Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def main(myargs):
106 |
if st.session_state['input_type'] == 'File' and "embeddings_all" in st.session_state and st.session_state.embeddings_plot in ["2D", "3D"]:
107 |
indices = [x for x in range(st.session_state.data_df[st.session_state.input_column].values.shape[0])]
108 |
if "selected_indices" in st.session_state:
109 |
if len(st.session_state.selected_indices)
110 |
l = st.session_state.selected_indices
111 |
112 |
indices = l
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def main(myargs):
164 |
plot = plotpx.scatter(
165 |
df_embeddings, x='x', y='y',
166 |
color='severity', labels={'color': 'severity'},
167 |
hover_data=['text','all_predictions','data_index'],title = 'BERT Embeddings Visualization - Please select rows (at least
168 |
169 |
170 |
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def main(myargs):
172 |
plot = plotpx.scatter_3d(
173 |
df_embeddings, x='x', y='y', z='z',
174 |
color='severity', labels={'color': 'severity'},
175 |
hover_data=['text','all_predictions','data_index'],title = 'BERT Embeddings Visualization - Please select rows (at least
176 |
177 |
178 |
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def main(myargs):
223 |
224 |
225 |
# Designing the interface
226 |
st.markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; color: black;'>HCSBC: Hierarchical Classification System for Breast Cancer</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
227 |
st.markdown("System Pipeline: Pathology Emory Pubmed BERT + 6 independent Machine Learning discriminators")
228 |
# For newline
229 |
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ def main(myargs):
241 |
# File selection
242 |
st.sidebar.title("Data Selection")
243 |
244 |
st.session_state['input_type'] = st.sidebar.radio("Input Selection", ('File', 'Text'), key="data_format")
245 |
if "prev_input_type" not in st.session_state:
246 |
st.session_state['prev_input_type'] = st.session_state.input_type
247 |
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ def main(myargs):
287 |
st.session_state['prev_input_type'] = "Text"
288 |
289 |
input_column = "Input"
290 |
data = st.sidebar.text_area("Please enter a breast cancer pathology diagnose")
291 |
if "user_input" in st.session_state:
292 |
if data != st.session_state.user_input:
293 |
106 |
if st.session_state['input_type'] == 'File' and "embeddings_all" in st.session_state and st.session_state.embeddings_plot in ["2D", "3D"]:
107 |
indices = [x for x in range(st.session_state.data_df[st.session_state.input_column].values.shape[0])]
108 |
if "selected_indices" in st.session_state:
109 |
if len(st.session_state.selected_indices) >=4:
110 |
l = st.session_state.selected_indices
111 |
112 |
indices = l
164 |
plot = plotpx.scatter(
165 |
df_embeddings, x='x', y='y',
166 |
color='severity', labels={'color': 'severity'},
167 |
hover_data=['text','all_predictions','data_index'],title = 'BERT Embeddings Visualization - Please select rows (at least 4) to display specific examples'
168 |
169 |
170 |
172 |
plot = plotpx.scatter_3d(
173 |
df_embeddings, x='x', y='y', z='z',
174 |
color='severity', labels={'color': 'severity'},
175 |
hover_data=['text','all_predictions','data_index'],title = 'BERT Embeddings Visualization - Please select rows (at least 4) to display specific examples'
176 |
177 |
178 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
# Designing the interface
226 |
st.markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; color: black;'>HCSBC: Hierarchical Classification System for Breast Cancer Specimen Report</h1>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
227 |
st.markdown("System Pipeline: Pathology Emory Pubmed BERT + 6 independent Machine Learning discriminators")
228 |
# For newline
229 |
241 |
# File selection
242 |
st.sidebar.title("Data Selection")
243 |
244 |
st.session_state['input_type'] = st.sidebar.radio("Input Selection", ('File', 'Text'), key="data_format",index=1)
245 |
if "prev_input_type" not in st.session_state:
246 |
st.session_state['prev_input_type'] = st.session_state.input_type
247 |
287 |
st.session_state['prev_input_type'] = "Text"
288 |
289 |
input_column = "Input"
290 |
data = st.sidebar.text_area("Please enter a breast cancer pathology diagnose",value="BRWIRE Left wire directed segmntal mastectomy; short suture, superior; long suture, lateral breast, left, wire-directed segmental mastectomy: - infiltrating ductal carcinoma, nottingham grade i, 0.8 cm in maximum gross dimension. - ductal carcinoma in situ, low nuclear grade, solid and cribriform types, associated with microcalcifications and partially involving a small intraductal papilloma (0.2 cm). - invasive and in situ carcinoma extend to within 0.2 cm of the anterior specimen edge separately submitted margin specimen below). - no angiolymphatic invasion identifie - adjacent breast with biopsy site changes, a small intraductal papilloma (0.2 cm), and fibrocystic changes. - see synoptic report.")
291 |
if "user_input" in st.session_state:
292 |
if data != st.session_state.user_input:
293 |