import json import pandas as pd import requests from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry from requests import status_codes from pytrends import exceptions from urllib.parse import quote BASE_TRENDS_URL = '' class TrendReq(object): """ Google Trends API """ GET_METHOD = 'get' POST_METHOD = 'post' GENERAL_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/explore' INTEREST_OVER_TIME_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/widgetdata/multiline' MULTIRANGE_INTEREST_OVER_TIME_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/widgetdata/multirange' INTEREST_BY_REGION_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/widgetdata/comparedgeo' RELATED_QUERIES_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/widgetdata/relatedsearches' TRENDING_SEARCHES_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/hottrends/visualize/internal/data' TOP_CHARTS_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/topcharts' SUGGESTIONS_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/autocomplete/' CATEGORIES_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/explore/pickers/category' TODAY_SEARCHES_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/dailytrends' REALTIME_TRENDING_SEARCHES_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/realtimetrends' TRENDS_URL = f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/api/trends' ERROR_CODES = (500, 502, 504, 429) def __init__(self, hl='en-US', tz=360, geo='', timeout=(2, 5), proxies='', retries=0, backoff_factor=0, requests_args=None): """ Initialize default values for params """ # google rate limit self.google_rl = 'You have reached your quota limit. Please try again later.' self.results = None # set user defined options used globally = tz self.hl = hl self.geo = geo self.kw_list = list() self.timeout = timeout self.proxies = proxies # add a proxy option self.retries = retries self.backoff_factor = backoff_factor self.proxy_index = 0 self.requests_args = requests_args or {} self.cookies = self.GetGoogleCookie() # intialize widget payloads self.token_payload = dict() self.interest_over_time_widget = dict() self.interest_by_region_widget = dict() self.related_topics_widget_list = list() self.related_queries_widget_list = list() self.headers = {'accept-language': self.hl} self.headers.update(self.requests_args.pop('headers', {})) def GetGoogleCookie(self): """ Gets google cookie (used for each and every proxy; once on init otherwise) Removes proxy from the list on proxy error """ while True: if "proxies" in self.requests_args: try: return dict(filter(lambda i: i[0] == 'NID', requests.get( f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/explore/?geo={self.hl[-2:]}', timeout=self.timeout, **self.requests_args ).cookies.items())) except: continue else: if len(self.proxies) > 0: proxy = {'https': self.proxies[self.proxy_index]} else: proxy = '' try: return dict(filter(lambda i: i[0] == 'NID', requests.get( f'{BASE_TRENDS_URL}/explore/?geo={self.hl[-2:]}', timeout=self.timeout, proxies=proxy, **self.requests_args ).cookies.items())) except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: print('Proxy error. Changing IP') if len(self.proxies) > 1: self.proxies.remove(self.proxies[self.proxy_index]) else: print('No more proxies available. Bye!') raise continue def GetNewProxy(self): """ Increment proxy INDEX; zero on overflow """ if self.proxy_index < (len(self.proxies) - 1): self.proxy_index += 1 else: self.proxy_index = 0 def _get_data(self, url, method=GET_METHOD, trim_chars=0, **kwargs): """Send a request to Google and return the JSON response as a Python object :param url: the url to which the request will be sent :param method: the HTTP method ('get' or 'post') :param trim_chars: how many characters should be trimmed off the beginning of the content of the response before this is passed to the JSON parser :param kwargs: any extra key arguments passed to the request builder (usually query parameters or data) :return: """ s = requests.session() # Retries mechanism. Activated when one of statements >0 (best used for proxy) if self.retries > 0 or self.backoff_factor > 0: retry = Retry(total=self.retries, read=self.retries, connect=self.retries, backoff_factor=self.backoff_factor, status_forcelist=TrendReq.ERROR_CODES, method_whitelist=frozenset(['GET', 'POST'])) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry)) s.headers.update(self.headers) if len(self.proxies) > 0: self.cookies = self.GetGoogleCookie() s.proxies.update({'https': self.proxies[self.proxy_index]}) if method == TrendReq.POST_METHOD: response =, timeout=self.timeout, cookies=self.cookies, **kwargs, **self.requests_args) # DO NOT USE retries or backoff_factor here else: response = s.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, cookies=self.cookies, **kwargs, **self.requests_args) # DO NOT USE retries or backoff_factor here # check if the response contains json and throw an exception otherwise # Google mostly sends 'application/json' in the Content-Type header, # but occasionally it sends 'application/javascript # and sometimes even 'text/javascript if response.status_code == 200 and 'application/json' in \ response.headers['Content-Type'] or \ 'application/javascript' in response.headers['Content-Type'] or \ 'text/javascript' in response.headers['Content-Type']: # trim initial characters # some responses start with garbage characters, like ")]}'," # these have to be cleaned before being passed to the json parser content = response.text[trim_chars:] # parse json self.GetNewProxy() return json.loads(content) else: if response.status_code == raise exceptions.TooManyRequestsError.from_response(response) raise exceptions.ResponseError.from_response(response) def build_payload(self, kw_list, cat=0, timeframe='today 5-y', geo='', gprop=''): """Create the payload for related queries, interest over time and interest by region""" if gprop not in ['', 'images', 'news', 'youtube', 'froogle']: raise ValueError('gprop must be empty (to indicate web), images, news, youtube, or froogle') self.kw_list = kw_list self.geo = geo or self.geo self.token_payload = { 'hl': self.hl, 'tz':, 'req': {'comparisonItem': [], 'category': cat, 'property': gprop} } # Check if timeframe is a list if isinstance(timeframe, list): for index, kw in enumerate(self.kw_list): keyword_payload = {'keyword': kw, 'time': timeframe[index], 'geo': self.geo} self.token_payload['req']['comparisonItem'].append(keyword_payload) else: # build out json for each keyword with for kw in self.kw_list: keyword_payload = {'keyword': kw, 'time': timeframe, 'geo': self.geo} self.token_payload['req']['comparisonItem'].append(keyword_payload) # requests will mangle this if it is not a string self.token_payload['req'] = json.dumps(self.token_payload['req']) # get tokens self._tokens() return def _tokens(self): """Makes request to Google to get API tokens for interest over time, interest by region and related queries""" # make the request and parse the returned json widget_dicts = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.GENERAL_URL, method=TrendReq.POST_METHOD, params=self.token_payload, trim_chars=4, )['widgets'] # order of the json matters... first_region_token = True # clear self.related_queries_widget_list and self.related_topics_widget_list # of old keywords'widgets self.related_queries_widget_list[:] = [] self.related_topics_widget_list[:] = [] # assign requests for widget in widget_dicts: if widget['id'] == 'TIMESERIES': self.interest_over_time_widget = widget if widget['id'] == 'GEO_MAP' and first_region_token: self.interest_by_region_widget = widget first_region_token = False # response for each term, put into a list if 'RELATED_TOPICS' in widget['id']: self.related_topics_widget_list.append(widget) if 'RELATED_QUERIES' in widget['id']: self.related_queries_widget_list.append(widget) return def interest_over_time(self): """Request data from Google's Interest Over Time section and return a dataframe""" over_time_payload = { # convert to string as requests will mangle 'req': json.dumps(self.interest_over_time_widget['request']), 'token': self.interest_over_time_widget['token'], 'tz': } # make the request and parse the returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.INTEREST_OVER_TIME_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=over_time_payload, ) df = pd.DataFrame(req_json['default']['timelineData']) if (df.empty): return df df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'].astype(dtype='float64'), unit='s') df = df.set_index(['date']).sort_index() # split list columns into seperate ones, remove brackets and split on comma result_df = df['value'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series( str(x).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(','))) # rename each column with its search term, relying on order that google provides... for idx, kw in enumerate(self.kw_list): # there is currently a bug with assigning columns that may be # parsed as a date in pandas: use explicit insert column method result_df.insert(len(result_df.columns), kw, result_df[idx].astype('int')) del result_df[idx] if 'isPartial' in df: # make other dataframe from isPartial key data # split list columns into seperate ones, remove brackets and split on comma df = df.fillna(False) result_df2 = df['isPartial'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series( str(x).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(','))) result_df2.columns = ['isPartial'] # Change to a bool type. result_df2.isPartial = result_df2.isPartial == 'True' # concatenate the two dataframes final = pd.concat([result_df, result_df2], axis=1) else: final = result_df final['isPartial'] = False return final def multirange_interest_over_time(self): """Request data from Google's Interest Over Time section across different time ranges and return a dataframe""" over_time_payload = { # convert to string as requests will mangle 'req': json.dumps(self.interest_over_time_widget['request']), 'token': self.interest_over_time_widget['token'], 'tz': } # make the request and parse the returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.MULTIRANGE_INTEREST_OVER_TIME_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=over_time_payload, ) df = pd.DataFrame(req_json['default']['timelineData']) if (df.empty): return df result_df = pd.json_normalize(df['columnData']) # Split dictionary columns into seperate ones for i, column in enumerate(result_df.columns): result_df["[" + str(i) + "] " + str(self.kw_list[i]) + " date"] = result_df[i].apply(pd.Series)["formattedTime"] result_df["[" + str(i) + "] " + str(self.kw_list[i]) + " value"] = result_df[i].apply(pd.Series)["value"] result_df = result_df.drop([i], axis=1) # Adds a row with the averages at the top of the dataframe avg_row = {} for i, avg in enumerate(req_json['default']['averages']): avg_row["[" + str(i) + "] " + str(self.kw_list[i]) + " date"] = "Average" avg_row["[" + str(i) + "] " + str(self.kw_list[i]) + " value"] = req_json['default']['averages'][i] result_df.loc[-1] = avg_row result_df.index = result_df.index + 1 result_df = result_df.sort_index() return result_df def interest_by_region(self, resolution='COUNTRY', inc_low_vol=False, inc_geo_code=False): """Request data from Google's Interest by Region section and return a dataframe""" # make the request region_payload = dict() if self.geo == '': self.interest_by_region_widget['request'][ 'resolution'] = resolution elif self.geo == 'US' and resolution in ['DMA', 'CITY', 'REGION']: self.interest_by_region_widget['request'][ 'resolution'] = resolution self.interest_by_region_widget['request'][ 'includeLowSearchVolumeGeos'] = inc_low_vol # convert to string as requests will mangle region_payload['req'] = json.dumps( self.interest_by_region_widget['request']) region_payload['token'] = self.interest_by_region_widget['token'] region_payload['tz'] = # parse returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.INTEREST_BY_REGION_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=region_payload, ) df = pd.DataFrame(req_json['default']['geoMapData']) if (df.empty): return df # rename the column with the search keyword geo_column = 'geoCode' if 'geoCode' in df.columns else 'coordinates' columns = ['geoName', geo_column, 'value'] df = df[columns].set_index(['geoName']).sort_index() # split list columns into separate ones, remove brackets and split on comma result_df = df['value'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series( str(x).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(','))) if inc_geo_code: if geo_column in df.columns: result_df[geo_column] = df[geo_column] else: print('Could not find geo_code column; Skipping') # rename each column with its search term for idx, kw in enumerate(self.kw_list): result_df[kw] = result_df[idx].astype('int') del result_df[idx] return result_df def related_topics(self): """Request data from Google's Related Topics section and return a dictionary of dataframes If no top and/or rising related topics are found, the value for the key "top" and/or "rising" will be None """ # make the request related_payload = dict() result_dict = dict() for request_json in self.related_topics_widget_list: # ensure we know which keyword we are looking at rather than relying on order try: kw = request_json['request']['restriction'][ 'complexKeywordsRestriction']['keyword'][0]['value'] except KeyError: kw = '' # convert to string as requests will mangle related_payload['req'] = json.dumps(request_json['request']) related_payload['token'] = request_json['token'] related_payload['tz'] = # parse the returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.RELATED_QUERIES_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=related_payload, ) # top topics try: top_list = req_json['default']['rankedList'][0]['rankedKeyword'] df_top = pd.json_normalize(top_list, sep='_') except KeyError: # in case no top topics are found, the lines above will throw a KeyError df_top = None # rising topics try: rising_list = req_json['default']['rankedList'][1]['rankedKeyword'] df_rising = pd.json_normalize(rising_list, sep='_') except KeyError: # in case no rising topics are found, the lines above will throw a KeyError df_rising = None result_dict[kw] = {'rising': df_rising, 'top': df_top} return result_dict def related_queries(self): """Request data from Google's Related Queries section and return a dictionary of dataframes If no top and/or rising related queries are found, the value for the key "top" and/or "rising" will be None """ # make the request related_payload = dict() result_dict = dict() for request_json in self.related_queries_widget_list: # ensure we know which keyword we are looking at rather than relying on order try: kw = request_json['request']['restriction'][ 'complexKeywordsRestriction']['keyword'][0]['value'] except KeyError: kw = '' # convert to string as requests will mangle related_payload['req'] = json.dumps(request_json['request']) related_payload['token'] = request_json['token'] related_payload['tz'] = # parse the returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.RELATED_QUERIES_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=related_payload, ) # top queries try: top_df = pd.DataFrame( req_json['default']['rankedList'][0]['rankedKeyword']) top_df = top_df[['query', 'value']] except KeyError: # in case no top queries are found, the lines above will throw a KeyError top_df = None # rising queries try: rising_df = pd.DataFrame( req_json['default']['rankedList'][1]['rankedKeyword']) rising_df = rising_df[['query', 'value']] except KeyError: # in case no rising queries are found, the lines above will throw a KeyError rising_df = None result_dict[kw] = {'top': top_df, 'rising': rising_df} return result_dict def trending_searches(self, pn='united_states'): """Request data from Google's Hot Searches section and return a dataframe""" # make the request # forms become obsolete due to the new TRENDING_SEARCHES_URL # forms = {'ajax': 1, 'pn': pn, 'htd': '', 'htv': 'l'} req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.TRENDING_SEARCHES_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD )[pn] print(req_json) result_df = pd.DataFrame(req_json) return result_df def today_searches(self, pn='US'): """Request data from Google Daily Trends section and returns a dataframe""" forms = {'ns': 15, 'geo': pn, 'tz': '-180', 'hl': self.hl} req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.TODAY_SEARCHES_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=forms, **self.requests_args )['default']['trendingSearchesDays'][0]['trendingSearches'] # parse the returned jso return req_json def realtime_trending_searches(self, pn='US', cat='all', count =300): """Request data from Google Realtime Search Trends section and returns a dataframe""" # Don't know what some of the params mean here, followed the nodejs library # 's implemenration #sort: api accepts only 0 as the value, optional parameter # ri: number of trending stories IDs returned, # max value of ri supported is 300, based on emperical evidence ri_value = 300 if count < ri_value: ri_value = count # rs : don't know what is does but it's max value is never more than the ri_value based on emperical evidence # max value of ri supported is 200, based on emperical evidence rs_value = 200 if count < rs_value: rs_value = count-1 forms = {'ns': 15, 'geo': pn, 'tz': '300', 'hl': self.hl, 'cat': cat, 'fi' : '0', 'fs' : '0', 'ri' : ri_value, 'rs' : rs_value, 'sort' : 0} req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.REALTIME_TRENDING_SEARCHES_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=forms )['storySummaries']['trendingStories'] return req_json def top_charts(self, date, hl='en-US', tz=300, geo='GLOBAL'): """Request data from Google's Top Charts section and return a dataframe""" try: date = int(date) except: raise ValueError( 'The date must be a year with format YYYY. See') # create the payload chart_payload = {'hl': hl, 'tz': tz, 'date': date, 'geo': geo, 'isMobile': False} # make the request and parse the returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.TOP_CHARTS_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=chart_payload ) try: df = pd.DataFrame(req_json['topCharts'][0]['listItems']) except IndexError: df = None return df def trends(self, date, hl='en-US', tz=300, geo='GLOBAL'): """Request data from Google's Top Charts section and return a dataframe""" # create the payload chart_payload = {'hl': hl, 'tz': tz, 'date': date, 'geo': geo, 'isMobile': False} # make the request and parse the returned json req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.GENERAL_URL, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5, params=chart_payload ) try: df = pd.DataFrame(req_json['topCharts'][0]['listItems']) except IndexError: df = None return df def suggestions(self, keyword): """Request data from Google's Keyword Suggestion dropdown and return a dictionary""" # make the request kw_param = quote(keyword) parameters = {'hl': self.hl} req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.SUGGESTIONS_URL + kw_param, params=parameters, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5 )['default']['topics'] return req_json def categories(self): """Request available categories data from Google's API and return a dictionary""" params = {'hl': self.hl} req_json = self._get_data( url=TrendReq.CATEGORIES_URL, params=params, method=TrendReq.GET_METHOD, trim_chars=5 ) return req_json def get_historical_interest(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( """This method has been removed for incorrectness. It will be removed completely in v5. If you'd like similar functionality, please try implementing it yourself and consider submitting a pull request to add it to pytrends. There is discussion at:""" )