import os, random import wandb import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components from utils import train, WORDS project = "st" entity = "capecape" HEIGHT = 720 def get_project(api, name, entity=None): return api.project(name, entity=entity).to_html(height=HEIGHT) st.title("The wandb Dashboard 👇") run_name = "-".join(random.choices(WORDS, k=2)) + f"-{random.randint(0,100)}" # Sidebar sb = st.sidebar sb.title("Train your model") # wandb_token = sb.text_input("paste your wandb Api key if you want:", type="password") # wandb.login(key=wandb_token) wandb.login(anonymous="must") api = wandb.Api() st.success(f"You should see a new run named **{run_name}**, it\'ll have a green circle while it\'s still active") # render wandb dashboard components.html(get_project(api, project, entity), height=HEIGHT) # run params runs = 1 epochs = sb.slider('Number of epochs:', min_value=100, max_value=500, value=100) pseudo_code = """ We will execute a simple training loop ```python wandb.init(project="st", ...) for i in range(epochs): acc = 1 - 2 ** -i - random() loss = 2 ** -i + random() wandb.log({"acc": acc, "loss": loss}) ``` """ sb.write(pseudo_code) sb.write("Click 👇 to start logging") # train model if sb.button("Run Example"): print("Running training") for i in range(runs): my_bar = sb.progress(0) train(name=run_name, project=project, entity=entity, epochs=epochs, bar=my_bar) st.subheader("Check our 🔥 [Pytorch Intro colab]( 🔥")