#!/usr/bin/env bash set -Eeuo pipefail TMP="$STORAGE/tmp" DIR="$TMP/unpack" FB="falling back to manual installation!" ETFS="boot/etfsboot.com" EFISYS="efi/microsoft/boot/efisys_noprompt.bin" skipInstall() { local iso="$1" local magic byte local boot="$STORAGE/windows.boot" local previous="$STORAGE/windows.base" if [ -f "$previous" ]; then previous=$(<"$previous") if [ -n "$previous" ]; then previous="$STORAGE/$previous" if [[ "${previous,,}" != "${iso,,}" ]]; then if [ -f "$boot" ] && hasDisk; then info "Detected that the version was changed, but ignoring this because Windows is already installed." info "Please start with an empty /storage folder, if you want to install a different version of Windows." return 0 fi [ -f "$previous" ] && rm -f "$previous" return 1 fi fi fi [ -f "$boot" ] && hasDisk && return 0 [ ! -f "$iso" ] && return 1 [ ! -s "$iso" ] && return 1 # Check if the ISO was already processed by our script magic=$(dd if="$iso" seek=0 bs=1 count=1 status=none | tr -d '\000') magic="$(printf '%s' "$magic" | od -A n -t x1 -v | tr -d ' \n')" byte="16" && [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]] && byte="17" if [[ "$magic" != "$byte" ]]; then info "The ISO will be processed again because the configuration was changed..." return 1 fi return 0 } startInstall() { html "Starting $APP..." if [ -z "$CUSTOM" ]; then local file="${VERSION//\//}.iso" if [[ "${VERSION,,}" == "http"* ]]; then file=$(basename "${VERSION%%\?*}") : "${file//+/ }"; printf -v file '%b' "${_//%/\\x}" file=$(echo "$file" | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_/g') else local language language=$(getLanguage "$LANGUAGE" "culture") language="${language%%-*}" if [ -n "$language" ] && [[ "${language,,}" != "en" ]]; then file="${VERSION//\//}_${language,,}.iso" fi fi BOOT="$STORAGE/$file" ! migrateFiles "$BOOT" "$VERSION" && error "Migration failed!" && exit 57 fi skipInstall "$BOOT" && return 1 rm -rf "$TMP" mkdir -p "$TMP" if [ -z "$CUSTOM" ]; then ISO=$(basename "$BOOT") ISO="$TMP/$ISO" if [ -f "$BOOT" ] && [ -s "$BOOT" ]; then mv -f "$BOOT" "$ISO" fi fi rm -f "$BOOT" return 0 } finishInstall() { local iso="$1" local aborted="$2" local base byte if [ ! -s "$iso" ] || [ ! -f "$iso" ]; then error "Failed to find ISO file: $iso" && return 1 fi if [[ "$aborted" != [Yy1]* ]]; then # Mark ISO as prepared via magic byte byte="16" && [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]] && byte="17" if ! printf '%b' "\x$byte" | dd of="$iso" bs=1 seek=0 count=1 conv=notrunc status=none; then warn "failed to set magic byte in ISO file: $iso" fi fi rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.old" rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.vga" rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.base" rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.boot" rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.mode" rm -f "$STORAGE/windows.type" cp -f /run/version "$STORAGE/windows.ver" if [[ "$iso" == "$STORAGE/"* ]]; then if [[ "$aborted" != [Yy1]* ]] || [ -z "$CUSTOM" ]; then base=$(basename "$iso") echo "$base" > "$STORAGE/windows.base" fi fi if [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" == "x64" ]]; then if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" == "windows_legacy" ]]; then echo "$BOOT_MODE" > "$STORAGE/windows.mode" if [[ "${MACHINE,,}" != "q35" ]]; then echo "$MACHINE" > "$STORAGE/windows.old" fi else # Enable secure boot + TPM on manual installs as Win11 requires if [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]] || [[ "$aborted" == [Yy1]* ]]; then if [[ "${DETECTED,,}" == "win11"* ]]; then BOOT_MODE="windows_secure" echo "$BOOT_MODE" > "$STORAGE/windows.mode" fi fi # Enable secure boot on multi-socket systems to workaround freeze if [ -n "$SOCKETS" ] && [[ "$SOCKETS" != "1" ]]; then BOOT_MODE="windows_secure" echo "$BOOT_MODE" > "$STORAGE/windows.mode" fi fi fi if [ -n "${DISK_TYPE:-}" ] && [[ "${DISK_TYPE:-}" != "scsi" ]]; then echo "$DISK_TYPE" > "$STORAGE/windows.type" fi rm -rf "$TMP" return 0 } abortInstall() { local dir="$1" local iso="$2" local efi [[ "${iso,,}" == *".esd" ]] && exit 60 efi=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname efi | head -n 1) if [ -z "$efi" ]; then [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" == "x64" ]] && BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" fi if [ -n "$CUSTOM" ]; then BOOT="$iso" REMOVE="N" else if [[ "$iso" != "$BOOT" ]]; then if ! mv -f "$iso" "$BOOT"; then error "Failed to move ISO file: $iso" && return 1 fi fi fi finishInstall "$BOOT" "Y" && return 0 return 1 } detectCustom() { local file base CUSTOM="" file=$(find / -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname custom.iso | head -n 1) [ ! -s "$file" ] && file=$(find "$STORAGE" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname custom.iso | head -n 1) if [ ! -s "$file" ] && [[ "${VERSION,,}" != "http"* ]]; then base=$(basename "$VERSION") file="$STORAGE/$base" fi if [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ]; then return 0 fi local size size="$(stat -c%s "$file")" [ -z "$size" ] || [[ "$size" == "0" ]] && return 0 ISO="$file" CUSTOM="$ISO" BOOT="$STORAGE/windows.$size.iso" return 0 } extractESD() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local version="$3" local desc="$4" local size size_gb space space_gb desc local msg="Extracting $desc bootdisk..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" if [ "$(stat -c%s "$iso")" -lt 100000000 ]; then error "Invalid ESD file: Size is smaller than 100 MB" && return 1 fi rm -rf "$dir" mkdir -p "$dir" size=16106127360 size_gb=$(( (size + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$dir" | tail -n 1) space_gb=$(( (space + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if (( size > space )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $space_gb GB available but need at least $size_gb GB." && return 1 fi local esdImageCount esdImageCount=$(wimlib-imagex info "$iso" | awk '/Image Count:/ {print $3}') wimlib-imagex apply "$iso" 1 "$dir" --quiet 2>/dev/null || { retVal=$? error "Extracting $desc bootdisk failed" && return $retVal } local bootWimFile="$dir/sources/boot.wim" local installWimFile="$dir/sources/install.wim" local msg="Extracting $desc environment..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" wimlib-imagex export "$iso" 2 "$bootWimFile" --compress=none --quiet || { retVal=$? error "Adding WinPE failed" && return ${retVal} } local msg="Extracting $desc setup..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" wimlib-imagex export "$iso" 3 "$bootWimFile" --compress=none --boot --quiet || { retVal=$? error "Adding Windows Setup failed" && return ${retVal} } if [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" == "x64" ]]; then LABEL="CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9" else LABEL="CPBA_A64FRE_EN-US_DV9" fi local msg="Extracting $desc image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" local edition imageIndex imageEdition edition=$(getCatalog "$version" "name") if [ -z "$edition" ]; then error "Invalid VERSION specified, value \"$version\" is not recognized!" && return 1 fi for (( imageIndex=4; imageIndex<=esdImageCount; imageIndex++ )); do imageEdition=$(wimlib-imagex info "$iso" ${imageIndex} | grep '^Description:' | sed 's/Description:[ \t]*//') [[ "${imageEdition,,}" != "${edition,,}" ]] && continue wimlib-imagex export "$iso" ${imageIndex} "$installWimFile" --compress=LZMS --chunk-size 128K --quiet || { retVal=$? error "Addition of $imageIndex to the $desc image failed" && return $retVal } return 0 done error "Failed to find product '$edition' in install.wim!" && return 1 } extractImage() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local version="$3" local desc="local ISO" local size size_gb space space_gb if [ -z "$CUSTOM" ]; then desc="downloaded ISO" if [[ "$version" != "http"* ]]; then desc=$(printVersion "$version" "$desc") fi fi if [[ "${iso,,}" == *".esd" ]]; then extractESD "$iso" "$dir" "$version" "$desc" && return 0 return 1 fi local msg="Extracting $desc image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" rm -rf "$dir" mkdir -p "$dir" size=$(stat -c%s "$iso") size_gb=$(( (size + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$dir" | tail -n 1) space_gb=$(( (space + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if ((size<100000000)); then error "Invalid ISO file: Size is smaller than 100 MB" && return 1 fi if (( size > space )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $space_gb GB available but need at least $size_gb GB." && return 1 fi rm -rf "$dir" if ! 7z x "$iso" -o"$dir" > /dev/null; then error "Failed to extract ISO file: $iso" && return 1 fi LABEL=$(isoinfo -d -i "$iso" | sed -n 's/Volume id: //p') return 0 } getPlatform() { local xml="$1" local tag="ARCH" local platform="x64" local arch arch=$(sed -n "/$tag/{s/.*<$tag>\(.*\)<\/$tag>.*/\1/;p}" <<< "$xml") case "${arch,,}" in "0" ) platform="x86" ;; "9" ) platform="x64" ;; "12" )platform="arm64" ;; esac echo "$platform" return 0 } checkPlatform() { local xml="$1" local platform compat platform=$(getPlatform "$xml") case "${platform,,}" in "x86" ) compat="x64" ;; "x64" ) compat="$platform" ;; "arm64" ) compat="$platform" ;; * ) compat="${PLATFORM,,}" ;; esac [[ "${compat,,}" == "${PLATFORM,,}" ]] && return 0 error "You cannot boot ${platform^^} images on a $PLATFORM CPU!" return 1 } hasVersion() { local id="$1" local tag="$2" local xml="$3" local edition [ ! -f "/run/assets/$id.xml" ] && return 1 edition=$(printEdition "$id" "") [ -z "$edition" ] && return 1 [[ "${xml,,}" != *"<${tag,,}>${edition,,}"* ]] && return 1 return 0 } selectVersion() { local tag="$1" local xml="$2" local platform="$3" local id name prefer name=$(sed -n "/$tag/{s/.*<$tag>\(.*\)<\/$tag>.*/\1/;p}" <<< "$xml") [[ "$name" == *"Operating System"* ]] && name="" [ -z "$name" ] && return 0 id=$(fromName "$name" "$platform") [ -z "$id" ] && warn "Unknown ${tag,,}: '$name'" && return 0 prefer="$id-enterprise" hasVersion "$prefer" "$tag" "$xml" && echo "$prefer" && return 0 prefer="$id-ultimate" hasVersion "$prefer" "$tag" "$xml" && echo "$prefer" && return 0 prefer="$id" hasVersion "$prefer" "$tag" "$xml" && echo "$prefer" && return 0 prefer=$(getVersion "$name" "$platform") echo "$prefer" return 0 } detectVersion() { local xml="$1" local id platform platform=$(getPlatform "$xml") id=$(selectVersion "DISPLAYNAME" "$xml" "$platform") [ -z "$id" ] && id=$(selectVersion "PRODUCTNAME" "$xml" "$platform") [ -z "$id" ] && id=$(selectVersion "NAME" "$xml" "$platform") echo "$id" return 0 } detectLanguage() { local xml="$1" local lang="" if [[ "$xml" == *"LANGUAGE>"* ]]; then lang="${xml#*LANGUAGE>}" lang="${lang%%<*}" else if [[ "$xml" == *"FALLBACK>"* ]]; then lang="${xml#*FALLBACK>}" lang="${lang%%<*}" fi fi if [ -z "$lang" ]; then warn "Language could not be detected from ISO!" && return 0 fi local culture culture=$(getLanguage "$lang" "culture") [ -n "$culture" ] && LANGUAGE="$lang" && return 0 warn "Invalid language detected: \"$lang\"" return 0 } setXML() { local file="/custom.xml" [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ] && file="$STORAGE/custom.xml" [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ] && file="/run/assets/custom.xml" [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ] && file="$1" [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ] && file="/run/assets/$DETECTED.xml" [ ! -f "$file" ] || [ ! -s "$file" ] && return 1 XML="$file" return 0 } detectImage() { local dir="$1" local version="$2" local desc msg find language XML="" if [ -z "$DETECTED" ] && [ -z "$CUSTOM" ]; then [[ "${version,,}" != "http"* ]] && DETECTED="$version" fi if [ -n "$DETECTED" ]; then skipVersion "${DETECTED,,}" && return 0 if ! setXML "" && [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then MANUAL="Y" desc=$(printEdition "$DETECTED" "this version") warn "the answer file for $desc was not found ($DETECTED.xml), $FB." fi return 0 fi info "Detecting version from ISO image..." if detectLegacy "$dir"; then desc=$(printEdition "$DETECTED" "$DETECTED") info "Detected: $desc" return 0 fi local src wim info src=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname sources | head -n 1) if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then warn "failed to locate 'sources' folder in ISO image, $FB" && return 1 fi wim=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname install.wim | head -n 1) [ ! -f "$wim" ] && wim=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname install.esd | head -n 1) if [ ! -f "$wim" ]; then warn "failed to locate 'install.wim' or 'install.esd' in ISO image, $FB" && return 1 fi info=$(wimlib-imagex info -xml "$wim" | tr -d '\000') ! checkPlatform "$info" && exit 67 DETECTED=$(detectVersion "$info") if [ -z "$DETECTED" ]; then msg="Failed to determine Windows version from image" if setXML "" || [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]]; then info "${msg}!" else MANUAL="Y" warn "${msg}, $FB." fi return 0 fi desc=$(printEdition "$DETECTED" "$DETECTED") detectLanguage "$info" if [[ "${LANGUAGE,,}" != "en" ]] && [[ "${LANGUAGE,,}" != "en-"* ]]; then language=$(getLanguage "$LANGUAGE" "desc") desc=+" ($language)" fi info "Detected: $desc" setXML "" && return 0 msg="the answer file for $desc was not found ($DETECTED.xml)" local fallback="/run/assets/${DETECTED%%-*}.xml" if setXML "$fallback" || [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]]; then [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]] && warn "${msg}." else MANUAL="Y" warn "${msg}, $FB." fi return 0 } prepareImage() { local iso="$1" local dir="$2" local desc missing desc=$(printVersion "$DETECTED" "$DETECTED") ! setMachine "$DETECTED" "$iso" "$dir" "$desc" && return 1 skipVersion "$DETECTED" && return 0 if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" != "windows_legacy" ]]; then [ -f "$dir/$ETFS" ] && [ -f "$dir/$EFISYS" ] && return 0 missing=$(basename "$dir/$EFISYS") [ ! -f "$dir/$ETFS" ] && missing=$(basename "$dir/$ETFS") error "Failed to locate file \"${missing,,}\" in ISO image!" return 1 fi prepareLegacy "$iso" "$dir" "$desc" && return 0 error "Failed to extract boot image from ISO image!" return 1 } updateXML() { local asset="$1" local language="$2" local culture region user admin pass keyboard [ -z "$YRES" ] && YRES="720" [ -z "$XRES" ] && XRES="1280" sed -i "s/1080<\/VerticalResolution>/$YRES<\/VerticalResolution>/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/1920<\/HorizontalResolution>/$XRES<\/HorizontalResolution>/g" "$asset" culture=$(getLanguage "$language" "culture") if [ -n "$culture" ] && [[ "${culture,,}" != "en-us" ]]; then sed -i "s/en-US<\/UILanguage>/$culture<\/UILanguage>/g" "$asset" fi region="$REGION" [ -z "$region" ] && region="$culture" if [ -n "$region" ] && [[ "${region,,}" != "en-us" ]]; then sed -i "s/en-US<\/UserLocale>/$region<\/UserLocale>/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/en-US<\/SystemLocale>/$region<\/SystemLocale>/g" "$asset" fi keyboard="$KEYBOARD" [ -z "$keyboard" ] && keyboard="$culture" if [ -n "$keyboard" ] && [[ "${keyboard,,}" != "en-us" ]]; then sed -i "s/en-US<\/InputLocale>/$keyboard<\/InputLocale>/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/0409:00000409<\/InputLocale>/$keyboard<\/InputLocale>/g" "$asset" fi user=$(echo "$USERNAME" | sed 's/[^[:alnum:]@!._-]//g') if [ -n "$user" ]; then sed -i "s/Docker<\/Name>/$user<\/Name>/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/where name=\"Docker\"/where name=\"$user\"/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/Docker<\/FullName>/$user<\/FullName>/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/Docker<\/Username>/$user<\/Username>/g" "$asset" fi if [ -n "$PASSWORD" ]; then pass=$(printf '%s' "${PASSWORD}Password" | iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16le | base64 -w 0) admin=$(printf '%s' "${PASSWORD}AdministratorPassword" | iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16le | base64 -w 0) sed -i "s/password<\/Value>/$admin<\/Value>/g" "$asset" sed -i "s/true<\/PlainText>/<PlainText>false<\/PlainText>/g" "$asset" sed -z "s/<Password>...........<Value \/>/<Password>\n <Value>$pass<\/Value>/g" -i "$asset" sed -z "s/<Password>...............<Value \/>/<Password>\n <Value>$pass<\/Value>/g" -i "$asset" sed -z "s/<AdministratorPassword>...........<Value \/>/<AdministratorPassword>\n <Value>$admin<\/Value>/g" -i "$asset" sed -z "s/<AdministratorPassword>...............<Value \/>/<AdministratorPassword>\n <Value>$admin<\/Value>/g" -i "$asset" fi return 0 } addDriver() { local id="$1" local path="$2" local target="$3" local driver="$4" local folder="" case "${id,,}" in "win7x86"* ) folder="w7/x86" ;; "win7x64"* ) folder="w7/amd64" ;; "win81x64"* ) folder="w8.1/amd64" ;; "win10x64"* ) folder="w10/amd64" ;; "win11x64"* ) folder="w11/amd64" ;; "win2025"* ) folder="2k25/amd64" ;; "win2022"* ) folder="2k22/amd64" ;; "win2019"* ) folder="2k19/amd64" ;; "win2016"* ) folder="2k16/amd64" ;; "win2012"* ) folder="2k12R2/amd64" ;; "win2008"* ) folder="2k8R2/amd64" ;; "win10arm64"* ) folder="w10/ARM64" ;; "win11arm64"* ) folder="w11/ARM64" ;; "winvistax86"* ) folder="2k8/x86" ;; "winvistax64"* ) folder="2k8/amd64" ;; esac if [ -z "$folder" ]; then warn "no \"$driver\" driver found for \"$DETECTED\" !" && return 0 fi [ ! -d "$path/$driver/$folder" ] && return 0 case "${id,,}" in "winvista"* ) [[ "${driver,,}" == "viorng" ]] && return 0 ;; esac local dest="$path/$target/$driver" mv "$path/$driver/$folder" "$dest" return 0 } addDrivers() { local file="$1" local index="$2" local version="$3" local msg="Adding drivers to image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" local drivers="$TMP/drivers" mkdir -p "$drivers" if ! tar -xf /drivers.txz -C "$drivers" --warning=no-timestamp; then error "Failed to extract driver!" && return 1 fi local target="\$WinPEDriver\$" local dest="$drivers/$target" mkdir -p "$dest" wimlib-imagex update "$file" "$index" --command "delete --force --recursive /$target" >/dev/null || true addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "qxl" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "viofs" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "sriov" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "smbus" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "qxldod" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "viorng" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "viostor" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "NetKVM" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "Balloon" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "vioscsi" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "pvpanic" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "vioinput" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "viogpudo" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "vioserial" addDriver "$version" "$drivers" "$target" "qemupciserial" if ! wimlib-imagex update "$file" "$index" --command "add $dest /$target" >/dev/null; then return 1 fi rm -rf "$drivers" return 0 } addFolder() { local src="$1" local folder="/oem" [ ! -d "$folder" ] && folder="/OEM" [ ! -d "$folder" ] && folder="$STORAGE/oem" [ ! -d "$folder" ] && folder="$STORAGE/OEM" [ ! -d "$folder" ] && return 0 local msg="Adding OEM folder to image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" local dest="$src/\$OEM\$/\$1/" mkdir -p "$dest" ! cp -r "$folder" "$dest" && return 1 local file file=$(find "$dest" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname install.bat | head -n 1) [ -f "$file" ] && unix2dos -q "$file" return 0 } updateImage() { local dir="$1" local asset="$2" local language="$3" local file="autounattend.xml" local org="${file//.xml/.org}" local dat="${file//.xml/.dat}" local desc path src wim xml index result skipVersion "${DETECTED,,}" && return 0 if [ ! -s "$asset" ] || [ ! -f "$asset" ]; then asset="" if [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then MANUAL="Y" warn "no answer file provided, $FB." fi fi src=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type d -iname sources | head -n 1) if [ ! -d "$src" ]; then error "failed to locate 'sources' folder in ISO image, $FB" && return 1 fi wim=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname boot.wim | head -n 1) [ ! -f "$wim" ] && wim=$(find "$src" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname boot.esd | head -n 1) if [ ! -f "$wim" ]; then error "failed to locate 'boot.wim' or 'boot.esd' in ISO image, $FB" && return 1 fi index="1" result=$(wimlib-imagex info -xml "$wim" | tr -d '\000') if [[ "${result^^}" == *"<IMAGE INDEX=\"2\">"* ]]; then index="2" fi if ! addDrivers "$wim" "$index" "$DETECTED"; then error "Failed to add drivers to image!" && return 1 fi if ! addFolder "$src"; then error "Failed to add OEM folder to image!" && return 1 fi if wimlib-imagex extract "$wim" "$index" "/$file" "--dest-dir=$TMP" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! wimlib-imagex extract "$wim" "$index" "/$dat" "--dest-dir=$TMP" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! wimlib-imagex extract "$wim" "$index" "/$org" "--dest-dir=$TMP" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! wimlib-imagex update "$wim" "$index" --command "rename /$file /$org" > /dev/null; then warn "failed to backup original answer file ($file)." fi fi fi rm -f "$TMP/$dat" rm -f "$TMP/$org" rm -f "$TMP/$file" fi if [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then xml=$(basename "$asset") info "Adding $xml for automatic installation..." local answer="$TMP/$xml" cp "$asset" "$answer" updateXML "$answer" "$language" if ! wimlib-imagex update "$wim" "$index" --command "add $answer /$file" > /dev/null; then MANUAL="Y" warn "failed to add answer file ($xml) to ISO image, $FB" else wimlib-imagex update "$wim" "$index" --command "add $answer /$dat" > /dev/null || true fi rm -f "$answer" fi if [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]]; then wimlib-imagex update "$wim" "$index" --command "delete --force /$file" > /dev/null || true if wimlib-imagex extract "$wim" "$index" "/$org" "--dest-dir=$TMP" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if ! wimlib-imagex update "$wim" "$index" --command "add $TMP/$org /$file" > /dev/null; then warn "failed to restore original answer file ($org)." fi fi rm -f "$TMP/$org" fi local find="$file" [[ "$MANUAL" == [Yy1]* ]] && find="$org" path=$(find "$dir" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "$find" | head -n 1) if [ -f "$path" ]; then if [[ "$MANUAL" != [Yy1]* ]]; then mv -f "$path" "${path%.*}.org" else mv -f "$path" "${path%.*}.xml" fi fi return 0 } removeImage() { local iso="$1" [ ! -f "$iso" ] && return 0 [ -n "$CUSTOM" ] && return 0 ! rm -f "$iso" 2> /dev/null && warn "failed to remove $iso !" return 0 } buildImage() { local dir="$1" local failed="" local cat="BOOT.CAT" local log="/run/shm/iso.log" local base size size_gb space space_gb desc if [ -f "$BOOT" ]; then error "File $BOOT does already exist?!" && return 1 fi base=$(basename "$BOOT") local out="$TMP/${base%.*}.tmp" rm -f "$out" desc=$(printVersion "$DETECTED" "ISO") local msg="Building $desc image..." info "$msg" && html "$msg" [ -z "$LABEL" ] && LABEL="Windows" if [ ! -f "$dir/$ETFS" ]; then error "Failed to locate file \"$ETFS\" in ISO image!" && return 1 fi size=$(du -h -b --max-depth=0 "$dir" | cut -f1) size_gb=$(( (size + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) space=$(df --output=avail -B 1 "$TMP" | tail -n 1) space_gb=$(( (space + 1073741823)/1073741824 )) if (( size > space )); then error "Not enough free space in $STORAGE, have $space_gb GB available but need at least $size_gb GB." && return 1 fi if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" != "windows_legacy" ]]; then ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -c "$cat" -iso-level 4 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames -V "${LABEL::30}" \ -udf -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -eltorito-boot "$EFISYS" -no-emul-boot -allow-limited-size -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log" && failed="y" else case "${DETECTED,,}" in "win2k"* | "winxp"* | "win2003"* ) ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-seg 1984 -boot-load-size 4 -c "$cat" -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long \ -relaxed-filenames -V "${LABEL::30}" -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log" && failed="y" ;; "win9"* ) ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -J -r -V "${LABEL::30}" -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log" && failed="y" ;; * ) ! genisoimage -o "$out" -b "$ETFS" -no-emul-boot -c "$cat" -iso-level 2 -J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames -V "${LABEL::30}" \ -udf -allow-limited-size -quiet "$dir" 2> "$log" && failed="y" ;; esac fi if [ -n "$failed" ]; then [ -s "$log" ] && echo "$(<"$log")" error "Failed to build image!" && return 1 fi local error="" local hide="Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660." [ -s "$log" ] && error="$(<"$log")" [[ "$error" != "$hide" ]] && echo "$error" ! mv -f "$out" "$BOOT" && return 1 return 0 } bootWindows() { rm -rf "$TMP" if [ -s "$STORAGE/windows.type" ] && [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.type" ]; then [ -z "${DISK_TYPE:-}" ] && DISK_TYPE=$(<"$STORAGE/windows.type") fi if [ -s "$STORAGE/windows.mode" ] && [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.mode" ]; then BOOT_MODE=$(<"$STORAGE/windows.mode") if [ -s "$STORAGE/windows.old" ] && [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.old" ]; then [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" == "x64" ]] && MACHINE=$(<"$STORAGE/windows.old") fi return 0 fi # Migrations [[ "${PLATFORM,,}" != "x64" ]] && return 0 if [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.old" ]; then MACHINE=$(<"$STORAGE/windows.old") [ -z "$MACHINE" ] && MACHINE="q35" BOOT_MODE="windows_legacy" echo "$BOOT_MODE" > "$STORAGE/windows.mode" return 0 fi local creation="1.10" local minimal="2.14" if [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.ver" ]; then creation=$(<"$STORAGE/windows.ver") [[ "${creation}" != *"."* ]] && creation="$minimal" fi # Force secure boot on installs created prior to v2.14 if (( $(echo "$creation < $minimal" | bc -l) )); then if [[ "${BOOT_MODE,,}" == "windows" ]]; then BOOT_MODE="windows_secure" echo "$BOOT_MODE" > "$STORAGE/windows.mode" if [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.rom" ] && [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$BOOT_MODE.rom" ]; then mv -f "$STORAGE/windows.rom" "$STORAGE/$BOOT_MODE.rom" fi if [ -f "$STORAGE/windows.vars" ] && [ ! -f "$STORAGE/$BOOT_MODE.vars" ]; then mv -f "$STORAGE/windows.vars" "$STORAGE/$BOOT_MODE.vars" fi fi fi return 0 } ###################################### ! parseVersion && exit 58 ! parseLanguage && exit 56 ! detectCustom && exit 59 if ! startInstall; then bootWindows && return 0 exit 68 fi if [ ! -s "$ISO" ] || [ ! -f "$ISO" ]; then if ! downloadImage "$ISO" "$VERSION" "$LANGUAGE"; then rm -f "$ISO" 2> /dev/null || true exit 61 fi fi if ! extractImage "$ISO" "$DIR" "$VERSION"; then rm -f "$ISO" 2> /dev/null || true exit 62 fi if ! detectImage "$DIR" "$VERSION"; then abortInstall "$DIR" "$ISO" && return 0 exit 60 fi if ! prepareImage "$ISO" "$DIR"; then abortInstall "$DIR" "$ISO" && return 0 exit 66 fi if ! updateImage "$DIR" "$XML" "$LANGUAGE"; then abortInstall "$DIR" "$ISO" && return 0 exit 63 fi if ! removeImage "$ISO"; then exit 64 fi if ! buildImage "$DIR"; then exit 65 fi if ! finishInstall "$BOOT" "N"; then exit 69 fi html "Successfully prepared image for installation..." return 0