import os import os.path as osp import numpy as np import torch import cv2 import json import copy from pycocotools.coco import COCO from config.config import cfg from util.human_models import smpl_x from util.preprocessing import ( load_img, process_bbox, augmentation_instance_sample, process_human_model_output_batch_simplify,process_db_coord_batch_no_valid) from util.transforms import world2cam, cam2pixel, rigid_align from detrsmpl.utils.geometry import batch_rodrigues, project_points_new, weak_perspective_projection, perspective_projection import tqdm import time import random from detrsmpl.utils.demo_utils import box2cs, xywh2xyxy, xyxy2xywh import torch.distributed as dist KPS2D_KEYS = [ 'keypoints2d_ori', 'keypoints2d_smplx', 'keypoints2d_smpl', 'keypoints2d_original','keypoints2d_gta','keypoints2d' ] KPS3D_KEYS = [ 'keypoints3d_cam', 'keypoints3d', 'keypoints3d_smplx', 'keypoints3d_smpl', 'keypoints3d_original', 'keypoints3d_gta','keypoints3d' ] # keypoints3d_cam with root-align has higher priority, followed by old version key keypoints3d # when there is keypoints3d_smplx, use this rather than keypoints3d_original from util.formatting import DefaultFormatBundle from import Normalize class Cache(): """A custom implementation for OSX pipeline.""" def __init__(self, load_path=None): if load_path is not None: self.load(load_path) def load(self, load_path): self.load_path = load_path self.cache = np.load(load_path, allow_pickle=True) self.data_len = self.cache['data_len'] self.data_strategy = self.cache['data_strategy'] assert self.data_len == len(self.cache) - 2 # data_len, data_strategy self.cache = None @classmethod def save(cls, save_path, data_list, data_strategy): assert save_path is not None, 'save_path is None' data_len = len(data_list) cache = {} for i, data in enumerate(data_list): cache[str(i)] = data assert len(cache) == data_len # update meta cache.update({'data_len': data_len, 'data_strategy': data_strategy}) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() np.savez_compressed(save_path, **cache) print(f'Cache saved to {save_path}.') # def shuffle(self): # random.shuffle(self.mapping) def __len__(self): return self.data_len def __getitem__(self, idx): if self.cache is None: self.cache = np.load(self.load_path, allow_pickle=True) # mapped_idx = self.mapping[idx] # cache_data = self.cache[str(mapped_idx)] # print(self.cache.files) cache_data = self.cache[str(idx)] data = cache_data.item() return data class HumanDataset( # same mapping for 144->137 and 190->137 SMPLX_137_MAPPING = [ 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 37, 38, 39, 66, 25, 26, 27, 67, 28, 29, 30, 68, 34, 35, 36, 69, 31, 32, 33, 70, 52, 53, 54, 71, 40, 41, 42, 72, 43, 44, 45, 73, 49, 50, 51, 74, 46, 47, 48, 75, 22, 15, 56, 57, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 ] def __init__(self, transform, data_split): self.transform = transform self.data_split = data_split # dataset information, to be filled by child class self.img_dir = None self.annot_path = None self.annot_path_cache = None self.use_cache = False self.img_shape = None # (h, w) self.cam_param = None # {'focal_length': (fx, fy), 'princpt': (cx, cy)} self.use_betas_neutral = False self.body_only = False self.joint_set = { 'joint_num': smpl_x.joint_num, 'joints_name': smpl_x.joints_name, 'flip_pairs': smpl_x.flip_pairs } self.joint_set['root_joint_idx'] = self.joint_set['joints_name'].index( 'Pelvis') self.format = DefaultFormatBundle() self.normalize = Normalize(mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53], std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375]) self.keypoints2d = None # self.rank = dist.get_rank() self.lhand_mean = smpl_x.layer['neutral'].left_hand_mean.reshape(15, 3).cpu().numpy() self.rhand_mean = smpl_x.layer['neutral'].right_hand_mean.reshape(15, 3).cpu().numpy() # self.log_file_path = f'indices_node{rank}.txt' def load_cache(self, annot_path_cache): datalist = Cache(annot_path_cache) # assert datalist.data_strategy == getattr(cfg, 'data_strategy', None), \ # f'Cache data strategy {datalist.data_strategy} does not match current data strategy ' \ # f'{getattr(cfg, "data_strategy", None)}' return datalist def save_cache(self, annot_path_cache, datalist): print( f'[{self.__class__.__name__}] Caching datalist to {self.annot_path_cache}...' ), datalist, data_strategy=getattr(cfg, 'data_strategy', None)) def load_data(self, train_sample_interval=1, hand_bbox_ratio=1, body_bbox_ratio=1): content = np.load(self.annot_path, allow_pickle=True) try: frame_range = content['frame_range'] except KeyError: self.num_data = len(content['image_path']) frame_range = \ np.array([[i, i + 1] for i in range(self.num_data)]) num_examples = len(frame_range) if 'meta' in content: meta = content['meta'].item() print('meta keys:', meta.keys()) else: meta = None print( 'No meta info provided! Please give height and width manually') print( f'Start loading humandata {self.annot_path} into memory...\nDataset includes: {content.files}' ) tic = time.time() image_path = content['image_path'] if meta is not None and 'height' in meta and len(meta['height'])>0: height = np.array(meta['height']) width = np.array(meta['width']) image_shape = np.stack([height, width], axis=-1) else: image_shape = None if meta is not None and 'gender' in meta and len(meta['gender']) != 0: gender = np.array(meta['gender']) else: gender = None bbox_xywh = content['bbox_xywh'] if 'smplx' in content: smplx = content['smplx'].item() as_smplx = 'smplx' elif 'smpl' in content: smplx = content['smpl'].item() as_smplx = 'smpl' elif 'smplh' in content: smplx = content['smplh'].item() as_smplx = 'smplh' # TODO: temp solution, should be more general. But SHAPY is very special elif self.__class__.__name__ == 'SHAPY': smplx = {} else: raise KeyError('No SMPL for SMPLX available, please check keys:\n' f'{content.files}') print('Smplx param', smplx.keys()) if 'lhand_bbox_xywh' in content and 'rhand_bbox_xywh' in content: lhand_bbox_xywh = content['lhand_bbox_xywh'] rhand_bbox_xywh = content['rhand_bbox_xywh'] else: lhand_bbox_xywh = np.zeros_like(bbox_xywh) rhand_bbox_xywh = np.zeros_like(bbox_xywh) if 'face_bbox_xywh' in content: face_bbox_xywh = content['face_bbox_xywh'] else: face_bbox_xywh = np.zeros_like(bbox_xywh) if meta is not None and 'smplx_valid' in meta: smplx_valid = meta['smplx_valid'] else: smplx_valid = np.ones(len(bbox_xywh)) decompressed = False if content['__keypoints_compressed__']: decompressed_kps = self.decompress_keypoints(content) decompressed = True keypoints3d = None valid_kps3d = False keypoints3d_mask = None valid_kps3d_mask = False # processing keypoints for kps3d_key in KPS3D_KEYS: if kps3d_key in content: keypoints3d = decompressed_kps[kps3d_key][:, self.SMPLX_137_MAPPING, :] if decompressed \ else content[kps3d_key][:, self.SMPLX_137_MAPPING, :] valid_kps3d = True if keypoints3d.shape[-1] == 4: valid_kps3d_mask = True break if self.keypoints2d is not None: keypoints2d = decompressed_kps[self.keypoints2d][:, self.SMPLX_137_MAPPING, :] if decompressed \ else content[self.keypoints2d][:, self.SMPLX_137_MAPPING, :] else: for kps2d_key in KPS2D_KEYS: if kps2d_key in content: keypoints2d = decompressed_kps[kps2d_key][:, self.SMPLX_137_MAPPING, :] if decompressed \ else content[kps2d_key][:, self.SMPLX_137_MAPPING, :] break if keypoints2d.shape[-1] == 3: valid_kps3d_mask = True print('Done. Time: {:.2f}s'.format(time.time() - tic)) datalist = [] # num_examples # processing each image, filter according to bbox valid for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(int(num_examples))): if self.data_split == 'train' and i % train_sample_interval != 0: continue frame_start, frame_end = frame_range[i] img_path = osp.join(self.img_dir, image_path[frame_start]) # im_shape = cv2.imread(img_path).shape[:2] img_shape = image_shape[ frame_start] if image_shape is not None else self.img_shape bbox_list = bbox_xywh[frame_start:frame_end, :4] valid_idx = [] body_bbox_list = [] # if hasattr(cfg, 'bbox_ratio'): # bbox_ratio = cfg.bbox_ratio * 0.833 # preprocess body bbox is giving 1.2 box padding # else: # bbox_ratio = 1.25 # if self.__class__.__name__ == 'SPEC': # bbox_ratio = 1.25 for bbox_i, bbox in enumerate(bbox_list): bbox = process_bbox(bbox, img_width=img_shape[1], img_height=img_shape[0], ratio=body_bbox_ratio) if bbox is None: continue else: valid_idx.append(frame_start + bbox_i) bbox[2:] += bbox[:2] body_bbox_list.append(bbox) if len(valid_idx) == 0: continue valid_num = len(valid_idx) # hand/face bbox lhand_bbox_list = [] rhand_bbox_list = [] face_bbox_list = [] smplx_valid_list = [] for bbox_i in valid_idx: smplx_valid_list.append(smplx_valid[bbox_i]) lhand_bbox = lhand_bbox_xywh[bbox_i] rhand_bbox = rhand_bbox_xywh[bbox_i] face_bbox = face_bbox_xywh[bbox_i] if lhand_bbox[-1] > 0: # conf > 0 lhand_bbox = lhand_bbox[:4] # if hasattr(cfg, 'bbox_ratio'): lhand_bbox = process_bbox(lhand_bbox, img_width=img_shape[1], img_height=img_shape[0], ratio=hand_bbox_ratio) if lhand_bbox is not None: lhand_bbox[2:] += lhand_bbox[:2] # xywh -> xyxy else: lhand_bbox = None if rhand_bbox[-1] > 0: rhand_bbox = rhand_bbox[:4] # if hasattr(cfg, 'bbox_ratio'): rhand_bbox = process_bbox(rhand_bbox, img_width=img_shape[1], img_height=img_shape[0], ratio=hand_bbox_ratio) if rhand_bbox is not None: rhand_bbox[2:] += rhand_bbox[:2] # xywh -> xyxy else: rhand_bbox = None if face_bbox[-1] > 0: face_bbox = face_bbox[:4] # if hasattr(cfg, 'bbox_ratio'): face_bbox = process_bbox(face_bbox, img_width=img_shape[1], img_height=img_shape[0], ratio=hand_bbox_ratio) if face_bbox is not None: face_bbox[2:] += face_bbox[:2] # xywh -> xyxy else: face_bbox = None lhand_bbox_list.append(lhand_bbox) rhand_bbox_list.append(rhand_bbox) face_bbox_list.append(face_bbox) joint_img = keypoints2d[valid_idx] if valid_kps3d: joint_cam = keypoints3d[valid_idx] else: joint_cam = None if 'leye_pose_0' in smplx.keys(): smplx.pop('leye_pose_0') if 'leye_pose_1' in smplx.keys(): smplx.pop('leye_pose_1') if 'leye_pose' in smplx.keys(): smplx.pop('leye_pose') if 'reye_pose_0' in smplx.keys(): smplx.pop('reye_pose_0') if 'reye_pose_1' in smplx.keys(): smplx.pop('reye_pose_1') if 'reye_pose' in smplx.keys(): smplx.pop('reye_pose') smplx_param = {k: v[valid_idx] for k, v in smplx.items()} gender_ = gender[valid_idx] \ if gender is not None else np.array(['neutral']*(valid_num)) lhand_bbox_valid = lhand_bbox_xywh[valid_idx,4] rhand_bbox_valid = rhand_bbox_xywh[valid_idx,4] face_bbox_valid = face_bbox_xywh[valid_idx,4] # TODO: set invalid if None? smplx_param['root_pose'] = smplx_param.pop('global_orient', None) smplx_param['shape'] = smplx_param.pop('betas', None) smplx_param['trans'] = smplx_param.pop('transl', np.zeros([len(valid_idx),3])) smplx_param['lhand_pose'] = smplx_param.pop('left_hand_pose', None) smplx_param['rhand_pose'] = smplx_param.pop( 'right_hand_pose', None) smplx_param['expr'] = smplx_param.pop('expression', None) # TODO do not fix betas, give up shape supervision if 'betas_neutral' in smplx_param and self.data_split == 'train': smplx_param['shape'] = smplx_param.pop('betas_neutral') # smplx_param['shape'] = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float32) # # TODO fix shape of poses if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Talkshow': smplx_param['body_pose'] = smplx_param['body_pose'].reshape( -1, 21, 3) smplx_param['lhand_pose'] = smplx_param['lhand_pose'].reshape( -1, 15, 3) smplx_param['rhand_pose'] = smplx_param['lhand_pose'].reshape( -1, 15, 3) smplx_param['expr'] = smplx_param['expr'][:, :10] if self.__class__.__name__ == 'BEDLAM': smplx_param['shape'] = smplx_param['shape'][:, :10] # smplx_param['expr'] = None if self.__class__.__name__ == 'GTA': smplx_param['shape'] = np.zeros( [valid_num, 10], dtype=np.float32) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'COCO_NA': # smplx_param['expr'] = None smplx_param['body_pose'] = smplx_param['body_pose'].reshape( -1, 21, 3) smplx_param['lhand_pose'] = smplx_param['lhand_pose'].reshape( -1, 15, 3) smplx_param['rhand_pose'] = smplx_param['rhand_pose'].reshape( -1, 15, 3) if as_smplx == 'smpl': smplx_param['shape'] = np.zeros( [valid_num, 10], dtype=np.float32) # drop smpl betas for smplx smplx_param['body_pose'] = smplx_param[ 'body_pose'].reshape(-1,23,3)[:, :21, :] # use smpl body_pose on smplx if as_smplx == 'smplh': smplx_param['shape'] = np.zeros( [valid_num, 10], dtype=np.float32) # drop smpl betas for smplx if smplx_param['lhand_pose'] is None or self.body_only == True: smplx_param['lhand_valid'] = np.zeros(valid_num, dtype=np.bool8) else: smplx_param['lhand_valid'] = lhand_bbox_valid.astype(np.bool8) if smplx_param['rhand_pose'] is None or self.body_only == True: smplx_param['rhand_valid'] = np.zeros(valid_num, dtype=np.bool8) else: smplx_param['rhand_valid'] = rhand_bbox_valid.astype(np.bool8) if smplx_param['expr'] is None or self.body_only == True: smplx_param['face_valid'] = np.zeros(valid_num, dtype=np.bool8) else: smplx_param['face_valid'] = face_bbox_valid.astype(np.bool8) smplx_param['smplx_valid'] = np.array(smplx_valid_list).astype(np.bool8) if joint_cam is not None and np.any(np.isnan(joint_cam)): continue if self.__class__.__name__ == 'SPEC': joint_img[:,:,2] = joint_img[:,:,2]>0 joint_cam[:,:,3] = joint_cam[:,:,0]!=0 datalist.append({ 'img_path': img_path, 'img_shape': img_shape, 'bbox': body_bbox_list, 'lhand_bbox': lhand_bbox_list, 'rhand_bbox': rhand_bbox_list, 'face_bbox': face_bbox_list, 'joint_img': joint_img, 'joint_cam': joint_cam, 'smplx_param': smplx_param, 'as_smplx': as_smplx, 'gender': gender_ }) # save memory del content, image_path, bbox_xywh, lhand_bbox_xywh, rhand_bbox_xywh, face_bbox_xywh, keypoints3d, keypoints2d if self.data_split == 'train': print(f'[{self.__class__.__name__} train] original size:', int(num_examples), '. Sample interval:', train_sample_interval, '. Sampled size:', len(datalist)) if getattr(cfg, 'data_strategy', None) == 'balance' and self.data_split == 'train': print( f'[{self.__class__.__name__}] Using [balance] strategy with datalist shuffled...' ) random.shuffle(datalist) return datalist def __len__(self): return len(self.datalist) # 19493 def __getitem__(self, idx): # rank = self.rank # local_rank = rank % torch.cuda.device_count() # with open(f'index_log_{rank}.txt', 'a') as f: # f.write(f'{rank}-{local_rank}-{idx}\n') try: data = copy.deepcopy(self.datalist[idx]) except Exception as e: print(f'[{self.__class__.__name__}] Error loading data {idx}') print(e) exit(0) # data/datasets/coco_2017/train2017/000000029582.jpg' 45680 img_path, img_shape, bbox = \ data['img_path'], data['img_shape'], data['bbox'] as_smplx = data['as_smplx'] gender = data['gender'].copy() for gender_str, gender_num in { 'neutral': -1, 'male': 0, 'female': 1}.items(): gender[gender==gender_str]=gender_num gender = gender.astype(int) img_whole_bbox = np.array([0, 0, img_shape[1], img_shape[0]]) img = load_img(img_path, order='BGR') num_person = len(data['bbox']) data_name = self.__class__.__name__ try: # dist.barrier() img, img2bb_trans, bb2img_trans, rot, do_flip = \ augmentation_instance_sample(img, img_whole_bbox, self.data_split, data, data_name) except Exception as e: rank = self.rank local_rank = rank % torch.cuda.device_count() with open(f'index_log_{rank}.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(f'{rank}-{local_rank}-{idx}\n') f.write(f'[{self.__class__.__name__}] Error loading data {idx}\n') f.write(f'Error in augmentation_instance_sample for {img_path}\n') # print(f'[{self.__class__.__name__}] Error loading data {idx}') # print(f'Error in augmentation_instance_sample for {img_path}') raise e cropped_img_shape = img.shape[:2] if self.data_split == 'train': joint_cam = data['joint_cam'] # num, 137,4 if joint_cam is not None: dummy_cord = False joint_cam[:,:,:3] = \ joint_cam[:,:,:3] - joint_cam[:, self.joint_set['root_joint_idx'], None, :3] # root-relative else: # dummy cord as joint_cam dummy_cord = True joint_cam = np.zeros( (num_person, self.joint_set['joint_num'], 4), dtype=np.float32) joint_img = data['joint_img'] # do rotation on keypoints joint_img_aug, joint_cam_wo_ra, joint_cam_ra, joint_trunc = \ process_db_coord_batch_no_valid( joint_img, joint_cam, do_flip, img_shape, self.joint_set['flip_pairs'], img2bb_trans, rot, self.joint_set['joints_name'], smpl_x.joints_name, cropped_img_shape) joint_img_aug[:,:,2:] = joint_img_aug[:,:,2:] * joint_trunc # smplx coordinates and parameters smplx_param = data['smplx_param'] if self.__class__.__name__ in [ 'CHI3D', 'SynBody', 'UBody_MM']: smplx_param['lhand_pose']-=self.lhand_mean[None] smplx_param['rhand_pose']-=self.rhand_mean[None] # smplx_param smplx_pose, smplx_shape, smplx_expr, smplx_pose_valid, \ smplx_joint_valid, smplx_expr_valid, smplx_shape_valid = \ process_human_model_output_batch_simplify( smplx_param, do_flip, rot, as_smplx, data_name) smplx_joint_valid = smplx_joint_valid[:, :, None] # if cam not provided, we take joint_img as smplx joint 2d, # which is commonly the case for our processed humandata # change smplx_shape if use_betas_neutral # processing follows that in process_human_model_output if self.use_betas_neutral: smplx_shape = smplx_param['betas_neutral'].reshape( num_person, -1) smplx_shape[(np.abs(smplx_shape) > 3).any(axis=1)] = 0. smplx_shape = smplx_shape.reshape(num_person, -1) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'MPII_MM' : for name in ('L_Ankle', 'R_Ankle', 'L_Wrist', 'R_Wrist'): smplx_pose_valid[:, smpl_x.orig_joints_name.index(name)] = 0 for name in ('L_Big_toe', 'L_Small_toe', 'L_Heel', 'R_Big_toe', 'R_Small_toe', 'R_Heel'): smplx_joint_valid[:,smpl_x.joints_name.index(name)] = 0 lhand_bbox_center_list = [] lhand_bbox_valid_list = [] lhand_bbox_size_list = [] lhand_bbox_list = [] face_bbox_center_list = [] face_bbox_size_list = [] face_bbox_valid_list = [] face_bbox_list = [] rhand_bbox_center_list = [] rhand_bbox_valid_list = [] rhand_bbox_size_list = [] rhand_bbox_list = [] body_bbox_center_list = [] body_bbox_size_list = [] body_bbox_valid_list = [] body_bbox_list = [] # hand and face bbox transform for i in range(num_person): body_bbox, body_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) lhand_bbox, lhand_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['lhand_bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) lhand_bbox_valid *= smplx_param['lhand_valid'][i] rhand_bbox, rhand_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['rhand_bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) rhand_bbox_valid *= smplx_param['rhand_valid'][i] face_bbox, face_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['face_bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) face_bbox_valid *= smplx_param['face_valid'][i] # BEDLAM and COCO_NA do not have face expression # if self.__class__.__name__ != 'BEDLAM': # face_bbox_valid *= smplx_param['face_valid'][i] if do_flip: lhand_bbox, rhand_bbox = rhand_bbox, lhand_bbox lhand_bbox_valid, rhand_bbox_valid = rhand_bbox_valid, lhand_bbox_valid body_bbox_list.append(body_bbox) lhand_bbox_list.append(lhand_bbox) rhand_bbox_list.append(rhand_bbox) face_bbox_list.append(face_bbox) lhand_bbox_center = (lhand_bbox[0] + lhand_bbox[1]) / 2. rhand_bbox_center = (rhand_bbox[0] + rhand_bbox[1]) / 2. face_bbox_center = (face_bbox[0] + face_bbox[1]) / 2. body_bbox_center = (body_bbox[0] + body_bbox[1]) / 2. lhand_bbox_size = lhand_bbox[1] - lhand_bbox[0] rhand_bbox_size = rhand_bbox[1] - rhand_bbox[0] face_bbox_size = face_bbox[1] - face_bbox[0] body_bbox_size = body_bbox[1] - body_bbox[0] lhand_bbox_center_list.append(lhand_bbox_center) lhand_bbox_valid_list.append(lhand_bbox_valid) lhand_bbox_size_list.append(lhand_bbox_size) face_bbox_center_list.append(face_bbox_center) face_bbox_size_list.append(face_bbox_size) face_bbox_valid_list.append(face_bbox_valid) rhand_bbox_center_list.append(rhand_bbox_center) rhand_bbox_valid_list.append(rhand_bbox_valid) rhand_bbox_size_list.append(rhand_bbox_size) body_bbox_center_list.append(body_bbox_center) body_bbox_size_list.append(body_bbox_size) body_bbox_valid_list.append(body_bbox_valid) body_bbox = np.stack(body_bbox_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox = np.stack(lhand_bbox_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox = np.stack(rhand_bbox_list, axis=0) face_bbox = np.stack(face_bbox_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox_center = np.stack(lhand_bbox_center_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox_valid = np.stack(lhand_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox_size = np.stack(lhand_bbox_size_list, axis=0) face_bbox_center = np.stack(face_bbox_center_list, axis=0) face_bbox_size = np.stack(face_bbox_size_list, axis=0) face_bbox_valid = np.stack(face_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) body_bbox_center = np.stack(body_bbox_center_list, axis=0) body_bbox_size = np.stack(body_bbox_size_list, axis=0) body_bbox_valid = np.stack(body_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox_center = np.stack(rhand_bbox_center_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox_valid = np.stack(rhand_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox_size = np.stack(rhand_bbox_size_list, axis=0) inputs = {'img': img} # joint_img_aug[:,:,2] = joint_img_aug[:,:,2] * body_bbox_valid[:,None] is_3D = float(False) if dummy_cord else float(True) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'COCO_NA': is_3D = False if self.__class__.__name__ == 'GTA_Human2': smplx_shape_valid = smplx_shape_valid * 0 if self.__class__.__name__ == 'PoseTrack' or self.__class__.__name__ == 'MPII_MM' \ or self.__class__.__name__ == 'CrowdPose' or self.__class__.__name__ == 'UBody_MM' \ or self.__class__.__name__ == 'COCO_NA': joint_cam_ra[...,-1] = joint_cam_ra[...,-1] * smplx_joint_valid[...,0] joint_cam_wo_ra[...,-1] = joint_cam_wo_ra[...,-1] * smplx_joint_valid[...,0] joint_img_aug[...,-1] = joint_img_aug[...,-1] * smplx_joint_valid[...,0] # if body_bbox_valid.sum() > 0: targets = { # keypoints2d, [0,img_w],[0,img_h] -> [0,1] -> [0,output_hm_shape] 'joint_img': joint_img_aug[body_bbox_valid>0], # joint_cam, kp3d wo ra # raw kps3d probably without ra 'joint_cam': joint_cam_wo_ra[body_bbox_valid>0], # kps3d with body, face, hand ra 'smplx_joint_cam': joint_cam_ra[body_bbox_valid>0], 'smplx_pose': smplx_pose[body_bbox_valid>0], 'smplx_shape': smplx_shape[body_bbox_valid>0], 'smplx_expr': smplx_expr[body_bbox_valid>0], 'lhand_bbox_center': lhand_bbox_center[body_bbox_valid>0], 'lhand_bbox_size': lhand_bbox_size[body_bbox_valid>0], 'rhand_bbox_center': rhand_bbox_center[body_bbox_valid>0], 'rhand_bbox_size': rhand_bbox_size[body_bbox_valid>0], 'face_bbox_center': face_bbox_center[body_bbox_valid>0], 'face_bbox_size': face_bbox_size[body_bbox_valid>0], 'body_bbox_center': body_bbox_center[body_bbox_valid>0], 'body_bbox_size': body_bbox_size[body_bbox_valid>0], 'body_bbox': body_bbox.reshape(-1,4)[body_bbox_valid>0], 'lhand_bbox': lhand_bbox.reshape(-1,4)[body_bbox_valid>0], 'rhand_bbox': rhand_bbox.reshape(-1,4)[body_bbox_valid>0], 'face_bbox': face_bbox.reshape(-1,4)[body_bbox_valid>0], 'gender': gender[body_bbox_valid>0]} meta_info = { 'joint_trunc': joint_trunc[body_bbox_valid>0], 'smplx_pose_valid': smplx_pose_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'smplx_shape_valid': smplx_shape_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'smplx_expr_valid': smplx_expr_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'is_3D': is_3D, 'lhand_bbox_valid': lhand_bbox_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'rhand_bbox_valid': rhand_bbox_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'face_bbox_valid': face_bbox_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'body_bbox_valid': body_bbox_valid[body_bbox_valid>0], 'img_shape': np.array(img.shape[:2]), 'ori_shape':data['img_shape'], 'idx': idx } result = {**inputs, **targets, **meta_info} result = self.normalize(result) result = self.format(result) return result if self.data_split == 'test': self.cam_param = {} joint_cam = data['joint_cam'] if joint_cam is not None: dummy_cord = False joint_cam[:,:,:3] = joint_cam[:,:,:3] - joint_cam[ :, self.joint_set['root_joint_idx'], None, :3] # root-relative else: # dummy cord as joint_cam dummy_cord = True joint_cam = np.zeros( (num_person, self.joint_set['joint_num'], 3), dtype=np.float32) joint_img = data['joint_img'] joint_img_aug, joint_cam_wo_ra, joint_cam_ra, joint_trunc = \ process_db_coord_batch_no_valid( joint_img, joint_cam, do_flip, img_shape, self.joint_set['flip_pairs'], img2bb_trans, rot, self.joint_set['joints_name'], smpl_x.joints_name, cropped_img_shape) # smplx coordinates and parameters smplx_param = data['smplx_param'] # smplx_cam_trans = np.array( # smplx_param['trans']) if 'trans' in smplx_param else None # TODO: remove this, seperate smpl and smplx smplx_pose, smplx_shape, smplx_expr, smplx_pose_valid, \ smplx_joint_valid, smplx_expr_valid, smplx_shape_valid = \ process_human_model_output_batch_simplify( smplx_param, do_flip, rot, as_smplx) # if cam not provided, we take joint_img as smplx joint 2d, # which is commonly the case for our processed humandata if self.use_betas_neutral: smplx_shape = smplx_param['betas_neutral'].reshape( num_person, -1) smplx_shape[(np.abs(smplx_shape) > 3).any(axis=1)] = 0. smplx_shape = smplx_shape.reshape(num_person, -1) # smplx_pose_valid = np.tile(smplx_pose_valid[:,:, None], (1, 3)).reshape(num_person,-1) smplx_joint_valid = smplx_joint_valid[:, :, None] # if not (smplx_shape == 0).all(): # smplx_shape_valid = True # else: # smplx_shape_valid = False lhand_bbox_center_list = [] lhand_bbox_valid_list = [] lhand_bbox_size_list = [] lhand_bbox_list = [] face_bbox_center_list = [] face_bbox_size_list = [] face_bbox_valid_list = [] face_bbox_list = [] rhand_bbox_center_list = [] rhand_bbox_valid_list = [] rhand_bbox_size_list = [] rhand_bbox_list = [] body_bbox_center_list = [] body_bbox_size_list = [] body_bbox_valid_list = [] body_bbox_list = [] for i in range(num_person): lhand_bbox, lhand_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['lhand_bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) rhand_bbox, rhand_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['rhand_bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) face_bbox, face_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['face_bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) body_bbox, body_bbox_valid = self.process_hand_face_bbox( data['bbox'][i], do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, cropped_img_shape) if do_flip: lhand_bbox, rhand_bbox = rhand_bbox, lhand_bbox lhand_bbox_valid, rhand_bbox_valid = rhand_bbox_valid, lhand_bbox_valid body_bbox_list.append(body_bbox) lhand_bbox_list.append(lhand_bbox) rhand_bbox_list.append(rhand_bbox) face_bbox_list.append(face_bbox) lhand_bbox_center = (lhand_bbox[0] + lhand_bbox[1]) / 2. rhand_bbox_center = (rhand_bbox[0] + rhand_bbox[1]) / 2. face_bbox_center = (face_bbox[0] + face_bbox[1]) / 2. body_bbox_center = (body_bbox[0] + body_bbox[1]) / 2. lhand_bbox_size = lhand_bbox[1] - lhand_bbox[0] rhand_bbox_size = rhand_bbox[1] - rhand_bbox[0] face_bbox_size = face_bbox[1] - face_bbox[0] body_bbox_size = body_bbox[1] - body_bbox[0] lhand_bbox_center_list.append(lhand_bbox_center) lhand_bbox_valid_list.append(lhand_bbox_valid) lhand_bbox_size_list.append(lhand_bbox_size) face_bbox_center_list.append(face_bbox_center) face_bbox_size_list.append(face_bbox_size) face_bbox_valid_list.append(face_bbox_valid) rhand_bbox_center_list.append(rhand_bbox_center) rhand_bbox_valid_list.append(rhand_bbox_valid) rhand_bbox_size_list.append(rhand_bbox_size) body_bbox_center_list.append(body_bbox_center) body_bbox_size_list.append(body_bbox_size) body_bbox_valid_list.append(body_bbox_valid) body_bbox = np.stack(body_bbox_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox = np.stack(lhand_bbox_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox = np.stack(rhand_bbox_list, axis=0) face_bbox = np.stack(face_bbox_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox_center = np.stack(lhand_bbox_center_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox_valid = np.stack(lhand_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) lhand_bbox_size = np.stack(lhand_bbox_size_list, axis=0) face_bbox_center = np.stack(face_bbox_center_list, axis=0) face_bbox_size = np.stack(face_bbox_size_list, axis=0) face_bbox_valid = np.stack(face_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) body_bbox_center = np.stack(body_bbox_center_list, axis=0) body_bbox_size = np.stack(body_bbox_size_list, axis=0) body_bbox_valid = np.stack(body_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox_center = np.stack(rhand_bbox_center_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox_valid = np.stack(rhand_bbox_valid_list, axis=0) rhand_bbox_size = np.stack(rhand_bbox_size_list, axis=0) inputs = {'img': img} targets = { # keypoints2d, [0,img_w],[0,img_h] -> [0,1] -> [0,output_hm_shape] 'joint_img': joint_img_aug, # projected smplx if valid cam_param, else same as keypoints2d # joint_cam, kp3d wo ra # raw kps3d probably without ra 'joint_cam': joint_cam_wo_ra, 'ann_idx': idx, # kps3d with body, face, hand ra 'smplx_joint_cam': joint_cam_ra, 'smplx_pose': smplx_pose, 'smplx_shape': smplx_shape, 'smplx_expr': smplx_expr, 'lhand_bbox_center': lhand_bbox_center, 'lhand_bbox_size': lhand_bbox_size, 'rhand_bbox_center': rhand_bbox_center, 'rhand_bbox_size': rhand_bbox_size, 'face_bbox_center': face_bbox_center, 'face_bbox_size': face_bbox_size, 'body_bbox_center': body_bbox_center, 'body_bbox_size': body_bbox_size, 'body_bbox': body_bbox.reshape(-1,4), 'lhand_bbox': lhand_bbox.reshape(-1,4), 'rhand_bbox': rhand_bbox.reshape(-1,4), 'face_bbox': face_bbox.reshape(-1,4), 'gender': gender, 'bb2img_trans': bb2img_trans, } if self.body_only: meta_info = { 'joint_trunc': joint_trunc, 'smplx_pose_valid': smplx_pose_valid, 'smplx_shape_valid': float(smplx_shape_valid), 'smplx_expr_valid': smplx_expr_valid, 'is_3D': float(False) if dummy_cord else float(True), 'lhand_bbox_valid': lhand_bbox_valid, 'rhand_bbox_valid': rhand_bbox_valid, 'face_bbox_valid': face_bbox_valid, 'body_bbox_valid': body_bbox_valid, 'img_shape': np.array(img.shape[:2]), 'ori_shape':data['img_shape'], 'idx': idx } else: meta_info = { 'joint_trunc': joint_trunc, 'smplx_pose_valid': smplx_pose_valid, 'smplx_shape_valid': smplx_shape_valid, 'smplx_expr_valid': smplx_expr_valid, 'is_3D': float(False) if dummy_cord else float(True), 'lhand_bbox_valid': lhand_bbox_valid, 'rhand_bbox_valid': rhand_bbox_valid, 'face_bbox_valid': face_bbox_valid, 'body_bbox_valid': body_bbox_valid, 'img_shape': np.array(img.shape[:2]), 'ori_shape':data['img_shape'], 'idx': idx } result = {**inputs, **targets, **meta_info} result = self.normalize(result) result = self.format(result) return result def process_hand_face_bbox(self, bbox, do_flip, img_shape, img2bb_trans, input_img_shape): if bbox is None: bbox = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32).reshape(2, 2) # dummy value bbox_valid = float(False) # dummy value else: # reshape to top-left (x,y) and bottom-right (x,y) bbox = bbox.reshape(2, 2) # flip augmentation if do_flip: bbox[:, 0] = img_shape[1] - bbox[:, 0] - 1 bbox[0, 0], bbox[1, 0] = bbox[1, 0].copy(), bbox[ 0, 0].copy() # xmin <-> xmax swap # make four points of the bbox bbox = bbox.reshape(4).tolist() xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = bbox bbox = np.array( [[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymin], [xmax, ymax], [xmin, ymax]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(4, 2) # affine transformation (crop, rotation, scale) bbox_xy1 = np.concatenate((bbox, np.ones_like(bbox[:, :1])), 1) bbox =, bbox_xy1.transpose(1, 0)).transpose(1, 0)[:, :2] # print(bbox) # bbox[:, 0] = bbox[:, 0] / input_img_shape[1] * cfg.output_hm_shape[2] # bbox[:, 1] = bbox[:, 1] / input_img_shape[0] * cfg.output_hm_shape[1] bbox[:, 0] /= input_img_shape[1] bbox[:, 1] /= input_img_shape[0] # make box a rectangle without rotation if np.max(bbox[:,0])<=0 or np.min(bbox[:,0])>=1 or np.max(bbox[:,1])<=0 or np.min(bbox[:,1])>=1: bbox_valid = float(False) bbox = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32) else: xmin = np.max([np.min(bbox[:, 0]), 0]) xmax = np.min([np.max(bbox[:, 0]), 1]) ymin = np.max([np.min(bbox[:, 1]), 0]) ymax = np.min([np.max(bbox[:, 1]), 1]) bbox = np.array([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], dtype=np.float32) bbox = np.clip(bbox,0,1) bbox_valid = float(True) bbox = bbox.reshape(2, 2) return bbox, bbox_valid def evaluate(self, outs, cur_sample_idx=None): annots = self.datalist sample_num = len(outs) eval_result = { 'pa_mpvpe_all': [], 'pa_mpvpe_l_hand': [], 'pa_mpvpe_r_hand': [], 'pa_mpvpe_hand': [], 'pa_mpvpe_face': [], 'mpvpe_all': [], 'mpvpe_l_hand': [], 'mpvpe_r_hand': [], 'mpvpe_hand': [], 'mpvpe_face': [], 'pa_mpjpe_body': [], 'pa_mpjpe_l_hand': [], 'pa_mpjpe_r_hand': [], 'pa_mpjpe_hand': [] } for n in range(sample_num): out = outs[n] ann_idx = out['gt_ann_idx'] mesh_gt = out['smplx_mesh_cam_pseudo_gt'] mesh_out = out['smplx_mesh_cam'] cam_trans = out['cam_trans'] ann_idx = out['gt_ann_idx'] img_path = [] for ann_id in ann_idx: img_path.append(annots[ann_id]['img_path']) eval_result['img_path'] = img_path eval_result['ann_idx'] = ann_idx img = out['img'] # MPVPE from all vertices mesh_out_align = mesh_out - smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_out)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['pelvis'], None, :] + smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_gt)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['pelvis'], None, :] eval_result['mpvpe_all'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_align - mesh_gt)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) mesh_out_align = rigid_align(mesh_out, mesh_gt) eval_result['pa_mpvpe_all'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_align - mesh_gt)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) # MPVPE from hand vertices mesh_gt_lhand = mesh_gt[smpl_x.hand_vertex_idx['left_hand'], :] mesh_out_lhand = mesh_out[smpl_x.hand_vertex_idx['left_hand'], :] mesh_gt_rhand = mesh_gt[smpl_x.hand_vertex_idx['right_hand'], :] mesh_out_rhand = mesh_out[smpl_x.hand_vertex_idx['right_hand'], :] mesh_out_lhand_align = mesh_out_lhand - smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_out)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['lwrist'], None, :] + smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_gt)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['lwrist'], None, :] mesh_out_rhand_align = mesh_out_rhand - smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_out)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['rwrist'], None, :] + smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_gt)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['rwrist'], None, :] eval_result['mpvpe_l_hand'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_lhand_align - mesh_gt_lhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) eval_result['mpvpe_r_hand'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_rhand_align - mesh_gt_rhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) eval_result['mpvpe_hand'].append( (np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_lhand_align - mesh_gt_lhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000 + np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_rhand_align - mesh_gt_rhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) / 2.) mesh_out_lhand_align = rigid_align(mesh_out_lhand, mesh_gt_lhand) mesh_out_rhand_align = rigid_align(mesh_out_rhand, mesh_gt_rhand) eval_result['pa_mpvpe_l_hand'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_lhand_align - mesh_gt_lhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) eval_result['pa_mpvpe_r_hand'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_rhand_align - mesh_gt_rhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) eval_result['pa_mpvpe_hand'].append( (np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_lhand_align - mesh_gt_lhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000 + np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_rhand_align - mesh_gt_rhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) / 2.) if self.__class__.__name__ == 'UBody': joint_gt_body_wo_trans =, mesh_gt) import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() img_wh = out['gt_img_shape'].flip(-1) joint_gt_body_proj = project_points_new( points_3d=joint_gt_body_wo_trans, pred_cam=cam_trans, focal_length=5000, camera_center=img_wh/2 ) # origin image space joint_gt_lhand_wo_trans = smpl_x.orig_hand_regressor['left'], mesh_gt) joint_gt_lhand_proj = project_points_new( points_3d=joint_gt_lhand_wo_trans, pred_cam=cam_trans, focal_length=5000, camera_center=img_wh/2 ) # origin image space joint_gt_rhand_wo_trans = smpl_x.orig_hand_regressor['left'], mesh_gt) joint_gt_rhand_proj = project_points_new( points_3d=joint_gt_rhand_wo_trans, pred_cam=cam_trans, focal_length=5000, camera_center=img_wh/2 ) # origin image space mesh_gt_proj = project_points_new( points_3d=mesh_gt, pred_cam=cam_trans, focal_length=5000, camera_center=img_wh/2) joint_gt_body_valid = self.validate_within_img( img, joint_gt_body_proj) joint_gt_lhand_valid = self.validate_within_img( img, joint_gt_lhand_proj) joint_gt_rhand_valid = self.validate_within_img( img, joint_gt_rhand_proj) mesh_valid = self.validate_within_img(img, mesh_gt_proj) mesh_lhand_valid = mesh_valid[smpl_x.hand_vertex_idx['left_hand']] mesh_rhand_valid = mesh_valid[smpl_x.hand_vertex_idx['right_hand']] mesh_face_valid = mesh_valid[smpl_x.face_vertex_idx] # MPVPE from face vertices mesh_gt_face = mesh_gt[smpl_x.face_vertex_idx, :] mesh_out_face = mesh_out[smpl_x.face_vertex_idx, :] mesh_out_face_align = mesh_out_face - smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_out)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['neck'], None, :] + smpl_x.J_regressor, mesh_gt)[smpl_x.J_regressor_idx['neck'], None, :] eval_result['mpvpe_face'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_face_align - mesh_gt_face)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) mesh_out_face_align = rigid_align(mesh_out_face, mesh_gt_face) eval_result['pa_mpvpe_face'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (mesh_out_face_align - mesh_gt_face)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) # MPJPE from body joints joint_gt_body =, mesh_gt) joint_out_body =, mesh_out) joint_out_body_align = rigid_align(joint_out_body, joint_gt_body) eval_result['pa_mpjpe_body'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum((joint_out_body_align - joint_gt_body)**2, 1))[joint_gt_body_valid].mean() * 1000) # eval_result['pa_mpjpe_body'].append( # np.sqrt(np.sum( # (joint_out_body_align - joint_gt_body)**2, 1)).mean() * # 1000) # MPJPE from hand joints joint_gt_lhand =['left'], mesh_gt) joint_out_lhand =['left'], mesh_out) joint_out_lhand_align = rigid_align(joint_out_lhand, joint_gt_lhand) joint_gt_rhand =['right'], mesh_gt) joint_out_rhand =['right'], mesh_out) joint_out_rhand_align = rigid_align(joint_out_rhand, joint_gt_rhand) # if self.__class__.__name__ == 'UBody': if sum(joint_gt_lhand_valid) != 0: pa_mpjpe_lhand = np.sqrt( np.sum((joint_out_lhand_align - joint_gt_lhand)**2, 1))[joint_gt_lhand_valid].mean() * 1000 pa_mpjpe_hand.append(pa_mpjpe_lhand) eval_result['pa_mpjpe_l_hand'].append(pa_mpjpe_lhand) if sum(joint_gt_rhand_valid) != 0: pa_mpjpe_rhand = np.sqrt( np.sum((joint_out_rhand_align - joint_gt_rhand)**2, 1))[joint_gt_rhand_valid].mean() * 1000 pa_mpjpe_hand.append(pa_mpjpe_rhand) eval_result['pa_mpjpe_r_hand'].append(pa_mpjpe_rhand) if len(pa_mpjpe_hand) > 0: eval_result['pa_mpjpe_hand'].append(np.mean(pa_mpjpe_hand)) eval_result['pa_mpjpe_l_hand'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (joint_out_lhand_align - joint_gt_lhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) eval_result['pa_mpjpe_r_hand'].append( np.sqrt(np.sum( (joint_out_rhand_align - joint_gt_rhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) eval_result['pa_mpjpe_hand'].append( (np.sqrt(np.sum( (joint_out_lhand_align - joint_gt_lhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000 + np.sqrt(np.sum( (joint_out_rhand_align - joint_gt_rhand)**2, 1)).mean() * 1000) / 2.) return eval_result def print_eval_result(self, eval_result): print(f'======{cfg.testset}======') print('PA MPVPE (All): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_all'])) print('PA MPVPE (L-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_l_hand'])) print('PA MPVPE (R-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_r_hand'])) print('PA MPVPE (Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_hand'])) print('PA MPVPE (Face): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_face'])) print() print('MPVPE (All): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_all'])) print('MPVPE (L-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_l_hand'])) print('MPVPE (R-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_r_hand'])) print('MPVPE (Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_hand'])) print('MPVPE (Face): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_face'])) print() print('PA MPJPE (Body): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_body'])) print('PA MPJPE (L-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_l_hand'])) print('PA MPJPE (R-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_r_hand'])) print('PA MPJPE (Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_hand'])) f = open(os.path.join(cfg.result_dir, 'result.txt'), 'w') f.write(f'{cfg.testset} dataset \n') f.write('PA MPVPE (All): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_all'])) f.write('PA MPVPE (L-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_l_hand'])) f.write('PA MPVPE (R-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_r_hand'])) f.write('PA MPVPE (Hands): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_hand'])) f.write('PA MPVPE (Face): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpvpe_face'])) f.write('MPVPE (All): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_all'])) f.write('MPVPE (L-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_l_hand'])) f.write('MPVPE (R-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_r_hand'])) f.write('MPVPE (Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_hand'])) f.write('MPVPE (Face): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['mpvpe_face'])) f.write('PA MPJPE (Body): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_body'])) f.write('PA MPJPE (L-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_l_hand'])) f.write('PA MPJPE (R-Hands): %.2f mm' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_r_hand'])) f.write('PA MPJPE (Hands): %.2f mm\n' % np.mean(eval_result['pa_mpjpe_hand'])) def validate_within_img_batch( self, img_wh, points): # check whether the points is within the image # img: (h, w, c), points: (num_points, 2) valid_mask = np.logical_and((points-img_wh[:,None])<0,points>0) valid_mask = np.logical_and(valid_mask[:,:,0],valid_mask[:,:,1]) return valid_mask def decompress_keypoints(self, humandata) -> None: """If a key contains 'keypoints', and f'{key}_mask' is in self.keys(), invalid zeros will be inserted to the right places and f'{key}_mask' will be unlocked. Raises: KeyError: A key contains 'keypoints' has been found but its corresponding mask is missing. """ assert bool(humandata['__keypoints_compressed__']) is True key_pairs = [] for key in humandata.files: if key not in KPS2D_KEYS + KPS3D_KEYS: continue mask_key = f'{key}_mask' if mask_key in humandata.files: print(f'Decompress {key}...') key_pairs.append([key, mask_key]) decompressed_dict = {} for kpt_key, mask_key in key_pairs: mask_array = np.asarray(humandata[mask_key]) compressed_kpt = humandata[kpt_key] kpt_array = \ self.add_zero_pad(compressed_kpt, mask_array) decompressed_dict[kpt_key] = kpt_array del humandata return decompressed_dict def add_zero_pad(self, compressed_array: np.ndarray, mask_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Pad zeros to a compressed keypoints array. Args: compressed_array (np.ndarray): A compressed keypoints array. mask_array (np.ndarray): The mask records compression relationship. Returns: np.ndarray: A keypoints array in full-size. """ assert mask_array.sum() == compressed_array.shape[1] data_len, _, dim = compressed_array.shape mask_len = mask_array.shape[0] ret_value = np.zeros(shape=[data_len, mask_len, dim], dtype=compressed_array.dtype) valid_mask_index = np.where(mask_array == 1)[0] ret_value[:, valid_mask_index, :] = compressed_array return ret_value