from modules.module_customPllLabel import CustomPllLabel from modules.module_pllScore import PllScore from typing import List, Dict import torch class RankSents: def __init__( self, language_model, # LanguageModel class instance lang: str ) -> None: self.tokenizer = language_model.initTokenizer() self.model = language_model.initModel() _ = self.model.eval() self.Label = CustomPllLabel() self.pllScore = PllScore( language_model=language_model ) self.softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1) if lang == "spanish": self.articles = [ 'un','una','unos','unas','el','los','la','las','lo' ] self.prepositions = [ 'a','ante','bajo','cabe','con','contra','de','desde','en','entre','hacia','hasta','para','por','según','sin','so','sobre','tras','durante','mediante','vía','versus' ] self.conjunctions = [ 'y','o','ni','que','pero','si' ] elif lang == "english": self.articles = [ 'a','an', 'the' ] self.prepositions = [ 'above', 'across', 'against', 'along', 'among', 'around', 'at', 'before', 'behind', 'below', 'beneath', 'beside', 'between', 'by', 'down', 'from', 'in', 'into', 'near', 'of', 'off', 'on', 'to', 'toward', 'under', 'upon', 'with', 'within' ] self.conjunctions = [ 'and', 'or', 'but', 'that', 'if', 'whether' ] def errorChecking( self, sent: str ) -> str: out_msj = "" if not sent: out_msj = "Error: Debe ingresar una frase!" elif sent.count("*") > 1: out_msj= " Error: La frase ingresada debe contener solo un ' * '!" elif sent.count("*") == 0: out_msj= " Error: La frase ingresada necesita contener un ' * ' para poder predecir la palabra!" else: sent_len = len(self.tokenizer.encode(sent.replace("*", self.tokenizer.mask_token))) max_len = self.tokenizer.max_len_single_sentence if sent_len > max_len: out_msj = f"Error: La sentencia posee mas de {max_len} tokens!" return out_msj def getTop5Predictions( self, sent: str, banned_wl: List[str], articles: bool, prepositions: bool, conjunctions: bool ) -> List[str]: sent_masked = sent.replace("*", self.tokenizer.mask_token) inputs = self.tokenizer.encode_plus( sent_masked, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt', return_attention_mask=True, truncation=True ) tk_position_mask = torch.where(inputs['input_ids'][0] == self.tokenizer.mask_token_id)[0].item() with torch.no_grad(): out = self.model(**inputs) logits = out.logits outputs = self.softmax(logits) outputs = torch.squeeze(outputs, dim=0) probabilities = outputs[tk_position_mask] first_tk_id = torch.argsort(probabilities, descending=True) top5_tks_pred = [] for tk_id in first_tk_id: tk_string = self.tokenizer.decode([tk_id]) tk_is_banned = tk_string in banned_wl tk_is_punctuation = not tk_string.isalnum() tk_is_substring = tk_string.startswith("##") tk_is_special = (tk_string in self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens) if articles: tk_is_article = tk_string in self.articles else: tk_is_article = False if prepositions: tk_is_prepositions = tk_string in self.prepositions else: tk_is_prepositions = False if conjunctions: tk_is_conjunctions = tk_string in self.conjunctions else: tk_is_conjunctions = False predictions_is_dessire = not any([ tk_is_banned, tk_is_punctuation, tk_is_substring, tk_is_special, tk_is_article, tk_is_prepositions, tk_is_conjunctions ]) if predictions_is_dessire and len(top5_tks_pred) < 5: top5_tks_pred.append(tk_string) elif len(top5_tks_pred) >= 5: break return top5_tks_pred def rank(self, sent: str, word_list: List[str], banned_word_list: List[str], articles: bool, prepositions: bool, conjunctions: bool ) -> Dict[str, float]: err = self.errorChecking(sent) if err: raise Exception(err) if not word_list: word_list = self.getTop5Predictions( sent, banned_word_list, articles, prepositions, conjunctions ) sent_list = [] sent_list2print = [] for word in word_list: sent_list.append(sent.replace("*", "<"+word+">")) sent_list2print.append(sent.replace("*", "<"+word+">")) all_plls_scores = {} for sent, sent2print in zip(sent_list, sent_list2print): all_plls_scores[sent2print] = self.pllScore.compute(sent) return all_plls_scores