import streamlit as st import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import as px import json from pathlib import Path # Make sure necessary directories exist os.makedirs('assets', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('database/data', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs('fine_tuned_models', exist_ok=True) # Page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="ML Dataset & Code Generation Manager", page_icon="🤗", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", ) def load_css(): """Load custom CSS styles""" css_dir = Path("assets") css_path = css_dir / "custom.css" if not css_path.exists(): # Create assets directory if it doesn't exist css_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Create a basic CSS file if it doesn't exist with open(css_path, "w") as f: f.write(""" /* Custom styles for ML Dataset & Code Generation Manager */ @import url(';500;600;700&family=Space+Grotesk:wght@500;700&display=swap'); h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: 'Space Grotesk', sans-serif; font-weight: 700; color: #1A1C1F; } body { font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; color: #1A1C1F; background-color: #F8F9FA; } .stButton button { background-color: #2563EB; color: white; border-radius: 4px; border: none; padding: 0.5rem 1rem; font-weight: 600; } .stButton button:hover { background-color: #1D4ED8; } /* Card styling */ .card { background-color: white; border-radius: 8px; padding: 1.5rem; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); margin-bottom: 1rem; } /* Accent colors */ .accent-primary { color: #2563EB; } .accent-secondary { color: #84919A; } .accent-success { color: #10B981; } .accent-warning { color: #F59E0B; } .accent-danger { color: #EF4444; } """) # Load custom CSS with open(css_path, "r") as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) def render_finetune_ui(): """ Renders the fine-tuning UI for code generation models. """ try: from components.fine_tuning.finetune_ui import render_finetune_ui as ft_ui ft_ui() except ImportError as e: st.error(f"Could not load fine-tuning UI: {e}") # Create default fine-tuning UI component if not exists os.makedirs("components/fine_tuning", exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists("components/fine_tuning/"): with open("components/fine_tuning/", "w") as f: f.write('"""\nFine-tuning package for code generation models.\n"""\n') if not os.path.exists("components/fine_tuning/"): with open("components/fine_tuning/", "w") as f: f.write('''""" Streamlit UI for fine-tuning code generation models. """ import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import os def render_dataset_preparation(): """ Render the dataset preparation interface. """ st.subheader("Dataset Preparation") st.write("Prepare your dataset for fine-tuning code generation models.") # Dataset upload uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your dataset", type=["csv", "json"]) if uploaded_file is not None: try: if'.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) else: df = pd.read_json(uploaded_file) st.write("Dataset Preview:") st.dataframe(df.head()) # Example of data columns mapping st.subheader("Column Mapping") input_col = st.selectbox("Select input column (e.g., code)", df.columns) target_col = st.selectbox("Select target column (e.g., comment)", df.columns) # Sample transformation if st.button("Apply Transformation"): if input_col and target_col: # Example transformation: simple trim/clean df[input_col] = df[input_col].astype(str).str.strip() df[target_col] = df[target_col].astype(str).str.strip() st.write("Transformed Dataset:") st.dataframe(df.head()) # Option to save processed dataset if st.button("Save Processed Dataset"): processed_path = os.path.join("datasets", "processed_dataset.csv") os.makedirs("datasets", exist_ok=True) df.to_csv(processed_path, index=False) st.success(f"Dataset saved to {processed_path}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing dataset: {e}") def render_model_training(): """ Render the model training interface. """ st.subheader("Model Training") st.write("Configure and start training your model.") # Model selection model_options = [ "Salesforce/codet5-small", "Salesforce/codet5-base", "microsoft/codebert-base", "microsoft/graphcodebert-base" ] selected_model = st.selectbox("Select base model", model_options) # Training parameters col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: batch_size = st.number_input("Batch size", min_value=1, max_value=64, value=8) epochs = st.number_input("Number of epochs", min_value=1, max_value=100, value=3) learning_rate = st.number_input("Learning rate", min_value=0.00001, max_value=0.1, value=0.0001, format="%.5f") with col2: max_input_length = st.number_input("Max input length", min_value=32, max_value=512, value=128) max_target_length = st.number_input("Max target length", min_value=32, max_value=512, value=128) task_type = st.selectbox("Task type", ["Code to Comment", "Comment to Code"]) # Training button (placeholder) if st.button("Start Training"):"Training would start here. This is a placeholder.") # In a real implementation, this would call the training function # and display a progress bar or redirect to a training monitoring page def render_model_testing(): """ Render the model testing interface. """ st.subheader("Model Testing") st.write("Test your fine-tuned model with custom inputs.") # Model selection st.selectbox("Select fine-tuned model", ["No models available yet"]) # Test input if st.selectbox("Task type", ["Code to Comment", "Comment to Code"]) == "Code to Comment": test_input = st.text_area("Enter code to generate a comment", value="def fibonacci(n):\\n if n <= 1:\\n return n\\n else:\\n return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)") placeholder = "# This function implements the Fibonacci sequence recursively..." else: test_input = st.text_area("Enter comment to generate code", value="# A function that calculates the factorial of a number recursively") placeholder = "def factorial(n):\\n if n == 0:\\n return 1\\n else:\\n return n * factorial(n-1)" # Generate button (placeholder) if st.button("Generate"): st.code(placeholder, language="python") # In a real implementation, this would call the model inference function def render_finetune_ui(): """ Render the fine-tuning UI for code generation models. """ st.title("Fine-Tune Code Generation Models") tabs = st.tabs(["Dataset Preparation", "Model Training", "Model Testing"]) with tabs[0]: render_dataset_preparation() with tabs[1]: render_model_training() with tabs[2]: render_model_testing() ''') # Try again after creating the files try: from components.fine_tuning.finetune_ui import render_finetune_ui as ft_ui ft_ui() except ImportError as e: st.error(f"Still could not load fine-tuning UI after creating files: {e}")"Please restart the app to initialize the components.") def render_code_quality_ui(): """ Renders the code quality tools UI. """ try: from components.code_quality import render_code_quality_tools render_code_quality_tools() except ImportError: st.error("Code quality tools not found. Implementing basic version.") st.title("Code Quality Tools") st.write("This section will provide tools for code linting, formatting, and testing.") # Tabs for different code quality tools tabs = st.tabs(["Linting", "Formatting", "Type Checking", "Testing"]) with tabs[0]: st.subheader("Code Linting") st.write("Tools for checking code quality and style.") st.code("# Coming soon: PyLint and Flake8 integration") with tabs[1]: st.subheader("Code Formatting") st.write("Tools for formatting code according to style guides.") st.code("# Coming soon: Black and isort integration") with tabs[2]: st.subheader("Type Checking") st.write("Tools for checking type annotations.") st.code("# Coming soon: MyPy integration") with tabs[3]: st.subheader("Testing") st.write("Tools for running tests and checking code coverage.") st.code("# Coming soon: PyTest integration") def render_dataset_management_ui(): """ Renders the dataset management UI. """ st.title("Dataset Management") # Tabs for different dataset operations tabs = st.tabs(["Upload", "Preview", "Statistics", "Visualization", "Validation", "Version Control"]) with tabs[0]: try: from components.dataset_uploader import render_dataset_uploader render_dataset_uploader() except ImportError: st.subheader("Dataset Upload") st.write("Upload your datasets in CSV or JSON format.") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=["csv", "json"]) if uploaded_file is not None: try: if'.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) dataset_type = "csv" else: df = pd.read_json(uploaded_file) dataset_type = "json" st.session_state["dataset"] = df st.session_state["dataset_type"] = dataset_type st.success(f"Successfully loaded {dataset_type.upper()} file with {df.shape[0]} rows and {df.shape[1]} columns.") st.dataframe(df.head()) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error: {e}") with tabs[1]: if "dataset" in st.session_state: try: from components.dataset_preview import render_dataset_preview render_dataset_preview(st.session_state["dataset"], st.session_state["dataset_type"]) except ImportError: st.subheader("Dataset Preview") st.dataframe(st.session_state["dataset"].head(10)) else:"Please upload a dataset first.") with tabs[2]: if "dataset" in st.session_state: try: from components.dataset_statistics import render_dataset_statistics render_dataset_statistics(st.session_state["dataset"], st.session_state["dataset_type"]) except ImportError: st.subheader("Dataset Statistics") st.write("Basic statistics:") st.write(st.session_state["dataset"].describe()) # Missing values missing_data = st.session_state["dataset"].isnull().sum() st.write("Missing values per column:") st.write(missing_data[missing_data > 0]) else:"Please upload a dataset first.") with tabs[3]: if "dataset" in st.session_state: try: from components.dataset_visualization import render_dataset_visualization render_dataset_visualization(st.session_state["dataset"], st.session_state["dataset_type"]) except ImportError: st.subheader("Dataset Visualization") # Only show for numerical columns numeric_cols = st.session_state["dataset"].select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns.tolist() if len(numeric_cols) > 0: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: x_axis = st.selectbox("X-axis", numeric_cols) with col2: y_axis = st.selectbox("Y-axis", numeric_cols, index=min(1, len(numeric_cols)-1)) fig = px.scatter(st.session_state["dataset"], x=x_axis, y=y_axis) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) else: st.write("No numerical columns available for visualization.") else:"Please upload a dataset first.") with tabs[4]: if "dataset" in st.session_state: try: from components.dataset_validation import render_dataset_validation render_dataset_validation(st.session_state["dataset"], st.session_state["dataset_type"]) except ImportError: st.subheader("Dataset Validation") # Simple validation checks st.write("Dataset Shape:", st.session_state["dataset"].shape) st.write("Duplicate Rows:", st.session_state["dataset"].duplicated().sum()) # Missing values percentage missing_percent = (st.session_state["dataset"].isnull().sum() / len(st.session_state["dataset"])) * 100 st.write("Missing Values Percentage:") st.write(missing_percent[missing_percent > 0]) else:"Please upload a dataset first.") with tabs[5]: if "dataset" in st.session_state: try: from components.dataset_version_control import render_version_control_ui, render_save_version_ui, render_version_visualization # If we have a dataset ID in session state, use it, otherwise prompt to save first if "dataset_id" in st.session_state: dataset_id = st.session_state["dataset_id"] # Show dataset version control UI render_version_control_ui(dataset_id, st.session_state.get("dataset")) # Show save version UI st.divider() if st.session_state.get("dataset") is not None: new_version = render_save_version_ui(dataset_id, st.session_state["dataset"]) if new_version: st.success(f"Created new version: {new_version.version_id}") # Show version visualization st.divider() render_version_visualization(dataset_id) else: # No dataset ID yet, so prompt to save the dataset first"To use version control, first save this dataset to the database.") dataset_name = st.text_input("Dataset Name", value="My Dataset") dataset_description = st.text_area("Dataset Description", value="Dataset uploaded for analysis") if st.button("Save Dataset to Database"): # Import database operations from database.operations import DatasetOperations, DatasetVersionOperations # Store dataset in database dataset = DatasetOperations.store_dataframe_info( df=st.session_state["dataset"], name=dataset_name, description=dataset_description, source="local_upload" ) # Store as initial version initial_version = DatasetVersionOperations.create_version_from_dataframe(, df=st.session_state["dataset"], description="Initial version" ) # Store dataset ID in session state st.session_state["dataset_id"] = st.success(f"Dataset saved to database with ID: {}") st.success(f"Initial version created: {initial_version.version_id}") # Rerun to show version control UI st.experimental_rerun() except ImportError as e: st.subheader("Dataset Version Control") st.error(f"Could not load version control components: {e}")"Please make sure all required components are installed.") else:"Please upload a dataset first.") def main(): """ Main function to run the application. """ # Load custom CSS load_css() # Sidebar for navigation st.sidebar.title("ML Dataset & Code Gen Manager") # Navigation page ="Navigation", ["Home", "Dataset Management", "Fine-Tuning", "Code Quality Tools"]) # Display selected page if page == "Home": st.title("ML Dataset & Code Generation Manager") st.write("Welcome to the ML Dataset & Code Generation Manager. This platform helps you manage ML datasets and fine-tune code generation models.") # Main features in cards col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.markdown("""

Dataset Management

Upload, analyze, visualize, and validate your ML datasets.

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("""

Code Quality Tools

Tools for ensuring high-quality code.

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) with col2: st.markdown("""


Fine-tune code generation models on your custom datasets.

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("""

Hugging Face Integration

Seamless integration with Hugging Face Hub.

""", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Get started section st.subheader("Get Started") st.write("To get started, navigate to the Dataset Management page to upload your data, or explore the Fine-Tuning page to train code generation models.") elif page == "Dataset Management": render_dataset_management_ui() elif page == "Fine-Tuning": render_finetune_ui() elif page == "Code Quality Tools": render_code_quality_ui() if __name__ == "__main__": main()