### Question: Describe the physical and economic landscape of the jurisdiction as outlined in the plan. Include the name of the planning jurisdiction, its location, population, demographics, and average income. Include major geographic features such as mountains, rivers, deserts, and coastline, as well as any key infrastructure like airports or seaports. Highlight details about the local climate, including any mentions of aridity or water challenges. Additionally, summarize the city’s energy production (oil, gas, renewables) and natural resources, and provide information about industries and economic drivers that are crucial to the region.
**Planning Jurisdiction: Albany County**
### **Location and Demographics:**
- **Population:** Albany County is home to approximately 230,000 jobs. The document does not explicitly state the total population.
- **Demographics:** The document does not provide specific details about the demographic makeup or average income of Albany County.
### **Geographic Features and Key Infrastructure:**
- **Geographic Features:** The document does not mention specific geographic features such as mountains, rivers, deserts, or coastlines. However, it does focus on climate stressors like flooding and heat stress.
- **Key Infrastructure:**
- **Seaports:** The Port of Albany and the Port of Coeymans are noted as potential opportunities for attracting offshore wind power manufacturers.
- **Airports:** The Albany County Airport is mentioned in the context of installing electric vehicle charging stations.
### **Local Climate:**
- **Climate Stressors:** The document highlights climate stressors affecting the region, though specific mention of aridity or water challenges is not provided.
### **Energy Production and Natural Resources:**
- **Energy Production:** Albany County has a focus on clean energy and renewable energy development. The county is identified as being well-positioned to capitalize on the emerging wind energy industry.
- **Natural Resources:** No specific natural resources are mentioned, but the plan emphasizes the protection of prime agricultural and forest lands while advancing renewable energy development.
### **Industries and Economic Drivers:**
- **Industry Sectors:**
- **Service-based Economy:** Albany County's economy is primarily service-based, with a Gross Regional Product of $33.6 billion.
- **Largest Industry Sectors:**
- Government: 61,900 jobs (27% of total)
- Healthcare and Social Assistance: 34,000 jobs (15% of total)
- Retail Trade: 19,500 jobs (8% of total)
- Professional, Scientific and Technical Services: 17,100 jobs (7% of total)
- Accommodation and Finance and Insurance: 14,000 jobs (6% of total)
- **Fastest Growing Industries (2016-2021):**
- Finance and Insurance: +7%
- Transportation and Warehousing: +9%
- Health Care and Social Assistance: +1%
- Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services: +2%
- Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction: +102%
- **Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting:** Increased by 25% between 2016-2021.
### **Economic Opportunities and Challenges:**
- **Clean Energy Industry:** Identified as a "key growth sector" with potential to become a clean energy hub.
- **Economic Resilience:** The plan emphasizes leveraging opportunities for growth while ensuring system-wide resilience in the face of climate change challenges.
### Question: To what extent does the plan address resilience, mitigation, and adaptation? After providing a brief summary of how it addresses each component, classify the plan as a whole as one of the following: mitigation dedicated, adaptation/resilience dedicated, mitigation only climate action plan, mitigation primary climate action plan, equal mitigation and adaptation climate action plan, or sustainable/green plan.
- The plan places a strong emphasis on resilience, defining it as the ability to anticipate and prepare for impacts of climate change, ensuring that systems can "quickly respond to and recover from future climate-related events" (Albany County Climate Resiliency Plan). It involves creating plans and programs to help people and businesses recover faster from climate events and making informed land use and development decisions (Introducing the Plan).
- Resilience strategies include promoting regional sharing of information and resources, implementing inclusive planning processes, and supporting local communities and institutions (Resilience Strategies).
- Mitigation is addressed in the plan as actions to make the impacts of climate change less severe by preventing or reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This includes increasing renewable energy use, decarbonizing transportation and building sectors, and planting trees (Mitigation).
- The plan mentions a parallel Climate Action Plan focusing on mitigation actions and establishing targets for emissions reductions (Albany County Climate Action Plan).
- Adaptation is described as taking appropriate actions to proactively prevent or minimize damage from climate change. It involves adjusting to current and future effects by measures such as flood-proofing infrastructure and growing alternative crops (Adaptation).
- Adaptation is also emphasized through projects aimed to build resilience to climate impacts using strategies like policy adoption, capital improvements, and community planning (Purpose and Goals).
The plan is best classified as **adaptation/resilience dedicated**, as it focuses primarily on building climate resilience while acknowledging the complementary roles of mitigation and adaptation (Focus of this Plan).
### Question: Does the plan describe a scenario of climate change the planning jurisdiction will face and for which it is planning climate policies for resilience, mitigation, and adaptation? If so, please summarize any such scenario.
Yes, the plan describes scenarios of climate change that Albany County will face and for which it is planning climate policies for resilience, mitigation, and adaptation.
### **Climate Change Scenarios:**
- **Temperature Changes:**
- Annual temperatures are projected to increase significantly:
- By the 2020s: Increase by 1.7–3.7°F
- By the 2050s: Increase by 3.5–7.1°F
- By the 2080s: Increase by 4.1–11.4°F
- By 2100: Increase by 4.4–13.6°F
- Increase in the number of hot days (days over 90°F) and frequency of heat waves. By the 2050s, there could be anywhere from 22 to 50 hot days per year compared to a historical average of 10.
- Decrease in the number of cold days (days at or below 32°F). By the 2050s, there could be 98 to 125 cold days per year, compared to the historical average of 155.
- **Precipitation Changes:**
- Annual precipitation is projected to change:
- By the 2020s: Change by -1–10%
- By the 2050s: Change by 2–15%
- By the 2080s: Change by 3–17%
- By 2100: Change by -1–26%
- Additional precipitation is expected mainly during winter, with a slight reduction in late summer and early fall.
- **Sea Level Rise:**
- The height of the Hudson River at the Troy Dam is expected to increase:
- By the 2020s: Increase by 1–9 inches
- By the 2050s: Increase by 5–27 inches
- By the 2080s: Increase by 10–54 inches
- By 2100: Increase by 11–71 inches
These scenarios indicate that higher temperatures, increased precipitation, and sea level rise are "all but guaranteed for Albany County’s future" (Introducing the Plan). The plan includes strategies to build resilience and prepare for these anticipated changes.
### Question: What climate hazards does the plan identify as presenting climate risks for the planning jurisdiction? For each identified climate hazard, summarize the plan’s description of: 1. The climate hazard. 2. The climate risks it poses to the planning jurisdiction. 3. Areas or populations with the most climate vulnerability to the identified climate hazard.Generate a numbered list of every hazard identified in the plan. Make the list as long as necessary to accomodate every single hazard.
1. **Flooding/Sea Level Rise**
- **Climate Hazard:** "Flooding from sea level rise, heavy precipitation events, and changes in land use can inundate infrastructure, wash out fields, and cause severe damage to homes and buildings."
- **Climate Risks:** "A changing climate will bring a number of climate stressors and impacts to Albany County in the future, including flooding, sea level rise, drought, and extreme weather events."
- **Vulnerable Areas/Populations:** 20% of residential parcels are located in flood hazard areas. Residential parcels with flood risk "may experience physical damage to homes during flood events, which can put residents at risk of injury or death and may lead to temporary or permanent displacement."
2. **Extreme Heat**
- **Climate Hazard:** "Extreme heat events are expected to increase in frequency, severity, and duration as a result of climate change."
- **Climate Risks:** "Heat waves can cause heat stroke, dehydration, dizziness, and fainting and can also compound pre-existing conditions, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, leading to hospitalization and even death."
- **Vulnerable Areas/Populations:** Heat risk affects the greatest percentage of residential parcels, with 28% experiencing major heat risk or greater. Residential parcels that are socially vulnerable are likely to be disproportionately impacted by extreme heat. Housing that is vulnerable to heat is concentrated primarily in the City of Albany.
3. **Extreme Cold**
- **Climate Hazard:** "Extreme cold events are expected to increase in frequency, severity, and duration as a result of climate change."
- **Climate Risks:** "Extreme cold events can cause frostbite, hypothermia, and potentially death."
- **Vulnerable Areas/Populations:** Extreme weather disproportionately affects low-income and elderly residents – many of whom may also be facing financial, housing, and/or energy insecurity.
4. **Drought**
- **Climate Hazard:** Drought is mentioned as one of the climate stressors and impacts that a changing climate will bring to Albany County.
- **Climate Risks:** Not specifically detailed in the provided excerpts.
- **Vulnerable Areas/Populations:** Not specifically detailed in the provided excerpts.
5. **Extreme Weather Events**
- **Climate Hazard:** Extreme weather events are one of the climate stressors and impacts expected due to climate change.
- **Climate Risks:** "Extreme weather is associated with several negative physiological and mental health impacts."
- **Vulnerable Areas/Populations:** Extreme weather disproportionately affects low-income and elderly residents – many of whom may also be facing financial, housing, and/or energy insecurity.
### Question: What resilience options are identified in the plan? For each option, summarize: 1. The specific climate threat it addresses; 2. Details on cost, timeframe, and location, including any references found in tables, charts, or images that might contain this data; 3. Other important attributes, such as economic, environmental, or infrastructural considerations.
**Resilience Options Identified in the Plan**
1. **Increase County Capacity to Support Resilience Efforts**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** General preparedness for future natural disturbances.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- *Short-Term:* This involves creating a Director of Sustainability position and supporting staff to spearhead climate resiliency efforts.
- *Cost Estimate:* Varies based on implementation.
- **Other Attributes:**
- Focuses on increasing County capacity to apply for grants, manage projects, and maintain them for long-term success.
- Infusing "resilience thinking" into County processes and ensuring delivery of critical services during disasters (Section: Community Planning & Capacity).
2. **Assess Municipal Properties for Resilient Site Improvements**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** General climate impacts potentially affecting municipal properties.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- *Short-term:* Conduct detailed assessments.
- *Mid-term:* Implement climate-resilient retrofits.
- *Long-term/Ongoing:* Integrate strategies into all new County facilities.
- Specific location example: County Department of Health / Board of Elections parking lot (Section: Implementation Recommended Actions).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Includes strategies like installing permeable pavement, rain gardens, and bioretention areas.
- Focus on increasing resilience and resource conservation (Section: Potential Benefits).
3. **Build Out County's Network of Rain and Stream Gauges**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Flooding and water management.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- Specific details on cost and timeframe not provided, but part of infrastructure systems projects (Section: Infrastructure Systems).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Enhancing the county's ability to monitor and respond to water-related climate impacts.
4. **Conduct a County-Wide Culvert Analysis**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Flooding and infrastructure vulnerability.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- Part of infrastructure systems projects, specific cost and timeframe not provided (Section: Infrastructure Systems).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Aims to identify and address vulnerabilities in existing infrastructure to better manage water flow and prevent flooding.
5. **Increase Resilience at Municipal Facilities**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Extreme weather events impacting municipal functionality.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- Short-term, mid-term, and long-term actions specified for building retrofits and integration of climate-resilient strategies (Section: Infrastructure Systems).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Includes retrofitting buildings, integrating resilient strategies into new facility designs, and overall enhancing facility resilience.
6. **Plan for Sea Level Rise at County’s North and South WWTPs**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Sea level rise affecting wastewater treatment plants.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- Specific timeframe not detailed, part of proactive planning for sea level rise (Section: Infrastructure Systems).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Ensures the continued operation of critical infrastructure in the face of rising sea levels.
7. **Increase Resilience to Extreme Temperature Events**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Extreme heat and temperature fluctuations.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- Specific details on cost and timeframe not provided, under health and social services projects (Section: Health and Social Services).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Focuses on protecting vulnerable populations from temperature extremes.
8. **Prepare for Long-Term and Large-Scale Displacements**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Displacement due to climate impacts such as severe weather events.
- **Cost, Timeframe, and Location:**
- Specific details on cost and timeframe not provided, part of health and social services projects (Section: Health and Social Services).
- **Other Attributes:**
- Addresses social and community planning to manage population displacements effectively.
Each resilience option is designed to address specific threats posed by climate change, with a focus on infrastructural upgrades, policy changes, and community planning to enhance Albany County's ability to withstand and recover from climate impacts.
### Question: What mitigation options does the plan identify? For each identified mitigation option, summarize the information provided in the plan regarding cost, timing, location, and other important attributes.
**Mitigation Options Identified in the Plan:**
1. **Increasing Renewable Energy Use**
- **Information Provided:** The plan mentions that mitigation actions can include increasing renewable energy use. However, no specific details about cost, timing, or location are provided for this option.
2. **De-carbonizing the Transportation and Building Sectors**
- **Information Provided:** Similar to renewable energy, the plan lists de-carbonizing the transportation and building sectors as a potential mitigation action but does not provide specific information on cost, timing, or location.
3. **Planting Trees to Increase Carbon Dioxide Storage**
- **Information Provided:** Planting trees is identified as a mitigation action to increase carbon storage. The plan does not provide specific details regarding cost, timing, or location for this option.
The plan primarily focuses on resilience but acknowledges the importance of mitigation actions. It states: "Mitigation actions work to make the impacts of climate change less severe. Most often, the goal of mitigation is to prevent or reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere as this is a key driver of climate change" (Mitigation section). Beyond this general guidance, the document does not elaborate with concrete project-specific details for these mitigation options.
### Question: What mitigation options does the plan identify? For each identified mitigation option, summarize the information provided in the plan regarding cost, timeframe, location, and other important attributes.
The plan identifies several mitigation options focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing sustainability. Here are the options outlined:
1. **Increasing Renewable Energy Use**
- **Attributes:** Not specifically detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations in the excerpts provided. However, it is mentioned as a general mitigation action to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
2. **Decarbonizing the Transportation and Building Sectors**
- **Attributes:** As with renewable energy use, specific details such as cost, timeframe, or locations are not provided in the excerpts. This is a broad strategy aimed at lowering carbon emissions from these sectors.
3. **Planting Trees to Increase Carbon Dioxide Storage**
- **Attributes:** The plan suggests tree planting as a mitigation action without detailed specifics on cost, timeframe, or precise locations.
4. **Albany County Climate Action Plan**
- **Cost:** Funded by a $35,000 grant from the NYS Climate Smart Communities Grant Program.
- **Timeframe:** Not explicitly stated, but it is noted as a parallel development to the Climate Resiliency Plan.
- **Location:** County-wide, as part of a broader initiative to complement the Climate Resiliency Plan.
- **Attributes:** The focus is on identifying mitigation actions and establishing targets for emissions reductions.
The plan primarily focuses on resilience, and while it mentions mitigation, specific details for each option are not extensively covered in the provided excerpts.
### Question: What adaptation options does the plan identify? For each identified adaptation option, summarize: 1. The climate threat it is addressing. 2. Information provided in the plan regarding cost, timeframe, location, and other important attributes.
**Adaptation Options Identified in the Albany County Climate Resiliency Plan:**
1. **Moving People and Economic Activities Out of Flood-Prone Areas**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Flooding.
- **Attributes:** Not explicitly detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations within the plan.
2. **Building Defenses to Protect Against Sea Level Rise**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Sea level rise.
- **Attributes:** Not explicitly detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations within the plan.
3. **Growing Alternative Crops Suitable for Warmer Temperatures**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Increased temperatures.
- **Attributes:** Not explicitly detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations within the plan.
4. **Flood-Proofing or Relocating Housing and Infrastructure in Flood-Prone Areas**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Flooding.
- **Attributes:** Not explicitly detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations within the plan.
5. **Upgrading the Electric Grid to Withstand Extreme Weather**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Extreme weather.
- **Attributes:** Not explicitly detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations within the plan.
6. **Planting Trees to Reduce Extreme Heat in Cities**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** Extreme heat.
- **Attributes:** Not explicitly detailed in terms of cost, timeframe, or specific locations within the plan.
7. **Assessing Municipal Properties for Resilient Site Improvements**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** General climate risks.
- **Cost and Timeframe:** Varies based on strategies implemented; Short-term includes conducting detailed assessments and developing a prioritized list of retrofits. Mid-term involves implementing resilient retrofits, and long-term involves integrating climate-resilient strategies into new facilities.
- **Location:** Not explicitly detailed but includes County facilities identified as vulnerable.
- **Potential Funding Sources:** NYS Climate Smart Communities, NYS EFC Green Innovation Grant Program, NYS Environmental Bond Act, NYS HCR Resilient Retrofits.
8. **Partnering with Municipalities to Identify Proactive Solutions for Local Climate Resilience**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** General climate risks.
- **Attributes:** Focus on local level resilience building; specific details not provided regarding cost or timeframe.
- **Location Example:** Assisting Watervliet in relocating its flood-prone Fire Department facility.
9. **Integration of Climate-Resilient Strategies into New County Facilities and Properties**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** General climate risks.
- **Timeframe:** Long-term and ongoing.
- **Attributes:** Specific cost estimates not provided.
10. **Director of Sustainability Position for Climate Resiliency Efforts**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** General climate risks.
- **Attributes:** Short-term recommendation; involves creating a new position to spearhead climate efforts, secure grants, and lead plan implementation. Specific cost details are not provided.
These adaptation options are part of a broader strategy to address various climate threats, including flooding, extreme heat, and general climate risks, though specific cost estimates and precise locations are often not provided in the plan.
### Question: What climate policies does the plan identify to advance climate justice? For each climate policy, summarize: 1. The climate threat it is addressing. 2. Areas or populations with the most climate vulnerability to the identified climate hazard.
The plan identifies several climate policies to advance climate justice. Below are the policies, along with the climate threat they address and the areas or populations with the most climate vulnerability:
1. **Climate Justice Corps**
- **Climate Threat:** Disproportionate impacts of climate change on socially vulnerable communities.
- **Areas/Populations with Vulnerability:** Socially vulnerable communities, including "people of color, people living on low incomes or in poverty, and people who are elderly, young, or disabled." (*Needs and Opportunities: Health and Social Services*)
2. **Urban Forest Expansion**
- **Climate Threat:** Urban heat island effect and lack of vegetative cover, increasing vulnerability to climate stressors.
- **Areas/Populations with Vulnerability:** Urban communities, particularly those "already at greater risk to the effects of climate change." (*Needs and Opportunities: Health and Social Services*)
3. **Development of Cooling and Warming Centers**
- **Climate Threat:** Extreme heat and cold events, which could be exacerbated during electric outages.
- **Areas/Populations with Vulnerability:** Low-income and elderly residents "facing financial, housing, and/or energy insecurity." (*Needs and Opportunities: Health and Social Services*)
4. **Sheltering Options in Low Hazard Areas**
- **Climate Threat:** Displacement due to natural disasters.
- **Areas/Populations with Vulnerability:** Those without stable housing, including low-income households. (*Needs and Opportunities: Health and Social Services*)
5. **Public Messaging/Educational Campaign**
- **Climate Threat:** Limited public awareness and preparedness for potential climate impacts.
- **Areas/Populations with Vulnerability:** General public, with a focus on building "capacity around how to prepare" and communicating resources. (*Needs and Opportunities: Community Planning and Capacity*)
6. **Proactive Identification of Safe Growth Areas**
- **Climate Threat:** Lack of climate-resilient and affordable housing stock.
- **Areas/Populations with Vulnerability:** Communities in need of "resilient construction and retrofits." (*Needs and Opportunities: Housing*)
### Question: Identify any potential unforeseen maladaptive climate policies. For each identified climate policy, summarize: 1. The climate threat it is addressing. 2. The resilience, mitigation, or adaptation option that the climate policy proposes. 3. Why it may cause inadvertent maladaption.
Based on the content provided from the Albany County Climate Resiliency Plan, here are potential unforeseen maladaptive climate policies:
1. **Renewable energy development displacing prime agricultural and forest lands**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** The need to transition to renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.
- **Proposed Option:** "Adopt policies and regulations that focus renewable energy development on brownfields, greyfields, and other non-prime agricultural lands." (_Albany County Climate Resiliency Plan_)
- **Potential Maladaptation:** While this policy aims to protect prime agricultural and forest lands, an inadvertent focus solely on non-prime lands for renewable energy development could lead to the neglect of integrating energy projects with existing agricultural practices. This may cause conflicts between energy and food production priorities, potentially reducing the overall resilience of rural communities by not maximizing land use efficiency or supporting agricultural livelihoods.
2. **Floodplain Management and Development**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** The risk of flooding and its impact on vulnerable infrastructure and communities.
- **Proposed Option:** "All municipalities in Albany County have a flood damage prevention local law, which requires facilities vulnerable to floods to be constructed in a way that protects against flood damage." (_Albany County Climate Resiliency Plan_)
- **Potential Maladaptation:** This policy could potentially lead to maladaptation if the emphasis on constructing flood-protected facilities results in an increased reliance on structural defenses (e.g., levees, barriers) rather than promoting sustainable floodplain management practices. Such an approach might encourage development in flood-prone areas, increasing long-term vulnerability to extreme flood events and possibly leading to environmental degradation.
3. **Stormwater Management**
- **Climate Threat Addressed:** The issue of stormwater discharges and their impact on water quality and urban flooding.
- **Proposed Option:** "Stormwater management laws regulate new development and redevelopment to control and manage stormwater discharges through the use of green and traditional infrastructure." (_Albany County Climate Resiliency Plan_)
- **Potential Maladaptation:** While managing stormwater through infrastructure is crucial, if these measures focus heavily on traditional infrastructure without integrating green infrastructure solutions, it could lead to increased runoff and reduced groundwater recharge. Such an approach might fail to address the root causes of urban flooding and degrade natural water systems, ultimately increasing vulnerability to changing precipitation patterns.
### Question: In what ways does the plan measure the success or failure of each adaptation, resilience, and mitigation option? List any specific metrics used, such as reductions in CO2 emissions, improvements in air quality, or other quantifiable impacts. Identify the exact units (e.g., tons, percentages, index values) mentioned in the plan for tracking these outcomes. Additionally, outline any concrete goals or targets set for each option, including deadlines or specific numerical objectives.
**Metrics for Measuring Success or Failure:**
1. **Resilient Homes Program:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Amount invested in 'Resilient Focus Areas' through grants, loans, and rebates."*
- *"Number of homes retrofitted."*
2. **Rain and Stream Gauges Network:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Number of rain gauges installed."*
- *"Number of stream gauges installed."*
3. **County-wide Culvert Analysis:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Number of culverts identified for repair or replacement."*
- *"Number of culverts right-sized."*
- *"Number of culverts retrofitted for aquatic habitat connectivity."*
4. **Transportation Vulnerability Assessment:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Number of roadway resiliency projects implemented."*
- *"Fox Creek Road: Replacement of twin barrel culvert over Fox Creek Road."*
5. **Increase County Capacity for Resiliency Efforts:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Number of County policies revised to incorporate resilience."*
- *"Number of municipalities adopting new climate policies and/or programs."*
6. **Climate Justice Corps Network:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Creation of County-led Climate Justice Corps."*
- *"Number of projects implemented with assistance from the Corps."*
- *"Number of local Corps created."*
7. **Purchase of Flood Factor Data:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Purchase of subscription."*
- *"Number of years subscription is renewed."*
- *"Inclusion of Flood Factor dataset in County’s online mapping services."*
8. **Support for FEMA’s CRS Program:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Number of municipalities participating in CRS."*
- *"Number of CRS points earned by participating municipalities."*
9. **Green Streets Initiative:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Linear feet of green infrastructure installed."*
10. **Open Space Plan:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Creation of Open Space Plan."*
- *"Acres of existing open space preserved."*
- *"Acres of new open space created."*
- *"Number of County and/or local policies/regulations created to support open space preservation."*
11. **Business Resiliency Program:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Number of businesses participating in the 'Business Resiliency Program.'"*
- *"Reduction in impacts to participating businesses following climate events."*
12. **Sustainable Albany Campaign:**
- **Metrics:**
- *"Increased traffic driven to sustainable destinations/businesses advertised on the 'Sustainable Albany' website."*
- *"Number of businesses enrolled in the 'Green Business' program."*
**Concrete Goals or Targets:**
- For the Green Streets Initiative, there is a mention of a potential goal related to tree planting:
- *"Establishing a quantifiable goal can be a good way to spread awareness and get people interested in climate resiliency efforts. For example, Albany County could set a goal of planting 40,000 trees by 2035 which would bring the County’s tree equity score to 85 (out of 100)."*
### Question: Generate a table that summarizes the following features from the document: Location/City Name, Population, Threats Identified, Measures Identified
| Feature | Details |
| **Location/City Name** | Albany County |
| **Population** | Not specified in the document. |
| **Threats Identified** | - Flooding
- Sea level rise
- Drought
- Extreme weather events
- Extreme heat
- Social vulnerability (derived from socio-demographic characteristics)
- Climate stressors and impacts due to a changing climate (Risk Assessment and Analysis) |
| **Measures Identified** | - Implementing higher regulatory standards for floodplain management or flood-resilient zoning (Needs and Opportunities Assessment)
- Updating building codes
- Adopting policies that promote mitigation like low emission vehicle standards, complete street policies, and smart growth principles
- Creating working groups to share lessons learned
- Supporting municipalities with technical and financial assistance in adopting climate policies and developing resiliency plans (Needs and Opportunities Assessment)
- Developing a "Green Streets Initiative"
- Updating the County's Open Space Plan (Recommended Projects)
- Creating a "Business Resiliency Program"
- Creating a "Sustainable Albany" campaign (Recommended Projects) |