from fasthtml_hf import setup_hf_backup from fasthtml.common import ( picolink, serve, Div, Title, Main, Input, Button, A, Section, H2, Ul, Li, P, Img, Details, MarkdownJS, HighlightJS, Summary, Script, I, Form, RedirectResponse, dataclass, Favicon, database, get_key, Table, Thead, Tr, Th, Tbody, Td, FileResponse, fast_app, Beforeware, Hidden, Request, ) from fasthtml.components import Nav, Article, Header, Mark from fasthtml.pico import Search from starlette.middleware import Middleware from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware from vespa.application import Vespa import json import os import re import time from hmac import compare_digest from io import StringIO import csv import tempfile DEV_MODE = True if DEV_MODE: print("Running in DEV_MODE - Hot reload enabled") from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() ADMIN_NAME = os.getenv("ADMIN_NAME", "admin") ADMIN_PWD = os.getenv("ADMIN_PWD", "admin") vespa_app: Vespa = Vespa( url=os.getenv("VESPA_APP_URL"), vespa_cloud_secret_token=os.getenv("VESPA_CLOUD_SECRET_TOKEN"), ) status = vespa_app.get_application_status() if status is None: print("Could not connect to Vespa application") else: print("Connected to Vespa application!") fa = Script(src="", crossorigin="anonymous") favicon = Favicon( "", "", ) DB_FILE = "db/vespa.db" db = database(DB_FILE) queries = db.t.queries if queries not in db.t: # You can pass a dict, or kwargs, to most MiniDataAPI methods. queries.create(dict(qid=int, query=str, sess_id=str, timestamp=int), pk="qid") # Add autoincrement to the qid column db.query("ALTER TABLE queries ADD COLUMN qid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT") Query = queries.dataclass() # Add a classmethod to the Query dataclass to convert timestamp field to a human readable format Query.get_datetime = lambda self: time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(self.timestamp) ) # Status code 303 is a redirect that can change POST to GET, # so it's appropriate for a login page. login_redir = RedirectResponse("/login", status_code=303) def user_auth_before(req, sess): # The `auth` key in the request scope is automatically provided # to any handler which requests it, and can not be injected # by the user using query params, cookies, etc, so it should # be secure to use. print(f"Session Data before route: {sess}") auth = req.scope["auth"] = sess.get("auth", None) print(f"Auth: {auth}") if not auth: return login_redir headers = (picolink, MarkdownJS(), HighlightJS(langs=["json", "python"]), favicon, fa) # Sesskey sess_key_path = "session/.sesskey" # Make sure session directory exists os.makedirs("session", exist_ok=True) # Middleware class XFrameOptionsMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware): async def dispatch(self, request, call_next): response = await call_next(request) response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "ALLOW-FROM" return response middlewares = [ Middleware( SessionMiddleware, secret_key=get_key(fname=sess_key_path), max_age=3600, ), Middleware(XFrameOptionsMiddleware), ] bware = Beforeware( user_auth_before, skip=[ r"/favicon\.ico", r"/static/.*", r".*\.css", r".*\.js", "/", "/login", "/search", "/document/.*", "/expand/.*", "/source", ], ) app, rt = fast_app( before=bware, live=DEV_MODE, hdrs=headers, middleware=middlewares, key_fname=sess_key_path, same_site="None", ) sesskey = get_key(fname=sess_key_path) print(f"Session key: {sesskey}") def get_navbar(admin: bool): print(f"In get_navbar: {admin}") bar = Nav( Ul( Li( A( Img(src=""), href="", target="_blank", style="margin: 10px;", ), ) ), Ul(H2("Vespa-fastHTML demo")), Ul( # A question mark icon with link to an about page A( I(cls="fa fa-question-circle fa-2x"), href="/about", style="margin: 10px;", title="About this app", ), A( I(cls="fab fa-slack fa-2x"), href="", style="margin: 10px;", target="_blank", title="Join Vespa Slack channel", ), A( I(cls="fab fa-github fa-2x"), href="", style="margin: 10px;", target="_blank", title="View source code on GitHub", ), A( I(cls="fa fa-code fa-2x"), href="/source", style="margin: 10px;", title="View source code", ), # Login icon (link to /login) show tooltip on hover. MAke it hidden if admin is logged in A( I(cls="fa fa-shield fa-2x"), href="/login" if not admin else "/admin", style="margin: 10px;", title="Admin login", ), # Logout icon if admin is logged in A( I(cls="fa fa-sign-out fa-2x"), href="/logout", style="margin: 10px;" if admin else "display: none;", title="Logout", ), ), # 10px margin to right of navbar style="margin-right: 10px;", ) return bar @app.route("/") def get(sess): # Can not get auth directly, as it is skipped in beforeware auth = sess.get("auth", False) return ( Title("Vespa demo"), get_navbar(auth), Main( # Search bar Search( Input( type="search", placeholder="Ask/search for medical information?", id="userquery", ), # Get search results on button click with search-input as query parameter Button( "Search", hx_get="/search", hx_include="#userquery", hx_target="#results", hx_indicator="#spinner", ), style="margin: 10% 10px 0 0;", ), # Section( # Input( # id="suggestion-input", # list="search-options", # placeholder="Search options", # ), # Datalist( # *[ # Option( # "Covid-19", # value="Covid-19", # ), # Option( # "Vaccine", # value="Vaccine", # ), # ], # id="search-options", # ), # id="suggestions", # ), Section( Div( A( id="spinner", aria_busy="true", cls="htmx-indicator", style="font-size: 2em;", ), style="text-align: center; margin-top: 40px;", ), id="results", hx_swap="innerHTML", style="margin: 20px;", ), style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%;", id="main", ), ) @dataclass class Login: name: str pwd: str @app.get("/login") def get_login_form(sess, error: bool = False): auth = sess.get("auth", False) frm = Form( Input(id="name", placeholder="Name"), Input(id="pwd", type="password", placeholder="Password"), Button("login"), action="/login", method="post", ) err_msg = P("Incorrect password", style="color: red;") if error else "" return ( Title("Admin login"), get_navbar(auth), Main( err_msg, frm, style="width: 50%; margin: 10% auto;", ), )"/login") def post(login: Login, sess): if not compare_digest(ADMIN_PWD.encode("utf-8"), login.pwd.encode("utf-8")): # Incorrect password - add error message return RedirectResponse("/login?error=True", status_code=303) sess["auth"] = True print(f"Sess after login: {sess}") return RedirectResponse("/admin", status_code=303) @app.get("/logout") def logout(sess): sess["auth"] = False return RedirectResponse("/") def replace_hi_with_strong(text): parts = re.split(r"(|)", text) elements = [] open_tag = False for part in parts: if part == "": open_tag = True elif part == "": open_tag = False elif open_tag: elements.append(Mark(part)) else: elements.append(part) return elements def log_query_to_db(query, sess): return queries.insert( Query(query=query, sess_id=sesskey, timestamp=int(time.time())) ) def parse_results(records): return [ Article( Header( H2( A( result["title"], hx_get=f"/document/{result['id']}", hx_target="#results", ) ) ), Div( P( *replace_hi_with_strong( result["body"][:300] + "..." ), # Display first 300 characters of body ), Div( # Button with "Show more" - center align Button( "Show more", hx_post=f"/expand/{result['id']}?expand=true", hx_target=f"#{result['id']}", hx_include=f"#{result['id']}-full", cls="outline secondary", # Style to fill whole width of parent div style="width: 100%;", ), style="text-align: center;", ), id=result["id"], ), Hidden(result["body"], id=f"{result['id']}-full"), ) for result in records ]"/expand/{docid}") async def expand(request: Request, docid: str, expand: bool): print(f"Expanding {docid}") form_data = await request.form() result = form_data.get(f"{docid}-full") if not expand: result = result[:300] + "..." return ( Div( P( *replace_hi_with_strong(result), # Display full body ), Div( # Button with "Show less" - center align Button( "Show less" if expand else "Show more", hx_post=f"/expand/{docid}?expand=" + ("false" if expand else "true"), hx_target=f"#{docid}", hx_include=f"#{docid}-full", cls="outline secondary", # Style to fill whole width of parent div style="width: 100%;", ), style="text-align: center;", ), id=docid, ), ) @app.get("/search") async def search(userquery: str, sess): print(sess) if "queries" not in sess: sess["queries"] = [] else: sess["queries"].append(userquery) print(f"Searching for: {userquery}") log_query_to_db(userquery, sess) async with vespa_app.asyncio() as session: resp = await session.query( yql="select * from sources * where userQuery() or ({targetHits:1000}nearestNeighbor(embedding,q)) limit 10;", query=userquery, hits=10, ranking="fusion", body={"input.query(q)": f"embed({userquery})"}, ) records = [] fields = ["id", "title", "body"] for hit in resp.hits: record = {} for field in fields: record[field] = hit["fields"][field] records.append(record) results = parse_results(records) json_dump = json.dumps(resp.get_json(), indent=4) return Div( # Accordion (with Details) Details( Summary("Full JSON response"), Div( f"""```json\n{json_dump}\n```""", cls="marked", ), ), H2( "Search Results", ), Div( *results, id="all-searchresults", ), ) @app.get("/download_csv") def download_csv(auth): queries_dict = list(db.query("SELECT * FROM queries")) queries = [Query(**query) for query in queries_dict] # Create CSV in memory csv_file = StringIO() csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) csv_writer.writerow(["Query", "Session ID", "Timestamp"]) for query in queries: csv_writer.writerow([query.query, query.sess_id, query.timestamp]) # Move to the beginning of the StringIO object # Save CSV to a temporary file temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".csv") temp_file.write(csv_file.getvalue().encode("utf-8")) temp_file.close() return FileResponse(, filename="queries.csv", media_type="text/csv", content_disposition_type="attachment", ) @app.get("/admin") def get_admin(auth, page: int = 1): limit = 15 offset = (page - 1) * limit total_queries_result = list( db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM queries ORDER BY timestamp DESC") ) total_queries = total_queries_result[0]["count"] queries_dict = list( db.query(f"SELECT * FROM queries LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}") ) queries = [Query(**query) for query in queries_dict] total_pages = ( total_queries + limit - 1 ) // limit # Calculate total number of pages # Define the range of pages to display page_window = 5 # Number of pages to display at once start_page = max(1, page - page_window // 2) end_page = min(total_pages, start_page + page_window - 1) # Adjust the start and end pages if they exceed the limits if end_page - start_page < page_window: start_page = max(1, end_page - page_window + 1) # Pagination controls with "First", "Previous", "Next", and "Last" pagination_controls = Div( A( "First", href="/admin?page=1", style="margin: 5px;" if page > 1 else "margin: 5px; color: grey; pointer-events: none;", ), A( "Previous", href=f"/admin?page={page - 1}", style="margin: 5px;" if page > 1 else "margin: 5px; color: grey; pointer-events: none;", ), *[ A( f"{i}", href=f"/admin?page={i}", style="margin: 5px;" if i != page else "margin: 5px; font-weight: bold;", ) for i in range(start_page, end_page + 1) ], A( "Next", href=f"/admin?page={page + 1}", style="margin: 5px;" if page < total_pages else "margin: 5px; color: grey; pointer-events: none;", ), A( "Last", href=f"/admin?page={total_pages}", style="margin: 5px;" if page < total_pages else "margin: 5px; color: grey; pointer-events: none;", ), style="text-align: center; margin: 20px;", ) # Total pages indication total_pages_indicator = Div( f"Page {page} of {total_pages}", style="text-align: center; margin: 10px;", ) return ( Title("Admin"), get_navbar(auth), Main( Div( A( I(cls="fa fa-arrow-left"), "Back", href="/", title="Back to main page", style="margin: 10px;", ), style="margin: 10px;", ), H2("Queries"), # Table of all queries Table( Thead( Tr( Th("Query"), Th("Session ID"), Th("Datetime"), ) ), Tbody( *[ Tr( Td(query.query), Td(query.sess_id), Td(query.get_datetime()), ) for query in queries ], ), cls="striped", ), total_pages_indicator, # Include the total pages indicator here pagination_controls, Div( A( I(cls="fa fa-download fa-2x"), " Download CSV", href="/download_csv", style="margin: 10px; float: right;", title="Download queries as CSV", ), style="text-align: right; margin: 20px;", ), style="width: 80%; margin: 40px auto;", ), ) @app.get("/source") def get_source(auth, sess): with open("") as f: source = # Back icon to go back to main page in top left corner return ( Title("Source code"), get_navbar(auth), Main( Div( A( I(cls="fa fa-arrow-left"), "Back", href="/", title="Back to main page", style="margin: 10px;", ), Div( f"""### - This is the whole source code for this app (!)\n```python\n{source}\n```""", cls="marked", style="margin: 10px;", ), style="width: 80%; margin: 40px auto;", ), ), ) @app.get("/about") def get_about(auth, sess): return ( Title("About this app"), get_navbar(auth), Main( Div( A( I(cls="fa fa-arrow-left"), "Back", href="/", title="Back to main page", style="margin: 10px;", ), Div( """# About this app \n We wanted to see if we could build a simple search interface using Vespa and fastHTML. This is the result!""", cls="marked", style="margin: 10px;", ), style="width: 80%; margin: 40px auto;", ), ), ) @app.get("/document/{docid}") def get_document(docid: str, sess): resp = vespa_app.get_data(data_id=docid, schema="doc", namespace="tutorial") doc = resp.json # Link with Back to search results at top of page return Main( Div( A( I(cls="fa fa-arrow-left"), "Back to search results", hx_get=f"/search?userquery={sess['queries'][-1]}", hx_target="#results", style="margin: 10px;", ), H2(doc["fields"]["title"], style="margin: 10px;"), P(doc["fields"]["body"], cls="marked"), ), ) if not DEV_MODE: try: setup_hf_backup(app) except Exception as e: print(f"Error setting up hf backup: {e}") serve()