from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union from ..utils import add_end_docstrings, is_torch_available, is_vision_available, logging, requires_backends from .base import PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS, Pipeline if is_vision_available(): from ..image_utils import load_image if is_torch_available(): import torch from import ( MODEL_FOR_OBJECT_DETECTION_MAPPING_NAMES, MODEL_FOR_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING_NAMES, ) logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) Prediction = Dict[str, Any] Predictions = List[Prediction] @add_end_docstrings(PIPELINE_INIT_ARGS) class ObjectDetectionPipeline(Pipeline): """ Object detection pipeline using any `AutoModelForObjectDetection`. This pipeline predicts bounding boxes of objects and their classes. Example: ```python >>> from transformers import pipeline >>> detector = pipeline(model="facebook/detr-resnet-50") >>> detector("") [{'score': 0.997, 'label': 'bird', 'box': {'xmin': 69, 'ymin': 171, 'xmax': 396, 'ymax': 507}}, {'score': 0.999, 'label': 'bird', 'box': {'xmin': 398, 'ymin': 105, 'xmax': 767, 'ymax': 507}}] >>> # x, y are expressed relative to the top left hand corner. ``` Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the [pipeline tutorial](../pipeline_tutorial) This object detection pipeline can currently be loaded from [`pipeline`] using the following task identifier: `"object-detection"`. See the list of available models on []( """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.framework == "tf": raise ValueError(f"The {self.__class__} is only available in PyTorch.") requires_backends(self, "vision") mapping = MODEL_FOR_OBJECT_DETECTION_MAPPING_NAMES.copy() mapping.update(MODEL_FOR_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_MAPPING_NAMES) self.check_model_type(mapping) def _sanitize_parameters(self, **kwargs): preprocess_params = {} if "timeout" in kwargs: preprocess_params["timeout"] = kwargs["timeout"] postprocess_kwargs = {} if "threshold" in kwargs: postprocess_kwargs["threshold"] = kwargs["threshold"] return preprocess_params, {}, postprocess_kwargs def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Predictions, List[Prediction]]: """ Detect objects (bounding boxes & classes) in the image(s) passed as inputs. Args: images (`str`, `List[str]`, `PIL.Image` or `List[PIL.Image]`): The pipeline handles three types of images: - A string containing an HTTP(S) link pointing to an image - A string containing a local path to an image - An image loaded in PIL directly The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as HTTP(S) links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images. threshold (`float`, *optional*, defaults to 0.9): The probability necessary to make a prediction. timeout (`float`, *optional*, defaults to None): The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever. Return: A list of dictionaries or a list of list of dictionaries containing the result. If the input is a single image, will return a list of dictionaries, if the input is a list of several images, will return a list of list of dictionaries corresponding to each image. The dictionaries contain the following keys: - **label** (`str`) -- The class label identified by the model. - **score** (`float`) -- The score attributed by the model for that label. - **box** (`List[Dict[str, int]]`) -- The bounding box of detected object in image's original size. """ return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) def preprocess(self, image, timeout=None): image = load_image(image, timeout=timeout) target_size = torch.IntTensor([[image.height, image.width]]) inputs = self.image_processor(images=[image], return_tensors="pt") if self.tokenizer is not None: inputs = self.tokenizer(text=inputs["words"], boxes=inputs["boxes"], return_tensors="pt") inputs["target_size"] = target_size return inputs def _forward(self, model_inputs): target_size = model_inputs.pop("target_size") outputs = self.model(**model_inputs) model_outputs = outputs.__class__({"target_size": target_size, **outputs}) if self.tokenizer is not None: model_outputs["bbox"] = model_inputs["bbox"] return model_outputs def postprocess(self, model_outputs, threshold=0.9): target_size = model_outputs["target_size"] if self.tokenizer is not None: # This is a LayoutLMForTokenClassification variant. # The OCR got the boxes and the model classified the words. height, width = target_size[0].tolist() def unnormalize(bbox): return self._get_bounding_box( torch.Tensor( [ (width * bbox[0] / 1000), (height * bbox[1] / 1000), (width * bbox[2] / 1000), (height * bbox[3] / 1000), ] ) ) scores, classes = model_outputs["logits"].squeeze(0).softmax(dim=-1).max(dim=-1) labels = [self.model.config.id2label[prediction] for prediction in classes.tolist()] boxes = [unnormalize(bbox) for bbox in model_outputs["bbox"].squeeze(0)] keys = ["score", "label", "box"] annotation = [dict(zip(keys, vals)) for vals in zip(scores.tolist(), labels, boxes) if vals[0] > threshold] else: # This is a regular ForObjectDetectionModel raw_annotations = self.image_processor.post_process_object_detection(model_outputs, threshold, target_size) raw_annotation = raw_annotations[0] scores = raw_annotation["scores"] labels = raw_annotation["labels"] boxes = raw_annotation["boxes"] raw_annotation["scores"] = scores.tolist() raw_annotation["labels"] = [self.model.config.id2label[label.item()] for label in labels] raw_annotation["boxes"] = [self._get_bounding_box(box) for box in boxes] # {"scores": [...], ...} --> [{"score":x, ...}, ...] keys = ["score", "label", "box"] annotation = [ dict(zip(keys, vals)) for vals in zip(raw_annotation["scores"], raw_annotation["labels"], raw_annotation["boxes"]) ] return annotation def _get_bounding_box(self, box: "torch.Tensor") -> Dict[str, int]: """ Turns list [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] into dict { "xmin": xmin, ... } Args: box (`torch.Tensor`): Tensor containing the coordinates in corners format. Returns: bbox (`Dict[str, int]`): Dict containing the coordinates in corners format. """ if self.framework != "pt": raise ValueError("The ObjectDetectionPipeline is only available in PyTorch.") xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox = { "xmin": xmin, "ymin": ymin, "xmax": xmax, "ymax": ymax, } return bbox