import gradio as gr import nagisa def tokenize(text): tokens = nagisa.tagging(text) return tokens.words, tokens.postags num_input_lines = 3 input_placeholder = "Please input text here." title = "Japanese tokenization demo" default_text = "ここにテキストを入力し、Enter を押してください。" description = """ This is a demo page for nagisa's tokenization. Nagisa is a Python module used for tokenizing and performing Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging on Japanese text. It is designed to be a simple and easy-to-use tool. To try it out, enter some text in the box below and press submit. """ examples = ["Pythonで簡単に使えるツールです", "3月に見た「3月のライオン」", "福岡・博多の観光情報"] iface = gr.Interface( fn=tokenize, inputs=gr.Textbox( label="Input text", lines=num_input_lines, placeholder=input_placeholder, value=default_text, ), title=title, description=description, examples=examples, outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Words"), gr.Textbox(label="POS tags"), ], live=True, ) iface.launch()