import threading from typing import Any import insightface import roop.globals from roop.typing import Frame, Face import cv2 from PIL import Image from roop.capturer import get_video_frame from roop.utilities import resolve_relative_path, conditional_download FACE_ANALYSER = None THREAD_LOCK_ANALYSER = threading.Lock() THREAD_LOCK_SWAPPER = threading.Lock() FACE_SWAPPER = None def get_face_analyser() -> Any: global FACE_ANALYSER with THREAD_LOCK_ANALYSER: if FACE_ANALYSER is None: FACE_ANALYSER ='buffalo_l', providers=roop.globals.execution_providers) FACE_ANALYSER.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(640, 640)) return FACE_ANALYSER def get_one_face(frame: Frame) -> Any: try: face = get_face_analyser().get(frame) return min(face, key=lambda x: x.bbox[0]) except ValueError: return None def get_many_faces(frame: Frame) -> Any: try: faces = get_face_analyser().get(frame) return sorted(faces, key = lambda x : x.bbox[0]) except IndexError: return None def extract_face_images(source_filename, video_info): face_data = [] source_image = None if video_info[0]: frame = get_video_frame(source_filename, video_info[1]) if frame is not None: source_image = frame else: return face_data else: source_image = cv2.imread(source_filename) faces = get_many_faces(source_image) i = 0 for face in faces: (startX, startY, endX, endY) = face['bbox'].astype("int") face_temp = source_image[startY:endY, startX:endX] if face_temp.size < 1: continue i += 1 face_data.append([face, face_temp]) return face_data def get_face_swapper() -> Any: global FACE_SWAPPER with THREAD_LOCK_SWAPPER: if FACE_SWAPPER is None: model_path = resolve_relative_path('../models/inswapper_128.onnx') FACE_SWAPPER = insightface.model_zoo.get_model(model_path, providers=roop.globals.execution_providers) return FACE_SWAPPER def pre_check() -> bool: download_directory_path = resolve_relative_path('../models') conditional_download(download_directory_path, ['']) return True def swap_face(source_face: Face, target_face: Face, temp_frame: Frame) -> Frame: return get_face_swapper().get(temp_frame, target_face, source_face, paste_back=True)