kb / app /Helper /SubtaskHelper.php
Xv Zan
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namespace Kanboard\Helper;
use Kanboard\Core\Base;
use Kanboard\Model\SubtaskModel;
* Subtask helpers
* @package helper
* @author Frederic Guillot
class SubtaskHelper extends Base
* Return if the current user has a subtask in progress
* @return bool
public function hasSubtaskInProgress()
return session_is_true('hasSubtaskInProgress');
* Render subtask title
* @param array $subtask
* @return string
public function renderTitle(array $subtask)
if ($subtask['status'] == 0) {
$html = '<i class="fa fa-square-o fa-fw ' . ($this->hasSubtaskInProgress() ? 'js-modal-confirm' : '') . '"></i>';
} elseif ($subtask['status'] == 1) {
$html = '<i class="fa fa-gears fa-fw"></i>';
} else {
$html = '<i class="fa fa-check-square-o fa-fw"></i>';
return $html.$this->helper->text->e($subtask['title']);
* Get the link to toggle subtask status
* @access public
* @param array $task
* @param array $subtask
* @param string $fragment
* @param int $userId
* @return string
public function renderToggleStatus(array $task, array $subtask, $fragment = '', $userId = 0)
if (! $this->helper->user->hasProjectAccess('SubtaskController', 'edit', $task['project_id'])) {
$html = $this->renderTitle($subtask);
} else {
$title = $this->renderTitle($subtask);
$params = array(
'project_id' => $task['project_id'],
'task_id' => $subtask['task_id'],
'subtask_id' => $subtask['id'],
'user_id' => $userId,
'fragment' => $fragment,
'csrf_token' => $this->token->getReusableCSRFToken(),
if ($subtask['status'] == 0 && $this->hasSubtaskInProgress()) {
$html = $this->helper->url->link($title, 'SubtaskRestrictionController', 'show', $params, false, 'js-modal-confirm', $this->getSubtaskTooltip($subtask));
} else {
$html = $this->helper->url->link($title, 'SubtaskStatusController', 'change', $params, false, 'js-subtask-toggle-status', $this->getSubtaskTooltip($subtask));
return '<span class="subtask-title">'.$html.'</span>';
public function renderTimer(array $task, array $subtask)
$html = '<span class="subtask-timer-toggle">';
$params = array(
'task_id' => $subtask['task_id'],
'subtask_id' => $subtask['id'],
'timer' => '',
'csrf_token' => $this->token->getReusableCSRFToken(),
if ($subtask['is_timer_started']) {
$params['timer'] = 'stop';
$html .= $this->helper->url->icon('pause', t('Stop timer'), 'SubtaskStatusController', 'timer', $params, false, 'js-subtask-toggle-timer');
$html .= ' (' . $this->helper->dt->age($subtask['timer_start_date']) .')';
} else {
$params['timer'] = 'start';
$html .= $this->helper->url->icon('play-circle-o', t('Start timer'), 'SubtaskStatusController', 'timer', $params, false, 'js-subtask-toggle-timer');
$html .= '</span>';
return $html;
public function renderBulkTitleField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
$attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="1"', 'required'), $attributes);
$html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Title'), 'title');
$html .= $this->helper->form->textarea('title', $values, $errors, $attributes);
$html .= '<p class="form-help">'.t('Enter one subtask by line.').'</p>';
return $html;
public function renderTitleField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
$attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="1"', 'required'), $attributes);
$html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Title'), 'title');
$html .= $this->helper->form->text('title', $values, $errors, $attributes, 'form-max-width');
return $html;
public function renderAssigneeField(array $users, array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
$attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="2"'), $attributes);
$html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Assignee'), 'user_id');
$html .= $this->helper->form->select('user_id', $users, $values, $errors, $attributes);
$html .= '&nbsp;';
$html .= '<small>';
$html .= '<a href="#" class="assign-me" data-target-id="form-user_id" data-current-id="'.$this->userSession->getId().'" title="'.t('Assign to me').'" aria-label="'.t('Assign to me').'">'.t('Me').'</a>';
$html .= '</small>';
return $html;
public function renderTimeEstimatedField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
$attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="3"'), $attributes);
$html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Original estimate'), 'time_estimated');
$html .= $this->helper->form->numeric('time_estimated', $values, $errors, $attributes);
$html .= ' '.t('hours');
return $html;
public function renderTimeSpentField(array $values, array $errors = array(), array $attributes = array())
$attributes = array_merge(array('tabindex="4"'), $attributes);
$html = $this->helper->form->label(t('Time spent'), 'time_spent');
$html .= $this->helper->form->numeric('time_spent', $values, $errors, $attributes);
$html .= ' '.t('hours');
return $html;
public function getSubtaskTooltip(array $subtask)
switch ($subtask['status']) {
case SubtaskModel::STATUS_TODO:
return t('Subtask not started');
case SubtaskModel::STATUS_INPROGRESS:
return t('Subtask currently in progress');
case SubtaskModel::STATUS_DONE:
return t('Subtask completed');
return '';