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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[1]:
import os
import jinja2
import openai
import pdfkit
import random
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
from zipfile import ZipFile
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langchain.output_parsers import ResponseSchema,PydanticOutputParser,StructuredOutputParser
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate, ChatPromptTemplate, HumanMessagePromptTemplate
from langchain.output_parsers import CommaSeparatedListOutputParser
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator
from typing import List
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter,RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
output_parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
from datetime import datetime
# In[2]:
c_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size = 450,chunk_overlap = 0,separator = ' ')
r_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size = 80,chunk_overlap = 0,separators = ["\n\n"])
# In[3]:
output_parser = CommaSeparatedListOutputParser()
format_instructions = output_parser.get_format_instructions()
# In[4]:
def company_cr(target_company,language,key):
tar_com_prompt = """ List 6 competitors' name of {company} in {lang}.\n{format_instructions}
chat_0_3 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,openai_api_key = key)
pTem_tar_c = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(tar_com_prompt)
prompt_c = pTem_tar_c.format_messages(company = target_company,lang = language,format_instructions = format_instructions)
mock_exp_company = chat_0_3(prompt_c)
mock_exp_company_fin = mock_exp_company.content.split(',')
return mock_exp_company_fin
def job_cr(target_job,language,key):
tar_job_prompt = """ List 2 similar names of this {job} in {lang}.\n{format_instructions}
chat_0_3 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,openai_api_key = key)
pTem_tar_j = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(tar_job_prompt)
prompt_j = pTem_tar_j.format_messages(job = target_job,lang = language,format_instructions = format_instructions)
mock_exp_job = chat_0_3(prompt_j)
mock_exp_job_fin = mock_exp_job.content.split(',')
return mock_exp_job_fin
def skill_pri_cr(job_req,key):
tar_skill_pri_prompt = """ Assume you are the recruiter, read the {job_requirement}, then list 20 tech terms you want to see on candidates resume.\n{format_instructions}
chat_0_4 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,model_name = 'gpt-4',openai_api_key = key)
pTem_tar_skill = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(tar_skill_pri_prompt)
prompt_skill = pTem_tar_skill.format_messages(job_requirement = job_req,format_instructions = format_instructions)
mock_skill_pri = chat_0_4(prompt_skill)
mock_skill_pri_fin = mock_skill_pri.content.split(',')
return mock_skill_pri_fin
def skill_sec_cr(skill_pri,language,key):
tar_skill_sec_prompt = """ Assume you are the recruiter, read the skill sets in {skill_pri}, list 5 related tech terms for each skill set you want to see on candidates resume in {lang}.\n{format_instructions}
#chat_0_4 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,model_name = 'gpt-4',openai_api_key = key)
chat_0_3 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,openai_api_key = key)
pTem_tar_skill_sec = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(tar_skill_sec_prompt)
prompt_skill_sec = pTem_tar_skill_sec.format_messages(skill_pri = skill_pri,lang = language,format_instructions = format_instructions)
mock_skill_sec = chat_0_3(prompt_skill_sec)
#mock_skill_sec = chat_0_4(prompt_skill_sec)
mock_skill_sec_fin = mock_skill_sec.content.split(',')
return mock_skill_sec_fin
def soc_cr(target_job,language,key):
tar_soc_prompt = """ If a student want to become a {job_name} after graduation, list 5 possible school clubs or competitions the student wants to join in {lang}.\n{format_instructions}
chat_0_4 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,model_name = 'gpt-4',openai_api_key = key)
pTem_tar_soc = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(tar_soc_prompt)
prompt_soc = pTem_tar_soc.format_messages(job_name = target_job,lang = language,format_instructions = format_instructions)
mock_exp_soc = chat_0_4(prompt_soc)
mock_exp_soc_fin = mock_exp_soc.content.split(',')
return mock_exp_soc_fin
def work_exp(mock_company,mock_title,mock_skill,language,key):
working_exp_prompt = """ Write the working experience in {lang}. Considering my working experience in {company} as a {title}, and I am good at {skill_sec}, write a part of resume for me. A good resume reorganizes the skill set in 3 to 4 examples. Each example must include 60 to 80 words. A good resume must not use pronouns. Each example must have detail numbers to describe result. List each example in a new line without serial numbers. """
chat_0_4 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,model_name = 'gpt-4',openai_api_key = key)
pTem_tar_working_exp = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(working_exp_prompt)
prompt_working_exp = pTem_tar_working_exp.format_messages(company = mock_company,lang = language,title = mock_title,skill_sec = mock_skill)
mock_working_exp = chat_0_4(prompt_working_exp)
mock_working_exp_fin = r_splitter.split_text(mock_working_exp.content)
result = [mock_working_exp_fin[0],mock_working_exp_fin[1],mock_working_exp_fin[2]]
return (mock_working_exp_fin[0],mock_working_exp_fin[1],mock_working_exp_fin[2])
def club_exp(mock_soc,mock_skill_soc,language,key):
club_exp_prompt = """ Write the school experience in {lang}. Considering my school experience in {club}, and I am good at {skill_sec_club}, write a part of resume for me. A good resume reorganizes the skill set in 3 examples. Each example must include 60 to 80 words. A good resume must not use pronouns. Each example must have detail numbers to describe result. List each example in a new line without serial numbers. """
chat_0_4 = ChatOpenAI(temperature = 0.0,model_name = 'gpt-4',openai_api_key = key)
n_range = range(0,80)
rand_value = random.sample(n_range,4)
mock_skill_soc_fin = np.array(mock_skill_soc)[rand_value]
pTem_tar_club_exp = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(club_exp_prompt)
prompt_club_exp = pTem_tar_club_exp.format_messages(club = mock_soc,lang = language,skill_sec_club = mock_skill_soc_fin)
mock_club_exp = chat_0_4(prompt_club_exp)
mock_club_exp_fin = r_splitter.split_text(mock_club_exp.content)
return mock_club_exp_fin
def skill_info(job_req,language,key):
# 生成Skillset
mock_skill_pri = skill_pri_cr(job_req,key)
# 生成2级Skillset
mock_skill_sec = skill_sec_cr(mock_skill_pri,language,key)
return mock_skill_sec
def resume(name,mobile,email,Gra_beg,Gra_end,Gra_sch,Gra_maj,underGra_beg,underGra_end,underGra_sch,underGra_maj,exp_one_beg,exp_one_end,exp_one_com,exp_one_title,exp_one_1,exp_one_2,exp_one_3,exp_two_beg,exp_two_end,exp_two_com,exp_two_title,exp_two_1,exp_two_2,exp_two_3,exp_three_beg,exp_three_end,exp_three_com,exp_three_title,exp_three_1,exp_three_2,exp_three_3):
# 生成html和pdf
pdfkit_options = {'encoding': 'UTF-8'}
body = f"""
<main role="main">
<div class="page"><!-- 1. Header -->
<h1 style="text-align: center;">{name}</h1>
<p style="text-align: center;">手机:{mobile}&nbsp; &nbsp; 邮箱:{email}</p>
<hr /><!-- 2a. Resume Content -->
<section class="resume_content">
<div style="float: left;">{Gra_beg}-{Gra_end}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>{Gra_sch}</strong></div>
<div style="float: right;">{Gra_maj}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>本科</strong></div>
<br />
<div style="float: left;">{underGra_beg}-{underGra_end}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>{underGra_sch}</strong></div>
<div style="float: right;">{underGra_maj}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>本科</strong></div>
<br /><hr />
<div style="float: left;">{exp_one_beg}-{exp_one_end}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>{exp_one_com}</strong></div>
<div style="float: right;"><strong>{exp_one_title}</strong></div>
<br />
<div style="float: left;">{exp_two_beg}-{exp_two_end}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>{exp_two_com}</strong></div>
<div style="float: right;"><strong>{exp_two_title}</strong></div>
<br />
<div style="float: left;">{exp_three_beg}-{exp_three_end}&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>{exp_three_com}</strong></div>
<div style="float: right;"><strong>{exp_three_title}</strong></div>
<br />
pdfkit.from_string(body, 'out.pdf',options=pdfkit_options) #with --page-size=Legal and --orientation=Landscape
return body
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# In[5]:
# Json输入,Dropdown更新函数
def Dropdown_list(list_in):
new_options = list_in
return gr.Dropdown.update(choices=new_options)
# List内Json增加函数,输入Json,输出list
def Add_list(list_in,list_add):
list_out = list_in + list_add.split(",")
return list_out
# Json输入,Textbox默认值更新
def Textbox_value(list_in,num):
num = int(num)
new_value = list_in[num]
return gr.Textbox.update(value = new_value)
def Dropdown_value_rand(list_in,num):
num = int(num)
n_range = range(0,80)
rand_value = random.sample(n_range,num)
list_out = np.array(list_in)[rand_value]
list_out = list_out.tolist()
return list_out
def Button_visible():
return gr.Button.update(visible = True)
def Textbox_value_os(str_in):
return gr.Textbox.update(value = str_in)
options = ['Select a company']
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
#openai_gpt4_key = gr.Textbox(label="OpenAI GPT4 Key", value="", type="password", placeholder="sk..", info = "You have to provide your own GPT4 keys for this app to function properly",)
#key = str(txt_openAI_key.change(Textbox_value_submit, inputs =txt_openAI_key))
txt_key = gr.Textbox(value = "sk...",label = "key")
txt_key.change(Textbox_value_os,inputs = txt_key)
txt_tarcom_in = gr.Textbox(label = "Target Company",info = "e.g. Amazon")
txt_tarjob_in = gr.Textbox(label = "Target Job",info = "e.g. Data Analyst")
txt_jd_in = gr.Textbox(label = "Job Responsibility",info = "e.g. - Write high quality distributed system software- Build production quality and large scale deployment of applications related to NLP and ML- Use software engineering best practices to ensure a high standard of quality for all team deliverables- Design, implement, test, deploy and maintain innovative software solutions to transform service performance, stability, cost and security- Help drive business decisions with your technical input- Work in an agile, startup-like development environment, where you're always working on the most important stuff")
txt_lang_in = gr.Dropdown(["Chinese", "English"],label="Language", info="Choose the language of your resume")
btn_resume_info = gr.Button(value="Analyze Target Job")
btn_exp_gen = gr.Button(value = "Generate Experience",visible = False)
btn_resume_gen = gr.Button(value = "Generate Resume",visible = False)
with gr.Row():
name = gr.Textbox(label = "Name")
mobile = gr.Textbox(label = "Mobile")
email = gr.Textbox(label = "Email")
with gr.Row():
Gra_beg = gr.Textbox(label = "Graduate School Beginning Year")
Gra_end = gr.Textbox(label = "Graduate School End Year")
Gra_sch = gr.Textbox(label = "Graduate School Name")
Gra_maj = gr.Textbox(label = "Graduate School Major")
with gr.Row():
underGra_beg = gr.Textbox(label = "Undergraduate School Beginning Year")
underGra_end = gr.Textbox(label = "Undergraduate School End Year")
underGra_sch = gr.Textbox(label = "Undergraduate School Name")
underGra_maj = gr.Textbox(label = "Undergraduate School Major")
btn_resume_pre = gr.Button(value = "Preview Resume",visible = False)
js_com_out = gr.JSON(label = "Company output")
js_title_out = gr.JSON(label = "Proper Title",visible = False)
js_sec_skill_out = gr.JSON(label = "Output",visible = False)
js_club_out = gr.JSON(label = "Output",visible = False)
#dd_com_in = gr.Dropdown(options), inputs = [txt_tarcom_in, txt_lang_in, txt_key], outputs = js_com_out), inputs = [txt_tarjob_in, txt_lang_in,txt_key], outputs = js_title_out), inputs = [txt_jd_in, txt_lang_in,txt_key], outputs = js_sec_skill_out),outputs = btn_exp_gen,queue = True)
with gr.Row():
exp_com_one = gr.Textbox(value = options,label="Company Name")
exp_title_one = gr.Textbox(value = options,label="Title Name")
time_beg_one = gr.Textbox(value = '2016')
time_end_one = gr.Textbox(value = '2017')
exp_skill_one = gr.Dropdown(value = options, label = "Skill",multiselect = True)
num_one = gr.Textbox("0",visible = False)
num_two = gr.Textbox("1",visible = False)
num_three = gr.Textbox("2",visible = False)
num_rand = gr.Textbox("10",visible = False),inputs = [js_com_out,num_one],outputs = exp_com_one),inputs = [js_title_out,num_one],outputs = exp_title_one),inputs = [js_sec_skill_out,num_rand],outputs = exp_skill_one)
exp_txt_one_1 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
exp_txt_one_2 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
exp_txt_one_3 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
btn_work_exp_one = gr.Button(value = "Update Working Experience One"), inputs=[exp_com_one,exp_title_one,exp_skill_one,txt_lang_in,txt_key],outputs = [exp_txt_one_1,exp_txt_one_2,exp_txt_one_3])
with gr.Row():
exp_com_two = gr.Textbox(value = options,label="Company Name")
exp_title_two = gr.Textbox(value = options,label="Title Name")
time_beg_two = gr.Textbox(value = '2016')
time_end_two = gr.Textbox(value = '2017')
exp_skill_two = gr.Dropdown(value = options, label = "Skill",multiselect = True),inputs = [js_com_out,num_two],outputs = exp_com_two),inputs = [js_title_out,num_two],outputs = exp_title_two),inputs = [js_sec_skill_out,num_rand],outputs = exp_skill_two)
exp_txt_two_1 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
exp_txt_two_2 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
exp_txt_two_3 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
btn_work_exp_two = gr.Button(value = "Update Working Experience Two"), inputs=[exp_com_two,exp_title_two,exp_skill_two,txt_lang_in,txt_key],outputs = [exp_txt_two_1,exp_txt_two_2,exp_txt_two_3])
with gr.Row():
exp_com_three = gr.Textbox(value = options,label="Company Name")
exp_title_three = gr.Textbox(value = options,label="Title Name")
time_beg_three = gr.Textbox(value = '2016')
time_end_three = gr.Textbox(value = '2017')
exp_skill_three = gr.Dropdown(value = options, label = "Skill",multiselect = True),inputs = [js_com_out,num_three],outputs = exp_com_three),inputs = [js_title_out,num_one],outputs = exp_title_three),inputs = [js_sec_skill_out,num_rand],outputs = exp_skill_three)
exp_txt_three_1 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
exp_txt_three_2 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
exp_txt_three_3 = gr.Textbox(value = options,interactive = True)
btn_work_exp_three = gr.Button(value = "Update Working Experience Three"), inputs=[exp_com_three,exp_title_three,exp_skill_three,txt_lang_in,txt_key],outputs = [exp_txt_three_1,exp_txt_three_2,exp_txt_three_3]),outputs = btn_resume_gen), inputs=[exp_com_one,exp_title_one,exp_skill_one,txt_lang_in,txt_key],outputs = [exp_txt_one_1,exp_txt_one_2,exp_txt_one_3]), inputs=[exp_com_two,exp_title_two,exp_skill_two,txt_lang_in,txt_key],outputs = [exp_txt_two_1,exp_txt_two_2,exp_txt_two_3]), inputs=[exp_com_three,exp_title_three,exp_skill_three,txt_lang_in,txt_key],outputs = [exp_txt_three_1,exp_txt_three_2,exp_txt_three_3]),outputs = btn_resume_pre)
webpage = gr.HTML(),inputs = [name,mobile,email,Gra_beg,Gra_end,Gra_sch,Gra_maj,underGra_beg,underGra_end,underGra_sch,underGra_maj,time_beg_one,time_end_one,exp_com_one,exp_title_one,exp_txt_one_1,exp_txt_one_2,exp_txt_one_3,time_beg_two,time_end_two,exp_com_two,exp_title_two,exp_txt_two_1,exp_txt_two_2,exp_txt_two_3,time_beg_three,time_end_three,exp_com_three,exp_title_three,exp_txt_three_1,exp_txt_three_2,exp_txt_three_3],outputs = webpage)
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo.launch(enable_queue = True)
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