"""Functions that can be used for the most common use-cases for pdf2zh.six""" import asyncio import io import os import re import sys import tempfile import urllib.request from asyncio import CancelledError from pathlib import Path from string import Template from typing import Any, BinaryIO, List, Optional, Dict import numpy as np import requests import tqdm from pdfminer.pdfdocument import PDFDocument from pdfminer.pdfexceptions import PDFValueError from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser from pymupdf import Document, Font from pdf2zh.converter import TranslateConverter from pdf2zh.doclayout import OnnxModel from pdf2zh.pdfinterp import PDFPageInterpreterEx from pdf2zh.config import ConfigManager NOTO_NAME = "noto" noto_list = [ "am", # Amharic "ar", # Arabic "bn", # Bengali "bg", # Bulgarian "chr", # Cherokee "el", # Greek "gu", # Gujarati "iw", # Hebrew "hi", # Hindi "kn", # Kannada "ml", # Malayalam "mr", # Marathi "ru", # Russian "sr", # Serbian "ta", # Tamil "te", # Telugu "th", # Thai "ur", # Urdu "uk", # Ukrainian ] def check_files(files: List[str]) -> List[str]: files = [ f for f in files if not f.startswith("http://") ] # exclude online files, http files = [ f for f in files if not f.startswith("https://") ] # exclude online files, https missing_files = [file for file in files if not os.path.exists(file)] return missing_files def translate_patch( inf: BinaryIO, pages: Optional[list[int]] = None, vfont: str = "", vchar: str = "", thread: int = 0, doc_zh: Document = None, lang_in: str = "", lang_out: str = "", service: str = "", noto_name: str = "", noto: Font = None, callback: object = None, cancellation_event: asyncio.Event = None, model: OnnxModel = None, envs: Dict = None, prompt: Template = None, **kwarg: Any, ) -> None: rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager() layout = {} device = TranslateConverter( rsrcmgr, vfont, vchar, thread, layout, lang_in, lang_out, service, noto_name, noto, envs, prompt, ) assert device is not None obj_patch = {} interpreter = PDFPageInterpreterEx(rsrcmgr, device, obj_patch) if pages: total_pages = len(pages) else: total_pages = doc_zh.page_count parser = PDFParser(inf) doc = PDFDocument(parser) with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_pages) as progress: for pageno, page in enumerate(PDFPage.create_pages(doc)): if cancellation_event and cancellation_event.is_set(): raise CancelledError("task cancelled") if pages and (pageno not in pages): continue progress.update() if callback: callback(progress) page.pageno = pageno pix = doc_zh[page.pageno].get_pixmap() image = np.fromstring(pix.samples, np.uint8).reshape( pix.height, pix.width, 3 )[:, :, ::-1] page_layout = model.predict(image, imgsz=int(pix.height / 32) * 32)[0] # kdtree 是不可能 kdtree 的,不如直接渲染成图片,用空间换时间 box = np.ones((pix.height, pix.width)) h, w = box.shape vcls = ["abandon", "figure", "table", "isolate_formula", "formula_caption"] for i, d in enumerate(page_layout.boxes): if page_layout.names[int(d.cls)] not in vcls: x0, y0, x1, y1 = d.xyxy.squeeze() x0, y0, x1, y1 = ( np.clip(int(x0 - 1), 0, w - 1), np.clip(int(h - y1 - 1), 0, h - 1), np.clip(int(x1 + 1), 0, w - 1), np.clip(int(h - y0 + 1), 0, h - 1), ) box[y0:y1, x0:x1] = i + 2 for i, d in enumerate(page_layout.boxes): if page_layout.names[int(d.cls)] in vcls: x0, y0, x1, y1 = d.xyxy.squeeze() x0, y0, x1, y1 = ( np.clip(int(x0 - 1), 0, w - 1), np.clip(int(h - y1 - 1), 0, h - 1), np.clip(int(x1 + 1), 0, w - 1), np.clip(int(h - y0 + 1), 0, h - 1), ) box[y0:y1, x0:x1] = 0 layout[page.pageno] = box # 新建一个 xref 存放新指令流 page.page_xref = doc_zh.get_new_xref() # hack 插入页面的新 xref doc_zh.update_object(page.page_xref, "<<>>") doc_zh.update_stream(page.page_xref, b"") doc_zh[page.pageno].set_contents(page.page_xref) interpreter.process_page(page) device.close() return obj_patch def translate_stream( stream: bytes, pages: Optional[list[int]] = None, lang_in: str = "", lang_out: str = "", service: str = "", thread: int = 0, vfont: str = "", vchar: str = "", callback: object = None, cancellation_event: asyncio.Event = None, model: OnnxModel = None, envs: Dict = None, prompt: Template = None, skip_subset_fonts: bool = False, **kwarg: Any, ): font_list = [("tiro", None)] font_path = download_remote_fonts(lang_out.lower()) noto_name = NOTO_NAME noto = Font(noto_name, font_path) font_list.append((noto_name, font_path)) doc_en = Document(stream=stream) stream = io.BytesIO() doc_en.save(stream) doc_zh = Document(stream=stream) page_count = doc_zh.page_count # font_list = [("GoNotoKurrent-Regular.ttf", font_path), ("tiro", None)] font_id = {} for page in doc_zh: for font in font_list: font_id[font[0]] = page.insert_font(font[0], font[1]) xreflen = doc_zh.xref_length() for xref in range(1, xreflen): for label in ["Resources/", ""]: # 可能是基于 xobj 的 res try: # xref 读写可能出错 font_res = doc_zh.xref_get_key(xref, f"{label}Font") target_key_prefix = f"{label}Font/" if font_res[0] == "xref": resource_xref_id = re.search("(\\d+) 0 R", font_res[1]).group(1) xref = int(resource_xref_id) font_res = ("dict", doc_zh.xref_object(xref)) target_key_prefix = "" if font_res[0] == "dict": for font in font_list: target_key = f"{target_key_prefix}{font[0]}" font_exist = doc_zh.xref_get_key(xref, target_key) if font_exist[0] == "null": doc_zh.xref_set_key( xref, target_key, f"{font_id[font[0]]} 0 R", ) except Exception: pass fp = io.BytesIO() doc_zh.save(fp) obj_patch: dict = translate_patch(fp, **locals()) for obj_id, ops_new in obj_patch.items(): # ops_old=doc_en.xref_stream(obj_id) # print(obj_id) # print(ops_old) # print(ops_new.encode()) doc_zh.update_stream(obj_id, ops_new.encode()) doc_en.insert_file(doc_zh) for id in range(page_count): doc_en.move_page(page_count + id, id * 2 + 1) if not skip_subset_fonts: doc_zh.subset_fonts(fallback=True) doc_en.subset_fonts(fallback=True) return ( doc_zh.write(deflate=True, garbage=3, use_objstms=1), doc_en.write(deflate=True, garbage=3, use_objstms=1), ) def convert_to_pdfa(input_path, output_path): """ Convert PDF to PDF/A format Args: input_path: Path to source PDF file output_path: Path to save PDF/A file """ from pikepdf import Dictionary, Name, Pdf # Open the PDF file pdf = Pdf.open(input_path) # Add PDF/A conformance metadata metadata = { "pdfa_part": "2", "pdfa_conformance": "B", "title": pdf.docinfo.get("/Title", ""), "author": pdf.docinfo.get("/Author", ""), "creator": "PDF Math Translate", } with pdf.open_metadata() as meta: meta.load_from_docinfo(pdf.docinfo) meta["pdfaid:part"] = metadata["pdfa_part"] meta["pdfaid:conformance"] = metadata["pdfa_conformance"] # Create OutputIntent dictionary output_intent = Dictionary( { "/Type": Name("/OutputIntent"), "/S": Name("/GTS_PDFA1"), "/OutputConditionIdentifier": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", "/RegistryName": "http://www.color.org", "/Info": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1", } ) # Add output intent to PDF root if "/OutputIntents" not in pdf.Root: pdf.Root.OutputIntents = [output_intent] else: pdf.Root.OutputIntents.append(output_intent) # Save as PDF/A pdf.save(output_path, linearize=True) pdf.close() def translate( files: list[str], output: str = "", pages: Optional[list[int]] = None, lang_in: str = "", lang_out: str = "", service: str = "", thread: int = 0, vfont: str = "", vchar: str = "", callback: object = None, compatible: bool = False, cancellation_event: asyncio.Event = None, model: OnnxModel = None, envs: Dict = None, prompt: Template = None, skip_subset_fonts: bool = False, **kwarg: Any, ): if not files: raise PDFValueError("No files to process.") missing_files = check_files(files) if missing_files: print("The following files do not exist:", file=sys.stderr) for file in missing_files: print(f" {file}", file=sys.stderr) raise PDFValueError("Some files do not exist.") result_files = [] for file in files: if type(file) is str and ( file.startswith("http://") or file.startswith("https://") ): print("Online files detected, downloading...") try: r = requests.get(file, allow_redirects=True) if r.status_code == 200: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix=".pdf", delete=False ) as tmp_file: print(f"Writing the file: {file}...") tmp_file.write(r.content) file = tmp_file.name else: r.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise PDFValueError( f"Errors occur in downloading the PDF file. Please check the link(s).\nError:\n{e}" ) filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] # If the commandline has specified converting to PDF/A format # --compatible / -cp if compatible: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( suffix="-pdfa.pdf", delete=False ) as tmp_pdfa: print(f"Converting {file} to PDF/A format...") convert_to_pdfa(file, tmp_pdfa.name) doc_raw = open(tmp_pdfa.name, "rb") os.unlink(tmp_pdfa.name) else: doc_raw = open(file, "rb") s_raw = doc_raw.read() doc_raw.close() if file.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()): os.unlink(file) s_mono, s_dual = translate_stream( s_raw, **locals(), ) file_mono = Path(output) / f"{filename}-mono.pdf" file_dual = Path(output) / f"{filename}-dual.pdf" doc_mono = open(file_mono, "wb") doc_dual = open(file_dual, "wb") doc_mono.write(s_mono) doc_dual.write(s_dual) doc_mono.close() doc_dual.close() result_files.append((str(file_mono), str(file_dual))) return result_files def download_remote_fonts(lang: str): URL_PREFIX = "https://github.com/timelic/source-han-serif/releases/download/main/" LANG_NAME_MAP = { **{la: "GoNotoKurrent-Regular.ttf" for la in noto_list}, **{ la: f"SourceHanSerif{region}-Regular.ttf" for region, langs in { "CN": ["zh-cn", "zh-hans", "zh"], "TW": ["zh-tw", "zh-hant"], "JP": ["ja"], "KR": ["ko"], }.items() for la in langs }, } font_name = LANG_NAME_MAP.get(lang, "GoNotoKurrent-Regular.ttf") cache_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "pdf2zh") os.makedirs(cache_folder, exist_ok=True) # docker font_path = ConfigManager.get("NOTO_FONT_PATH", Path("/app", font_name).as_posix()) if not Path(font_path).exists(): font_path = Path(cache_folder, font_name).as_posix() if not Path(font_path).exists(): print(f"Downloading {font_name}...") urllib.request.urlretrieve(f"{URL_PREFIX}{font_name}", font_path) return font_path