from gensim.parsing import preprocessing from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import strip_tags, strip_punctuation,strip_numeric,remove_stopwords import re from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords import pandas as pd def remove_noise_text(txt): txt = txt.lower() txt = re.sub('right|left', '', txt) # remove right/left spaces txt = re.sub("primary site:", '', txt) #txt = re.sub('post-surgical changes', ' ', txt.lower()) # Remove any mentions to " Findings were discussed with...." txt = txt.split("findings were discussed with")[0] # Remove any other occurance of PI's Information txt = txt.split("this study has been reviewed and interpreted")[0] txt = txt.split("this finding was communicated to")[0] txt = txt.split("important findings were identified")[0] txt = txt.split("these findings")[0] txt = txt.split("findings above were")[0] txt = txt.split("findings regarding")[0] txt = txt.split("were discussed")[0] txt = txt.split("these images were")[0] txt = txt.split("important finding")[0] # remove any section headers txt = re.sub("post-surgical changes:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("post surgical changes:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("primary site:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("primary site", '', txt) txt = re.sub("neck:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("post-treatment changes:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("post treatment changes:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("brain, orbits, spine and lungs:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("primary :", '', txt) txt = re.sub("neck:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("aerodigestive tract:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("calvarium, skull base, and spine:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("other:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("upper neck:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("perineural disease:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("technique:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("comparison:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("paranasal sinuses:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("included orbits:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("nasopharynx:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("tympanomastoid cavities:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("skull base and calvarium:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("included intracranial structures:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("abnormal enhancement:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("lymph nodes:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("impression:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("nodes:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("mri orbits:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("mri brain:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("brain:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("ct face w/:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("transspatial extension:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("thyroid bed:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("additional findings:", '', txt) txt = re.sub("series_image", '', txt) txt = re.sub("series image", '', txt) txt = re.sub("image series", '', txt) txt = re.sub("series", '', txt) txt = re.sub(" mm | mm|mm ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub(" series | series|series ", "", txt) txt = re.sub(" cm | cm|cm ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub(" cc | cc|cc ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub(" ct | ct|ct ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub(" mri | mri|mri ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub(" see | see|see ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub(" iia | iia|iia ", " ", txt) txt = re.sub("comment", "", txt) txt = re.sub("post treatment", '', txt) txt = re.sub("post_treatment", '', txt) txt = re.sub("post-treatment", '', txt) txt = re.sub("findings suggest", '', txt) txt = re.sub("findings", '', txt) txt = re.sub("suggest", '', txt) txt = re.sub("study reviewed", '', txt) txt = re.sub("study", '', txt) txt = re.sub("reviewed", '', txt) txt = re.sub("please see", '', txt) txt = re.sub("please", '', txt) txt = re.sub("skull base", '', txt) txt = re.sub("fdg avid", '', txt) txt = re.sub("fdg aivity", '', txt) txt = re.sub("please see chest ct for further evaluation of known lung mass", '', txt) txt = re.sub("status_post", '', txt) txt = re.sub("status post|clock|/|'/'", '', txt) txt = re.sub("statuspost|:", '', txt) txt = re.sub(" cm | cm|cm ", " centimeters ", txt) txt = re.sub(" cc | cc|cc ", " cubic centimeters ", txt) txt = re.sub(" ct | ct|ct ", " carat metric ", txt) txt = re.sub(" mm | mm|mm ", " millimeters ", txt) #txt = re.sub("(\\d*\\.\\d+)|(\\d+\\.[0-9 ]+)","",txt) # in the worst case, just replace the name from PI to empty string txt = re.sub("dr\\.\\s[^\\s]+", '', txt) txt = re.sub('\\;', ' .', txt) txt = re.sub('\\.', ' .', txt) # Removing multiple spaces txt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', txt) return txt def add_bigrams(txt, fixed_bigrams): for b in fixed_bigrams: sub = "" not_first = False for x in b[1:]: if not_first: sub += "|" not_first = True sub += str(x) + "|" + str(x) + " " + "|" + " " + str(x) + "|" + " " + str(x) txt = re.sub(sub, b[0], txt) return txt def clean_text(txt_orig,filters,stop_words,non_stop_words,freq_words,fixed_bigrams,steam, lemma , clean, min_lenght, eightify=False): txt = remove_noise_text(txt_orig) #print("\n\t\tOriginal\n", txt) txt = add_bigrams(txt, fixed_bigrams) #print("\n\t\tCleaned\n", txt) words = preprocessing.preprocess_string(txt, filters) words = add_bigrams(" ".join(w for w in words), fixed_bigrams).split() txt = " ".join(w for w in words) # eightify # if eightify: replaces = [ ["her2|her 2|her two", " hertwo "], ["0", "8"], ["1", "8"], ["2", "8"], ["3", "8"],["4", "8"], ["5", "8"],["6", "8"] ,["7", "8"] ,["8", "8"] ,["9", "8"] , ["\\>", " greather "], ["\\<", " less "]] else: replaces = [ ["her2|her 2|her two", " hertwo "], ["0", "zero "], ["1", "one "], ["2", "two "], ["3", "three "],["4", "four "], ["5", "five "],["6", "six "] ,["7", "seven "] ,["8", "eight "] ,["9", "nine " ] , ["\\>", " greather "], ["\\<", " less "]] for sub in replaces: txt = re.sub(sub[0], sub[1], txt) # Removing multiple spaces txt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', txt) words = txt.split() if clean: words = [w for w in words if (not w in stop_words and"[a-z-A-Z]+\\w+",w) != None and (len(w) >min_lenght or w in non_stop_words) or w=='.') ] else: words = [w for w in words if ("[a-z-A-Z]+\\w+",w) != None and (len(w) >min_lenght or w in non_stop_words) or w=='.')] c_words = words.copy() if steam: porter = PorterStemmer() c_words = [porter.stem(word) for word in c_words if not porter.stem(word) in freq_words and (len(porter.stem(word)) >min_lenght or word in non_stop_words or word=='.')] if lemma: lem = nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer() c_words = [lem.lemmatize(word) for word in c_words if not lem.lemmatize(word) in freq_words and (len(lem.lemmatize(word)) >min_lenght or word in non_stop_words or word=='.')] return c_words def text_cleaning(data, steam=False, lemma = True, clean=True, min_lenght=2, remove_punctuation=True, freq_words_analysis=False, single_input=False,eightify=True): clean_txt = [] freq_words = ["breast","biopsy","margin","dual","tissue","excision","change","core","identified", "mastectomy","site","report","lesion","superior","anterior","inferior","medial", "lateral","synoptic","evidence","slide", "brbx"] # position 0 means the bigram output - 1:end means how they may come on text fixed_bigrams = [ [' grade_one ', 'grade 1', 'grade i', 'grade I', 'grade one',], [' grade_two ', 'grade 2', 'grade ii', 'grade II', 'grade two', ], [' grade_three ', 'grade 3' , 'grade iii', 'grade III', 'grade three']] if remove_punctuation: filters = [lambda x: x.lower(), strip_tags, strip_punctuation] else: filters = [lambda x: x.lower(), strip_tags] stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) non_stop_words = ['no', 'than', 'not'] for x in non_stop_words: stop_words.remove(x) if single_input: c_words = clean_text(data,filters,stop_words,non_stop_words,freq_words,fixed_bigrams,steam, lemma, clean, min_lenght,eightify=eightify) if len(c_words)>0: if c_words[0] =='.': c_words = c_words[1:] clean_txt.append(c_words) else: for i in range(data.shape[0]): txt_orig = data.iloc[i].lower() c_words = clean_text(txt_orig,filters,stop_words,non_stop_words,freq_words,fixed_bigrams,steam, lemma, clean, min_lenght,eightify=eightify) if len(c_words)>0: if c_words[0] =='.': c_words = c_words[1:] clean_txt.append(c_words) if freq_words_analysis: flatten_corpus = [j for sub in clean_txt for j in sub] clean_txt = [] unique = list(set(flatten_corpus)) wordfreq = [flatten_corpus.count(p) for p in unique] wordfreq = dict(list(zip(unique,wordfreq))) freqdict = [(wordfreq[key], key) for key in wordfreq] freqdict.sort() freqdict.reverse() df = pd.DataFrame(freqdict,columns = ['Frequency','Word']) df.to_excel('../mammo_word_count.xls') return clean_txt if __name__ == '__main__': exit()