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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def process_with_smolagents(dataset, operation, custom_code=None):
Process dataset using SmolaAgents for various operations.
dataset: Pandas DataFrame to process
operation: Type of processing operation
custom_code: Custom code to execute (for custom processing)
Processed pandas DataFrame
if dataset is None:
raise ValueError("No dataset provided")
# Create a copy to avoid modifying the original
processed_df = dataset.copy()
if operation == "Data Cleaning":
processed_df = clean_dataset(processed_df)
elif operation == "Feature Engineering":
processed_df = engineer_features(processed_df)
elif operation == "Data Transformation":
processed_df = transform_dataset(processed_df)
elif operation == "Custom Processing" and custom_code:
# Execute custom code
# Note: This is a security risk in a real application
# Should be replaced with a safer approach
local_vars = {"df": processed_df}
exec(custom_code, {"pd": pd, "np": np}, local_vars)
processed_df = local_vars["df"]
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported operation: {operation}")
return processed_df
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error during processing: {str(e)}")
def clean_dataset(df):
Clean the dataset by handling missing values, duplicates, and outliers.
df: Pandas DataFrame to clean
Cleaned pandas DataFrame
# Create a copy to avoid modifying the original
cleaned_df = df.copy()
# Remove duplicate rows
cleaned_df = cleaned_df.drop_duplicates()
# Handle missing values
for col in cleaned_df.columns:
# For numeric columns
if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(cleaned_df[col]):
# If more than 20% missing, leave as is
if cleaned_df[col].isna().mean() > 0.2:
# Otherwise impute with median
cleaned_df[col] = cleaned_df[col].fillna(cleaned_df[col].median())
# For categorical columns
elif pd.api.types.is_object_dtype(cleaned_df[col]):
# If more than 20% missing, leave as is
if cleaned_df[col].isna().mean() > 0.2:
# Otherwise impute with mode
mode_value = cleaned_df[col].mode()[0] if not cleaned_df[col].mode().empty else "Unknown"
cleaned_df[col] = cleaned_df[col].fillna(mode_value)
# Handle outliers in numeric columns
for col in cleaned_df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns:
# Skip if too many missing values
if cleaned_df[col].isna().mean() > 0.1:
# Calculate IQR
q1 = cleaned_df[col].quantile(0.25)
q3 = cleaned_df[col].quantile(0.75)
iqr = q3 - q1
# Define bounds
lower_bound = q1 - 1.5 * iqr
upper_bound = q3 + 1.5 * iqr
# Cap outliers instead of removing
cleaned_df[col] = cleaned_df[col].clip(lower_bound, upper_bound)
return cleaned_df
def engineer_features(df):
Perform basic feature engineering on the dataset.
df: Pandas DataFrame to process
DataFrame with engineered features
# Create a copy to avoid modifying the original
engineered_df = df.copy()
# Get numeric columns
numeric_cols = engineered_df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns
# Skip if less than 2 numeric columns
if len(numeric_cols) >= 2:
# Create interaction features for pairs of numeric columns
# Limit to first 5 columns to avoid feature explosion
for i, col1 in enumerate(numeric_cols[:5]):
for col2 in numeric_cols[i+1:5]:
# Product interaction
engineered_df[f"{col1}_{col2}_product"] = engineered_df[col1] * engineered_df[col2]
# Ratio interaction (avoid division by zero)
denominator = engineered_df[col2].replace(0, np.nan)
engineered_df[f"{col1}_{col2}_ratio"] = engineered_df[col1] / denominator
# Create binary features from categorical columns
cat_cols = engineered_df.select_dtypes(include=['object', 'category']).columns
for col in cat_cols:
# Skip if too many unique values (>10)
if engineered_df[col].nunique() > 10:
# One-hot encode
dummies = pd.get_dummies(engineered_df[col], prefix=col, drop_first=True)
engineered_df = pd.concat([engineered_df, dummies], axis=1)
# Create aggregated features
if len(numeric_cols) >= 3:
# Sum of all numeric features
engineered_df['sum_numeric'] = engineered_df[numeric_cols].sum(axis=1)
# Mean of all numeric features
engineered_df['mean_numeric'] = engineered_df[numeric_cols].mean(axis=1)
# Standard deviation of numeric features
engineered_df['std_numeric'] = engineered_df[numeric_cols].std(axis=1)
return engineered_df
def transform_dataset(df):
Perform data transformations on the dataset.
df: Pandas DataFrame to transform
Transformed pandas DataFrame
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler
# Create a copy to avoid modifying the original
transformed_df = df.copy()
# Get numeric columns
numeric_cols = transformed_df.select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns
if len(numeric_cols) > 0:
# Create scaled versions of numeric columns
# Standard scaling (z-score)
scaler = StandardScaler()
scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(transformed_df[numeric_cols])
scaled_df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=[f"{col}_scaled" for col in numeric_cols],
# Min-max scaling (0-1 range)
minmax_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
minmax_data = minmax_scaler.fit_transform(transformed_df[numeric_cols])
minmax_df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=[f"{col}_normalized" for col in numeric_cols],
# Log transform (for positive columns only)
log_cols = []
for col in numeric_cols:
if (transformed_df[col] > 0).all():
transformed_df[f"{col}_log"] = np.log(transformed_df[col])
# Combine all transformations
transformed_df = pd.concat([transformed_df, scaled_df, minmax_df], axis=1)
# One-hot encode categorical columns
cat_cols = transformed_df.select_dtypes(include=['object', 'category']).columns
if len(cat_cols) > 0:
# One-hot encode all categorical columns
transformed_df = pd.get_dummies(transformed_df, columns=cat_cols, drop_first=False)
return transformed_df