from import * import gradio as gr #to use load_learner() in windows: # import pathlib # temp = pathlib.PosixPath # pathlib.PosixPath = pathlib.WindowsPath cap_labels = ( '2S19 Msta artillery', 'BM-21 Grad artillery', 'BMP-2 vehicle', 'BTR-80 vehicle', 'Bayraktar TB2 UVAC drone', 'CH-5 Rainbow UVAC drone', 'G6 Rhino artillery', 'Hermes 900 drone', 'Heron TP drone', 'Humvee vehicle', 'LAV-25 vehicle', 'Leopard 2 tank', 'M1 Abrams tank', 'M109 artillery', 'M113 vehicle', 'M270 MLRS artillery', 'MQ-9 Reaper UVAC drone', 'MRAP vehicle', 'RQ-4 Global Hawk UVAC drone', 'T-72 tank', 'Type 99 tank', 'smerch artillery' ) model = load_learner('models/ARMOR-classifier-v4.pkl') def recognize_image(image): pred, idx, probs = model.predict(image) #predict() returns category, it's index, probablity of all catg. # print(pred) return dict(zip(cap_labels, map(float, probs))) # for all categories #input output gradio formatting set: image = gr.inputs.Image(shape=(192,192)) label = gr.outputs.Label(num_top_classes=5) #Answeres: bm21, humvee, t72, leopard 2, mq-9 examples = [ 'test_images/unknown_00.jpeg', 'test_images/unknown_01.jpg', 'test_images/unknown_02.jpg', 'test_images/unknown_03.webp', 'test_images/unknown_04.jpg' ] #interface with i/o iface = gr.Interface( fn=recognize_image, inputs=image, outputs=label, examples=examples, title="A.R.M.O.R - Armament Models Recognizer", description="A comprehensive security measure image classification model that classifies (for now) 22 different types of common military armaments around the world posing threat to civilians on land.
Tags: Computer Vision. Deep Learning, CNN, PyTorch." ) iface.launch(inline=False) # share=True for colab