import gradio import argparse import os import boto3 import pandas as pd from copy import copy from random import choice import queue from constants import css, js_code, js_light, BANNER from utils import model_response, clear_chat from models import get_tinyllama, get_qwen2ins1b, GigaChat, response_gigachat, response_qwen2ins1b, response_tinyllama INIT_MODELS = dict() S3_SESSION = None HEADER_MD = None ABOUT_MD = None CURRENT_MODELS = queue.LifoQueue() MODEL_LIB = {'TINYLLAMA': get_tinyllama, "QWEN2INS1B": get_qwen2ins1b, "RUBASE": GigaChat.get_giga} GEN_LIB = {'TINYLLAMA': response_tinyllama, "QWEN2INS1B": response_qwen2ins1b, "RUBASE": response_gigachat} MODEL_LIST = ["TINYLLAMA", "QWEN2INS1B", "RUBASE"] css = """ #small span{ font-size: 0.7em; } """ async def model_gen( content, chat_history, model_name: str, top_p, temp, max_tokens, no_context=False ): global INIT_MODELS, S3_SESSION, GEN_LIB, MODEL_LIB model_manager(model_name, MODEL_LIB, 3) if content is None: return '', [] if len(content) == 0: return '', [] chat_history = [] if no_context else chat_history res = await model_response( content, chat_history, S3_SESSION, INIT_MODELS, GEN_LIB, model_name, {"top_p": top_p, "temperature": temp, "max_tokens": max_tokens} ) return res async def model_regen( content, chat_history, model_name: str, top_p, temp, max_tokens, no_context=False ): global INIT_MODELS, S3_SESSION, GEN_LIB, MODEL_LIB model_manager(model_name, MODEL_LIB, 3) if chat_history is None: return '', [] chat_history = chat_history[-1] if no_context else chat_history content = copy(chat_history[-1][0]) res = await model_response( content, chat_history[:-1], S3_SESSION, INIT_MODELS, GEN_LIB, model_name, {"top_p": top_p, "temperature": temp, "max_tokens": max_tokens} ) return res def model_manager( add_model, model_lib, max_models=3 ): global INIT_MODELS, CURRENT_MODELS while CURRENT_MODELS.qsize() >= max_models: model_del = CURRENT_MODELS.get() INIT_MODELS[model_del] = None CURRENT_MODELS.put(add_model) INIT_MODELS[add_model] = model_lib[add_model]() def tab_online_arena(): global S3_SESSION, GEN_LIB, MODEL_LIB, INIT_MODELS, CURRENT_MODELS, MODEL_LIST with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Column(): model_left = gradio.Dropdown(MODEL_LIST, value=choice(MODEL_LIST), interactive=True, multiselect=False, label="Left model") chatbot_left = gradio.Chatbot() with gradio.Column(): model_right = gradio.Dropdown(MODEL_LIST, value=choice(MODEL_LIST), interactive=True, multiselect=False, label="Right model") chatbot_right = gradio.Chatbot() with gradio.Row(): msg = gradio.Textbox(label='Prompt', placeholder='Put your prompt here') with gradio.Row(): both_good = gradio.Button('Both Good') left_better = gradio.Button('Left Better') right_better = gradio.Button('Right Better') both_bad = gradio.Button('Both Bad') with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Accordion("Parameters", open=False): no_context = gradio.Checkbox(label="No context", value=False) top_p = gradio.Slider(label='Top P', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=1, step=0.05, interactive=True) temp = gradio.Slider(label='Temperature', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.7, step=0.05, interactive=True) max_tokens = gradio.Slider(label='Max ouput tokens', minimum=1, maximum=2048, value=256, step=1, interactive=True) with gradio.Row(): clear = gradio.ClearButton([msg, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], value='Clear history') regen_left = gradio.Button(value='Regenerate left answer') regen_right = gradio.Button(value='Regenerate right answer') model_regen, [msg, chatbot_left, model_left, top_p, temp, max_tokens, no_context], [msg, chatbot_left] ) model_regen, [msg, chatbot_right, model_right, top_p, temp, max_tokens, no_context], [msg, chatbot_right] ) with gradio.Blocks(): model_left.change(clear_chat, [], [msg, chatbot_left]) model_right.change(clear_chat, [], [msg, chatbot_right]) msg.submit( model_gen, [msg, chatbot_left, model_left, top_p, temp, max_tokens, no_context], [msg, chatbot_left] ) msg.submit( model_gen, [msg, chatbot_right, model_right, top_p, temp, max_tokens, no_context], [msg, chatbot_right] ) def tab_leaderboard(): df = pd.DataFrame({ "Model" : ['A', 'B', 'C',], "Test 1" : [0, 1, 0], "Test 2" : [1, 0, 1,], }) # Function to apply text color def highlight_cols(x): df = x.copy() # df.loc[:, :] = 'color: purple' df[['Model']] = 'color: green' return df # Applying the style function # s =, axis = None) # Displaying the styled dataframe in Gradio with gradio.TabItem("Autogen Metrics", id=0): with gradio.Blocks() as demo: gradio.DataFrame(df) with gradio.TabItem("Autometrics", id=1): with gradio.Blocks() as demo: gradio.DataFrame(df) with gradio.TabItem("SBS metrics", id=2): with gradio.Blocks() as demo: gradio.DataFrame(df) with gradio.TabItem("Arena ELO rating", id=3): with gradio.Blocks() as demo: gradio.DataFrame(df) def tab_offline_arena(): global MODEL_LIST with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Column(scale=1): with gradio.Accordion("Choose models to sample from", open=False): model_options = MODEL_LIST selected_models = gradio.CheckboxGroup(model_options, info="", value=model_options, show_label=False, interactive=True) clear_button = gradio.Button("Clear", scale=1) # clear the selected_models {selected_models: {"value": [], "__type__": "update"}}, inputs=[], outputs=[selected_models]) with gradio.Column(scale=1): with gradio.Accordion("Choose task types to sample from", open=False): select_tasks = gradio.CheckboxGroup(['Task 1', "Task 2", "Task 3"], info="", value=['Task 1', "Task 2", "Task 3"], show_label=False, interactive=True) clear_task_button = gradio.Button("Clear", scale=1) # clear the select_tasks {select_tasks: {"value": [], "__type__": "update"}}, inputs=[], outputs=[select_tasks]) btn_show_history = gradio.Button("Click to get sample and models' ouputs") with gradio.Column(scale=1): with gradio.Accordion("Choose criteria to sample", open=False): with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Tab("Task 1"): select_criteria_1 = gradio.CheckboxGroup(['Criterion 1', "Criterion 2", "Criterion 3"], info="", value=['Criterion 1', "Criterion 2", "Criterion 3"], show_label=False, interactive=True) with gradio.Tab("Task 2"): select_criteria_2 = gradio.CheckboxGroup(['Criterion 1', "Criterion 2", "Criterion 3"], info="", value=['Criterion 1', "Criterion 2", "Criterion 3"], show_label=False, interactive=True) with gradio.Tab("Task 3"): select_criteria_3 = gradio.CheckboxGroup(['Criterion 1', "Criterion 2", "Criterion 3"], info="", value=['Criterion 1', "Criterion 2", "Criterion 3"], show_label=False, interactive=True) clear_criteria_button = gradio.Button("Clear", scale=1) # clear the select_tasks {select_criteria_1: {"value": [], "__type__": "update"}, select_criteria_2: {"value": [], "__type__": "update"}, select_criteria_3: {"value": [], "__type__": "update"}}, inputs=[], outputs=[select_criteria_1, select_criteria_2, select_criteria_3]) chatbot_data = [['hey', 'Hey!'], ["are we testing something?", None]] text_data = ["Are we?", "Indeed we are."] eval_text = '1. Twist it\n2. Bop it\n3. Crank it' with gradio.Accordion("History", open=False) as acc_history: with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Column(): pass with gradio.Column(scale=0.8): chatbot_history = gradio.Chatbot(container=True, elem_id="small") with gradio.Column(): pass with gradio.Row(): model_a = gradio.Text(label='Model A') model_b = gradio.Text(label='Model B') with gradio.Row(): eval_guide = gradio.Text('Get samples and outputs in order to generate guide', label='Evaluation guide') with gradio.Row(): both_good = gradio.Button('Both Good') left_better = gradio.Button('Left Better') right_better = gradio.Button('Right Better') both_bad = gradio.Button('Both Bad') with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Column(): reason = gradio.Textbox(label='Reasoning', placeholder='Put your reasoning here...', lines=5) with gradio.Column(): gradio.Textbox(value='You have chosen: None', interactive=False, show_label=False) submit_next = gradio.Button("Submit your evaluation and get next") skip_next = gradio.Button("Skip this example and get next one") (gradio.Accordion("History", open=True), chatbot_data, text_data[0], text_data[1], eval_text), inputs=[], outputs=[acc_history, chatbot_history, model_a, model_b, eval_guide]) def build_demo(): with gradio.Blocks(theme=gradio.themes.Soft(text_size=gradio.themes.sizes.text_lg), css=css) as demo: # , css=css, js=js_light gradio.HTML(BANNER, elem_id="banner") gradio.Markdown(HEADER_MD) with gradio.Tabs() as tabs: with gradio.TabItem("🐼 MERA leaderboard", id=0): tab_leaderboard() with gradio.TabItem("🆚 SBS by categories and criteria", id=1): tab_offline_arena() with gradio.TabItem("🥊 Model arena", id=2): tab_online_arena() # _tab_explore() with gradio.TabItem("💪 About MERA", id=3): gradio.Markdown(ABOUT_MD) return demo if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--share", action="store_true") # parser.add_argument("--bench_table", help="Path to MERA table", default="data_dir/MERA_jun2024.jsonl") args = parser.parse_args() # data_load(args.result_file) # TYPES = ["number", "markdown", "number"] with open("", "r") as f: HEADER_MD = with open("", "r") as f: ABOUT_MD = try: session = boto3.session.Session() S3_SESSION = session.client( service_name='s3', endpoint_url=os.getenv('S3_ENDPOINT'), aws_access_key_id=os.getenv('S3_ACCESS_KEY'), aws_secret_access_key=os.getenv('S3_SECRET_KEY'), ) except: print('Failed to start s3 session') app = build_demo() app.launch(share=args.share, height=3000, width="110%", allowed_paths=["."]) # share=args.share # demo = gradio.Interface(fn=gen, inputs="text", outputs="text") # demo.launch()