Runtime error
Runtime error
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Text | |
import numpy as np | |
from facility_location.env.facility_location_client import FacilityLocationClient | |
from facility_location.utils.config import Config | |
class ObsExtractor: | |
def __init__(self, cfg: Config, flc: FacilityLocationClient, node_range: int, edge_range: int): | |
self.cfg = cfg | |
self._flc = flc | |
self._node_range = node_range | |
self._edge_range = edge_range | |
self._construct_virtual_node_feature() | |
self._construct_node_features() | |
self._construct_action_mask() | |
def _construct_virtual_node_feature(self) -> None: | |
virtual_node_facility = 0 | |
virtual_node_distance_min = 0 | |
virtual_node_distance_sub_min = 0 | |
virtual_node_cost_min = 0 | |
virtual_node_cost_sub_min = 0 | |
virtual_gain = 0 | |
virtual_loss = 0 | |
virtual_node_x = 0.5 | |
virtual_node_y = 0.5 | |
virtual_node_demand = 1 | |
virtual_node_avg_distance = 0 | |
virtual_node_avg_cost = 0 | |
self._virtual_dynamic_node_feature = np.array([ | |
virtual_node_facility, | |
virtual_node_distance_min, | |
virtual_node_distance_sub_min, | |
virtual_node_cost_min, | |
virtual_node_cost_sub_min, | |
virtual_gain, | |
virtual_loss, | |
], dtype=np.float32) | |
self._virtual_static_node_feature = np.array([ | |
virtual_node_x, | |
virtual_node_y, | |
virtual_node_demand, | |
virtual_node_avg_distance, | |
virtual_node_avg_cost, | |
], dtype=np.float32) | |
self._virtual_node_feature = np.concatenate([ | |
self._virtual_dynamic_node_feature, | |
self._virtual_static_node_feature, | |
], axis=-1) | |
def _construct_node_features(self) -> None: | |
self._node_features = np.zeros((self._node_range, self._virtual_node_feature.size), dtype=np.float32) | |
def _construct_action_mask(self) -> None: | |
self._old_facility_mask = np.full(self._node_range, False) | |
self._new_facility_mask = np.full(self._node_range, False) | |
def get_node_dim(self) -> int: | |
return self._virtual_node_feature.size | |
def reset(self) -> None: | |
self._compute_static_obs() | |
self._reset_node_features() | |
self._reset_action_mask() | |
def _compute_static_obs(self) -> None: | |
xy, demands, n, _ = self._flc.get_instance() | |
if n + 2 > self._node_range: | |
print(n, self._node_range) | |
# raise ValueError('The number of nodes exceeds the maximum limit.') | |
self._n = n | |
avg_distance, avg_cost = self._flc.get_avg_distance_and_cost() | |
avg_distance = avg_distance / np.max(avg_distance) | |
avg_cost = avg_cost / np.max(avg_cost) | |
self._static_node_features = np.stack([ | |
xy[:, 0], | |
xy[:, 1], | |
demands, | |
avg_distance, | |
avg_cost, | |
], axis=-1).astype(np.float32) | |
static_adjacency_list = self._flc.get_static_adjacency_list() | |
obs_node_mask = np.full(1 + n, True) | |
self._obs_node_mask = self._pad_mask(obs_node_mask, self._node_range, 'nodes') | |
obs_static_edge_mask = np.full(n + static_adjacency_list.shape[0], True) | |
self._obs_static_edge_mask = self._pad_mask(obs_static_edge_mask, self._edge_range, 'edges') | |
self._static_adjacency_list = self._pad_edge(static_adjacency_list) | |
def _reset_node_features(self) -> None: | |
self._node_features[:, :] = 0 | |
self._node_features[0] = self._virtual_node_feature | |
self._node_features[1:self._n+1, len(self._virtual_dynamic_node_feature):] = self._static_node_features | |
def _reset_action_mask(self) -> None: | |
self._old_facility_mask[:] = False | |
self._new_facility_mask[:] = False | |
def get_obs(self, t: int) -> Dict: | |
obs_nodes, obs_static_edges, obs_dynamic_edges, \ | |
obs_node_mask, obs_static_edge_mask, obs_dynamic_edges_mask = self._get_obs_graph() | |
obs = { | |
'node_features': obs_nodes, | |
'static_adjacency_list': obs_static_edges, | |
'dynamic_adjacency_list': obs_dynamic_edges, | |
'node_mask': obs_node_mask, | |
'static_edge_mask': obs_static_edge_mask, | |
'dynamic_edge_mask': obs_dynamic_edges_mask, | |
} | |
return obs | |
def _get_obs_graph(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: | |
EPS = 1e-8 | |
facility = self._flc.get_current_solution().astype(np.float32) | |
distance = self._flc.get_current_distance().astype(np.float32) | |
distance = distance / np.max(distance) | |
cost = self._flc.get_current_cost().astype(np.float32) | |
cost = cost / np.max(cost) | |
gain, loss = self._flc.get_gain_and_loss() | |
gain = gain / (np.max(gain) + EPS) | |
loss = loss / (np.max(loss) + EPS) | |
dynamic_node_features = np.stack([ | |
facility, | |
distance[:,0], | |
distance[:,1], | |
cost[:,0], | |
cost[:,1], | |
gain, | |
loss, | |
], axis=-1) | |
self._node_features[1:self._n+1, :len(self._virtual_dynamic_node_feature)] = dynamic_node_features | |
obs_nodes = self._node_features | |
obs_static_edges = self._static_adjacency_list | |
obs_dynamic_edges = self._flc.get_dynamic_adjacency_list() | |
# print(obs_dynamic_edges.shape) | |
obs_dynamic_edge_mask = np.full(obs_dynamic_edges.shape[0], True) | |
obs_node_mask = self._obs_node_mask | |
obs_static_edge_mask = self._obs_static_edge_mask | |
obs_dynamic_edges = self._pad_edge_wo_virtual(obs_dynamic_edges) | |
obs_dynamic_edge_mask = self._pad_mask(obs_dynamic_edge_mask, self._edge_range, 'edges') | |
return obs_nodes, obs_static_edges, obs_dynamic_edges, obs_node_mask, obs_static_edge_mask, obs_dynamic_edge_mask | |
# return obs_nodes, obs_static_edges, obs_node_mask, obs_edge_mask | |
def _get_obs_action_mask(self, t: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: | |
old_facility_mask, new_facility_mask = self._flc.get_facility_mask() | |
old_tabu_mask, new_tabu_mask = self._flc.get_tabu_mask(t) | |
self._old_facility_mask[1:self._n+1] = np.logical_and(old_facility_mask, old_tabu_mask) | |
self._new_facility_mask[1:self._n+1] = np.logical_and(new_facility_mask, new_tabu_mask) | |
obs_old_facility_mask = self._old_facility_mask | |
obs_new_facility_mask = self._new_facility_mask | |
if not np.any(obs_old_facility_mask) or not np.any(obs_new_facility_mask): | |
raise ValueError('The action mask is empty.') | |
return obs_old_facility_mask, obs_new_facility_mask | |
def _pad_mask(mask: np.ndarray, max_num: int, name: Text) -> np.ndarray: | |
pad = (0, max_num - mask.size) | |
if pad[1] < 0: | |
raise ValueError(f'The number of {name} exceeds the maximum limit.') | |
return np.pad(mask, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=False) | |
def _pad_edge(self, edge: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: | |
virtual_edge = np.stack([np.zeros(self._n), np.arange(1, self._n + 1)], axis=-1).astype(np.int32) | |
edge = np.concatenate([virtual_edge, edge + 1], axis=0) | |
pad = ((0, self._edge_range - edge.shape[0]), (0, 0)) | |
if pad[0][1] < 0: | |
raise ValueError('The number of edges exceeds the maximum limit.') | |
return np.pad(edge, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=self._node_range - 1) | |
def _pad_edge_wo_virtual(self, edge: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: | |
pad = ((0, self._edge_range - edge.shape[0]), (0, 0)) | |
if pad[0][1] < 0: | |
print(self._edge_range, edge.shape[0]) | |
raise ValueError('The number of edges exceeds the maximum limit.') | |
return np.pad(edge + 1, pad, mode='constant', constant_values=self._node_range - 1) | |