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import Bio.SeqIO as sio
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
import random
import os
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0'
import tqdm
#load model
filterm = tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../model/AELS_tall.h5'))
classifier = tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../model/classifier-ls_tall.h5'))
#encode, encode all the sequence to 1600 aa length
char_dict = {}
for char in chars:
temp = np.zeros(22)
if char == 'B':
for ch in 'DN':
temp[new_chars.index(ch)] = 0.5
elif char == 'J':
for ch in 'IL':
temp[new_chars.index(ch)] = 0.5
elif char == 'Z':
for ch in 'EQ':
temp[new_chars.index(ch)] = 0.5
temp[new_chars.index(char)] = 1
char_dict[char] = temp
def encode(seq):
train_array = np.zeros((1600,22))
for i in range(1600):
if i<len(seq):
train_array[i] = char_dict[seq[i]]
train_array[i][21] = 1
return train_array
def encodetest(tests):
tests_seq = []
for test in tests:
tests_seq = np.array(tests_seq)
return tests_seq
def test_encode(seqs):
input as a list of test sequences
allseqs = []
for idx, seq in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(seqs)):
temp = [seq.seq.translate(to_stop=True), seq.seq[1:].translate(to_stop=True), \
seq.seq[2:].translate(to_stop=True), seq.seq.reverse_complement().translate(to_stop=True), \
seq.seq.reverse_complement()[1:].translate(to_stop=True), seq.seq.reverse_complement()[2:].translate(to_stop=True)]
temp_len = np.array([len(i) for i in temp])
max_pos = np.flatnonzero(temp_len == np.max(temp_len)).tolist() # get the index of all max length
temp_seq = [str(ele) for index, ele in enumerate(temp) if index in max_pos ] # get all the max-length sequences
allseqs += temp_seq
encode = encodetest(allseqs)
return encode, allseqs
def newEncodeVaryLength(seq):
mol = len(seq) % 16
dimension1 = len(seq) - mol + 16
train_array = np.zeros((dimension1,22))
for i in range(dimension1):
if i < len(seq):
train_array[i] = char_dict[seq[i]]
train_array[i][21] = 1
return train_array
def test_newEncodeVaryLength(tests):
tests_seq = []
for test in tests:
tests_seq = np.array(tests_seq)
return tests_seq
def filter_prediction_batch(seqs):
predictions = []
# for seq in seqs:
# temp = model.predict(np.array([seq]))
# predictions.append(temp)
temp = filterm.predict(seqs, batch_size = 512)
return predictions
def prediction(seqs):
predictions = []
for seq in seqs:
temp = model.predict(np.array([seq]))
return predictions
def reconstruction_simi(pres, ori):
simis = []
# reconstructs = []
argmax_pre = np.argmax(pres, axis=2)
for index, ele in enumerate(argmax_pre):
length = len(ori[index])
count_simi = 0
if length >= 1600:
align = 1600
align = length
count_simi = 0
#reconstruct = ''
for pos in range(align):
if chars[ele[pos]] == ori[index][pos]:
count_simi += 1
#reconstruct += chars[np.argmax(ele[pos])]
simis.append(count_simi / length)
return simis
def chunks(lst, n):
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
yield lst[i:i + n]
train_labels = ['beta-lactam', 'multidrug', 'bacitracin', 'MLS', 'aminoglycoside', 'polymyxin', 'tetracycline',
'fosfomycin', 'chloramphenicol', 'glycopeptide', 'quinolone', 'peptide','sulfonamide', 'trimethoprim', 'rifamycin',
'qa_compound', 'aminocoumarin', 'kasugamycin', 'nitroimidazole', 'streptothricin', 'elfamycin', 'fusidic_acid',
'mupirocin', 'tetracenomycin', 'pleuromutilin', 'bleomycin', 'triclosan', 'ethambutol', 'isoniazid', 'tunicamycin',
'nitrofurantoin', 'puromycin', 'thiostrepton', 'pyrazinamide', 'oxazolidinone', 'fosmidomycin']
prepare = sorted(train_labels)
label_dic = {}
for index, ele in enumerate(prepare):
label_dic[index] = ele
def argnet_lsnt(input_file, outfile):
cut = 0.2553725612
print('reading in test file...')
test = [i for i in sio.parse(input_file, 'fasta')]
print('encoding test file...')
testencode, trans = test_encode(test)
testencode_pre1 = []
for ele in list(chunks(testencode, 10000)):
temp = filter_prediction_batch(ele) # if huge volumn of seqs (~ millions) this will be change to create batch in advance•
testencode_pre = np.vstack([item for sublist in testencode_pre1 for item in sublist])
print('reconstruct, simi...')
simis = reconstruction_simi(testencode_pre, trans)
passed_encode = [] ### notice list and np.array
passed_idx = []
notpass_idx = []
for index, ele in enumerate(simis):
if ele >= cut:
if len(passed_encode) > 0:
classifications = classifier.predict(np.stack(passed_encode, axis=0), batch_size = 512)
classification_argmax = np.argmax(classifications, axis=1)
classification_max = np.max(classifications, axis=1)
out = {}
for i, ele in enumerate(passed_idx):
out[ele] = [classification_max[i], label_dic[classification_argmax[i]]]
### output
print('writing output...')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../results/" + outfile) , 'w') as f:
f.write('test_id' + '\t' + 'ARG_prediction' + '\t' + 'resistance_category' + '\t' + 'probability' + '\n')
for idx, ele in enumerate(test):
if idx in passed_idx:
f.write(test[idx].id + '\t')
f.write('ARG' + '\t')
f.write(out[idx][-1] + '\t')
f.write(str(out[idx][0]) + '\n')
if idx in notpass_idx:
f.write(test[idx].id + '\t')
f.write('non-ARG' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\n')
if len(passed_encode) == 0:
print('no seq passed!')
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../results/" + outfile) , 'w') as f:
f.write('test_id' + '\t' + 'ARG_prediction' + '\t' + 'resistance_category' + '\t' + 'probability' + '\n')
for idx, ele in enumerate(test):
f.write(test[idx].id + '\t')
f.write('non-ARG' + '\t' + '' + '\t' + '' + '\n')