import gradio as gr from dotenv import load_dotenv import os import anthropic import openai from util import ClaudeCompletion, GPTCompletion gr.close_all() load_dotenv() CLAUDE_API_KEY = os.environ["CLAUDE_API_KEY"] openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] claudeClient = anthropic.Client(CLAUDE_API_KEY) def talkToClaude(prompt): completion = ClaudeCompletion(prompt, max_tokens_to_sample=1024) claudeResponse = completion.execute(claudeClient) return claudeResponse def chatWithClaude(chatHistory): completion = ClaudeCompletion("", max_tokens_to_sample=2048, temperature=0.5) claudeResponse = completion.chatComplete(claudeClient, chatHistory) lastMessage = chatHistory[-1][0] chatHistory.pop() chatHistory.append((lastMessage, claudeResponse)) return chatHistory def startNewChat(system, chatHistory): systemMes = "You are a human chatting with an AI assistant. This is the context of your conversation: " + system completion = GPTCompletion(system=systemMes, max_tokens=2048, temperature=1.5) gptResponse = completion.chatComplete(chatHistory, firstMessage="Hi, I am an AI assistant. How can I help you?") chatHistory.append((gptResponse, "")) return chatHistory def chatWithGPT(chatHistory): completion = GPTCompletion(system="You are a human chatting with an AI assistant.", max_tokens=2048, temperature=1.5) gptResponse = completion.chatComplete(chatHistory) chatHistory.append((gptResponse, "")) return chatHistory with gr.Blocks() as demo: chatHistory = [] gptsTurn = True def startConversation(prompt): global chatHistory, gptsTurn # nextBtn.interactive = False chatHistory = [] startNewChat(prompt, chatHistory) # nextBtn.interactive = True gptsTurn = False return chatHistory def nextResponse(): global gptsTurn # nextBtn.interactive = False if (gptsTurn): chatWithGPT(chatHistory) else: chatWithClaude(chatHistory) gptsTurn = not gptsTurn # nextBtn.interactive = True return chatHistory context = gr.Textbox(label="Context", placeholder="Set the context for two LLMs to chat with each other", info="OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo model with chat completion and Anthropic's claude-v1.3 text completion model will talk to each other. Context will be integrated into GPT's system message for the first line of the dialoge and will be scrapped afterwards. The two LLM's are expected to keep the conversation going based on the conversation history. Clicking \"Start conversation\" will reset the conversation and bring the first message. Then, clicking \"Next response\" will bring the next line of the dialogue.") start_button = gr.Button("Start conversation") chatbot = gr.Chatbot().style(height=460) nextBtn = gr.Button("Next response") examples = gr.Examples( ["A person is interested in Formula 1 and asks questions about the sport", "A little child wants to understand how planes fly", "You are a young indie game dev searching for ideas about their next strategy game", "You are an old irish man is interested in medieval european history"] , context) # nextBtn.interactive = False, context, chatbot, scroll_to_output=True, show_progress=True), None, chatbot, scroll_to_output=True, show_progress=True) try: demo.launch(share=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: demo.close() except Exception as e: print(e) demo.close() gr.close_all()