# import io # import base64 from PIL import Image from fastai.vision.all import load_learner from binary2image import get_size, save_file, get_binary_data import gradio as gr import numpy as np import plotly.express as px from scipy import stats import pickle ## Loading the models entropy_classifier = pickle.load(open('entropy_tester_classifier.pkl', 'rb')) model_NonObf = load_learner("model.pkl", cpu=True) # change to "model_NonObf.pkl" model_Shikata = load_learner("model.pkl", cpu=True) # change to "model_Shikata.pkl" model_XOR = load_learner("model.pkl", cpu=True) # change to "model_XOR.pkl" def entropy_tester(bin_data): entropy = stats.entropy(bin_data,base=2) pred = entropy_classifier.predict( np.array(entropy).reshape(1, -1)) return pred[0] def process_file(file): greyscale_data = get_binary_data(file.name) pred_entropy = entropy_tester(greyscale_data) bin_size = get_size(len(greyscale_data)) save_file(".", "tempfile", greyscale_data, bin_size) converted_filename = "tempfile.png" # Make prediction depending on the type of obfuscation if pred_entropy == "NonObf": prediction, _, probas = model_NonObf.predict(converted_filename) elif pred_entropy == "Shikata": prediction, _, probas = model_Shikata.predict(converted_filename) elif pred_entropy == "XOR": prediction, _, probas = model_XOR.predict(converted_filename) message = f"Your file is {prediction}!!!" if pred_entropy == "NonObf": pred_entropy = "Non-Obfuscated" # Convert probas to percentages probas_percentage = [float(prob) * 100 for prob in probas] fig = px.bar(x=["Goodware", "Malware"], y=probas_percentage, labels={'x':'Type', 'y':'Probability (%)'}, height=300) return pred_entropy, message, fig, Image.open("tempfile.png") # Define the layout using Blocks, Row, and Column with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Column(scale=1): file = gr.File(label="Upload Executable File") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): text1 = gr.Textbox(label="Prediction") prob_dist_img = gr.Plot(label="Probability Distribution") with gr.Column(): text0 = gr.Textbox(label="Type of Obfuscation") converted_img = gr.Image(label="Converted Image", height=300) button = gr.Button(value="Process File") button.click(process_file, inputs=[file], outputs=[text0, text1, prob_dist_img, converted_img]) demo.launch()