callbacks[$procedure] = $callback; return $this; } /** * Bind a procedure to a class * * @access public * @param string $procedure Procedure name * @param mixed $class Class name or instance * @param string $method Procedure name * @return $this */ public function withClassAndMethod($procedure, $class, $method = '') { if ($method === '') { $method = $procedure; } $this->classes[$procedure] = array($class, $method); return $this; } /** * Bind a class instance * * @access public * @param mixed $instance * @return $this */ public function withObject($instance) { $this->instances[] = $instance; return $this; } /** * Set a before method to call * * @access public * @param string $methodName * @return $this */ public function withBeforeMethod($methodName) { $this->beforeMethodName = $methodName; return $this; } /** * Register multiple procedures from array * * @access public * @param array $callbacks Array with procedure names (array keys) and callbacks (array values) * @return $this */ public function withCallbackArray($callbacks) { foreach ($callbacks as $procedure => $callback) { $this->withCallback($procedure, $callback); } return $this; } /** * Bind multiple procedures to classes from array * * @access public * @param array $callbacks Array with procedure names (array keys) and class and method names (array values) * @return $this */ public function withClassAndMethodArray($callbacks) { foreach ($callbacks as $procedure => $callback) { $this->withClassAndMethod($procedure, $callback[0], $callback[1]); } return $this; } /** * Execute the procedure * * @access public * @param string $procedure Procedure name * @param array $params Procedure params * @return mixed */ public function executeProcedure($procedure, array $params = array()) { if (isset($this->callbacks[$procedure])) { return $this->executeCallback($this->callbacks[$procedure], $params); } elseif (isset($this->classes[$procedure]) && method_exists($this->classes[$procedure][0], $this->classes[$procedure][1])) { return $this->executeMethod($this->classes[$procedure][0], $this->classes[$procedure][1], $params); } foreach ($this->instances as $instance) { if (method_exists($instance, $procedure)) { return $this->executeMethod($instance, $procedure, $params); } } throw new BadFunctionCallException('Unable to find the procedure'); } /** * Execute a callback * * @access public * @param Closure $callback Callback * @param array $params Procedure params * @return mixed */ public function executeCallback(Closure $callback, $params) { $reflection = new ReflectionFunction($callback); $arguments = $this->getArguments( $params, $reflection->getParameters(), $reflection->getNumberOfRequiredParameters(), $reflection->getNumberOfParameters() ); return $reflection->invokeArgs($arguments); } /** * Execute a method * * @access public * @param mixed $class Class name or instance * @param string $method Method name * @param array $params Procedure params * @return mixed */ public function executeMethod($class, $method, $params) { $instance = is_string($class) ? new $class : $class; $reflection = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method); $this->executeBeforeMethod($instance, $method); $arguments = $this->getArguments( $params, $reflection->getParameters(), $reflection->getNumberOfRequiredParameters(), $reflection->getNumberOfParameters() ); return $reflection->invokeArgs($instance, $arguments); } /** * Execute before method if defined * * @access public * @param mixed $object * @param string $method */ public function executeBeforeMethod($object, $method) { if ($this->beforeMethodName !== '' && method_exists($object, $this->beforeMethodName)) { call_user_func_array(array($object, $this->beforeMethodName), array($method)); } } /** * Get procedure arguments * * @access public * @param array $requestParams Incoming arguments * @param array $methodParams Procedure arguments * @param integer $nbRequiredParams Number of required parameters * @param integer $nbMaxParams Maximum number of parameters * @return array */ public function getArguments(array $requestParams, array $methodParams, $nbRequiredParams, $nbMaxParams) { $nbParams = count($requestParams); if ($nbParams < $nbRequiredParams) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Wrong number of arguments'); } if ($nbParams > $nbMaxParams) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Too many arguments'); } if ($this->isPositionalArguments($requestParams)) { return $requestParams; } return $this->getNamedArguments($requestParams, $methodParams); } /** * Return true if we have positional parameters * * @access public * @param array $request_params Incoming arguments * @return bool */ public function isPositionalArguments(array $request_params) { return array_keys($request_params) === range(0, count($request_params) - 1); } /** * Get named arguments * * @access public * @param array $requestParams Incoming arguments * @param array $methodParams Procedure arguments * @return array */ public function getNamedArguments(array $requestParams, array $methodParams) { $params = array(); foreach ($methodParams as $p) { $name = $p->getName(); if (array_key_exists($name, $requestParams)) { $params[$name] = $requestParams[$name]; } elseif ($p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $params[$name] = $p->getDefaultValue(); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing argument: '.$name); } } return $params; } }