import streamlit as st import random import openai import os from PIL import Image from transformers import pipeline if "model" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.model = pipeline("image-to-text", model="Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large") if "result" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.result = "" if "essay" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.essay = "" # 初始化图片描述生成模型 # image_to_text = pipeline("image-to-text", model="Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large") # Set OpenAI API key OPENAI_API_KEY = st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"] if not OPENAI_API_KEY: st.error("OPENAI_API_KEY not set in environment variables!") raise SystemExit openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY st.set_page_config(layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed") def split_image(image, output_dir='.'): # 获取图片尺寸 width, height = image.size # 计算每一部分的宽度 part_width = width // 3 # 存储分割后图片的路径和描述 results = [] # 分割图片并保存 for i in range(3): left = i * part_width right = left + part_width if i != 2 else width part_img = image.crop((left, 0, right, height)) file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f'part_{i + 1}.png') # 生成图片描述 caption = st.session_state.model(part_img) results.append((file_path, caption)) return results def add_numbering_after_dot(input_string): sentences = input_string.split(".") numbered_sentences = [] sentence_count = 1 for sentence in sentences: sentence = sentence.strip() if sentence: numbered_sentences.append(f"{sentence}.【{sentence_count}】") sentence_count += 1 return " ".join(numbered_sentences) def add_paragraph_numbering(input_text): paragraphs = input_text.split("\n\n") numbered_text = "" for i, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs, start=1): numbered_text += f"{i}. {paragraph}\n\n" return numbered_text def get_completion_from_messages(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", temperature=0, max_tokens=1000): response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model=model, messages=messages, temperature=temperature, max_tokens=max_tokens, ) return response.choices[0].message["content"] student_essay = '''One Saturday, Jack’s parents were sitting in the sofa and reading a magazic. “ I want to go Sanya on holiday!” said Jack in a cheerful manner. “Let’s go!” A few minutes later they arrived to the air plane station. Suddenly, the sky turned black and it stared to rain. “Oh, it’s a bad weather to go travelling!’ said Jack. One hours later, they arrived the Sanya, the sky was sunny and they played on the beach. “What a wonderful day!” said Jack.''' example = """ student essay: One day, dad was reading a magazine where there have lots of information in it. “Would you like to go on holiday in San Ya?” asked dad. He thinks San Ya is a warm city in China, which is the perfect place to spend holiday. Then, he bought three tickets. It rains dogs and cats when they were going to the plane. “What a bad weather!” said Tom. One days ago, they arrived at there on Saturday. A local person, who is the photographer, helped they took a photo. They had a happy holiday. image content: a cartoon of a family sitting on a couch reading a book,a cartoon drawing of a group of people climbing up a flight of stairs ,a cartoon drawing of a family standing on the beach you should return: Total mark: 15 points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content 5 points - Each picture involves content: ✔️ - Each image contains 2-3 sentences; if sub-clauses are used, description can be reduced to 1-2 sentences for each image: ✔️ - Writing is relevant with sufficient information conveyed: ✔️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Organization 5 points - Structured writing with clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The first two sentences provide clear context regarding time, place, individuals, and actions: ✔️ - Sentences are 90% logically connected: ✔️ - Incorporates 2-3 different linkage techniques such as conjunctions (because, but, so) and adverbs (unexpectedly, fortunately): ✔️ - Uses at least 5 linkage techniques, with a mixture of 2-3 different methods: ✔️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Language 5 points Dimension 1: Complexity - About 20% (15-20%) of words are bi-syllabic or multi-syllabic: ✔️ - Includes 3 words of B1 level or above: ✔️ - Covers 2-3 types of sub-clauses: adverbial and relative: ✔️ - At least 3 compound sentence structures: ✔️ Dimension 2: Diversity - Diverse word usage without obvious repetitive grammar structures: ✔️ Language Dimension 3: Accuracy - Word spelling errors (e.g., "the-they") and grammatical errors (e.g., "...Where there were lots of pleasant beaches...; I wanted to travelling to Sanya, Because"): ❌ (Vocabulary richness compensates for this shortcoming) """ example_2 = """ student essay: There is a Jack’s birthday. There are he, his brother, mum and dad. His brother is giving him a ball to football. Next day, Jack and his brother are playing football match. Jack score a goal. image content: cartoon of a family sitting around a table with a birthday cake,cartoon of a man giving a birthday cake to a woman, cartoon of a man kicking a soccer ball into a goal you should return: Total mark: 9 points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content 3 points: - Each picture involves content: ✔️ - Each picture has at least one sentence: ✔️ - The content is relevant, but the information derived from the image is not exhaustive: ❌ Organization 3 points: - Complete structure with a clear introduction, development, and conclusion: ✔️ - 50% of the sentences have logical connections: ✔️ - Contains one to two types of cohesive devices, such as pronouns (e.g., he, his brother) and temporal relations (e.g., next day). The number of cohesive devices used ranges between 2-4 for one type: ✔️ Language 3 points: *Dimension 1: Complexity* - Bi-syllabic and multi-syllabic words make up 9%: ✔️ - All words are common, everyday vocabulary: ✔️ - No complex sentences or compound sentences: ❌ *Dimension 2: Diversity* - Repetition of words: "Brother" appears 3 times, "football" appears 2 times: ❌ *Dimension 3: Accuracy* - No word spelling mistakes: ✔️ - Did not use past tense: ❌ - Grammatical errors in four places: "There is a Jack’s birthday", "There are he", "to football", "Jack score": ❌ """ system_message = f''' 你是一个剑桥KET作文老师。 请你认真批改学生在【】符号中的作文 首先你会给出你的评分,在评分文章时,你会从以下方面考虑: Content Organization Language 记住KET的Band Score都是整数 total = Content Band Score + Organization Band Score + Language Band Score。 以下是评分的要求: Band 5:Content:一个高质量的5级作文要确保每一幅图的内容都被涉及,并且每幅图都至少有2-3个句子描述(如果使用从句,描述可以缩减到1-2句)。整体的写作内容需要与主题紧密相关,并确保信息得到充分的传达。 Organization:作文需要有一个完整的结构,包括明确的开头、经过和结尾,且第一句应清晰地交代时间、地点、人物和行为。句子之间的逻辑连接需要达到90%以上,使用的衔接手段需要多样,涵盖两到三种不同类型(如连词、指代和特定的副词)。而且,衔接手段的使用不能少于5次,且不能都是同一种手段。 Language:复杂度:这要求作文中双音节和多音节词的占比为15-20%,至少有3-5个非日常生活词汇,包括2-3种不同类型的从句(如宾语从句、状语从句和定语从句),以及不少于3句的复合句式。 丰富度:作文中的单词和句子结构应该变化丰富,相同的单词和句式最多只能出现1次(人名除外)。 准确度:作文中的单词拼写和句式使用错误不能超过3个,并特别注意描述语言应使用过去时态,而对话部分则没有时态限制。 Band 4:Content:1.每幅图的内容都涉及 2.每幅图至少有1个句子 3.写作内容基本相关,1幅图细节不充分 Organization:1. 结构完整(明确的开头、经过和结尾)2.句与句之间有70%的衔接逻辑 3.包含两种衔接手段:连词、指代或副词 4.衔接手段数量为3-5个(涵盖两个种类) Language:维度1:复杂度 1.双音节、多音节词占比为10-15% 2.有1-2个非日常生活词汇 3.1-2种从句:宾从、状从或定从 4.复合句式2-3句 维度2:丰富度 相同单词、句式结构最多复现2次 维度3:准确度 单词拼写错误、句式错误:3-5个(描述语言使用过去时态,对话语言不限时态) Band 3:Content:1.每幅图内容基本涉及 2.每幅图至少有1个句子 3.写作内容稍偏离主题,至少有1幅图细节不充分 Organization:1.结构完整(明确的开头、经过和结尾)2.句与句之间有50%的衔接逻辑 3.包含一到两种衔接手段:连词、指代或副词4.衔接手段数量为2-4个(一个种类) Language:维度1:复杂度 1. 双音节、多音节词占比为5-10% 2.单词均为日常生活词汇 3.1种从句:宾从、状从或定从 4.复合句式1句 维度2:丰富度 相同单词、句式复现2次以上 维度3:准确度 单词拼写错误、句式错误:6-8个(语言错误少于6个,可不写从句) Band 2:Content:1.图片内容没有完全覆盖或图片信息有误 2.某一幅图片1个句子的描述都没有 3.写作内容稍偏离主题,至少2幅图片细节不充分 Organization:1. 结构不完整(有开头没经过或者有开头没结尾)2.句与句之间有一些逻辑(30%) 3.包含一种衔接手段:连词、指代或副词 4.衔接手段数量为1-2个 Language:维度1:复杂度 1.双音节、多音节词占比少于5% 2.单词均为日常生活词汇 3.无从句或复合句 维度2:准确度 单词拼写错误、句式错误:5-8个 Band 1:Content:1.图片信息缺漏、有误 2.两幅图片1个句子的描述都没有 3.写作内容与图片不相干 Organization:1.故事结构不完整 2.句与句之间几乎无逻辑(10%) 3.包含一种衔接手段:连词、指代或副词 4.衔接手段数量为1个 Language:维度1:复杂度 1.双音节、多音节词占比少于3% 2.单词均为日常生活词汇 3.无从句或复合句 维度2:准确度 单词拼写错误、句式错误:10个以上 Band 0:Content:写作内容与图片毫无关联 Organization:1. 缺乏故事结构 2.句与句之间毫无逻辑(0%) 3.无衔接手段 Language:1. 无双音节、多音节单词 2.无完整句型 把回答都整理成markdown格式。不要给出具体建议和修改文章。 这是一个具体的例子:{example} 这是另一个例子:{example_2} ''' st.markdown("""

阅思乐KET作文批改 demo 0.0.2

""", unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) col1, col2 = st.columns([3,3]) with col1: uploaded_image = st.file_uploader("上传作文图片", type=["jpg", "png", "jpeg"]) if uploaded_image: st.image(uploaded_image, caption="已上传的图片。", use_column_width=True) st.session_state.essay = st.text_area( " 输入你的作文", height= 400 ) push = False if st.button("开始打分"): push = True with col2: st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if student_essay and push and uploaded_image: with st.spinner('处理图片...'): image ="RGB") output_dir = '.' st.session_state.result = split_image(image, output_dir) progress_placeholder = st.empty() progress_text = "开始打分" my_bar = progress_placeholder.progress(0, text=progress_text) query = str(st.session_state.essay) user_message = query messages = [ {'role':'system', 'content': system_message}, {'role':'user', 'content': f"remember your settings student essay:【{query}】, image content:{st.session_state.result}"},] response = get_completion_from_messages(messages) my_bar.progress(50, text="开始提供相关素材") system_message_4 = ''' 你是一个KET老师,根据学生提供的文章,提供一些素材和观点的地道英文表达及中文释义; 在每句英文的后面的括号里给出中文释义 并把回答都整理成markdown格式。 这是一个具体的例子: 返回: ❤ 此类文章可能会用到的高分素材和观点,提供给你参考 ❤ - it was a scorching summer day. - ... along which there were a wide variety of shops. - It was terrible to run on such a scorching/burning day. - The moment he stopped for a short break, he had sweated heavily. (一般过去时与过去完成时连用) - The reason why he went into a convenient store was that he wanted to get something icy to drink. - ...sweated heavily; Jimmy asked the shopkeeper politely - ...replied Jimmy in a cheerful manner. 学生:''' user_message = query messages = [ {'role':'system', 'content': system_message_4}, {'role':'user', 'content': f"请记住你的设定【{query}】"},] response3 = get_completion_from_messages(messages) my_bar.progress(100, text="打分完成") st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.container(): st.markdown(response) st.divider() with st.container(): st.markdown("""


""", unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.write(response3) my_bar.empty() st.markdown('
', unsafe_allow_html=True)