File size: 8,092 Bytes
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 |
import pandas as pd
from os import walk
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
import numpy as np
import re
from gensim.parsing import preprocessing
from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import strip_tags, strip_punctuation
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
import math
from tqdm import tqdm
def remove_noise_text(txt):
txt = txt.lower()
txt = re.sub("primary site:", ' ', txt)
#txt = re.sub('post-surgical changes', ' ', txt.lower())
# Remove any mentions to " Findings were discussed with...."
txt = txt.split("findings were discussed with")[0]
# Remove any other occurance of PI's Information
txt = txt.split("this study has been reviewed and interpreted")[0]
txt = txt.split("this finding was communicated to")[0]
txt = txt.split("important findings were identified")[0]
txt = txt.split("these findings")[0]
txt = txt.split("findings above were")[0]
txt = txt.split("findings regarding")[0]
txt = txt.split("were discussed")[0]
txt = txt.split("these images were")[0]
txt = txt.split("important finding")[0]
# remove any section headers
txt = re.sub("post-surgical changes:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("post surgical changes:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("primary site:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("primary site", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("neck:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("post-treatment changes:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("post treatment changes:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("brain, orbits, spine and lungs:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("primary :", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("neck:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("aerodigestive tract:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("calvarium, skull base, and spine:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("other:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("upper neck:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("perineural disease:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("technique:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("comparison:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("paranasal sinuses:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("included orbits:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("nasopharynx:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("tympanomastoid cavities:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("skull base and calvarium:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("included intracranial structures:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("impression:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("nodes:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("mri orbits:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("mri brain:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("brain:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("ct face w/:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("transspatial extension:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("thyroid bed:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("additional findings:", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("series_image", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("series image", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("image series", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("see synoptic report", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("see report", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("brstwo|brstmarun|brstwln|brlump|lnbx", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub("post_treatment", 'post treatment', txt)
txt = re.sub("post-treatment", 'post treatment', txt)
txt = re.sub("nonmasslike", 'non mass like', txt)
txt = re.sub("non_mass_like", 'non mass like', txt)
txt = re.sub("non-mass-like", 'non mass like', txt)
txt = re.sub("statuspost", 'status post', txt)
# in the worst case, just replace the name from PI to empty string
txt = re.sub("dr\\.\\s[^\\s]+", ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub(" series | series|series ", "", txt)
txt = re.sub(" cm | cm|cm ", " centimeters ", txt)
txt = re.sub(" cc | cc|cc ", " cubic centimeters ", txt)
txt = re.sub(" ct | ct|ct ", " carat metric ", txt)
txt = re.sub(" mm | mm|mm ", " millimeters ", txt)
txt = re.sub("status_post|o\'", '', txt)
txt = re.sub("status post|clock|/|'/'", '', txt)
txt = re.sub("statuspost", '', txt)
txt = re.sub("brstwo|brlump|brstmarun|brwire|brstcap|", '', txt)
txt = re.sub("\\(|\\)", ',', txt)
txt = re.sub(",,", ',', txt)
txt = re.sub(",\\.", '.', txt)
txt = re.sub(", \\.", '.', txt)
txt = re.sub(" ,", ', ', txt)
txt = re.sub("a\\.", ' ', txt[0:5]) + txt[5:]
txt = re.sub("b\\.", ' ', txt[0:5]) + txt[5:]
txt = re.sub("c\\.", ' ', txt[0:5]) + txt[5:]
txt = re.sub("d\\.", ' ', txt[0:5]) + txt[5:]
txt = re.sub("e\\.", ' ', txt[0:5]) + txt[5:]
txt = re.sub("f\\.", ' ', txt[0:5]) + txt[5:]
# in the worst case, just replace the name from PI to empty string
txt = re.sub("dr\\.\\s[^\\s]+", '', txt)
# Removing multiple spaces
txt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', txt)
txt = re.sub(' +', ' ', txt)
txt = txt.rstrip().lstrip()
return txt
def add_bigrams(txt, fixed_bigrams):
for b in fixed_bigrams:
sub = ""
not_first = False
for x in b[1:]:
if not_first:
sub += "|"
not_first = True
sub += str(x) + "|" + str(x) + " " + "|" + " " + str(x) + "|" + " " + str(x)
txt = re.sub(sub, b[0], txt)
return txt
def extra_clean_text(clean_t,fixed_bigrams):
txt = add_bigrams(clean_t, fixed_bigrams)
replaces = [ ["her2|her 2|her two", " hertwo "],
# ["0", "zero "], ["1", "one "], ["2", "two "], ["3", "three "],["4", "four "],
# ["5", "five "],["6", "six "] ,["7", "seven "] ,["8", "eight "] ,["9", "nine " ] ,
["\\>", " greather "], ["\\<", " less "]]
for sub in replaces:
txt = re.sub(sub[0], sub[1], txt)
return txt
def text_cleaning(data,min_lenght=2,extra_clean=True, remove_punctuation=False):
# position 0 means the bigram output - 1:end means how they may come on text
fixed_bigrams = [ [' gradeone ', 'grade 1', 'grade i', 'grade I', 'grade one',],
[' gradetwo ', 'grade 2', 'grade ii', 'grade II', 'grade two', ],
[' gradethree ', 'grade 3' , 'grade iii', 'grade III', 'grade three']]
clean_txt = []
clean_t = remove_noise_text(data)
if extra_clean:
clean_t = extra_clean_text(clean_t,fixed_bigrams)
if remove_punctuation:
filters = [lambda x: x.lower(), strip_tags, strip_punctuation]
filters = [lambda x: x.lower(), strip_tags]
clean_t = " ".join(x for x in preprocessing.preprocess_string(clean_t, filters) if len(x) >=min_lenght)
# Removing multiple spaces
clean_t = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', clean_t)
return clean_t
# set only_data = True if no need to get scores or if dataaset doesn't have a score
def pre_process(data,min_lenght=2,max_size=64, extra_clean=True, remove_punctuation=False):
data_pre_processed = text_cleaning(data,min_lenght=min_lenght,extra_clean=extra_clean, remove_punctuation=remove_punctuation)
Partion the data into max_size chunks
sentences = sent_tokenize(data)
data_pre_processed_chunks,sample = [],""
# Were able to split into sentences
if len(sentences)>1:
for index,sentence in enumerate(sentences):
if len(sentence.split()) + len(sample.split()) <= max_size:
sample += sentence
data_pre_processed_chunks.append(text_cleaning(sample,min_lenght=min_lenght,extra_clean=extra_clean, remove_punctuation=remove_punctuation))
sample = sentence if index < len(sentences)-1 else ""
if len(sample) ==0:
clean_data = text_cleaning(sentences[-1],min_lenght=min_lenght,extra_clean=extra_clean, remove_punctuation=remove_punctuation)
clean_data = text_cleaning(sample,min_lenght=min_lenght,extra_clean=extra_clean, remove_punctuation=remove_punctuation)
#if len(clean_data.split()) >3:
# Split by get max size chunks
words = word_tokenize(data)
lower_b, upper_b = 0, max_size
for x in range(math.ceil(len(words)/max_size)):
sample = " ".join(x for x in words[lower_b:upper_b])
lower_b, upper_b = upper_b, upper_b+max_size
clean_data = text_cleaning(sample,min_lenght=min_lenght,extra_clean=extra_clean, remove_punctuation=remove_punctuation)
#if len(clean_data.split()) >3:
# return the pre_processed of whoole text and chunks
return data_pre_processed,data_pre_processed_chunks
if __name__ == '__main__':