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import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
# from gradio_inter.predict_from_file import predict_from_file
# from gradio_inter.create_bash_file import create_bash_file
def create_bash_file(single_path_seq):
ori_bash_file = "./scripts_demo/train_grab_pointset_points_dyn_s1.sh"
with open(ori_bash_file) as rf:
bash_string = rf.read()
bash_string = bash_string.replace("./data/102_grab_all_data.npy", single_path_seq)
dst_bash_file = "./scripts_demo/train_grab_pointset_points_dyn_s1.sh"
with open(dst_bash_file, "w") as wf:
return dst_bash_file
# from sample.reconstruct_data_taco import reconstruct_from_file
def create_temp_file(path: str) -> str:
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
temp_folder = os.path.join(temp_dir, "denoising")
os.makedirs(temp_folder, exist_ok=True)
# Clean up directory
# for i in os.listdir(temp_folder):
# print("Removing", i)
# os.remove(os.path.join(temp_folder, i))
temp_path = os.path.join(temp_folder, path.split("/")[-1])
shutil.copy2(path, temp_path)
return temp_path
# from gradio_inter.predict import predict_from_data
# from gradio_inter.predi
def transpose(matrix):
return matrix.T
def predict(file_path: str):
temp_file_path = create_temp_file(file_path)
# predict_from_file
temp_bash_file = create_bash_file(temp_file_path)
os.system(f"bash {temp_bash_file}")
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
base_exp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "quasi_sim")
os.makedirs(base_exp_dir, exist_ok=True)
base_exp_dir = os.path.join(base_exp_dir, "exp")
os.makedirs(base_exp_dir, exist_ok=True)
base_exp_dir = f"{base_exp_dir}/wmask"
print(f"self.base_exp_dir:", base_exp_dir)
base_exp_dir = base_exp_dir + f"_reverse_value_totviews_"
os.makedirs(base_exp_dir, exist_ok=True)
# self.dataset = Dataset(self.conf['dataset'])
mano_pts_retar_sv_info_fn = os.path.join(base_exp_dir, f"ts_to_hand_obj_verts.npy")
return mano_pts_retar_sv_info_fn
# res_file_path = "/tmp/denoising/save/predicted_infos_seed_0_tag_20231104_017_jts_spatial_t_100__st_0.npy"
# saved_path = reconstruct_from_file(temp_file_path)
# return saved_path
def create_demo():
USAGE = """# QuasiSim: Parameterized Quasi-Physical Simulators for Dexterous Manipulations Transfer
**[Project](https://meowuu7.github.io/QuasiSim/) | [Github](https://github.com/Meowuu7/QuasiSim)**
This demo transforms the input human manipulation demonstration to the trajectory of `point set` (a relaxed representation of articulated rigid object introduced in QuasiSim). It is the first step of the first stage of our optimization process. Please checkout our [github repo](https://github.com/Meowuu7/QuasiSim) for more details and instructions of running locally.
## Input data format
Currently, the demo accepts a `.npy` file containing a human manipulation trajectory organized as the following format:
"sv_dict": {
"rhand_global_orient_gt": numpy.ndarray(seq_length, 3), # MANO global orientation coefficient
"rhand_transl": numpy.ndarray(seq_length, 3), # MANO global translation coefficient
"rhand_verts": numpy.ndarray(seq_length, 778, 3), # MANO hand vertices
"object_global_orient": numpy.ndarray(seq_length, 3), # Object global orientation (represented as rotation vectors, check below for details w.r.t. how to convert it to the rotation matrix)
"object_transl": numpy.ndarray(seq_length, 3), # Object global translations
"obj_faces": numpy.ndarray(nn_faces, 3), # Object mesh faces
"obj_verts": numpy.ndarray(nn_vertices, 3), # Object mesh vertices
"obj_vertex_normals": numpy.ndarray(nn_vertices, 3), # Object mesh vertex normals
"obj_sdf": numpy.ndarray(sdf_res, sdf_res, sdf_res), # Pre-processed object SDF values (see below for SDF processing details)
**How to transform the object global orientation to the rotation matrix**: The object global orientation is represented as the rotation vector. To convert it to the rotation matrix, you can use `scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation` as follows:
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
r = Rotation.from_rotvec(object_global_orient)
object_global_orient_rotmat = r.as_matrix()
To transform the canonical object mesh vertices using the orientation vector (`object_global_orient`) and the global translation (`object_global_trans`), you can use the following code:
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
r = Rotation.from_rotvec(object_global_orient)
object_global_orient_rotmat = r.as_matrix()
cur_transformed_verts = np.matmul(
obj_verts, object_global_orient_rotmat
) + object_global_trans[None, :]
We use [mesh-to-sdf](https://github.com/wang-ps/mesh2sdf) to pre-process the object mesh to the SDF values. The SDF values are stored in a 3D numpy array with the shape of `(sdf_res, sdf_res, sdf_res)`, where `sdf_res` is set to `128` in our experiments. Please check out [compute sdf](https://github.com/Meowuu7/QuasiSim/blob/main/utils/grab_preprocessing.py#L151) for our pre-processing function.
Currently, the demo only accepts input trajectories with 60 frames.
We provide an example [here](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgSPtac7QUbHgVncbYUdKI1f5TvE?e=sRhirK).
## To run the demo,
1. Upload a `numpy` file to the left box by draging your file or clicking the box to open the file explorer.
2. Clik the `Submit` button to run the demo.
3. The optimized trajectory of the point set will be output as a `.npy` file and can be downloaded from the right box.
Since the model runs on CPU currently, the speed is quite slow. For instance, it takes around 32h (yeah, hours...) to process the [example](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgSPtac7QUbHgVoY8jPkPZfrDkJw?e=JYFi5a) mentioned above which contains 60 frames. However, it takes only several minutes to complish when running on a GPU! Therefore, we highly recommand checking out our [github repo](https://github.com/Meowuu7/QuasiSim), setting up an environment with GPU support, and running it locally.
## Output data format
The output is a `.npy` file containing the optimized trajectory of the point set sequence organized as a `dict` in the following format:
"ts_to_hand_obj_verts": {
ts: (hand points (numpy.ndarray(number of points contained in the point set rep, 3)), object points (numpy.ndarray(nn_vertices, 3))) for ts in range(0, seq_length)
The corresponding output file of the [example](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgSPtac7QUbHgVoY8jPkPZfrDkJw?e=JYFi5a) mentioned above can be downloaded [here](https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgSPtac7QUbHgVoY8jPkPZfrDkJw?e=JYFi5a).
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# demo =
# gr.Interface(
# predict,
# # gr.Dataframe(type="numpy", datatype="number", row_count=5, col_count=3),
# gr.File(type="filepath"),
# gr.File(type="filepath"),
# cache_examples=False
# )
input_file = gr.File(type="filepath")
output_file = gr.File(type="filepath")
# gr.Dataframe(type="numpy", datatype="number", row_count=5, col_count=3),
inputs = input_file
outputs = output_file
examples=[os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "./data/102_grab_all_data.npy")],
return demo
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo = create_demo()