import io import warnings from typing import Tuple, Dict, Optional, List, Text import gym import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle, os from numpy import ndarray from facility_location.utils.config import Config from facility_location.env.facility_location_client import FacilityLocationClient from facility_location.env.obs_extractor import ObsExtractor from stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import DummyVecEnv from facility_location.agent import MaskedFacilityLocationActorCriticPolicy from facility_location.utils.policy import get_policy_kwargs class PMPEnv(gym.Env): EPSILON = 1e-6 def __init__(self, cfg: Config): self.cfg = cfg self._train_region = cfg.env_specs['region'] self._eval_region = cfg.eval_specs['region'] self._min_n = cfg.env_specs['min_n'] self._max_n = cfg.env_specs['max_n'] self._min_p_ratio = cfg.env_specs['min_p_ratio'] self._max_p_ratio = cfg.env_specs['max_p_ratio'] self._max_steps_scale = cfg.env_specs['max_steps_scale'] self._tabu_stable_steps_scale = cfg.env_specs['tabu_stable_steps_scale'] self._popstar = cfg.env_specs['popstar'] self._seed(cfg.seed) self._done = False self._set_node_edge_range() self._flc = FacilityLocationClient(cfg, self._np_random) self._obs_extractor = ObsExtractor(cfg, self._flc, self._node_range, self._edge_range) self._declare_spaces() def _declare_spaces(self) -> None: self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict({ 'node_features': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self._node_range, self.get_node_feature_dim())), 'static_adjacency_list': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=self._node_range, shape=(self._edge_range, 2), dtype=np.int64), 'dynamic_adjacency_list': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=self._node_range, shape=(self._edge_range, 2), dtype=np.int64), 'node_mask': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self._node_range,), dtype=np.bool), 'static_edge_mask': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self._edge_range,), dtype=np.bool), 'dynamic_edge_mask': gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(self._edge_range,), dtype=np.bool), }) if not self._popstar: self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self._node_range ** 2) else: self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self._node_range ** 2) def _set_node_edge_range(self) -> None: self._node_range = self._max_n + 2 self._edge_range = int(self._max_n ** 2 * self._max_p_ratio) def get_node_feature_dim(self) -> int: return self._obs_extractor.get_node_dim() def _seed(self, seed: int) -> None: self._np_random = np.random.default_rng(seed) def get_reward(self) -> float: reward = self._obj_value[self._t - 1] - self._obj_value[self._t] return reward def _transform_action(self, action: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if self._popstar: action = np.array(np.unravel_index(action, (self._node_range, self._node_range))) action = action - 1 return action def step(self, action: np.ndarray): if self._done: raise RuntimeError('Action taken after episode is done.') obj_value, solution, info = self._flc.swap(action, self._t) self._t += 1 self._done = (self._t == self._max_steps) self._obj_value[self._t] = obj_value self._solution[self._t] = solution reward = self.get_reward() if obj_value < self._best_obj_value - self.EPSILON: self._best_obj_value = obj_value self._best_solution = solution self._last_best_t = self._t elif (self._t - self._last_best_t) % self._tabu_stable_steps == 0: self._flc.reset_tabu_time() # if self._done: # print('done') # for i in range(self._t): # print(f'{i}:',np.where(self._solution[i])) return self._get_obs(self._t), reward, self._done, False, info def reset(self, seed = 0) -> Optional[Dict]: if self._train_region is None: points, demands, n, p = self._generate_new_instance() self._flc.set_instance(points, demands, n, p, False) else: points, demands, n, p = self._use_real_instance() self._flc.set_instance(points, demands, n, p, True) return self.prepare(n, p), {} def prepare(self, n: int, p: int) -> Dict: initial_obj_value, initial_solution = self._flc.compute_initial_solution() self._obs_extractor.reset() self._done = False self._t = 0 self._max_steps = max(int(p * self._max_steps_scale), 5) self._obj_value = np.zeros(self._max_steps + 1) self._obj_value[0] = initial_obj_value self._solution = np.zeros((self._max_steps + 1, n), dtype=bool) self._solution[0] = initial_solution self._best_solution = initial_solution self._best_obj_value = initial_obj_value self._last_best_t = 0 self._tabu_stable_steps = max(1, round(self._max_steps * self._tabu_stable_steps_scale)) return self._get_obs(self._t) def render(self, mode='human', dpi=300) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: gdf, facilities = self._flc.get_gdf_facilities() if len(facilities) > 10: warnings.warn('Too many facilities to render. Only rendering the first 10.') facilities = facilities[:10] cm = plt.get_cmap('tab10') fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6), dpi=dpi) for i, f in enumerate(facilities): gdf.loc[gdf['assignment'] == f].plot(ax=axs[0], zorder=2, alpha=0.7, edgecolor="k", color=cm(i)) gdf.loc[[f]].plot(ax=axs[0], marker='*', markersize=300, zorder=3, alpha=0.7, edgecolor="k", color=cm(i)) axs[0].set_title("Facility Location", fontweight="bold") plot_obj_value = self._obj_value[:self._t + 1] axs[1].plot(plot_obj_value, marker='.', markersize=10, color='k') axs[1].set_title("Objective Value", fontweight="bold") axs[1].set_xticks(np.arange(self._max_steps + 1, step=math.ceil((self._max_steps + 1) / 10))) fig.tight_layout() if mode == 'human': else: io_buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(io_buf, format='raw', dpi=dpi) img_arr = np.reshape(np.frombuffer(io_buf.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8), newshape=(int(fig.bbox.bounds[3]), int(fig.bbox.bounds[2]), -1)) io_buf.close() return img_arr def close(self): plt.close() def _generate_new_instance(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, int]: n = self._np_random.integers(self._min_n, self._max_n, endpoint=True) p_ratio = self._np_random.uniform(self._min_p_ratio, self._max_p_ratio) p = int(max(n * p_ratio, 4)) points = self._np_random.uniform(size=(n, 2)) while np.unique(points, axis=0).shape[0] != n: points = self._np_random.uniform(size=(n, 2)) demands = self._np_random.random(size=(n,)) return points, demands, n, p def _use_real_instance(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, int]: data_path = './data/{}/pkl'.format(self.cfg.eval_specs['region']) files = os.listdir(data_path) files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.pkl')] sample_data_path = os.path.join(data_path, files[self._np_random.integers(len(files))]) with open(sample_data_path, 'rb') as f: np_data = pickle.load(f) n = self._np_random.integers(self._min_n, self._max_n, endpoint=True) p = max(int(n * self._np_random.uniform(self._min_p_ratio, self._max_p_ratio)), 4) sample_cbgs = self._np_random.choice(list(np_data[1].keys()), n, replace=False) points = [] demands = [] for cbg in sample_cbgs: points.append(np_data[1][cbg]['pos']) demands.append(np_data[1][cbg]['demand']) points = np.array(points) demands = np.array(demands) return points, demands, n, p def _get_obs(self, t: int) -> Dict: return self._obs_extractor.get_obs(t) def get_initial_solution(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._solution[0] class EvalPMPEnv(PMPEnv): def __init__(self, cfg: Config, positions, demands, n, p, boost=False): self._eval_np = (n,p) self._eval_seed = cfg.eval_specs['seed'] self._boost = boost print(self._boost) self.points = positions self.demands = demands self._n = n self._p = p super().__init__(cfg) def _set_node_edge_range(self) -> None: n, p = self._eval_np self._node_range = n + 2 self._edge_range = n * p def get_eval_num_cases(self) -> int: return self._eval_num_cases def get_eval_np(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: return self._eval_np def reset_instance_id(self) -> None: self._instance_id = 0 def step(self, action: np.ndarray): if self._done: raise RuntimeError('Action taken after episode is done.') obj_value, solution, info = self._flc.swap(action, self._t) self._t += 1 self._done = (self._t == self._max_steps) self._obj_value[self._t] = obj_value self._solution[self._t] = solution reward = self.get_reward() if obj_value < self._best_obj_value - self.EPSILON: self._best_obj_value = obj_value self._best_solution = solution self._last_best_t = self._t elif (self._t - self._last_best_t) % self._tabu_stable_steps == 0: self._flc.reset_tabu_time() print(self._t, self._max_steps) return self._get_obs(self._t), reward, self._done, False, info def get_reward(self) -> float: if self._done: reward = -np.min(self._obj_value) else: reward = 0.0 return reward def get_best_solution(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._best_solution def reset(self, seed = 0) -> Dict: self._flc.set_instance(self.points, self.demands, self._n, self._p, False) return self.prepare(self._n, self._p, self._boost), {} def prepare(self, n: int, p: int, boost: bool) -> Dict: initial_obj_value, initial_solution = self._flc.compute_initial_solution() self._obs_extractor.reset() self._done = False self._t = 0 self._max_steps = max(int(p * self._max_steps_scale), 5) if boost: self._max_steps = max(int(self._max_steps_scale / 10), 5) self._obj_value = np.zeros(self._max_steps + 1) self._obj_value[0] = initial_obj_value self._solution = np.zeros((self._max_steps + 1, n), dtype=bool) self._solution[0] = initial_solution self._best_solution = initial_solution self._best_obj_value = initial_obj_value self._last_best_t = 0 self._tabu_stable_steps = max(1, round(self._max_steps * self._tabu_stable_steps_scale)) return self._get_obs(self._t) def get_instance(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, int]: points, demands, n, p = self._flc.get_instance() return points, demands, n, p def get_distance_and_cost(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: return self._flc.get_distance_and_cost_matrix() def evaluate(self, solution: np.ndarray) -> float: self._flc.set_solution(solution) obj_value = self._flc.compute_obj_value() return obj_value class MULTIPMP(PMPEnv): EPSILON = 1e-6 def __init__(self, cfg, data_npy, boost = False): self.cfg = cfg self.data_npy = data_npy self._boost = boost self._all_points, self._all_demands, self._n, self._all_p = self._load_multi_facility_data(data_npy) self.boost = boost self._all_solutions = self._load_multi_facility_solutions(boost) self._final_solutions = list(self._all_solutions) self._num_types = len(self._all_p) self._current_type = 0 self._all_max_steps, self._old_mask, self._new_mask = self._get_max_steps() super().__init__(cfg) def _set_node_edge_range(self) -> None: self._node_range = self._n + 2 self._edge_range = self._n * max(self._all_p) def step(self, action: np.ndarray): if self._done: raise RuntimeError('Action taken after episode is done.') obj_value, solution, info = self._flc.swap(action, self._t) self._t += 1 self._done = (self._t == self._all_max_steps[-1] and self._current_type == len(self._all_max_steps) - 1) self._obj_value[self._t] = obj_value self._solution[self._t] = solution reward = self.get_reward() if obj_value < self._best_obj_value - self.EPSILON: self._best_obj_value = obj_value self._best_solution = solution self._last_best_t = self._t elif (self._t - self._last_best_t) % self._tabu_stable_steps == 0: self._flc.reset_tabu_time() if self._t == self._all_max_steps[self._current_type] and not self._done: self._t = 0 self._multi_obj += obj_value self._final_solutions[self._current_type] = solution self._update_type() if self._done: pickle.dump(self._final_solutions, open('./facility_location/solutions.pkl', 'wb')) return self._get_obs(self._t), reward, self._done, False, info def reset(self, seed = 0) -> Optional[Dict]: self._current_type = 0 points = self._all_points demands = self._all_demands[:,0] n = self._n p = self._all_p[0] solution = self._all_solutions[0] self._multi_obj = 0 self._flc.set_instance(points, demands, n, p, True) return self.prepare(n, p, solution), {} def _update_type(self): if self._current_type >= self._num_types: raise RuntimeError('Action taken after episode is done.') self._current_type += 1 if self._current_type < self._num_types - 1: points = self._all_points demands = self._all_demands[:,self._current_type] n = self._n p = self._all_p[self._current_type] solution = self._all_solutions[self._current_type] self._flc.set_instance(points, demands, n, p, True) self.prepare(n, p, solution) def prepare(self, n: int, p: int, solution: list) -> Dict: initial_solution = solution initial_obj_value = self._flc.compute_obj_value_from_solution(initial_solution) self._obs_extractor.reset() self._done = False self._t = 0 self._max_steps = self._all_max_steps[self._current_type] self._flc.init_facility_mask(self._old_mask[self._current_type], self._new_mask[self._current_type]) self._obj_value = np.zeros(self._max_steps + 1) self._obj_value[0] = initial_obj_value self._solution = np.zeros((self._max_steps + 1, n), dtype=bool) self._solution[0] = initial_solution self._best_solution = initial_solution self._best_obj_value = initial_obj_value self._last_best_t = 0 self._tabu_stable_steps = max(1, round(self._max_steps * self._tabu_stable_steps_scale)) return self._get_obs(self._t) def _get_max_steps(self) -> list: tmp_all_solitions = list(self._all_solutions) count_true = [sum(s) for s in zip(*tmp_all_solitions)] max_steps = [] old_idx = [] new_idx = [] for t in range(self._num_types): old = [i for i in range(len(count_true)) if count_true[i] > 1 and tmp_all_solitions[t][i]] new = [i for i in range(len(count_true)) if count_true[i] == 0] if len(old): old_idx.append(old) new_idx.append(new) max_steps.append(len(old)) for i in old: count_true[i] = count_true[i] - 1 return max_steps, old_idx, new_idx def _generate_new_instance(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, int]: n = self._np_random.integers(self._min_n, self._max_n, endpoint=True) p_ratio = self._np_random.uniform(self._min_p_ratio, self._max_p_ratio) p = int(max(n * p_ratio, 4)) points = self._np_random.uniform(size=(n, 2)) while np.unique(points, axis=0).shape[0] != n: points = self._np_random.uniform(size=(n, 2)) demands = self._np_random.random(size=(n,)) return points, demands, n, p def _load_multi_facility_data(self, data_npy) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: data = data_npy.split('\n') n = len(data) p = int((len(data[0].split(' '))-2) / 2) positions = [] demands = [] actual_facilities = [] ps = [] for row in data: row = row.split(' ') row = [x for x in row if len(x)] positions.append([float(row[0]), float(row[1])]) demand = [] for i in range(2, 2+p): demand.append(float(row[i])) demands.append(demand) actual_facility = [] for i in range(2+p, 2+2*p): actual_facility.append(bool(int(float(row[i])))) actual_facilities.append(actual_facility) positions = np.array(positions) positions = np.deg2rad(positions) demands = np.array(demands) actual_facilities = np.array(actual_facilities) ps = actual_facilities.sum(axis=0) return positions, demands, n, ps def _load_multi_facility_solutions(self, boost) -> list: def load_model(positions, demands, n, p, boost): eval_env = EvalPMPEnv(self.cfg, positions, demands, n, p, boost) eval_env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: eval_env]) policy_kwargs = get_policy_kwargs(self.cfg) test_model = PPO(MaskedFacilityLocationActorCriticPolicy, eval_env, verbose=1, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, device='cuda:1') train_model = PPO.load(self.cfg.load_model_path) test_model.set_parameters(train_model.get_parameters()) return test_model, eval_env def get_optimal_solution(model, eval_env): obs = eval_env.reset() done = False while not done: action, _ = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) obs, _, done, info = eval_env.step(action) return eval_env.get_attr('_best_solution')[0] multi_solutions = [] for i in range(len(self._all_p)): positions = self._all_points demands = self._all_demands[:,i] n = self._n p = self._all_p[i] model, env = load_model(positions,demands,n,p,boost) multi_solutions.append(get_optimal_solution(model, env)) return multi_solutions def get_reward(self) -> float: if self._done: reward = np.min(self._obj_value) else: reward = 0.0 return reward