tsantos's picture
Update pipeline.py
history blame
23.5 kB
import os
import sys
import text_cleaning_transforerms as tc
import text_cleaning
import logging
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import json
import joblib
from gensim.models import phrases
import math
import xgboost
import re
import nltk
import html
from config import config_file
from lime import lime_text
from lime.lime_text import LimeTextExplainer
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification,AutoTokenizer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
Cancer Severity Class.
export env_name="path"
class BERT_Model(object):
def __init__(self, config,bert_option:str="clinicalBERT"):
self.config = config
self.project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
self.bert_option = bert_option
# check if a path was alreadey added to os env table
if "model_folder" in os.environ:
self.config['model_folder'] = os.environ['model_folder']
self.config['model_folder'] = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.config['model_option'][self.bert_option]['model_folder'])
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing BERT Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
def initialize(self):
# Set up logging
format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s - %(message)s",
datefmt="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",
# Check for GPUs
if torch.cuda.is_available():
self.config["use_cuda"] = True
self.config["cuda_device"] = torch.cuda.current_device()
logging.info("Using GPU (`%s`)", torch.cuda.get_device_name())
self.config["use_cuda"] = False
self.config["cuda_device"] = "cpu"
logging.info("Using CPU")
self.model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(self.config["model_folder"], num_labels=len(self.config['classes']),output_hidden_states=True).to(self.config["cuda_device"])
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.config["model_folder"])
def clean_data(self,text:str):
return tc.pre_process(text,max_size=int(self.config["max_seq_length"]),remove_punctuation=True )
def sigmoid(self,x):
return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
Convert output of multi-class to probabilities between 0-1
def raw_to_probs(self,vector):
return [self.sigmoid(x) for x in vector]
Given a threshold, convert a vector of probabiities into predictions (0 or 1)
def _threshold(self, vector:list, threshold:float=0.5) -> list:
logit_vector = [1 if x >=threshold else 0 for x in vector]
return logit_vector
Pre-Process the data according to the same strategy used during training
def pre_process(self,texts:list)-> list:
transformer_clean_data,transformer_clean_data_chunks = [],[]
for index,t in enumerate(texts):
clean_data, clean_data_chunks = self.clean_data(t)
return transformer_clean_data,transformer_clean_data_chunks
Giving a list of texts, return the sentence embedding (CLS token from last BERT layer)
def get_embeddings(self,texts:list)-> list:
transformer_clean_data,_ = self.pre_process(texts)
inputs = self.tokenizer(transformer_clean_data, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).to(self.config["cuda_device"])
outputs = self.model(**inputs,output_hidden_states=True)
last_hidden_states = outputs[1][-1].detach().cpu().numpy()
embeddings_output = np.asarray(last_hidden_states[:, 0])
return embeddings_output
Giving a list of texts, run BERT prediction for each sample
If use_chunks is set to True (default), it chunks de data into chunks of max_size (set on config.py)
The final prediction for that sample is the concatenation of predictions from every chunck
* Predictions
* Probabiities
* Sentence Embedding (CLS token from last BERT layer)
* Pre-Processed data used for Prediction
def predict(self,texts:list, use_chunks=True)-> list:
transformer_clean_data,transformer_clean_data_chunks = self.pre_process(texts)
ids_chunks = []
# Flat all chunks (2d list) into 1d List (each chunck is feed separetly to prediction)
if use_chunks:
flatten_chunks = [j for sub in transformer_clean_data_chunks for j in sub]
ids = [[x]*len(transformer_clean_data_chunks[x]) for x in range(len(transformer_clean_data_chunks))]
ids_chunks = [j for sub in ids for j in sub]
data = flatten_chunks.copy()
data = transformer_clean_data.copy()
inputs = self.tokenizer(data, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).to(self.config["cuda_device"])
outputs = self.model(**inputs,output_hidden_states=True)
# Post-Process output if using chunks --> Merge chunck Predictions into 1
if use_chunks:
raw_probs_chunks = outputs[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
probs_chunks = [self.raw_to_probs(x) for x in raw_probs_chunks]
probs = np.asarray([[0 for x in range(len(probs_chunks[0]))] for x in range(len(texts))],dtype=float)
for index, prob in enumerate(probs_chunks):
id_ = ids_chunks[index]
# if no predictions for such index yet, add (this is the base - avoid zero preds)
if np.sum(probs[id_])<=0:
probs[id_] = prob
else: # update to merge predictions
pred = np.asarray(self._threshold(vector=prob,threshold=self.config["threshold_prediction"]))
pos_pred_index = np.where(pred>0)[0]
if len(pos_pred_index)>0:
for pos in pos_pred_index:
probs[id_][pos] = prob[pos]
raw_probs = outputs[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
probs = [self.raw_to_probs(x) for x in raw_probs]
predictions = [self._threshold(vector=pred,threshold=self.config["threshold_prediction"]) for pred in probs]
last_hidden_states = outputs[1][-1].detach().cpu().numpy()
embeddings_output = np.asarray(last_hidden_states[:, 0])
return predictions, probs, embeddings_output, transformer_clean_data
Giving a list of text, it executes the branch prediction
This function call BERT Predict, pre-process predictions, and return the post-process branch prediction
* Branch Prediction
* Sentence Embedding (CLS token from last BERT layer)
def branch_prediction(self,texts:list)-> list:
out_pred = []
predictions, probs, embeddings_output, transformer_clean_data = self.predict(texts,use_chunks=True)
for index, preds in enumerate(probs):
preds = np.asarray(preds)
pos = np.where(preds > 0.5)[0]
pred = []
if len(pos) >0:
for ind in pos:
pred.append({self.config['classes'][ind]: {"probability":preds[ind], "data":texts[index], "transformer_data": transformer_clean_data[index] }})
pred.append({"No Prediction": {"probability":0, "data":texts[index], "transformer_data": transformer_clean_data[index]}})
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred on BERT model prediction" +" Info: " + str(e))
return out_pred,embeddings_output
Cancer Diagnose Prediction Class.
This class is used to load each individual branch classifier
class Branch_Classifier(object):
def __init__(self, config, branch_option:str="single_tfidf"):
self.config = config
self.branch_option = branch_option
self.project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if "path_model" in os.environ:
self.config['path_model'] = os.environ['path_model']
self.config['path_model'] = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['path_model'])
if "path_vectorizer" in os.environ:
self.config['path_vectorizer'] = os.environ['path_vectorizer']
self.config['path_vectorizer'] = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['path_vectorizer'])
if "path_bigrmas" in os.environ:
self.config['path_bigrmas'] = os.environ['path_bigrmas']
self.config['path_bigrmas'] = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['path_bigrmas'])
if "path_phrase_bigrams" in os.environ:
self.config['path_phrase_bigrams'] = os.environ['path_phrase_bigrams']
self.config['path_phrase_bigrams'] = os.path.join(self.project_dir, self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['path_phrase_bigrams'])
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while reading config file. Please read config instructions" +" Info: " + str(e))
def initialize(self):
self.model = joblib.load(os.path.join(self.config['path_model'],self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['model']))
self.vectorizer = joblib.load(os.path.join(self.config['path_vectorizer'],self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['vectorizer']))
self.good_bigrams = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.config["path_bigrmas"],self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['bigrams']))['bigram'].to_list()
self.phrase_bigrams = phrases.Phrases.load(os.path.join(self.config["path_phrase_bigrams"],self.config['model_option'][self.branch_option]['phrase_bigrams']))
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while initializing models and vectorizer" +" Info: " + str(e))
Only add specific Bi-grams (Pre-calculated during Training)
def clean_bigram(self,data:list)-> list:
data_clean = []
for word in data:
if re.search("_",word) == None:
else: # gotta add the word without _ as well
if word in self.good_bigrams:
return np.asarray(data_clean)
Giving a list of text, pre-process and format the data
def format_data(self,data:list)-> list:
X = text_cleaning.text_cleaning(data, steam=False, lemma=True,single_input=True)[0]
### Add Bigrams and keep only the good ones(pre-selected)
X_bigrmas = self.phrase_bigrams[X]
data_clean = self.clean_bigram(X_bigrmas)
X_bigrams_clean = ' '.join(map(str, data_clean))
pre_processed = self.vectorizer.transform([X_bigrams_clean]).toarray(),X_bigrams_clean
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while formatting and cleaning data" +" Info: " + str(e))
return pre_processed
def html_escape(self,text):
return html.escape(text)
def predict(self, texts:list)-> list:
1) Run the predictions from higher-order
2) Based on the prediction, activate which brach(es) to send for final prediction (cancer characteristics)
3) For final prediction, create a word importance HTML for each input
out_pred = {'predictions': {}, 'word_analysis':{},}
color = "234, 131, 4" # orange
for t in texts:
text_tfidf,clean_data = self.format_data(t)
probs = self.model.predict_proba(text_tfidf).toarray()
predictions = self.model.predict(text_tfidf).toarray()
for index,preds in enumerate(predictions):
pos = np.where(preds > 0.5)[0]
pred = []
if len(pos) >0:
for ind in pos:
highlighted_html_text = []
weigts = self.model.classifiers_[ind].feature_importances_
word_weights = {}
words = clean_data.split()
min_new = 0
max_new = 100
min_old = np.min(weigts)
max_old = np.max(weigts)
for w in words:
found = False
for word, key in self.vectorizer.vocabulary_.items():
if w == word:
found = True
# rescale weights
weight = ( (max_new - min_new) / (max_old - min_old) * (weigts[key] - max_old) + max_new)
if weight <0.5:
weight = 0
if "_" in w: # add for each word
w1,w2 = w.split("_")
word_weights[w1] = weight
word_weights[w2] = weight
if w2 =="one":
word_weights["1"] = weight
word_weights["i"] = weight
if w2 =="two":
word_weights["2"] = weight
word_weights["ii"] = weight
if w2 =="three":
word_weights["3"] = weight
word_weights["iii"] = weight
word_weights[w] = weight
if found == False: # some words aren't presented in the model
word_weights[w] = 0
words = word_tokenize(t.lower().replace("-", " - ").replace("_", " ").replace(".", " . ").replace(",", " , ").replace("(", " ( ").replace(")", " ) "))
for i,w in enumerate(words):
if w not in word_weights or w=='-' or w==',' or w=='.' or w=="(" or w==")":
word_weights[w] = 0
weight = 0 if word_weights[w] <1 else word_weights[w]
highlighted_html_text.append('<span font-size:40px; ; style="background-color:rgba(' + color + ',' + str(weight) + ');">' + self.html_escape(w) + '</span>')
highlighted_html_text = ' '.join(highlighted_html_text)
#pred.append({ "predictions": {self.config['classes'][ind]: {"probability":probs[index][ind]}},"word_analysis": {"discriminator_data": clean_data,"word_importance": word_weights, "highlighted_html_text":highlighted_html_text}})
out_pred["predictions"][self.config['classes'][ind]] = {"probability":probs[index][ind]}
out_pred["word_analysis"] = {"discriminator_data": clean_data,"word_importance": word_weights, "highlighted_html_text":highlighted_html_text}
out_pred["predictions"] = {"Unkown": {"probability":0.5}}
out_pred["word_analysis"] = {"discriminator_data": clean_data,"word_importance": {x:0 for x in t.split()}, "highlighted_html_text": " ".join(x for x in t.split())}
#pred.append({"predictions": {"Unkown": {"probability":0.5}}, "word_analysis": {"discriminator_data": clean_data,"word_importance": {x:0 for x in t.split()}, "highlighted_html_text": " ".join(x for x in t.split())}})
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred on model prediction" +" Info: " + str(e))
return out_pred
class LIME_Interpretability(object):
Class for LIME Analysis
def __init__(self, label_colors = { "positive": "234, 131, 4", # orange
"negative":'65, 137, 225', # blue
self.color_classes = label_colors
# function to normalize, if applicable
def __normalize_MinMax(self,arr, t_min=0, t_max=1):
norm_arr = []
diff = t_max - t_min
diff_arr = max(arr) - min(arr)
for i in arr:
temp = (((i - min(arr)) * diff) / diff_arr) + t_min
return norm_arr
def __html_escape(self,text):
return html.escape(text)
def __add_bigrams(self,txt):
fixed_bigrams = [ [' gradeone ', 'grade 1', 'grade i', 'grade I', 'grade one',],
[' gradetwo ', 'grade 2', 'grade ii', 'grade II', 'grade two', ],
[' gradethree ', 'grade 3' , 'grade iii', 'grade III', 'grade three']]
for b in fixed_bigrams:
sub = ""
not_first = False
for x in b[1:]:
if not_first:
sub += "|"
not_first = True
sub += str(x) + "|" + str(x) + " " + "|" + " " + str(x) + "|" + " " + str(x)
txt = re.sub(sub, b[0], txt)
# Removing multiple spaces
txt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub(' +', ' ', txt)
return txt
def __highlight_full_data(self,lime_weights, data, exp_labels,class_names):
words_p = [x[0] for x in lime_weights if x[1]>0]
weights_p = np.asarray([x[1] for x in lime_weights if x[1] >0])
if len(weights_p) >1:
weights_p = self.__normalize_MinMax(weights_p, t_min=min(weights_p), t_max=1)
weights_p = [1]
words_n = [x[0] for x in lime_weights if x[1]<0]
weights_n = np.asarray([x[1] for x in lime_weights if x[1] <0])
# weights_n = self.__normalize_MinMax(weights_n, t_min=max(weights_p), t_max=-0.8)
labels = exp_labels
pred = class_names[labels[0]]
corr_pred = class_names[labels[1]] # negative lime weights
# positive values
df_coeff = pd.DataFrame(
{'word': words_p,
'num_code': weights_p
word_to_coeff_mapping_p = {}
for row in df_coeff.iterrows():
row = row[1]
word_to_coeff_mapping_p[row[0]] = row[1]
# negative values
df_coeff = pd.DataFrame(
{'word': words_n,
'num_code': weights_n
word_to_coeff_mapping_n = {}
for row in df_coeff.iterrows():
row = row[1]
word_to_coeff_mapping_n[row[0]] = row[1]
max_alpha = 1
highlighted_text = []
data = re.sub("-"," ", data)
data = re.sub("/","", data)
for word in word_tokenize(self.__add_bigrams(data)):
if word.lower() in word_to_coeff_mapping_p or word.lower() in word_to_coeff_mapping_n:
if word.lower() in word_to_coeff_mapping_p:
weight = word_to_coeff_mapping_p[word.lower()]
weight = word_to_coeff_mapping_n[word.lower()]
if weight >0:
color = self.color_classes["positive"]
color = self.color_classes["negative"]
weight *= -1
weight *=10
highlighted_text.append('<span font-size:40px; ; style="background-color:rgba(' + color + ',' + str(weight) + ');">' + self.__html_escape(word) + '</span>')
highlighted_text = ' '.join(highlighted_text)
return highlighted_text
def lime_analysis(self,model,data_original, data_clean, num_features=30, num_samples=50, top_labels=2,
class_names=['ibc', 'nbc', 'isc', 'bll', 'hrl', 'benign', 'negative']):
# LIME Predictor Function
def predict(texts):
results = []
for text in texts:
predictions, probs, embeddings_output, transformer_clean_data = model.predict([text],use_chunks=False)
return np.array(results)
explainer = LimeTextExplainer(class_names=class_names)
exp = explainer.explain_instance(data_clean, predict, num_features=num_features,
num_samples=num_samples, top_labels=top_labels)
l = exp.available_labels()
run_info = exp.as_list(l[0])
return self.__highlight_full_data(run_info, data_original, l,class_names)
The pipeline is responsible to consolidate the output of all models (higher order and all labels hierarchy)
It takes a string as input, and returns a jason with higher-order(Severity) and all labels(Diagnose) predictions and their probability score
class Pipeline(object):
def __init__(self, bert_option:str="clinicalBERT", branch_option:str="single_tfidf"):
logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(filename)s - %(message)s",datefmt="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",level=logging.INFO)
if branch_option =="single_vectorizer":
self.branch_option = "single_tfidf"
elif branch_option =="branch_vectorizer":
self.branch_option = "branch_tfidf"
self.config = config_file()
self.BERT_config = self.config['BERT_config']
self.ibc_config = self.config['ibc_config']
self.isc_config = self.config['isc_config']
self.hrl_config = self.config['hrl_config']
self.bll_config = self.config['bll_config']
self.benign_config = self.config['benign_config']
self.nbc_config = self.config['nbc_config']
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while initializing models and vectorizer" +" Info: " + str(e))
self.lime_interpretability = LIME_Interpretability()
def initialize(self):
self.bert_model = BERT_Model(self.BERT_config, self.bert_option)
self.ibc_branch = Branch_Classifier(self.ibc_config,branch_option=self.branch_option)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing IBC branch Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
self.isc_branch = Branch_Classifier(self.isc_config,branch_option=self.branch_option)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing isc branch Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
self.hrl_branch = Branch_Classifier(self.hrl_config,branch_option=self.branch_option)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing hrl branch Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
self.bll_branch = Branch_Classifier(self.bll_config,branch_option=self.branch_option)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing bll branch Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
self.benign_branch = Branch_Classifier(self.benign_config,branch_option=self.branch_option)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing benign branch Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
self.nbc_branch = Branch_Classifier(self.nbc_config,branch_option=self.branch_option)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing nbc branch Model, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
self.all_label_models = [self.ibc_branch,self.nbc_branch,self.isc_branch,self.bll_branch,self.hrl_branch,self.benign_branch]
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Error occurred while Initializing Pipeline, please double check you have a config file " +" Info: " + str(e))
Run the entire pipeline
1) First, we run the Severity Prediction (BERT)
2) Given each prediction for each sample, we then:
2.1) Run the corresponding Diagnose Branch Prediction
2.2) Merge every branch prediction
3) Merge Every Severity and Branch Prediction
* Text
* Predictions (Predictions + Probabilites)
* Sentence Embedding
def run(self,input_text:str):
First, get the severity prediction (higher order branch)
predictions,embeddings_output = self.bert_model.branch_prediction([input_text])
predictions = predictions[0]
for pred in predictions:
for higher_order, sub_arr in pred.items():
# Check which branch it belongs to
if higher_order in ["Negative","No Prediction"]:
pred[higher_order]['diagnose'] = {higher_order: {"probability":sub_arr['probability']}}
pred[higher_order]["word_analysis"] = {"discriminator_data": "Not Used", "word_importance": {x:0 for x in input_text.split()}, "highlighted_html_text": " ".join(x for x in input_text.split())}
# For each Severity, run the corresponding Branch Prediction
model = self.all_label_models[self.bert_model.config['classes'].index(higher_order)]
out_pred = model.predict([input_text])
pred[higher_order]['diagnose'] = out_pred['predictions']
pred[higher_order]['word_analysis'] = out_pred['word_analysis']
return predictions,embeddings_output
def bert_interpretability(self, input_text:str):
clean_data,_ = self.bert_model.clean_data(input_text)
return self.lime_interpretability.lime_analysis(self.bert_model,input_text, clean_data, class_names=self.bert_model.config['classes'])
if __name__ == '__main__':