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Input config for pipeline
def config_file() -> dict:
config = {
"BERT_config": {
"model_emb": 'bert',
"model_option": {
"PathologyEmoryPubMedBERT": {
"PathologyEmoryBERT": {
"ClinicalBERT": {
"BlueBERT": {
"BioBERT": {
"BERT": {
"max_seq_length": "64",
"classes": ['Invasive breast cancer-IBC','Non-breast cancer-NBC','In situ breast cancer-ISC',
'Borderline lesion-BLL','High risk lesion-HRL','Benign-B','Negative'],
"worst_rank" : ['Invasive breast cancer-IBC', 'In situ breast cancer-ISC', 'High risk lesion-HRL',
'Borderline lesion-BLL','Benign-B','Non-breast cancer-NBC','Negative']
"ibc_config": {
"model_option": {
"single_tfidf": {
"model": "ibc_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"branch_tfidf": {
"model": "ibc_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"classes": ['apocrine carcinoma','grade i','grade ii','grade iii','invasive ductal carcinoma','invasive lobular carcinoma','medullary carcinoma','metaplastic carcinoma','mucinous carcinoma','tubular carcinoma','lymph node - metastatic']
"isc_config": {
"model_option": {
"single_tfidf": {
"model": "isc_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"branch_tfidf": {
"model": "isc_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"classes": ['ductal carcinoma in situ','high','intermediate','intracystic papillary carcinoma','intraductal papillary carcinoma','low','pagets','fna - malignant']
"hrl_config": {
"model_option": {
"single_tfidf": {
"model": "hrl_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"branch_tfidf": {
"model": "hrl_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"classes": ['atypical ductal hyperplasia','atypical lobular hyperplasia','atypical papilloma','columnar cell change with atypia','flat epithelial atypia','hyperplasia with atypia','intraductal papilloma','lobular carcinoma in situ','microscopic papilloma','radial scar']
"bll_config": {
"model_option": {
"single_tfidf": {
"model": "bll_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"branch_tfidf": {
"model": "bll_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"classes": ['atypical phyllodes', 'granular cell tumor', 'mucocele']
"benign_config": {
"model_option": {
"single_tfidf": {
"model": "benign_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"branch_tfidf": {
"model": "benign_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"classes": ['apocrine metaplasia','biopsy site changes','columnar cell change without atypia','cyst','excisional or post-surgical change','fat necrosis','fibroadenoma','fibroadenomatoid','fibrocystic disease','fibromatoses','fibrosis','hamartoma','hemangioma','lactational change','lymph node - benign','myofibroblastoma','myxoma','phyllodes','pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia','sclerosing adenosis','usual ductal hyperplasia','fna - benign','seroma']
"nbc_config": {
"model_option": {
"single_tfidf": {
"model": "nbc_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"branch_tfidf": {
"model": "nbc_xgboost_classifier.pkl",
"phrase_bigrams" : "phrase_bigrams.pkl"
"classes": ['lymphoma', 'malignant(sarcomas)', 'non-breast metastasis']
return config
if __name__ == '__main__':