_rotations.append(cur_contact_frame_rotations) # rotations tot_contact_frame_translations.append(cur_contact_frame_translations) # translations ## # ####### if contact_pairs_set is not None and torch.sum(valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator.float()) > 0.5: ######## # if contact_pairs_set is not None and torch.sum(valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator.float()) > 0.5: # # contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose = contact_pairs_set # prev_contact_active_point_pts = contact_active_point_pts[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # prev_contact_point_position = contact_point_position[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # prev_contact_active_idxes = contact_active_idxes[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # prev_contact_passive_idxes = contact_passive_idxes[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # prev_contact_frame_rotations = contact_frame_orientations[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # prev_contact_frame_translations = contact_frame_translations[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # tot_contact_active_point_pts.append(prev_contact_active_point_pts) # tot_contact_point_position.append(prev_contact_point_position) # tot_contact_active_idxes.append(prev_contact_active_idxes) # tot_contact_passive_idxes.append(prev_contact_passive_idxes) # tot_contact_frame_rotations.append(prev_contact_frame_rotations) # tot_contact_frame_translations.append(prev_contact_frame_translations) ####### if contact_pairs_set is not None and torch.sum(valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator.float()) > 0.5: ######## if len(tot_contact_frame_rotations) > 0: upd_contact_active_point_pts =, dim=0) upd_contact_point_position =, dim=0) upd_contact_active_idxes =, dim=0) upd_contact_passive_idxes =, dim=0) upd_contact_frame_rotations =, dim=0) upd_contact_frame_translations =, dim=0) upd_contact_pairs_information = [upd_contact_active_point_pts, upd_contact_point_position, (upd_contact_active_idxes, upd_contact_passive_idxes), (upd_contact_frame_rotations, upd_contact_frame_translations)] else: upd_contact_pairs_information = None # # previus if self.use_penalty_based_friction and self.use_disp_based_friction: disp_friction_tangential_forces = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts contact_friction_spring_cur = self.spring_friction_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) disp_friction_tangential_forces = disp_friction_tangential_forces * contact_friction_spring_cur disp_friction_tangential_forces_dot_normals = torch.sum( disp_friction_tangential_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1 ) disp_friction_tangential_forces = disp_friction_tangential_forces - disp_friction_tangential_forces_dot_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals penalty_friction_tangential_forces = disp_friction_tangential_forces # # tangential forces # # tangential_forces = tangential_forces * mult_weights.unsqueeze(-1) # # ### strict cosntraints ### if self.use_penalty_based_friction: forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces + contact_force_d # tantential forces and contact force d # else: # print(f"not using use_penalty_based_friction...") tangential_forces_norm = torch.sum(tangential_forces ** 2, dim=-1) pos_tangential_forces = tangential_forces[tangential_forces_norm > 1e-5] # print(pos_tangential_forces) forces = tangential_forces + contact_force_d # tantential forces and contact force d # # forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces + contact_force_d # tantential forces and contact force d # ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ''' Decompose forces and calculate penalty froces ''' # # penalty_dot_forces_normals, penalty_friction_constraint # # contraints # # # # get the forces -> decompose forces # dot_forces_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_normals * forces, dim=-1) ### nn_sampled_pts ### # forces_along_normals = dot_forces_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## the forces along the normal direction ## # tangential_forces = forces - forces_along_normals # tangential forces # # tangential forces ### tangential forces ## # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = force - #### penalty_friction_tangential_forces, tangential_forces #### self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.tangential_forces = tangential_forces penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) # 1) must # 2) must # self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc # ###### sampled input pts to center ####### center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() ### # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # squeeze(1) # # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) # ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) if self.nn_instances == 1: time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) else: time_cons = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons_rot ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) # cur_delta_rot_mtx = torch.matmul(cur_optimizable_rot_mtx, prev_rot_mtx.transpose(1, 0)) # cur_delta_quaternion = euler_to_quaternion(cur_delta_angle[0], cur_delta_angle[1], cur_delta_angle[2]) ### delta_quaternion ### # cur_delta_quaternion = torch.stack(cur_delta_quaternion, dim=0) ## (4,) quaternion ## # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + cur_delta_quaternion ### (4,) # cur_delta_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) ## (4,) -> (3, 3) # print(f"input_pts_ts {input_pts_ts},, prev_quaternion { prev_quaternion}") # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def # curupd # if update_tot_def: # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio # if not fix_obj: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = cur_act_weights.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.detach() self.save_values = { 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, } return upd_contact_pairs_information ### forward; def forward2(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True, friction_forces=None, i_instance=0, reference_mano_pts=None, sampled_verts_idxes=None, fix_obj=False, contact_pairs_set=None): #### contact_pairs_set #### ### from input_pts to new pts ### # prev_pts_ts = input_pts_ts - 1 # ##### tiemstep to active mesh ##### ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion # # # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # # self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_quaternions(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(4) # # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1]) # # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts + 1] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx # ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # rigid_acc = self.time_forces(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # torque = self.time_torques(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # friction_qd = 0.1 # sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # sampled points --> sampled points # ori_nns = sampled_input_pts.size(0) if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[sampled_verts_idxes] nn_sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts.size(0) if nex_pts_ts in timestep_to_active_mesh: ## ### disp_sampled_input_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts ### nex_sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[nex_pts_ts].detach() else: nex_sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts].detach() nex_sampled_input_pts = nex_sampled_input_pts[sampled_verts_idxes] # ws_normed = torch.ones((sampled_input_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.float32) # ws_normed = ws_normed / float(sampled_input_pts.size(0)) # m = Categorical(ws_normed) # nn_sampled_input_pts = 20000 # sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) # cur_passive_obj_rot, cur_passive_obj_trans # cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) # cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center # obj_center # # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # # nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts + 1] # # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh ### the active mesh velocity # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # if input_pts_ts > 0: # vel_passive_mesh = self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1] # else: # vel_passive_mesh = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) ### zeros ### # vel_active_mesh = vel_active_mesh - vel_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## --> active pts ## # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # # maintain the contact / continuous contact -> patch contact # coantacts in previous timesteps -> ### # cur actuation # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = self.nn_actuators * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = self.nn_actuators * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # cur_actuation_forces = self.actuator_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # actuation embedding idxes # # forces = cur_actuation_forces # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # nn instances # # nninstances # # if self.nn_instances == 1: ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) else: ws_alpha = self.ks_weights[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) if self.use_sqrt_dist: dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.norm( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)), dim=-1, p=2 ) else: dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) # ### add the sqrt for calculate the l2 distance ### # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sqrt(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ### # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.norm( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts # (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)), dim=-1, p=2 # ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # inte robj normals at the current frame # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] cur_passive_obj_verts_pts_idxes = torch.arange(0, cur_passive_obj_verts.size(0), dtype=torch.long) # inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes = cur_passive_obj_verts_pts_idxes[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] # inter_obj_normals # inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts.detach() # dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ###### penetration penalty strategy v1 ###### # penetrating_indicator = dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals < 0 # penetrating_depth = -1 * torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals.detach(), dim=-1) # penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth[penetrating_indicator].mean() # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetrating_depth_penalty # if torch.isnan(penetrating_depth_penalty): # get the penetration penalties # # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) ###### penetration penalty strategy v1 ###### # ws_beta; 10 # # sum over the forces but not the weighted sum... # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10) # ws_alpha # ####### sharp the weights ####### # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) e # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) #### using network weights #### # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) #### using network weights #### # penetrating # ### penetration strategy v4 #### if input_pts_ts > 0: cur_rot = self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() queried_sdf = self.query_for_sdf(sampled_input_pts, (cur_rot, cur_trans)) penetrating_indicator = queried_sdf < 0 else: # penetrating_indicator = torch.zeros_like(dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals).bool() penetrating_indicator = torch.zeros((sampled_input_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.bool).bool() # if contact_pairs_set is not None and self.use_penalty_based_friction and (not self.use_disp_based_friction): # penetrating ### nearest #### ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ### nearest #### # rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts penetrating_indicator_mult_factor = torch.ones_like(penetrating_indicator).float() penetrating_indicator_mult_factor[penetrating_indicator] = -1. # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] # # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[penetrating_indicator] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[penetrating_indicator] # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[penetrating_indicator] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[penetrating_indicator] dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * penetrating_indicator_mult_factor # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | ## minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres in_contact_indicator = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj <= minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 ws_unnormed = torch.ones_like(ws_unnormed) ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # cur_act_weights = ws_normed cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # penetrating_indicator = dot_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts_normals < 0 # self.penetrating_indicator = penetrating_indicator cur_inter_obj_normals = inter_obj_normals.clone().detach() penetration_proj_ks = 0 - torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * cur_inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ### penetratio nproj penalty ### # inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts # penetration_proj_penalty = penetration_proj_ks * (-1 * torch.sum(inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * cur_inter_obj_normals, dim=-1)) self.penetrating_depth_penalty = penetration_proj_penalty[penetrating_indicator].mean() if torch.isnan(self.penetrating_depth_penalty): # get the penetration penalties # self.penetrating_depth_penalty = torch.tensor(0., dtype=torch.float32) penetrating_points = sampled_input_pts[penetrating_indicator] # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 1.0 # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 0.01 penetration_proj_k_to_robot = self.penetration_proj_k_to_robot # penetration_proj_k_to_robot = 0.0 penetrating_forces = penetration_proj_ks.unsqueeze(-1) * cur_inter_obj_normals * penetration_proj_k_to_robot penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces[penetrating_indicator] self.penetrating_forces = penetrating_forces # self.penetrating_points = penetrating_points # ### penetration strategy v4 #### # another mophology # if self.nn_instances == 1: # spring ks values # contact ks values # # if we set a fixed k value here # contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) else: contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values[i_instance](torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_ka = self.spring_contact_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) ##### the contact force decided by the theshold ###### # realted to the distance threshold and the HO distance # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ###### the contact force decided by the threshold ###### contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) # norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(contact_force_d, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts, nnsampledpts # # penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 # penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. # penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) self.penalty_friction_constraint = torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.float32).mean() # penalty friction # contact_force_d_scalar = norm_along_normals_forces.clone() contact_force_d_scalar = norm_along_normals_forces.clone() # penalty friction constraints # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(contact_force_d) ''' Get the contact information that should be maintained''' if contact_pairs_set is not None: contact_active_point_pts, contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose = contact_pairs_set # contact active pos and contact passive pos # contact_active_pos; contact_passive_pos; # contact_active_pos = sampled_input_pts[contact_active_idxes] contact_passive_pos = cur_passive_obj_verts[contact_passive_idxes] ''' Penalty based contact force v2 ''' contact_frame_orientations, contact_frame_translations = contact_frame_pose transformed_prev_contact_active_pos = torch.matmul( contact_frame_orientations.contiguous(), contact_active_point_pts.unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) + contact_frame_translations transformed_prev_contact_point_position = torch.matmul( contact_frame_orientations.contiguous(), contact_point_position.unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) + contact_frame_translations # transformed prev contact active pose # diff_transformed_prev_contact_passive_to_active = transformed_prev_contact_active_pos - transformed_prev_contact_point_position ### # cur_contact_passive_pos_from_active = contact_passive_pos + diff_transformed_prev_contact_passive_to_active cur_contact_passive_pos_from_active = contact_active_pos - diff_transformed_prev_contact_passive_to_active friction_k = 1.0 friction_k = 0.01 friction_k = 0.001 friction_k = 0.001 friction_k = 1.0 # penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos) # penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (contact_active_pos - transformed_prev_contact_active_pos) # contact passive posefrom active ## penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos) # penalty_based_friction_forces = friction_k * (cur_contact_passive_pos_from_active - contact_passive_pos) # a good way to optiize the actions? # dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose = torch.sum( (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose = torch.sqrt(dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose) # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= 0.1 # how many contacts to keep # # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= 0.2 # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= 0.3 # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= 0.5 # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= 1.0 # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= 1000.0 # ### contact maintaning dist thres ### # remaining_contact_indicator = dist_contact_active_pos_to_passive_pose <= self.contact_maintaining_dist_thres ''' Penalty based contact force v2 ''' ### hwo to produce the cotact force and how to produce the frictional forces # ### optimized # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes][valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] = penalty_based_friction_forces[valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] * 1000. # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.01 # * 1000. # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.01 # * 1000. # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * 0.005 # * 1000. # ### spring_friction_ks_values ### # # spring_friction_ks_values # ### TODO: how to check the correctness of the switching between the static friction and the dynamic friction ### # contact friction spring cur # contact_friction_spring_cur = self.spring_friction_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) # use the relative scale of the friction force and thejcoantact force to decide the remaining contact indicator # ##### contact active penalty based friction forces -> spring_k * relative displacement ##### contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces = penalty_based_friction_forces * contact_friction_spring_cur contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces_norm = torch.norm(contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces, p=2, dim=-1) # contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces # # #### contact_force_d_scalar_ #### # contact_active_force_d_scalar = contact_force_d_scalar[contact_active_idxes] #### # contact_friction_static_mu # #### contact_friction_static_mu = 1000. #### remaining_contact_indicator = contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces_norm <= contact_friction_static_mu * contact_active_force_d_scalar # ### not_remaining_contacts ### not_remaining_contacts = contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces_norm > contact_friction_static_mu * contact_active_force_d_scalar contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces_dir = contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces / torch.clamp(contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces_norm.unsqueeze(-1), min=1e-8) dyn_contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces = contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces_dir * (contact_friction_static_mu * contact_active_force_d_scalar).unsqueeze(-1) contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces[not_remaining_contacts] = dyn_contact_active_penalty_based_friction_forces[not_remaining_contacts] # correctnesss # ### TODO: how to check the correctness of the switching between the static friction and the dynamic friction ### ### TODO: penalty_friction_tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes] = penalty_based_friction_forces * contact_friction_spring_cur # * 0.1 ''' update contact_force_d ''' ##### the contact force decided by the theshold ###### # realted to the distance threshold and the HO distance if self.use_sqrt_dist: dist_cur_active_to_passive = torch.norm( (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos), dim=-1, p=2 ) else: dist_cur_active_to_passive = torch.sum( (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos) ** 2, dim=-1 ) # ### add the sqrt for calculate the l2 distance ### # dist_cur_active_to_passive = torch.sqrt(dist_cur_active_to_passive) # dist_cur_active_to_passive = torch.norm( # (contact_active_pos - contact_passive_pos), dim=-1, p=2 # ) penetrating_indicator_mult_factor = torch.ones_like(penetrating_indicator).float() penetrating_indicator_mult_factor[penetrating_indicator] = -1. cur_penetrating_indicator_mult_factor = penetrating_indicator_mult_factor[contact_active_idxes] dist_cur_active_to_passive = dist_cur_active_to_passive * cur_penetrating_indicator_mult_factor # dist_cur_active_to_passive[penetrating_indicator[contact_active_idxes]] = -1. * dist_cur_active_to_passive[penetrating_indicator[contact_active_idxes]] # # dist -- contact_d # # spring_ka -> force scales # # spring_ka -> force scales # # cur_contact_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres - dist_cur_active_to_passive) # contact_force_d_scalar = contact_force_d.clone() # cur_contact_d = cur_contact_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * cur_passive_obj_ns[contact_passive_idxes]) inter_obj_normals[contact_active_idxes] = cur_passive_obj_ns[contact_passive_idxes] contact_force_d[contact_active_idxes] = cur_contact_d ''' update contact_force_d ''' cur_act_weights[contact_active_idxes] = 1. ws_unnormed[contact_active_idxes] = 1. else: contact_active_idxes = None self.contact_active_idxes = contact_active_idxes valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator = None penalty_based_friction_forces = None # tangential forces with inter obj normals # -> #### if torch.sum(cur_act_weights).item() > 0.5: cur_act_weights = cur_act_weights / torch.sum(cur_act_weights) # penalty based # # norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.norm(penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, _ = torch.max(norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, _ = torch.min(norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # print(f"maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces: {maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces}, minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces: {minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces}") # tangetntial forces --- dot with normals # dot_tangential_forces_with_inter_obj_normals = torch.sum(penalty_friction_tangential_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ### nn_active_pts x # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces - dot_tangential_forces_with_inter_obj_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # penalty_based_friction_forces # # norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces = torch.norm(penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # # valid penalty friction forces # # valid contact force d scalar # # maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, _ = torch.max(norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, _ = torch.min(norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # print(f"[After proj.] maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces: {maxx_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces}, minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces: {minn_norm_penalty_friction_tangential_forces}") # tangential_forces_clone = tangential_forces.clone() # tangential_forces = torch.zeros_like(tangential_forces) ### # if contact_active_idxes is not None: # self.contact_active_idxes = contact_active_idxes # self.valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator = valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator # # # print(f"here {summ_valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator}") # # tangential_forces[self.contact_active_idxes][self.valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] = tangential_forces_clone[self.contact_active_idxes][self.valid_penalty_friction_forces_indicator] # contact_active_idxes_indicators = torch.ones((tangential_forces.size(0)), dtype=torch.float).bool() # contact_active_idxes_indicators[:] = True # contact_active_idxes_indicators[self.contact_active_idxes] = False # tangential_forces[contact_active_idxes_indicators] = 0. # norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # tangential forces # # maxx_norm_tangential, _ = torch.max(norm_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # minn_norm_tangential, _ = torch.min(norm_tangential_forces, dim=-1) # print(f"maxx_norm_tangential: {maxx_norm_tangential}, minn_norm_tangential: {minn_norm_tangential}") ### ## get new contacts ## ### tot_contact_point_position = [] tot_contact_active_point_pts = [] tot_contact_active_idxes = [] tot_contact_passive_idxes = [] tot_contact_frame_rotations = [] tot_contact_frame_translations = [] if contact_pairs_set is not None: # contact if torch.sum(remaining_contact_indicator.float()) > 0.5: # contact_active_point_pts, contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose = contact_pairs_set remaining_contact_active_point_pts = contact_active_point_pts[remaining_contact_indicator] remaining_contact_point_position = contact_point_position[remaining_contact_indicator] remaining_contact_active_idxes = contact_active_idxes[remaining_contact_indicator] remaining_contact_passive_idxes = contact_passive_idxes[remaining_contact_indicator] remaining_contact_frame_rotations = contact_frame_orientations[remaining_contact_indicator] remaining_contact_frame_translations = contact_frame_translations[remaining_contact_indicator] tot_contact_point_position.append(remaining_contact_point_position) tot_contact_active_point_pts.append(remaining_contact_active_point_pts) tot_contact_active_idxes.append(remaining_contact_active_idxes) tot_contact_passive_idxes.append(remaining_contact_passive_idxes) tot_contact_frame_rotations.append(remaining_contact_frame_rotations) tot_contact_frame_translations.append(remaining_contact_frame_translations) # remaining_contact_active_idxes in_contact_indicator[remaining_contact_active_idxes] = False if torch.sum(in_contact_indicator.float()) > 0.5: # in contact indicator # cur_in_contact_passive_pts = inter_obj_pts[in_contact_indicator] # cur_in_contact_passive_normals = inter_obj_normals[in_contact_indicator] cur_in_contact_active_pts = sampled_input_pts[in_contact_indicator] # in_contact_active_pts # cur_contact_frame_rotations = cur_passive_obj_rot.unsqueeze(0).repeat(cur_in_contact_passive_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() cur_contact_frame_translations = cur_in_contact_passive_pts.clone() # #### contact farme active points ##### -> ## cur_contact_frame_active_pts = torch.matmul( cur_contact_frame_rotations.contiguous().transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), (cur_in_contact_active_pts - cur_contact_frame_translations).contiguous().unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) ### cur_contact_frame_active_pts ### cur_contact_frame_passive_pts = torch.matmul( cur_contact_frame_rotations.contiguous().transpose(1, 2).contiguous(), (cur_in_contact_passive_pts - cur_contact_frame_translations).contiguous().unsqueeze(-1) ).squeeze(-1) ### cur_contact_frame_active_pts ### cur_in_contact_active_pts_all = torch.arange(0, sampled_input_pts.size(0)).long() cur_in_contact_active_pts_all = cur_in_contact_active_pts_all[in_contact_indicator] cur_inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes = inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes[in_contact_indicator] # contact_point_position, (contact_active_idxes, contact_passive_idxes), contact_frame_pose # cur_contact_frame_pose = (cur_contact_frame_rotations, cur_contact_frame_translations) # contact_point_positions = cur_contact_frame_passive_pts # # contact_active_idxes, cotnact_passive_idxes # # contact_point_position = cur_contact_frame_passive_pts # contact_active_idxes = cur_in_contact_active_pts_all # contact_passive_idxes = cur_inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes tot_contact_active_point_pts.append(cur_contact_frame_active_pts) tot_contact_point_position.append(cur_contact_frame_passive_pts) # contact frame points tot_contact_active_idxes.append(cur_in_contact_active_pts_all) # active_pts_idxes tot_contact_passive_idxes.append(cur_inter_passive_obj_pts_idxes) # passive_pts_idxes tot_contact_frame_rotations.append(cur_contact_frame_rotations) # rotations tot_contact_frame_translations.append(cur_contact_frame_translations) # translations if len(tot_contact_frame_rotations) > 0: upd_contact_active_point_pts =, dim=0) upd_contact_point_position =, dim=0) upd_contact_active_idxes =, dim=0) upd_contact_passive_idxes =, dim=0) upd_contact_frame_rotations =, dim=0) upd_contact_frame_translations =, dim=0) upd_contact_pairs_information = [upd_contact_active_point_pts, upd_contact_point_position, (upd_contact_active_idxes, upd_contact_passive_idxes), (upd_contact_frame_rotations, upd_contact_frame_translations)] else: upd_contact_pairs_information = None if self.use_penalty_based_friction and self.use_disp_based_friction: disp_friction_tangential_forces = nex_sampled_input_pts - sampled_input_pts contact_friction_spring_cur = self.spring_friction_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(1,) disp_friction_tangential_forces = disp_friction_tangential_forces * contact_friction_spring_cur disp_friction_tangential_forces_dot_normals = torch.sum( disp_friction_tangential_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1 ) disp_friction_tangential_forces = disp_friction_tangential_forces - disp_friction_tangential_forces_dot_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals penalty_friction_tangential_forces = disp_friction_tangential_forces # # tangential forces # # tangential_forces = tangential_forces * mult_weights.unsqueeze(-1) # # ### strict cosntraints ### if self.use_penalty_based_friction: forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces + contact_force_d # tantential forces and contact force d # else: # print(f"not using use_penalty_based_friction...") tangential_forces_norm = torch.sum(tangential_forces ** 2, dim=-1) pos_tangential_forces = tangential_forces[tangential_forces_norm > 1e-5] # print(pos_tangential_forces) forces = tangential_forces + contact_force_d # tantential forces and contact force d # # forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces + contact_force_d # tantential forces and contact force d # ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ''' Decompose forces and calculate penalty froces ''' # # penalty_dot_forces_normals, penalty_friction_constraint # # contraints # # # # get the forces -> decompose forces # dot_forces_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_normals * forces, dim=-1) ### nn_sampled_pts ### # forces_along_normals = dot_forces_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## the forces along the normal direction ## # tangential_forces = forces - forces_along_normals # tangential forces # # tangential forces ### tangential forces ## # penalty_friction_tangential_forces = force - #### penalty_friction_tangential_forces, tangential_forces #### self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.penalty_friction_tangential_forces = penalty_friction_tangential_forces self.contact_force_d = contact_force_d self.penalty_based_friction_forces = penalty_based_friction_forces penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) # 1) must # 2) must # self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc # ###### sampled input pts to center ####### if contact_pairs_set is not None: inter_obj_pts[contact_active_idxes] = cur_passive_obj_verts[contact_passive_idxes] # center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) center_point_to_sampled_pts = inter_obj_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() ### # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # squeeze(1) # # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) # ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) if self.nn_instances == 1: time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) else: time_cons = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant[i_instance](torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant[i_instance](torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # sep_time_constant, sep_torque_time_constant, sep_damping_constant, sep_angular_damping_constant time_cons = self.sep_time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.sep_torque_time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) damping_cons = self.sep_damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) damping_cons_2 = self.sep_angular_damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + input_pts_ts).view(1) k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: ##### TMP ###### # cur_vel = delta_vel cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: ##### TMP ###### # cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons_rot ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) # cur_ # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def # update the current rigid def using the offset and the cur_rigid_def ## # # curupd # if update_tot_def: # update rigid def # # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio # if not fix_obj: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = cur_act_weights.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.detach() self.save_values = { 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, } return upd_contact_pairs_information class BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagRoboV13(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, # fileds # bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False): # bending network active force field # super(BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagRoboV13, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch = 1 d_in = self.input_ch self.output_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 1 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.contact_dist_thres = 0.1 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = True self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.static_friction_mu = 1. self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = 50000 self.cur_window_size = 60 self.bending_n_timesteps = self.cur_window_size + 10 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 50 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 1 self.contact_spring_rest_length = 2. self.spring_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.bending_dir_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) # dist_k_a = self.distance_ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_k_b = self.distance_ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) * 5# *# 0.1 # distance self.distance_ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.distance_ks_val.weight) # distance_ks_val # #[0] =[0] * 0.6160 ## #[1] =[1] * 4.0756 ## self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 self.ks_friction_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_friction_val.weight) = * 0.2 ## [\alpha, \beta] ## self.ks_weights = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_constant.weight) # self.damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.nn_actuators = 778 * 2 # vertices # self.nn_actuation_forces = self.nn_actuators * self.cur_window_size self.actuator_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_forces.weight) # self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # self.actuator_weights = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.actuator_weights.weight) # = * (1. / (778 * 2)) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' self.patch_force_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) # if i == len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: # torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(cc.bias) # else: if i < len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.patch_force_scale_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_scale_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): ### ifthe lienar layer # # ## torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.patch_force_scale_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' # self.input_ch = 1 = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0[-1] += 0.2 self.dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # weighting model via the distance # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # distances # the kappa # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weighting_model_ks.weight) self.spring_rest_length = 2. # self.spring_x_min = -2. self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # 4) aggregate forces; self.timestep_to_vel = {} self.timestep_to_point_accs = {} # how to support frictions? # ### TODO: initialize the t_to_total_def variable ### # tangential self.timestep_to_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset = {} self.save_values = {} # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, self.timestep_to_ws_normed = {} self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori = {} # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori = {} self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori = {} # timestep_to_angular_vel, timestep_to_quaternion # self.timestep_to_angular_vel = {} self.timestep_to_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_torque = {} # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx = {} self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights = {} self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist = {} self.time_quaternions = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=4 )[:, 0] = 1.[:, 1] = 0.[:, 2] = 0.[:, 3] = 0. # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_quaternions.weight) # self.time_translations = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_translations.weight) # self.time_forces = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_forces.weight) # # self.time_velocities = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_velocities.weight) # self.time_torques = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_torques.weight) # def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True ##### split network single ##### ## self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.split_network[-1] += 0.2 ##### split network single ##### self.split_dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.split_weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.split_weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def uniformly_sample_pts(self, tot_pts, nn_samples): tot_pts_prob = torch.ones_like(tot_pts[:, 0]) tot_pts_prob = tot_pts_prob / torch.sum(tot_pts_prob) pts_dist = Categorical(tot_pts_prob) sampled_pts_idx = pts_dist.sample((nn_samples,)) sampled_pts_idx = sampled_pts_idx.squeeze() sampled_pts = tot_pts[sampled_pts_idx] return sampled_pts # def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, passive_sdf_net, active_bending_net, active_sdf_net, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True): def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True, friction_forces=None): ### from input_pts to new pts ### # prev_pts_ts = input_pts_ts - 1 # ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_quaternions(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(4) # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1]) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts + 1] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # rigid_acc = self.time_forces(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # torque = self.time_torques(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # TODO: note that inertial_matrix^{-1} real_torque # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' friction_qd = 0.1 sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # sampled points --> ws_normed = torch.ones((sampled_input_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.float32) ws_normed = ws_normed / float(sampled_input_pts.size(0)) m = Categorical(ws_normed) nn_sampled_input_pts = 5000 sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[sampled_input_pts_idx] ### sampled input pts #### # sampled_input_pts_normals = # # sampled # # # init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] # get the passive object point # init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) # cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ## transform the normals ## cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) # passive obj center # cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center # active # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # active mesh # # nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts + 1] cur_active_mesh = cur_active_mesh[sampled_input_pts_idx] # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # if input_pts_ts > 0: # vel_passive_mesh = self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1] # else: # vel_passive_mesh = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) ### zeros ### # vel_active_mesh = vel_active_mesh - vel_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## --> active pts ## # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # cur actuation # embedding st idx # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = self.nn_actuators * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = self.nn_actuators * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # cur_actuation_forces = self.actuator_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # forces = cur_actuation_forces # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### if friction_forces is None: ###### get the friction forces ##### cur_actuation_friction_forces = self.actuator_friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) else: cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = 365428 * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = 365428 * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) cur_actuation_friction_forces = friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) cur_actuation_friction_forces = cur_actuation_friction_forces[sampled_input_pts_idx] ## sample ## ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # cur_passive_obj_ns # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ### nn_sampled_pts x 3 -> the normal direction of the nearest passive object point ### inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10.) ####### sharp the weights ####### minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 2. # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # cur_act_weights = ws_normed cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) #### using network weights #### # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) #### using network weights #### ### ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) # contact_force_d = -contact_spring_ka * (dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj - self.contact_spring_rest_length) # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) # + contact_spring_kb * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 2 + contact_spring_kc * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 3 # vel_sampled_pts = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals = torch.sum(cur_actuation_friction_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals tangential_vel = cur_actuation_friction_forces - cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### # vel_sampled_pts_along_normals = torch.sum(vel_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # tangential_vel = vel_sampled_pts - vel_sampled_pts_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### tangential_forces = tangential_vel * tangential_ks contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(contact_force_d, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) # self.penalty_friction_constraint = penalty_friction_constraint ### strict cosntraints ### # mult_weights = torch.ones_like(norm_along_normals_forces).detach() # hard_selector = norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces # hard_selector = hard_selector.detach() # mult_weights[hard_selector] = self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces.detach()[hard_selector] / norm_tangential_forces.detach()[hard_selector] # ### change to the strict constraint ### # # tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] / norm_tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces].unsqueeze(-1) * self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces].unsqueeze(-1) # ### change to the strict constraint ### # # tangential forces # # tangential_forces = tangential_forces * mult_weights.unsqueeze(-1) ### strict cosntraints ### forces = tangential_forces + contact_force_d ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ''' Decompose forces and calculate penalty froces ''' # penalty_dot_forces_normals, penalty_friction_constraint # # # get the forces -> decompose forces # dot_forces_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_normals * forces, dim=-1) ### nn_sampled_pts ### forces_along_normals = dot_forces_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## the forces along the normal direction ## tangential_forces = forces - forces_along_normals # tangential forces # ## tangential forces ## penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc ## rigid acc ## ###### sampled input pts to center ####### center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() # ## # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons_rot ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # # cur_delta_quaternion = cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) cur_delta_rot_mtx = torch.matmul(cur_optimizable_rot_mtx, prev_rot_mtx.transpose(1, 0)) # cur_delta_quaternion = euler_to_quaternion(cur_delta_angle[0], cur_delta_angle[1], cur_delta_angle[2]) ### delta_quaternion ### # cur_delta_quaternion = torch.stack(cur_delta_quaternion, dim=0) ## (4,) quaternion ## # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + cur_delta_quaternion ### (4,) # cur_delta_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) ## (4,) -> (3, 3) # print(f"input_pts_ts {input_pts_ts},, prev_quaternion { prev_quaternion}") # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def # curupd # if update_tot_def: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = cur_act_weights.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.detach() self.save_values = { # 'ks_vals_dict': self.ks_vals_dict, # save values ## # what are good point_accs here? # 1) spatially and temporally continuous; 2) ambient contact force direction; # 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf} } ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) return class BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagV14(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, # fileds # bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False): # bending network active force field # super(BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagV14, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch = 1 d_in = self.input_ch self.output_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 1 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.contact_dist_thres = 0.1 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = True self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.static_friction_mu = 1. self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = 50000 self.gravity_acc = 9.8 self.gravity_dir = torch.tensor([0., 0., -1]).float() self.passive_obj_mass = 1. self.passive_obj_inertia = ... self.passive_obj_inertia_inv = ... self.cur_window_size = 60 self.bending_n_timesteps = self.cur_window_size + 10 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 50 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 1 self.contact_spring_rest_length = 2. self.spring_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_ks_values.weight) = * 0.5 self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.bending_dir_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) # dist_k_a = self.distance_ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_k_b = self.distance_ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) * 5# *# 0.1 # distance self.distance_ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.distance_ks_val.weight) # distance_ks_val # #[0] =[0] * 0.6160 ## #[1] =[1] * 4.0756 ## self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 self.ks_friction_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_friction_val.weight) = * 0.2 ## [\alpha, \beta] ## self.ks_weights = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_constant.weight) # self.damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.nn_actuators = 778 * 2 # vertices # self.nn_actuation_forces = self.nn_actuators * self.cur_window_size self.actuator_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_forces.weight) # self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # self.actuator_weights = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.actuator_weights.weight) # = * (1. / (778 * 2)) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' self.patch_force_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) # if i == len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: # torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(cc.bias) # else: if i < len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.patch_force_scale_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_scale_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): ### ifthe lienar layer # # ## torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.patch_force_scale_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' # self.input_ch = 1 = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0[-1] += 0.2 self.dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # weighting model via the distance # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # distances # weighting model ks # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weighting_model_ks.weight) self.spring_rest_length = 2. # self.spring_x_min = -2. self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # 4) aggregate forces; self.timestep_to_vel = {} self.timestep_to_point_accs = {} # how to support frictions? # ### TODO: initialize the t_to_total_def variable ### # tangential self.timestep_to_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset = {} self.save_values = {} # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, self.timestep_to_ws_normed = {} self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori = {} # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori = {} self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori = {} # timestep_to_angular_vel, timestep_to_quaternion # self.timestep_to_angular_vel = {} self.timestep_to_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_torque = {} # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx = {} self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights = {} self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist = {} self.time_quaternions = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=4 )[:, 0] = 1.[:, 1] = 0.[:, 2] = 0.[:, 3] = 0. # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_quaternions.weight) # self.time_translations = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_translations.weight) # self.time_forces = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_forces.weight) # # self.time_velocities = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_velocities.weight) # self.time_torques = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_torques.weight) # def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True ##### split network single ##### ## self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.split_network[-1] += 0.2 ##### split network single ##### self.split_dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.split_weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.split_weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def uniformly_sample_pts(self, tot_pts, nn_samples): tot_pts_prob = torch.ones_like(tot_pts[:, 0]) tot_pts_prob = tot_pts_prob / torch.sum(tot_pts_prob) pts_dist = Categorical(tot_pts_prob) sampled_pts_idx = pts_dist.sample((nn_samples,)) sampled_pts_idx = sampled_pts_idx.squeeze() sampled_pts = tot_pts[sampled_pts_idx] return sampled_pts # def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, passive_sdf_net, active_bending_net, active_sdf_net, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True): def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True): ### from input_pts to new pts ### # wieghting force field # # prev_pts_ts = input_pts_ts - 1 ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_quaternions(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(4) # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1]) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts + 1] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # rigid_acc = self.time_forces(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # torque = self.time_torques(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # TODO: note that inertial_matrix^{-1} real_torque # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' friction_qd = 0.1 sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # sampled points --> # sampled_input_pts_normals = timesteptopassivemehsn init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) # cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ## transform the normals ## cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center # active # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts + 1] # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # if input_pts_ts > 0: # vel_passive_mesh = self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1] # else: # vel_passive_mesh = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) ### zeros ### # vel_active_mesh = vel_active_mesh - vel_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## --> active pts ## # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = self.nn_actuators * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = self.nn_actuators * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # cur_actuation_forces = self.actuator_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # forces = cur_actuation_forces # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### ###### get the friction forces ##### cur_actuation_friction_forces = self.actuator_friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # cur_passive_obj_ns # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ### nn_sampled_pts x 3 -> the normal direction of the nearest passive object point ### inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10) ####### sharp the weights ####### minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # cur_act_weights = ws_normed cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) #### using network weights #### # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) #### using network weights #### ### ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_force_d = -contact_spring_ka * (dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj - self.contact_spring_rest_length) # vel_sampled_pts = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals = torch.sum(cur_actuation_friction_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals tangential_vel = cur_actuation_friction_forces - cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### # vel_sampled_pts_along_normals = torch.sum(vel_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # tangential_vel = vel_sampled_pts - vel_sampled_pts_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### tangential_forces = tangential_vel * tangential_ks contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) forces = tangential_forces + contact_force_d ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' # ''' Decompose forces and calculate penalty froces ''' # penalty_dot_forces_normals, penalty_friction_constraint # # # get the forces -> decompose forces # # dot_forces_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_normals * forces, dim=-1) ### nn_sampled_pts ### # forces_along_normals = dot_forces_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## the forces along the normal direction ## # tangential_forces = forces - forces_along_normals # tangential forces # ## tangential forces ## # penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 # penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) # norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## # norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(forces_along_normals, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## # penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 # penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. # penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) # self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals # self.penalty_friction_constraint = penalty_friction_constraint ''' Integrate all rigid forces, including the contact force and the gravity force ''' tot_contact_force = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) tot_gravity_force = self.passive_obj_mass * self.gravity_acc * self.gravity_dir rigid_force = tot_contact_force + tot_gravity_force rigid_acc = rigid_force / self.passive_obj_mass # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc ###### sampled input pts to center ####### center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() # ## # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) # I^-1 = R_cur I_ref^{-1} R_cur^T cur_inertia_inv = torch.matmul( cur_passive_obj_rot, torch.matmul(self.passive_obj_inertia_inv, cur_passive_obj_rot.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()) ### passive obj rot transpose ) torque = torch.matmul(cur_inertia_inv, torque.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) ### torque # ## # torque # time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons_rot ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # # cur_delta_quaternion = cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) cur_delta_rot_mtx = torch.matmul(cur_optimizable_rot_mtx, prev_rot_mtx.transpose(1, 0)) # cur_delta_quaternion = euler_to_quaternion(cur_delta_angle[0], cur_delta_angle[1], cur_delta_angle[2]) ### delta_quaternion ### # cur_delta_quaternion = torch.stack(cur_delta_quaternion, dim=0) ## (4,) quaternion ## # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + cur_delta_quaternion ### (4,) # cur_delta_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) ## (4,) -> (3, 3) # print(f"input_pts_ts {input_pts_ts},, prev_quaternion { prev_quaternion}") # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def # curupd # if update_tot_def: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = cur_act_weights.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.detach() self.save_values = { # 'ks_vals_dict': self.ks_vals_dict, # save values ## # what are good point_accs here? # 1) spatially and temporally continuous; 2) ambient contact force direction; # 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf} } ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) return ''' Deform input points via the passive rigid deformations ''' # prev_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[prev_pts_ts] # defed_input_pts = input_pts - prev_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0) # defed_input_pts_sdf = passive_sdf_net.sdf(defed_input_pts).squeeze(-1) # # self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} # # self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} # # ori_input_pts, ori_input_pts_sdf #### input_pts #### # ori_input_pts = input_pts.clone().detach() # ori_input_pts_sdf = passive_sdf_net.sdf(ori_input_pts).squeeze(-1).detach() ''' Deform input points via the passive rigid deformations ''' ''' Calculate weights for deformed input points ''' # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, # # prev_passive_mesh = timestep_to_passive_mesh[prev_pts_ts] # ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1).detach() # ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1).detach() # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * defed_input_pts_sdf.detach() * ws_alpha) # # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) ## ws_normed ## ''' Calculate weights for deformed input points ''' # optimizable point weights with fixed spring rules # uniformly_dist = Uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0) nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts #### uniformly_sampled_pts: nn_sampled_pts x 3 #### uniformly_sampled_pts = uniformly_dist.sample(sample_shape=(nn_uniformly_sampled_pts, 3)) # use weighting_network to get weights of those sampled pts # # expanded_prev_pts_ts = torch.zeros((uniformly_sampled_pts.size(0)), dtype=torch.long) # expanded_prev_pts_ts = expanded_prev_pts_ts + prev_pts_ts # (nn_pts,) # if we do not have a kinematics observation? # expanded_pts_ts = torch.zeros((uniformly_sampled_pts.size(0)), dtype=torch.long) ### get expanded_pts_ts = expanded_pts_ts + input_pts_ts input_latents = self.bending_latent(expanded_pts_ts) x =[uniformly_sampled_pts, input_latents], dim=-1) if (not self.use_split_network) or (self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < self.cur_window_size // 2): cur_network = self.weighting_network else: cur_network = self.split_weighting_network ''' use the single split network without no_grad setting ''' for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): x = layer(x) # SIREN if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: x *= 30.0 if i != len( - 1: x = self.activation_function(x) if i in self.skips: x =[uniformly_sampled_pts, x], -1) # x: nn_uniformly_sampled_pts x 1 weights # x = x.squeeze(-1) ws_normed = F.softmax(x, dim=0) #### calculate the softmax as weights # ### total def copy ## # prev_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def_copy[prev_pts_ts] # .unsqueeze(0) # prev_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[prev_pts_ts].detach() # # # prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[prev_pts_ts].detach() # # prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) # prev_quaternion # # # defed_uniformly_sampled_pts = uniformly_sampled_pts - prev_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0) # defed_uniformly_sampled_pts = torch.matmul(defed_uniformly_sampled_pts, prev_rot_mtx.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous()) ### inversely rotate the sampled pts # # defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf = passive_sdf_net.sdf(defed_uniformly_sampled_pts).squeeze(-1) # # defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf: nn_sampled_pts # # minn_sampled_sdf, minn_sampled_sdf_pts_idx = torch.min(defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf, dim=0) ## the pts_idx ## # passive_center_point = uniformly_sampled_pts[minn_sampled_sdf_pts_idx] ## center of the passive object ## cur_passive_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_passive_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_passive_quaternion) init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0].detach() cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(init_passive_obj_verts, cur_rot_mtx) + cur_passive_trans.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_pts x 3 ## passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_verts.mean(0) # ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1).detach() # ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1).detach() # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf.detach() * ws_alpha * 100) # nn_pts # # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) ## ws_normed ## m = Categorical(ws_normed) nn_sampled_input_pts = 20000 sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) sampled_input_pts = uniformly_sampled_pts[sampled_input_pts_idx] # sampled_defed_input_pts_sdf = defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf[sampled_input_pts_idx] # defed_input_pts_sdf = defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf # defed_input_pts_sdf = sampled_defed_input_pts_sdf ori_input_pts = uniformly_sampled_pts.clone().detach() # ori_input_pts_sdf = defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf.detach() ws_normed_sampled = ws_normed[sampled_input_pts_idx] # sampled_input_pts = prev_passive_mesh.clone() # defed_input_pts = sampled_input_pts - prev_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0) ''' ### Use points from passive mesh ### ''' # sampled_input_pts = prev_passive_mesh.clone() # # defed_input_pts = sampled_input_pts - prev_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0) # defed_input_pts = sampled_input_pts - self.timestep_to_total_def_copy[prev_pts_ts].unsqueeze(0) # defed_input_pts_sdf = passive_sdf_net.sdf(defed_input_pts).squeeze(-1) # sampled_defed_input_pts_sdf = defed_input_pts_sdf ''' ### Use points from passive mesh ### ''' ''' ### Use points from weighted sampled input_pts ### ''' # m = Categorical(ws_normed) # nn_sampled_input_pts = 5000 # sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) # sampled_input_pts = input_pts[sampled_input_pts_idx] # sampled_defed_input_pts_sdf = defed_input_pts_sdf[sampled_input_pts_idx] ''' ### Use points from weighted sampled input_pts ### ''' # # weighting model via the distance # # defed input pts sdf # # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # # distances # the kappa # # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 # ) # self.spring_rest_length = 2. # # self.spring_x_min = -2. # self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 # ) # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # # # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # # # 4) aggregate forces; # # # ''' Distance to previous prev meshes to optimize ''' # to active mesh # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## # active mesh # ##### using the points from active meshes directly #### ori_input_pts = cur_active_mesh.clone() sampled_input_pts = cur_active_mesh.clone() # if prev_pts_ts == 0: # prev_prev_active_mesh_vel = torch.zeros_like(prev_active_mesh) # else: # # prev_prev_active_mesh_vel = prev_active_mesh - timestep_to_active_mesh[prev_pts_ts - 1] # #### prev_prev active mehs #### # # prev_prev_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[prev_pts_ts - 1] # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # cur_active_mesh = self.uniformly_sample_pts(cur_active_mesh, nn_samples=2000) # prev_active_mesh = self.uniformly_sample_pts(prev_active_mesh, nn_samples=2000) # ## distnaces from act_mesh to the prev_prev ### prev_pts_ts ### # dist_prev_act_mesh_to_prev_prev = torch.sum( # (prev_active_mesh.unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ### # ) # minn_dist_prev_act_mesh_to_cur, minn_idx_dist_prev_act_mesh_to_cur = torch.min( # dist_prev_act_mesh_to_prev_prev, dim=-1 ## # ) # selected_mesh_pts = batched_index_select(values=cur_active_mesh, indices=minn_idx_dist_prev_act_mesh_to_cur, dim=0) # prev_prev_active_mesh_vel = selected_mesh_pts - prev_active_mesh nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[nex_pts_ts] cur_active_mesh_vel = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # dist_act_mesh_to_nex_ = torch.sum( # (prev_active_mesh.unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ### # ) # cur_active_mesh = self.uniformly_sample_pts(cur_active_mesh, nn_samples=2000) # prev_active_mesh = self.uniformly_sample_pts(prev_active_mesh, nn_samples=2000) dist_input_pts_active_mesh = torch.sum( (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) # dist input pts active ##### sqrt and the ##### dist_input_pts_active_mesh = torch.sqrt(dist_input_pts_active_mesh) # nn_sampled_pts x nn_active_pts # topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh, topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh_idx = torch.topk(dist_input_pts_active_mesh, k=self.nn_patch_active_pts, largest=False, dim=-1) thres_dist, _ = torch.max(topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh, dim=-1) weighting_ka = self.weighting_model_ks(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # weighting_kb = self.weighting_model_ks(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts = weighting_ka * torch.exp(-1. * dist_input_pts_active_mesh * weighting_kb * 50) # unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts[unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts > thres_dist.unsqueeze(-1) + 1e-6] = 0. normed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts = unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts / torch.clamp(torch.sum(unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-9) # nn_sampled_pts # m = Categorical(normed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts) # nn_sampled_input_pts = self.nn_patch_active_pts # # # print(f"prev_passive_mesh: {prev_passive_mesh.size(), }") sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) # sampled_input_pts = normed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts[sampled_input_pts_idx] # sampled_defed_input_pts_sdf = defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf[sampled_input_pts_idx] # sampled_input_pts_idx = sampled_input_pts_idx.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() sampled_input_pts_idx = topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh_idx rel_input_pts_active_mesh = sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0) # print(f"rel_input_pts_active_mesh: {rel_input_pts_active_mesh.size()}, sampled_input_pts_idx: {sampled_input_pts_idx.size()}") rel_input_pts_active_mesh = batched_index_select(values=rel_input_pts_active_mesh, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) # cur_active_mesh_vel_exp = cur_active_mesh_vel.unsqueeze(0).repeat(rel_input_pts_active_mesh.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() cur_active_mesh_vel = batched_index_select(values=cur_active_mesh_vel_exp, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) ## # prev_active_mesh_exp = prev_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() ### # prev_active_mesh_exp = batched_index_select(values=prev_active_mesh_exp, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) ### nn_sampled_pts x nn_selected_pts x 3 # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh[prev_pts_ts] = prevactive # ''' Distance to previous active meshes to optimize ''' # prev_active_mesh_ori = self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori[prev_pts_ts] ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## # dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori = torch.sum( # (sampled_input_pts.detach().unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh_vel.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 # ) # dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori = torch.sqrt(dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori) # nn_sampled_pts x nn_active_pts # # topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori, topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh_idx_ori = torch.topk(dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori, k=500, largest=False, dim=-1) # thres_dist_ori, _ = torch.max(topk_dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori, dim=-1) # weighting_ka_ori = self.weighting_model_ks(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # weighting_kb_ori = self.weighting_model_ks(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # weighting_kb # # unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori = weighting_ka_ori * torch.exp(-1. * dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori * weighting_kb_ori * 50) # # unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori[unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori >= thres_dist_ori.unsqueeze(-1)] = 0. # normed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori = unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori / torch.clamp(torch.sum(unnormed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-9) # nn_sampled_pts # # m_ori = Categorical(normed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts_ori) # # nn_sampled_input_pts = 500 # # # # print(f"prev_passive_mesh: {prev_passive_mesh.size(), }") # sampled_input_pts_idx_ori = m_ori.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) # # sampled_input_pts = normed_weight_active_pts_to_input_pts[sampled_input_pts_idx] # # sampled_defed_input_pts_sdf = defed_uniformly_sampled_pts_sdf[sampled_input_pts_idx] # sampled_input_pts_idx_ori = sampled_input_pts_idx_ori.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous() # rel_input_pts_active_mesh_ori = sampled_input_pts.detach().unsqueeze(1) - prev_active_mesh_ori.unsqueeze(0).detach() # prev_active_mesh_ori_exp = prev_active_mesh_ori.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() # prev_active_mesh_ori_exp = batched_index_select(values=prev_active_mesh_ori_exp, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx_ori, dim=1) # # prev_active_mesh_ori_exp: nn_sampled_pts x nn_active_pts x 3 # # # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori[prev_pts_ts] = prev_active_mesh_ori_exp.detach() # ''' Distance to previous active meshes to optimize ''' ''' spring force v2: use the spring force as input ''' ### determine the spring coefficient ### spring_qd = self.spring_qd(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # spring_qd = 1. # fix the qd to 1 # spring_qd # # spring_qd # spring_qd = 0.5 # dist input pts to active mesh # # # a threshold distance -(d - d_thres)^3 * k + 2.*(2 - d_thres)**3 --> use the (2 - d_thres) ** 3 * k as the maximum distances -> k sould not be larger than 2. # #### The k_d(d) in the form of inverse functions #### spring_kd = spring_qd / (dist_input_pts_active_mesh - self.spring_x_min) ### #### The k_d(d) in the form of polynomial functions #### # spring_qd = 0.01 # spring_kd = spring_qd * ((-(dist_input_pts_active_mesh - self.contact_dist_thres) ** 3) + 2. * (2. - self.contact_dist_thres) ** 3) # wish to use simple functions to achieve the adjustmenet of k-d relations # # k-d relations # # print(f"spring_qd: {spring_qd.size()}, dist_input_pts_active_mesh: {dist_input_pts_active_mesh.size()}, spring_kd: {spring_kd.size()}") # time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # tiem_constant spring_k_val = self.ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) spring_kd = spring_kd * time_cons ### get the spring_kd (nn_sampled_pts x nn_act_pts ) #### spring_force = -1. * spring_kd * (dist_input_pts_active_mesh - self.spring_rest_length) # nn_sampled_pts x nn-active_pts spring_force = batched_index_select(values=spring_force, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) # dir_spring_force = sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0) # prev_active_mesh # dir_spring_force = batched_index_select(values=dir_spring_force, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) # dir_spring_force = dir_spring_force / torch.clamp(torch.norm(dir_spring_force, dim=-1, keepdim=True, p=2), min=1e-9) # spring_force = dir_spring_force * spring_force.unsqueeze(-1) * spring_k_val ''' spring force v2: use the spring force as input ''' # ''' get the spring force of the reference motion ''' # #### The k_d(d) in the form of inverse functions #### # # spring_kd_ori = spring_qd / (dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori - self.spring_x_min) # #### The k_d(d) in the form of polynomial functions #### # spring_kd_ori = spring_qd * ((-(dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori - self.contact_dist_thres) ** 3) + 2. * (2. - self.contact_dist_thres) ** 3) # spring_kd_ori = spring_kd_ori * time_cons # spring_force_ori = -1. * spring_kd_ori * (dist_input_pts_active_mesh_ori - self.spring_rest_length) # spring_force_ori = batched_index_select(values=spring_force_ori, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx_ori, dim=1) # dir_spring_force_ori = sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - prev_active_mesh_ori.unsqueeze(0) # dir_spring_force_ori = batched_index_select(values=dir_spring_force_ori, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx_ori, dim=1) # dir_spring_force_ori = dir_spring_force_ori / torch.clamp(torch.norm(dir_spring_force_ori, dim=-1, keepdim=True, p=2), min=1e-9) # spring_force_ori = dir_spring_force_ori * spring_force_ori.unsqueeze(-1) * spring_k_val # ''' get the spring force of the reference motion ''' ''' spring force v2: use the spring force as input ''' ''' spring force v3: use the spring force as input ''' transformed_w = self.patch_force_scale_network[0](rel_input_pts_active_mesh) # transformed_w = self.patch_force_scale_network[1](transformed_w) glb_transformed_w, _ = torch.max(transformed_w, dim=1, keepdim=True) # print(f"transformed_w: {transformed_w.size()}, glb_transformed_w: {glb_transformed_w.size()}") glb_transformed_w = glb_transformed_w.repeat(1, transformed_w.size(1), 1) # transformed_w = [transformed_w, glb_transformed_w], dim=-1 ) force_weighting = self.patch_force_scale_network[2](transformed_w) # # print(f"before the last step, forces: {forces.size()}") # forces, _ = torch.max(forces, dim=1) # and force weighting # force_weighting = self.patch_force_scale_network[3](force_weighting).squeeze(-1) # nn_sampled_pts x nn_active_pts # force_weighting = F.softmax(force_weighting, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts x nn_active_pts # ## use the v3 force as the input to the field ## forces = torch.sum( # # use the spring force as input # spring_force * force_weighting.unsqueeze(-1), dim=1 ### sum over the force; sum over the force ### ) self.timestep_to_spring_forces[input_pts_ts] = forces ''' spring force v3: use the spring force as input ''' # ''' spring force from the reference trajectory ''' # transformed_w_ori = self.patch_force_scale_network[0](rel_input_pts_active_mesh_ori) # transformed_w_ori = self.patch_force_scale_network[1](transformed_w_ori) # glb_transformed_w_ori, _ = torch.max(transformed_w_ori, dim=1, keepdim=True) # glb_transformed_w_ori = glb_transformed_w_ori.repeat(1, transformed_w_ori.size(1), 1) # # transformed_w_ori = # [transformed_w_ori, glb_transformed_w_ori], dim=-1 # ) # force_weighting_ori = self.patch_force_scale_network[2](transformed_w_ori) # force_weighting_ori = self.patch_force_scale_network[3](force_weighting_ori).squeeze(-1) # force_weighting_ori = F.softmax(force_weighting_ori, dim=-1) # forces_ori = torch.sum( # spring_force_ori.detach() * force_weighting.unsqueeze(-1).detach(), dim=1 # ) # self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori[prev_pts_ts] = forces_ori # ''' spring force from the reference trajectory ''' ''' TODO: a lot to do for this firctional model... ''' ''' calculate the firctional force ''' friction_qd = 0.5 friction_qd = 0.1 dist_input_pts_active_mesh_sel = batched_index_select(dist_input_pts_active_mesh, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) #### The k_d(d) in the form of inverse functions #### friction_kd = friction_qd / (dist_input_pts_active_mesh_sel - self.spring_x_min) #### The k_d(d) in the form of polynomial functions #### # friction_qd = 0.01 # friction_kd = friction_qd * ((-(dist_input_pts_active_mesh_sel - self.contact_dist_thres) ** 3) + 2. * (2. - self.contact_dist_thres) ** 3) friction_kd = friction_kd * time_cons prev_prev_active_mesh_vel_norm = torch.norm(cur_active_mesh_vel, dim=-1) friction_force = friction_kd * (self.spring_rest_length - dist_input_pts_active_mesh_sel) * prev_prev_active_mesh_vel_norm # | vel | * (dist - rest_length) * friction_kd # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = batched_index_select(values=friction_force, indices=sampled_input_pts_idx, dim=1) # dir_friction_force = cur_active_mesh_vel dir_friction_force = dir_friction_force / torch.clamp(torch.norm(dir_friction_force, dim=-1, keepdim=True, p=2), min=1e-9) # friction_force = dir_friction_force * friction_force.unsqueeze(-1) * friction_k # k * friction_force_scale * friction_force_dir # # get the friction force and the frictionk # friction_force = torch.sum( # friction_force: nn-pts x 3 # friction_force * force_weighting.unsqueeze(-1), dim=1 ) forces = forces + friction_force forces = friction_force ''' calculate the firctional force ''' ''' Embed sdf values ''' # raw_input_pts = input_pts[:, :3] # if self.embed_fn_fine is not None: # # input_pts_to_active_sdf = self.embed_fn_fine(input_pts_to_active_sdf) ''' Embed sdf values ''' # ###### [time_cons] is used when calculating buth the spring force and the frictional force ---> convert force to acc ###### ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, _ = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10) # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) ''' get velocity and offset related constants ''' # k_acc_to_vel = self.ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # # k_vel_to_offset = self.ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # ''' get velocity and offset related constants ''' k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() ''' Compute torque, angular acc, angular vel and delta quaternion via forces and the directional offset from the center point to the sampled points ''' center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ### center_point to the input_pts ### # sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(forces, center_point_to_sampled_pts, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts x 3 ## sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons cur_delta_quaternion = euler_to_quaternion(cur_delta_angle[0], cur_delta_angle[1], cur_delta_angle[2]) ### delta_quaternion ### cur_delta_quaternion = torch.stack(cur_delta_quaternion, dim=0) ## (4,) quaternion ## prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + cur_delta_quaternion ### (4,) cur_delta_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) ## (4,) -> (3, 3) self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() # angular velocity # self.timestep_to_torque[input_pts_ts] = torque.detach() # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf # self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_ws_normed[input_pts_ts] = ws_normed.detach() # self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[prev_pts_ts] = defed_input_pts_sdf.detach() # self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} # # ori input pts # # self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} # # # ori_input_pts, ori_input_pts_sdf # self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = ori_input_pts.detach() # self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf[prev_pts_ts] = ori_input_pts_sdf.detach() # ori input pts sdfs self.ks_vals_dict = { "acc_to_vel": k_acc_to_vel.detach().cpu()[0].item(), "vel_to_offset": k_vel_to_offset.detach().cpu()[0].item(), # vel to offset # "ws_alpha": ws_alpha.detach().cpu()[0].item(), "ws_beta": ws_beta.detach().cpu()[0].item(), 'friction_k': friction_k.detach().cpu()[0].item(), 'spring_k_val': spring_k_val.detach().cpu()[0].item(), # spring_k # "dist_k_b": dist_k_b.detach().cpu()[0].item(), # "dist_k_a": dist_k_a.detach().cpu()[0].item(), } self.save_values = { # save values # saved values # 'ks_vals_dict': self.ks_vals_dict, # save values ## # what are good point_accs here? # 1) spatially and temporally continuous; 2) ambient contact force direction; # 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf} } cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel ## TODO: is it a good updating strategy? ## # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + prev_rigid_def cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # curupd if update_tot_def: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def # self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset[input_pts_ts] = cur_offset # get the offset # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.detach().unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_optimizable_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) # cur_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) # 3 x 3 # cur_tmp_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) # 3 x 3 rotation matrix # # np.matmul(new_pts, rot_mtx) + cur_offset # # new_pts = np.matmul(new_pts, cur_tmp_rot_mtx.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous()) ### # # cur_upd_rigid_def_aa = cur_offset + prev_rigid_def.detach() # cur_upd_rigid_def_aa = cur_offset + torch.matmul(prev_rigid_def.detach().unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx).squeeze(0) # ori_input_pts = torch.matmul(raw_input_pts - cur_upd_rigid_def_aa.unsqueeze(0), cur_rot_mtx.contiguous().transpose(1, 0).contiguous()) # prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion).detach() # prev_tot_offset = self.timestep_to_total_def[prev_pts_ts].detach() # new_pts = torch.matmul(ori_input_pts, prev_rot_mtx) + prev_tot_offset.unsqueeze(0) # # # cur_offset_with_rot = raw_input_pts - new_pts # cur_offset_with_rot = torch.mean(cur_offset_with_rot, dim=0) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset[input_pts_ts] = cur_offset_with_rot return None class BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagEuV13(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, # fileds # bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False, ): # bending network active force field # super(BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagEuV13, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch = 1 d_in = self.input_ch self.output_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 1 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.contact_dist_thres = 0.1 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = True self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.time_embedding_latent_dim = self.bending_latent_size self.static_friction_mu = 1. self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = 50000 self.cur_window_size = 60 self.bending_n_timesteps = self.cur_window_size + 10 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 50 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 1 self.contact_spring_rest_length = 2. self.spring_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.bending_dir_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.ks_contact_d = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_contact_d.weight) # ks_contact_d # # self.ks_contact_d # self.ks_weight_d = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weight_d.weight) # ks_weight_d # as the weights # # dist_k_a = self.distance_ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_k_b = self.distance_ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) * 5# *# 0.1 # the level 1 distnace threshold # # use bending_latent to get the timelabel latnets # self.distance_threshold = 1.0 self.distance_threshold = 0.5 self.distance_threshold = 0.1 self.distance_threshold = 0.05 self.distance_threshold = 0.005 # self.distance_threshold = 0.01 # self.distance_threshold = 0.001 # self.distance_threshold = 0.0001 self.res = 64 self.construct_grid_points() # ### determine the friction froce # ## # ## Should be projected to perpendicular to the normal direction # # self.nn_instances = nn_instances # if nn_instances == 1: self.friction_net = self.construct_field_network(input_dim=3 + self.time_embedding_latent_dim, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dimensions, output_dim=3, depth=5, init_value=0.) # else: # # self.friction_net = [ # # self.construct_field_network(input_dim=3 + self.time_embedding_latent_dim, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dimensions, output_dim=3, depth=5, init_value=0.) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) # # ] # self.friction_net = nn.ModuleList( # [ # self.construct_field_network(input_dim=3 + self.time_embedding_latent_dim, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dimensions, output_dim=3, depth=5, init_value=0.) for _ in range(self.nn_instances) # ] # ) # distance self.distance_ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.distance_ks_val.weight) # distance_ks_val # #[0] =[0] * 0.6160 ## #[1] =[1] * 4.0756 ## self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 self.ks_friction_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_friction_val.weight) = * 0.2 ## [\alpha, \beta] ## self.ks_weights = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_constant.weight) # self.damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.nn_actuators = 778 * 2 # vertices # self.nn_actuation_forces = self.nn_actuators * self.cur_window_size self.actuator_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_forces.weight) # self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # self.actuator_weights = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.actuator_weights.weight) # = * (1. / (778 * 2)) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' self.patch_force_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) # if i == len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: # torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(cc.bias) # else: if i < len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.patch_force_scale_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_scale_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): ### ifthe lienar layer # # ## torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.patch_force_scale_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' # self.input_ch = 1 # = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0[-1] += 0.2 self.dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # weighting model via the distance # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # distances # the kappa # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weighting_model_ks.weight) self.spring_rest_length = 2. # self.spring_rest_length_active = 2. self.spring_x_min = -2. self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # 4) aggregate forces; self.timestep_to_vel = {} self.timestep_to_point_accs = {} # timestep_to_contact_normal_forces, timestep_to_friction_forces self.timestep_to_contact_normal_forces = {} self.timestep_to_friction_forces = {} # how to support frictions? # ### TODO: initialize the t_to_total_def variable ### # tangential self.timestep_to_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset = {} self.save_values = {} # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, self.timestep_to_ws_normed = {} self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori = {} # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori = {} self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori = {} # timestep_to_angular_vel, timestep_to_quaternion # self.timestep_to_angular_vel = {} self.timestep_to_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_torque = {} # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx = {} self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights = {} self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist = {} self.time_quaternions = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=4 )[:, 0] = 1.[:, 1] = 0.[:, 2] = 0.[:, 3] = 0. # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_quaternions.weight) # self.time_translations = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_translations.weight) # self.time_forces = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_forces.weight) # # self.time_velocities = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_velocities.weight) # self.time_torques = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_torques.weight) # self.timestep_to_grid_pts_forces = {} self.timestep_to_grid_pts_weight = {} def construct_grid_points(self, ): bound_min = [-1, -1, -1] bound_max = [1, 1, 1] X = torch.linspace(bound_min[0], bound_max[0], self.res) Y = torch.linspace(bound_min[1], bound_max[1], self.res) # .split(N) Z = torch.linspace(bound_min[2], bound_max[2], self.res) # .split(N) xx, yy, zz = torch.meshgrid(X, Y, Z) pts =[xx.reshape(-1, 1), yy.reshape(-1, 1), zz.reshape(-1, 1)], dim=-1) self.grid_pts = pts # field_network = construct_field_network(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, depth, init_value=0.) # def construct_field_network(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, depth, init_value=0.): # self.input_ch = 1 field_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(input_dim, hidden_dim)] + [nn.Linear(hidden_dim, hidden_dim) for i in range(depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(hidden_dim, output_dim, bias=True)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(field_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays field_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if use_last_layer_bias: field_network[-1] *= 0.0 field_network[-1] += init_value # a realvvalue return field_network def apply_filed_network(self, inputs, field_net): for cur_model in field_net: inputs = cur_model(inputs) return inputs def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True ##### split network single ##### ## self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.split_network[-1] += 0.2 ##### split network single ##### self.split_dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.split_weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.split_weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def uniformly_sample_pts(self, tot_pts, nn_samples): tot_pts_prob = torch.ones_like(tot_pts[:, 0]) tot_pts_prob = tot_pts_prob / torch.sum(tot_pts_prob) pts_dist = Categorical(tot_pts_prob) sampled_pts_idx = pts_dist.sample((nn_samples,)) sampled_pts_idx = sampled_pts_idx.squeeze() sampled_pts = tot_pts[sampled_pts_idx] return sampled_pts # def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, passive_sdf_net, active_bending_net, active_sdf_net, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True): def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True, friction_forces=None, sampled_verts_idxes=None, i_instance=0): ### from input_pts to new pts ### # prev_pts_ts = input_pts_ts - 1 # ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' # with a good initialization and the kinematics tracking result? # # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_quaternions(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(4) # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1]) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts + 1] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 # define correspondences # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # rigid_acc = self.time_forces(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # torque = self.time_torques(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # TODO: note that inertial_matrix^{-1} real_torque # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # friction_qd = 0.1 # sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # sampled points --> sampled_input_pts = self.grid_pts # construct points # # res x res x res # self.grid_pts # # ws_normed = torch.ones((sampled_input_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.float32) # ws_normed = ws_normed / float(sampled_input_pts.size(0)) # m = Categorical(ws_normed) # nn_sampled_input_pts = 20000 # sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) # sampled_input_pts_normals = # init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] # get the passive object point # init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() # to total def # cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) # cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center ##### Use the distance to the center of the passive object as the creterion for selection ##### # dist_sampled_pts_to_center = torch.sum( # (sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 # ) # dist_sampled_pts_to_center = torch.sqrt(dist_sampled_pts_to_center) # sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[dist_sampled_pts_to_center <= self.distance_threshold] # ##### Use the distance to the center of the passive object as the creterion for selection ##### # idx_pts_near_to_obj = dist_sampled_pts_to_center <= self.distance_threshold # k_f # With spring force # active # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # active mesh # # nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts + 1] # ji if sampled_verts_idxes is not None: cur_active_mesh = cur_active_mesh[sampled_verts_idxes] dist_pts_to_obj = torch.sum( (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_pts_to_obj, minn_idx_pts_to_obj = torch.min(dist_pts_to_obj, dim=-1) pts_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_pts_to_obj] ### nn_sampled_pts x 3 -> the normal direction of the nearest passive object point ### # idx_pts_near_to_obj = dist_pts_to_obj <= self.distance_threshold sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[idx_pts_near_to_obj] minn_idx_pts_to_obj = minn_idx_pts_to_obj[idx_pts_near_to_obj] pts_normals = pts_normals[idx_pts_near_to_obj] dist_pts_to_obj = dist_pts_to_obj[idx_pts_near_to_obj] # idx_pts_near_to_obj -> selector # contact_ka = self.ks_contact_d(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) contact_kb = self.ks_contact_d(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) pts_contact_d = contact_ka * (self.spring_rest_length - dist_pts_to_obj) # * 0.02 pts_contact_d = torch.softmax(pts_contact_d, dim=0) # nn_sampled_pts pts_contact_d = contact_kb * pts_contact_d pts_contact_force = -1 * pts_normals * pts_contact_d.unsqueeze(-1) time_latents_emb_idxes = torch.zeros((sampled_input_pts.size(0), ), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts time_latents = self.bending_latent(time_latents_emb_idxes) friction_latents_in = [sampled_input_pts, time_latents], dim=-1 ) # for a new active mesh, optimize the transformations and controls at each frame to produce the same force field # # to produce the same forces and the weights # ### decide the friction force ### # firction network # # only the weights can be optimized, right? # # if self.nn_instances == 1: pts_friction = self.apply_filed_network(friction_latents_in, self.friction_net) # ### pts_friction force # else: # pts_friction = self.apply_filed_network(friction_latents_in, self.friction_net[i_instance]) pts_friction_dot_normal = torch.sum( pts_friction * pts_normals, dim=-1 ) pts_friction = pts_friction - pts_friction_dot_normal.unsqueeze(-1) * pts_normals ### nn_sampled_pts x 3 ### # idx_pts_near_to_obj -> selector; pts_contact_force, pts_friction # ## TODO: add soft constraints ## pts_forces = pts_contact_force + pts_friction # determine weights # dist_pts_to_active = torch.sum( (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_active_mesh.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_pts_to_active, minn_idx_pts_to_active = torch.min(dist_pts_to_active, dim=-1) weight_da = self.ks_weight_d(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) weight_db = self.ks_weight_d(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # weight = weight_da * (self.spring_rest_length - dist_pts_to_active) weight = weight_da * (self.spring_rest_length_active - dist_pts_to_active) weight = torch.softmax(weight, dim=0) # nn_sampled_pts weight = weight_db * weight # weight d #### # weight = weight_db * torch.exp(-1. * dist_pts_to_active * weight_da ) forces = pts_forces # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # if input_pts_ts > 0: # vel_passive_mesh = self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1] # else: # vel_passive_mesh = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) ### zeros ### # vel_active_mesh = vel_active_mesh - vel_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## --> active pts ## # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # # cur actuation # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = self.nn_actuators * input_pts_ts # cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = self.nn_actuators * (input_pts_ts + 1) # cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # # cur_actuation_forces = self.actuator_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # # forces = cur_actuation_forces # # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # if friction_forces is None: # ###### get the friction forces ##### # cur_actuation_friction_forces = self.actuator_friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # else: # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = 365428 * input_pts_ts # cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = 365428 * (input_pts_ts + 1) # cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # cur_actuation_friction_forces = friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts # (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 # ) # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # # cur_passive_obj_ns # # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ### nn_sampled_pts x 3 -> the normal direction of the nearest passive object point ### # inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10) # ####### sharp the weights ####### # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 # ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # # cur_act_weights = ws_normed # cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # #### using network weights #### # # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) # #### using network weights #### ### ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' # rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts # dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] # # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | # contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) # contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) # contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) # # ### # fields # # # contact_force_d = -contact_spring_ka * (dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj - self.contact_spring_rest_length) # # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) # + contact_spring_kb * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 2 + contact_spring_kc * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 3 # # vel_sampled_pts = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) # ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### # cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals = torch.sum(cur_actuation_friction_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # tangential_vel = cur_actuation_friction_forces - cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals # ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### # ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### # # vel_sampled_pts_along_normals = torch.sum(vel_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # # tangential_vel = vel_sampled_pts - vel_sampled_pts_along_normals # ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### # # tangential_forces = tangential_vel * tangential_ks # # contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) # # norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## # # norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(contact_force_d, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## # # penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 # # penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. # # penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) # # # # # self.penalty_friction_constraint = penalty_friction_constraint # ### strict cosntraints ### # # mult_weights = torch.ones_like(norm_along_normals_forces).detach() # # hard_selector = norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces # # hard_selector = hard_selector.detach() # # mult_weights[hard_selector] = self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces.detach()[hard_selector] / norm_tangential_forces.detach()[hard_selector] # # ### change to the strict constraint ### # # # tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] / norm_tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces].unsqueeze(-1) * self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces].unsqueeze(-1) # # ### change to the strict constraint ### # # # tangential forces # # # tangential_forces = tangential_forces * mult_weights.unsqueeze(-1) # ### strict cosntraints ### # forces = tangential_forces + contact_force_d ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ''' Decompose forces and calculate penalty froces ''' # # penalty_dot_forces_normals, penalty_friction_constraint # # # # get the forces -> decompose forces # # dot_forces_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_normals * forces, dim=-1) ### nn_sampled_pts ### # forces_along_normals = dot_forces_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## the forces along the normal direction ## # tangential_forces = forces - forces_along_normals # tangential forces # ## tangential forces ## # penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 # penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) # self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc ## rigid acc ## rigid_acc = torch.sum(pts_forces * weight.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() # ## # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # torque and the forces # sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, pts_forces, dim=-1) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * weight.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) # time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons_rot ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # # cur_delta_quaternion = cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) cur_delta_rot_mtx = torch.matmul(cur_optimizable_rot_mtx, prev_rot_mtx.transpose(1, 0)) # cur_delta_quaternion = euler_to_quaternion(cur_delta_angle[0], cur_delta_angle[1], cur_delta_angle[2]) ### delta_quaternion ### # cur_delta_quaternion = torch.stack(cur_delta_quaternion, dim=0) ## (4,) quaternion ## # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + cur_delta_quaternion ### (4,) # cur_delta_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) ## (4,) -> (3, 3) # print(f"input_pts_ts {input_pts_ts},, prev_quaternion { prev_quaternion}") # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def # curupd # if update_tot_def: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() # timestep_to_contact_normal_forces, timestep_to_friction_forces self.timestep_to_contact_normal_forces[input_pts_ts] = pts_contact_force.detach() self.timestep_to_friction_forces[input_pts_ts] = pts_friction.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = weight.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_pts_to_obj.detach() # # idx_pts_near_to_obj -> selector; pts_contact_force, pts_friction # cur_grid_pts_forces = torch.zeros_like(self.grid_pts) cur_grid_pts_forces =[cur_grid_pts_forces, cur_grid_pts_forces], dim=-1) # selected_pts_tot_forces =[pts_contact_force, pts_friction], dim=-1) cur_grid_pts_forces[idx_pts_near_to_obj] = selected_pts_tot_forces self.timestep_to_grid_pts_forces[input_pts_ts] = cur_grid_pts_forces # .detach() cur_grid_pts_weight = torch.zeros((self.grid_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.float32) cur_grid_pts_weight[idx_pts_near_to_obj] = weight self.timestep_to_grid_pts_weight[input_pts_ts] = cur_grid_pts_weight self.save_values = { # input_pts_ts # # 'ks_vals_dict': self.ks_vals_dict, # save values ## # what are good point_accs here? # 1) spatially and temporally continuous; 2) ambient contact force direction; # 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, 'timestep_to_contact_normal_forces': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_contact_normal_forces[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_contact_normal_forces}, 'timestep_to_friction_forces': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_friction_forces[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_friction_forces}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, 'timestep_to_grid_pts_forces': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_grid_pts_forces[cur_ts].detach().cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_grid_pts_forces}, 'timestep_to_grid_pts_weight': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_grid_pts_weight[cur_ts].detach().cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_grid_pts_weight} # # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf} } ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) return class BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagRoboManipV13(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, # fileds # bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False): # bending network active force field # super(BendingNetworkActiveForceFieldForwardLagRoboManipV13, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.input_ch = 1 d_in = self.input_ch self.output_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 1 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.contact_dist_thres = 0.1 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = True self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.static_friction_mu = 1. self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn self.nn_uniformly_sampled_pts = 50000 self.cur_window_size = 60 self.bending_n_timesteps = self.cur_window_size + 10 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 50 self.nn_patch_active_pts = 1 self.contact_spring_rest_length = 2. self.spring_ks_values = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_ks_values.weight) = * 0.01 self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.bending_dir_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) # dist_k_a = self.distance_ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # dist_k_b = self.distance_ks_val(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) * 5# *# 0.1 # distance self.distance_ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=5, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.distance_ks_val.weight) # distance_ks_val # #[0] =[0] * 0.6160 ## #[1] =[1] * 4.0756 ## self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 self.ks_friction_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_friction_val.weight) = * 0.2 ## [\alpha, \beta] ## self.ks_weights = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_weights.weight) #[1] =[1] * (1. / (778 * 2)) self.time_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_constant.weight) # self.damping_constant = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=3, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.damping_constant.weight) # # # # = * 0.9 self.nn_actuators = 778 * 2 # vertices # self.nn_actuation_forces = self.nn_actuators * self.cur_window_size self.actuator_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_forces.weight) # self.actuator_friction_forces = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.actuator_friction_forces.weight) # self.actuator_weights = nn.Embedding( # actuator's forces # num_embeddings=self.nn_actuation_forces + 10, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.actuator_weights.weight) # = * (1. / (778 * 2)) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' self.patch_force_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) # if i == len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: # torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(cc.bias) # else: if i < len(self.patch_force_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) self.patch_force_scale_network = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(3, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions)), # with maxpoll layers # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions * 2, self.hidden_dimensions), nn.ReLU()), # nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)), # hidden_dimension x 1 -> the weights # ] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.patch_force_scale_network[:]): for cc in layer: if isinstance(cc, nn.Linear): ### ifthe lienar layer # # ## torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( cc.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.patch_force_scale_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(cc.bias) ''' patch force network and the patch force scale network ''' # self.input_ch = 1 = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0[-1] += 0.2 self.dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # weighting model via the distance # # unormed_weight = k_a exp{-d * k_b} # weights # k_a; k_b # # distances # the kappa # self.weighting_model_ks = nn.Embedding( # k_a and k_b # num_embeddings=2, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.weighting_model_ks.weight) # self.spring_rest_length = 2. # self.spring_x_min = -2. self.spring_qd = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.spring_qd.weight) # q_d of the spring k_d model -- k_d = q_d / (x - self.spring_x_min) # # spring_force = -k_d * \delta_x = -k_d * (x - self.spring_rest_length) # # 1) sample points from the active robot's mesh; # 2) calculate forces from sampled points to the action point; # 3) use the weight model to calculate weights for each sampled point; # 4) aggregate forces; # self.timestep_to_vel = {} self.timestep_to_point_accs = {} # how to support frictions? # ### TODO: initialize the t_to_total_def variable ### # tangential self.timestep_to_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_offset = {} self.save_values = {} # ws_normed, defed_input_pts_sdf, self.timestep_to_ws_normed = {} self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts = {} self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf = {} self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_prev_active_mesh_ori = {} # timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori, timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh # self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh_ori = {} self.timestep_to_prev_selected_active_mesh = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces = {} self.timestep_to_spring_forces_ori = {} # timestep_to_angular_vel, timestep_to_quaternion # self.timestep_to_angular_vel = {} self.timestep_to_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_torque = {} # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion = {} self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx = {} self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights = {} self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist = {} self.time_quaternions = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=4 )[:, 0] = 1.[:, 1] = 0.[:, 2] = 0.[:, 3] = 0. # torch.nn.init.ones_(self.time_quaternions.weight) # self.time_translations = nn.Embedding( # tim num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_translations.weight) # self.time_forces = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_forces.weight) # # self.time_velocities = nn.Embedding( # num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_velocities.weight) # self.time_torques = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=60, embedding_dim=3 ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.time_torques.weight) # def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True ##### split network single ##### ## self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.split_network[-1] += 0.2 ##### split network single ##### self.split_dir_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 3)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_dir_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_dir_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### ## weighting_network for the network ## self.weighting_net_input_ch = 3 self.split_weighting_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.weighting_net_input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, 1)]) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_weighting_network[:]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) if i < len(self.split_weighting_network) - 1: torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) def uniformly_sample_pts(self, tot_pts, nn_samples): tot_pts_prob = torch.ones_like(tot_pts[:, 0]) tot_pts_prob = tot_pts_prob / torch.sum(tot_pts_prob) pts_dist = Categorical(tot_pts_prob) sampled_pts_idx = pts_dist.sample((nn_samples,)) sampled_pts_idx = sampled_pts_idx.squeeze() sampled_pts = tot_pts[sampled_pts_idx] return sampled_pts # def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, passive_sdf_net, active_bending_net, active_sdf_net, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True): def forward(self, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_active_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals, details=None, special_loss_return=False, update_tot_def=True, friction_forces=None): ### from input_pts to new pts ### # prev_pts_ts = input_pts_ts - 1 # ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_quaternions(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(4) # cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[input_pts_ts + 1]) # self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[input_pts_ts + 1] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ''' Kinematics rigid transformations only ''' nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' # rigid_acc = self.time_forces(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # torque = self.time_torques(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) # TODO: note that inertial_matrix^{-1} real_torque # ''' Kinematics transformations from acc and torques ''' friction_qd = 0.1 sampled_input_pts = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] ws_normed = torch.ones((sampled_input_pts.size(0),), dtype=torch.float32) ws_normed = ws_normed / float(sampled_input_pts.size(0)) m = Categorical(ws_normed) nn_sampled_input_pts = 5000 sampled_input_pts_idx = m.sample(sample_shape=(nn_sampled_input_pts,)) sampled_input_pts = sampled_input_pts[sampled_input_pts_idx] ### sampled input pts #### # sampled_input_pts_normals = # # sampled # # # init_passive_obj_verts = timestep_to_passive_mesh[0] # get the passive object point # init_passive_obj_ns = timestep_to_passive_mesh_normals[0] center_init_passive_obj_verts = init_passive_obj_verts.mean(dim=0) cur_passive_obj_rot = quaternion_to_matrix(self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach()) cur_passive_obj_trans = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() cur_passive_obj_verts = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, (init_passive_obj_verts - center_init_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)).transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0) + center_init_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(0) + cur_passive_obj_trans.unsqueeze(0) # cur_passive_obj_ns = torch.matmul(cur_passive_obj_rot, init_passive_obj_ns.transpose(1, 0).contiguous()).transpose(1, 0).contiguous() ## transform the normals ## cur_passive_obj_ns = cur_passive_obj_ns / torch.clamp(torch.norm(cur_passive_obj_ns, dim=-1, keepdim=True), min=1e-8) # passive obj center # cur_passive_obj_center = center_init_passive_obj_verts + cur_passive_obj_trans passive_center_point = cur_passive_obj_center # active # cur_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts] # active mesh # # nex_active_mesh = timestep_to_active_mesh[input_pts_ts + 1] cur_active_mesh = cur_active_mesh[sampled_input_pts_idx] # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # ######## vel for frictions ######### # vel_active_mesh = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh # the active mesh velocity # if input_pts_ts > 0: # vel_passive_mesh = self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1] # else: # vel_passive_mesh = torch.zeros((3,), dtype=torch.float32) ### zeros ### # vel_active_mesh = vel_active_mesh - vel_passive_mesh.unsqueeze(0) ## nn_active_pts x 3 ## --> active pts ## # friction_k = self.ks_friction_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) # friction_force = vel_active_mesh * friction_k # forces = friction_force # ######## vel for frictions ######### # cur actuation # embedding st idx # cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = self.nn_actuators * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = self.nn_actuators * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### # cur_actuation_forces = self.actuator_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) # forces = cur_actuation_forces # ######### optimize the actuator forces directly ######### if friction_forces is None: ###### get the friction forces ##### cur_actuation_friction_forces = self.actuator_friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) else: cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx = 365428 * input_pts_ts cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx = 365428 * (input_pts_ts + 1) cur_actuation_embedding_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(cur_actuation_embedding_st_idx, cur_actuation_embedding_ed_idx)], dtype=torch.long) cur_actuation_friction_forces = friction_forces(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes) cur_actuation_friction_forces = cur_actuation_friction_forces[sampled_input_pts_idx] ## sample ## ws_alpha = self.ks_weights(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) ws_beta = self.ks_weights(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.sum( # nn_sampled_pts x nn_passive_pts (sampled_input_pts.unsqueeze(1) - cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0)) ** 2, dim=-1 ) dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj = torch.min(dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj, dim=-1) # cur_passive_obj_ns # inter_obj_normals = cur_passive_obj_ns[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ### nn_sampled_pts x 3 -> the normal direction of the nearest passive object point ### inter_obj_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts[minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj] ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha * 10.) ####### sharp the weights ####### hard_selected_manipulating_points = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj <= minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.05 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 2. # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.001 # minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres = 0.0001 ws_unnormed[dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj > minn_dist_sampled_pts_passive_obj_thres] = 0 # ws_unnormed = ws_beta * torch.exp(-1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj * ws_alpha ) # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # cur_act_weights = ws_normed cur_act_weights = ws_unnormed # # ws_unnormed = ws_normed_sampled # ws_normed = ws_unnormed / torch.clamp(torch.sum(ws_unnormed), min=1e-9) # rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) #### using network weights #### # cur_act_weights = self.actuator_weights(cur_actuation_embedding_idxes).squeeze(-1) #### using network weights #### ### ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - inter_obj_pts # inter_obj_pts # dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals = torch.sum(rel_inter_obj_pts_to_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1) ## nn_sampled_pts dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] = -1. * dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj[dot_rel_inter_obj_pts_normals < 0] # contact_spring_ka * | minn_spring_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj | contact_spring_ka = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) contact_spring_kb = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 2).view(1,) contact_spring_kc = self.spring_ks_values(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + 3).view(1,) # contact_force_d = -contact_spring_ka * (dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj - self.contact_spring_rest_length) # contact_force_d = contact_spring_ka * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) # + contact_spring_kb * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 2 + contact_spring_kc * (self.contact_spring_rest_length - dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj) ** 3 # vel_sampled_pts = nex_active_mesh - cur_active_mesh tangential_ks = self.spring_ks_values(torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.long)).view(1,) ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals = torch.sum(cur_actuation_friction_forces * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals tangential_vel = cur_actuation_friction_forces - cur_actuation_friction_forces_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via optimizable forces ###### ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### # vel_sampled_pts_along_normals = torch.sum(vel_sampled_pts * inter_obj_normals, dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals # tangential_vel = vel_sampled_pts - vel_sampled_pts_along_normals ###### Get the tangential forces via tangential velocities ###### tangential_forces = tangential_vel * tangential_ks contact_force_d = contact_force_d.unsqueeze(-1) * (-1. * inter_obj_normals) norm_tangential_forces = torch.norm(tangential_forces, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## norm_along_normals_forces = torch.norm(contact_force_d, dim=-1, p=2) # nn_sampled_pts ## penalty_friction_constraint = (norm_tangential_forces - self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces) ** 2 penalty_friction_constraint[norm_tangential_forces <= self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = 0. penalty_friction_constraint = torch.mean(penalty_friction_constraint) # self.penalty_friction_constraint = penalty_friction_constraint ### strict cosntraints ### # mult_weights = torch.ones_like(norm_along_normals_forces).detach() # hard_selector = norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces # hard_selector = hard_selector.detach() # mult_weights[hard_selector] = self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces.detach()[hard_selector] / norm_tangential_forces.detach()[hard_selector] # ### change to the strict constraint ### # # tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] = tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces] / norm_tangential_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces].unsqueeze(-1) * self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces[norm_tangential_forces > self.static_friction_mu * norm_along_normals_forces].unsqueeze(-1) # ### change to the strict constraint ### # # tangential forces # # tangential_forces = tangential_forces * mult_weights.unsqueeze(-1) ### strict cosntraints ### forces = tangential_forces + contact_force_d ''' decide forces via kinematics statistics ''' ''' Decompose forces and calculate penalty froces ''' # penalty_dot_forces_normals, penalty_friction_constraint # # # get the forces -> decompose forces # dot_forces_normals = torch.sum(inter_obj_normals * forces, dim=-1) ### nn_sampled_pts ### forces_along_normals = dot_forces_normals.unsqueeze(-1) * inter_obj_normals ## the forces along the normal direction ## tangential_forces = forces - forces_along_normals # tangential forces # ## tangential forces ## penalty_dot_forces_normals = dot_forces_normals ** 2 penalty_dot_forces_normals[dot_forces_normals <= 0] = 0 # 1) must in the negative direction of the object normal # penalty_dot_forces_normals = torch.mean(penalty_dot_forces_normals) self.penalty_dot_forces_normals = penalty_dot_forces_normals ### forces and the act_weights ### rigid_acc = torch.sum(forces * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0) # rigid acc ## rigid acc ## # hard_selected_forces, hard_selected_manipulating_points # hard_selected_forces = forces[hard_selected_manipulating_points] hard_selected_manipulating_points = sampled_input_pts[hard_selected_manipulating_points] ### sampled_input_pts_idxes = torch.tensor([idxx for idxx in range(sampled_input_pts.size(0))], dtype=torch.long) hard_selected_sampled_input_pts_idxes = sampled_input_pts_idxes[hard_selected_manipulating_points] ###### sampled input pts to center ####### center_point_to_sampled_pts = sampled_input_pts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### sampled input pts to center ####### ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### # cur_passive_obj_verts_exp = cur_passive_obj_verts.unsqueeze(0).repeat(sampled_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1).contiguous() # ## # cur_passive_obj_verts = batched_index_select(values=cur_passive_obj_verts_exp, indices=minn_idx_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.unsqueeze(1), dim=1) # cur_passive_obj_verts = cur_passive_obj_verts.squeeze(1) # center_point_to_sampled_pts = cur_passive_obj_verts - passive_center_point.unsqueeze(0) ###### nearest passive object point to center ####### sampled_pts_torque = torch.cross(center_point_to_sampled_pts, forces, dim=-1) # torque = torch.sum( # sampled_pts_torque * ws_normed.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 # ) torque = torch.sum( sampled_pts_torque * cur_act_weights.unsqueeze(-1), dim=0 ) time_cons = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) time_cons_2 = self.time_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long() + 2).view(1) time_cons_rot = self.time_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons = self.damping_constant(torch.zeros((1,)).long()).view(1) damping_cons_rot = self.damping_constant(torch.ones((1,)).long()).view(1) k_acc_to_vel = time_cons k_vel_to_offset = time_cons_2 delta_vel = rigid_acc * k_acc_to_vel if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_vel = delta_vel else: cur_vel = delta_vel + self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons self.timestep_to_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_vel.detach() cur_offset = k_vel_to_offset * cur_vel cur_rigid_def = self.timestep_to_total_def[input_pts_ts].detach() delta_angular_vel = torque * time_cons_rot if input_pts_ts == 0: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel else: cur_angular_vel = delta_angular_vel + self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts - 1].detach() * damping_cons_rot ### (3,) cur_delta_angle = cur_angular_vel * time_cons_rot # \delta_t w^1 / 2 prev_quaternion = self.timestep_to_quaternion[input_pts_ts].detach() # # cur_delta_quaternion = cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + update_quaternion(cur_delta_angle, prev_quaternion) cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) prev_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(prev_quaternion) cur_delta_rot_mtx = torch.matmul(cur_optimizable_rot_mtx, prev_rot_mtx.transpose(1, 0)) # cur_delta_quaternion = euler_to_quaternion(cur_delta_angle[0], cur_delta_angle[1], cur_delta_angle[2]) ### delta_quaternion ### # cur_delta_quaternion = torch.stack(cur_delta_quaternion, dim=0) ## (4,) quaternion ## # cur_quaternion = prev_quaternion + cur_delta_quaternion ### (4,) # cur_delta_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_delta_quaternion) ## (4,) -> (3, 3) # print(f"input_pts_ts {input_pts_ts},, prev_quaternion { prev_quaternion}") # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(0), cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach()).squeeze(0) # cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_upd_rigid_def = cur_offset.detach() + cur_rigid_def # curupd # if update_tot_def: self.timestep_to_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_upd_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx.detach(), cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) # cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + torch.matmul(cur_delta_rot_mtx, cur_rigid_def.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) cur_optimizable_total_def = cur_offset + cur_rigid_def # cur_optimizable_quaternion = prev_quaternion.detach() + cur_delta_quaternion # timestep_to_optimizable_total_def, timestep_to_optimizable_quaternio self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_total_def self.timestep_to_optimizable_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion cur_optimizable_rot_mtx = quaternion_to_matrix(cur_quaternion) self.timestep_to_optimizable_rot_mtx[nex_pts_ts] = cur_optimizable_rot_mtx ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) self.timestep_to_angular_vel[input_pts_ts] = cur_angular_vel.detach() self.timestep_to_quaternion[nex_pts_ts] = cur_quaternion.detach() # self.timestep_to_optimizable_total_def[input_pts_ts + 1] = self.time_translations(torch.zeros((1,), dtype=torch.long) + input_pts_ts).view(3) self.timestep_to_input_pts[input_pts_ts] = sampled_input_pts.detach() self.timestep_to_point_accs[input_pts_ts] = forces.detach() self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[input_pts_ts] = cur_act_weights.detach() self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[input_pts_ts] = dist_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj.detach() self.save_values = { # 'ks_vals_dict': self.ks_vals_dict, # save values ## # what are good point_accs here? # 1) spatially and temporally continuous; 2) ambient contact force direction; # 'timestep_to_point_accs': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_point_accs[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_point_accs}, # 'timestep_to_vel': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_vel[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_vel}, 'timestep_to_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_input_pts}, 'timestep_to_aggregation_weights': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_aggregation_weights}, 'timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_sampled_pts_to_passive_obj_dist}, # 'timestep_to_ws_normed': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ws_normed[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ws_normed}, # 'timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_defed_input_pts_sdf}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts}, # 'timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf': {cur_ts: self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf[cur_ts].cpu().numpy() for cur_ts in self.timestep_to_ori_input_pts_sdf} } ## update raw input pts ## # new_pts = raw_input_pts - cur_offset.unsqueeze(0) # hard_selected_forces, hard_selected_manipulating_points, hard_selected_sampled_input_pts_idxes rt_value = { 'hard_selected_forces': hard_selected_forces, 'hard_selected_manipulating_points': hard_selected_manipulating_points, 'hard_selected_sampled_input_pts_idxes': hard_selected_sampled_input_pts_idxes, } return rt_value class BendingNetworkForward(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, # fileds # bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False): super(BendingNetworkForward, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 3 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = False self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn ## timestep t ## # # the bending latent # # passive and the active object at the current state # # extract meshes for the passive and the active object atthe current # step 1 -> get active object's points correspondences # step 2 -> get passive object's points in correspondences # step 3 -> for t-1, get the deformation for each point at t in the active robot mesh and average them as the averaged motion # step 4 -> sample points from the passive mesh at t-1 and calculate their forces using the active robot's actions, signed distances, and the parameter K # # step 5 -> aggregate the translation motion (the most simple translation models) and use that as the deformation direction for the passive object at time t # step 6 -> an additional rigidity mask should be optimized for the passive object # # self.bending_latent = nn.Parameter( # torch.zeros((self.bending_n_timesteps, self.bending_hi)) # ) self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.ks_val = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=1, embedding_dim=1 ) torch.nn.init.ones_(self.ks_val.weight) = * 0.2 # ks_val # = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: self.rigidity_activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.rigidity_skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 # use_last_layer_bias = True self.rigidity_tanh = nn.Tanh() if self.rigidity_use_latent: self.rigidity_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.rigidity_skips else nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.rigidity_network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, 1, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) else: self.rigidity_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.rigidity_skips else nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.rigidity_network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, 1, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network[:-1]): if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights self.rigidity_network[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias: self.rigidity_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0008, 0.0040, 0.0159], [-0.0566, 0.0099, 0.0173]], dtype=torch.float32 ) self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False self.timestep_to_forward_deform = {} def set_rigid_translations_optimizable(self, n_ts): if n_ts == 3: self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0008, 0.0040, 0.0159], [-0.0566, 0.0099, 0.0173]], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True ) elif n_ts == 5: self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0097, 0.0305, 0.0342], [-0.1211, 0.1123, 0.0565], [-0.2700, 0.1271, 0.0412], [-0.3081, 0.1174, 0.0529]], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False ) # self.rigid_translations.requires_grad = True # self.rigid_translations.requires_grad_ = True # self.rigid_translations = nn.Parameter( # self.rigid_translations, requires_grad=True # ) def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True # self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # if i + 1 in self.skips # else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + # [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)]) ##### split network full ##### # self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( # [nn.ModuleList( # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # if i + 1 in self.skips # else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + # [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] # ) for _ in range(self.bending_n_timesteps - 5)] # ) # for i_split in range(len(self.split_network)): # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[i_split][:-1]): # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # # Sec. 3.2) # if type(layer) == nn.Linear: # a = ( # 1.0 / layer.in_features # if i == 0 # else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) # ) # layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) # elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": # torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( # layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # self.split_network[i_split][-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_network[i_split][-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network full ##### ##### split network single ##### self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### # the bending latent # # passive and the active object at the current state # # extract meshes for the passive and the active object atthe current # step 1 -> get active object's points correspondences # step 2 -> get passive object's points in correspondences # step 3 -> for t-1, get the deformation for each point at t in the active robot mesh and average them as the averaged motion # step 4 -> sample points from the passive mesh at t-1 and calculate their forces using the active robot's actions, signed distances, and the parameter K # # step 5 -> aggregate the translation motion (the most simple translation models) and use that as the deformation direction for the passive object at time t # step 6 -> an additional rigidity mask should be optimized for the passive object # def forward(self, input_pts, input_pts_ts, timestep_to_mesh, timestep_to_passive_mesh, bending_net, bending_net_passive, act_sdf_net, details=None, special_loss_return=False): # special loss return # # query the bending_net for the active obj's deformation flow # # query the bending_net_passive for the passive obj's deformation flow # # input_pts_ts should goes from zero to maxx_ts - 1 # nex_pts_ts = input_pts_ts + 1 nex_timestep_mesh = timestep_to_mesh[nex_pts_ts] active_mesh_deformation = bending_net(nex_timestep_mesh, nex_pts_ts) ## get the nex_pts_ts's bending direction ## active_mesh_deformation = torch.mean(active_mesh_deformation, dim=0) ### (3, ) deformation direction ## # sdf value ? # ks_val = self.ks_val(torch.zeros((1,)).long()) self.ks_val_vals = ks_val.detach().cpu().numpy().item() # passive mesh # cur_timestep_mesh = timestep_to_passive_mesh[input_pts_ts] passive_mesh_sdf_value = act_sdf_net.sdf(cur_timestep_mesh) # nn_passive_pts -> the shape of the passive pts's sdf values # maxx_dist = 2. fs = (-1. * torch.sin(passive_mesh_sdf_value / maxx_dist * float(np.pi) / 2.) + 1) * active_mesh_deformation.unsqueeze(0) * ks_val #### fs = torch.mean(fs, dim=0) ## (3,) ## # fs = fs * -1. self.timestep_to_forward_deform[input_pts_ts] = fs.detach().cpu().numpy() # raw_input_pts = input_pts[:, :3] # positional encoding includes raw 3D coordinates as first three entries # # print(f) if self.embed_fn_fine is not None: # embed fn # input_pts = self.embed_fn_fine(input_pts) if special_loss_return and details is None: # details is None # details = {} expanded_input_pts_ts = torch.zeros((input_pts.size(0)), dtype=torch.long) expanded_input_pts_ts = expanded_input_pts_ts + nex_pts_ts input_latents = self.bending_latent(expanded_input_pts_ts) # # print(f"input_pts: {input_pts.size()}, input_latents: {input_latents.size()}, raw_input_pts: {raw_input_pts.size()}") # input_latents = input_latent.expand(input_pts.size()[0], -1) # x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) # input pts with bending latents # x = fs.unsqueeze(0).repeat(input_pts.size(0), 1).contiguous() # # x = self.rigid_translations(expanded_input_pts_ts) # .repeat(input_pts.size(0), 1).contiguous() unmasked_offsets = x if details is not None: details["unmasked_offsets"] = unmasked_offsets # get the unmasked offsets # if self.use_rigidity_network: # bending network? rigidity network... # # bending network and the bending network # # if self.rigidity_use_latent: x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) else: x = input_pts for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network): x = layer(x) # SIREN if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: x *= 30.0 if i != len(self.rigidity_network) - 1: x = self.rigidity_activation_function(x) if i in self.rigidity_skips: x =[input_pts, x], -1) rigidity_mask = (self.rigidity_tanh(x) + 1) / 2 # close to 1 for nonrigid, close to 0 for rigid if self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff is not None: rigidity_mask[rigidity_mask <= self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff] = 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: masked_offsets = rigidity_mask * unmasked_offsets if self.test_time_scaling is not None: masked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + masked_offsets # skip connection # rigidity if details is not None: details["rigidity_mask"] = rigidity_mask details["masked_offsets"] = masked_offsets else: if self.test_time_scaling is not None: unmasked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + unmasked_offsets # skip connection # if input_pts_ts >= 5: # avg_offsets_abs = torch.mean(torch.abs(unmasked_offsets), dim=0) # print(f"input_ts: {input_pts_ts}, offset_avg: {avg_offsets_abs}") if special_loss_return: return details else: return new_points class BendingNetwork(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False): super(BendingNetwork, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 3 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = False self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn # self.bending_latent = nn.Parameter( # torch.zeros((self.bending_n_timesteps, self.bending_hi)) # ) self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: self.rigidity_activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.rigidity_skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 # use_last_layer_bias = True self.rigidity_tanh = nn.Tanh() if self.rigidity_use_latent: self.rigidity_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.rigidity_skips else nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.rigidity_network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, 1, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) else: self.rigidity_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.rigidity_skips else nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.rigidity_network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, 1, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network[:-1]): if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights self.rigidity_network[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias: self.rigidity_network[-1] *= 0.0 self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0008, 0.0040, 0.0159], [-0.0566, 0.0099, 0.0173]], dtype=torch.float32 ) self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False def set_rigid_translations_optimizable(self, n_ts): if n_ts == 3: self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0008, 0.0040, 0.0159], [-0.0566, 0.0099, 0.0173]], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True ) elif n_ts == 5: self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0097, 0.0305, 0.0342], [-0.1211, 0.1123, 0.0565], [-0.2700, 0.1271, 0.0412], [-0.3081, 0.1174, 0.0529]], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False ) # self.rigid_translations.requires_grad = True # self.rigid_translations.requires_grad_ = True # self.rigid_translations = nn.Parameter( # self.rigid_translations, requires_grad=True # ) def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True # self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # if i + 1 in self.skips # else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + # [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)]) ##### split network full ##### # self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( # [nn.ModuleList( # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # if i + 1 in self.skips # else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + # [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] # ) for _ in range(self.bending_n_timesteps - 5)] # ) # for i_split in range(len(self.split_network)): # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[i_split][:-1]): # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # # Sec. 3.2) # if type(layer) == nn.Linear: # a = ( # 1.0 / layer.in_features # if i == 0 # else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) # ) # layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) # elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": # torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( # layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" # ) # torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays # self.split_network[i_split][-1] *= 0.0 # if self.use_last_layer_bias: # self.split_network[i_split][-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network full ##### ##### split network single ##### self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[-1] *= 0.0 ##### split network single ##### def forward(self, input_pts, input_pts_ts, details=None, special_loss_return=False): # special loss return # raw_input_pts = input_pts[:, :3] # positional encoding includes raw 3D coordinates as first three entries # # print(f) if self.embed_fn_fine is not None: # embed fn # input_pts = self.embed_fn_fine(input_pts) if special_loss_return and details is None: # details is None # details = {} expanded_input_pts_ts = torch.zeros((input_pts.size(0)), dtype=torch.long) expanded_input_pts_ts = expanded_input_pts_ts + input_pts_ts input_latents = self.bending_latent(expanded_input_pts_ts) # print(f"input_pts: {input_pts.size()}, input_latents: {input_latents.size()}, raw_input_pts: {raw_input_pts.size()}") # input_latents = input_latent.expand(input_pts.size()[0], -1) x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) # input pts with bending latents # if (not self.use_split_network) or (self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < 5): cur_network = else: cur_network = self.split_network # cur_network = self.split_network[input_pts_ts - 5] # use no grad # # n_timesteps # if self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < 5: # if self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < self.n_timesteps - 1: # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) # else: # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) ''' use the single split network without no_grad setting ''' for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): x = layer(x) # SIREN if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: x *= 30.0 if i != len( - 1: x = self.activation_function(x) if i in self.skips: x =[input_pts, x], -1) ''' use the single split network without no_grad setting ''' # if self.use_split_network: # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) # else: # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) unmasked_offsets = x if details is not None: details["unmasked_offsets"] = unmasked_offsets if self.use_rigidity_network: # bending network? rigidity network... # # bending network and the bending network # # if self.rigidity_use_latent: x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) else: x = input_pts for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network): x = layer(x) # SIREN if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: x *= 30.0 if i != len(self.rigidity_network) - 1: x = self.rigidity_activation_function(x) if i in self.rigidity_skips: x =[input_pts, x], -1) rigidity_mask = (self.rigidity_tanh(x) + 1) / 2 # close to 1 for nonrigid, close to 0 for rigid if self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff is not None: rigidity_mask[rigidity_mask <= self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff] = 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: masked_offsets = rigidity_mask * unmasked_offsets if self.test_time_scaling is not None: masked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + masked_offsets # skip connection # rigidity if details is not None: details["rigidity_mask"] = rigidity_mask details["masked_offsets"] = masked_offsets else: if self.test_time_scaling is not None: unmasked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + unmasked_offsets # skip connection # if input_pts_ts >= 5: # avg_offsets_abs = torch.mean(torch.abs(unmasked_offsets), dim=0) # print(f"input_ts: {input_pts_ts}, offset_avg: {avg_offsets_abs}") if self.use_opt_rigid_translations: def_points = self.rigid_translations.unsqueeze(0).repeat(raw_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1) def_points = batched_index_select(def_points, indices=expanded_input_pts_ts.unsqueeze(-1), dim=1).squeeze(1) if len(def_points.size()) > 2: def_points = def_points.squeeze(1) minn_raw_input_pts, _ = torch.min(raw_input_pts, dim=0) maxx_raw_input_pts, _ = torch.max(raw_input_pts, dim=0) # print(f"minn_raw_input_pts: {minn_raw_input_pts}, maxx_raw_input_pts: {maxx_raw_input_pts}") # get the 3D points tracking # optimize for the 3D points # # new_points = raw_input_pts - def_points if special_loss_return: # used for compute_divergence_loss() # long term motion and the tracking # long term return details else: return new_points # model 1 # use rigid translations # # use the rigidity network # class BendingNetworkRigidTrans(nn.Module): def __init__(self, d_in, multires, bending_n_timesteps, bending_latent_size, rigidity_hidden_dimensions, # hidden dimensions # rigidity_network_depth, rigidity_use_latent=False, use_rigidity_network=False): super(BendingNetworkRigidTrans, self).__init__() self.use_positionally_encoded_input = False self.input_ch = 3 self.output_ch = 3 self.bending_n_timesteps = bending_n_timesteps self.bending_latent_size = bending_latent_size self.use_rigidity_network = use_rigidity_network self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions = rigidity_hidden_dimensions self.rigidity_network_depth = rigidity_network_depth self.rigidity_use_latent = rigidity_use_latent # simple scene editing. set to None during training. self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff = None self.test_time_scaling = None self.activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.hidden_dimensions = 64 self.network_depth = 5 self.skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 use_last_layer_bias = False self.use_last_layer_bias = use_last_layer_bias self.embed_fn_fine = None # embed fn and the embed fn # if multires > 0: embed_fn, self.input_ch = get_embedder(multires, input_dims=d_in) self.embed_fn_fine = embed_fn # self.bending_latent = nn.Parameter( # torch.zeros((self.bending_n_timesteps, self.bending_hi)) # ) self.bending_latent = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=self.bending_latent_size ) self.rigid_translations = nn.Embedding( num_embeddings=self.bending_n_timesteps, embedding_dim=3 # get the ) # self.rigid_translations.weight. torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.rigid_translations.weight) = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate([:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias:[-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: self.rigidity_activation_function = F.relu # F.relu, torch.sin self.rigidity_skips = [] # do not include 0 and do not include depth-1 # use_last_layer_bias = True self.rigidity_tanh = nn.Tanh() if self.rigidity_use_latent: self.rigidity_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.rigidity_skips else nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.rigidity_network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, 1, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) else: self.rigidity_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.rigidity_skips else nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.rigidity_network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.rigidity_hidden_dimensions, 1, bias=use_last_layer_bias)]) # initialize weights with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network[:-1]): if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights self.rigidity_network[-1] *= 0.0 if use_last_layer_bias: self.rigidity_network[-1] *= 0.0 # self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( # [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], # [-0.0008, 0.0040, 0.0159], # [-0.0566, 0.0099, 0.0173]], dtype=torch.float32 # ) # self.use_opt_rigid_translations = False # load utils and the loading .... ## self.use_split_network = False def set_rigid_translations_optimizable(self, n_ts): if n_ts == 3: self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0008, 0.0040, 0.0159], [-0.0566, 0.0099, 0.0173]], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True ) elif n_ts == 5: self.rigid_translations = torch.tensor( [[ 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000], [-0.0097, 0.0305, 0.0342], [-0.1211, 0.1123, 0.0565], [-0.2700, 0.1271, 0.0412], [-0.3081, 0.1174, 0.0529]], dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=False ) # self.rigid_translations.requires_grad = True # self.rigid_translations.requires_grad_ = True # self.rigid_translations = nn.Parameter( # self.rigid_translations, requires_grad=True # ) def set_split_bending_network(self, ): self.use_split_network = True # self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + # [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # if i + 1 in self.skips # else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) # for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + # [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)]) self.split_network = nn.ModuleList( [nn.ModuleList( [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.bending_latent_size, self.hidden_dimensions)] + [nn.Linear(self.input_ch + self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) if i + 1 in self.skips else nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.hidden_dimensions) for i in range(self.network_depth - 2)] + [nn.Linear(self.hidden_dimensions, self.output_ch, bias=self.use_last_layer_bias)] ) for _ in range(self.bending_n_timesteps - 5)] ) for i_split in range(len(self.split_network)): with torch.no_grad(): for i, layer in enumerate(self.split_network[i_split][:-1]): if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin": # SIREN ( Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Functions # Sec. 3.2) if type(layer) == nn.Linear: a = ( 1.0 / layer.in_features if i == 0 else np.sqrt(6.0 / layer.in_features) ) layer.weight.uniform_(-a, a) elif self.activation_function.__name__ == "relu": torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_( layer.weight, a=0, mode="fan_in", nonlinearity="relu" ) torch.nn.init.zeros_(layer.bias) # initialize final layer to zero weights to start out with straight rays self.split_network[i_split][-1] *= 0.0 if self.use_last_layer_bias: self.split_network[i_split][-1] *= 0.0 def forward(self, input_pts, input_pts_ts, details=None, special_loss_return=False): # special loss return # raw_input_pts = input_pts[:, :3] # positional encoding includes raw 3D coordinates as first three entries # # print(f) if self.embed_fn_fine is not None: # embed fn # input_pts = self.embed_fn_fine(input_pts) if special_loss_return and details is None: # details is None # details = {} expanded_input_pts_ts = torch.zeros((input_pts.size(0)), dtype=torch.long) expanded_input_pts_ts = expanded_input_pts_ts + input_pts_ts # input_latents = self.bending_latent(expanded_input_pts_ts) # # print(f"input_pts: {input_pts.size()}, input_latents: {input_latents.size()}, raw_input_pts: {raw_input_pts.size()}") # # input_latents = input_latent.expand(input_pts.size()[0], -1) # x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) # input pts with bending latents # # if (not self.use_split_network) or (self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < 5): # cur_network = # else: # # cur_network = self.split_network # cur_network = self.split_network[input_pts_ts - 5] # # n_timesteps # # if self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < 5: # if self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < self.n_timesteps - 1: # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) # else: # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) x = self.rigid_translations(expanded_input_pts_ts) # .repeat(input_pts.size(0), 1).contiguous() unmasked_offsets = x if details is not None: details["unmasked_offsets"] = unmasked_offsets if self.use_rigidity_network: # bending network? rigidity network... # # bending network and the bending network # # if self.rigidity_use_latent: x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) else: x = input_pts for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network): x = layer(x) # SIREN if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: x *= 30.0 if i != len(self.rigidity_network) - 1: x = self.rigidity_activation_function(x) if i in self.rigidity_skips: x =[input_pts, x], -1) rigidity_mask = (self.rigidity_tanh(x) + 1) / 2 # close to 1 for nonrigid, close to 0 for rigid if self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff is not None: rigidity_mask[rigidity_mask <= self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff] = 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: masked_offsets = rigidity_mask * unmasked_offsets if self.test_time_scaling is not None: masked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + masked_offsets # skip connection # rigidity if details is not None: details["rigidity_mask"] = rigidity_mask details["masked_offsets"] = masked_offsets else: if self.test_time_scaling is not None: unmasked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + unmasked_offsets # skip connection # if input_pts_ts >= 5: # avg_offsets_abs = torch.mean(torch.abs(unmasked_offsets), dim=0) # print(f"input_ts: {input_pts_ts}, offset_avg: {avg_offsets_abs}") # if self.use_opt_rigid_translations: # def_points = self.rigid_translations.unsqueeze(0).repeat(raw_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1) # def_points = batched_index_select(def_points, indices=expanded_input_pts_ts.unsqueeze(-1), dim=1).squeeze(1) # if len(def_points.size()) > 2: # def_points = def_points.squeeze(1) # minn_raw_input_pts, _ = torch.min(raw_input_pts, dim=0) # maxx_raw_input_pts, _ = torch.max(raw_input_pts, dim=0) # # print(f"minn_raw_input_pts: {minn_raw_input_pts}, maxx_raw_input_pts: {maxx_raw_input_pts}") # # get the 3D points tracking # optimize for the 3D points # # # # new_points = raw_input_pts - def_points if special_loss_return: # used for compute_divergence_loss() # long term motion and the tracking # long term return details else: return new_points def forward_delta(self, input_pts, input_pts_ts, details=None, special_loss_return=False): # special loss return # raw_input_pts = input_pts[:, :3] # positional encoding includes raw 3D coordinates as first three entries # # print(f) if self.embed_fn_fine is not None: # embed fn # input_pts = self.embed_fn_fine(input_pts) if special_loss_return and details is None: # details is None # details = {} expanded_input_pts_ts = torch.zeros((input_pts.size(0)), dtype=torch.long) expanded_input_pts_ts = expanded_input_pts_ts + input_pts_ts # input_latents = self.bending_latent(expanded_input_pts_ts) # # print(f"input_pts: {input_pts.size()}, input_latents: {input_latents.size()}, raw_input_pts: {raw_input_pts.size()}") # # input_latents = input_latent.expand(input_pts.size()[0], -1) # x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) # input pts with bending latents # # if (not self.use_split_network) or (self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < 5): # cur_network = # else: # # cur_network = self.split_network # cur_network = self.split_network[input_pts_ts - 5] # # n_timesteps # # if self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < 5: # if self.use_split_network and input_pts_ts < self.n_timesteps - 1: # with torch.no_grad(): # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) # else: # for i, layer in enumerate(cur_network): # x = layer(x) # # SIREN # if self.activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: # x *= 30.0 # if i != len( - 1: # x = self.activation_function(x) # if i in self.skips: # x =[input_pts, x], -1) if input_pts_ts > 0: ## x_{0} = x_t + off_t ## x_0 = x_{t-1} + off_t ## 0 = x_t - x_{t-1} + off_t - off_{t-1} --> x_{t-1} = x_t + off_t - off_{t-1} off_t = self.rigid_translations(expanded_input_pts_ts) prev_expanded_input_pts_ts = expanded_input_pts_ts - 1 prev_off_t = self.rigid_translations(prev_expanded_input_pts_ts) x = off_t - prev_off_t else: off_t = self.rigid_translations(expanded_input_pts_ts) x = off_t # x = self.rigid_translations(expanded_input_pts_ts) # .repeat(input_pts.size(0), 1).contiguous() unmasked_offsets = x if details is not None: details["unmasked_offsets"] = unmasked_offsets if self.use_rigidity_network: # bending network? rigidity network... # # bending network and the bending network # # if self.rigidity_use_latent: x =[input_pts, input_latents], -1) else: x = input_pts for i, layer in enumerate(self.rigidity_network): x = layer(x) # SIREN if self.rigidity_activation_function.__name__ == "sin" and i == 0: x *= 30.0 if i != len(self.rigidity_network) - 1: x = self.rigidity_activation_function(x) if i in self.rigidity_skips: x =[input_pts, x], -1) rigidity_mask = (self.rigidity_tanh(x) + 1) / 2 # close to 1 for nonrigid, close to 0 for rigid if self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff is not None: rigidity_mask[rigidity_mask <= self.rigidity_test_time_cutoff] = 0.0 if self.use_rigidity_network: masked_offsets = rigidity_mask * unmasked_offsets if self.test_time_scaling is not None: masked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + masked_offsets # skip connection # rigidity if details is not None: details["rigidity_mask"] = rigidity_mask details["masked_offsets"] = masked_offsets else: if self.test_time_scaling is not None: unmasked_offsets *= self.test_time_scaling new_points = raw_input_pts + unmasked_offsets # skip connection # if input_pts_ts >= 5: # avg_offsets_abs = torch.mean(torch.abs(unmasked_offsets), dim=0) # print(f"input_ts: {input_pts_ts}, offset_avg: {avg_offsets_abs}") # if self.use_opt_rigid_translations: # def_points = self.rigid_translations.unsqueeze(0).repeat(raw_input_pts.size(0), 1, 1) # def_points = batched_index_select(def_points, indices=expanded_input_pts_ts.unsqueeze(-1), dim=1).squeeze(1) # if len(def_points.size()) > 2: # def_points = def_points.squeeze(1) # minn_raw_input_pts, _ = torch.min(raw_input_pts, dim=0) # maxx_raw_input_pts, _ = torch.max(raw_input_pts, dim=0) # # print(f"minn_raw_input_pts: {minn_raw_input_pts}, maxx_raw_input_pts: {maxx_raw_input_pts}") # # get the 3D points tracking # optimize for the 3D points # # # # new_points = raw_input_pts - def_points if special_loss_return: # used for compute_divergence_loss() # long term motion and the tracking # long term return details else: return new_points